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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 07:49

Moin Moin, ja, das auf den Bildern ist TJ ... von den 3T ist er derjenige, der mir am besten gefällt ...
davon gehe ich auch aus, dass von der "Sippschaft" noch einige in Gary dabei sein werden ...
vielleicht ja auch welche von MJs Brüdern ????

ich vermute, dass Katherine Gary einfach mehr am Herzen liegt, denn da hat sie jahrelang gelebt ... da haben sie viele Verwandte ... :) und da fing alles an ... :)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 08:17 (Archiv-Version vom 25.01.2012)

MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Duke University course on Michael Jackson - Spread the word -...
7:19 AM - 27 Aug 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Duke University offers Course on Michael Jackson -Joe Vogel's book used in lesson plan.
6:39 AM - 27 Aug 12

Sunday, August 26, 2012
The Syllabus: Michael Jackson & The Black Performance Tradition


Michael Jackson & The Black Performance Tradition
Department of African & African American Studies
Duke University
AAAS 334-01
Fall 2012
Tuesday 6:15 pm – 8:45 pm
White Lecture Hall, 107

Mark Anthony Neal, Ph.D.

Course Description

The central premise ‘Michael Jackson and the Performance of Blackness’ is the question, “Where did Michael Jackson come from?” While there are facts—he was born on August 29, 1958 in a Rust Belt city named Gary, Indiana—what the course aims to answer are the broader questions of Jackson’s cultural, social, political and even philosophical origins. The course will specifically examine the Black Performance context(s) that produced Jackson’s singular creative genius within the realms of music, movement and politics, including the influence of Black vernacular practices like signifying and sampling, the network of Black social spaces known as the Chitlin’ Circuit, the impact of Black migration patterns to urban spaces in the Midwest (like Gary, Chicago and Detroit—all critical to Jackson’s artistic development) and Black performance traditions including Blackface minstrelsy. In addition the course will examine the social constructions of Blackness and gender (Black masculinity) through the prism of Michael Jackson’s performance, highlighting his role as a trickster figure with the context of African-American vernacular practices.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 08:53
von Arnold Kleins FB Seite ...

My new Book = Mein neuer Titel (oder mein neues Buch?)

my upcoming book = mein demnächst kommender Titel (oder kommendes Buch?)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 09:08
Arnold Klein hat einen neuen Beitrag erstellt ... und Tweets gingen gleich an @BreakingNews, @CNN, @piersmorgan, @nytimes, @USATODAY und einige andere ... :)

Arnold Klein ‏@awkmd the truth on Michael and me
8:53 AM - 27 Aug 12

The Truth: I was never bankrupt and the embezzlers reported me to the Medical Investigator!

Posted on August 26, 2012 by AWKMD

The Truth is I was never bankrupt but I was embezzled primarily by Muhammad Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer.I reported my huge embezzlement to the Beverly Hills Police, Laguna Beach Police as well as eventually the LAPD. I was then told by 3 bankruptcy attorneys the quickest way to have my case heard was by declaring bankruptcy. Once in bankruptcy court Judge Richard Neiter and my Attorney David Neal( who guaranteed my cases would be swiftly heard) I learned held Stock in Private Bank of California. This is the very same bank through which most of my funds were embezzled. Long before he admitted he held stock In Private Bank of California Judge Neiter bifurcated my case such that after a year and a half not a single adversarial case has been heard. While Neiter should have recused himself he just moved the bankrutcy forward. While I begged my attorneys to do so not a single one has shown the integrity, moral principles and honesty to ask for his recusal. Then based on a totally fraudulent loan (I never signed it, it has the wrong address of my Laguna house, is made by a lawyer I never hired and is based on an illegal attempted sale of my home, ) Judge Neiter appointed a Trustee, Bradly Sharp. My Attorney at the time Peter Lively I later learned was in collusion with the Trustee when together they with held my SSI. When Nieter appointed a Trustee he accused me of living “High on the Hog.” Of all the horrific events that have occurred during this totally insane bankruptcy the verbal racist ridicule directed at me by Judge Richard Neiter is the most vile and painful of them all. According to Jewish law, pork is one of a number of foods forbidden from consumption by Jews. These foods are known as “non-kosher” foods. In order for a meat to be kosher, it must first come from a kosher animal. A kosher animal must be a ruminant and have split hooves therefore cows, sheep, goats and deer are all kosher, whereas camels and pigs (having each only one sign of kashrut) are not kosher.The pig is the only common livestock animal that has split hooves but which is not a ruminant – its external aspect makes it appear kosher, while it is not. During the persecutions of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Greeks forced the Jews to slaughter pigs in the Jerusalem temple, which did not improve the image of pork. Moreover, the Roman legion X Fretensis, that undertook the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 68, had a boar for an emblem, sealing its fate as a symbol of everything contrary to Judaism. Maimonides, the Jewish philosopher and legal codifier, who was also court physician to the Muslim sultan Saladin in the twelfth century, understands the dietary laws chiefly as a means of keeping the body healthy. He argued that the meat of the forbidden animals, birds, and fish is unwholesome and indigestible. According to Maimonides, at first glance, this does not apply to pork, which does not appear to be harmful. Yet, Maimonides observes, the pig is a filthy animal and if swine were used for food, marketplaces and even houses would be dirtier than latrines. Stewart Lee Allen, In” the Devil’s Garden: A Sinful History of Forbidden Food.” relates to the torment of European Jews (by the use of and reference to pigs andpork) by the Catholic Church, particularly during the Spanish Inquisition, right down to Hitler and his Nazis. . During the Bankruptcy hearing when Judge Neiter accused me of “Living high on the Hog” as the son of an Orthodox Rabbi this was singularly the worst verbal insult I have ever experienced. To follow this with his totally unsupported appointment of a Trustee who has gone on to illegally withhold both my critical medication and my living expenses has made me wonder at times if I am not in Auschwitz like Ellie Weisel with the number A-7713 tatooed on my arm. I am Arnold W. Klein, M.D., the doctor who pioneered the entire field of cosmetic dermatology and has raised over $300 million for HIV research. I have raised millions for breast cancer research and I was a member of the group that the discovered the first human gene. I have maintained a successful practice for more than 37 years and will not let this dishonest judge take everything I own and throw me on the streets. Just remember the man who they allowed to embezzle my funds is a Pakistani National who was working in tandem with a Muslim who is head of a group affiliated with Hamas. They were allowed to commit bank fraud. This is exactly why we have banking laws against fraud and how 9/11 and Mumbai were financed! Now if you look at the Website of Private Bank of California you will see among their directors members of a law firm Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca. Yes this is John Branca who signed Michael during the last few days of his life. And this is very same Attorney Mr Jackson fired in 20o2 because of total dishonesty. Regarding reports about me to the Medical Board were do to the actions of Jason Pfeiffer,Muhammad Khilji and David Rish. I have reported them all for violating HIPAA and getting Kimberly Wilson to investigate me based on totally spurious claims regarding my health. If the above was not enough Bradly Sharp the Trustee appointed by Neiter has illegally claimed a painting owned by my corporation with the assistance of the Asst. District Attorney of LA. Also Bradly Sharp and my bankruptcy attorney Peter Lively have illegally withheld my SSI causing an emergency hospitalization While Chartis my insurance company had been paying my alternative living expenses (ALE)which have no limit according to my policy. However, when Bradly Sharp became the Trustee he swiftly fired Jeremy Oscher and caused my ALE to stop. I was forced to move into another residence 70 miles from my office, while my Aunt Helene must live in the apartment over the garage at the So. Windsor home that has yet to be restored from the fire. .However because of electrical problems with no air conditioning the temperature in that apartment has risen to over 100 degrees. The work men, or others, who were up there have also left it total filthy. I now have a 76 year old aunt who cannot remain in this location because of the heat and she is unable to navigate the stairs. Furthermore the Trustee Bradley Sharp has totally halted the rebuilding of my residence at 553 S Windsor Blvd. If this sounds like a terrible tale my work is better than ever and with a few incredible friends like Frank Gehry,John Baldessari, Cher, David Rae, David Geffen and Richard and Laurie Stark. I know their is a light that will lead out of this situation. What they want to stop is the book I have already written. I was close to many people in my life and plan to continue my work until they drag me away. The Book about Michael is done and all the lies they said about me were to prevent me from writing it. He was a gifted genius in the fields of dance, music and performance art but they took advantage of him. They are again trying to take advantage of me again just like Irena Medavoy. Well I have strength and will survive. As per Brian Lourde please don’t blame Carrie just ask her for the truth if you even remember what that is these days? Maybe your dear friends Phillip Frederick Anschutz and his wife Nancy know the answer.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 15:46
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct

This is the love he gave to his "babies" around the world. This is the man his fanbase understood.

304873 437541919617324 1519678693 n

Michael Jackson our angel....we miss you a lot.

~from John Isaac, Mike's photographer.

9:35 AM - 27 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 16:06
Ryan White ist der Junge, der am 08. April 1990 im Alter von nur 18 Jahren an Aids verstorben ist ... ihm hatte MJ den Song "Gone too soon" gewidmet ... :(

Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix

#MichaelJackson gave this car to Ryan White

9:38 AM - 27 Aug 12

ryanwhitecar (Archiv-Version vom 01.06.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 16:35

Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix
"Soul Makossa" sample map #WannaBeStartinSomethin #MichaelJackson
mjsamplemapsoulmakossaOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

8:59 AM - 27 Aug 12
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix
#MichaelJackson sample map
MJsamplemapOriginal anzeigen (0,4 MB)

8:58 AM - 27 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 18:09 (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Friedman: It's got a killer rhythm track and a very catchy hook and melody. He sings “Those abortion papers/think about signing your name…”
4:33 PM - 27 Aug 12
Showbiz 411 ‏@showbiz411
#michaeljackson mystery about new unreleased tracks (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2012)
Retweetet von Ivy
4:23 PM - 27 Aug 12

Mystery About Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs from “Bad” Anniversary Album

08/27/12 9:49am Roger Friedman

EXCLUSIVE There are some mysteries about a couple of unreleased tracks including in the upcoming Michael Jackson “Bad25″ album. Two of the eight tracks– which are really wonderful–are unknown entirely to the engineers who worked on “Bad” in 1986. Those tracks are a lovely ballad called “I’m So Blue” and a slice of funk called “Song Groove (aka Abortion Papers).” Neither Bruce Swedien nor Bill Bottrell has any memory of them. I played the songs for each of them this weekend, and came up with no answers. “Michael must have gotten out and recorded with someone else,” Bottrell told me.

But don’t worry–they are completely by Michael Jackson. They’re the genuine article.

The anniversary boxed set of the huge-selling 1987 album contains quite a few surprises. Eight of them, actually. There are eight unreleased tracks that didn’t make it onto the “Bad” album. Surprisingly, they’ve remained in the vaults at Sony all this time. One of them, called “Don’t Be Messin’ Around,” was released earlier this summer as the “B” side of a re-released single on “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You” from Wal-Mart. I have no idea why Sony did that, since it seemed a squandered opportunity.

Now these eight tracks are coming as a separate CD inside “Bad25,” which contains four discs. The first disc is a remastered version of the original album. The second disc has these eight songs. The third disc is a live CD from a concert Michael performed on July 16, 1988 at Wembley Stadium in London. The fourth disc is a DVD of live performances from that time. Target customers get a disc of the original music videos from “Bad.” What’s unclear is what happens to a Spike Lee documentary about the making of “Bad,” which should have footage from the recording sessions with Quincy Jones, engineer Bruce Swedien, and manager mastermind Frank DiLeo.

“Bad25″ will be released on September 18th.

But it’s the eight songs that are going to make fans very, very happy. A couple of them are known, like “Don’t Be Messin’ Around” and . But the others are real surprises, especially a track called “Streetwalker.” It the vague feel of “The Way You Make Me Feel” in that it’s a Motown oriented shuffle. But it’s also a dynamite track. The version on “Bad25″ was mixed by Bottrell, but there are others by Swedien. Jackson was never satisfied with any of them. “Streetwalker” will be known to players of the video game “The Michael Jackson Experience.” But it’s also a hit. We’re going to be hearing ir on the radio– a lot. (“Streetwalker” and another track, “Fly Away,” were first included in the “Bad” re-release back in 2001.)

The others are all gems. “I’m So Blue” is beautiful ballad, with a vocal by Michael that recalls his best work. If Sony were smart, they’d release it as their first single from this set. It also has a harmonica solo that either is by Stevie Wonder or sounds just like him. The other tracks– “Al Capone,” “Free,” “Fly Away”– are also excellent.

There are reasons the songs didn’t make the final album.

“Price of Fame” is a mixture of a “Billie Jean” outtake, musically, combined with the Police’s “Spirits in the Material World.” Michael’s vocal on this track sometimes dips into his “real” voice–a lower register–than his stage falsetto and whisper that he perfected. “Free” is just another breezy ballad, and “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You” was already on the album, and a hit. “Al Capone” is a different take on the hit, “Smooth Criminal.”

The strangest of the eight songs is titled “Song Groove (aka Abortion Papers).” Swedien doesn’t remember this track. Neither does Bottrell. It’s got a killer rhythm track and a very catchy hook and melody. But the lyrics–and I’m not sure whether Michael wrote them–are like the real flip side of “Billie Jean.” He sings “Those abortion papers/think about signing your name…”

I don’t know if Sony had producers fiddle with these tracks to make them sound more modern. They could very well have been augmented. But I hope the Jackson fans don’t try to destroy them the way they did the songs on the “Michael” album. Like those tracks, these are completely real, they’re Michael Jackson’s vocals, and they’re a wonderful reminder of the King of Pop at his zenith. (Video: Michael Jackson - Don`t Be Messin Around Preview Bad 25)

leider nur mit Proxy anzuschauen > (Video: Michael Jackson - Streetwalker)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 21:24
auch in Washington DC werden Partys zu Ehren des Geburtstages von MJ abgehalten ... :)

Posted at 02:28 PM ET, 08/27/2012

Celebrate Michael Jackson’s 54th birthday with dance parties at D.C. clubs
By Fritz Hahn

Three DJ parties honor Michael Jackson, shown performing in 1996, who would have turned 54 this week.

Michael Jackson would have been 54 on Wednesday. Since his 2009 passing, the week of his birthday has become a time of celebration and nostalgia at D.C. area clubs. Here are three ways you can remember the King of Pop this week.

Monday: DJ Jahsonic ’s annual tribute to Michael and the Jacksons at Marvin is one of our favorite dance parties of the year. As Jahsonic artfully blends irresistible grooves from the ’70s and ’80s, particularly strong on the disco-era singles that many overlook, the tiny dance floor is packed with people shimmying, shaking and singing wherever there’s a square foot of space. After a while, you’ll need to head out to the patio to cool off, but it won’t be long before you’re pulled back inside. (Check out Jahsonic’s 2010 all-MJ mix for a quick sample of what you’re in for.)

Friday: U Street Music Hall’s annual “Michael Jackson is Still Alive” party features perennial favorites Jerome Baker III (of Rock Creek Social Club’s Goodlife Tuesdays) and James Nasty (Baltimore City Paper’s “Best DJ in a Club” for his Ottobar parties) spinning their favorite MJ songs around a set by electro-tinged rockers Redline Graffiti. The 5 p.m. start time is the perfect way to kick off the three-day weekend.

Friday: DJ Dredd is one of D.C.’s top party DJs, and he’s known for his love of ‘80s pop. That’s why his annual tribute to Michael Jackson is one of the best going: Favorite songs rub up against killer remixes and deep-but-funky album cuts and b-sides. Throw in vintage video projections by VJ John Bowen of Video Killers and MC Grap Luva, and you’ve got a memorable and cathartic evening at the Howard Theatre. (Archiv-Version vom 27.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 21:30

‘Motown: The Musical’ picks its stars to play Berry Gordy and Diana Ross

Brandon Victor Dixon, a Tony nominee for 'The Color Purple,' and Valisia LeKae, an understudy in 'The Book of Mormon,' land coveted roles
By Joe Dziemianowicz / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Monday, August 27, 2012, 3:07 PM

We heard it through the grapevine — and from the producers.

Brandon Victor Dixon, a Tony nominee for “The Color Purple,” and Valisia LeKae, an understudy in “The Book of Mormon” and “Ragtime,” will star as Berry Gordy and Diana Ross on Broadway in “Motown: The Musical.”

The show, set to premiere in the spring, is based on Gordy’s life and woven together by hits from the massive Motown catalogue.

Gordy, 82, one of the show’s producers and its book writer, said on the musical’s website: “I’m extremely proud to be bringing this story to the big stage.”

The story tracks his rise from boxer to music mogul and 1960s starmaker who launched the careers of Ross and the Supremes, Michael Jackson and the Jackson Five, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson and others.

“There are so many similarities between the Broadway philosophy and the Motown philosophy,” said Berry, who noted that both are motored by “collaboration and community.”

He marveled at Motown’s inclusive popularity. “Blacks, whites, Jews and Gentiles, cops and the robbers” all embraced it, he said.

In addition to playing Harpo in “Color Purple,” Dixon’s Off-Broadway leads include “The Scottsboro Boys” and “Rent.” He told The News that he admires the man he’ll portray on stage.

“Berry has always held a special place in my esteem,” he said. “I have love and respect for what he did, not just for music, but for us as a global community. His work truly changed the world, so this is a very special honor. Also, it’s just plain awesome.

“My introduction to Motown was through the Jackson Five,” he continued, “and Michael Jackson has always been my greatest inspiration.”

Earlier this summer, an online casting call went out for a young actor to play a young Michael Jackson, little Stevie Wonder and a pre-teen Gordy. That casting and other roles will be announced later.

The creative team of “Motown” includes director Charles Randolph-Wright and choreographers Patricia Wilcox and Warren Adams and designers David Korins (set), ESosa (costumes), Natasha Katz (lights) and Peter Hylenski (sound).

The show will begin previews on March 11 and officially open April 13 at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre. Tickets will go on sale to Citibank cardholders on Sept. 23 and the general public on Oct. 1. (Archiv-Version vom 30.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 21:38
Ne-Yo, Melanie Fiona + More Set for Aug. 29 NYC Concert

Mon, 27 Aug 2012 11:02:10

Pepsi will continue its year-long celebration of the 25th anniversary of Michael Jackson's Bad album with a concert at New York City's Gotham Hall on Aug. 29. The lineup features the likes of Ne-Yo, Melanie Fiona, Swizz Beatz and DJ Cassidy. The event will mark the conclusion of Pepsi and Billboard's 2012 Summer Beats Concert Series.

Aug. 29 would also have been the late Jackson's birthday! He would probably love this celebration in his honor. We miss you, MJ, King of Pop!

What's your favorite Michael Jackson song?

—Katie Sheehan
08.27.12 (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 21:54
weiterer Gesprächsverlauf, insbesondere Antworten zu den einzelnen Tweets, unter (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
@SantaBarbara4MJ @Coleen4MJ yeah it was at 11 AM PST. so it's probably still ongoing or almost done. news will come in a few hours.
9:42 PM - 27 Aug 12
Ivy Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
@SantaBarbara4MJ @Coleen4MJ probably hearing is still ongoing. probably will hear developments in a few hours.
9:17 PM - 27 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 22:25
Cirque to open Mandalay Bay nightclub ahead of Michael Jackson show

Robin Leach
Mon, Aug 27, 2012 (11:38 a.m.)

Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte is reportedly opening a nightclub in February at Mandalay Bay ahead of his new Michael Jackson residency show starting there in the spring. It confirms our previous Vegas DeLuxe story, but because there is no official announcement yet, it’s unclear if this will take the place of the long-vacant nightspot Rumjungle.

It would be Cirque’s first standalone nightclub, and Andrew Sasson’s Light Group will manage it as Guy’s partner. Cirque launched Revolution at the Mirage in tandem with the casino resort and its show there, “The Beatles’ Love.”

Guy promises that the Mandalay Bay space will be a unique nightclub: “It’s an opportunity to materialize what we have been doing for 20 years with Cirque’s special projects,” he said.

Guy is known for fantastic, over-the-top parties and premieres he throws at Montreal headquarters and at his summer playground home in Ibiza, where the extraordinary and wild Manumission parties first brought prominence to the Spanish island playground.

If the opening-night celebration of “Michael Jackson: the Immortal World Tour” in Montreal last October is any indication, I can tell you from attending it that Guy’s legendary parties will bring new meaning to Las Vegas being the Nightclub Party Capital of the World.

The new Mandalay Bay nightclub doesn’t have a name yet, but the design calls for it to welcome 2,000 party revelers nightly. It no longer appears that the nightclub first reported here at Vegas DeLuxe will be themed as a Michael Jackson party palace.

So far, Guy has revealed that the roof will be rigged with Cirque technical equipment to allow performers to move up and down from the ceiling and along walls so that “every person in the club gets roped into the show.” Call them integrated performances among guests, dancers and DJs. Apparently, partygoers will even be able to get costumes produced by Cirque to really join the circus.

Guy launched the U.S. tour of “Michael Jackson: the Immortal World Tour” at Mandalay Bay last December. It is currently wrapping up its U.S. run before moving to Europe this fall.

The new permanent Michael Jackson residency is set to open in mid-May. Pre-production is well underway, with director Jamie King moving to Montreal next month for first rehearsals. The cast will move to Las Vegas early next year for the load-in at the reconfigured “The Lion King” theater in Mandalay Bay.

“It will be completely different from the ‘Immortal’ show,” Jamie has told me. “This will be a theater show, not an arena tour production. It will have a completely different feel. Both shows must be different, and they will be. The theater is under construction, and it has much potential. I am excited for the future.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 22:28
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ich vermute, dass Katherine Gary einfach mehr am Herzen liegt
na ja, weiß nicht, ist ja eigentlich schon sehr lange her, daß sie dort gewohnt haben. Wenn es ihr dort gefallen würde, würde sie sicher dahinziehen :D
Ich denke eher, daß es eine Flucht ist, jedes Jahr um die gleiche Zeit und außerdem wollen sie dort ihren Schnickschnack verkaufen. Sie übernachten doch im Hotel, angeblich in diesem Majestik-H., da können sie sicher Geschäfte abschließen, weil bestimmt der Joe dort auch auftaucht, vielleicht auch der Wiesner und dieses französische "Stinktier".
Also gut, ich sage mal, es ist ein jährliches Ritual. Sie wollen nichts mit dem ganzen Zirkus, der wahrscheinlich in LA stattfindet, zu tun haben.
Wieso heißt eigentlich das Hotel so? Hat das was mit Jermaines Sohn zu tun? Kann mich entsinnen, daß der Joe mit dem Majestik oder so auf dem FL-Friedhof auftauchte und der das auch auf seinem Nummernschíld stehen hatte, hahaha. Da kommt der Größenwahn durch oder ist der da drüben schon eine Berühmtheit, keine Ahnung?

Was für ein süßes Bild von 15.46 h, das kannte ich noch gar nicht.
Dafür kenne ich die Ryan-White-story, sehr traurig.
Ich glaube, Michael hat viele solche Hilfsaktionen gestartet, nur davon haben wir nie etwas erfahren.
Die traurige Geschichte hinter Dave-Dave kannte ja bis 2009 auch keiner.

Was meinst Du, bestelle ich mir "Bad 25"? Eigentlich will ich ja nur die DVD vom Konzert in England? Oder gibt es die DVD irgendwann mal einzeln zu kaufen? Im Moment nur in diesem Paket mit den ollen Bad-Songs, aber die habe ich ja schon.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 22:44
also gut, ich werde mir doch "Bad 25" bestellen, nachdem ich jetzt den Artikel von R.Friedmann gelesen habe. :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 22:53
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Also gut, ich sage mal, es ist ein jährliches Ritual. Sie wollen nichts mit dem ganzen Zirkus, der wahrscheinlich in LA stattfindet, zu tun haben.
na ich vermute, sie wollen auch in anderen Städten nichts mit diesem "Rummelfeeling" zu tun haben ...
obwohl ja auch in Gary richtig was los ist ... das geht doch alles über mehrere Tage ... es gibt auch ein großes Dinner ... vielleicht bekommen wir noch Karten ... hahaha
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Wieso heißt eigentlich das Hotel so? Hat das was mit Jermaines Sohn zu tun?
neee, Majestic ist doch ein Freund von Joe Jackson bzw. der Jackson Family ...
der eine Sohn von Jermaine heißt Jermajesty, der andere heißt Jaafar ... auf die Namen der anderen Kinder komme ich grad nicht ... :D :D dann gibt es doch noch einen Jungen, der trägt den Namen Royal ... ich weiß aber jetzt nicht, wer dessen Eltern sind ...

Majestic, Michael Jackson Family June 13, 2005
Youtube: Majestic, Michael Jackson Family June 13, 2005
Majestic, Michael Jackson Family June 13, 2005
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Hochgeladen von williamwagener am 02.11.2008

Majestik, a 30 year Jackson family friend finds an honest Wm Wagener "fair and honest" June 13, 2005, not FOX News. Majestik first met Wagener at the Airport Hilton Rally , April 3, 2005
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Was meinst Du, bestelle ich mir "Bad 25"? Eigentlich will ich ja nur die DVD vom Konzert in England? Oder gibt es die DVD irgendwann mal einzeln zu kaufen? Im Moment nur in diesem Paket mit den ollen Bad-Songs, aber die habe ich ja schon.
ohhh, da kann ich dir leider keinen Rat geben ... ich werde mir nichts davon kaufen, was sie jetzt raus bringen ... vielleicht solltest du ein wenig abwarten, dann kann man bei Ebay die DVDs günstig kaufen ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 23:00
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:also gut, ich werde mir doch "Bad 25" bestellen, nachdem ich jetzt den Artikel von R.Friedmann gelesen habe. :D
na dann hast du ja schon eine Entscheidung getroffen ... bestellst du bei Amazon ???? dann könntest du für Allmy was gutes tun ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 23:05
na da werden wir ja morgen wieder etwas Neues über Howard Mann erfahren und über seine Beweise, warum der Estate ihm nichts zu sagen hat. :D

Ich habe echt gedacht, daß ein Sohn von Jermain Majestic heißt. :D
Auffallend ist nur, daß dieses Hotel in Gary auch so heißt. Irgendwie gibt es da eine Verbindung, ich wittere den Braten. Dort wird verkauft, was das Zeug hält und zwar alles, was in China oder Japan von Wiesner und Joe in Auftrag gegeben wurde, ich wette! Irgendwer hatte das hier oder nebenan mal eingestellt, das ist ja ein ganzer Katalog mit Schnickschnack von Michael gewesen.

Hast Du den Joe aus diesem "Majestic" - Auto aussteigen sehen? Es gab ein kleines Vid. vom FL.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 23:06
ja ich bestelle bei Amazon. Wieso, was soll ich da Gutes tun? Sag schon.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2012 um 23:24
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:na da werden wir ja morgen wieder etwas Neues über Howard Mann erfahren und über seine Beweise, warum der Estate ihm nichts zu sagen hat. :D
ja, da kann man gespannt sein ... wird bestimmt bald Berichte von dem Termin geben ... :)
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Auffallend ist nur, daß dieses Hotel in Gary auch so heißt. Irgendwie gibt es da eine Verbindung, ich wittere den Braten. Dort wird verkauft, was das Zeug hält und zwar alles, was in China oder Japan von Wiesner und Joe in Auftrag gegeben wurde, ich wette! Irgendwer hatte das hier oder nebenan mal eingestellt, das ist ja ein ganzer Katalog mit Schnickschnack von Michael gewesen.
da denke ich eher, das mit dem Namen ist Zufall ... aber ansonsten glaube ich schon, dass Joe & Co. ihren Krempel wieder wie Sauerbier anbieten werden ... :)
ja, ich hatte mal etwas eingestellt, da konnte man den Schnickschnack bestellen ... ist glaub ich, noch gar nicht so lange her ... :D :D
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Hast Du den Joe aus diesem "Majestic" - Auto aussteigen sehen? Es gab ein kleines Vid. vom FL.
ja, dieses Video habe ich gesehen ... aber da war mir Joe sympathischer als der Randy ... :D
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ja ich bestelle bei Amazon. Wieso, was soll ich da Gutes tun? Sag schon.
wenn man bei Amazon einkauft und man gibt Allmy mit an, dann bekommt Allmy ein paar Prozente gutgeschrieben ... ich muß da aber nochmals nachfragen, wie es tatsächlich gehandhabt wird ... hahaha
es soll aber nicht so sein, dass Allmy den Namen erfährt und auch nicht die Art der Bestellung ... :D
also man "unterstützt" Allmy ein wenig !!!!

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