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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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25.07.2012 um 09:11
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
I'll see you all tomorrow for another episode of Jacksons Wildfire of Madness - TJ seeks temporary guardianship edition
6:57 AM - 25 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
KJ's lawyer Sanders is saying he will adamantly" fight any efforts to permanently rescind her guardianship of the children
5:47 AM - 25 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Zia Modabber: "They [executors of the will] will not stand down because the siblings who were left out of Michael's will want them to,"
5:41 AM - 25 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
My take/ theory / questions on recent Jackson family events : From the start I believed this to be a situation (cont)
4:10 AM - 25 Jul 12
My take/ theory / questions on recent Jackson family events :

From the start I believed this to be a situation that is snowballed tremendously around the Jackson siblings letter. The following is my personal SPECULATION about the events.

Jackson siblings had their letter to the Estate ready to be sent and leaked. They didn't want Katherine to be around and be able to denounce their claims and say she got along fine with Executors. So a trip for her was planned. She left with Rebbie to watch Unity concerts or so it was told.

When the letter was leaked, Katherine's mini-stroke news started to make the rounds. Paris who hasn't seen her grandma for some time by then started to worry about her, tried to reach to her and tried to call her. She wasn't allowed because Katherine was resting. The letter also included serious accusations against Katherine's caretakers, advisers and lawyers. Probably these people tried to reach Katherine to learn about her stand on this situation but they weren't able to either. The people that sent the letter were blocking these people they accused in the letter from reaching to Katherine.

That's when Katherine's trip became an issue. Katherine wasn't "missing" missing, they knew she was on a trip with Rebbie but they didn't know where she was exactly. When they weren't able to talk to Katherine and when they realized the siblings wouldn't let them, they were left with one choice - filing a missing persons report. That would have required the cops to do a wellness check.

Then it got snowballed, story after story, statements, tweets and finally a confrontation at the house. It seemed Paris's tweets carried a lot of weight in the public opinion / media and there was an attempt to get the kids and control their tweets and do damage control. There was no need to go home to say they can see and talk to Katherine, one call from Katherine could have resolved this issue.

Jackson siblings also contradicted each other and there are some inconsistencies that bring a lot of questions

- Jermaine's statement said no one was "blocked" to reach from Katherine but today Randy said she's "isolated". Plus Paris, Katherine's lawyers, TJ and Marlon Jackson all said they cannot talk to Katherine.

- Katherine is supposed to rest away from distractions but she's accompanied by her grandgrandkid London. If she can be around kids, why can't she be around MJ's kids that she's legally responsible for?

- Katherine's health information is also conflicting. There are reports that she's totally healthy and did not have a stroke at all, there are reports that she had a stroke some time ago and some reports that she needed rest now. It's hard to determine what to believe.

- Security camera footage has shown Janet Jackson not once but twice trying to get Paris's phone from her. No one can blame Janet's action to Trent or Branca.

- Some blamed Trent for controlling and/or influencing Paris's tweets. They cannot explain the tweet from TJ Jackson or the crying on TV of Marlon Jackson. Those are grown men.

- Family is not "united" as Randy claims. Marlon, Tito and Jackie are against it and no one knows where Joe, Latoya and Katherine stands in regards to this issue.

- Why send this letter now? is also an important question. Jackson family was well aware of the will and the "issues" of the will from the start. Joe tried but failed. Katherine had a chance to challenge the executors but dropped it. Why send this letter 3 years later?

- Why didn't Katherine tried to call MJ's kids all this time? Is she aware what's going on? or is she blocked from reaching out as well?

- Why did the Jacksons let this situation escalate so much when a 30 second call between Katherine and Paris could have ended it all?

I said from the start that I welcome any and all legal fight between MJ Estate and Jackson siblings in regards to the will, Estate and Executors. Branca & McClain are adults and they can stand their ground. This has been an ongoing debate among the fan community and I would like it to be over for once and for all.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
There's already a scheduled Estate court hearing tomorrow for Tohme / Demann claims, perhaps they'll bring up the guardianship issue then
2:14 AM - 25 Jul 12 v
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@ParisJackson what is this rumor about Blanket? Is he with you and Prince? Pls let us know
1:46 AM - 25 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 09:35
es stehen noch 3 "The Jackson Unity Tour 2012" Konzerte an ...
am 27.07.2012
am 28.07.2012 und
am 29.07.2012


man darf gespannt sein, ob die Jackson diese "durchziehen" .. :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 09:53
"The Jackson Unity Tour 2012" neigt sich dem Ende, da hat doch auch Joe endlich mal nee Meldung auf seiner Website - am 21.07.2012 ...

joewebsiteOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB) (Archiv-Version vom 15.01.2014)

aber zu den aktuellen Ereignissen rund um Katherine, kommt von Joe nichts ... :) (Archiv-Version vom 23.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 09:55
Randy Jackson hits out at executors

(UKPA) – 43 minutes ago

Turmoil in Michael Jackson's family has continued as a family feud that has engulfed the singer's mother and children continued to play out online, on cable TV and in a videotaped driveway confrontation that authorities continue to investigate.

It should perhaps be no surprise that a family that has spent decades in the spotlight is airing its troubles in public, but the dispute has left many, including estate executors, worried.

"We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances," executors John Branca and John McClain wrote in a letter posted on fan sites hours after deputies responded to a family disturbance at the hilltop home where Katherine Jackson and her three grandchildren live.

By the end of the day, Randy Jackson accused Mr Branca and Mr McClain of criminal misconduct and claimed his brother's 2002 will was a fake.

"They know that they've been caught, they know that they've falsified a document and they know that there are questions that we want answered," Randy Jackson told the Rev Al Sharpton in his MSNBC show. "This family is united to right a wrong."

He accused the estate of trying to keep the family's disagreements at the forefront to deflect attention away from questions about the will. Jackson's estate has denied all claims of wrongdoing and hinted that further action may be taken to protect the singer's children.

Michael Jackson's only daughter, Paris, has posted updates in recent days on Twitter, including her displeasure with not being allowed to speak with her grandmother for more than a week. On Tuesday, she wrote, "9 days and counting ... so help me god I will make whoever did this pay."

Katherine Jackson was reported missing over the weekend but later found to be with her daughter Rebbie and other relatives in Arizona. She has not spoken to her grandchildren - Prince, Paris and Blanket - since leaving the Los Angeles area on July 15.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said deputies continue to investigate the altercation that took place on Monday afternoon, but he said there were no indications it involved the singer's children. He said the incident involved two adult males, but declined to identify them further.

Randy Jackson said he and brother Jermaine and sister Janet went to the home in Calabasas on Monday to invite his brother's older children, Prince and Paris, to join their grandmother in Arizona. Security footage of the incident was obtained by Good Morning America and celebrity website TMZ. (Archiv-Version vom 27.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 10:07
Jackson brother: Executors of Michael's estate are 'using the children'

6 hours ago

By Anna Chan

Michael Jackson's brother Randy spoke out on Tuesday about the latest drama surrounding the famous family, from the issue of the King of Pop's will and mom Katherine Jackson's "disappearance."

In an interview with Al Sharpton on MSNBC's "Politics Nation" Tuesday, Jackson accused the executors of Michael's estate -- John Branca and John McClain -- of "using the children to try and put pressure on my mom to try and come out and get her to say things in their favor, to kind of clean up their image."

Last week, Jackson siblings Janet, Jermaine, Rebbie, Tito and Randy penned a letter accusing the men of fraud, claiming that Michael's will is "fake, flawed and fraudulent."

It was a point that Randy Jackson reiterated in his interview. "(Branca and McClain) know that they've been caught. They know that they've falsified a document," he said. "What they're trying to do is kind of put the attention on something else when the attention is on this letter for us."

VIDEO im Bericht

Branca and McClain also made their own statement earlier Tuesday: "We are acutely concerned about the welfare of Mrs. Jackson, and most particularly with Michael's minor children. We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances."

Katherine Jackson -- who is the guardian of Prince, Paris and Blanket -- was reported missing last week, but officials have since closed report after looking into the situation. Paris tweeted Monday and Tuesday that she hadn't seen or spoken to her grandmother in days. "This isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!" she wrote.

"My mom is great," Jackson told Sharpton. "She's relaxing. She's having fun. She's with my sister Rebbie." He also said that his mother's health had been poor, and it was on doctor's orders that she "isolate herself from the outside world and rest."

He also denied that he and his siblings are keeping the children from their grandmother. According to Jackson, when he went along to Katherine's home Monday to bring the children to their grandma, security at the home stopped the family. "Yesterday, we did go to the home to let Paris and Prince know that they can visit with or talk to their grandma at any time because we felt that someone was trying to twist the story and make it feel as though we were the problem."

Jackson also pointed out that the dispute with the executors "is not about money." "For us as a family, this is not about being left out of the will or a fight over the children," he told Sharpton. "This is about a family that has questions, that has lost a family member."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 10:13 (Archiv-Version vom 16.01.2013)

PoliticsNation ‏@PoliticsNation
On #PoliticsNation, Randy Jackson says their mother is resting in Arizona, her grandchildren can see her at any time
12:47 AM - 25 Jul 12
PoliticsNation ‏@PoliticsNation
Randy Jackson joins Rev live, to explain recent headlines
12:45 AM - 25 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 10:18
Randy Jackson interview on the phone with Al Sharpton
Veröffentlicht am 24.07.2012 von JustMeSTKK

July 24th Randy Jackson on the phone with Al Sharpton about Jackson family drama


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 10:49
Michael Jackson's Children Don't Know Where Grandmother Is, Family Lawyer Says

July 24, 2012

VIDEO im Bericht

A lawyer for Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson's mother and his children's legal guardian, said that she and the children do not know where their grandmother is and she believes the family matriarch is being kept in the dark about what has happened.

"We don't know where she is," attorney Sandra L. Ribera told "Nightline." "We know that she is in Arizona, allegedly, but we don't know where because law enforcement won't give us the address, because it is an ongoing investigation."

Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 11:35 p.m. ET

Katherine Jackson, the 82-year-old legal guardian of her late son Michael Jackson's three children -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- was reported missing on Saturday after her grandchildren hadn't heard from her in days. She was found "resting" with her daughter in Arizona. X17Online obtained a photo of Jackson smiling and playing Uno with family in Arizona.

Michael Jackson's siblings released a statement on Monday saying the missing person's report was "created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from."

Ribera said that while the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department considered the case closed, they were "exhausting other options" to find Katherine Jackson, including seeking help from the FBI and local law enforcement in Arizona. She said Katherine Jackson is being preventing from contacting her grandchildren "by the people that she is staying with," but she declined to name anyone specifically.

Paris Jackson, 14, tweeted today, "9 days and counting... so help me god i will make whoever did this pay."

Sources told ABC News that a court-appointed child advocate met with Michael Jackson's children Monday night and is working with them so that they can rejoin their grandmother.

Court papers likely will be filed this week to demand that Katherine Jackson be allowed contact with the children. Sources told ABC News that the filing would likely include a request for a temporary guardian for the children, expected to be someone already around the children.

Ribera would not comment on any arrangements concerning temporary custody of the children, but said that Trent Jackson, Katherine Jackson's nephew and confidant who reported her missing, and Tito Jackson's children, including TJ Jackson, were at Katherine Jackson's Calabasas, Calif., home looking after them in her absence.

"All I can say is that efforts are being made as a result of what happened on Monday to make sure that the children are safe and well protected," Ribera said.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to a "family disturbance" at the Jackson family home Monday after Ribera said Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson showed up, broke through a security gate and apparently tried to take Michael Jackson's kids away. Ribera said the scene was "chaos."

"It was surprise kind of greeting, it was friendly -- the kids love their aunts and uncles and cousins, of course -- but then it turned into yelling and flailing of arms," Ribera said. "It was very aggressive, a kind of ambush-type scenario, and I saw with my own eyes the kids exit down the back of the house into the canyon to escape."

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Monday there was a "scuffle" between two family members at Katherine Jackson's home, but no arrests were made. Ribera also declined to name who had been involved in the altercation and would only say that Janet Jackson grabbed Paris' cell phone.

"[The children] were very shaken up," Ribera said. "They don't understand why they're being prevented from talking to [Katherine Jackson] and why she's being prevented from calling them. It's been nine days. She's never done this."

Jermaine Jackson released a statement earlier this week about his mother's whereabouts, saying this is all "a conspiracy to deflect attention away from a letter we wrote asking for the resignation of executors" of Michael Jackson's will.

Five of Michael Jackson's siblings last week said his will was fake and the executors of his lucrative estate, John McClain and John Blanca, should step down. Jackson's entire fortune was left to his mother and three kids.

"They [executors of the will] will not stand down because the siblings who were left out of Michael's will want them to," said Zia Modabber, who is the attorney for the Jackson estate.

Howard Mann, Katherine Jackson's business partner, believed money was pulling the family apart.

"I believe that Katherine and the children who are benefactors of the estate fall on one side, and then Randy, Jermaine and Rebbie and Tito fall on the other side," Mann said. "They're a group of people who have a great deal of questions about the administration of the estate."

Modabber said, "I can't speak for them. I don't know what's motivating Jermaine and Randy and some of these others, but money is not a bad guess."

Modabber and Mann faced off in court Monday in a dispute over Mann and Katherine Jackson's selling Michael Jackson merchandise.

"It doesn't matter that it's Howard Mann and he may give some of the money to his family, to Katherine Jackson or anybody else," Modabber said. "You can't take property that belongs to the estate, make money from it, without getting permission from the estate."

Mann's attorney argues the material is and always was owned by Katherine Jackson and her husband, Joe, and not the late King of Pop.

Michael Jackson's estate is worth about $1 billion and counting.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 11:02
7 Things That Are Wrong With Randy Jackson's Story!

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 08:55PM

Randy-Jackson-bs-interview-SplashOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

By Jon Boon - Radar Reporter

During his interview with Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation Tuesday, Randy Jackson made some claims that has already proven are bogus. Here are a few select highlights:
1. “Let me just say this. This is not about money for us,” Randy insisted when he was asked about the ugly situation by Sharpton. However, as exclusively reported, Randy and Jermaine Jackson have already pleaded with the estate to release some funds to help pay for child support for Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza – whom they both have two kids each with.

2. About 82-year-old mom Katherine, Randy said: “Her health was ailing and doctors ordered that she get immediate rest.” exclusively reported though that Katherine Jackson passed a medical test with “flying colors” with her personal doctor ONLY a month ago. She was given a full clean bill of health both physically and psychologically.

3. “Paris and Prince know that they can visit with or talk to their grandma at any time,” the Jackson 5 singer proudly boasted. But it was Paris who tweeted: “I haven’t spoken to her (Katherine) in a week i want her home now. If anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities or this number— (818)-876-0186 it's the security number .. thank you so much.” And only yesterday, Paris continued her Twitter plea: "8 days and counting. Something is really off, this isn't like her at all ... I wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!"

4. Randy said that he, Jermaine and Janet were denied access to "our home" by Trent Jackson and a security team when they attempted to take the kids with them to Arizona on Monday. However, he failed to mention that Paris, Prince and Blanket refused to go and that the house belongs to Katherine Jackson and has nothing to do with any of her children.

5. According to Randy, “The executors of the estate are using the children to try and put pressure on my mom.” The phrase ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ springs to mind. Paris, Prince and Blanket were happy under the supervision of Katherine and her nephew Trent, who acted like a guardian for the children AND had Michael’s blessing to care for the kids.

6. Randy claimed that the estate executors were “trying to turn family members against family members.” But, as we’ve pointed out before, not everyone in the Jackson family signed the siblings’ letter to ask John Branca and John McClain to resign. La Toya, Marlon and Steven Randal Jackson all didn’t sign. It was this letter that divided the family NOT the actions of the executors.

7. Lastly, Randy said: “This family is united to right the wrong.” If that's the case then why are they all fighting!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 12:10
Der Jackson-Krieg ums Erbe geht weiter

25.07.2012 — 10:48 Uhr


Was ist bloß mit der Familie Jackson los?

Seit Tagen überschlagen sich die Ereignisse: Erst wird Großmutter Katherine Jackson (82) als vermisst gemeldet, dann taucht sie nach Tagen angeblich wieder auf. Doch sie ist für niemanden zu erreichen. Nun macht ihr auch noch ein Enkel die Vormundschaft für Michael Jacksons drei Kinder streitig.

Noch hat Oma Katherine das Sorgerecht für die drei Kinder Prince (15), Paris (14) und Blanket (10). Sie soll von Geschwistern Michael Jacksons entführt worden sein, denn die halten sie für überfordert mit der Betreuung. Das behauptet ein Familienmitglied in Gerichtsdokumenten, berichtet der Klatschdienst „TMZ“.

Andere Quellen berichten, Michael Jacksons Mutter sei in der Obhut von Ärzten. Währenddessen seien die Kinder, die die Erben von Michael Jackson sind, ohne Aufsicht. Doch das ist längst nicht alles. Es geht um Millionen!


► Tito Joe Jackson (34), Sohn von Michael Jacksons Bruder Tito, will jetzt vorläufiger Vormund der drei Jacko-Kinder werden. TJ bat seinen Anwalt darum, entsprechende Dokumente beim zuständigen Gericht einzureichen, berichtet „TMZ”. Auf Twitter schrieb er an Michael Jacksons Tochter Paris: „Ich weiß, es ist total unfair von ihnen, dir und deinen Brüdern das alles anzutun. Wir werden es weiter versuchen. Ich liebe dich.”

► Marlon Jackson (55) bricht während eines Interviews mit „The Insider“ in Tränen aus, verlässt plötzlich das Set. Vorher hatte er erklärt: „Man hat uns gesagt, unsere Mutter ist in Sicherheit. Aber ich konnte bislang nicht mit ihr sprechen und ich weiß nicht, wo sie ist. Ich weiß nur, dass sie sich in Arizona aufhält. Welcher Arzt auch immer sagt, ich darf nicht mit meiner Mutter sprechen... du solltest MICH anrufen!“

► Angeblich kam es zwischen den Geschwistern Janet (46) und Jermaine (57) Jackson zu einem heftigen Streit um die Kinder ihres toten Bruders Michael. Bei dem Versuch, Jackos Kids aus dem Haus zu holen, soll es sogar zu körperlichen Auseinandersetzungen gekommen sein. Polizeisprecher Steve Whitmore bestätigte einen Zwischenfall, Beamte seien am Montag zum Haus von Katherine Jackson gerufen worden.

► Janet Jackson soll nicht nur mit Bruder Jermaine eine heftige Auseinandersetzung gehabt haben. Sie soll Nichte Paris geschlagen, dabei „spoiled little b****“ (verwöhntes kleines Miststück) geschrien haben. Und zwar bei dem Versuch, die Kinder mit Hilfe ihrer Brüder aus dem Haus zu zerren. Paris soll sich gewehrt haben: „This is our house. Not the Jackson family house. Get the f*** out!“ (Das ist unser Haus, nicht das Haus der Familie Jackson. Verschwinde!), soll Paris geantwortet haben. Das berichtet die britische Zeitung „Daily Mail“.

► In einem Brief, der vor Kurzem an die Öffentlichkeit gelangte, fordern Michael Jacksons Geschwister Randy (50), Jermaine, Janet, Tito (58) und Rebbie (61) die Aufgabe der Nachlassverwaltung. Die Geschwister behaupten, die Verantwortung für das Jacko-Erbe sei zu viel Stress für ihre 82 Jahre alte Mutter, sie habe deshalb bereits einen „Mini-Schlaganfall“ erlitten. Bruder Randy behauptet außerdem, die Nachlassverwalter seien kriminell und hätten an Michaels Testament herumgeschraubt.

► Paris Jackson schwört Rache! „9 Tage und ich zähle weiter”, schreibt Paris auf ihrer Twitter-Seite. So lange hatte sie zum Zeitpunkt des Twitter-Eintrages keinen Kontakt mehr zu ihrer Großmutter. Die 14-Jährige schreibt: „So wahr mir Gott helfe. Wer auch immer Schuld daran hat, wird dafür büßen.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 12:16
Michael Jackson: Krach ums Testament, aber nicht um Geld

Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 11:10 Uhr

Bei den jüngsten Streitigkeiten der Jackson-Familie geht es angeblich nicht ums Geld, wie Randy Jackson erklärt.

Der Bruder des verstorbenen Popstars Michael Jackson hat sich erstmals zum Familienzwist, mit dem der berühmte Clan momentan Schlagzeilen macht, geäußert und erklärt, dass sie sich nicht um Geld, sondern um die Gültigkeit des von dem 2009 verstorbenen Sänger hinterlassenen Testaments streiten. “Lasst mich eines klarstellen: Hier geht es nicht um Geld”, so Randy im Interview mit MSNBC.

“Hier geht es um eine Familie, die Fragen hat; die ein Familienmitglied verloren hat. Und wir haben das Gefühl, es gibt Beweise, dass Michael [beim Aufsetzen des Testaments] nicht – wie behauptet wird – in Los Angeles war. Er war in New York, also ist das Testament gefälscht. [Die Anwälte] können diese Fragen nicht beantworten und sie versuchen, die Familienmitglieder gegeneinander auszuspielen.”

Michael Jackson2Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Randys Mutter Katherine Jackson – Vormund von Michael Jacksons Kindern Prince, Paris und Blanket – wurde am Wochenende als vermisst gemeldet, wie sich später allerdings herausstellte, hatte sich die 82-Jährige einzig nach Arizona zu ihrer Tochter Rebbie begeben. Randy gibt Entwarnung: “Es geht ihr gut. Sie entspannt sich. Sie hat Spaß.” Weiter erklärt der 56-Jährige, dass seine Mutter sich auf ärztliches Anraten zurückgezogen habe: “Ihr ging es gesundheitlich nicht gut. Also sagten ihr ihre Ärzte, dass sie sofort Ruhe braucht, sich von der Außenwelt isolieren und sich ausruhen solle. Ihr ging es wirklich nicht gut.”

Am Montag kam es einem Polizeibericht zufolge auf Katherines Anwesen in Los Angeles in ihrer Abwesenheit zur körperlichen Auseinandersetzung zwischen einzelnen Familienmitgliedern, als Randy gemeinsam mit seinen Geschwistern Janet und Jermaine dort auftauchte. Dass sie versuchten, Michaels Kinder aus der Obhut ihrer Großmutter zu reißen, dementiert Randy indes.

In dem Interview gibt er seine Version der Geschichte: “Wir sind zum Haus gegangen, um Paris und Prince wissen zu lassen, dass sie ihre Oma jederzeit besuchen und mit ihr reden können, weil wir das Gefühl hatten, dass jemand versucht, die Tatsachen zu verdrehen und es so aussehen zu lassen, als seien wir das Problem und als würden wir ihnen den Zugang zu ihrer Oma verwehren.” Trotz ihrer guten Absichten sei den Jackson-Geschwistern von den Sicherheitsleuten der Zutritt zu Katherines Haus verboten worden. Damit, so Randy, solle vom eigentlichen Problem – dem gefälschten Testament – abgelenkt werden. (Bang) (Archiv-Version vom 27.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 12:49
bisher sind die Konzerte noch nicht gecancelt ...

die Konzerte vom 27.07. und 28.07.2012 sind bei Ticketmaster nicht mehr "gelistet" ...


das Konzert am 27.07.2012
tour27072012 (Archiv-Version vom 20.06.2012)

das Konzert am 28.07.2012


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 13:41
Randy Jackson Responsible For Plotting To Overthrow Michael Jackson's Executors

Posted on Jul 25, 2012 @ 06:30AM


By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Randy Jackson is responsible for hatching a family plot to overthrow Michael Jackson's executors in an attempt to get his hands on part of the late King of Pop's estimated $1 billion fortune, has exclusively learned.

During an emotional interview on The Insider Tuesday night, Marlon, Tito, and Jackie Jackson would not identify the person they hold responsible for not allowing them to talk to their mother Katherine for more than nine days now, but Radar has learned that the trio holds their brother, Randy, responsible, as well as his business associate, Howard Mann.

Michael Jackson's children's court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, will be asking a judge to strip Katherine's guardianship of Paris, Prince, and Blanket since she has been out of town for more than a week, and because she believes the children aren't safe following a physical altercation with Janet, Jermaine, and Randy on Monday. The hearing could happen as early as Wednesday morning as there are regularly scheduled proceedings in Michael Jackson's probate case.

When asked who orchestrated this current Jackson family drama, Marlon said during The Insider interview: "I'm not going to go into that. There is somebody that made the decision that my mother cannot talk to me, and whoever that person is is going to have to answer to me. I'm going to see my mother, and I'm going to bring her home."

Family sources unequivocally tell us: "Marlon, Tito, and Jackie all hold Randy responsible for all of this. Randy is also getting advice from Howard Mann, who has been on the fringe for the last two years, trying to insert himself into the Jackson family. Randy introduced Howard to Katherine, and some of the siblings have been very concerned for a very long time about Mann. Howard is business partners with Katherine on several deals that Randy has supported and wanted her to do," the source tells us.

Howard Mann is the founder of the Naked Women's Wrestling League, and as previously reported Katherine and Mann released a book together, Never Can Say Goodbye, The Katherine Jackson Archives. Mann also operates the website, The executors of Michael's estate sent Mann a cease-and- desist letter in 2010 because the promoter was using the King of Pop's image on a lithograph collection without their permission and subsequently filed a lawsuit against him for violating copyright and trademark laws.

Mann told several media outlets on Monday about the latest Jackson family drama, "I believe that Katherine and the children who are benefactors of the estate fall on one side, and then Randy, Jermaine and Rebbie and Tito fall on the other side," Mann said. "They're a group of people who have a great deal of questions about the administration of the estate." Tito has since defected from trying to have the executors tossed.

Mann has a checkered background and was sued by bombshell Carmen Electra for over $400k for failure to pay her for several appearances she made for the Naked Women's Wrestling League.

A grief stricken Marlon revealed on The Insider, "We've been told that our mother is safe. She's doing well. But we have not spoken to her. We have not talked to her and I don't know where my mother is..." but vowed to go to Arizona and bring her home.

"This is a family divided, sadly right now. Marlon, Jackie, Tito, hold Randy and Howard Mann responsible, period. They just want their mother to come home safely and to stop being used as a pawn," the insider told us.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 13:52
Entschuldigung für ihr Verhalten

Die Tochter von Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson, beteuerte, dass sie sich nicht verändert habe.
25.07.2012 13:15

Einkehr: Paris Jackson (14) betonte, dass sie ihr Ego nun im Zaum hält.

Die Tochter von Michael Jackson (†50, 'Dangerous') bildet das Zentrum eines Familienstreits. Das Mädchen und ihre Brüder Prince (15) und Blanket (9) stehen unter der Vormundschaft ihrer Großmutter Katherine Jackson (82), die über das Wochenende als vermisst gemeldet wurde. Paris Jackson behauptete, dass sie nicht mit ihrer Oma reden durfte, obwohl ihr Onkel Jermaine Jackson bekräftigte, dass es seiner Mutter gut gehen und sie im Haus ihrer Tochter Rebbi entspannen würde. Der Teenager nutzte seinen Twitter-Account, um seine Frustration loszuwerden und entschuldigte sich jetzt am selben Ort für das Verhalten: "Viele Leute sagten, dass ich mich verändert hätte … Ich möchte mich für mein Verhalten entschuldigen … Es passiert momentan sehr viel … Ich verspreche euch, dass ich mein Ego wieder in den Griff kriege." Danach postete das Mädchen noch über ihre Hausaufgaben und ihren Schlaf.

Es wurde berichtet, dass die Jackson-Geschwister sich über das Testament des King of Pop streiten. Einige von ihnen zweifeln die Rechtmäßigkeit des Schriftstücks an. Der Star hat seinen Geschwistern nichts hinterlassen, sondern nur seinen Kindern und seine Mutter als Vormund bestimmt. Es gibt immer wieder Streit um das Geld und die Vormundschaft der Kinder. Es hieß, dass die Testamentsvollstrecker deshalb das Sorgerecht für die Kinder erwirken wollen. Der Cousin TJ Jackson möchte sich um die Teenager kümmern.

Anfang der Woche wurde die Polizei zu dem Besitz, wo Paris Jackson und ihre Geschwister leben, gerufen. Angeblich stürmten Janet Jackson, Jermaine Jackson und Randy Jackson das Haus. Janet Jackson soll ihre Nichte angeschrien haben, worauf diese lautstark konterte: "Das ist unser Haus. Nicht das Jackson-Familienhaus. Verschwindet verdammt noch mal!" Ihr Cousin Trent soll die Männer abgewehrt haben. Dieser Vorfall führte dazu, dass die Testamentsvollstrecker John Branca und John McClain sich gezwungen sehen, die Vormundschaft für die Kinder zu beantragen: "Wir sind besorgt und wir tun, was wir können, um sie vor unzumutbaren Einflüssen, Schikanen, Gier und anderen unschönen Dingen fern zu halten."

Es wird wohl weiter turbulent für Paris Jackson und ihre Geschwister zugehen. (Archiv-Version vom 27.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 15:43

TJ Jackson
The Perfect Guardian
For Michael Jackson's Kids

7/25/2012 6:28 AM PDT


There's a reason TJ Jackson had a lawyer prepare legal papers to make him the temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's kids -- he has already partially assumed that role.

TMZ broke the story ... TJ became alarmed when Katherine Jackson -- the current legal guardian -- disappeared for more than a week.

Jackson sources tell us ... TJ -- the 34-year-old married son of Tito -- has had a strong connection to Paris, Prince and Blanket for years, but was especially comforting after MJ died.

One example ... at the Michael Jackson tribute show in Wales, Katherine was by herself in a private area, far from the kids. TJ was in full dad mode, helping Blanket tie his shoes, helping Prince tie his tie. He made sure the kids were fed during the concert, which lasted for hours.

Kim Kardashian, who dated TJ for 4 years, tells friends of all the Jacksons, TJ was the closest to Michael and his kids. She says TJ had a "father-like" relationship with Michael's kids, adding, "He's a very honest and trustworthy person and everyone knows he'll do the right thing."

Paris, Prince and Blanket adore TJ and are behind the temp guardianship move, and that's something that will weigh heavily with the probate judge.

We're told TJ is in wait mode -- to see what happens with Katherine. But the papers are drafted and he's ready to make his move in court.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 15:47

July 24, 2012


NEW YORK - JULY 24, 2012 - In an exclusive interview that aired on MSNBC this evening, Randy Jackson, the brother of the late Michael Jackson, opened up to the Rev. Al Sharpton for a candid and rare discussion about the recent controversy and dispute with the Jackson family. The transcript and video link can be found below - if used, mandatory credit to MSNBC's 'PoliticsNation' with Rev. Al Sharpton.



AL SHARPTON, HOST, POLITICS NATION: Now, to a POLITICS NATION exclusive. A dispute among members of Michael Jackson's family has now turned into public drama with reports in the media raising questions about what's happening with his mother and his three children.


UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Nobody knows what's going on. The kids are saying, we haven't been in touch with our grandmother. And you have you another side say nothing, no, grandma is totally fine.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Paris tweeted, "Eight days and counting. I want to talk directly to my grandmother." Why the grandkids still can’t talk to her? Unclear. Jermaine says, the whole grandma is missing saga is quote, "a conspiracy to deflect attention away from a letter we wrote writing for the resignation of executors."

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Allegedly Randy, Jermaine and Janet, three of our children, came to the house with a camera crew and tried to remove the children from the home.


SHARPTON: Joining me now on the phone is Michael Jackson's brother, Randy. Randy, thank you for coming on tonight.

RANDY JACKSON, MICHAEL JACKSON'S BROTHER (on the phone): Thank you for having me. Thank you.

SHARPTON: Now, are there are many questions about your mother and her whereabouts. Let me start there. Since the first report over the weekend, how is your mother, where is she, how is she doing now?

JACKSON: My mom -- she's doing great. She's relaxing. She’s having fun. She's with my sister Rebbie, her great daughter Stacy and her great grandchild Brandon (ph). She’s been playing cards every day. She is having a good time. Her health was ailing. And her doctors order that she get immediate rest, isolate herself from the outside world and rest. She wasn't doing too well. So, as her children, that's what we did.

SHARPTON: Now, the L.A. Sheriff's Department has now closed the missing person's case of your mother after confirming she is safe with your sister Rebbie in Arizona. But Michael's 14-year-old daughter, Paris, has continued to tweet about her grandmother last night and she wrote, quote, "Days and counting something is really off. This isn't like her. All I want to do is talk directly to my grandmother."

And then quoting this morning, "Days are counting and help me God, I will make whoever did this pay." I talked with you and Janet this morning, you are saying that it is your wishes that everybody have access to the grandmother, is that right?

JACKSON: (INAUDIBLE) We are a family first. And I want everyone to know that. Yesterday, we did go to the home to let Paris and Prince know that they can visit with or talk to their grandma at any time because we felt that someone was trying to twist the story and make it feel as though we were the problem, denying them access to their grandma. When we got to the home, we were kind of denied access to our home by security and trench and that never happened. This is all an effort to try to deflect attention away from a letter that was written asking for the resignation of John Branca and John McClain.

SHARPTON: Now, you asked a letter for them to resign for what reason?

JACKSON: Because we feel that there is criminal misconduct on their part and that our brother, Michael, was not what they said he was when the day that the will was signed and in fact he did not sign that will.

SHARPTON: Now, just for complete disclosure, I want to show people the date that is being in question, that weekend that Michael Jackson was to have signed that will in Los Angeles, he was, in fact in Harlem with me that weekend. And I am showing the video now. This is the date that weekend Michael Jackson was with me and others at the House of Justice of National Action Network in New York.

That's the video. The very weekend, that Saturday he was there, that Sunday we were out together and that Monday, he was with Johnnie Cochran and I. That's the weekend you are referring to the date on the will, is that right, Randy?

JACKSON: Absolutely. Absolutely. We know that. And they know that.

SHARPTON: Does that prove anything to you, Randy?

JACKSON: Sorry. One more time, sir?

SHARPTON: Does that prove anything to you, the fact that there is this video that Michael was with me at the time they say -- they had this statement notarized that he was in Los Angeles signing this will?

JACKSON: What it proves that the will is fake and he cannot be in two places at one time.

SHARPTON: So this is what the whole dispute is about. What's all of this about? The children of Michael and you and Janet and Jermaine and all. If this was about the dispute about the will, why are we -- why all this drama that we are hearing in the media in your opinion?

JACKSON: Well, because -- executives of the estate John Branca and John McClain are doing, they are using the children to try and put pressure on my mom to try and come out and get her to say things in their favor, to kind of clean up their image. They know that they have been caught, they know that they falsified the document. And they know that there are questions that we want answered.

This family is united to right a wrong. The question that we want answered, but what they are trying to do, is trying to put the attention on something else when the attention is on this letter for us. We want answers and our questions have not been answered.

SHARPTON: Now, they released a statement today, the executors John Branca and John McClain, Michael's estate. They released a statement saying, "We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bully and greed and other unfortunate circumstances. While we do not have standing to directly intervene, we have monitored the situation and we will continue to do so."

So they are -- they are saying there is greed here. I mean, what is the motive of you and your sisters and brothers in this matter?

JACKSON: Well -- let me just say this. This is not about money for us. This is not about being left out of a will, or a fight over the children. This is about a family that has questions that has lost a family member and we feel that the evidence is right there and -- that my brother was not in Los Angeles from the day that they swore -- on that will that he was. He was in New York. So, therefore, the will is fake.

And they cannot answer that question. They have done whatever they can to try to turn family members against family members. They’ve got into some cousins, you know, it’s sad to say that but I still love my cousin. But, you know, this is what they do, this is how they operate. They are very vicious and this is an ugly situation. It’s unfortunate. I'm sad about it. But, you know, due process will take place. And, you know, we are going to deal with this situation. This is not going to go away.

SHARPTON: Now, Janet, I understand is going back to your mother. She is going to do the show with you tonight. Is Mrs. Jackson fine? Is she all right?

JACKSON: My mom is doing a lot better. She is having fun. She is the one who (INAUDIBLE) Janet is with other nephews and nieces, Prince and Paris we thought would going to go as well. But we were denied that by the security.

SHARPTON: So, you really went to get Prince and Paris to take them to see their grandmother?

JACKSON: We went to ask them, you know. We went to ask and let them know that they can see and talk to their grandmother. We were denied access.

SHARPTON: So -- but -- Mrs. Jackson is all right and you have Prince and Paris can go see their grandmother and this is all about whether or not the letter you sent around, this will, is going to be cleared up and dealt within -- with due process, as you say? We are going to be following this, believe me. Michael Jackson meant a lot to a lot of us.

Randy Jackson, thank you so much for your time tonight.

JACKSON: Thank you. Thank you.

SHARPTON: And we hope to have the executor of the Jackson estate John Branca on the show soon. We’ve extended that invitation. We will be right back.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 17:51
Die Kinder konnten angeblich mit ihrer Großmutter sprechen und es sieht nach diesem Artikel tatsächlich so aus, als hätte man Katherine absichtlich von der Welt abeschnitten.

5x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 17:56

Katherine Jackson
Returns to L.A.

7/25/2012 7:36 AM PDT

VIDEO im Bericht

Michael Jackson's conspiratorial siblings couldn't withstand the onslaught of bad publicity ... because Randy Jackson just revealed that his mother Katherine is finally returning to L.A. -- proof the Jackson scheme has completely fallen apart.

Katherine has been holed up in Arizona for the past 10 days ... after she was effectively kidnapped by Randy and several other Jackson siblings in what appears to be a scheme to pressure Katherine to try and overthrow the executors of the Michael Jackson estate.

But moments ago, Randy -- the family ringleader -- appeared on "Good Morning America" ... and announced his mother was finally coming home ... just one day after Tito BAILED on the plot.

It's unclear if this will affect TJ Jackson's plan to seek temporary guardianship of MJ's kids.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 18:01
Janet hat sich mit ihrer Mittäterschaft einen Bärendienst erwiesen. Sie hätte es angesichts ihrer Verhältnisse überhaupt nicht nötig gehabt, in diesem Komplott mitzuwirken. Das war Dummheit hoch 3. :)
Bei all den Bekenntnissen und Versprechungen - noch ist Katherine nicht zu Hause zurück gekehrt.

Inzwischen versucht Anthony Jackson gut Wetter bei Paris zu machen. :) (Archiv-Version vom 28.12.2010)

4x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 18:04
DD musste natürlich auch wieder ihren typischen Senf zu dieser ganzen Geschichte beitragen. :)
