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Google Doodle "Rätselhafte Phänomene"

67 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: UFO, Google, Rätsel ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Google Doodle "Rätselhafte Phänomene"

21.09.2009 um 14:06
Bin wohl doch nicht der einzige, der bemerkt, dass Google grad voll auf UFOs abgeht! :D


Google Doodle "Rätselhafte Phänomene"

21.09.2009 um 14:09
das heutige doodle bezieht sich auf den geburtstag von H.G. Wells.

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Google Doodle "Rätselhafte Phänomene"

21.09.2009 um 14:17
Happy birthday, H.G. Wells! http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/mysterious-series-for-hg-wells.html
Von google twitter. damit hat der chilischotte recht.

schwa ehemaliges Mitglied

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Google Doodle "Rätselhafte Phänomene"

21.09.2009 um 14:18
Der link löst auch alle anderen spekulatius.
A mysterious series for H.G. Wells
9/20/2009 09:32:00 PM
You might have noticed an unexplained set of doodles on the Google homepage and a couple tweets from our official Twitter stream, @google, over the last two weeks. On September 5th, we posted a doodle with the abduction of our second 'o' and a coded tweet from its alien captors: 1.12.12 15 1.18.5 20.15 21.19, which translates into "All your O are belong to us" (a nod to the Japanese video game, Zero Wing).

We were delighted that people around the world played along with us and shared their theories for why we would have posted this "unexplained phenomenon."

Ten days later, the UFO returned. This time, it was to leave its mysterious mark on the fields.

While the link from the doodle to a search for "crop circles" didn't provide any more clues, we also tweeted the lat/long coordinates of Horsell Commons, the location of the first alien landing in H.G. Wells 1898 classic, The War of the Worlds. Some of you figured out what we were doing, but we weren't ready to reveal it all just yet.

Now, we're finally acknowledging the reason for the doodles with an official nod to Herbert George, who would be 143 years old today.

Inspiration for innovation in technology and design can come from lots of places; we wanted to celebrate H.G. Wells as an author who encouraged fantastical thinking about what is possible, on this planet and beyond. And maybe have some fun while we were doing it.

The invasion of the logo by alien crafts and pods makes our series complete, but you'll have to read the book to find out how Wells' story really ends.

Posted by Micheal Lopez, Web Design Lead
Quelle: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/mysterious-series-for-hg-wells.html


Google Doodle "Rätselhafte Phänomene"

21.09.2009 um 14:42
wie langweilig doch die Realität sein kann... *rofl*


Google Doodle "Rätselhafte Phänomene"

21.09.2009 um 20:52
man brauchte nur den mauszeiger kurz über dem doodle verweilen lassen, und schon wurde es angezeigt ;)


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