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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 21:52
Security Beefed Up For Michael Jackson's Kids

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 03:34PM

Jackson-kids-security-CalabasasOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Security measures have been stepped up for Michael Jackson’s kids, Paris, Prince and Blanket, is exclusively reporting.

Katherine Jackson’s nephew Trent has told security guards at the front gate of her Calabasas house not to allow Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson entry into the gated community, following Monday's failed attempt to remove the three kids from their home.

Trent has also made the move to make sure the kids will be flanked by more bodyguards whenever they leave the property.

“After yesterday’s debacle, Trent decided that Paris, Prince and Blanket needed extra protection from Jermaine, Randy and Janet,” an insider told Radar. “He doesn’t want Michael’s kids snatched from the home – so he’s told security at the front gate to refuse entry to all that aren’t invited.

“Trent also felt it was in the kids’ best interests to make sure they have extra bodyguards with them at all times whenever they are out of the house.

“He’s very concerned that an elaborate kidnap could be planned,” the close source revealed.

As previously reported, Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson were barred from their mother Katherine’s home after attempting to remove their brother Michael’s three children on Monday evening.

“It was just total chaos when Jermaine, Randy and Janet descended on the house,” a source close to the situation revealed.

“Randy was telling Prince Michael he had to leave with them and that he had a private jet chartered to take them all to Arizona to see Katherine. Prince firmly held his ground and told Randy he wasn't going anywhere with them. The security detail prevented the three of them from taking the kids out of state. The cops had to be called and Janet kept saying they had a legal right to be at the house when in fact they don't. The rental house is in the name of Michael Jackson's estate, so they were told to leave immediately. “For the time being, they won't be allowed to come back to the rental house and guards at the security gate have been told under no circumstances are they to allow them in. Paris was absolutely hysterical and kept telling her uncles to just bring her grandmother home.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 22:04
Die Kinder bei den Neffen leben wollen, ja alles klar :D.

3x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 22:14
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Die Kinder bei den Neffen leben wollen, ja alles klar :D .
da gab es auch schon vor Monaten, wenn nicht sogar vor 2 - 3 Jahren, Berichte drüber, dass man sich vorstellen könnte, dass, wenn Katherine mal etwas zu stoßen sollte, dann evtl. TJ die Vormundschaft für die Kinder erhalten könnte ... na man wird sehen, wie das Gericht entscheiden wird ...

TJ ist verheiratet und hat bereits eigene Kinder ...

TJ ist einer von MJ's Neffen, die auch als Erben nach MJ benannt sind, für den Fall, dass MJ KEINE eigenen Kinder gehabt hätte ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 22:30
von Ivy Retweetet ...

King MichaelJ ‏@KingMikeJ

Lol try again Janet.
Retweetet von Ivy
10:20 PM - 24 Jul 12


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24.07.2012 um 22:47
Everything You Need to Know About Paris Jackson: Michael Jackson's Daughter

By Heather Newgen
July 23, 2012 - 3:17 pm


It was a stressful few weekends for Paris Jackson. Her grandmother Katherine Jackson — the matriarch of the infamous Jackson family was reported missing by her nephew and when the 14-year-old heard the news, she frantically took to Twitter asking for anyone with information about the situation to contact her.

"Yes, my grandmother is missing. I haven't spoken with her in a week i want her home now, Paris Tweeted.

Reports have now confirmed that Mrs. Jackson has been found in Arizona with her daughter Rebbie and she’s fine.

This isn’t the first time the late King of Pop’s daughter has been public about her family drama. Just a few days ago, the teenager called her uncle Randy a liar because he along with other family members are trying to contest her father’s will.

Paris has been quite a fixture in the media lately so here are a few things to know about the late Michael Jackson’s daughter:

1. Paris was featured as one of the world's Most Beautiful, which featured eight celebrities without "a drop of makeup."
"My grandmother [Katherine Jackson] doesn't like it when I wear makeup. I can understand why — foundations aren't always good for your skin. When I spend the weekend at my friend's house, we usually have one night where we wash our faces and use those nose things for our pores. They're really cool!"

2. Paris does normal things like going to the movies.
The Daily Mail reports the 14-year-old was spotted in Calabasas with a mystery boy who looks a lot like Justin Bieber. While she didn’t Tweet anything about her friend/date, she did write this on Twitter about the film she saw: "Brave was such a good movie .. i didn't think it would be that awesome but i loved it!!!"

3. Paris supports gay marriage.
A frequent user of Twitter, Paris publically declared her feelings about gay marriage on the social media site. She Tweeted: “Gay marriage & straight marriage are the same as bikini tops & bras. same thing but only one is acceptable in public. #iSupportGayMarriage” She added: “If you guys want to go all religious on me and say that being gay is against God, just remember that Jesus said to love everyone equally k. Let’s trend #iSupportGayMarriage!”

4. Paris is super stylish.
She has her own chic fashion sense and recently debuted her new bangs and long hair while out with a friend.

6. Paris is going into showbiz despite harsh criticism from Janet Jackson.
The daughter of the late Michael Jackson took to Twitter about her uncle Randy and she didn’t have very nice things to say. BET reports the incident with the latest family drama started when Randy and his siblings wrote a letter to the executors of her father’s will John Branca and John McClain demainding their resignation. It was implied the stress caused Katherine Jackson to have a “mini-stroke,” and Paris was not happy. She Tweeted "@randyjackson8 hello dear FAMILY member i don't appreciate you telling everyone things that aren't true thank you very much."

6. Paris is going into showbiz despite harsh criticism from Janet Jackson.
Paris landed a role in the upcoming film Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys, and her aunt isn’t so thrilled about it. It’s been reported that Janet thinks Paris should stay out of the limelight until she’s 18 and focus on college.

7. Paris is loyal to her grandmother Katherine Jackson.
It’s clear how much Mrs. Jackson means to Paris and while rumors were swirling of her whereabouts this weekend, Paris was on Twitter defending her honor. “I will defend my beloved family member with all I have, even if it means from other family members. I don't care what people call me or if they think I'm a bad person, if it means sticking up for my grandmother I will do it."


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24.07.2012 um 22:53
weitere Tweets von King MichaelJ ‏@KingMikeJ, die Ivy Retweetet hat ...



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24.07.2012 um 23:08
Jackson-Drama nimmt kein Ende

Jackson-Kids wollen Kardashians Ersten als Vormund

Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012 | 22:42 Uhr | Maria


Nahezu stündlich sickern neue Details rund ums aktuelle Jackson-Familien-Drama an die Öffentlichkeit. Da der Vormund der drei Kinder von Michael Jackson (†50), seine Mutter Katherine (82), seit neun Tagen verschwunden ist, forderten bereits die Vermögensverwalter des King of Pop einen temporären Vormund für Paris (14), Prince (15) und Blanket Jackson (10). Die Kinder wissen bereits ganz genau, wer dieser Vormund sein soll.

Insider, die angeblich mit der familiären Lage der Jacksons vertraut sind, erzählten gegenüber, dass Paris, Prince und Blanket Michaels Neffen Tito Joe Jackson (33) als Vormund haben wollen. Angeblich glauben die drei, dass Katherine von Michaels Geschwistern gekidnappt wurde. TJs Anwälte sollen die hierfür notwendigen Unterlagen sogar schon vorbereiten. Erst vor 15 Stunden twitterte TJ Paris Folgendes: „Ich weiß, dass es total unfair ist, was sie dir und deinen Brüdern antun. Wir werden es auch weiterhin versuchen. Ich liebe dich.“ Auch die Vermögensverwalter von Michael Jackson wollen TJs temporäre Vormundschaft unterstützen. Paris, Blanket und Prince sollen in TJ ohnehin bereits jetzt einen väterlichen Freund sehen.

Tito ist übrigens nicht nur Michaels Neffe, sondern auch derjenige, mit dem Kim Kardashian (31) ihr erstes Mal erlebte. Erst vor Kurzem brachte eine ehemalige Nanny von Kim dieses pikante Detail an die Öffentlichkeit.


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24.07.2012 um 23:42

Jackson Family Compound

7/24/2012 2:22 PM PDT

0724 jackson x17 getty tmz article 2

It was all out war at Katherine Jackson's house in Calabasas Monday ... complete with slapping and punching ... TMZ has learned.

We now have details about the incident. Sources who were there say two SUVs with Randy, Jermaine and Janet inside, followed a car driving Michael Jackson's 3 kids inside the gates. We're told Randy, Jermaine and Janet did not have authority to enter.

Once on the grounds, we're told MJ's 3 siblings tried to strong-arm Paris, Prince and Blanket. Their mission was to get them in an SUV and take them to Arizona, where Katherine has been staying.

Our sources say at one point Janet tried to grab a resistant Paris' cell phone, a scuffle ensued and Janet slapped the teenager, screaming, "You're a spoiled little bitch!" We're told Paris fired back with her own slap and told Janet, "This is our house. Not the Jackson family house. Get the f**k out!"

At the same time, we're told Trent Jackson, who was at the house, tried to stop an aggressive Randy and Jermaine. We're told Trent put Randy in a headlock and punched Jermaine in the mouth.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 23:49
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
TMZ: Trent tried to stop an aggressive Randy and Jermaine. We're told Trent put Randy in a headlock and punched Jermaine in the mouth.
11:29 PM - 24 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
TMZ: Paris fired back with her own slap and told Janet, "This is our house. Not the Jackson family house. Get the f**k out!"
1:29 PM - 24 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
TMZ: Sources say Janet tried to grab a resistant Paris' cell phone,a scuffle ensued & Janet slapped Paris "You're a spoiled little bitch!"
11:28 PM - 24 Jul 12
PoliticsNation ‏@PoliticsNation
We've also got an exclusive interview with @JanetJackson and @randyjackson8
Retweetet von Ivy
11:12 PM - 24 Jul 12
Rebbie Jackson ‏@otsiningopark
Janet & Randy Jackson will allegedly be on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show "PoliticsNation" in less than an hour!
Retweetet von Ivy
11:08 PM - 24 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 00:02

Tito Jackson
I'm Backing Out
of My Siblings' Plot

7/24/2012 2:48 PM PDT


Tito Jackson is backing out of the plot to turn Katherine Jackson against the Michael Jackson Estate ... he tells TMZ he wants nothing to do with it.
Tito says, "I completely retract my signature from the July 17th letter sent to the Executors of my brother Michael's estate and repudiate all the claims made against them."

He adds, "I don't want any part of that letter whatsoever."

The letter Tito is referencing was signed by Jermaine, Janet, Rebbie and Randy ... and accused the executors of failing at their job and stressing out their mother, Katherine Jackson, so badly that she suffered a "mini-stroke."

We broke the story ... Tito's son, TJ, is preparing legal docs so he can ask a judge to become the temporary guardian of Michael's 3 kids.

We're also told Jackie is having second thoughts about the plot to overthrow the Estate.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 00:08
Katherine Jackson

Krach ums Erbe – Jacksons Mutter entführt?

25.07.2012 — 00:01 Uhr


Haben etwa ihre eigenen Kinder sie entführt?

Neun Tage lang galt Katherine Jackson (82) als vermisst. Gestern tauchte die Mutter von Michael Jackson († 50) wieder auf.

Jetzt erhebt der Anwalt von Mutter Jackson schwere Vorwürfe gegen ihre eigene Familie!


Hintergrund: Angeblich wollten die Geschwister Janet (46), Jermaine (57) und Randy Jackson (50) ihre Mutter so unter Druck setzen, damit diese die Nachlass-Verwaltung des „King of Pop“ an sie überträgt.

Denn es geht um Millionen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 07:40
#ProcrastinationAtItsFinest = #Procrastination At It's Finest = Es ist Verschleppung vom Feinsten





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25.07.2012 um 07:44
Randy Jackson
MJ Executors are

7/24/2012 4:18 PM PDT

VIDEO im Bericht

Randy Jackson just came out swinging against the people in charge of the Michael Jackson Estate -- claiming the executors are "criminals" who falsified documents for their own personal gain ... but it's looking like Randy's plot is quickly crashing and burning.

Jackson just spoke with Al Sharpton on MSNBC's "Politics Nation" ... and tried to explain why he and his siblings are trying to overthrow John Branca and John McClain.

"We feel there is criminal misconduct," Jackson said ... claiming the executors had a hand in faking MJ's will ... and Randy believes he can prove it because Michael was in NY on the day he supposedly signed the document in L.A.

Problem is ... Randy's argument has a GIANT flaw ... the "mistake" he's pointing to is based on a witness who merely forgot what city he was in at the time the will was signed.

There are witnesses who saw MJ sign the will ... and it has been validated by the court.

But even if Randy and his siblings were to get the will invalidated ... MJ's old will cuts them out of MJ's fortune too ... and it appoints Branca executor.

Multiple sources tell TMZ ... the situation is simply a money grab by MJ's siblings who know that once Katherine Jackson dies ... MJ's money goes in trusts for his kids. Randy and co. will never get a dime.

Randy kept saying they are a family. Paris begs to differ, because she just tweeted, "'Family' they said." Can you feel the sarcasm? And apparently Randy hasn't read our website ... that Tito has already jumped the "family" ship.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 08:08
und auch Marlon hat noch NICHT mit seiner Mutter sprechen können ...

Marlon Jackson
Breaks Down in Interview

7/24/2012 5:09 PM PDT

VIDEO im Bericht

Marlon Jackson just broke down in tears during an interview ... and walked off the set -- after explaining how his mother has been forcibly cut off from the rest of her family.

Marlon -- along with brothers Tito and Jackie -- were sitting for an interview with "The Insider" when Marlon choked up.

Marlon explained, "We've been told that our mother is safe. She's doing well. But we have not spoken to her. We have not talked to her and I don't know where my mother is."
Marlon erklärte: "Uns wurde gesagt, dass unsere Mutter an einem sicheren Ort ist. Es geht ihr gut. Aber wir haben nicht mit ihr gesprochen. Wir haben nicht mit ihr geredet und ich weiß nicht, wo meine Mutter ist."

At that point, Marlon grew incensed, saying, "All i know is she is in Arizona, and whatever doctor is saying I can't talk to my mother you call ME!" Marlon then stormed off.
In diesem Augenblick wurde Marlon aufgebracht und sagte: "Ich weiß nur, dass sie in Arizona ist und was auch immer der Arzt sagt, ich kann nicht mit meiner Mutter reden, sie rufen mich an!" dann stürmte Marlon davon.

Randy Jackson -- one of the siblings who helped whisk away Katherine to Arizona -- has said Katherine was under doctor's orders to escape the constant frenzy of the Jackson home, and relax.

Clearly, Marlon didn't get the memo.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 08:15
Jackson Siblings Lawyer Up & Prepare To Fight Executors Of Michael's Estate

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 09:30AM

Jackson siblings estate lawyer

By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Michael Jackson's siblings, Janet, Jermaine and Randy Jackson, have hired a lawyer to explore their legal options regarding fighting to overthrow the executors of their late brother's estate, is exclusively reporting.

Since Jackson's 2009 death -- when he was nearly $500 million dollars in debt -- the executors have earned a whopping $475 million, nearly getting the number out of the red. John Branca and John McClain negotiated a lucrative deal with Pepsi to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the late singer's Bad album, as well as striking a pact with Cirque du Soleil for a Jackson-themed tour.

"The Jackson siblings are discussing taking legal action against the executors of the estate and to become Katherine Jackson's conservator. Janet, Jermaine and Randy feel that they have been left out of all decision making when it comes to Michael, and they want to financially benefit from his estate as well. Janet is also discussing the possibility of petitioning to become Michael's kid's temporary guardian," a source close the situation tells Radar.

However, the Jackson siblings' attempt to have the executors tossed will go nowhere because the statute of limitations to contest the will has expired.

"Katherine actually dropped her contesting of the will at the behest of these same children who got her to fire Burt Levitch, a lawyer who was challenging the will and hire Adam Streisand, a lawyer who immediately withdrew the objections and let all time delays run. These are the very same kids, along with Janet, who signed a letter recently criticizing advisors and her current counsel, Perry Sanders, for NOT challenging the will. They themselves were responsible for dropping the prior challenge and letting crucial deadlines run long before Sanders was hired. Not only do they refuse to take responsibility for having the initial challenge dropped, they now want to rewrite history and act as if someone new is causing the problem. However, the children are in Katherine's ear 24/7, so it's possible that they could be successful in influencing her to do something," a source previously told Radar.

"Katherine's health is being described as frail by her children, even though she recently passed a physical examination by her doctor. She is being kept in the dark about all of this and has no idea that she is in imminent danger of losing custody of the kids," the insider says.

As was first to report -- and as was captured on surveillance video broadcast on Good Morning America Tuesday -- Janet physically tried to take Paris' cell phone from her and the children watched in horror as Jermaine and Randy got into a physical altercation with Trent Jackson, who is Joe Jackson's nephew.

Michael Jackson's children's court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, will be asking a judge to strip Katherine's guardianship of Paris, Prince and Blanket because she has been out of town for more than a week, because she believes the children aren't safe following a physical altercation with Janet, Jermaine and Randy. TJ, Tito Jackson's son, will be seeking temporary guardianship of the kids, something they all want and support.

Stay tuned to for developments on this story.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 08:23
Katherine Jackson Passed Medical Check-Up 'With Flying Colors' Last Month

Katherine Jackson bestand letzter Monat Medical Check-Up "mit Bravour"

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 05:00PM

Katherine-Jackson-WENNOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

By Jon Boon - Radar Reporter

Katherine Jackson passed a medical test with “flying colors” just last month, is exclusively reporting.

The 82-year-old mother of the Jackson clan was given a clean bill of health after a physical and psychological evaluation with her personal doctor – despite claims from her family that she needs bed rest.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with Katherine – she’s fit as a fiddle,” a source revealed to

“Only last month, she saw her personal physician who performed a complete medical evaluation on her because of her age.

“The results were outstanding – she passed all tests with flying colors and was told she was very healthy.

“Despite her ageing years, she’s still very fit and certainly able-minded. She is definitely still capable of caring for Paris, Prince and Blanket.”

As previously reported, Jermaine Jackson released a statement that his mother was ordered to “de-stress” in Arizona and not answer the phone or check the computer.

It read: "Let me put to bed today’s nonsense: as I made clear some days ago, Mother is safe and well in Arizona with her daughter and our sister, Rebbie, resting up on doctor’s advice, so it is beyond me how she can be reported 'missing.'

"This incredulous claim was made for reasons best known to the adults who filed it but it seems no accident that it comes after we, the sons and daughters, put in place care-taking for our own mother, taking her to Arizona in line with doctor’s advice following a check-up.

"Furthermore, it dismays me that such an alarmist 'missing person' report has caused unnecessary anxiety among Michael’s children who will understandably react to what they misunderstand, hear or are told.

"No one is being 'blocked' from speaking with Mother. She is merely an 82-year-old woman following doctor’s orders to rest-up and de-stress, away from phones and computers. Everyone has been well aware of this within the family, but I would like to reiterate my reassurance to the outside world that Mother is fine. In the meantime, thank you for all your thoughts and concerns."

Katharine has been raising Michael's three kids following the singer's June 25, 2009 death. Granddaughter Paris has tweeted: "yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week i want her home now." (Archiv-Version vom 27.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 08:32
Randy Jackson Says "This Is Not About Money"

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 09:00PM

Randy-Jackson-interview-Al-SharptonOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
VIDEO im Bericht

By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Entertainment Editor

Michael Jackson's brother Randy Jackson spoke out for the first time on Tuesday about the drama surrounding the family, insisting to MSNBC's Rev. Al Sharpton on PoliticsNation that their "ugly" fight "isn't about money."

As exclusively reported, the Jacko family is at war with each other over Michael's estate and in the middle of the battle are family matriarch Katherine Jackson and Michael's children Prince, Paris and Blanket.

Randy told Rev. Sharpton exactly why he is fighting.

"Let me just say this. This is not about money for us. This is about a family that has questions that has lost a family member and we feel the evidence is right there that my brother was not in Los Angeles on the date they swore that he was. He was in New York so therefore the will is fake, and they cannot answer the questions and they are trying to turn family members against family members."

As previously reported, the children's court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, will be asking a judge to strip Katherine Jackson of guardianship of Paris, Prince and Blanket because she has been out of town for more than a week, and she believes the children aren't safe following a physical altercation with Janet, Jermaine and Randy Jackson.

"My mom is doing great," Randy said. "She's relaxing, having fun with my sister Rebbie and her granddaughter. Her health was ailing and doctors ordered that she get immediate rest, isolate herself from outside world."

Randy insisted that when he and Janet went to the Calabasas home on Monday and got into an altercation with Paris and Prince Jackson that they were only trying to tell the children that they could speak with their grandmother.

"We are a family first. I want you to know that. Yesterday we did go to the home to let Paris and Prince know that they can visit with or talk to their grandma at any time. We felt someone was trying to twist the story that we were denying them access to their grandma.

"When we got to the home we were denied access by security."

Randy claimed: "This is all an effort to try and direct attention away from the letter that was written asking for the resignation of the executors of Michael Jackson's estate.

"We feel there is criminal misconduct on their part and our brother Michael was not where they said he was when he signed the will."

Rev. Sharpton played a video of Michael Jackson who was with him on July 7, 2002 in Harlem, the date Randy claims the will is signed and apparently forged.

"It proves that the will is fake and he cannot be in two places at once," Randy said about the video.

"The executors of the estate are using the children to try and put pressure on my mom. This family is united to right a wrong.

"We want questions that need to be answered to be answered."

Randy stated that he did not harbor any ill will towards his family members.

PHOTOS: Paris Jackson -- Softball Slugger In L.A.

"I still love my cousins; this is an unfortunate ugly situation."

Stay with for continuing coverage of the Jackson family saga.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 08:36
Nightline from ABC News : Michael Jackson Family Feud: Kids Caught in Middle
Youtube: Michael Jackson Family Feud: Kids Caught in Middle
Michael Jackson Family Feud: Kids Caught in Middle
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Veröffentlicht am 24.07.2012 von ABCNews

Katherine Jackson's attorney says they still don't know where she is or why she can't speak to them.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 08:46
LunaJo67 hat den 2. Teil, des Videos More Media Coverage of the Jackson Family Fiasco eingestellt

More Media Coverage of the Jackson Family Fiasco, Part 2 of 2
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb: Veröffentlicht am 24.07.2012 von LunaJo67

Media coverage from several different news shows July 23d 2012.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.07.2012 um 08:48
PREVIEW! Marlon Jackson breaks down, angry because he doesn't know where his mother is!
Youtube: PREVIEW! Marlon Jackson breaks down, angry because he doesn't know where his mother is!
PREVIEW! Marlon Jackson breaks down, angry because he doesn't know where his mother is!
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Veröffentlicht am 24.07.2012 von LunaJo67

The whole interview with Marlon will be on YT SOON!! Stay tuned at my channel!
