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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 18:04
zum TMZ Bericht, der heute um 16:32h eingestellt wurde, erfolgte ein UPDATE bzw. eine Änderung/Ergänzung des Textes ... :)

Michael Jackson Estate
Executors Support Temp
Guardian For MJ's Kids

7/24/2012 6:45 AM PDT


The executors of Michael Jackson's estate will go to court to support a move for a temporary guardian for Michael's 3 kids.

TMZ has learned ... papers are being drafted by the lawyer for someone who will ask the probate judge in the Estate case for the temporary guardianship. We do not know the identity of that person, however, we are told the Estate is drafting legal docs supporting the temporary guardianship.

We're told the person seeking the temporary guardianship is also filing legal docs claiming Katherine Jackson -- who is currently the legal guardian of MJ's 3 kids -- has been effectively kidnapped by Michael's siblings, and as a result they are without supervision.

Sources very familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the executors feel responsible for protecting the kids ... since the kids are the primary beneficiaries of their father's estate. As such, the executors will support a temporary guardian for the kids.

As we previously reported, Katherine went off the radar more than a week ago leaving her grandkids behind as Janet, Jermaine, Randy, Rebbie and Tito executed a long-standing plan to convince Katherine that Michael's will was a fraud and the executors had to go.

Sources tell us ... this plan has been in the works for months, but here's the problem ... Even if the will was invalidated, MJ's brothers and sisters would get zilch because the prior will also gives them nothing.

And, although we're told Randy wants to make a move to replace the executors, that would never happen. First of all, the executors will not be removed. And second, even if they were removed, the court would never appoint someone with no background in finances.

We're told there will not be a court hearing today on a temporary guardianship, but it could happen in the next few days.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 18:20
Michael Jackson und seine zerstrittene Familie

Prügel, Stress und Streit ums Erbe

24 Juli 2012, 16:34

Michael Jackson würde wahrscheinlich in seinem Grab rotieren, wenn er mitbekäme, was derzeit alles so in seiner Familie passiert: Nachdem Jackos Mutter Katherine vor Kurzem nach einwöchigem Verschwinden wieder auftauchte, musste nun die Polizei im Haus der Jacksons anrücken. Nach US-Medienberichten war zuvor ein Familienstreit eskaliert. Und wie immer stellt sich die Frage: Ging es wieder mal um Michaels Erbe?

Die Ereignisse, die sich nun im Haus von Michael Jacksons Mutter Katherine (82) abgespielt haben sollen, klingen wie ein trauriges Familien-Drama: Das US-Promiportal „Celebuzz“ schreibt, dass Michaels Geschwister Janet (46), Jermaine (57) und Randy (56) plötzlich auf dem Grundstück von Katherine auftauchten, um Jackos Kinder Prince Michael (15), Paris (14) sowie Prince Michael II (10) aus der Obhut ihrer Großmutter „zu befreien“. Es kam wohl zu Handgreiflichkeiten, die schließlich von der Polizei geschlichtet werden mussten. Hintergrund der krassen Aktion sind scheinbar immer noch ungeklärte Streitigkeiten um das Erbe von Michael Jackson († 50).

„Die Beamten von Lost Hill schritten bei einer familiären Auseinandersetzung im Haus von Katherine Jackson in Calabasas ein“, zitieren verschiedene US-Medien Polizei-Sprecher Steve Whitemore. „Die Polizisten fanden heraus, dass es körperliche Angriffe gab, eine Prügelei, in die mehrere Mitglieder der Jackson-Familie involviert waren.“ Genauere Informationen zu dem Vorfall gibt es momentan noch nicht.

Einziger Lichtblick in dem potenziellen Familienstreit um das Erbe von Michael Jackson: Verhaftet wurde keiner von Jackos Angehörigen und auch seinen Kindern soll es nach den unschönen Szenen entsprechend gut gehen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 18:24
Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

Flippen sie jetzt völlig aus?

Heftiger Streit im Haus von Oma Katherine - Janet und Jermaine werden handgreiflich

Die Skandalmeldungen rund um die Familie des verstorbenen "King of Pop" Michael Jackson nehmen einfach kein Ende. Nachdem zuletzt Oma Katherine fälschlicherweise vermisst gemeldet wurde, soll es nun sogar zu Handgreiflichkeiten gekommen sein. Die - zumindest nach außen propagierte - Familienidylle scheint nun endgültig zerstört.

Ausgerechnet im Haus von Jacko-Mama Katherine soll es zu den Vorfällen gekommen sein, die nun für weitere Negativ-Schlagzeilen sorgen. Wie Polizeisprecher Steve Whitmore erklärte, gab es einen Zwischenfall und die Beamten seien zum Jackson-Haus gerufen worden.

Angeblich seien die Streitigkeiten zwischen den Geschwistern Janet und Jermaine derart eskaliert, dass es sogar zu Handgreiflichkeiten gekommen sei. Grund für die heftige Auseinandersetzung war ein Streit um die Obhut der drei Jacko-Kinder Prince Michael (15), Paris (14) und Blanket (10), die wohl wieder einmal als "Bauernopfer" im verrückten Machtkampf der Jackson-Geschwister herhalten müssen. (Archiv-Version vom 27.07.2012)

ein ähnlicher Bericht : (Archiv-Version vom 26.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 18:38
ϟ ℳմz♪ʞℱƋctoℛƴ₮ωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO

Margaret Lodise ~MJ3 guardian ad litem~ will recommend that MJ Estate Executors are given temporary guardianship
5:45 PM - 24 Jul 12

Michael Jackson's Estate Executors Seek Control Over The Kids: We Need To Protect Them From Bullying & Greed

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 11:15AM


The Jackson family drama is about to get even messier. has learned that Margaret Lodise, the court-appointed attorney for Michael Jackson's three children -- Paris, Prince, and Blanket -- will recommend that the executors of the late singer's estate be given temporary guardianship of the children for the short-term until a further determination can be made regarding Katherine and her role, if any, in the raising of the kids.

A source close to the situation tells us that papers could be filed Tuesday or Wednesday to make that happen; a hearing on the matter would then be held.

Meanwhile, The executors of Jackson's vast estate -- John Branca and John McClain -- issued a statement Tuesday morning expressing their concern over the matter in which Michael's children are being treated.

The statement reads: "We thank the fans for their keen interest in the matters that have been reported on recently regarding the Estate and Mrs. Jackson. We will not comment any further on the letter we received from certain of the Jackson siblings. We think our letter in response speaks for itself.

"We are acutely concerned about the welfare of Mrs. Jackson, and most particularly with Michael's minor children. We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances. While we do not have standing to directly intervene, we have monitored the situation and will continue to do so. We believe measures are being put in place that will help protect them from what they are having to deal with.

"We take these matters very seriously and will continue to report on them as appropriate."

The statement from the executors of Michael's estate comes a day after the Jackson siblings -- several of whom are calling on the executors of Michael's estate to resign -- released their own statement claiming the executors have caused Katherine stress and that Michael's signature on his will was forged.

According to ABC News, The Jackson siblings' statement reads, "This fallacious missing persons report was created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from. We feel that there is a conspiracy to deflect the attention away from a letter we wrote asking for the resignation of executors, John Branca and John McClain, as well as some of her 'advisors' and 'caregivers.'"

The Jackson siblings further state: "We feel there is strong evidence that supports the falsification of documents in order to takeover and profit from the estate of our beloved brother, Michael Jackson....This is being handled by the proper authorities and due process will take place." was first to report that Jackson's children met with their court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, on Monday evening after Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson attempted to take the kids to Arizona.

The King of Pop's children were given their own attorney to represent their best interests after their father tragically died three years ago, and Lodise was appointed to be their guardian ad litem.

"Margaret went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week, and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe.

"It's certainly extremely concerning to Margaret Lodise that Katherine has been out of town for over a week and that the children haven't spoken to her in that time. Katherine needs to get home quickly because there could be far reaching consequences as far as custody of the kids goes as it pertains to Katherine. It's very likely that Lodise will be going to court as early as Tuesday to express her concerns to the judge, as she has a legal obligation to do so.

"Paris got into a scuffle with her aunt Janet upon entering the house because she told Paris she had to stop posting family information on Twitter. Janet physically tried to take Paris' cell phone from her, but she wouldn't give it up. It was just a very, very unfortunate situation that didn't need to occur. If Katherine isn't physically capable of taking care of the kids anymore, then the Courts are going to get involved, and very quickly. The kids can't be caught in the middle of the ongoing drama of the Jackson family, period."

Meanwhile, Jermaine, Randy and Jane have been barred from their mother Katherine's home in Calabasas, California after attempting to remove the kids from the house on Monday. The situation adds to the ongoing drama with the Jackson family, as Katherine has been in Arizona for more than a week and hasn't spoken to her grandchildren, of whom she is the legal guardian. "It was just total chaos when Jermaine, Randy and Janet descended on the house," the source revealed.

"The plan to take the kids out of the house was going to be a publicity stunt. The kids were going to be paraded into the house in Arizona where Katherine is staying and those photos would be published on a website favored by Randy Jackson."

Attorneys for Katherine have characterized what happened as an "ambush."

On Monday, Paris posted on her Twitter: "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

She followed up that Tweet with another on Tuesday morning, writing : "9 days and counting... so help me
god i will make whoever did this pay".

Reports circulated on Monday night that Trent Jackson was manipulating Paris to post negative things about the family.

"That is absolutely laughable," the source says. "Prince, Paris and Blanket could all be hauled into court to tell the judge what is going on and Paris would reveal that no one forced her to do anything as far as her Twitter is concerned. In fact, the last thing the Jackson family would want is for those kids to testify under oath about what is really going on in the family. The kids are ready to go to court, as they feel the only thing that can bring their grandmother home," the source says.

Stay tuned to for developments on this story.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 18:47
TJ Jackson könnte evtl. der neue Vormund für Prince, Paris und Blanket werden ...

Tito's Son TJ
To Seek Temp Guardianship
of MJ's Kids

7/24/2012 9:27 AM PDT


Tito Joe Jackson, aka TJ, the 34-year-old son of Michael Jackson's brother Tito, is having his lawyer draft legal docs in a bid to become temporary guardian of MJ's 3 kids ... TMZ has learned.

People familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Paris, Prince and Blanket all want TJ to be their guardian because they believe Katherine -- their current guardian -- has effectively been kidnapped by MJ's siblings. The kids haven't seen Katherine in 9 days.

Under California law, a judge would not grant a temporary guardian for teenagers unless the kids were on board with the selection, and we're told all 3 kids are down with it. We're told TJ has often acted like a parent to the kids and they love him.

As we first reported ... the Michael Jackson Estate is standing by and will support TJ's bid to become the temporary guardian if asked by the Probate judge.

Just 15 hours ago, TJ tweeted to Paris, "I know it's completely unfair for them to do this to you and your brothers. We will keep trying. I love you."

By the way, TJ is married with kids and is in a band with his 2 brothers. And get this ... he was Kim Kardashian's first love. Check out what looks like their prom pic.


One final point ... sources connected to MJ's siblings tell TMZ Michael's brothers and sisters are turning on each other. One brother has secretly been telling people he does not support what the others are doing to Katherine.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 18:51
Katherine Jackson’s Lawyers: “Plan in Place for Three Years to Remove Her From Her Home and Grandchildren”

07/24/12 8:26am Roger Friedman

EXCLUSIVE Katherine Jackson’s lawyers have sent me a statement about what went on yesterday in Calabasas. All of it was witnessed by the attorneys. Here it is, exclusively:

“Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson’s home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson’s children. After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael’s children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. Out of concern for the well being of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson, the children were forced to temporarily leave their home and taken to a safe location. An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene.

“Following the incident, it was learned that one of the family members who was part of the ambush admitted that a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren. Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson have not heard from their grandmother since she left their home nine days ago to attend a series of her sons’ concerts on their Unity Tour. She never made the shows. Despite efforts to interview Katherine Jackson at her current location in Arizona yesterday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs confirmed that they were denied access to Mrs. Jackson by security for one of her children. “


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 19:10
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity

Simply can not believe @ParisJackson tweets. We send lots of love and support at this challenging time. #WeHaveYourBack
7:05 PM - 24 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 19:21
Michael Jackson's Kids Meet with Court Appointed Guardian

July 24, 2012

abcnews23072012Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
VIDEO im Bericht

A court appointed child advocate met with Michael Jackson's children Monday night, sources told ABC News, and is working with them to gain access to Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson's mother and their legal guardian.

Court papers will likely be filed this week to demand Katherine Jackson access to the children. Sources told ABC News that the filing will likely include a request for a temporary guardian and this is expected to be someone already around the children.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to a "family disturbance" at the Jackson family home Monday after, sources said, Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson showed up and apparently tried to take Michael Jackson's kids away.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Monday there was a "scuffle" between two family members at the Calabasas home of family matriarch Katherine Jackson, but no arrests were made.

TMZ posted a photo of siblings Janet and Jermaine Jackson standing outside the home around the time police were called, according to the website.

Katherine Jackson's laywer, Sandra L. Ribera, issued a statement saying "Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson's home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson's children."

Ribera said Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson were taken to safe location. "An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene," according to the statement.

Latest Trouble for Jackson Family

This has been the latest drama that has plagued the Jackson family in the past few weeks. Katherine Jackson was reported missing Saturday only to be found "resting" with her daughter in Arizona.

X17Online obtained a photo of Jackson smiling and playing Uno with her family in Arizona. Her children released a statement Monday saying the missing person's report was "created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from."

Trent Jackson, Katherine Jackson's nephew and confidante, reported her missing. TJ Jackson, Tito Jackson's son, wrote a message to Paris Jackson on Twitter saying the ordeal was unfair: "I know it's completely unfair for them to do this you and your brothers. We will keep trying. I love you."

Paris Jackson tweeted Monday , "8 days and counting. Something is really off, this isn't like her at all. I wanna talk directly to my grandmother."

Katherine Jackson is the legal guardian of her late son's three children and there is no word on who is watching them in Jackson's absence.

Jermaine Jackson released a statement earlier this week about his mother's whereabouts, saying this is all "a conspiracy to deflect attention away from a letter we wrote asking for the resignation of executors" of Michael Jackson's will.

Five of Michael Jackson's siblings last week said his will was fake and the executors of his lucrative estate, John McClain and John Blanca, should step down. Jackson's entire fortune was left to his mother and three kids.

"They [executors of the will] will not stand down because the siblings who were left out of Michael's will want them to," said Zia Modabber, who is the attorney of the Jackson estate.

Howard Mann, Katherine Jackson's business partner, believed money is pulling the family apart.

"I believe that Katherine and the children who are benefactors of the estate fall on one side, and then Randy, Jermaine and Rebbie and Tito fall on the other side," Mann said. "They're a group of people who have a great deal of questions about the administration of the estate."

Modabber said, "I can't speak for them. I don't know what's motivating Jermaine and Randy and some of these others, but money is not a bad guess."

Modabber and Mann faced off in court Monday in a dispute over Mann and Katherine Jackson's selling Michael Jackson merchandise.

"It doesn't matter that it's Howard Mann and he may give some of the money to his family, to Katherine Jackson or anybody else," Modabber said. "You can't take property that belongs to the estate, make money from it, without getting permission from the estate."

Mann's attorney argues the material is and always was owned by Katherine Jackson and her husband, Joe, and not the late King of Pop.

Michael Jackson's estate is now worth about $1 billion and counting.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 19:52
Attorney For Michael Jackson's Children: The Kids Aren't Safe Around Jackson Family

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 01:00PM


Michael Jackson's children's court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, will be asking a judge to strip Katherine Jackson's guardianship of Paris, Prince, and Blanket because she has been out of town for more than a week, because she believes the children aren't safe following a physical altercation with Janet, Jermaine, and Randy Jackson, is exclusively reporting.

As Radar was first to report -- and as was captured on surveillance video broadcast on Good Morning America Tuesday -- Janet physically tried to take Paris' cell phone from her, and the children watched in horror as Jermaine and Randy got into a physical altercation with Trent Jackson, who is Joe Jackson's nephew.

"It was absolute utter chaos at the house. Lodise quickly determined that the children aren't safe around Michael Jackson's siblings and will be asking the judge to strip Katherine Jackson of guardianship of the children. Under no circumstances is it acceptable for the children to be subjected to any level of violence. The kids saw Jermaine and Randy get into a fight with Joe Jackson's nephew, Trent, who lives with the children and Katherine at the house. Trent was simply trying to prevent
the trio from taking the kids. Janet kept asking where the kids passports were! It's truly sad that it has come to this, but this was brought on my Michael's siblings," a source close to the situation tells us.

As previously reported Michael Jackson's children met with Lodise on Monday evening after Jermaine, Randy and Janet attempted to take the kids to Arizona.

"Margaret (Lodise) went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week, and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe.

The executors of Michael Jackson's estate released a statement, which confirms Radar's exclusive report that Janet and Paris got into a dispute over the teenager's cell phone.

The statement reads: "Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson's home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson's children. After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael's children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. Out of concern for the wellbeing [sic] of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson, the children were forced to temporarily leave their home and taken to a safe location. An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene. Following the incident, it was learned that one of the family members who was part of the ambush admitted that a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren. Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson have not heard from their grandmother since she left their home nine days ago to attend a series of her sons' concerts on their Unity Tour. She never made the shows. Despite efforts to interview Katherine Jackson at her current location in Arizona yesterday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs confirmed that they were denied access to Mrs. Jackson by security for one of her children."

Katherine Jackson has been in Arizona for over a week and hasn't talked to her grandchildren during that entire time. Last night, Paris Tweeted, "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

Tuesday morning, Paris fired off another Tweet: On Tuesday, Paris posted on "Twitter: "9 days and counting... so help me god i will make whoever did this pay".

Jackson's children "will remain together, that is absolutely certain. The estate just wants to ensure that the children are safe, and away from all of this Jackson family insanity," the source said.

VIDEO im Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 19:57
Tito Jackson's Son, TJ, Seeking Temporary Custody Of Michael Jackson's Kids

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 01:13PM


Tito Jackson's son, 34-year-old, TJ, is seeking to become the temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's three children, and Tito now regrets signing a letter with his siblings asking for the executors of the estate to step down, is exclusively reporting.

As Radar was first to report -- and as was captured on surveillance video broadcast on Good Morning America Tuesday -- Paris Jackson's aunt, Janet tried to take her cell phone from her Monday, and the children watched in horror as Jermaine and Randy got into a physical altercation with Trent Jackson, who is Joe Jackson's nephew.

"Michael's kids all want TJ to become their temporary guardian," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "They trust and love him. Of course, they want Katherine to come home, but they don't have any control of that at this point and just want the drama to stop. TJ's father, Tito, is now having serious regrets about signing a letter with his siblings asking the executors of Michael's estate to resign. Tito now sees that his siblings are only after money and he wants no part of it."

Paris, Prince Michael and Blanket met with their court appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise on Monday evening after Jermaine, Randy and Janet attempted to remove the kids from their home and take them to Arizona.

"Margaret went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested," a source close to the situation previously told Radar. "This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe."

Katherine Jackson has been in Arizona for more than a week and hasn't talked to her grandchildren during that entire time. Last night, Paris Tweeted, "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

Tuesday morning, Paris fired off another Tweet: "9 days and counting... so help me god i will make whoever did this pay".

"Michael's children will remain together, that is absolutely certain. The estate just wants to ensure that the children are safe, and away from all of this Jackson family insanity," the source says.

The bid for the temporary guardianship will most likely be heard in family court in Los Angeles on Wednesday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 20:08
Janet Jackson loses it: Extraordinary moment singer fights with brother Jermaine and attempts to grab Paris' cell phone

* Cops called to family home following fight between Jackson family members
* Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson 'storm house in a bid to remove three children - but are evicted by security'
* Janet pictured rowing with brother Jermaine and attempting to take Paris' cell phone from the teen
* Feud erupted over Michael Jackson's disputed $500m will, which leaves everything to the children and nothing to his siblings
* Matriarch Katherine has not been in contact with grandchildren for nine days after her children took her to Arizona and cut off her phone access
* TJ Jackson drafts legal documents to apply for temporary guardianship of his cousins, with their support

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 14:12 GMT, 24 July 2012 | UPDATED: 17:57 GMT, 24 July 2012


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 20:25
interessanter Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 08.09.2011)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
I have question. How is the de-stressing of Katherine going? Wouldn't she come back to a whole a lot of stress and legal mess?
7:57 PM - 24 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@BLANAIDXLIVES @posmike see the left pic, I tried to highlight where to look for Tito's signature
7:33 PM - 24 Jul 12
na das hatten wir "bereits festgestellt"... auch Tito hat den Brief unterschrieben ... :D
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
I don't know what to think about TJ as his father Tito signed the letter. but in past I talked with Taj J. who was harmonious & level headed
7:20 PM - 24 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
I don't know what to think about TJ as his father Tito signed the letter. but in past I talked with Taj J. who was harmonious & level headed
7:20 PM - 24 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 20:33
LaToya hat heute absolut noch NICHTS gezwitschert ... nicht mal ihren täglichen
"guten Morgengruß" ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 20:40
zu diesem Bericht gab es Änderungen/Ergänzungen ... s. a. Eintrag von heute um 18:38h ... :)

Michael Jackson's Estate Executors Seek Control Over The Kids: We Need To Protect Them From Bullying & Greed

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 12:00AM



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 20:47
ein weiteres Video von von LunaJo67 ... Part 2 wird vermutlich in den nächsten Tagen folgen ... :)

More Media Coverage of the Jackson Family Fiasco, Part 1 of 2
Youtube: More Media Coverage of the Jackson Family Fiasco, Part 1 of 2
More Media Coverage of the Jackson Family Fiasco, Part 1 of 2
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Veröffentlicht am 24.07.2012 von LunaJo67

Media coverage from several different news shows July 23d 2012.

This video does not say anything about or reflect in any way the producers' opinions.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 21:08
TJ Jackson ‏@tjjackson

"Make your life an act of love"
"Mache Dein Leben, zu einem Akt der Liebe"

9:17 AM - 24 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 21:18
Randy And Jermaine Jackson Asked Michael Jackson Estate To Pay Their Child Support!

Randy und Jermaine Jackson haben den Michael Jackson Estate gebeten, deren Alimente zu zahlen!

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 02:15PM

Randy-Jermaine-Jackson-child-support-estOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

By Jon Boon - Radar Reporter

In a new twist, has exclusively learned that Randy and Jermaine asked Michael Jackson’s estate to pay for their child support!

The Jackson 5 singers approached the estate to help them with the fees for their former wife Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza – who Randy, 56, and Jermaine, 57, each have two kids with.

The pair made the desperate move in the last 12 months after they had grave concerns they could face jail.

“Both Randy and Jermaine were behind on their child support payments - the only way they felt they could pay it was through Michael’s estate,” an insider revealed.

“Jermaine’s kids Jaafar and Jermajesty and Randy’s sons Donte and Randy Jr. were moved into a condo in San Fernando Valley owned by the estate to help with the legal fees a few years back.

“But, despite that, Randy and Jermaine felt they needed extra help and they pleaded with the estate’s lawyer for help.

“They were concerned that they could face jail time or even more charges in fines for falling behind on child support.

“However, their request was shot down immediately as the estate has no legal obligations to Michael’s siblings,” the source said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 21:30
Gesprächsverlauf zwischen Paris und PrinceJSoldiers ... :)


@PrinceJSoldiers no , whoever told u that was lying /:
@ PrinceJSoldiers Nein, wer auch immer Dir das erzählt, der lügt /:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 21:39
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some
Here is the video of Janet, Randy and Paris at the Calabasas home, for those of u who haven't seen it. Youtube: Jackson Family Saga on GMA
Jackson Family Saga on GMA
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Retweetet von Ivy
8:29 PM - 24 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 21:45
Dürfen seine Kids zum Neffen?

Michael Jacksons Neffen TJ Jackson will die drei Kinder des verstorbenen Superstars zu sich holen.

24.07.2012 21:15

Rettung: TJ Jackson (34) will die Vormundschaft über Prince Michael, Paris und Blanket Jackson.

Die Kinder des verstorbenen Superstars Michael Jackson (†50, 'Heal The World') leben eigentlich bei Jacksons Mutter Katherine, die allerdings in den letzten Tagen durch ihr zunehmend seltsames Verhalten auffiel.

'TMZ' berichtete nun, dass die Jacko-Kids sich wünschen, bei TJ leben zu können, da sie das Gefühl haben, dass Katherine sich nicht ausreichend um sie kümmern kann. Die Webseite behauptete weiter, dass TJ, der Sohn von Jacksons Bruder Tito, wie ein Vater für die Kinder sei und sie wie seine eigene liebt.

Angeblich unterstützen viele in der Familie das Bestreben des Neffen. Er versprach Paris Berichten zufolge, seinen Kampf nicht aufgeben zu wollen: "Wir werden es weiter versuchen", soll er dem Mädchen getwittert haben.

Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob Michael Jacksons Kinder bei TJ Jackson leben dürfen.
