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UFO auf Meeresgrund entdeckt
07.06.2010 um 18:11Johannes Fiebag hatte in der Zeitschrift Das Neue Zeitalter (Nr. 38/1978) einen Exklusivbericht mit der Schlagzeile "Geheimsache: UFO auf Meeresgrund entdeckt" aufzuwarten und betont: "Jetzt kann US-Präsident Jimmy Carter sein Versprechen wahr machen: Freigabe der Dokumente über außerirdische Besucher auf unserem Planeten!" Am 8. Juni 1977 habe, so die Berichterstattung des amerikanischen Kiosk-Blatts "Official UFO", die Ölbohrinsel "Pacesetter II" der Firma "Shell Oil" ein völlig von Tang, Algen und Korallen überwuchertes Objekt via Kränen auf das oberste Deck gehievt. Der Körper "ist diskusförmig, hat einen Durchmesser von etwa 16 Metern und auf der Oberseite erhebt sich etwas wie eine Kuppel". Nach der Säuberung erlauben fensterähnliche Öffnung in das dunkle Innere. 90 Meilen vor der amerikanische Küste war 200 Meter tief auf dem Boden des Atlantiks eine Fliegende Untertasse geborgen worden. Nachdem man den Firmensitz unterrichtete, flogen schon Stunden später Techniker und Wissenschaftler vom Massachusets Institute of Technology ein, die das fremde Raumschiff öffnen. Irdische Wissenschaftler "betreten erstmals das fremde Raumschiff." Was sie jetzt erfahren überstieg ihr Fassungsvermögen und schon landete ein weiterer Helikopter mit Leuten des amerikanischen Sicherheitsdienstes CIA. "Die CIA-Agenten beschlagnahmen das Raumschiff im Namen der amerikanischen Regierung. Schon bald darauf taucht ein Schiff der Marine auf und hievt das Objekt an Bord", seitdem ist es verschwunden und alle Beteiligten wurden mit "absolutem Stillschweigen" belegt.
Johannes Fiebag (* 14. März 1956 in Northeim; † 11. Oktober 1999)
Er studierte an der Universität Würzburg Geologie, Paläontologie, Physik und Planetologie. Er promovierte 1988 über ein Spezialgebiet der Planetenforschung und publizierte mehrere Abhandlungen über Meteoritenkrater und die Genese von Impaktstrukturen, erschienen in verschiedenen geologischen und planetologischen Fachzeitschriften. Er ist Mitentdecker des Azuara-Kraters in Spanien. Nach dem Studium war er als Geologe im Umweltschutz tätig. Seit 1991 war er freiberuflicher Schriftsteller und Publizist. Im Bereich der Prä-Astronautik/Paläo-SETI-Forschung war er unter anderem als Chefredakteur des Magazines „Ancient Skies“ (später „Sagenhafte Zeiten“), als wissenschaftlicher Berater anderer Grenzwissenschaftsautoren (darunter Erich von Däniken und Rainer Holbe), als freier Mitarbeiter für die Zeitschriften „P.M. Magazin“ und „Hobby“ sowie als Berater für Rainer Holbes umstrittene "Phantastische Phänomene" und "Unglaubliche Geschichten" tätig.
In seinen Büchern stellt er die These auf, bei den Marienerscheinungen von Fátima könne es sich um einen Kontakt mit außerirdischen UFO-Insassen gehandelt haben, den „Heiligen Gral“ hielt er für eine außerirdische Manna-Maschine, die einst Moses zur Versorgung der Israeliten übergeben und seitdem in der Bundeslade verwahrt wurde; die Templer hätten sie um 1109 in Jerusalem bei Ausgrabungen unter dem Salomonischen Tempel wieder entdeckt.
Andere Werke befassten sich mit sogenannten „Abductions“, den Entführungen durch Außerirdische und sexuelle Kontakte mit UFO-Insassen. Fiebag gehörte zu den umstrittensten Vertretern der von ihm "Paläo-SETI" getauften Prä-Astronautik, die den Besuch Außerirdischer in der Vergangenheit postuliert. Um der Thematik Glaubwürdigkeit zu verschaffen, lud er Wissenschaftler wie den Nobelpreisträger Prof. Francis Crick, den Astrophysiker Prof. Sir Fred Hoyle, den Philosophen Prof. Pascal Schievella oder den Physiker und Ufologen Prof. James Deardorff ein, Beiträge für seine Anthologie „Aus den Tiefen des Alls“ zu verfassen, die allerdings schon dadurch umstritten war, dass sie im rechtsextremistischen Hohenrain-Verlag erschien. Trotz heftiger Kritik scheute sich Fiebag nicht, auch zwei weitere Werke in diesem Verlag zu veröffentlichen. Seine Werke wurden in 18 Sprachen übersetzt.
„In Anerkennung seiner objektiv-kritischen Untersuchungen“ wurde Johannes Fiebag im Jahr 1996 zusammen mit seinem Bruder Peter Fiebag mit dem für Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Parawissenschaften verliehenen Dr.-A.-Hedri-Preis der privaten Schweizer Hedri-Stiftung ausgezeichnet.

The following article was extracted from the Cambridge UFO Research Group in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. The caption above the article says, "True or False? Shell Oil Discovers a UFO."
The Shell Oil Company oil rig, Pacesetter 2, was set up on the Continental Shelf, 90 miles off the coast of New Jersey, in the area known as George's Bank.
On their first drill test, they struck metal. Thinking it was a sunken ship or submarine from World War II, they checked with the War Department and West Germany, but there was no record of any losses in this area.
While the check was being carried out, Engineers on Pacesetter 2 lowered a sonar device, which recorded a round object approximately 50 feet in diameter, in 600 feet of water.
On June 8, 4 winches with grappling hooks at the ends of the cables, were set up. Each was equipped with 1,000 feet of cable. It took them 90 minute to get the hooks in position and a further two hours to raise it to the surface.
It was covered in Barnacles, except near the top center (which was similar to a conning tower). It had small rectangular openings all the way around it.
The rig oceanographer estimated by the appearance of the object, that it must have been in the water for at least 400 years. When the barnacles were chipped off, a flying saucer shape was revealed. Immediately the oil rig boss radioed his superiors in Atlantic City.
Three Shell officials arrived by helicopter, along with a physicist from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As the barnacles were removed, the object appeared to have its original shine.
The physicist then entered it from an opening in the bottom and came out dumbfounded, saying the electrical equipment was out of this world. He could not figure out how to use it or its propulsion system.
The physicist and five mechanics proceeded to try and take it apart. They raised it higher by winches so that they could walk underneath it better. They removed the rim which was about 6 inches thick and took ten men to ease it onto the deck. The physicist then proceeded to run a carbon test. The metal was 600 years old. He then made tests on the metal, but was unable to identify the material from which it was made. He next used a Geiger counter to test for radioactivity, but there was no reading.
Next, the physicist dropped into the control room through the bottom of the craft, so that he could examine it better, and the strange panel boards. He climbed inside again with a mechanic. They were inside for about 20 minutes when a whirring sound was heard. Then a large cylinder was lowered from under the belly of the craft. A sliding door opened and the physicist and the mechanic walked out, the physicist holding a shiny ball about the size of a basketball. It was silvery and appeared to be solid. He held it at arm's length and then let go of it. It did not fall. He said he thought it was an antigravity machine. He ran a carbon and chemical test on it, but it defied analysis.
This ball was found in the exact center of the craft, and he said he believed that the ball could make the craft simulate a planet with its own gravitational pull. This would keep occupants from floating around during space flights.
Another helicopter arrived from the government, carrying five members of the CIA. They said that there was a ship on the way to take this craft. When asked by whose authority they were told... THE HIGHEST.... and produced a letter. The stationery was white and simple. In small letters at the top... THE WHITE HOUSE.
The CIA then tried to stop the physicist from dismantling the object, but a Shell official told them everything on the rig belonged to the Shell Oil Company, and until such time as the ship arrived, they would not surrender the saucer.
The physicist and the mechanic then continued to dismantle the craft, and removed the panel boards from the Control Room. The components were nothing like anything we have here. The physicist then climbed back into the craft and came out again holding a gadget that looked vaguely like a weapon. It was cylindrical with a red button on one end. He walked to the edge of the deck and pointed the tube on out at the water and pressed the button... There was a blinding flash as a thin white ray shot out and traveled about a mile before it faded out.
The mechanic then went back into the craft and brought out a small control box. Facing the craft, he pressed a button on the top end and a panel near the conning tower slid open and a slender metal rod emerged. It was about 3 feet long. He manipulated it skyward and pressed a button on the control board. A bolt of electricity, resembling lightning, shot from the end of the rod, and following this, was an ozone odor.
One of the onlookers pointed skyward to the clouds, estimated to be at 10,000 feet... It had punched a hole through the cloud.
The physicist then went back into the craft and emerged with an assortment of objects that looked like weapons, but he was afraid to test them. He carefully laid them on a tarpaulin. Some were as small as a cigarette packet, while others were large and menacing looking. They had buttons on small panel boards.
He also had what looked like a lump of putty. He carefully broke off a small piece and threw it far out into the sea. The result... an explosion that threw some of the riggers off their feet.
Then the CIA ship appeared heading for Pacesetter 2, and the CIA agents on the rig started covering the strange looking weapons and placing them carefully in duffle bags. These, along with the saucer and parts, were then transferred to the ship.
The person who reported this incident returned to Atlantic City with Shell officials, knowing they would never see or hear of this UFO ever again. All the men on the rig were sworn to secrecy not to divulge any of these happenings.
No announcements about this UFO have ever been released, except in the Australian International UFO Research magazine. We do not know if this article is true or not, if any of you know anything about it please write in. It does make for interesting reading, however! - Editor.
This article was first published in UFO OFFICIAL, August 1978.
Kann mir jemand zu diesem Vorfall mehr infos geben ?
Wäre nicht übel da ich sehr grosse Interesse empfinde ....
Grüsse Euer Rabe !