@McMurdo @Aniara können wir uns also darauf einigen, dass
- die Ermittler keinen Krawattenknotendurchschuss feststellten
- es folglich keinen solchen durchschuss gab?
Africanus schrieb am 26.12.2018:Es gibt in diesem Thread erkennbar nichts Neues. Warum verschwenden dann so viele Leute Ihre Zeit hier zu diskutieren? Es dürfte im deutschen Sprachraum eh kaum jemanden geben, der @Sonderlich auch nur annähernd das Wasser reichen kann, @bredulino eh nicht.
Nun, hast du durch mich nicht erkannt, dass die Geschichte vom Krawattenknotendurchschuss Humbug ist?
Ich habe auch wenig bekannte Dokumente hier gepostet, die eine tiefere Verbindung zwischen Edwin Walker und seinem rechtsradikalen Netzwerk mit Lee Oswald belegt, als offiziell behauptet und den "Attentatsversuch" in einem völlig anderen Licht erscheinen lässt.
Nicht nur das, es fanden sich Hinweise auf Vorwissen und Attentatspläne aus der Walker-Gruppe auch auf enge Verbindungen zum Exilkubaner-Netzwerk in New Orleans und Dallas, auch mit Guy Banister und dem Umfeld Clay Shaws.
Es gab auch internationale europäische Verbindungen, unter anderem zur OAS, die Attentsversuche auf DeGaulle verübte

Das führt uns zu einem Aspekt der Garrison-Untersuchung:
In 1962, Banister allegedly dispatched an associate, Maurice Brooks Gatlin — legal counsel of Banister's "Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean" — to Paris to deliver a suitcase containing $200,000 for the French OAS
Wikipedia: Guy Banister#JFK assassination and trial of Clay ShawInteressant, dass die englische Wiki schon etwas weiter ist bezüglich Guy Banister
An April 2018 release of federal documents related to the assassination included a file concerning one Private First Class Eugene Dinkin, a cryptographic code operator stationed in Metz, France in November 1963. Three weeks before the assassination, he intercepted and decoded two messages concerning an upcoming assassination of the US President. The messages contained three names connected to the assassination conspiracy: William Harvey, Jean Souetre, and Guy Banister.[26] Harvey was a CIA officer associated with efforts to overthrow Fidel Castro, then stationed in Rome, Italy. Jean Souetre was a French paramilitary operative with the French security service SDECE, who traveled to Washington DC to meet with James Jesus Angleton, officially for co-ordinating counterintelligence operations, and ended up in Dallas on November 22nd. In the case of Banister, the information is significant because it substantiates his direct role in planning the assassination. Dinkin's efforts to relay his information outside of his chain of command led to his arrest and confinement at the Walter Reed Army Hospital through the first half of 1964. He was not consulted by the Warren Commission.
Wikipedia: Guy Banister#JFK assassination and trial of Clay ShawAmerikanische Geheimdienste, Banisters Exilkubaner, die Rechtsradikalen um Walker, OAS, Clay Shaw CMC, Permindex waren alle miteinander vernetzt
Clay Shaws Centro Mondiale Commerciale und Permindex waren mit rechten durchsetzt und mit den italienischen und amerikanischen Diensten verbunden
Die NEUEN Informationen zu CMC und Permindex werden in in diesem Post verlinkten Video zusammengefasst
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.320)Vor kurzem hat ein Autor ein Buch zu pivaten Dokumenten des SS-Mannes Otto Skornezys, der nach dem Krieg für westliche Geheimdienste tätig war.
Major Ralph P. Ganis has just published The Skorzeny Papers: Evidence for the Plot to Kill JFK (2018), in which he identifies Otto Skorzeny as the long-mysterious CIA operative QJ/WIN. The latter was identified by the top-secret CIA Inspector General’s Report as the “principle asset” in the CIA’s assassination program ZR/RIFLE. Skorzeny was Hitler’s Chief of Special Forces; in that role, he often consulted directly with Hitler. At Hitler’s request, he led the famous rescue of Mussolini after “Il Duce” was deposed. After the war, he offered his services to the US. President Eisenhower was so impressed that he kept Skorzeny’s photograph on his White House desk. Ganis reports: “William Harvey and James Angleton [both counterintelligence experts] wove Otto Skorzeny into their tangled web …. ” Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy (both WC members) helped Skorzeny establish his secret network. Ganis also shows that the OAS assassin, Jean Rene Souetre (most likely the leader of the nearly successful assassination of DeGaulle), worked as one of Skorzeny’s trainers. (Since his earliest days in the Senate, JFK was publicly and passionately in favor of Algerian independence, which made him a natural enemy of the OAS.) In March-April 1963, Souetre met with E. Howard Hunt in Madrid, which was Skorzeny’s home base. In April-May 1963, Souetre probably met with Gen. Edwin Walker in Dallas. According to a May 1963 memo from CIA Deputy Director for Plans (Richard Helms), Souetre approached the CIA as the OAS “coordinator of external affairs.” It has been reported that Souetre met with William King Harvey at Plantation Key, Florida some months before JFK was killed. Credible sources suggest that Souetre trained that summer with Alpha 66, in which Antonio Veciana and David Phillips were both active. Finally, Souetre was apparently in Dallas during the main event and (per a dentist, Dr. Lawrence Alderson) was promptly deported by the FBI via private plane to Canada or Mexico. Ganis also demonstrates that the person who met with Thomas Eli Davis (who often used the alias “Oswald”) a few weeks before November 22 was Skorzeny’s business partner. And the man who assisted Davis’s escape from a North African prison was QJ/WIN (i.e., quite possibly Skorzeny himself).
https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/robert-a-wagner-the-assassination-of-jfk-perspectives-half-a-century-later-2#ftn106Zu Thomas Eli Davis
Thomas Davis was a bank robber who became friends with Jack Ruby in Dallas. According to the wife of Davis, he also worked for the Mafia. He was also involved in the the Central Intelligence Agency plot to assassinate Fidel Castro and as a gunrunner for the anti-Communist forces in Cuba.
In the 1950s and 1960s Davis worked for the CIA in Indochina, Indonesia and Algeria. In the summer of 1963 Davis helped recruit mercenaries for a planned coup in Haiti.
Davis was in North Africa when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in November, 1963. The following month he was arrested and jailed in Tangier in connection with Kennedy's death. Later it was revealed that Davis was helped to escape from the Moroccan prison by a CIA agent known as QJ/WIN (probably Jean Souetre who was in Dallas when Kennedy was assassinated).
https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKdavis.htmUnd der Kreis schließt sich, wenn Skorzenys Verbindugnen weiter verfolgt werden:
Ganis says that, “One last facet of the Congo saga that is a unique and important link connecting Otto Skorzeny to the CIA efforts in the country is a private psychological warfare group formed in the wake of Lumumba’s death. This was a pressure group aligned with conservative elements within the United States government supporting an independent Katanga, called ‘The Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters.’ The committee was a small, but powerful lobby directed at garnering U.S. public support for the breakaway province in the Congo. It appeared on the scene in the fall of 1961, months after Skorzeny’s jaunt down to the Congo to conduct his Lumumba assassination assessment, but well within the CIA’s continued period of covert action in the country. That interest actually never abated, and the Congo Crisis went on for years. Skorzeny is directly linked to The Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters and, from all available evidence in the Skorzeny papers, was a hidden advisor to the group. His principal contact to the group was one of his main business partners, Cliford Forster, the well seasoned veteran of the psychological warfare and political operations such as those in France in 1949 involving Paix et Liberte. Forster will also support a similar pressure group for the French Algerian crisis.”
As Ganis points our, “Significantly, a member of the Katanga committee was Dallas, Texas oil executive, and U.S. Army Reserve intelligence officer, Colonel Jack Crichton. Crichton also knew Skorzeny from the Delta oil drilling project in Spain beginning in 1953 and continuing through 1963. Crichton’s involvement with the Congo pressure group brings him even deeper into the covert operations of the Skorzeny network.
https://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-skorzeny-network-in-dallas.htmlJack Crichton habe ich schon mehrmals erwähnt- Chef der Nachrichtendiensteinheit der Reservisten in Dallas (488), der auch Mitglieder des Dallas Police Department Mitglied angehörten, an den Sicherheitsvorkehrungen am 22.11. beteiligt, Freund von Oswald-Freund George DeMohrschnschildt,
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.229)“On January 9, 1963, Dallas papers announced the formation of the new petrochemical company called Premier Petrochemical. The company was to deal in synthetic fertilizers. An important factor for this book is the chairman of the new company was Algur H. Meadows and that one of the companies’ stockholders was Colonel D. Harold Byrd. Others included Lewis W. McNaughton and Joe Zeppa of Delta Drilling, overseen by Colonel Jack Crichton.”
Harold Byrd?
Besitzer des Schulbuchlagerhauses, Mitbegründer Civil Air Patrol, Freund und Unterstützer LBJs
Wikipedia: David Harold Byrdhttps://spartacus-educational.com/MDbyrdDH.htmEs gibt also schon neues, man muss halt nur offen dafür sein