Kurze Zusammenfassung, wie der Nationalismus in Georgien in den 1980-ern aufblühte und infolgedessen den Konflikt mit Südossetien 1991-1992 herbeiführte
(Chronologie von ethnischen Säuberungen gegen Osseten in Georgien zwischen 1989 - 1992)
und eine kurze Beschreibung wie die Osseten fast 90 Jahre lang unterdrückt wurden, vor allem von den georgiern, die die Sprache der Osseten sogar komplett auslöschen wollten...
http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEwQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.osce.org%2Fodihr%2F83387&ei=fWkgU_K0G8bMsgaUxoGADg&usg=AFQjCNHgVuonxuMUNUz8Vg9ddbMlglHa9QKleines Zitat:
"From 1988 onwards a nationalistic psychosis took a grip of georgia, that led to an ouburst of ethnic violence.The slogan "Georgia - for the Georgians!" - a close cousin of "Deutschland über alles!"
- was adopted by all Georgian political parties and movements to a greater or lesser extent. Zviad Gamsakhurdia, the leader of the Helsinki Union very quickly became new Georgia's favourite son. Even those ethnic minorities who had never experienced outright discrimination felt insecure, waiting for their turn to come.
The media unleashed a campaign against ethnic minorities, painting them as a threat to the well-being of the Georgian people. The effrontery to their nationalism was shocking, as was its cynicism and aggression. There was no longer talk of programmes to nurture the development of the Georgian nation. Now there were call to "sweep away the ethnic rubbish" and "to restrict their birth rate" etc. According to the new theories, Russians suffered from intrinsic "biological defects, such as drunkenness and cannibalism"; Azeris "reproduced too fast"; Meskhetian Turks were aliens who belonged back in Turkey; and the Abkhaz were "a tribe that had come down from the mountains in the last century. Georgia devised a "percentage norm" of non-Georgians who could reside on Georgian territory..."
Das heißt zwischen 1989 - 1992 wurden nicht nur die Osseten Ziel der nationalistisch extremistischer Übergriffe, sondern fast alle ethnischen Minderheiten (z.B. auch Azeris,Russen Mashketien Türken etc.)
und die Vorurteile gegenüber anderen ethnischen Gurppierungen haben Parallelen zu Hitlers Vorurteilen über die slawischen Völker. ...
Die ethnischen Säuberungen gegen die Georgier 1992 in Süd und Nord ossetien waren lediglich eine Antwort auf die ethnischen Säuberungen gegen die Osseten Minderheiten in Georgien zwischen 1989 - 1992
"The proliferation of extreme nationalism in Georgia at the end of the 1980s sheds light on all these questions - when the Ossetian population fell victim to a policy of deifying all that was Georgian at the expense of ethnic minorities"
"On 11 February 1991...Situation in South Ossetia has gone beyond a local inter-ethnic and now resembles genocide against Ossetian people"
"...Gamsakhurdia could have suggested that all the peoples inhabiting his republic could become independent along with Georgians. Instead, he demands that they leave their homes and their land, and re-settle somewhere in USSR (i.e. transform themselves into thousands of refugees). More than this, Ossetians are being forced out of their own property, by means of terror,starvation, murder,kidnap arson and confiscation...)"
Wikipedia: Ethnic cleansing of Georgians in South Ossetia"As a result of the war, approximately 100,000 ethnic Ossetians fled from the South Ossetian A.O. and Georgia proper, and 23,000 ethnic Georgians fled from the South Ossetian A.O. into ethnically Georgian areas."
Die Georgier versuchten dagegen die Osseten als Aggressoren und sich als die Opfer in dem Konflikt 1991-1992 darzustellen. Die Aggressoren waren eindeutig die georgischen Nationalisten
Die propagandistsich aufgebauschten Vorurteile der georgischen Nationalisten gegenüber ethnischen Minderheiten in den 1980-er und Anfang der 90-er hatten starke Parallelen mit Hitlers Vorurteilen gegenüber Slawen und anderen Ethnien...