JFK - Attentataufdeckung
22.12.2018 um 23:17wie passt das hiermit zusammen?Aniara schrieb:Ich würde gerne mal die komplette Krawatte sehen. Erst dann könnte man richtig drüber diskutieren.
Aniara schrieb:Ich habe dem Bild nichts hinzuzufügen und lasse es für sich sprechen
Die Ermittler konnten doch schon damals die "komplette" Krawatte sehen...Aniara schrieb:Ja, dann ist doch alles gesagt, wenn es bereits da steht
Dr. Finck reported that the tie worn by Kennedy showed "a tear of the cloth to the left side of the knot and corresponding to the two anterior holes in the shirt. The tie knot was not perforated but GLANCED by the bullet, which is indicated by the fact that the white padding of the tie is visible and . . . the blue cloth on the internal aspect of the knot is intact, which indicates a tangential path of the left side in relation to the knot ." (AFIP Record 205-10001-10002, Memorandum, Finck to Blumberg, p.7; also ARRB MD 28)
The tear to the tie was described by the FBI laboratory as a "small elongated nick" on the "left side of the knot of the tie" (CD 205, p.154; 5 H 62, WCT Robert A. Frazier; 7 HSCA 89).
An FBI examination found no metallic residue on this nick in the tie, and unlike the shirt, the FBI could not find any characteristic disturbance in the fabric around the tie hole "that would permit any conclusion" as to the direction of the missile (5 H 62, WCT Robert A. Frazier; 7 HSCA 89–90; FBI Record 124-10024-10173; Gallagher Exhibit No. 1, 20 H 2).” -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 401 of "Reclaiming History" (footnote)
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.010)
Glaubst du die Fotografen konnten die "komplette" Krawatte nicht sehen?