kannnichsein schrieb:Du postest 2 Links zu der Indentifizierung de Leichenteile der WTCs und das wars.
Mitnichten, das ist erst der Anfang, und das schrieb ich dir auch. Du klammerst dich krampfhaft an den Satz "Die Leichenteile seien so klein oder so verbrannt gewesen, dass sie nicht auf DNA-Spuren getestet oder identifiziert werden konnten", ohne überhaupt verstehen zu wollen, worum es in dem Spiegel-Artikel geht, um was für Leichenteile es sich also handelt. Es ist zu hoffen, daß Mintal dieses Defizit jetzt behoben hat.
kannnichsein schrieb:Halbwahrheiten und Lügen also, die du nicht benennen/widerlegen kannst/willst?
Da dir bisher ganz offenbar das Wissen fehlt, um ein benennen/widerlegen auch nur ansatzweise verstehen zu können, bat ich dich, erst die verlinkten Dokumente zu studieren. Allei schon solche Sätze wie "Nuclear DNA testing (along with dental records and fingerprints) of the remains from the victims aboard American Airline (AA) Flight 77 and within the Pentagon was useful for identifying 178 of the 183 victims" und "Identification of the nearly 3000 victims of the World Trade Center attack, represented by about 15,000 body parts" sollten dir eigentlich zu erkennen geben, daß du dir aus dem Spiegel-Artikel etwas völlig Unsinniges zusammengereimt hast.
kannnichsein schrieb:So gab das Militär ihre eigenen Beweise an ihre militärische Untersuchungsbehörde weiter wo es keine unabhängige Untersuchung gibt. Und so war es auch - die DNA der Opfer am Pentagon wurde an ein Militäruntersuchungsausschuss weitergegeben, die keine Ahnung hatten woher die Proben kommen:
Als angeblichen Beleg dafür pickst du dir aus der verlinkten Seite ein paar Sätze heraus und unterschlägst alles, was dich der Lüge überführen würde, wie z.B. das: "About 250 people, including 50 medical examiners and 50 members of the FBI’s ‘disaster team,’ work at the mortuary to identify the remains." Aus denen machst du einen "Militäruntersuchungsausschuss" und unterstellst dessen Mitgliedern, sie wüßten gar nicht, was sie da untersuchen. Aus welchem Kaffeesatz du das nun wieder gelesen haben willst sagst du leider nicht, die verlinkte Quelle jedenfalls straft dich auch in diesem Punkt Lügen: "FBI agents accompany the remains at all points during transportation."
Und wenn du nun schon mal dabei bist, endlich auch mal die Fakten zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, die deinen liebgewonnenen Glauben widerlegen, schau dir doch bitte auch gleich noch das hier an:
"The FBI began collecting evidence immediately after arriving at the Pentagon incident site on September 11. As fire and rescue efforts proceeded, FBI activity involving evidence recovery and removal of bodies and body parts became a 24-hour operation. Special Agent Adams directed this phase of the criminal investigation during the day shift, with Special Agent Thomas O’Connor taking over at night.
The FBI worked closely with FEMA US&R teams and the fire department Technical Rescue Teams (TRTs). Special Agent Adams and Special Agent O’Connor attended the preshift briefings by the US&R Incident Support Team (IST) coordinator. US&R and TRT members would first shore up an area to ensure it was reasonably safe, then begin hunting through the debris, searching primarily for surviving victims buried in the rubble.
As they encountered bodies, parts of bodies, and other evidence linked to the crime, they called forward the FBI contingent assigned to each team.
Each item was photographed, numbered, and tagged. This information, along with a diagram showing where the evidence was found, was given to one of the soldiers from the Army’s Old Guard, the 3rd Infantry Regiment from Fort Myer, VA, who transported the human remains to the FBI’s temporary morgue at the North Parking Lot loading dock. Sixty soldiers supported the FBI on each 12-hour shift. SSA Jim Rice assigned Special Agent Tara Bloesch to set up and manage the temporary morgue. Special Agent Bloesch had previous experience establishing morgue operations during FBI overseas operations in Kosovo and other overseas locations. She determined that the North Parking Lot loading dock was a suitable site. The doors remained closed except when receiving remains, and a large tarp was hung to safeguard the privacy of the morgue. The DPS, the FBI Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), the ACPD SWAT team, the U.S. Marshals Service, and military police from MDW provided security at different times throughout the operation.
At the morgue, remains were photographed and labeled, and a record was prepared before they were released for transport. Twice each day, refrigerated trucks provided by the military carried remains to Davidson Army Airfield at Fort Belvoir, VA, where Army helicopters flew them to the AFIP at Dover Air Force Base (AFB), DE. FBI agents rode in the trucks, participated in the escort, and accompanied the remains during the flight to preserve the chain of custody. The Virginia State Police escorted the trucks to Fort Belvoir.
Because of the volume of debris inside the Pentagon, front-end loaders were used to load the debris in dump trucks, which carried the debris to a sifting operation in the North Parking Lot. Special Agent Samuel Simon and Special Agent Jeffrey Bedford ran the 2 shifts of the 24-hour a day sifting operation, which was extremely labor intensive. Volunteers from the FBI, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), EPA, BATF, Arlington County and mutual-aid law enforcement agencies, MDW, and others worked around the clock with 200 or more persons on each shift."