Vier Tote auf Waldparkplatz bei Annecy
06.01.2018 um 12:31@pasdenom
Wo jedoch dieser einzige Kindersitz befestigt war, das mag vllt jemand hier noch wissen (ob vorne oder hinten im Al-Hilli Wagen?)
Hier auch noch die Quelle zu meinem vorigen Post zu Molliers Fahrrad (relevante Auszüge des Artikels)
"But the Frenchman was involved in frictions of his own over a multi-million pounds chain of pharmacies which was being transferred to his heiress girlfriend Claire Schutz, 30, by her parents.
Mollier had just had a son with Ms Schutz, and given up his modestly paid job as a metalworker at Cezus, a nuclear components factory close to their home in the village of Ugine.
There were tensions about the amount of cash Mollier was accepting from Ms Schutz, including the money to buy the 4000 pounds racing bike which he rode to his death.
Detectives have also uncovered romantic entanglements which Mollier was trying to keep secret – another fact which might suggest a local motive and killer.
The weapon used by the killer was an antique 7.65mm Luger P06 handgun, issued to the Swiss army and police in the 1920s and 30s.
A police reconstruction has revealed Mollier received a call on his mobile phone from his ex-wife, Lydie, with whom he had two older boys, seconds before he died.
Zaid Al-Hilli, of Chessington, Surrey, has a cast iron alibi - he was in Worthing, West Sussex, on the day of the murder.
This has been confirmed by police, who have also now discounted claims that he made a number of calls to Romania to hire a hit-man.
Zaid is convinced Mollier was the real target, saying in October: ‘They are covering up for someone in France in that region and they know it. There is something more to it locally.’
So war es, auch mit der Wärmebildkamera (Heli Überflug) konnte die lebende Zeena nicht im Auto ausgemacht werden.pasdenom schrieb:AnnaKomnene schrieb:
Mich beschaeftigt allerdings eine Sache schon seit geraumer Zeit. Sass die aeltere Tochter nicht im Kindersitz? Wieso hat die Polizei erst von Zeugen auf dem Campingplatz erfahren, dass die Familie zwei Kinder hatte? Nur ein kurzer Blick ins Auto muesste doch schon gezeigt haben, dass es dort zwei Kindersitze gab.
Ich kann es jetzt leider nicht belegen, aber die Frage habe ich mir auch gestellt und ich meine in einem der vielen Berichte gelesen zu haben, dass es laut Polizei nur einen Kindersitz im Auto gab und das auch der Grund dafür war, weshalb man die Kleine erst so spät entdeckt hat - man ging am Tatort von nur einem Kind aus und das war ja auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus
Wo jedoch dieser einzige Kindersitz befestigt war, das mag vllt jemand hier noch wissen (ob vorne oder hinten im Al-Hilli Wagen?)
Hier auch noch die Quelle zu meinem vorigen Post zu Molliers Fahrrad (relevante Auszüge des Artikels)
"But the Frenchman was involved in frictions of his own over a multi-million pounds chain of pharmacies which was being transferred to his heiress girlfriend Claire Schutz, 30, by her parents.
Mollier had just had a son with Ms Schutz, and given up his modestly paid job as a metalworker at Cezus, a nuclear components factory close to their home in the village of Ugine.
There were tensions about the amount of cash Mollier was accepting from Ms Schutz, including the money to buy the 4000 pounds racing bike which he rode to his death.
Detectives have also uncovered romantic entanglements which Mollier was trying to keep secret – another fact which might suggest a local motive and killer.
The weapon used by the killer was an antique 7.65mm Luger P06 handgun, issued to the Swiss army and police in the 1920s and 30s.
A police reconstruction has revealed Mollier received a call on his mobile phone from his ex-wife, Lydie, with whom he had two older boys, seconds before he died.
Zaid Al-Hilli, of Chessington, Surrey, has a cast iron alibi - he was in Worthing, West Sussex, on the day of the murder.
This has been confirmed by police, who have also now discounted claims that he made a number of calls to Romania to hire a hit-man.
Zaid is convinced Mollier was the real target, saying in October: ‘They are covering up for someone in France in that region and they know it. There is something more to it locally.’