Das rätselhafte Verschwinden von Kris Kremers & Lisanne Froon
18.06.2024 um 11:25EDGARallanPOE schrieb:Ja...die Aufnahme wurde ausgelöst und angefertigt...aber ohne Blitzlicht....
Images 556, 559, 561, 562Quelle: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/11/04/kris-kremers-lisanne-froon-deep-analysis-night-photos/
There are no new objects. However the image shows again a large blob. This could be a person nearby or a part of the photographers hand
Image 597Quelle: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/11/04/kris-kremers-lisanne-froon-deep-analysis-night-photos/
There are no new objects. However the image shows again a large blob. This could be a person nearby or a part of the photographers hand
There is no rain visible in the image, however this is likely caused by the poor image quality.
Image 599
This image stands out as it is the only of two images that shows above or behind the photographer. This image was taken while the camera pointed nearly straight up and due to the field of view it captured behind or above, which appear upsid
Hier fehlt dann 598, genau das Bild, das ein kurzes Delta aufweist.
Deswegen würde ich sagen, du hast recht damit.