Das rätselhafte Verschwinden von Kris Kremers & Lisanne Froon
18.11.2024 um 14:15Die von @Tussinelda erwähnte Kathy Reichs hat da eine andere Meinung. Sie findet weder die Fragmentierung der Knochen noch die gebleichte Rippe unerklärbar.Ayran84 schrieb:Ich hatte schon mal geschrieben, wenn Leute in den Bergen hunderte Meter abstürzen und voller Knochenbrüche sind, ansonsten aber zusammenhängende Körper haben, erscheint mir unwahrscheinlich, dass Opfer in einem - meinetwegen selbst reißenden - Fluss in Teile zerlegt werden sollen wie ein Glas, das herunterfällt und in 1000 Scherben zerbricht.
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trailhamster schrieb am 18.05.2017:Außerdem gibts hierzu auch noch die Stellungnahme einer (kaum zu glauben, aber wahr) NOCH kompetenteren Forensikerin ( ;-) ) als ich:
Dr. Kathy Reichs—world-famous forensic anthropologist, best-selling author and creator of the popular TV show “Bones”—also agreed to weigh-in on the case. Like the other forensics experts consulted, Reichs also considers foul play unlikely: “In my opinion accidental death is the most probable considering all the factors and findings,” says Reichs, in an email to The Daily Beast. She goes on to clear up several other formerly puzzling questions related to the case. For example, critics of the official “accident scenario” have pointed to inconsistencies in the rate of decay reported for the found remains, such as a fragment of Kris’s rib showing signs of “bleaching”—while a flap of Lisanne’s skinsurvived intact. Reichs does not find this extraordinary. “A rainforest habitat means many micro-environments,” she explains. “Decomposition can occur quite rapidly in some [micro-environments],” but due to factors like variance in river current, flora growing on the banks, and transport by scavengers, “preservation or decomposition of various body parts can occur at a different rates.” Exposed regions on sandbars or along the banks also receive more sunlight, which could account for the observed bone bleaching after the soft tissue is sloughed off. The extreme fragmentation of the remains doesn’t surprise Reichs either. “With bodies decomposing in water, dismemberment follows typical patterns with the head and limbs detaching first,” says Reichs, whose next novel, The Bone Collection, will be out November 1, 2016. “Further damage from animal scavenging can be very diverse due to multiple transport modes: avian, fish, turtle, crab, small and large carnivores, etcetera,” she says. Despite confidence in her conclusions, Dr. Reichs says some forensic mysteries surrounding the case do still warrant further investigation—such as the fact that Panama’s national coroner reported that he failed to detect any abrasions or trauma during a microscopic examination of the remains. “I would expect to see damage due to animal scavenging,” says Reichs, but she also raises a powerful point that might trump such minor anomalies: Why would any criminal or criminals “leave cash, a passport, and electronics in the back pack?”