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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 09:44
auch von Facebook ... :)

♥ Memorial in honour of Michael Jackson in Munich/Germany ♥

♫♫♫ Michael Jackson ♫♫♫ Erinnert Euch – 15. August 2004 – Heute vor 8 Jahren

Hier ist das Video von Michaels Besuch in der Kirche:
Rechtsanwalt Thomas Mesereau & Michael Jackson besuchen die „First AME African Methodist Episcopal Church“ :
Youtube: Attorney Tom Mesereau & Michael Jackson Attend First AME Church
Attorney Tom Mesereau & Michael Jackson Attend First AME Church
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 09:48
♥ Memorial in honour of Michael Jackson in Munich/Germany ♥

♫♫♫ Michael Jackson ♫♫♫ Erinnert Euch – 15. August 2004 – Heute vor 8 Jahren

Nach dem Gottesdienst in der „First AME African Methodist Episcopal Church“ macht Michael sich mit Thomas Mesereau auf den Weg zum „Cecil Murray Education Center“, einer kleinen Schule die einen Block von der Kirche entfernt ist, und die zur „First AME African Methodist Episcopal Church“ gehört.
Michael besucht ein Klassenzimmer, wo er 25 afroamerikanische Kinder begrüßt und ihre Fragen beantwortet. Ein kleines Mädchen fragte, ob sie Neverland besuchen dürfe. Michael antwortete: „Du bist jederzeit willkommen.“ Weitere Fragen der Kinder waren z.B. wie der „Moonwalk“ geht und welches Lied Michaels Lieblinglied sei.
Bevor Michael den Klassenraum betrat, wurde der Presse verboten Fragen zu stellen. Michael widmete sich ausschließlich den Kindern.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 10:34
der Bericht ist vom National Enquirer, ein Blatt, wie unsere "Blöd" ... kann man nur mit Proxy "genießen" ... hier wird nun TJ Jackson von seinen "Jugendsünden" eingeholt ... bloß was hat er denn da Schlimmes getan ???? er war mit KIM KARDASHIAN befreundet ... ja, und ???? es bewahrheitet sich doch mal wieder, die "Amis" lassen erkennen, wie prüde sie teilweise nach außen hin tun ... :D aber umgangssprachlich "TJ NAILED KIM" kaum zu übertreffen ... :D :D :D


By Mike Walker
Published on: August 16, 2012

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THE KARDASHIAN KONNEKTION! As the Jackson Family Feud erupted into scandalous headlines, the world was suddenly introduced to a lesser-known member of that koo-koo klan: TJ JACKSON, son of MICHAEL JACKSON’s brother TITO, now famous because the court named him co-guardian of MJ’s kids – PRINCE MICHAEL, PARIS and BLANKET – with grandma KATHERINE JACKSON.

Here’s Kicker No. 1: Turns out TJ’s actually that “mystery” boyfriend KIM KARDASHIAN told OPRAH about when she admitted taking birth control pills at the tender age of 14 – so he could take her virginity!


Now here’s Kicker No. 2: Kim phoned old friend/teen-throb TJ, now a married father of three, to tell him she’d help out any way she could with his “new kids” – but that touched off the hair-trigger temper of Special K’s thug/lover KANYE WEST, who fears his big-bootied cutie might rekindle the flames of hot teen love!

Revealed a close friend: “Kanye’s boiling! He told Kim to stay a million miles away from that crazy family, and not to get caught up in their drama – because he won’t stand for it! But his reaction’s made Kim apprehensive. Friends think that more and more, she sees that Kanye wants her at his constant beck and call – because he wants to shrink her life outside of their relationship!”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 10:45
Ein Prozess weniger

Joe Jackson lässt Klage gegen Dr. Murray fallen

Donnerstag, 16. August 2012 | 10:02 Uhr | Sarah T.


Sein Tod mag zwar schon zwei Jahre her sein, aber die Schuldfrage schien bis dato immer noch nicht zu 100 Prozent geklärt – zumindest nicht vor Gericht. Mit gerade einmal 50 Jahren verstarb der „King of Pop“, Michael Jackson, und hinterließ neben einem großen Stück Musik-Geschichte auch eine ganze Menge unbeantworteter Fragen.

Sein Vater etwa, Joe Jackson (84), hatte bis jetzt die Klage gegen Michaels damaligen Leibarzt, Dr. Conrad Murray (59), aufrecht gehalten. Seiner Meinung nach war dieser für das Ableben seines berühmten Sohnes bekannt, und genau dafür sollte er verantwortlich gemacht werden. Doch wie TMZ berichtet, hat Joe die „unrechtmäßige“ Klage nun zurückgenommen! Joe habe eine Bitte an die zuständigen Richter formuliert, seine im Jahre 2010 erhobene Anklage fallen zu lassen, nachdem bereits im Februar ein Verfahren gegen die Konzertveranstalter „AEG“ eingestellt wurde. Allerdings läuft gegen die Agentur noch ein weiterer Prozess, bei dem die Jacksons abkassieren können: Da die Organisation angeblich geschlampt haben soll, was die Planung von Michaels ärztlicher Versorgung während seiner angekündigten „This Is It“-Tour betrifft, könnte dabei vielleicht noch ein Sieg vor Gericht für Joe herausspringen.

Doch das hat mit Murray nichts mehr weiter zu tun, der kann froh darüber sein, dass er nun einen Prozess weniger am Hals hat. Sein Anwalt ließ verlauten: „Die Hitzköpfe sind wohl ein wenig abgekühlt.“ Vorerst, zumindest.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 10:56
Paris + Madina ~ sie hat dieses Bild auch bei Instagram eingestellt ...

Paris: yesterday (: 6h



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 11:55


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 13:29
Michael Jackson And Bubbles The Untold Story
Youtube: Michael Jackson And Bubbles   The Untold Story
Michael Jackson And Bubbles The Untold Story
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 18:13

Katherine Jackson
Wants Estate to Pay for TP
Not Janet's Mortgage

8/16/2012 8:58 AM PDT


We have more info on Katherine Jackson's request for the Michael Jackson Estate to pay for expenses related to Janet Jackson's Las Vegas home, and it turns out toilet paper -- NOT mortgages -- is on her mind.

As we previously reported, the Estate filed documents asking the court to allow the Executors to pay Katherine for "expenses relating to .... a residence in Las Vegas."

We're told the residence is Janet Jackson's home. Fact is ... there's no need to cover any mortgage expenses, because we're told Janet doesn't have a mortgage -- she owns the home outright, but never spends time there. In fact, we're told she bought the home so Katherine could use it. And, she has provided various other forms of support for Katherine over the years. So what we reported initially -- that the Estate would pay part of the mortgage -- isn't the case.

Sources connected to Katherine now tell us, Katherine wants the money because she incurs various expenses when she spends time at Janet's property. Our sources say the expenses include, food, cable, utilities, Internet, travel and even toilet paper.

It's unclear why Katherine feels she's entitled to more money for things like food and toilet paper, because what she consumes and uses in Vegas she doesn't in L.A.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 18:49
von Facebook ...

With Nikki sixx xD
391544 132430333567799 776379359 n


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 20:20
dieses Video ist mit (russischen) Untertiteln ... habe leider kein anderes finden können, welches ohne Untertitel ist ... :)

Inside The Michael Jackson Mansion Never Can Say Goodbye-2009
Youtube: Inside The Michael Jackson Mansion Never Can Say Goodbye-2009
Inside The Michael Jackson Mansion Never Can Say Goodbye-2009
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.08.2012 um 21:51

Raymone Bain is Back!

Raymone Bain sued MJ on May 5, 2009, alleging that she and MJ signed a Personal Services Agreement that entitles her for the 10% of MJ's incomes from certain projects. The amount of money she claims exceeds 44 million dollars.

MJ's then lawyers filed for a dismissal 8 days before MJ died, claiming that Bain and MJ signed a document on December 27, 2007 that released the defendants from any such liability. After the tragical events the Judge entered a stay, the case could continue 5 months later.

Since then the Judge ruled in the MJ Esate's favour a couple of times, the last time he closed the case on June 8, 2012. Now Bain is back, as she filed for an appeal in the case on June 29, 2012!

She claims that her office received a letter from MJ on April 24, 2008, appr. 4 months after she has been terminated saying the followings:
"I have never terminated your services nor did I null and void any of your Agreements. I know nothing about a release form. I neither authorized or [sic] signed the same. Therefore, I am authorizing you to continue to communicate with Mr. Yakoob
regarding the Sultan [of Brunei]’s property in Las Vegas, and to continue your role as my General Manager and President/COO of The Michael Jackson Company."

Bain says that MJ was seriously interested in buying a permanent resident in Las Vegas at the time.

Furthermore she claims that this letter has been moved from her office by a consultant of The Michael Jackson Company LLC, and was returned only around July, 2010. On the top of that she says that the 2007 release does not seem to be signed by MJ.

On the grounds of the above new foundings, Bains wants the case to be re-opened. Unfortunately I couldn't find physical traces of the letter she mentioned.

By the way, Bain did not spend a single minute in prison. Her 90 days sentencing has been suspended, and she is on a 60 months probation period now. On the top of that she has to contribute 200 hours of community service, and pay her due taxes (over 200.000 dollars).

Interesting tidbits:
- Bain sat down with John Branca and Howard Weitzman in late 2009, when the Estate Administrators offered to settle her case. Bain insists that she would have been open to settle, however her lawyers advised her not to contact them.
- Bain has been invited to the Jackson Family event for the first anniversary of MJ's death.
Posted by LeslieMJHu at 8:43 PM


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 05:55
eine öffentliche Entschuldigung an @ TeamMichael777 Taaj Malik und @ Muzikfactorytwo


Today I would like to publicly apologise to @TeamMichael777 Taaj Malik and @Muzikfactorytwo

After a few days of thinking I now know I should never have used the C word to anyone let alone a woman, I should also never have vented my anger at someone who was only ever trying to make me aware of my errors - therefore I am sorry. to you both.

With this public apology I also would like to make some guarantee's and assurances both in myself and that of MJJC, in seven days time my personal twitter account will be permanently deleted therefore giving me no personal platform to act in this manner again, to add I as owner of MJJC also make an assurance that we will never make reference to anyone including yourselves again, our service platforms will only ever be used in a manner that is befitting to a fan club(news, updates etc)

After much thought I know I was in the wrong, if I could turn back time I would,

Going forward I am not asking for you to forgive, however in time I do hope that we can just move forward and do what we all do best.

Kind Regards

MJJC Owner and President.
einige Antworten >


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 06:26
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
A0d98TmCIAISW djpglarge
4:58 AM - 17 Aug 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i think that we can stay here cause i feel our time has come .. and we can walk down to the ocean , and sit with the rising sun<33
4:39 AM - 17 Aug 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i wish that we could stay here , but i fear our time has come .. we could ride out in the darkness chasing the rising sun<33
4:39 AM - 17 Aug 12
die beiden Tweets sind Textauszüge aus dem Song "Lay Me Down"
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i never stay where i'm unwanted
3:42 AM - 17 Aug 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
yay for chill-at-home days!((:
d5daad06e80711e1a58222000a1e8815 7A
3:07 AM - 17 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 07:00
ϟ ℳմz♪ʞFactorƴ₮ωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
Janet Jackson didn't ask Michael Jackson Estate to pay for her condo --Setting the record straight
6:24 AM - 17 Aug 12
ϟ ℳմz♪ʞFactorƴ₮ωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
@Gazminda On my behalf, I accept your apology. I had absolutely no problem with you except your use of the (cont)
4:26 AM - 17 Aug 12
@Gazminda On my behalf, I accept your apology. I had absolutely no problem with you except your use of the c-word to a woman — no matter who this woman was. The fact that you are a man and owner of a fanclub that carries Michael’s name only complicated the situation. I wasn’t siding with anyone, it was a matter of principle.

Owning a fanclub that represents Michael Jackson comes with responsibilities. Your club houses legions around the globe and fans look upto you as the President. You lead by example. Now that the fan community seems to be falling apart, more than ever, it is important that you lead your members and fans in general to unity, tolerance of diversity, diplomatic conflict resolution and most importantly, kindness & love.

I am someone who has been in your shoes. In fact, my mea culpa was worse than yours. I understand how heated emotions can lead you to act in a way you don't normally behave. I understand how utterly exasperating it is to deal with Taaj. I have great respects for people who apologize without a but. I am glad to see you right your wrong but please don’t beat yourself over it. It’d be extreme for you to close ur acct. You don’t need to do that. I think a lot of ppl would be sad to see u go — including me.

The certain blog and the twitter acct. are deleted.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 07:32
Janet's Home for Her Mom: The Truth Revealed


August 16, 2012

Janet Jackson's lawyer is defending her regarding a report claiming that the Estate of Michael Jackson filed documents in the probate court requesting that the estate be permitted to "foot a portion of the bill on Janet's mortgage on her posh Las Vegas condo."

According to her lawyer Blair Brown, Janet's Las Vegas home, which is not a condo, has never even had a mortgage, and she purchased the home outright 10 years ago for her mother Katherine Jackson's use. Furthermore, Janet has "provided financial support unconditionally to her mother before and after Michael's death and will continue to do so," her representative states.

Brown says that any implication that Jackson has demanded any payments from the estate, or needs payments from the estate, are "false and outrageous."

"She is a successful artist and very high net worth individual who has never had financial problems. She has no need for any such payments from the estate," Brown states.

The Jackson family recently made headlines for their ongoing dispute over the validity of Michael Jackson's will -- which leaves everything in the pop star's lucrative estate to Katherine and his children. Five of Michael's siblings recently claimed that Michael's will was fake and they have demanded that the executors of his estate should resign.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 08:07
beim Besuch einer Rechtsanwaltskanzlei in West Hollywood, am 13.08.2012, haben die Kinder MJ's persönlichen Assistenten "Michael Amir Williams" getroffen ... :)

habe die Beiträge von der MJJC übernommen
Beitrag # 4975 ~# 4977 ~ User: Soundmind ~
there are pics of the kids going to an attorney and more interestingly MJ's assistant brother Amer was there two .
no , I said the kids visited an attorney and they met mj's assistant there. he and they were there together for a reason
normal 916596-paris-prince-et-blanket-janormal 916583-paris-prince-et-blanket-ja
normal 916601-paris-prince-et-blanket-janormal 916598-paris-prince-et-blanket-ja

diese Bilder wurden von "King of pop - kids" aus diesem Bericht entnommen >


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 08:25
Prince scheint sich mit seinen Video-Spielen zu amüsieren ... :)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 08:53
den von Janet "gezwitscherten" Bericht, habe ich bereits heute um 07:32h eingestellt ... :)

Janet Jackson ‏@JanetJackson

Janet's Home for Her Mom: The Truth Revealed (Archiv-Version vom 24.09.2012)
1:59 AM - 17 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 09:20 (Archiv-Version vom 18.01.2012)



the funniest thing i've ever seen… @realobee's reaction to when i talk about boys… i swear , he's so annoying hahahaha
die lustigste Sache, die ich je erlebt habe ... @ realobee's Reaktion, wenn ich über Jungs rede ... Ich schwöre, er ist so nervig hahahaha
frei übersetzt

einige Antworten >


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.08.2012 um 10:02
Anhang: (56 KB)zu dem Beitrag vom 15.08.2012 um 20:05h ...

von Facebook übernommen:
The Double Jeopardy Question and Answer.pdf Anlage

Susanne Baur
Liebe Claudia, ich habe gerade mal das Entscheidende auf die Schnelle übersetzt:

Die Doppelbestrafung - Fragen und Antworten

Frage gestellt an zwei verschiedene Anwälte. Ein Anwalt war bereit, kostenlos zu antworten. Der zweite Anwalt hat
eine Gebühr berechnet, die wir gerne bezahlten.

Szenario: Gerichtsbeamte werden schuldig befunden, das Gericht betrogen zu haben, nachdem ein Fall verhandelt worden ist.

Der Angeklagte wurde "nicht schuldig" befunden.

Frage: Wenn die Gerichtsbeamten schuldig befunden wurden, "Betrug des Gerichts" begangen zu haben, hebt dies das "nicht schuldig"-Urteil für den Angeklagten auf?

Antwort: Die Antwort auf Ihre Frage ist "nein". Der Angeklagte wurde für nicht schuldig befunden und so wird es auch bleiben. Der Angeklagte kann nicht zweimal für dasselbe Verbrechen angeklagt werden (Doppelbestrafung).

Frage: Können Sie die rechtlichen Grundsätze erklären in Bezug auf den von mir beschriebenen Fall, so dass wir das "warum" besser verstehen können?

Antwort: Gerne. Der 5. Zusatz zur US-Verfassung (5th Amendment) sieht vor: "…Niemand darf wegen derselben Straftat zweimal durch ein Verfahren in Gefahr des Leibes oder des Lebens gebracht werden. (Wikipedia-Übers).
Da der Angeklagte bereits freigesprochen wurde, im Rahmen der Verfassung, kann er nicht nochmal wegen desselben Verbrechens angeklagt werden. Die Verfassung lässt das nicht zu. Das "nicht schuldig"-Urteil bleibt bestehen.

Frage: Ist es ein Problem, wenn ich diese Antworten in einem öffentlichen Forum poste, um eine Auseinandersetzung zu klären?

Antwort: Der 5. Zusatz ist Teil eines öffentlichen Dokuments. Sie können diesen Link posten:
