Was geschah mit Flug MH370?
21.12.2021 um 16:08Richtig. Aus den Malaysischen Schlussbericht, S. 50:Zz-Jones schrieb:Dass das Primäradar im Verhältnis ungenau ist, ist natürlich richtig.
Diese Ungenauigkeit bezieht sich jedoch vor allem auf die Höhe und weniger auf die Position.
It was highlighted to the Team that the altitudeQuelle: https://reports.aviation-safety.net/2014/20140308-0_B772_9M-MRO.pdf
and speed extracted from the data are subjected to inherent error. The
only useful information obtained from the Military radar was the latitude
and longitude position of the aircraft as this data is reasonably accurate.
At 1721:13 UTC [0121:13 MYT] the Military radar showed the radar return
of MH370 turning right but shortly after, making a constant left turn to
heading of 273°, flying parallel to Airway M765 to VKB (Kota Bharu).
Between 1724:57 UTC [0124; 57 MYT] to 1737:35 UTC [0137:35 MYT]
the “blip” (a spot of light on a radar screen indicating the position of a
detected aircraft) made heading changes that varied between 8° and 20°,
and a ground speed that varied from 451 kt to 529 kt.
The Military data also recorded a significant height variation from 31,150 to 39,116 ft.
The Military data further identified the “blip” on a heading of 239° at
1737:59 UTC [0137:59 MYT] parallel to Airway B219 towards VPG (VOR
Penang). Heading of this “blip” varied from 239° to 255° at a speed from
532 to 571 kt. The height of this “blip” was recorded between 24,450 ft
and 47,500 ft.
Frei übersetzt lautet die von mir hervorgehobene Stelle: Die Position ist halbwegs genau.
Ich würde für mich daher nicht aufwendige Debatten an die Position und speziell die Linkskurve bei IGARI ("Kunstflug") anknüpfen.