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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 09:41
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix
Testimony of Dentist Sought in #MichaelJackson Death Case … via @CourthouseNews
6:48 AM - 18 Aug 12


(CN) - An entertainment company blamed for Michael Jackson's death wants a North Carolina court to subpoena a dentist who "may have been present" when the late pop icon was sedated with propofol.
Click here to check out Courthouse News' Entertainment Law Digest. (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2012)
As the defendant in a wrongful death lawsuit ( (Archiv-Version vom 03.12.2013) ) filed by Jackson's mother, Anschutz Entertainment Group has asked the Union County Superior Court to subpoena out-of-state witness Dr. Mark Tadrissi, D.D.S.
AEG claims Tadrissi, based in Waxhaw, N.C., is a "healthcare provider who likely treated and/or consulted with Michael Jackson, including in or around 2008."
It says Tadrissi has information and knowledge pertinent to the case, as he "may have been present when Michael Jackson was given sedation, including propofol," the surgical anesthetic that killed the entertainer on June 25, 2009.
Katherine Jackson has accused AEG of instructing her son "to stop seeing and taking medications from his current doctor" and to rely on Dr. Conrad Murray, whom it hired to ensure Michael Jackson attended rehearsals and shows for his "This Is It" tour.
AEG agents went to the entertainer's Beverly Hills home on June 18 and "demanded Michael Jackson stop seeing Dr. Arnold Klein and stop taking the drugs Klein gave him," Katherine Jackson claims. "AEG said Klein's drugs made him sleepy and prevented him from rehearsing. AEG demanded Michael Jackson take only the medications given to him by Murray."
Murray was hired as Michael's personal physician in May 2009 for $150,000 a month. Jackson says he administered "various controlled substances and other medications" to her son, "including Valium, Ativan, Versed, and Propofol."
A week after AEG agents allegedly came to his house, the singer died of a propofol overdose.
Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for his role in Michael Jackson's death and was sentenced to the maximum four years in prison.
AEG says Tadrissi has crucial knowledge in this case that requires a subpoena.
"Among other issues, Michael Jackson's health, medical history, and history of drug use are central to this wrongful death lawsuit," it claims. "This witness possesses knowledge and information, including documents, communications, and records, directly relevant to this case that cannot be obtained from any other source."
Kathryn Cahan is representing AEG and its co-defendants: AEG Live, AEG Live Co-CEOs Brandon "Randy" Phillips and Paul Gongaware, "This Is It" tour director Kenneth Ortega and Anschutz Entertainment Group CEO Timothy Leiweke.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 09:43
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix

lmao @ Taaj Malik @TeamMichael777 1 of if not THE most hated MJ "fans" (I use the term loosely) claims to have 131,771 followers #bullshit
9:40 AM - 18 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 09:49
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix



11:42 PM - 17 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 10:00

Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix

131,772 my ass! lol @TeamMichael777 (Archiv-Version vom 28.08.2012)


9:53 AM - 18 Aug 12


Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix



12:10 PM - 17 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 10:15 (Archiv-Version vom 09.11.2012)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 10:21
diese Dokumentation wurde beim ORF2 ausgestrahlt ... kann mich nicht erinnern, dass sie im
Deutschen TV lief ... aber das will ja noch nichts heißen ... :D :D :D

Michael Jackson Dokumentation von Rudi Dolezal
Youtube: Michael Jackson  Dokumentation von Rudi Dolezal
Michael Jackson Dokumentation von Rudi Dolezal
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Veröffentlicht am 06.03.2012 von TheMJDreamworld


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 10:46
Gary officials plan big celebration in honor of Michael Jackson

8 hours ago • Deborah Laverty, (219) 762-1397, ext. 2223

GARY | The life and legacy of Michael Jackson will be honored during a weeklong series of events in the area starting Friday.

Gary officials, fans and family representatives of Jackson outlined those events at a news conference hosted Friday by Karen Freeman-Wilson at City Hall.

One of the highlights of this year's events will be the first-time involvement of Katherine Jackson, the mother of the King of Pop, family representative Jerry Olivarez said.

Freeman-Wilson said she looks forward to meeting Katherine Jackson and Michael's children, Paris-Michael, Prince "Blanket" and Michael "Prince."

"Mrs. Jackson loves the city of Gary and wants to reach out to the city. And we appreciate her for taking the lead and bringing all of these wonderful events to our city," Freeman-Wilson said.

This is the third year Gary has hosted a tribute for native son Michael Jackson, who would have celebrated his birthday Aug. 29.

Jackson died June 25, 2009.

The theme of this year's tribute will be "Goin' Back to Indiana," the title of a 1971 live/soundtrack album by the Jackson 5.

The salute in Gary will begin Aug. 29 at the old Jackson home, 2300 Jackson St. with a candlelight tribute ceremony.

The streets will be closed starting at 3 p.m. and the ceremony will begin at 8 p.m., officials said.

Fans are invited to place ribbons and flowers at the house and sign a commemorative billboard poster.

The Jackson children will be the guests of honor at the Gary South Shore RailCats baseball team's special tribute night Aug. 30.

The game, which starts at 7:10 p.m., will feature a musical tribute by the Gratitude Project, ceremonial ball toss, presentation of team uniform and video presentation and moment of remembrance.

Freeman-Wilson will host a tribute dinner reception honoring Katherine Jackson at the Majestic Star Pavilion on Aug. 31.

Presented by the Gary Chamber of Commerce, the event will feature a musical tribute by the Gratitude Project and a special presentation to Katherine Jackson.

In addition, there will be a Michael Jackson Tribute Concert featuring a musical salute to him at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 1 at West Side High School, 900 Gerry St.

In addition to four days of celebration in Gary, there will be events planned by MJ Fanvention, Karen Williams said.

The three-day weekend package starts Aug. 24 and ends Aug. 26.

Weekend participants will stay at the South Loop Hotel in Chicago, then travel to Gary to see memorabilia, video footage and talk with special guests.

For updates and the latest information, visit (Archiv-Version vom 04.09.2014)

For information about the three-day weekend package, go to (Archiv-Version vom 24.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 14:44
von der MJJC übernommen ... Beitrag # 5014 ~ User: Bubs ~
I wonder if Katherine still owns that Las Vegas home she bought 1988 and if her request for extra money is for that house?
She has filed to bankruptcy after 1988, would she be allowed to keep another house in LV while filing bankruptcy in LA?

I found this info
When I decided to buy a weekend home in Las Vegas in 1988, Joe insisted on redecorating the spare room next to the pool himself. After he did that he began talking about planting a vegetable garden. (aus dem Buch "My Family, The Jacksons" von Katherine Jackson)

Ich frage mich, ob Katherine noch das Haus in Las Vegas besitzt, das sie 1988 gekauft hatte und ob ihr Antrag auf zusätzliche Mittel, für dieses Haus sei?
Sie hat nach 1988 Insolvenz angemeldet, würde es ihr gestattet sein, ein anderes Haus in LV zu unterhalten, während der Einreichung der Insolvenz in LA?

Ich fand diese Info
Als ich beschloss ein Wochenendhaus in Las Vegas im Jahr 1988 zu kaufen, bestand Joe selbst auf Renovierung der Abstellkammer neben dem Pool. Nachdem er das tat, begann er über An-/Bepflanzung eines Gemüsegartens zu reden.
I personally wish that there was a way if I buy a CD video or any product that comes out from MJ estate, I could decide by pressing a button or something:-) whether my money is going to be distributed to Katherine and lazy siblings, or will it go to his kids and charity. It is not hard to guess, where I would loved to direct my money:-)
Ich persönlich wünsche mir, dass es eine Möglichkeit gäbe, wenn ich eine CD Video oder irgendein beliebiges Produkt kaufe, dass vom MJ Estate herausgebracht wird, dass ich durch Drücken einer Taste oder irgendetwas entscheiden könnte :-), wohin mein Geld geht, ob es an Katherine und die faulen Geschwister verteilt wird oder ob es an seine Kinder und die Charity gehen würde. Es ist nicht schwer zu erraten, wo ich liebend mein Geld anweisen würde :-)
frei übersetzt


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 15:02
das Buch My Family, The Jacksons von Katherine Jackson, kann man auch noch über Amazon erwerben ... nicht mehr als "Neu" erhältlich, nur als "Gebraucht" ... ... :)

Auszüge aus dem Buch ...

My Family, The Jacksons









MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 15:04






MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 15:16
im Beitrag von heute um 14:44h wird u. a. Bezug genommen auf diese Seite ... :)


Michael’s high profile in 1988 kept the gossip mill working overtime. The stories got crazier and crazier: “Michael Jackson to Pump Fancy French Water into Entire House”; “Michael Jackson’s Chimp Gets $Millions in His Will”; “Michael Jackson and Ringo Starr Both Claim They’ve Seen John Lennon’s Ghost!”

But the winner in the tabloids’ fiction-writing contest was the article headlined “Hundred of Fans Are Asking .... IS MICHAEL JACKSON DEAD?” The author of the article put one and one together (the change in Michael’s physical appearance over the years, plus his change in image) .... and got six. I could only shake my head and laugh at the tabloids’ shameless attempts to sell papers.

I wasn’t laughing, however, after I picked up a copy of the August 8 issue of People magazine and read its feature on the Jackson family.

“Katherine and Joe Jackson find themselves out of touch -- and often at odds -- with most of their remarkable brood,” the magazine maintained. The article went on to portray a “fractious” Jackson family torn by enough internal bickering, intrigue, and jealousy “to supply the plot of ‘Dynasty’ for another eight seasons.”

“So now the press has tired to taking potshots at Michael and has declared open hunting season on the entire family,” I said.

Adding credence to the magazine’s charges were quotes of Joe’s that were critical of Michael.

“We wonder why things have changed like they have, why [Michael] doesn’t seem to care about his family,” Joe told People. “The few times we’ve spoken to him, he seems glad to hear from us. But when you talk to other people, they say Michael doesn’t want to be involved with his family.”

I don’t agree with everything Joe Jackson says, and I didn’t agree with his depiction of a Michael estranged from the family. Michael had been on the road at the point of nearly a year. I think that Joe rued his words, too.

The Jackson family did not live in a fairy-tale land devoid of strife in 1988. Like any large family, we had our share of problems. For example, Joe’s relationship with Michael in 1988 wasn’t as good as I think it could and should have been. I read Joe’s complaint about Michael as more of a cry of frustration over the fact than anything else.

To figure out what makes a person tick, I think you have to look at his formative years. I was raised by two strict, yet loving parents. Joe, by contrast, was raised by two strict parents, period. Judging by the times that I heard Sam and Chrystal Jackson utter the words, “I love you” -- zero -- Joe didn’t hear them often, if ever, when he was growing up. Sam Jackson would show his love for Joe, me, and the grandkids only in the little things that he would do for us in Gary: sewing tears in my children’s pants, or buying several pairs of pants for me after seeing me stand out in the cold at the bus stop in a dress.

Having been nurtured and loved, it’s second nature for me to express my love to my kids. I can’t get off the phone with any of them without saying “I love you.” But Joe can’t bring himself to open up to the children even though sharing personal feelings is the only way to make a relationship grow.

Ironically, I’ve heard Joe tell his friends how attached he is to the kids, how protective he feels toward them.

“Tell your children that instead of your friends!” I’ve pleaded.

But Joe replies stubbornly, “They know.”

Joe did demonstrate his attachment to one of his sons, Jermaine, in early 1988, when I opposed, on moral grounds, Jermaine’s request that he be allowed to stay temporarily in our house with his girlfriend Margaret Maldonado and their son, Jeremy, following his divorce from Hazel.

“Kate, he’s my son and I’m giving him permission,” Joe announced. “I’ll take full responsibility for allowing him to return.” (Jermaine stayed at home until June 1989, when he, Margaret, Jeremy, and Jourdyn, who was born in January of that year, moved to an apartment in Beverly Hills.)

Not long after Jermaine moved back in, LaToya moved out, making her well-publicized professional split from Joe. That and her decisions to pose for Playboy and write a “tell-all” book about the family were the biggest traumas for the Jacksons in 1988.

Despite these problems, I think that anyone who really knew the Jacksons in 1988 saw a family that was far more close-knit than People magazine gave the Jacksons credit for being.

Regarding the charge that I, as well as Joe, was “out of touch” with our kids, the timing of the article’s publication was ironic. That week, Janet, one of the kids whom Joe and I were supposedly “struggling” to maintain good relations with, showed up at the house with two rhinestone-elephant pins that she’d bought for me in London a couple of days earlier (I have an elephant collection). While it was true that she had decided to take more of a hand in her own management in 1988, thereby cutting her professional ties with Joe, she showed her appreciation to her father for his help over the years by informing me, “I’ll never stop giving Joe his percentage. I just want to do that.”

People in the music business know the truth about my relationship with my kids. When a record-company executive or a business associate has a hard time reaching one of the children, he typically attempts to make contact through me. Also, I am frequently asked to approach a specific child with a business proposition. If I think that the proposition has merit, I present it. (However, I am careful not to approach the children too often. I don’t want them to begin thinking, Uh-oh, here comes Mother again, trying to talk us into doing something.)

The children who live in Los Angeles visited at the house regularly enough in 1988 for Rebbie to refer to the house as “a filling station .... You fill up on what’s going on, then return when you want to know more.”

Most didn’t have far to travel. Tito and his family live just up the road from Joe and me in a Spanish-style home set on four hilltop acres. Marlon and his family live just around the corner in an English Tudor-style home that was featured in Ebony. Jackie lives in a condo that we keep in neighboring Van Nuys. Janet and Randy live in condos in nearby Bel-Air and Westwood, respectively. Jermaine lives just a little farther away than they do, in Beverly Hills.

In fact, outside of Michael, the only child who has a bit of a “commute” to the house is Rebbie. She lives with her family in a comfortable two-story home in Agoura, about a thirty-minute drive.

Of my children living in Los Angeles area, the only one I wouldn’t see for weeks at a time was independent Randy. If I started to miss him, I’d call him.

“Randy, you still have a mother and father who love you,” I’d gently remind him.

“Okay, Mom, I’m coming to see you!” And he would.

In my one-on-one times with my children, meanwhile, we ran a gamut of activities.

Jackie, the family’s premier sports fan, tried to encourage my own building interest in sports. He and my nephew Tony taught me how to follow a football game on television. Jackie also invited me to a number of Lakers basketball games; he has season tickets.

I also attended a Lakers game with Marlon, who has season tickets, as well. But my favorite times with him were spent in philosophical discussions, about life and God. Marlon is a deep thinker.

I also spoke frequently to Rebbie about God and His teachings; Rebbie remains a devout Jehovah’s Witness like me. But we also shared a “light” interest, interior decorating. Rebbie did a lot of redecorating of her Agoura home in 1988, and we went out shopping together from time to time.

Janet is an avid games player. She, her boyfriend Rene Elizondo, my nephew Tony, and I spent a number of evenings playing Pictionary and Scrabble in the upstairs den.

Jermaine’s a movie buff. He got hid hands on many first-run movies in 1988, and invited me and whoever else was around to watch them with him in our theatre.

Because I saw Randy infrequently in 1988, our times together were mainly spent talking at the house. Alluding to his real estate investments -- Westwood condo, Beverly Hills house, recording studio, and beach house -- I loved to tease him. “Randy,” I’d say, “you’re the baby boy and here you are trying to be a business man. You probably don’t even know what you’re doing.” Randy’s got a good sense of humor, so I know I can get away with barbs like that.

I also didn’t see Tito as frequently as many of the others in 1988. When he wasn’t working in his home studio, he was restoring one of his Model A’s or vintage Mercedeses. And when he wasn’t doing that, he was off with his family in Big Bear, where he has a cabin, or Oxnard, where he has an oceanfront condo. But the times that we did spend together were very meaningful, because Tito typically sought me out whenever he was hurting or confused about a matter in his personal life or career.

TITO: My mother is one of the few people in my life who I can tell everything to. It’s just the way she listens and understands. Her vibes are very good.

JERMAINE: One of the things that keeps us coming back to her is the fact that she’s never shown any favoritism. From the most successful children to the ones who are “low on the totem pole,” she treats us all the same. It’s just like we were still living in Gary.

The children were no more “at odds -- and out of touch” with one another than I was with them in 1988, despite People’s charge that the Jackson family was wracked by “sibling jealousy.”

REBBIE: As the sibling who’s earned the least amount of money in show business, I would have more cause than any of my brothers or sisters to feel jealous. But I don’t.

After I moved to California, I loved showing off my brothers’ beautiful homes to the friends who came to visit me. My attitude at the time was that I felt proud just to be their sister. I still feel that way.

I’m close to my brothers, and I honestly don’t see any jealousy among them, either. I think these charges of “sibling jealousy” arose because the press just assumes that there has to be some because Michael has been so outstandingly successful. But assuming something doesn’t make it so.

JACKIE: I’m happy for my brother selling all those albums. I hope he sells a hundred million. He’s just paving the way for the rest of us.

In fact, Michael has made a point of extending a helping hand to his brothers and sisters. His offer to write and produce a song for Rebbie, for example, helped her get a recording deal with CBS Records in 1984 (“Centipede,” the song he contributed to her debut album, became the LP’s title tune as well as a Top Forty pop hit). He helped Jackie by getting CBS’s permission for him to record a solo album for Polygram Records. And he really went to bat at CBS for Marlon after Marlon announced his decision to leave the Jacksons and Epic Records in 1985. Michael succeeded in getting Marlon his release after Epic refused Marlon’s own request, thereby allowing the opportunity to pursue a full-time solo recording career.

REBBIE: As for the related charge of sibling rivalry in our family, I believe that the press has confused competitiveness with the desire on all of our parents to be successful.

MARLON: One thing about being a child star is that some people aren’t willing to have you become an adult. They see you embarking on a solo career after recording exclusively with your brothers for years, and they refer to what you’ve done as “breaking away” or “tearing apart.” They don’t recognize your right to grow up, to grow. But if there’s no depth, there’s no destiny. Everybody is entitled to do what they want to do in life.

TITO: And we don’t feud with one another; the press has made that related charge. In fact, if any of the brothers gets into an argument, we can’t leave the room without making up.

JERMAINE: You want to know what the bottom line is? The Jacksons are a family we will remain. You have to shoe unity.

There are two Jackson family traditions that bespeak unity.

One is the Family Meeting, held in either the upstairs den or downstairs trophy room. The meetings are held to discuss business or personal matters that arise affecting one or more of us. Any of the Jacksons may request one.

In 1988, Randy asked for a Family Meeting because someone in the business had been “bad mouthing” him, and he was upset. “Why would he call a meeting about this?” the rest of us wondered. “People bad mouth each other all the time in the business.” But Randy was hurting, and he wanted to share his feelings with us. So we met and listened to him.

In 1988 we also called a Family Meeting to discuss a topic that was of great concern to all of us: LaToya. Much of the meeting was spent devising approaches that we could make to her in attempt to persuade her to part company with her manager, Jack Gordon, and return home to us.

The other Jackson tradition is Family Day. Limited to Joe and me, the children, and the grandchildren, Family Day is little more than your old-fashioned barbecue, with maybe a movie thrown in for entertainment. Business talk is discouraged; Family Day is a time for the Jacksons to drop their work, forget their cares, and be a family again. Joe and I and a couple of the kids hosted Family Day during 1988.

My words’-eye picture of the Jackson family in 1988 wouldn’t be complete without a comment on Joe’s and my relationship.

People magazine made mention of our crisis, as well as the “rumors of Joe philandering.” However, the article’s writer was content to let Joe have the final word on us: “We survived. We love each other, and we have children. That’s why we’re together.” That was one People quote of Joe’s that I did agree with.

This is not to say that by 1988 I had totally gotten over my deep hurt at his infidelity, because I hadn’t. When the painful thoughts came up, I dealt with them. But mostly I was able to keep a positive focus. God knows I have so much to be thankful for in my life.

I had detected one change in Joe by 1988, a mellowing of sorts. While he still had several business projects on the front burner, he was content to stay home much more than in the past. He also made time to do things that he hadn’t done in years: cook meals, barbecue in the yard. He really surprised me when he began making the bed in the morning.

When I decided to buy a weekend home in Las Vegas in 1988, Joe insisted on redecorating the spare room next to the pool himself. After he did that he began talking about planting a vegetable garden.

As hard as it was for Joe to talk about his feelings, it occurred to me that his new show of teamwork around the house was his subtle way of telling me that he was happy that we were still together after nearly four decades of marriage.

I don’t want to give the impression that Joe had “gone soft.” He still hated “I told you so’s,” as in “Joe, I told you not to talk to People magazine.” He still was prone to moodiness. Sometimes he’d still get so mad about something or other that his forehead would sort of rise up and he would change color -- a tip that I should take the day off and go shopping.

Also, let the record show that Joe Jackson still had his devilish side.

The first weekend we stayed at our Las Vegas house, I was talking one night in my bedroom with a friend, Amelia Patterson. A warm, gusty wind was blowing, and the branches of the mulberry tree were casting moving shadows against the curtains; it was a somewhat spooky sight. But Amelia and I got into such a deep talk that I forgot about the shadows.

All of a sudden we heard a scratching sound against a window in one of the french doors. I walked over to the door, peered out, and spied a form crouching in the shadows. I nearly jumped out of my skin!

I took off out of the bedroom like a shot. Amelia was right on my tail.

Of course it was Joe.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.08.2012 um 19:22

all my dad wanted was forgiveness , love , & peace .. forgiving leads to loving , loving leads to peace at heart & at mind .. goodnight<3 xo
Alles was mein Paps wollte, war Vergebung, Liebe, & Frieden .. vergeben führt zum lieben, zu lieben führt zum Frieden im Herzen und des Geistes .. gute Nacht <3 xo

what happened to hakuna matata ? i'm a forgiving person and that's how my dad raised me .. please respect that #MJFam
was passiert mit Hakuna Matata? Ich bin eine vergebende Person und das ist es, wie mein Paps mich erzogen hat .. bitte respektiert das # MJFam


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 06:34
Gary prepares for Michael Jackson celebration

From The Associated Press
Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 12:01 am

GARY — Michael Jackson's Indiana hometown is gearing up for a weeklong celebration of its most famous son that's expected to draw Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson and her late son's three children.

Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson said at a Friday news conference outlining the upcoming events that she looks forward to meeting Katherine Jackson and Michael's children, Prince, 15, Paris, 14 and Blanket, 10.

"Mrs. Jackson loves the city of Gary and wants to reach out to the city. And we appreciate her for taking the lead and bringing all of these wonderful events to our city," she said.

Jackson family representative Jerry Olivarez said Katherine Jackson's visit will be her first appearance in Gary as part of the northwestern Indiana city's annual celebration of her famous son. This is the third year Gary has hosted a tribute for Jackson, who died on June 25, 2009.

The Times of Munster reported ( ) Saturday that Gary's Jackson salute will begin Aug. 29 with a candlelight tribute at the Jackson family's former home on what would have been the singer's 54th birthday.

The Jackson children will be the guests of honor Aug. 30 at the Gary South Shore RailCats baseball team's special tribute night.

That game will feature a musical tribute by the Gratitude Project, a ceremonial ball toss, a team uniform presentation, a video presentation and a moment of remembrance.

Gary's mayor, Freeman-Wilson, will host a tribute dinner reception on Aug. 31 honoring Katherine Jackson at the Majestic Star Pavilion. The event will feature a musical tribute by the Gratitude Project.

The Jackson events will also include a Sept. 1 "Michael Jackson Tribute Concert" featuring a musical salute to him at West Side High School.

The Jackson family moved from Gary to California in 1969 after the Jackson 5 struck it big with the release of their first album. Aside from two concerts the Jackson 5 played at West Side High School in 1971, the only time Michael Jackson returned to his hometown was in 2003.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 06:55
V.I.P. Very Important Petition!
Youtube: V.I.P. Very Important Petition!
V.I.P. Very Important Petition!
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Veröffentlicht am 01.08.2012 von Mjsimfansforum

This petition serves to express our concern and belief that former District Attorney Thomas Sneddon committed at least three felonies against Mr. Michael Jackson during the 2005 trial of charges for child molestation.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 07:03
s. a. Beiträge von gestern um 07:24h + 07:34h ... :)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ

Re: Fraud upon court, Sneddon, Wagener via @Ivy_4MJ
6:45 PM - 18 Aug 12

Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Re: Fraud upon court, Sneddon, Wagener

Every single MJ fan would like to see Sneddon pay for what he did to Michael but at the same time I believe we stand to benefit a lot from being realistic.

Soon after Michael’s death Wagener was promising that Sneddon can be indicted for “malicious prosecution” however this was wrong as “malicious prosecution” could have been only brought by Michael and only within a certain time period. When corrected by the fans, Wagener (or most probably his supporters) came up with “fraud” or “fraud upon the court” claims. Fraud claim is also limited to certain time period from “discovery date” which is also passed because the knowledge about what Sneddon did is not new; we knew it since 2005 when T-Mez actually mentioned the fingerprints and such.

That leaves us with “fraud upon the court” which looks really nice on the paper with no statute of limitations and serious consequences that could include fine and perhaps even jail time in addition to firing and disbarment. However it’s not correctly understood (probably due to the fact that it’s highly specialized and quite rare).

Read the definition please

“Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. ... It is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted or where the judge has not performed his judicial function --- thus where the impartial functions of the court have been directly corrupted.”

Now read it again.

Fraud upon the court is NOT – again NOT – fraudulent documents or false statements. So from this definition you see that false fingerprints are not fraud upon the court.

Fraud upon the court is when the court cannot be impartial.

Here comes the MOST important question: How can you argue the court could not perform its impartial functions, when the verdict was “not guilty”?

The answer is simple: You can’t. Your basic common sense and logic should tell you that you can’t really argue that the court was corrupted and could not perform its impartial functions when the verdict was “not guilty” and indeed an innocent man was found innocent because the court was able to do its job.

That’s why the online lawyers Mary Brookins contacted told you that a “not guilty” verdict will hold because there is no basis for a fraud upon the court claim in this scenario.

What the people said about the fraud upon the court principles and how the judgment would be voided was also true and all you need is again your common sense and basic logic to realize that this is the truth. If the court is corrupted to the point of not being able to be impartial, that would void any and all decisions of that court as everyone is entitled to a fair trial. This is clear in the legal wording as well which says “"Fraud upon the court" makes void the orders and judgments of that court. Under Federal law, when any officer of the court has committed "fraud upon the court", the orders and judgment of that court are void, of no legal force or effect.”

Furthermore “fraud upon the court” can only be brought by the person who has been damaged by such fraud – which was Michael. That’s why you aren’t seeing a complaint to the court because neither Wagener nor the fans have any legal standing. Wagener only talked to County Supervisors hoping that they would start an independent investigation.

So where all of this leaves us? Nowhere to be honest. What Wagener did was to take the stand at a meeting where anyone from the public can talk and mentioned his suspicions. You are hoping that the supervisors will take it seriously and start an investigation themselves otherwise you have no legal standing to bring any complaint. You are then hoping that your claims would hold and it would uncover something and then hoping that it would result in a consequence which is more serious than firing and disbarment which has no meaning to the blissfully retired Sneddon. That’s a lot of hoping and a lot of dreaming. I’m even hearing that Wagener participating in blog talk radio saying that nothing will probably happen and/or there needs to be law changes for Sneddon to be held responsible. To me it seems like even Wagener is aware that this is just a dream. Furthermore if you have been a long time fan, active during 2005 trial and know the 16+ cases that have been filled against Sneddon when he was the DA and you would also know that nothing came out of those that would punish Sneddon for what he did. At most some lawsuits were dismissed and the verdicts were overturned but Sneddon continued to be the aggressive and corrupt prosecutor. As one of fans mentioned during their speech, it’s highly unlikely that any county supervisor would even start an investigation of Sneddon especially given the fact that you don’t have a complaining victim (Michael), the victim is dead, Sneddon is retired and it’s been over 7 years. So these are the sad but true facts.

I can understand if some have an emotional response and feel like they need to at least try this effort but they also need to understand that having a realistic approach and saying “well probably nothing will come out of this” is not being a hater or being a fake fan. Again I’m absolutely sure that every MJ fans would love – LOVE – to see Sneddon being held responsible for what he put Michael put through but if realistically this is not possible then our time is better spent on focusing on other things. Furthermore to be brutally honest, this unrealistic approach is what causes MJ fans to have a reputation of being “crazy” or “delusional”. Just the comments under the local news story include “Mad MJ fans”, “Do these people have any lives what so ever?” and “A number of people with a lack of purpose in their lives showed up”. Is that how we want to portray the MJ fan base?

Honestly sometimes I wonder how much of this attempt of trying to indict Sneddon is done for Michael and how much of it is based on Wagener’s own history with Sneddon. I believe Michael Jackson was the only person that could bring charges against Sneddon for judicial fraud, malicious prosecution and prosecutorial misconduct but he didn’t and the statue of limitations has run its course.

But that’s not the only thing, there’s Wagener’s documentary. Again we all know his position and reporting during the 2005 trial and thankful for it. So getting the story of the 2005 trial out, exposing evidence tempering, changing the public perception, expressing Michael’s innocence seems to be a far better effort for Michael’s legacy. You know, it’s possible to convict Sneddon in the court of public opinion.

I want to end this by saying that everyone is entitled to their opinion and can decide on what to support or not. My position is to be realistic and focus on stuff that I know can actually make a difference. I wish everyone all the best in what route and effort they wish to take.

PS: Please let’s all of us stop with this “hater” and “fake fan” bs, it’s called a difference of opinion and most adults can respect a person’s right to an opinion even though it’s totally opposite of their opinion.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 09:07
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix
@ParisJackson Your Dads last concert from the Bad Tour in L.A. #brilliant (Archiv-Version vom 21.08.2012)
1:35 AM - 19 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 10:47
Cool das Tshirt mit MJ drauf, mal schaun ob es in Miami zu kaufen gibt :D.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 11:42
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Cool das Tshirt mit MJ drauf, mal schaun ob es in Miami zu kaufen gibt :D .
ja, das finde ich auch toll ... auch wenn ich es selbst nicht anziehen würde ... :) aber das eine, hat ja nichts mit dem anderen zu tun ... :)
leider hat der User: "Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix" nicht angegeben, wo er dieses Bild entnommen hat ... ;)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 13:55
ich bin beim Stöbern auf einen alten Bericht, vom 01.07.2009, gestoßen ... hier wird u. a. "gesagt", dass das Bild, das durch die Medien geisterte, NICHT die reale Katherine zeigen würde, wie sie angeblich 2 Tage nach MJs Tod Schlafsäcke einkauft ... im alten TMZ Bericht ist kein Bild mehr
vorhanden = ( )
habe dieses Bild zwar vor Augen, habe es bestimmt auch abgespeichert, aber kann es leider nicht finden ... hahaha ... von diesen Zweifeln war mir bisher nichts bekannt ... ;)

Katherine, die wichtigste Frau in Jacksons Leben


Sie selbst malte von sich das Bild der gütigen, liebenden Löwenmutter, die nie anderes im Sinn hatte als das Seelenheil und Wohlergehen ihres Nachwuchses. Und in der Tat verteidigte sie ihren Sohn Michael vor Gericht und in der Presse. Doch wer ist Katherine Jackson wirklich? Von Hannelore Crolly

Eine betagte, schwarze Frau, rüstig zwar, aber mit schwermütiger Miene unter dem dunklen Lockenschopf, drückt einen voluminösen Einkaufswagen Richtung Supermarktkasse. Sorgfältig hat sie im ausgeklappten Kindersitz ihre Handtasche deponiert, in dem roten Karren steckt ein wulstiger, rosa-grauer Schlafsack aus Nylon. Spektakulär wird das Foto, das der Hollywood-Nachrichtendienst TMZ im Internet verbreitete , jedoch erst durch seinen Text: "Michael Jacksons Mutter Katherine besuchte einen örtlichen Target-Supermarkt, um Schlafsäcke und Spielsachen zu kaufen. Die Familie will, dass sie Michaels drei Kinder großzieht."

Der Schnappschuss muss etwa zur gleichen Zeit präsentiert worden sein wie jene Fotos von einem munter auf dem Tisch tanzenden Michael, die vom Vortag von dessen Tod stammen sollten, aber tatsächlich sechs Jahre alt waren. Und die angebliche Aufnahme von Katherine Jackson hat wohl sogar noch weniger Wahrheitsgehalt als die Tanzszenen. Zwar hat die Supermarkt-Seniorin tatsächlich Ähnlichkeit mit Michaels 79-jähriger, rundlicher Mutter. Doch es ist schier unvorstellbar, dass Katherine, die stolze Grande Dame der Jackson-Dynastie, die stets perfekt gekleidete Herrin über ein Anwesen mit 22 Zimmern, zeitweise Besitzerin von nicht weniger als sechs Limousinen, darunter zwei Rolls Royce, tatsächlich mit einer gelb-lila geblümten Hemdbluse durch ein Billigkaufhaus streifen soll, um Plastikschlafsäcke zu horten.

Dennoch zog eine seriöse britische Zeitung die Aufnahme als Grundlage für ein Psychogramm über jene weithin unbekannte Frau heran, die nun möglicherweise das Sorgerecht für Michael Jacksons Kinder in die Hand bekommt und wahrscheinlich auch sein Millionenerbe: Katherine Jackson sei eine "praktisch veranlagte Frau", hieß es im "Guardian", eine warmherzige Matriarchin und uneigennützige Großmutter, die sich an ihrem Lebensabend mit der ihr eigenen Anpassungsfähigkeit und Kraft der Aufgabe stelle, selbstlos für ihre drei Enkel zu sorgen.

Auch die "Los Angeles Times" , das Haus- und Hof-Blatt der in Kalifornien lebenden Jacksons, stellt den Target-Einkaufstripp als Tatsache dar, und als Beleg für die Bodenhaftung und Familienverbundenheit von Katherine. Es spricht einiges dafür, dass die Reporter damit nicht nur einem falschen Foto aufgesessen sind, sondern auch einem ganzen Bündel von Mythen und Klischees, die Jacksons Mutter jahrzehntelang sorgfältig über sich selbst herangezüchtet hat.

Sich ein Bild von dieser Frau zu machen, die Michael Jacksons wichtigste Bezugsperson gewesen sein dürfte, ist schwierig. Anders als Familienoberhaupt Joe, der jähzornige, geldgierige Zuchtmeister der Jackson-Kinder, hat Katherine meist im Hintergrund gewirkt und sorgsam die Öffentlichkeit gemieden.

Wenn sie sich doch einmal aus der Deckung wagte, etwa, um Michael während seines Pädophilen-Prozesses beizuspringen, dann zeichnete sie ein Profil von sich als gütiger, liebender Löwenmutter, die nie anderes im Sinn hatte als das Seelenheil und Wohlergehen ihres Nachwuchses.

"Ich habe bei meinen Kindern nur eine einzige Sache versäumt", gab sie sich 2005 im US-Fernsehen reumütig: "Ich habe sie nicht auf die Welt da draußen vorbereitet. Ich habe sie beschützt und abgeschottet. Doch die Welt ist verrucht und teuflisch. Davon wurden sie unvorbereitet getroffen."

Angesichts dessen, was diese Welt da draußen zu diesem Zeitpunkt längst über die Misshandlungen und Qualen wusste, die Michael und seine acht Geschwister zuhause durch ihren Vater erlitten hatten, bekommen solche Bekundungen einen bigotten Klang. Der mit eigenen Musikambitionen gescheiterte Vater Joe schikanierte die sechs Jungs und drei Mädchen fast rund um die Uhr, beschimpfte sie und peitschte mit seinem Gürtel auf sie ein.

Aufstehen beim ersten Hahnenschrei, Hausarbeit nach der Schule, Spielverbot – von der eisernen Absicht getrieben, mithilfe seiner Kinder-Combo "Jackson Five" aus dem schwarzen Ghetto östlich von Chicago zu entkommen, holte der jähzornige Kranführer die Jungs sogar oft mitten in der Nacht aus dem Bett, um sie in Privatclubs singen zu lassen.

Michael, der widerspenstigste der Söhne, wurde besonders getriezt und als hässlich beschimpft. Doch Mutter Katherine hat das offenbar ohne einzugreifen mit angesehen: "Hätte uns Joe eine Waffe an den Kopf gehalten und russisch Roulette gespielt, Mom hätte stillgehalten", merkte Michael Jackson Anfang der neunziger Jahre an. "Wir waren gehorsam. Das ist in schwarzen Familien so", erinnerte sich seine Schwester Janet Jackson in einem Interview 2008. "Du gehorchst deinen Eltern, wenn sie dir etwas auftragen, und stellst es das nicht in Frage. Du tust es einfach. Und sitzt auf dem Sofa, ohne einen Mucks von dir zu geben."

Nie hat sich Katherine Jackson dazu bringen lassen, die bizarre Überspanntheit von Michael oder seiner exzentrischen Schwester Janet, die Joe ebenfalls gnadenlos ins Showgeschäft trieb, der harten Hand ihres Ehemannes anzulasten. Sie finde keineswegs, dass Joe zu streng gewesen sei, gab sie 2005 zu Protokoll. "Schließlich lebten wir in Gary, Indiana. Das war die Mord-Hauptstadt der Welt."

Da ist sie wieder, die Legende von der Mutter, die es doch nur gut meinte und dafür gern auch mal die Wahrheit überdehnt. Auch in ihrer 1990 erschienenen Autobiographie "My Family" hält Katherine tapfer an der Darstellung fest, dass letztlich doch alles in Ordnung gewesen sei bei den Jacksons, auch wenn ihr Ehemann oft fremdgegangen sei und dabei sogar ein Kind zeugte.

Mit dieser Nachsicht mag Katherine Jackson durchaus dazu beigetragen haben, dass Michael weiter ins Verderben rannte. So betonte sie, die hohe Stimme von Michael und sein fast fehlender Bartwuchs hätten nichts mit künstlichen Hormonen zu tun. "Das sind vererbte Eigenschaften in unserer Familie", versicherte sie. Auch seien die Behauptungen über Schönheitsoperationen erfunden. Michael habe nur zwei Nasenkorrekturen und das Kinngrübchen machen lassen. Und homosexuell, wie es gerüchteweise hieß, sei der Superstar schon mal gar nicht. "Das weiß ich genau! Das wäre auch ganz gegen seine religiösen Überzeugungen, denn in der Bibel steht geschrieben, dass Liebe zwischen Männern sündig sei."

Dennoch oder gerade deshalb pflegte der Show-Star bis auf einige kurze Phasen, in denen er den Kontakt zu seinen Eltern komplett abbrach, stets ein inniges Verhältnis zu der 1930 im tiefsten Süden der USA geborenen, glutäugigen Frau. In der Kinderwunderwelt "Neverland" trug der Bahnhof den Namen "Katherine Station", es gab eine "Katherine"-Dampfmaschine und eine Katherine-Straße. Der Name seines Vaters Joseph hingegen tauchte nirgends auf. Und auch im Testament soll er nun nicht bedacht werden.

In den letzten Jahren seines Lebens wich Katherine Jackson offenbar kaum mehr von der Seite ihres Sohnes. Bei dem Kinderschänder-Prozess war sie als einzige Angehörige an jedem Verhandlungstag anwesend, fünf Monate lang. "Ich habe nie eine engere Bindung zwischen einem 50-Jährigen Mann und seiner Mutter erlebt", sagt etwa Randy Phillips, dessen Firma AEG Live die Londoner Konzerte von Jackson vorbereitete. Katherine sei ein ständiger Gast in Jacksons gemietetem Anwesen Holmby Hills gewesen, berichtete er der "Los Angeles Times". Und so widerwillig er auch das Haus verließ, für ein Geburtstagsessen seiner Mutter kam Jackson mit seinen Kindern sogar in ein Restaurant.

Wegen der Londoner Auftritte, der ersten seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt, war die 79-Jährige offenbar besorgt. "Sie nahm mich ganz schön in die Mangel", sagte Phillips. "Sie wollte sicherstellen, dass wir ihn nicht ausnutzen, dass er sich nicht überarbeitet und genug Erholung bekommt." Der Mutterbär, der seine tollpatschige Brut grimmig verteidigt: Michael Jackson habe diese entmündigende Rollenverteilung, die seine Mutter inszenierte, richtiggehend geliebt, meint Stacy Brown, Mitautor einer Jackson-Biographie.

Geboren im tiefsten, schwarzen Süden der USA und als Kind in die Stahlregion nahe Chicago verpflanzt, steckte Katherine offenbar in einem strikten, moralischen Korsett, das durch ihre Herkunft, aber auch ihren strengen Glauben als Zeugin Jehovas gebildet wurde. Die frühere Warenhaus-Verkäuferin heiratete schon mit 19 und brachte zehn Kinder zur Welt, von denen eins bei der Geburt starb. In den Entstehungsjahren der "Jackson Five", als Mutter Katherine noch eigenhändig Kostüme für die fünf Soul-Sänger schneiderte, konnte sie durch besänftigendes Zureden hin und wieder Einfluss auf den zornigen Ehemann nehmen.

Doch von 1968 an, als das Quintett bei dem berühmten Plattenlabel Motown Records unter Vertrag kam, trat sie zunehmend in den Hintergrund. Und begann zugleich, den wachsenden Luxus zu genießen. In einer Homestory aus dem Jahr 1988 posierte die damals 58-Jährige Seite an Seite mit Ehemann Joe in ihrem 22-Zimmer-Haus in Encino, einem Stadtteil von Los Angeles. Das Wohnzimmer groß wie ein Tanzsaal, voll gestopft mit falschem Barock und kitschigem Prunk, einer mannshohen Reiterstatue aus Bronze etwa auf einem Mamorsockel, oder zentnerschweren, gusseisernen Schnörkelhockern an der Bar.

Auf einem Foto schmiegt sich Katherine, die angeblich von ihrem burgunderfarbenen Rolls Royce schwärmt haben soll ("Mein Lieblingsgeschenk von Michael"), im schlosswürdigen Treppenhaus unter einem protzigen Kristallleuchter an den Rücken ihres Mannes – beide sitzen auf seiner Harley Davidson. Ihr Sohn Michael habe immer mal wieder bei ihr im Ankleidezimmer gesessen und gute Tipps gegeben, plauderte Katherine. "Immer wieder hat er mich ermuntert, doch mal abzunehmen. Er sagte: Was Liz Taylor kann, kannst du auch."

Zum Ende ihres Lebens hin hat sich Katherine Jackson nun aber offenbar doch noch emanzipiert. Seit über einem Jahrzehnt lebt sie mehr oder weniger getrennt von ihrem Gatten, wenn es auch nie zum öffentlichen Bruch gekommen ist. Joe hat ein eigenes Haus in Las Vegas, und nur bei seinen seltenen Besuchen in Los Angeles wohnt er im Encino-Anwesen der Familie Jackson. Das Sorgerecht für die drei Kinder von Michael Jackson hat sie alleine beantragt. In der 22 Seiten langen Schrift haben die Anwälte ihre Adresse in Encino angegeben. Der Platz, der für Joe Jacksons Anschrift vorgesehen ist, enthält nur ein Wort: "Unbekannt".


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.08.2012 um 15:32
zum vorherigen Bericht ...

das Bild ist immer noch nicht gefunden, dafür habe ich aber per PN den Hinweis zu diesem Video bei YouTube bekommen ... nochmals danke1

***Katherine Jackson Shopping at Target 4 days after Michael Died =(***

mit 100%iger Sicherheit könnte ich nicht bestätigen, dass es die "richtige" Katherine Jackson ist, die da fleißig einkauft ... ;)
