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Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs
21.04.2023 um 10:07Während ich mich gestern noch über Sean Kirkpatrick, Chef der neu ins Leben gerufenen DOD-Behörde AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office), die 2022 die Nachfolge zur Untersuchung von UFOs & Co. antrat echauffiert habe, ist jetzt darüber zu berichten, dass ebendieser offiziell verlautbart hat, dass an fast allen untersuchten UAP-Fällen so gut wie nichts Merkwürdiges dran ist, das auf eine exotische Herkunft hinweisen würde:
In diesem Artikel zum selben Thema ist ein Video von der aktuellen Anhörung zu sehen, in der Kirkpatrick exemplarisch ungeklärte UAP-Cases bespricht, die auf Aufnahmen von MQ-9-Drohnen zurückgehen:
Pentagon UFO Czar Says Nothing Indicates Objects Are ET, Some May Be Chinese
here is no "credible evidence" that unidentified objects - observed largely by U.S. military pilots - are examples of extraterrestrial technology or have unexplainable abilities, the Pentagon’s UFO Csar told a Senate hearing on Wednesday. But there are “concerning indicators,” he said, that some of these sightings could be of Chinese origin.
“I should also state clearly for the record,” said Sean M. Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), “that in our research, AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics.” (...)
In diesem Artikel zum selben Thema ist ein Video von der aktuellen Anhörung zu sehen, in der Kirkpatrick exemplarisch ungeklärte UAP-Cases bespricht, die auf Aufnahmen von MQ-9-Drohnen zurückgehen:
During the opening portion of the hearing, Kirkpatrick shared a video that his office analyzed reportedly showing what appears to be a spherical object that was filmed by an MQ-9 Reaper drone somewhere in the Middle East. In the video, the object appears to soar through the air with no apparent means of propulsion.
While the footage certainly is captivating, Kirkpatrick stressed that there simply aren't enough data collected to make an accurate assessment of what the spherical object or phenomenon in the video might be. "This is essentially all of the data we have associated with this event from some years ago," Kirkpatrick told the Senate committee. "It is going to be virtually impossible to fully identify that just based off of that video."