monstra schrieb:Wer wie der dort erwähnte (unbekannt gebliebene) Autor meint, gegen das "American Establishment", gegen die Massenmedien und das politische "Establishment", schreiben zu müssen, der wird sich dann von jeglicher Rationalität und Objektivität freisprechen können.
So ganz unbekannt geblieben ist der Autor James DiEuginio auch nicht. Er ist Autor von "Destiny Betrayed", ein Buch über die Untersuchung Jim Garrisons, die Basis der Handlung von Oliver Stones "JFK" bilden. Er ist auch Herausgeber des "Probe"-Magazins gewesen, das in den 1990ern Artikel zu den neuen aktenveröffentlichungen ARRB veröffentlichte.
Es sind soweit ich weiß, vier ehemalige US-Präsidenten, die aus Gründen, die vielleicht nicht unbedingt immer mit dem Attentat direkt zu tun hatten, Interesse daran hatten, die ofizielle Version aufrecht zu erhalten.
- Richard Nixon- als Vizepräsident organisiert er die ersten CIA-Attentatsversuche auf Castro
Wikipedia: Operation 40Einige der an diesen Operationen beteiligten sollten später als Watergate-Einbrecher Schlagzeilen machen. Nixon machte während der Watergate-Affäre die Aussage, dass die Gefahr bestünde, dass die "ganze Schweinebuchtsache" wieder aufgerollt werden würde- für einige eine Anspielung auf das Kennedy-Attentat
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- Lyndon Johnson aus mehreren in diesem Thread gennannnten Gründen. Auch noch 1967/68, während der letzten Amtsjahre war die Johnson-Administration aktiv an der Aufrechterhaltung der offiziellen Version beteiligt, erkennbar an dem CIA-Memo zum Umgang mit JFK-VTlern, der Unterstützung des CBS-Specials eines WC-Mitglieds 1967 zu vergessen sind auch die Maßnahmen von CIA und FBI während der Untersuchungen Jim Garrisons
- Gerald Ford- ehemaliges WC-Mitglied, selbstredend
While serving on the Warren Commission, Ford secretly gave information about the committee’s investigation into JFK’s assassination to the FBI.
In late 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Ford to the Warren Commission investigating John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Ford later co-authored a book about the commission’s findings, titled “Portrait of the Assassin” (1965). Years later, documents came to light revealing that Ford opened a private channel of communication with the FBI, then run by J. Edgar Hoover, about the commission’s independent investigation. In 2008, two years after Ford’s death, the Washington Post reported that among the 500 pages of the FBI’s previously confidential file on the former president were memos revealing that Ford approached the FBI to offer them confidential information about the proceedings of the commission, including the fact that several members of the commission doubted the FBI’s single-gunman theory (in which Ford was a strong believer). George H.W. Bush: Die Beziehungen des Bush-Clans zu den Exilkubanern, auch zu militanten, kriminellen Exilubanern ist bekannt
z.B. zu Orlando Bosch CIA is still keeping secrets about Orlando Bosch.
According to the National Archives online data base, the CIA retains six files on Orlando Bosch that have never been made public. These files contain 606 pages of material, according to the database.None of these documents have ever seen by the people of Cuba or the United States.
The Bosch documents are just a few of the several thousand long-secret JFK records scheduled to be made made public in October 2017. (Archiv-Version vom 22.09.2017)oder zu Felix Rodriguez:
There is extensive documentation of Rodriguez' ties to US vice-president George H. W. Bush during the Iran–Contra affair, from 1983–88.[8] In September 1986 General John K. Singlaub wrote Oliver North expressing concern about Félix Rodríguez's daily contact with the Bush office and warned of damage to President Ronald Reagan and the US Republican Party. The Walsh Report (Chapter 25) states that M. Charles Hill took notes at a meeting between George Shultz and Elliott Abrams on 16 October 1986, as follows:
Felix Rodriguez [sic] – Bush did know him from CIA days. FR [Rodriguez] is ex-CIA. In El Salv[ador] he goes around to bars saying he is buddy of Bush. A y[ea]r ago Pdx [Poindexter] & Ollie [North] told VP staff stop protecting FR as a friend – we want to get rid of him from his involvnt [sic] w[ith] private ops. Nothing was done so he still is there shooting his mouth off.[9] (brackets are in the original)
Wikipedia: Félix Rodríguez (soldier)Orlando Bosch und Felix Rodriguez waren auch schon Anfang der 1960er im Anti-Castro-Netzwerk tätig. Zu Rodriguez:
He attended the Perkiomen School in Pennsylvania, but dropped out to join the Caribbean Anti-communist Legion, created by Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, with the intention of ending communism in Cuba.
The invasion of Cuba was a failure and Rodríguez went back to Perkiomen. He graduated in June 1960, and went to live with his parents in Miami, where thousands of Cuban exiles had moved.
In September, 1960 he joined a group of Cuban exiles in Guatemala, supported by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), to receive military training. They were called Brigade 2506.
Bay of Pigs Invasion
He was a Paramilitary Operations Officer from Special Activities Division. He joined and became a leader in the CIA-backed Operation 40[citation needed] and Brigade 2506, and clandestinely entered Cuba a few weeks before the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. Utilizing his familiarity with the country, he was able to gather critical intelligence to be used in the planning and preparation for the invasion.[2]
His colleagues in Operation 40 included David Atlee Phillips, David Morales, Ted Shackley, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and Porter Goss among others.
Wikipedia: Félix Rodríguez (soldier)#BiographyBush war ein langjähriger freudn George DeMohrenschildtsärend seiner Zeit als CIA-Direktor schrieb ihm DemOhrneschildt einen Brief mit der Frage was die ganze Überwachung seiner Person solle
In De Mohrenschildt's address book a telephone number is found for Bush's oil company Zapata Petroleum, with a further entry for "George Poppy Bush". It is well known that "Poppy" is a nickname for George H.W. Bush to his friends and family. Shortly before, De Mohrenschildt had sent his old friend George, now CIA director, a letter, asking if something could be done about the surveillance and harassment he was lately exposed to. Why would De Mohrenschildt suspect the harassment originated from the CIA? This letter is public domain now, but does not show up in the collections of correspondence that Bush put together in a book as a way of publishing his memoirs.
"And we shall vote for you when you run for President.
Your old friend G. De Mohrenschildt." See De Mohrenschildt's letter here (1) and here (2) (Archiv-Version vom 16.04.2018)ein ähnliches Erlebnis hatte ein anderer Zeuge mit Bush junior
During the preparations of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, pressure is applied to Texan Bill Lord not to testify for the committee. Bill Lord was a fellow marine and roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald on a ship voyage to France. Lord expresses his concern in a letter to president Carter. He writes that Oswald was connected to the FBI and CIA and concludes that the CIA and the FBI are complicit in JFK's death and the coup d'etat that occurred on 11/22/1963. He also states that one of the Midland, TX politicians applying pressure to him, was Mr. George W. Bush junior . This letter to President Carter was declassified some years ago. Here's a fragment (Archiv-Version vom 16.04.2018)Bush senior pflegte auch eine langjärhige Freundschaft mit Jack Crichton
In the fall of 1963, about two months before JFK’s assassination, the two political neophytes Jack Crichton and George H.W. Bush both decided to mount GOP races for statewide office. The following year, they would head the Texas GOP’s ticket, with Crichton the nominee for governor and Bush for U.S. Senate. Both used the same lawyer, Pat Holloway, who worked out of the Republic National Bank Building.
The man who recruited them as candidates, state GOP chairman Peter O’Donnell, would several years later be forced by newspaper revelations to admit that his family foundation was a conduit for CIA funds.
In his oral history, Crichton couches his relationship with Bush in benign and casual terms. He says that he and Poppy “spoke from the same podiums and got to be fairly good acquaintances.” Their appearances on behalf of the Texas Republican Party evolved into a private friendship that continued over the years. “When he was head of the CIA, I called him one day and I said, ‘George, I’m coming to Washington, would you have time to play tennis?’ And he said ‘Yeah.’ He said, ’How would you like to play at The White House?’ And I said ‘Man, that’d be a real deal.’ So he said, ‘Well, I’ll have you a partner.’ Crichton also had a close association with George H. W. Bush. According to Fabian Escalante (The Secret War: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959-62), in 1959, Crichton and Bush raised funds for the CIA's Operation 40. Originally it was set up to organize sabotage operations against Fidel Castro and his Cuban government. However, it evolved into a team of assassins. One member, Frank Sturgis, claimed: "this assassination group (Operation 40) would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents... We were concentrating strictly in Cuba at that particular time." behauptete immer, vor seinem Antritt als CIA-Chef 1976 keinerlei Beziehungen zum Geheimdienst gehabt zu haben. Eine Untersuchung des Umfeldes OSwalds und des Anti-Castro-Netzwerks hätte nebenbei einige geheimdienstliche, vielleicht auch moralisch fragwürdige und illegale Tätigkeiten Bushs aufgedeckt.