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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 10:16
Polizei musste einschreiten

Jackson-Familie: Prügel & versuchter Kindesentzug

Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012 | 09:43 Uhr | Dagmar


Schiefer als bei den Jacksons kann ein Haussegen wohl kaum hängen. Seit dem Tod von Michael Jackson (†50) wird immer wieder von Streitigkeiten innerhalb des Clan berichtet. Während Paris Jackson (14) ihrem Ärger neuerdings via Twitter Luft macht und Michaels Mutter Katherine (82) kurzzeitig fälschlicherweise vermisst wurde, überschlagen sich die Ereignisse weiterhin.

Jetzt musste sogar die Polizei im Haus von Katherine anrücken, weil es dort zu einem Eklat kam, wie die Beamten in Los Angeles gegenüber der amerikanischen Presse bestätigten. Die Polizei erklärte: „Die Beamten von Lost Hill schritten bei einer familiären Auseinandersetzung im Haus von Katherine Jackson in Calabasas ein. Die Polizisten fanden heraus, dass es körperliche Angriffe gab, eine Prügelei, in die mehrere Mitglieder der Jackson-Familie involviert waren.“ Die Geschehnisse auf dem Anwesen von Michaels Mutter sind sehr verworren. Wie Celebuzz berichtet, sollen Janet (46), Jermaine (57) und Randy Jackson (56) mit einer Art Kamerateam im Schlepptau im Haus aufgetaucht sein, um die Kinder Prince Michael (15), Paris (14) und Prince Michael II (10) aus der Obhut der Großmutter zu entreißen und mitzunehmen.

Das Sicherheitspersonal von Katherine hätte sich dagegen allerdings zur Wehr gesetzt, weshalb es zu Handgreiflichkeiten kam.
Wüsste der King of Pop von all dem, würde er sich sicherlich im Grab umdrehen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 10:37
aus dem Beitrag von @Benny007 heute um 05:02h
- Randy, Jermaine und Janet (die bis vor kurzem doch noch in Italien sein sollte) beteiligt gewesen sein sollen.... ?????.....
nach diesem Bericht ja ... :)

07:28 UHR | 23.07.2012 | mw
Janet JacksonLiebes-Urlaub mit ihrem Traummann

Traumurlaub mit Traummann! Gemeinsam mit ihrem Freund Wissam Al Mana genießt Pop-Star Janet Jackson gerade einen luxuriösen Liebesurlaub vor der Küste Sardiniens.

Total verliebt! Popstar Janet Jackson und ihr Freund Wissam Al Mana genießen die Sonne Sardiens. Vor dem Promi-Hotspot Porto Cervo schippern sie auf einer Luxus-Yacht durchs Mittelmeer.

Die Stars genießen derzeit ihren Sommerurlaub. Elle Macpherson (46) schippert vor der spanischen Küste, Boris Becker (44) relaxt auf Ibiza und auch vor Sardinien residiert derzeit echte Hollywood-Prominenz. Janet Jackson (46) und ihr Freund Wissam Al Mana (36) haben ihr edles Luxus-Boot vor der Küste geparkt.

Neueste Bilder zeigen die Schwester von Pop-Ikone Michael Jackson (†50) in Ferienstimmung. Im legeren Maxi-Dress entspannt sie an der Seite ihres heißen Lovers auf dem Deck der Millionen-Yacht. Und trotz weitem Sommerkleid erkennen wir: Die für ihr Jojo-Gewicht bekannte Jackson hat ihre sexy Kurven (noch) nicht wieder verloren.

Der Kampf um ihr Idealgewicht ist für Jackson allgegenwärtig. „Wenn ich gestresst bin, dann esse ich“, gestand sie dem Magazin „US Weekly“. Das hat für die Sängerin, die für ihre engen Bühnen-Outfits bekannt ist, harte Folgen. Im Gegensatz zu ihrer Karriere, die seit Jahrzehnten großartig verläuft, ging es mit Jacksons Gewicht immer wieder auf und ab.

Doch nach einer harten Diät zeigte sie im Mai allen den Erfolg. Sie habe eingesehen, dass sie nicht mehr die Figur wie vor zwanzig Jahren habe, sagte sie gegenüber „US Weekly“ damals. Doch das belaste sie nun nicht mehr.

Auch auf dem Boot genießt Jackson das Urlaubsleben in vollen Zügen. Sommer, Sonne und ein kühler Drink gehören ebenso dazu wie der Blick auf den durchtrainierten Body ihres Geliebten.

Seit drei Jahren sind der milliardenschwere Geschäftsmann und Jackson ein Paar und genauso lange schweigen die beiden auch zu ihrer Beziehung. Ab und an sieht man Wissam und Janet zwar gemeinsam, doch Bilder in so privater Atmosphäre sind eher selten. So relaxt wie wir die Jackson-Schwester jetzt auf diesen Bilder sehen, scheint sie das richtige Rezept für ein erfülltes Leben gefunden zu haben. Und eine der größten Zutaten ist vermutlich die Liebe zu ihrem Traummann.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 11:10
x17trent23072012AOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

upps, ich sehe gerade, dieser Bericht wurde ja bereits heute um 06:40h eingestellt ... :) man verliert schon fast den Überblick ... n laughter

Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:mit denen "die gegenseite" (wieder) ins schlechte licht gerückt werden soll:
na, nun scheint doch alles klar zu sein, Trent Jackson, ein Cousin der Geschwister von MJ, soll derjenige sein, der Paris Tweets bei Twitter manipuliert hatte ... :) an dem kamen wohl Randy & Co. einfach nicht "vorbei" smilie denk 33


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 11:42



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 12:25
da schien die Welt wohl noch in Ordnung zu sein ... :)

2012 BET Awards - BET Music Matters Showcase
In This Photo: Katherine Jackson, La Toya Jackson, Stephen Hill, Rebbie Jackson, Kelly Griffin
(L-R) Kelly Griffin, LaToya Jackson, Stephen Hill, Katherine Jackson and Rebbie Jackson pose at the 2012 BET Music Matters Showcase held at the Creative Artists Agency on July 2, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. (Archiv-Version vom 27.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 12:33
Nach heftigem Streit

Polizeieinsatz im Haus von Jacksons Mutter Katherine

24.07.2012 — 12:20 Uhr

Was ist bloß mit diesen Jacksons los?

Jetzt wurde sogar die Polizei von Los Angeles zum Haus von Katherine Jackson (82), der Mutter des „King of Pop“ Michael Jackson († 50), gerufen.

Grund: Angeblich kam es zwischen den Geschwistern Janet (46) und Jermaine (57) Jackson zu einem heftigen Streit um die Kinder ihres toten Bruders Michael. Bei dem Versuch Jackos Kids aus dem Haus zu holen, soll es sogar zu körperlichen Auseinandersetzungen gekommen sein.

Polizeisprecher Steve Whitmore erklärte, es gab einen Zwischenfall und die Beamten seien am Montag Mittag zum Haus von Katherine Jackson gerufen worden.

Scheint so, als hängt der Haussegen bei den Jacksons zur Zeit mächtig schief!

Die Ereignisse der letzten Wochen sind mehr als merkwürdig: Zuerst galt Großmutter Katherine als vermisst, dabei besuchte sie lediglich ihre älteste Tochter Rebbie (62). So kam es, dass ein aufgelöster Neffe ihre Anzeige bei der Polizei aufgab, während Omi im Kreise ihrer Verwandtschaft in Arizona fröhlich Karten spielte.

Vermutlich war Katherine nach Arizona geflohen, damit sie dem Familienstreit um Michaels Erbe für eine Weile entkommen kann – der „King of Pop“ hatte in seinem Testament seine Mutter als Nachlassverwalterin für seine Kinder bestimmt – außerdem ist Katherine der Vormund für Paris (14), Prince Michael (15) und Blanket (10).

In einem Brief, der vor Kurzem an die Öffentlichkeit gelangte, forderten Michaels Geschwister Randy (50), Jermaine (57), Janet (46), Tito (58) und Rebbie (61) die Aufgabe der Nachlassverwaltung. Die Geschwister behaupten, dass die Verantwortung für das Jacko-Erbe zu viel Stress für ihre 82-jährigen Mutter sei, und dass sie deshalb bereits einen „Mini-Schlaganfall“ erlitten habe. Die wütende Paris Jackson hatte sich daraufhin mit dem Jackson-Clan angelegt und via „Twitter“ der ganzen Welt mitgeteilt, dass das absoluter Quatsch sei – ihrer Oma gehe es gut.

Diese Jacksons! Seit dem Tod des „King of Pop“ ist leider noch immer keine Ruhe eingekehrt...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 12:42

Sogar die Polizei muss anrücken
Jackson-Clan: Der Streit ums Erbe eskaliert

Es kehrt einfach keine Ruhe ein im Hause Jackson. Zuerst verschwand Familienoberhaupt Katherine Jackson und nun haben sich Janet und Jermaine Jackson in den Haaren. Der Grund: Es geht um das Erbe des verstorbenen King of Pop.

Gestern musste sogar die Polizei eingreifen. Ein Familienmitglied hatte sie alarmiert und auf das Familienanwesen nach Calabasas, Kalifornien bestellt. Nur kurze Zeit später wurden Janet und ihre Bruder Jermaine bei einer lautstarken Auseinandersetztung vo n r dem Haus beobachtet.
(Anm. "von" in "vor" geändert)

Grund für die Familienfehde ist mal wieder das liebe Geld - genauer gesagt das Erbe von Michael Jackson. Derzeit kümmert sich ein Erbverwalter darum das Geld in Treuhandfonds für die Kinder Paris, Prince und Blankett umzuwandeln. Katherine Jackson hat als Beziehungsberechtigte ein Auge darauf.

Michaels Geschwister dagegen gehen leer aus und die sollen, bis auf Schwester Janet, alle chronisch knapp bei Kasse sein.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 12:52
Cops probe Jacko family ‘assault’

Tue, 24 Jul 2012
Published: 50 minutes ago

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POLICE are probing a family disturbance and possible assault at the home of Michael Jackson's mother.

Cops were called to where Katherine Jackson's lives with the King of Pop's three children - and determined there had been a physical altercation.

But they did not say whether the incident in Calabasas, California had anything to do with Jackson's children - Prince Michael, 15, Paris, 14, and ten-year-old Prince Michael 2.

It comes after Jackson’s mother was reported missing to police on Saturday as a family feud escalated over his multi-billion dollar will.

Katherine, 82, had not been seen by her grandchildren for more than a week.

She has been the guardian of Jacko’s kids since the Thriller star, 50, died of a drugs overdose in 2009.

Katherine’s nephew Trent filed a missing person report with the LA County Sheriff’s Office. Her lawyer Sandra Ribera said her client never goes 24 hours without speaking to the children, with whom she lives in Calabasas, LA.

“I’m concerned that she’s not safe,” said Ribera.

But last night son Jermaine, 57, tweeted that Katherine was “fine” and resting in Arizona with daughter Rebbie, 62, “on the orders of a doctor.”

The mystery comes days after five of her kids — Rebbie, Janet, Jermaine, Tito and Randy — wrote to executors of Jacko’s estate, claiming the signature of his will is “fake, flawed and fraudulent”, and calling on them to step down.

They say the superstar’s lawyers lied to get Katherine to increase their share of the income from his estate.

They also claim the stress caused Katherine to suffer a mini-stroke. (Archiv-Version vom 24.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 13:08

L.A. County Sheriffs
We Feel Used
By Jackson Family

7/24/2012 12:50 AM PDT


The L.A. County Sheriff's Department feels "used and manipulated" by Michael Jackson's family members who reported Katherine Jackson missing ... this according to Sheriff's Dept. sources.

Members of the Dept. familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... they believe MJ's family members knew Katherine was not in danger but used the Sheriff's Dept. as a "pawn in the middle of a family game."

Sheriff's sources grouse that their budget has been severely cut which makes bogus claims sting even more than usual. They believe the end game here is money.

As you know ... MJ's brothers and sisters want Michael's will invalidated so they can get a piece of the pie. But there's a BIG problem. If the will is invalidated, the prior will gets resurrected, and under that document Michael's siblings are completely cut out.

Sheriff's spokesperson Steve Whitmore tells TMZ, "We don't feel manipulated. We respond professionally to all such reports."

BTW ... no matter what the family's motives, the Sheriff's Dept. will continue to investigate the claims.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 13:31
Michael Jackson's Ex-Wife Debbie Rowe 'Extremely Concerned' About His Mom Katherine

Posted on Jul 23, 2012 @ 05:00AM

michaeljackson row

UPDATE: Detectives with the LAPD Monday said they have had contact with Katherine Jackson and she is on a planned vacation in Arizona.

Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, the mother of his children Prince and Paris, is extremely concerned for Katherine Jackson, and she’s vigorously monitoring the situation, is exclusively reporting.

"Debbie is actively monitoring the situation and is extremely concerned for Katherine. She has tremendous respect and love for Katherine and is also concerned for the children and is angry that Paris has been unable to talk to Katherine for the past week," a source close to the situation tells Radar.

As we previously reported, Katherine Jackson, 82, was reported missing to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department after her grandchildren, Paris, Prince, and Blanket were unable to reach her all week.

"While Debbie hasn't been a strong presence in the children's lives, she loves them tremendously and is concerned for their well being," the insider says. "Debbie and Katherine were able to reach an out of court custody agreement in the months after Michael died. Debbie had no interest in fighting Katherine for custody of the children. However, if Katherine has suffered a health setback, this could very easily end up back in court because Debbie has very strong feelings about Michael's siblings having any role in caring for the children."

Meanwhile, Randy, Jermaine, Tito, Rebie and Janet Jackson all are demanding that the late singer's Estate executors John Branca and John McClain resign. They wrote a letter claiming Katherine was "so stressed" by the handling of the Estate she suffered a stroke, something Paris and Katherine's reps deny.

A desperate Paris Jackson repeatedly took to Twitter Sunday morning. Michael Jackson's 14-year-old daughter begged for news on the whereabouts of her grandmother.

"Yes, my grandmother is missing I haven't spoken with her in a week I want her home now," Michael's only daughter wrote in the pre-dawn hours Sunday.

Michael's mother gets $70,000 a month from her late son's estate for living expenses. The sole beneficiaries of Michael's estate are his three children and his mother.

Calls seeking comment to Rowe's attorney weren't immediately returned.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 13:44
das nächste Konzert findet am

in "The Mountain Winery" in Saratoga, CA/Californien, statt ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 15:59
Michael Jackson's Kids Met With Attorney After Attempt To Take Them From Their Home

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 07:00AM


Michael Jackson's children, Prince, Paris and Blanket, met with their court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, on Monday evening after Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson attempted to take the kids to Arizona, and Lodise could be going to court on Tuesday to address concerns she has about the kids' well being and safety, is exclusively reporting.

The King of Pop's children were given their own attorney to represent their best interests after their father tragically died three years ago, and Margaret Lodise was appointed to be their guardian ad litem.

"Margaret went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week, and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe.

"It's certainly extremely concerning to Margaret Lodise that Katherine has been out of town for over a week and that the children haven't spoken to her in that time. Katherine needs to get home quickly because there could be far reaching consequences as far as custody of the kids goes as it pertains to Katherine. It's very likely that Lodise will be going to court as early as Tuesday to express her concerns to the judge, as she has a legal obligation to do so.

"Paris got into a scuffle with her aunt Janet upon entering the house because she told Paris she had to stop posting family information on Twitter. Janet physically tried to take Paris' cell phone from her, but she wouldn't give it up. It was just a very, very unfortunate situation that didn't need to occur. If Katherine isn't physically capable of taking care of the kids anymore, then the Courts are going to get involved, and very quickly. The kids can't be caught in the middle of the ongoing drama of the Jackson family, period."

Meanwhile, as previously reported, Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson have been barred from their mother Katherine's Calabasas home after attempting to remove the kids from the house on Monday. The situation adds to the ongoing drama with the Jackson family, as Katherine has been in Arizona for more than a week and hasn't spoken to her grandchildren, of whom she is the legal guardian. "It was just total chaos when Jermaine, Randy and Janet descended on the house," the source revealed.

"The plan to take the kids out of the house was going to be a publicity stunt. The kids were going to be paraded into the house in Arizona where Katherine is staying and those photos would be published on a website favored by Randy Jackson."

Paris posted on her Twitter: "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn’t like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

Reports circulated on Monday night that Trent Jackson was manipulating Paris to post negative things about the family.

"That is absolutely laughable," the source says. "Prince, Paris and Blanket could all be hauled into court to tell the judge what is going on and Paris would reveal that no one forced her to do anything as far as her Twitter is concerned. In fact, the last thing the Jackson family would want is for those kids to testify under oath about what is really going on in the family. The kids are ready to go to court, as they feel the only thing that can bring their grandmother home," the source says.

Stay tuned to for developments on this story.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 16:13
Radaronline war die Quelle für diesen Bericht ... :)

Prince, Paris & Blanket Call In Their Attorney! (DETAILS)

Posted 53 min 30 sec ago by SusannaOsborne for Global Grind Staff

prince-paris-blanket-jackson-getty 0

The Jackson family drama has still not died down since rumors of Katherine Jackson's disappearance were reported this weekend.

Though Jermaine Jackson released a statement assuring the public that "Mother" is fine and just on bed rest in Arizona under her doctor's strict orders, the possibility of her not being well enough to continue taking care of Michael Jackson's three kids, bring many monetary and familial implications.

RadarOnline is reporting that Paris, Blanket and Prince met with their attorney, Margaret Lodise, on Monday evening after Paris got into a scuffle with Janet concerning her posting Katherine's supposed disappearance via Twitter.

DETAILS: Katherine Jackson Reported Missing! Paris Jackson Pleas For Return!
( )

This meeting also occurred after Janet, Jermaine and Randy attempted to whisk the kids away to Arizona.

A source told Radar:

"Margaret went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested. This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week, and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe."

As also reported by the site, Margaret is the kids' guardian ad litem.

DETAILS: Michael Jackson's Ex-Wife Says She'll Come For The Kids If...
( )

The source went on to say:

"It's certainly extremely concerning to Margaret Lodise that Katherine has been out of town for over a week and that the children haven't spoken to her in that time. Katherine needs to get home quickly because there could be far reaching consequences as far as custody of the kids goes as it pertains to Katherine. It's very likely that Lodise will be going to court as early as Tuesday to express her concerns to the judge, as she has a legal obligation to do so."

Allegedly, Janet, Randy and Jermaine have been barred from Katherine's Calabasas, CA home where the children reside.

Though the rumors are strange, it ultimately sounds as though Katherine Jackson's health is being put to the test. We pray that she gets better and is able to return to her grandchildren!

SOURCE: RadarOnline


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 16:23

Katherine Jackson's Attorney
MJ's Kids Were

7/24/2012 6:25 AM PDT


Katherine Jackson's legal team claims Michael Jackson's siblings have concocted a diabolical plot to remove Katherine from her home and her "beloved grandchildren" ... and part of the plan involved ambushing MJ's children.

Katherine's attorney released a statement saying, "Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson’s home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson’s children."

"After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael’s children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. Out of concern for the well being of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson, the children were forced to temporarily leave their home and taken to a safe location. An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene."

The statement continues, "Following the incident, it was learned that one of the family members who was part of the ambush admitted that a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren."

"Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson have not heard from their grandmother since she left their home nine days ago to attend a series of her sons’ concerts on their Unity Tour. She never made the shows. Despite efforts to interview Katherine Jackson at her current location in Arizona yesterday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs confirmed that they were denied access to Mrs. Jackson by security for one of her children. “

The Michael Jackson Estate has also released a statement saying, "We are acutely concerned about the welfare of Mrs. Jackson, and most particularly with Michael's minor children."

The statement continues, "We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances. While we do not have standing to directly intervene, we have monitored the situation and will continue to do so. We believe measures are being put in place that will help protect them from what they are having to deal with."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 16:32
Die Nachlassverwalter vom Michael Jackson Estate werden vor Gericht gehen, um eine "Notfall Vormundschaft" von Michaels drei Kindern anzustreben ... aus dem Bericht: "dem zufolge wurde Katherine effektiv durch Michaels Geschwister entführt und daraus ergibt sich, dass seine Kinder in Gefahr und ohne Aufsicht sind."

Die Nachlassverwalter sind dabei, die Vormundschaftspapiere zu erstellen und es wird erwartet, dass diese in den nächsten Tagen beim Nachlassgericht eingereicht werden ...

Michael Jackson Estate
Executors Seek Guardianship of MJ's Kids

7/24/2012 6:45 AM PDT


The executors of Michael Jackson's estate will go to court to seek an emergency guardianship of Michael's 3 kids ... alleging that Katherine has been effectively kidnapped by Michael's siblings and as a result his kids are in danger and without supervision.

Sources very familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the executors feel responsible for protecting the kids ... since the kids are the primary beneficiaries of their father's estate.

As we previously reported, Katherine went off the radar more than a week ago leaving her grandkids behind as Janet, Jermaine, Randy, Rebbie and Tito executed a long-standing plan to convince Katherine that Michael's will was a fraud and the executors had to go.

Sources tell us ... this plan has been in the works for months, but here's the problem ... Even if the will was invalidated, MJ's brothers and sisters would get zilch because the prior will also gives them nothing.

And, although we're told Randy wants to make a move to replace the executors, that would never happen. First of all, the executors will not be removed. And second, even if they were removed, the court would never appoint someone with no background in finances.

We're told the executors are drafting the guardianship papers now and they expect to file in the probate court in the next few days.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 16:50
Paris hat gerade zwei Tweets gepostet ...


9 days and counting… so help me god i will make whoever did this pay
9 Tage zurückgerechnet ... deshalb hilf mir Gott, ich werde alles tun, ganz gleich wer dies bezahlen wird ...

9 days and counting ...
9 Tage zurückgerechnet ...

ein paar Antworten zum ersten Tweet ...



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 17:12
Schräg! Die Chronologie des Familienstreits

Autor: Nadine Bauer
24.07.2012 11:51

In der Familie des King of Pop geht es derzeit drunter und drüber: Paris schimpft ihren Onkel Randy einen Lügner und Grossmutter Katherine sorgt mit ihrem Verschwinden für Wirbel. Nun ist die 82-jährige Matriarchin plötzlich wieder aufgetaucht und keiner weiss so genau, was es mit all dem Blödsinn eigentlich auf sich hat. Oder doch?

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Randy Jackson erzürnt seine Nichte Paris nach einem Statement zum Gesundheitszustand ihrer Grossmutter Katherine. Sie halte sich nach einem Schlaganfall in Arizona zur Kur auf, teilt er der Öffentlichkeit mit.

Nach dem Tod von Michael Jackson wünscht sich Tochter Paris, 14, eigentlich nur eines: eine intakte Familie. Doch genau das Gegenteil ist im Hause Jackson der Fall. Es wird gezankt, dass sich die Balken biegen.

Initialzündung für den Familienkrach ist Randy Jackson. Der 56-Jährige beschuldigt in einem Brief die Nachlassverwalter schlecht zu arbeiten und forderte daraufhin die Entlassung von John Branca und John McClain. Ausserdem soll der ganze Stress um die Familienfinanzen bei Mutter Katherine einen Schlaganfall ausgelöst haben, beklagt Randy Jackson gemäss der Website

Via Twitter behauptet Paris, dass die Aussagen um den Gesundheitszustand ihrer Grossmutter erstunken und erlogen sei: «Ich möchte darüber aufklären, dass alles, was über meine Grossmutter geschrieben wurde, nicht geschehen ist, es geht ihr gut.» Weiter richtet sie das Wort an ihren Onkel. «Hallo liebes FAMILIENmitglied! Ich schätze es ganz und gar nicht, dass du Dinge über die Familie erzählst, die nicht stimmen. Dankeschön.» Offenbar, so den Medienspekulationen zufolge, habe Paris Angst, in einen Sorgerechtsstreit zu geraten, sollte es ihrer Grossmutter gesundheitlich schlechter gehen. Doch ausser einem kurzen Tweet, dass sein Brief der Wahrheit entspreche, äussert sich Paris' Onkel Randy nicht zu der Angelegenheit.

Am vergangenen Samstag meldet Trent Jackson seine Tante Katherine der Polizei als vermisst. Sie soll seit Tagen für ihre Enkelkinder telefonisch nicht zu erreichen sein. Einen Tag später sendet Paris einen Hilferuf über Twitter aus. Die 14-Jährige bestätigt: «Ja, meine Grossmutter wird vermisst. Ich habe seit einer Woche nicht mehr mit ihr gesprochen und will sie jetzt bei mir haben.» Darüber hinaus postet sie einen Aufruf an ihrer Follower, sich zu melden, sollte jemand ihre Oma gesehen haben. Ausserdem schreibt sie zynisch, dass der gleiche Arzt, der stellvertretend für Dr. Murray, den verurteilten Leibarzt ihres Vaters, ausgesagt hatte, sich nun um das Wohl ihrer Grossmutter kümmert. Dies «nur zur Information».

Umgehend schaltet sich Jackos Bruder Jermaine, 57, ein, ebenfalls über Twitter. Es sei alles ausgemachter Blödsinn. Seiner Mutter gehe es gut und sie erhole sich auf Anordnung ihres Arztes nach einem Schwächeanfall in Arizona. Doch die Pressemitteilung, die zusätzlich von Jermaine und Randy Jackson verfasst wird, beruhigt noch nicht die Gemüter. Denn zu diesem Zeitpunkt hat die Polizei noch immer keine persönliche Rückmeldung der Vermissten erhalten.

Am Montag wird Oma Jackson von der Polizei endlich ausfindig gemacht, offenbar war sie nie verschwunden. Wie das Los Angeles Sheriff's Department gegenüber «E! News» bestätigt, soll sich die betagte Frau sicher im Kreis ihrer Familie aufhalten. Urplötzlich kann sich niemand mehr erklären, wie es überhaupt zu der Vermisstenanzeige gekommen ist. Noch einmal wird das Medium Twitter zum Sprachrohr der Familie: Jermaine will der Diskussion um das Verschwinden seiner Mutter ein für alle Mal ein Ende setzen. «Wie ich vor ein paar Tagen klargestellt habe, ist Mutter sicher und wohlauf in Arizona mit ihrer Tochter und unserer Schwester Rebbie und erholt sich auf ärztliche Anweisung, deshalb ist es mir unbegreiflich, wie sie als vermisst gemeldet werden kann», heisst es in seinem Tweet.

Doch «niemand wird davon abgehalten, mit Mutter zu reden», betont Jermaine und rechtfertigt die vergeblich getätigten und abgewiesenen Anrufe ihrer Enkelkinder mit der strikten Ruheverordnung ihres Arztes.

Wer aber glaubt, dass die Wogen des Familienirrsinns damit geglättet seien, irrt gewaltig. Auf dem Anwesen von Katherine Jackson muss nur ein Tag nach ihrer Rückkehr die Polizei einrücken. In dem Zuhause von Michael Jacksons Kinder Paris, dem 15-jährigen Prince sowie dem 10-jährigen Blanket soll es zu Handgreiflichkeiten zwischen zwei Personen gekommen sein. Wer daran beteiligt war, will die Polizei bis dato nicht bekannt geben. Für das Theater rund um den Jackson-Clan scheinen sogar die Ordnungshüter die Nerven zu verlieren. Zu sollen Mitglieder des Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department gesagt haben, dass sie sich von der Familie «ausgenutzt und manipuliert» fühlen.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 17:21
Katherine Jackson's Lawyers: 'Michael's Kids Were Ambushed!'

Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 10:15AM


The other sequined glove just fell in the Jackson family drama.

Attorneys for Katherine Jackson on Tuesday released a statement accusing Janet, Jermaine, and Randy Jackson of "ambushing" Michael Jackson's three children, Paris, Prince, and Blanket on Monday.

The statement reads: "Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson's home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson's children. After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael's children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. Out of concern for the wellbeing [sic] of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson, the children were forced to temporarily leave their home and taken to a safe location. An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene.

"Following the incident, it was learned that one of the family members who was part of the ambush admitted that a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren. Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson have not heard from their grandmother since she left their home nine days ago to attend a series of her sons' concerts on their Unity Tour. She never made the shows. Despite efforts to interview Katherine Jackson at her current location in Arizona yesterday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs confirmed that they were denied access to Mrs. Jackson by security for one of her children."

As has previously reported, Janet got into a scuffle with Paris after the Control singer Monday after confronting the 14-year-old about making private family matters public involving the matriarch of the iconic pop family.

"Paris got into a scuffle with her aunt Janet upon entering the house because she told Paris she had to stop posting family information on Twitter," a source close to the situation tells us. "Janet physically tried to take Paris' cell phone from her, but she wouldn't give it up. It was just a very, very unfortunate situation that didn't need to occur. If Katherine isn't physically capable of taking care of the kids anymore, then the Courts are going to get involved, and very quickly. The kids can't be caught in the middle of the ongoing drama of the Jackson family, period," the source added.

Meanwhile, all three of Michael Jackson's children (Paris, Prince, and Blanket) met with their court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, on Monday evening after Jermaine, Randy and Janet attempted to take the kids to Arizona, and Lodise could be going to court on Tuesday to address concerns she has about the kids' well being and safety.

The King of Pop's children were given their own attorney to represent their best interests after their father tragically died three years ago, and Margaret Lodise was appointed to be their guardian ad litem.

"Margaret went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week, and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe.

"It's certainly extremely concerning to Margaret Lodise that Katherine has been out of town for over a week and that the children haven't spoken to her in that time. Katherine needs to get home quickly because there could be far reaching consequences as far as custody of the kids goes as it pertains to Katherine. It's very likely that Lodise will be going to court as early as Tuesday to express her concerns to the judge, as she has a legal obligation to do so.

Jermaine, Randy and Janet have been barred from their mother Katherine's Calabasas home after attempting to remove the kids from the house on Monday. The situation adds to the ongoing drama with the Jackson family, as Katherine has been in Arizona for more than a week and hasn't spoken to her grandchildren, of whom she is the legal guardian. "It was just total chaos when Jermaine, Randy and Janet descended on the house," the source revealed.

"The plan to take the kids out of the house was going to be a publicity stunt. The kids were going to be paraded into the house in Arizona where Katherine is staying and those photos would be published on a website favored by Randy Jackson."

Paris posted on her Twitter: "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

Reports circulated on Monday night that Trent Jackson was manipulating Paris to post negative things about the family.

"That is absolutely laughable," the source says. "Prince, Paris and Blanket could all be hauled into court to tell the judge what is going on and Paris would reveal that no one forced her to do anything as far as her Twitter is concerned. In fact, the last thing the Jackson family would want is for those kids to testify under oath about what is really going on in the family. The kids are ready to go to court, as they feel the only thing that can bring their grandmother home," the source says.
Meanwhile on Monday, the Jackson siblings -- several of whom are calling on the executors of Michael's estate to resign, claiming they have caused Katherine stress and that Michael's signature on his will was forged -- released a statement obtained by ABC News regarding the matter.

The statement reads, "This fallacious missing persons report was created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from. We feel that there is a conspiracy to deflect the attention away from a letter we wrote asking for the resignation of executors, John Branca and John McClain, as well as some of her 'advisors' and 'caregivers.'"

The Jackson siblings further state, "We feel there is strong evidence that supports the falsification of documents in order to takeover and profit from the estate of our beloved brother, Michael Jackson....This is being handled by the proper authorities and due process will take place."

Stay tuned to for developments on this story.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 17:43
Pictured: The extraordinary moment Jackson siblings 'FIGHT' outside family home as police stop them taking Michael's children to see grandmother

* Cops called to family home following report of fight between unnamed family members
* Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson 'storm house in a bid to take three children to Arizona - but are evicted by security'
* Police visit daughter's Arizona home and determine Katherine, 82, is 'fine'
* Michael's estate executors seek guardianship of unsupervised children

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 14:12 GMT, 24 July 2012 | UPDATED: 15:13 GMT, 24 July 2012

This extraordinary photo shows Janet and Jermaine Jackson engaged in a public row outside the family home as the feud between the warring clan takes another bizarre turn.

Police were called as the siblings, along with brother Randy, were thrown out their mother's home yesterday after attempting to take their brother Michael's children to Arizona.

The trio apparently tried to persuade Prince, Paris and Blanket to go to see their grandmother Katherine, but the children refused and asked security to remove them from the house where they live with her in Calabasas, California.

In a further new twist today it emerged that the executors of Michael's estate have filed for guardianship of the children, claiming they are in danger while their grandmother is absent.

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Row: The extraordinary moment Janet and Jermaine Jackson were caught rowing after being refused entry to the Jackson family home; police responded to a complaint at the Calabasas home

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Dissent: The latest family feud originated over Michael Jackson's $500m fortune, which his siblings did not inherit

Yesterday, Michael's siblings responded to rumours their mother Katherine was 'missing' by publishing a photograph of her playing cards at her daughter Rebbie's home in Arizona.

The matriarch could be seen smiling as she sat around a table with Rebbie, great-grandson London and other family members while playing a playing the card game Uno.

But while the 82-year-old may be safe, her absence leaves her three wards unsupervised. A source told TMZ that the executors of her son's estate were drafting papers to apply for emergency guardianship of the children, who they claim are in danger.

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House of cards: Katherine Jackson (second from left) playing Uno with her daughter Rebbie (left) and other family members in Arizona on Sunday, two days after she was reported missing

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We're all alright: Katherine is pictured smiling behind her eldest daughter Rebbie

The children have still not had any contact from their grandmother, with her son Jermaine admitting she has been refused access to phones and computers for 'her own well being'.

On Tuesday morning an angry Paris tweeted: '9 days and counting… so help me god i will make whoever did this pay.'

Along with their grandmother the children were the only beneficiaries of their father's estate, causing the latest rift between the generations.

Five of his brothers and sisters claim that the will, which leaves all of his $500million fortune to Katherine and the children, was forged by two Hollywood lawyers.

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Police swoop: Police were called to the Jackson family home in Calabasas, California, this afternoon following reports of a fight between family members. A battery report was apparently filed

RadarOnline reported that matters came to head on Monday when Randy told the children to leave with them so they could fly them to Arizona to meet Katherine - but the intervention caused 'total chaos'.

Police were then called to the family home following reports of a fight, with allegations of a physical assault levied against an unspecified person.

A source told the website that it was 15-year-old Prince who stood his ground and refused to leave the compound.

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Anger: Paris Jackson hasn't had any contact with her grandmother Katherine for nine days; Katherine is the guardian of the teen and her brothers

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Defiant: Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson refused to leave the house with their aunt and uncles

The insider said: 'The security detail prevented the three of them from taking the kids out of state. The cops had to be called and Janet kept saying they had a legal right to be at the house when in fact they don't.

'The rental house is in the name of Michael Jackson's estate, so they were told to leave immediately.'

The source also claimed that the plan was a 'publicity stunt' to have the grandchildren and Katherine pictured together in order to quell the reports of a feud.

TMZ earlier reported that the battery incident is connected to an ongoing investigation police are conducting regarding Katherine over claims she has been 'emotionally and financially mistreated by family members'.

Sources told the website the fight had something to do with these ongoing allegations of financial abuse - which Katherine is said to have initially denied were taking place.

Michael's three children lost contact with Katherine more than a week ago, prompted a missing person report on Saturday night by her nephew, Trent Jackson.

Investigators from Pima County Sheriff's Department visited Rebbie's home on Sunday to perform a welfare check on Katherine and determined she is 'fine'.

'When I got there, Katherine Jackson and her family were at the dinner table and had just finished a game of Uno,' a Pima County sheriff’s deputy told X17 Online, adding that Jackson was on vacation.

'In fact, their dinner plates were still in front of them. She seemed like she was having a good time. She was happy, safe and healthy.'

Meanwhile, TMZ say that Katherine is now 'in a fancy spa' in Tucson where she was taken because they feel 'the house is utter chaos and Katherine is exhausted.'

RadarOnline claims her daughter Janet Jackson was behind the trip, saying the 46-year-old singer was adamant her mother needed bed rest.

The website claims a family member spoke to them, and said: 'Katherine is very well. Janet was behind the whole thing – she felt that Katherine needed medical help and was desperate for her to get some bed rest.

'It was an extreme measure, but Janet felt that by being away from Paris and Prince Michael, Katherine would be able to relax a lot easier. However, it’s important to reiterate that she’s not at a hospital. If she was truly sick she would be in hospital care.'

The bizarre 'disappearance' comes amid tension in the Jackson family over the King of Pop's fortune.

Earlier this month five of Michael's siblings claimed that his will was a fake, that Katherine was being manipulated, and that the executors of the estate John Branca and John McClain should step down.

In an undated letter, signed by Janet, Randy, Tito, Rebbie and Jermaine Jackson, they also said Katherine's health had been affected, and she suffered a mini-stroke.

The estate has denied the accusations, which have swirled since Michael Jackson died from an overdose of a powerful anaesthetic. Katherine had initially obtained permission from a judge to investigate the will's validity, but never pursued the matter in court.

Only Katherine and Michael's three children are named in the will, along with some money assigned to charity, so the siblings are understood to be eager to have it declared invalid to gain access to the $500m fortune.

In another twist, LA police yesterday denied rumours that Katherine's nephew Trent, who reported her missing, and the executors Branca and McClain were being investigated for elder abuse.

Katherine's granddaughter Paris has been vocal during the family drama, sharing her concerns on Twitter.

She wrote on Saturday: ‘Yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week i want her home now,' the 14-year-old tweeted adding a number to call if there was any word.'

Randy Jackson claimed last week that Katherine had suffered a mini-stroke but Paris tweeted that ‘nothing had happened to her.’ The tweet was later deleted.

Since Michael's death his net worth has skyrocketed more than the amount when he was alive.

According to Billboard, MJ Inc has made no less than $1 billion a year thanks to his record deal with Sony Music, which is extended until 2017, as well as his concern films.

Michael's family bands The Jacksons and the Jackson 5 have sold approximately 800,000 albums according to Nielsen Soundscan while his independent albums have sold 9 million units in the U.S. alone.

In 2009 he sold 24 million units outside the U.S.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 17:54

Jackson Family
Showdown Video --
Friendly Before Fight

7/24/2012 8:00 AM PDT

VIDEO im Bericht

TMZ has obtained the unedited full video of what turned into a confrontation at the Jackson family compound Monday in Calabasas, CA.

It starts out friendly enough, with MJ's kids Paris and Prince getting out of their SUV and shaking hands and hugging a few of Michael's siblings who arrived in the SUV behind them.

But moments later, things turned ugly.

The footage shows Janet confronting MJ's daughter Paris ... and during the standoff, Janet swipes for Paris' cell phone twice.

Paris charges past Janet ... and when Janet attempts to go after Paris, Janet is restrained by her brother Randy.

Randy and Janet proceed to hold up their cell phones and record Paris.

After the video ends, there was a physical altercation at the home between two family members. Cops arrived to the scene and took a battery report.

According to the MJ Estate, Michael's children have since been moved away from the home and into a secure location.

