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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 02:58
immer, wenn man glaubt, jetzt könne es keine weitere steigerung mehr geben, kommt noch eine.... und noch eine.... und noch eine....

aber ich finde es gut und richtig, wenn sich Katherine's anwalt und Trent mit allen ihnen zur verfügung stehenden mitteln wehren und ihrerseits den NJ5 nun probleme bereiten, wo sie nur können....

The Jackson strife: Family bickers over whereabouts of Michael's mom
Los Angeles (CNN) -- A lawyer for Katherine Jackson is asking the FBI for help, saying Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were not allowed to see Michael Jackson's mother in Arizona as part of a missing person investigation Monday.

"Randy's security refused to allow them in," attorney Sandra Ribera told CNN Monday. She said she was referring to Randy Jackson, Katherine Jackson's youngest son.

Still, a law enforcement officer did speak to Jackson in Arizona, satisfying the investigators' concerns, Los Angeles County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Monday afternoon.

"Katherine Jackson has been located and she is fine and with family," Whitmore said. "Our missing persons case is closed."

Because the 82-year-old matriarch of the Jackson music dynasty was taken across state lines, Ribera said earlier, she hopes the FBI will investigate the circumstances of what she called her disappearance.

It is the latest chapter in a messy dispute between several of Jackson's children and her advisers over her finances and legal affairs.

The lack of contact with her since July 15 led her nephew Trent Jackson to file the missing person report with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department late Saturday, Ribera said.

An Arizona law enforcement officer reported that he met with Katherine Jackson on Sunday in the presence of Rebbie Jackson, her oldest daughter, and she said was "fine" and did not want to return to California, a source close to the investigation said.

Jermaine Jackson, in a statement posted on Twitter Sunday night, said his mother "is safe and well in Arizona with her daughter and our sister, Rebbie, resting up on doctor's advice."

But Michael Jackson's three children, who have lived with their grandmother since their father's death three years ago, still have not heard from their grandmother a week after she the Calabasas, California, home, Ribera said.

Jermaine Jackson's statement insisted the children were not "being 'blocked' from speaking with Mother."

"She is merely an 82-year-old woman following doctor's orders to rest up and de-stress, away from phones and computers," he tweeted.

His statement did not explain why Paris Jackson, the 14-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson, was rebuffed in several attempts to reach her grandmother on the phone. That led to Paris posting messages on Twitter early Sunday pleading for help in finding her.

"Yes, my grandmother is missing," Paris tweeted. "I haven't spoken with her in a week i want her home now."

She asked anyone who sees her grandmother to call police, even publishing her bodyguard's phone number.

Paris and her brothers, Prince and Blanket, have been in Katherine Jackson's custody since their pop icon father died three years ago.

Jackson "has never gone 24 hours without talking to her kids," Ribera said. "I'm concerned that she would never do this. We have no idea what's going on with her. No one has talked to her."

Jermaine Jackson's statement said he and his siblings took their mother to Arizona "in line with doctor's advice following a check-up."

Dr. Allan Metzger was brought into Jackson's home "under false pretenses" on July 14 by saying he was sent by her primary care physician, Ribera said. "We came to find out that her doctor has no association with Dr. Metzger."

Metzger was a defense witness in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray last year, testifying that he treated Michael Jackson off and on for two decades for "his profound sleep disorder." Murray was subsequently convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.

"The same doctor that testified on behalf of dr murray saying my father was a drug addict (a lie) is caring for my grandmother ... just saying" Paris Jackson tweeted.

The doctor advised Katherine Jackson that it was better for her to take a plane on a trip planned for the next day, rather than ride in a RV driven by Trent Jackson, Ribera said.

Jackson left with her oldest daughter, Rebbie, the next day to fly to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to attend a Jackson brothers concert two days later, she said. But she never arrived at the concert, Ribera said.

A letter was made public Wednesday in which two daughters -- Rebbie and Janet -- and three sons -- Jermaine, Randy and Tito -- charge that Jackson was being mistreated by the executors of Michael Jackson's estate and badly advised by her manager and lawyer.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 03:18
Katherine Jackson
'What's All The Fuss?'

7/23/2012 4:00 PM PDT


Katherine Jackson is alive and well in Arizona, though she's playing her cards close to her vest.

TMZ broke the story ... Michael Jackson's siblings whisked Katherine away to a spa in Tucson to help her escape what they called the "utter chaos" of the Jackson family home in Encino. Apparently no one told Katherine's nephew, who reported her missing Saturday night.

Now, a photo of Katherine at the Arizona spa has surfaced -- showing her playing UNO with her daughter Rebbie, her granddaughter Stacy, and her great grandson London.

Katherine is supposedly relaxing and having a good time.

Not pictured: MJ's children ... who Katherine abandoned in L.A. during her getaway.

so, jetzt ist aber endgültig genug ... hahaha

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 03:25

zu dem TMZ-bericht auf der vorherigen seite:

welcher "geschäftspartner der familie Jack$on" hat wohl schon im April die polizei darüber informiert, dass Katherine "emotional und finanziell von familienangehörigen schlecht behandelt wird ???.... da würden mir einige namen zu einfallen :)....

und es sei zu tätlichkeiten im haus gekommen, aber auch seinerzeit stritt Katherine bei der vernehmung durch die polizei alles ab....

seit April besteht bei der polizei der verdacht auf "finanziellen missbrauch"....

da lag ich wohl gar nicht so falsch mit meiner vermutung, dass ganze, was sich jetzt abspielt, wäre bereits von langer hand geplant ?......

und ja - noch mal zu diesem foto.... auch TMZ (und andere) bewerten Katherine's zustand als "relaxed" und es ist offensichtlich, dass sie sich gut amüsiert.... und so entspannt muss man sie von tv, internet und sogar dem telefon fernhalten und daran hindern, ihre enkelkinder für wenigstens 20 sekunden anzurufen ????....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 03:28
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:so, jetzt ist aber endgültig genug ... hahaha
glaub' ich nicht... hihihi....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 03:48 (vermutlich berichterstatter im auftrag der NJ5) berichtete über angeblich laufende ermittlungen gegen Trent, Sanders und den estate wegen "gewalt/missbrauch gegenüber einer älteren person" (Katherine).... widerspricht diesem hiermit....

was für ein albernes spiel wird hier abgezogen !!!..... schon in ihrem brief letzter woche mimten sie die "starken", obwohl sie keinerlei rechtliche handhabe haben.... aber ich vergaß: es ist ja "eine familie von löwen" - und die brüllen halt gerne und häufig und vor allem sehr laut :).....

Katherine Jackson's Nephew & Estate Executors Not Being Investigated For Elder Abuse
Media reports circulated on Monday morning that Katherine Jackson's nephew, Trent Jackson, and the executors of Michael Jackson's estate, John Branca and John McClain are being investigated for elder abuse, however, has exclusively learned that report is false.

"There is no elder abuse investigation going on involving Trent Jackson, or the executors of the estate. That report is absolutely false," Steve Whitmore, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department tells exclusively.

As previously reported, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department detectives were turned away at the house where Katherine Jackson has been staying since being reported missing because they didn't have jurisdiction and the Pima County Sheriff's Department had already determined that Katherine was safe. The detectives were told Katherine was safe, and are on their way back to Los Angeles without having made any contact with her.

The latest Jackson family drama comes as Katherine was blindsided after a letter from several of her children demanded their resignations of the executors of Michael's estate, John Branca and John McClain (after three previous failed attempts).

The letter, allegedly from Janet, Rebbie, Tito, Randy, and Jermaine, demanded the executors resign immediately because they believe the late singer's will was a fake. The letter also alleged that the executors' manipulations left Katherine in bad health, having recently suffered a mini-stroke (Katherine has denied such).

The executors have strongly denied the charges in the letter and point out that they have substantially increased the value of the estate. Also as Radar first reported, the statute of limitations has run out on challenging the will.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 04:13
und noch ein aufruf (offener brief) von M.J.A.N.-W.A.T.C.H..... sie hatten schon den aufruf an Katherine gemacht, dass sie sich bei PBB melden solle....

Debbie Rowe: Come Get Your Children!
In this open letter to Debbie Rowe, mother to two of Michael Jackson’s three children (Prince, and Paris), the Michael Jackson Accountability Network (M.J.A.N.) urges Ms. Rowe to take action now, and come get all three children out of that home, and away from the quarreling Jackson family! Given recent events, including reports of family strife and the disappearance of the children’s sole guardian, Katherine Jackson, the home environment of the children now seems to be unhealthful, if not a genuine risk to their safety. An investigation by DCFS would seem to be in order, now. (A recent CNN headline about this ongoing saga reads: “The Jackson Strife: Family Bickers over Whereabouts of Michael’s Mom” So Debbie? Please come get your kids!

It must have looked like the very picture of normalcy, when officers from the Pima County (Arizona) Sheriff’s Department interviewed Katherine Jackson on Sunday, based on a missing person’s report filed by her nephew and caregiver, Trent Jackson. It’s doubtful that there was much of anything really “normal” about it. As reported by CNN and other news outlets, the children in her charge – Prince Michael Jr., Paris, and Prince Michael II. (“Blanket”) had been effectively abandoned, for over a week. (Michael Jackson’s will designates his mother Katherine as guardian — and no one else.) The cozy little family, minus Michael Jackson’s children, is shown in a recent photo, smiling broadly and engaged in a card-game. What is WRONG with this picture? Oh, let us count the ways? For one thing, Paris Jackson, distraught about the disappearance of her grandmother, tweeted a desperate plea: “Yes my grandmother is missing.” She then tweeted the phone number of her Security, begging for information about her missing guardian – from anyone.

The latest firestorm of controversy in the Jackson family centers around a published letter to the Executors of Jackson’s estate – John Branca and John McClain. In this letter, Rebbie, Janet, Tito, Jermaine, and Randy, call for the executors’ resignation, and openly accuse them of conspiracy, and of abusing Mrs. Jackson. The letter claimed that Mrs. Jackson had had a mini-stroke, as a result of the stress of the executors’ “heinous and heartless threats.” Oh, really? Would these be the same executors who give Mrs. Jackson an allowance of seventy-thousand dollars a month? The same executors who paid off her outstanding debt, of six million dollars, to Korean promoters? The same executors who brought the Jackson estate out-of-the-red, and who have assured Prince, Paris, and Blanket, a future free of financial worry?

And yet? On July 23, the Jacksons (some of them) released the following statement: “This fallacious missing persons report was created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from. We feel that there is a conspiracy to deflect the attention away from a letter we wrote asking for the resignation of executors, John Branca and John McClain, as well as some of her ‘advisors’ and ‘caregivers.’” But, how could the report possibly be “fallacious,” when Mrs. Jackson’s grandchildren didn’t know where she was, and could not reach her?

So, why are some of the Jackson brothers and sisters so upset? Could it be that they were entirely cut out of their brother, Michael’s, will? And that when their mother passes on, they will have no more access to their brother’s money? Has Mrs. Jackson had a stroke? A “mini-stroke?” How IS she, really? Randy Jackson reported that she had had a mini-stroke. Paris Jackson tweeted that her grandmother was fine (but how would she know?). Jermaine insists that his mother is fine, and is “resting.” But, resting without her grandchildren, who had no idea where she was, for over a week? Something is terribly wrong here. Isn’t it?

One cannot help but wonder if the family squirreled Mrs. Jackson away from phone and internet, and contact with her grandchildren, so as to avoid any counter-statements from her, to their letter? There is so much that seems fishy here, that we at M.J.A.N., and certainly many other Michael Jackson fans, hope that authorities do a thorough investigation to ensure that Mrs. Jackson is not being held against her will, and is not being threatened – not by the executors, but by some of her own adult children!

And Debbie Rowe, we hope you take this plea seriously! This sounds very much like a family in chaos. You will have the support of so many of Michael Jackson’s fans, if you step up now and rescue your children from stress, strife, and what truly seems like abandonment by the one person charged with their care and well-being.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 04:27
LOL :) :) :)....

Jermaine Jackson ‏@jermjackson5
LA Co Sheriffs have officially dropped the case that never was, confirming Mother is with family and ending this farcical false alarm

JUSTICE 4 MJ ‏@justice_4mj
@jermjackson5 Suggestion, if you don't want ur family biz private, avoid fax machines with speed dial to tabloids...Sorry had to say it!

weitere tweets unter (Archiv-Version vom 11.01.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 05:02
nanu - wechseln sie die seiten oder wieder nur eine weitere, neue taktik ?.... vom inhalt dieser meldung ganz zu schweigen..... selbst meine fassungslosigkeit stößt zunehmend an ihre grenzen ....

liest sich z.T. wie der bericht von TMZ, aber dort ging es doch um vorfälle ("tätlichkeiten in Calabasas") im April ??... hierbei scheint es sich aber um einen aktuellen entführungsversuch von PPB zu handeln, an dem am Montag - also gestern - Randy, Jermaine und Janet (die bis vor kurzem doch noch in Italien sein sollte) beteiligt gewesen sein sollen.... ?????.....

Cops Called to Katherine Jackson’s Home, Stop Michael Jackson’s Children Being Removed By Janet, Jermaine and Randy Jackson (EXCLUSIVE) (Archiv-Version vom 24.07.2012)
Update 8:24pm EST:

Sheriff’s deputies were responding to reports of a fight at the home of Katherine Jackson. Officials have confirmed the fight involved various family members, though no arrests were made.

“Lost Hills deputies responded to a family disturbance at the home of Katherine Jackson in the city of Calabasas. Deputies determined that a physical altercation had occurred, a battery. It involved members on the Jackson family,” Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Sheriff’s Department, said.

Los Angeles police were called to the Calabasas, Calif., mansion of Jackson family matriarch Katherine earlier Monday to stop Michael Jackson’s three children from being removed from the house, Celebuzz has exclusively learned.

It’s understood at least three siblings of the late pop star Michael Jackson — Janet, Jermaine, Randy — arrived at the mansion 82-year-old Katherine shares with the late pop star’s children, Prince Michael, 15, Paris, 14, and ten-year-old Prince Michael 2.

“Janet, Jermaine and Randy turned up with what appeared to be a television crew in tow,” a source at the home told Celebuzz.

It’s understood Katherine’s personal security prevented the trio of uncle and aunts from taking the children and immediately called police. It is not known if police were involved in thwarting Janet, Jermaine and Randy’s plans.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department confirmed the development when contacted by Celebuzz.

“We were called out to her home at 1.10pm,” the Watch Commander at the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station confirmed.

“Police are currently still trying to determine what happened at the home, so at this point, we do not have any further information.”

As Celebuzz previously reported, the legal guardian for the three Jackson children was reported missing to police late on Saturday — as a family feud escalated over his multi-billion dollar will.

A shaken Paris appealed on Twitter: “My grandmother is missing. I haven’t spoken with her in a week. I want her home now. If anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities.”

A photo emerged Monday of Katherine at a resort in Arizona playing cards.

“She is safe and with family members,” L.A. Sheriff’s Deputy Don Walker read from a statement Monday morning, L.A. Now reported.

But the circumstances of her departure from Los Angeles remain mysterious.

“Last weekend Katherine Jackson was getting ready to leave for a much anticipated road trip in the RV her son Michael bought for her to watch her sons perform,” Katherine’s attorney Sandra Ribera told Celebuzz.

“Prior to her departure, a doctor was brought to her home and represented that he had been sent from the office of her longtime physician. Based on this representation, Mrs. Jackson agreed to meet with the doctor who subsequently ordered her to fly rather than drive to her sons concerts.

“Mrs. Jackson followed what she believed to be her doctor’s instructions. Katherine Jackson’s longtime physician recently confirmed that his office did not send a doctor to Mrs. Jackson’s home last weekend before she left on her trip,” Ribera added.

“It has further been discovered that the doctor that Katherine Jackson last saw has been publicly reprimanded by the California Medical Board for fraudulent activities and has ties to Dr. Conrad Murray.”

The “disappearance” comes after five of Jackson’s brothers and sisters — Rebbie, Janet, Jermaine, Tito and Randy — wrote to executors of the singer’s estate, claiming the signature of his will is “fake, flawed and fraudulent.”

They called for them to step down in the letter leaked to Celebuzz, as we exclusively reported.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 05:50
mein gott - der vorherige bericht scheint zu stimmen :( :(....

Michael Jackson Siblings Barred From Mom's House After Attempting To Remove His Kids
UPDATE: Paris just posted on her Twitter: "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn’t like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"


Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson have been barred from their mother Katherine's Calabasas home after attempting to remove their brother Michael's three children from the house on Monday, is exclusively reporting.

The situation adds to the ongoing drama with the Jackson family, as Katherine has been in Arizona for more than a week and hasn't spoken to her grandchildren, of whom she is the legal guardian. "It was just total chaos when Jermaine, Randy and Janet descended on the house.

"Randy was telling Prince Michael he had to leave with them and that he had a private jet chartered to take them all to Arizona to see Katherine. Prince firmly held his ground and told Randy he wasn't going anywhere with them. The security detail prevented the three of them from taking the kids out of state. The cops had to be called and Janet kept saying they had a legal right to be at the house when in fact they don't. The rental house is in the name of Michael Jackson's estate, so they were told to leave immediately. For the time being, they won't be allowed to come back to the rental house and guards at the security gate have been told under no circumstances are they to allow them in. Paris was absolutely hysterical and kept telling her uncles to just bring her grandmother home," a source close to the situation tells

"The plan to take the kids out of the house was going to be a publicity stunt. The kids were going to be paraded into the house in Arizona where Katherine is staying and those photos would be published on a website favored by Randy Jackson."[anm. von mir:]

As previously reported Janet was behind Katherine's removal from her home to Arizona, after becoming adamant that her mom needed bed rest and to be checked out by an independent doctor. And a source has revealed that Katherine is doing just fine.

"Katherine is very well,” a family member told “Janet was behind the whole thing – she felt that Katherine needed medical help and was desperate for her to get some bed rest."

"Michael's children are being cared for by their nanny and legal options are being explored about ensuring their safety. The children are very, very smart and they are surrounded by excellent bodyguards that won't allow anything unsavory to happen to them. The kids just want their grandmother back, and want the family drama to end. Now that Paris and Prince are old enough, they understand why Michael didn't have much of a relationship with anyone in the family except for Katherine," the source says.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 06:26
ich finde, jetzt ist es wirklich an der zeit, dass jemand diesem ganzen elend ein ende bereitet.... dieser vorfall ist aktenkundig bei der polizei.... welcher erwachsene hat wohl endlich den mumm, und erstattet anzeige gegen Randy, Jermaine + Janet wegen versuchter entführung minderjähriger ?....

und erneut stellt sich (mir) die frage: was ist tatsächlich mit Katherine ????..... es ist immer weniger glaubhaft, dass es ihr gut geht - warum hat sie keinerlei interesse am wohlergehen ihrer 3 enkelkinder, sondern verbringt stattdessen lieber "entspannte spiele-abende" fern der ihr von ihrem (angeblich) so "geliebten" sohn zu treuen händen anvertrauten kinder ????.....

ist Katherine wirklich NOCH OK oder..... ????..... warum wollte man die kinder in einen anderen bundesstaat verbringen ????.....und warum brauchte man dabei ein fernsehteam ????.... sollte das ganze womöglich auf eine erpressung hinaus laufen ????..... bei alledem, was sich dort abspielt, halte ich mittlerweile auch eine solche vermutung keineswegs mehr für ausgeschlossen....

dass PPB nicht mit diesen ganoven mit gehen wollten, obwohl sie ihnen versprachen, sie zu Katherine zu bringen, spricht doch bände !!!....

wie grausam, dass die kinder all diese erfahrungen machen müssen und nicht wissen, was in den nächsten 5 minuten noch alles passiert.... das vertrauen der kinder scheint bis in die grundfesten zerstört zu sein.... werden sie das jemals in ihrem leben vergessen können, wo der tod ihres vaters doch noch immer so präsent ist ? :(....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 06:40
na, DAS war doch zu erwarten.... Randy's "geheimer briefkasten" berichtet sofort ganz andere dinge, mit denen "die gegenseite" (wieder) ins schlechte licht gerückt werden soll:

X17 EXCLUSIVE - Paris Jackson Tells Family Members That Her Tweets Are Being Manipulated By Her Cousin Trent And Security
Paris, Prince and Blanket are prohibited from seeing their aunts and uncles at Katherine Jackson's Calabasas home ... all because of Katherine's nephew, Trent, according to a Jackson family source.

Janet, Jermaine and Rebbie's son Austin all showed up at Katherine's estate to speak with Michael's three children to tell them "they can go see their grandmother anytime."

However, Trent Jackson, using "military-style security tactics," would not allow them to visit, according to a source. Trent is also the same family member who's part of an ongoing investigation involving elder abuse.

A Jackson family source tells X17online exclusively:

<<< "Trent has instructed security to not allow family into the home. The kids were told they had every right to come visit their grandma in Arizona, but they flat out said 'we don't want to.' Now Trent is telling the cooks and the staff to not show up to work so that it looks like the children aren't being cared for. He knows he's been caught and now he's trying to use the children to cover it up." >>>

The family source adds, "Paris has confided in her cousins that Trent and a security member have been "putting her up to Tweeting out messages against the family."
As for why the kids declined an offer to visit their grandmother, our source adds,

<<< "Paris is trying to get out of going to summer school and without her grandmother there, she's succeeding. She's extremely manipulative and just wants to stay home and have fun. And at only 15, Prince is trying to get his girlfriend to come stay at the house. With Trent overseeing the children, it's complete chaos and they have no boundaries." >>>

X17online exclusively obtained the photo of Katherine Jackson visiting her daughter Rebbie in Arizona and enjoying the card game, Uno. Arizona Sheriff's authorities have confirmed that the Jackson matriarch is "having a good time with family."

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 06:51
es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn die letzten konzerte der NJ5 abgesagt werden mussten, weil die "fans", die sich karten gekauft hatten, diese unter protest aufgrund der ganzen schlagzeilen und ereignisse zurückgegeben haben....

keine konzerte mehr - viiiiel zeit.... zur "korresondenz" mit den "geheimen briefkästen"....

keine konzerte mehr - kein $$$$ - panik - plan: entführung von MJ3....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 07:21
ein neues - gottseidank wieder - sehr zurückhaltendes statement vom estate....


We thank the fans for their keen interest in the matters that have been reported on recently regarding the Estate and Mrs. Jackson.

We will not comment any further on the letter we received from certain of the Jackson siblings. We think our letter in response speaks for itself.

We are acutely concerned about the welfare of Mrs. Jackson, and most particularly with Michael's minor children.

We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances.

While we do not have standing to directly intervene, we have monitored the situation and will continue to do so.

We believe measures are being put in place that will help protect them from what they are having to deal with. We take these matters very seriously and will continue to report on them as appropriate.


John Branca
John McClain
Co-ExecutorsThe Estate of Michael Jackson

quelle - wie immer, mit herzlichem dank:
post #963


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 07:27
sodele, und nun ist endgültig der zeitpunkt gekommen, zu dem auch ich eine pause von dieser "unendlichen geschichte brauche.....

bis später (irgendwann) :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 09:07
Polizeieinsatz im Haus von Jacksons Mutter

Los Angeles - Nach einer heftigen Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Personen kam es am Montag zu einem Polizeieinsatz im Haus von Michael Jacksons Mutter Katherine.


Die Polizei von Los Angeles untersucht einen Zwischenfall im Haus der Mutter des verstorbenen Michael Jackson. Polizeisprecher Steve Whitmore erklärte, die Beamten seien am Montagmittag zum Haus von Katherine Jackson gerufen worden. Offenbar habe es eine körperliche Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Personen gegeben. Einzelheiten nannte er nicht.

In dem Haus im kalifornischen Calabasas leben Jacksons drei Kinder mit ihrer Großmutter. Ein Angehöriger hatte Katherine Jackson am Samstag als vermisst gemeldet, die Behörden fanden sie jedoch bei anderen Familienmitgliedern in Arizona.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 09:15
24. Juli 2012, 08:12 Uhr
Mutter des King of Pop

Katherine Jackson "auf Urlaub" vom Familienkrieg

Alle Aufregung umsonst: Katherine Jackson, die Mutter des King of Pop, galt tagelang als vermisst. Jetzt hat sie sich aus einem Spa in Arizona zurückgemeldet. Der 82-Jährigen geht es gut. Von Frank Siering, Los Angeles

Da sitzt sie am Holztisch in einem Spa in Tucson, Arizona, lachend, ein paar Spielkarten in der Hand haltend. Katherine Jackson, die vermisste Mutter des verstorbenen King of Pop, versteht die ganze Aufregung um ihre Person nicht. "Was ist denn los, mir geht es gut", ließ die 82-Jährige gestern über ihre Tochter Rebbie und Enkeltochter Stacy mitteilen.

Nach Medienberichten steckte Janet Jackson hinter dem plötzlichen Verschwinden der berühmtesten Oma der Welt. Zusammen mit einigen ihrer Brüder hatte die 46-jährige Sängerin befohlen, ihre Mutter "aus dem derzeitigen Chaos im Haus in Encino herauszuholen".

Das "Chaos" entwickelt sich allerdings erst so recht durch das Verschwinden der Großmutter angerichtet. Paris Jackson twitterte, dass ihre Oma wie vom Erdboden verschluckt sei, und ein Neffe ging sogar am Samstagabend zur Polizei, um eine Vermisstenanzeige zu stellen.

Auf der Suche nach Verbündeten

Mittlerweile gilt es als sicher, dass der Jackson-Clan in zwei Lager gespalten ist und ein echter Familienkrieg droht. Demnach gehe es um das Geld von Michael Jackson. Die Fronten scheinen verhärtet.

Janet, Randie, Jermaine und Rebbie hatten unlängst in einem öffentlichen Schreiben verlangt, dass die derzeitigen Vermögensverwalter vom Jackson-Anwesen abgezogen werden müssen, weil sie angeblich zu egoistisch und entgegen des Willens des verstorbenen Bruders handeln würden.

Die Verwalter haben den Auftrag, das Erbe von Michael Jackson gerecht an die drei Kinder vom King of Pop zu verteilen. Paris, Prince und Blanket sind also die primären Nutznießer des Vermögens. Oma Katherine hat die Oberaufsicht.

Die Geschwister von Michael sind bisher relativ leer ausgegangen. Und den Gerüchten in Hollywood zufolge war die nächtliche "Kidnapping-Aktion" der Oma ein Versuch, die 82-Jährige auf ihre Seite zu ziehen ­- unter dem fadenscheinigen Vorwand, Katherine würde im Chaos zuhause gesundheitlich leiden und bräuchte dringend Erholung.

Ernsthafte Kommunikationsstörungen

Warum Paris und ihre Geschwister, deren erste Ansprechperson im Haushalt bis heute immer noch die Großmutter ist, von dem Spa-Aufenthalt nicht unterrichtet wurden, konnte (oder wollte) keines der Jackson-Geschwister am gestrigen Montag erklären.

Einzig Jermain Jackson gab ein Statement heraus, in dem es hieß: "Um den Blödsinn, der verbreitet wird, ein für allemal aufzuklären, will ich an dieser Stelle noch einmal klar verständlich machen, dass sich meine Mutter in Arizona befindet. Ihr geht es gut. Sie ist dort mit ihrer Tochter und unserer Schwester Rebbie. Auf Anraten eines Arztes macht sie ein bisschen Pause."

Offensichtlich ob der vielen Aufmerksamkeit durch die Medien fügte er noch hinzu: "Es ist mir völlig unklar, warum sie als vermisst gemeldet werden konnte." Ein klarer Seitenhieb gegen die Fraktion um den Neffen von Katherine Jackson und auch gegen die Kinder vom King of Pop. Vor allem Paris hatte sich via Twitter große Sorgen um den Verbleib der Oma gemacht.

Und was steht als nächstes an im Jackson-Familienstreit? ­ In Los Angeles scheint ein Teil des Clans derzeit fast täglich mit Anwälten zu beraten, wie das Testament vom King of Pop juristisch wasserfest gekippt werden könnte. Ein Umstand, der die Familie wohl gänzlich entzweien dürfte - und sicherlich nicht im Sinne des verstorbenen King of Pop gewesen wäre.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 09:22
Paranoid Paris Jackson

July 24 2012 at 08:30am

Paris Jackson is demanding to speak directly with her grandmother Katherine Jackson, who has left Los Angeles to stay with her daughter Rebbie in Arizona.

The mother of late pop icon Michael Jackson was reported missing by nephew Trent Jackson over the weekend although the state's Pima County Sheriff's Department said she was safe and well when they visited her.

However Michael's 14-year-old daughter is still worried about her relative.

She tweeted: "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!< 3."

Her cousin TJ Jackson replied: "I know it's completely unfair for them to do this to you and your brothers. We will keep trying. I love you."

Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson have been barred from their mother's Calabasas, California home after allegedly attempting to remove their brother Michael's three children from the house.

A source told website RadarOnline: "Randy was telling Prince Michael he had to leave with them and that he had a private jet chartered to take them all to Arizona to see Katherine. Prince firmly held his ground and told Randy he wasn't going anywhere with them."

The unusual situation comes after 82-year-old Katherine's children, also including Tito, wrote a letter demanding the resignations of the executors of Michael's estate because they believe his will was a fake.

The letter also alleged that the executors' manipulations left Katherine in bad health and caused her to have a mini-stroke which she has denied.

Michael died in 2009 when he overdosed on prescription drug Propofol.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 09:37
also, für mich passt dieses bild in keine der uns unterbreiteten versionen, schon gar nicht in die, dass dieser Dr. Metzger hinzugezogen werden musste und Katherine sofortige ruhe/erholung meinte verordnen zu müssen....
wenn man Katherine auf diesem Bild sieht, scheint es dieses in den Medien veröffentlichte "Chaos" doch gar nicht zu geben ...

man könnte auf die Idee kommen, dies sei NICHT Katherine, die da mit Rebbie & Family gemütlich am Tisch sitzt ... und die ganze Welt scheint in Ordnung zu sein ... und auch die anderen am Tisch sitzenden Personen, strahlen wie "Honigkuchenpferde" ... :D

Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Ich wollte blos noch sagen, daß diese Kartenspieler alle da am Tisch ein schönes "falsches" Lächeln aufgesetzt haben, alle Achtung.
ja, diese ganze "Szenerie" wirkt doch irgendwie unglaubwürdig ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 10:00
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:immer, wenn man glaubt, jetzt könne es keine weitere steigerung mehr geben, kommt noch eine.... und noch eine.... und noch eine....
es scheint so, als ob sich eine "never ending Story" aufgetan hat ... ein Thriller, den
das Leben schreibt ... mit vielen kriminellen Elementen ...

die Meldungen der Medien überschlagen sich förmlich ... und es wird schwer, dem zu folgen ... vor allem, für sich herauszufinden, was entspricht nun der Wahrheit, was haben die "Schreiberlinge erfunden" ... :)

man bekommt richtig Angst, dass noch etwas ganz "furchtbares" geschehen könnte, nein vielleicht bereits geschehen ist ... ;( alles scheint so "unwirklich" zu sein, aber dann trotzdem auch wieder "möglich" ... :)

und über allem, warum haben bisher die Kids KEINEN telefonischen Kontakt zu Katherine "herstellen" können ????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.07.2012 um 10:09

Janet & Jermaine
at Jackson Family Home

7/23/2012 10:15 PM PDT


TMZ has obtained a photo of Janet Jackson and Jermaine Jackson in a heated exchange at the Jackson family home-- shortly after Sheriff's deputies responded to an alleged battery there on Monday afternoon.

In the pic, Janet and her brother Jermaine are in front of the Calabasas compound ... clearly engaged in a heavy conversation.

We're told the photo was taken within the same hour LA County Sheriff's deputies went to Katherine Jackson's home ... after someone inside accused someone else of a physical assault.

We do not know if Jermaine and Janet were involved in that dispute.

As we previously reported, Janet and Jermaine have a lot to discuss -- the letter they and 3 other siblings signed, demanding the Executors of Michael Jackson's Estate step down ... and Katherine Jackson's puzzling trip to Arizona.
