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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 07:57
'This Is It' Promoters
Called Jackson a 'Mess'

9/2/2012 3:50 PM PDT


Michael Jackson was "an emotionally paralyzed mess" who was "scared to death" leading up to his planned "This Is It" concerts in 2009, this according to newly obtained emails sent by the promoters of the show.

In the emails, obtained by the LA Times, AEG's Randy Phillips traded messages back and forth with AEG President Tim Leiweke. In one email leading up to the 2009 press conference to announce the concerts, Phillips wrote, "MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent ... I (am) trying to sober him up."

Phillips said Jackson was "an emotionally paralyzed mess," that Jackson was "scared to death," and that Phillips and Jackson's manager had to dress him. The press conference ended up being very brief and very strange.

The emails were part of the discovery in an ongoing lawsuit between AEG and the insurance company that backed the tour ... which is suing to get the $17.5 million policy nullified.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 08:14
E-mails show promoter's doubts before Michael Jackson's death

By Alan Duke, CNN
September 3, 2012 -- Updated 0119 GMT (0919 HKT)

Michael Jackson attends a press conference to announce plans for a summer residency of concerts at the O2 Arena.

* Sunday's Los Angeles Times reveals internal e-mails from "This Is It" promoter
* "AEG will make a fortune" despite Jackson's death, promoter says in e-mail
* "MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent," AEG Live head writes on day of announcement
* Randy Phillips calls Michael Jackson 'an emotionally paralyzed mess' in e-mail

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The promoter for Michael Jackson's comeback concerts expressed doubts about the star's ability to be ready for the shows but expressed confidence in the private doctor eventually convicted in Jackson's death, according to e-mails published in Sunday's Los Angeles Times.

AEG Live President Randy Phillips was responding to "This Is It" director Kenny Ortega's e-mail, which said Jackson had "strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior" and suggesting they hire a "top Psychiatrist in to evaluate him ASAP."

Jackson died on June 25, 2009, from what the Los Angeles County coroner ruled was an overdose of a surgical anesthetic and sedatives, drugs that Dr. Conrad Murray told police he used to help the entertainer sleep as he prepared for the concerts set to start two weeks later.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to four years in prison last year.
The e-mails, leaked to the newspaper, were gathered for an insurance company's lawsuit, which seeks to void a $17.5 million policy that AEG Live purchased in case Jackson was not able to perform the 50 shows scheduled for London's O2 Arena. The newspaper did not disclose the source of the leaks.
Lloyds of London contends AEG Live hid Jackson's health problems from the insurer and failed to respond to repeated requests for his medical history.

Katherine Jackson explains disappearance

While Phillips called Jackson's death "a terrible tragedy" in an e-mail weeks after he died, he added "but life must go on."

"AEG will make a fortune from merch sales, ticket retention, the touring exhibition and the film/dvd," Phillips wrote. In fact, AEG Live was allowed to sell Jackson tour merchandise and share in the profits from the documentary "This Is It," produced from rehearsal video.

AEG Live and its lawyer did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment.
The e-mails suggest AEG Live's president saw Jackson's problems first hand the day the pop star was to appear at the O2 Arena to publicly announce the shows.

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent," Phillips wrote in a March 5, 2009, e-mail to AEG Live's parent company, the paper reported. "I (am) trying to sober him up."

"I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking," Phillips wrote. "He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is show time."

The promoter blamed London traffic when Jackson was 90 minutes late for the announcement that day.

"He's as healthy as he can be -- no health problems whatsoever," Phillips told CNN two months later to refute reports Jackson's health was threatening the concerts.

The Los Angeles Times story, however, said the e-mails indicated major doubts about Jackson's ability to perform.

"We cannot be forced into stopping this, which MJ will try to do because he is lazy and constantly changes his mind to fit his immediate wants," AEG Live executive Paul Gongaware e-mailed to Phillips.
Jackson's missed rehearsals in June triggered concerns in e-mails that he was slow in learning his dance routines and would have to lip-sync on stage, the newspaper reported.

"MJ is not in shape enough yet to sing this stuff live and dance at the same time," one e-mail from the show's music director read, the paper reported.

A production manager wrote: "He was a basket case. Doubt is pervasive."

A loud warning from Ortega, who worked closely with Jackson on previous tours, came in mid-June, just over a week before his death.

"It is like there are two people there. One (deep inside) trying to hold on to what he was and still can be and not wanting us to quit him, the other in this weakened and troubled state," Ortega wrote. "I believe we need professional guidance in this matter."

Ortega testified at Murray's trial about his concerns about Jackson's frail condition and missed rehearsals. It resulted in a meeting six days before Jackson's death in which Murray assured the promoters he would have Jackson ready for rehearsals that next week.

An e-mail from Phillips after that meeting said he had confidence in Murray "who I am gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more."

"This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig, so he (is) totally unbiased and ethical," Phillips' e-mail said.

The correspondence could play a role in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Jackson's heirs against AEG, which accuses the promoter of contributing to his death by pressuring him to prepare for the concerts despite his weak condition.

A lawyer for Jackson's mother and a spokesman for Jackson's estate declined to comment on the e-mails reported in the newspaper.

ähnliche Berichte (Archiv-Version vom 03.09.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 08:27
Michael Jackson's bizarre behavior in the weeks before his death revealed (Video)



Michael Jackson’s behavior in the weeks before his death is described as bizarre. He was frequently drunk, living in a state of fear from anxiety and he was paranoid. This news comes to light this weekend after a court case this week made emails on the "King of Pop" public.

Lloyd’s of London refused to pay on an insurance policy taken out by AEG, the company that put together Michael Jackson’s show, “This is It.” They are in court trying to get a ruling on the payment. The show was canceled due to Jackson's death and the company is trying to claim their losses for payment.

Lloyd’s of London received a claim for $17.5 million and refused on the grounds that during rehearsals they were only covering accidents. Lloyd’s also said the state that Michael Jackson was in was not revealed to them, which would have negated them issuing any type of contract. During the court proceedings emails between AEG staff indicated they knew months before the show was to start that they had trouble on their hands with Jackson, according to Radaronline.

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent," promoter Randy Phillips said in an email to his boss at AEG in Los Angeles. "I [am] trying to sober him up."

Other emails revealed things about Jackson such as “He was a basket case,” “He is scared to death,” along with other indications that Jackson wasn’t doing well at all.

Lloyd’s also made a demand that 5 years of Michael’s medical records be sent over to them in London. Only after researching his records would they insure him. The doctor, Conrad Murray, wrote back and said that he had spoken to Michael and “authorization denied." One hour later Jackson was dead.

There seems to be no doubt that Jackson was in a “weakened” and “troubled state” in the weeks before he died. Along with the anxiety and drinking, Michael became very paranoid and showed obsessive-like behavior. It seems that many people knew Michael was not doing well in the months before his death.

Reference: Radaronline


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 08:48
weiterer Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 08.04.2013)

♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777
@JoeVogel1 If you are truly disturbed then stand up and fight, Estate have been protecting AEG P186
10:36 PM - 2 Sep 12

alle Dokumente vom TeamMichael777, die bei eingestellt wurden >

oder bei Facebook


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 08:56
♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777
I hope someone is SCREAMING at Randy Phillips right now and shaking/rocking the walls in HIS house!!!
11:29 PM - 2 Sep 12
♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777
When emails leaked, on LA Times AEGMuppets must hve self combust & "fired back on their BlackBerry: "Are you kidding me?" "
11:21 PM - 2 Sep 12
♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777
Thank you @Truth4Michael for all the court docs,, LOVE you baby
11:14 PM - 2 Sep 12
♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777
Final Farewell, Michael Jackson-Forest Lawn.9/3/2009:
11:13 PM - 2 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 13:02
War er nervlich am Ende?

Sänger Michael Jackson soll in den Wochen vor seinem Tod ein "emotionales Wrack" gewesen sei. 03.09.2012 11:45

Michael Jackson (†50) war vor seinem Tod im Jahr 2009 angeblich so angeschlagen, dass die Veranstalter seiner Comeback-Konzerte einen "Top-Psychiater" als letzten Ausweg sahen.

Der King of Pop ('Beat It') starb im Jahr 2009, kurz bevor er im Rahmen seiner 'This Is It'-Comeback-Tournee für mehrere Konzerte auf der Bühne in London stehen sollte. Die 'Los Angeles Times' ist nun in den Besitz mehrerer E-Mails gekommen, aus denen hervorgeht, dass der Musiker kurz vor seinem Tod nicht zu Konzertproben erschienen war, Schwierigkeiten mit dem Erlernen von Tanzschritten hatte und sogar Gesangsunterricht verpasst haben soll.

Randy Phillips, der Konzertpromoter des Entertainment-Unternehmens 'AEG', brachte seine Besorgnis über Michael Jacksons Gesundheit offenbar in einer Reihe von E-Mails an 'AEG'-Präsident Tim Leiweke zum Ausdruck. In diesen Nachrichten heißt es, dass Jackson ein "emotionales Wrack" sei und "Todesangst" habe. "MJ hat sich in seinem Zimmer eingeschlossen, ist betrunken und lustlos ... Ich versuche jetzt, ihn wieder auszunüchtern", hieß es in einer E-Mail, die Phillips kurz vor der Pressekonferenz schrieb, in der der Supersänger im Jahr 2009 seine Live-Shows ankündigen sollte.
Konzertleiter Kenny Ortega forderte angeblich professionelle Hilfe für den Popstar an, nachdem deutlich wurde, dass dieser gesundheitlich angeschlagen war. "Es gibt starke Hinweise auf Paranoia, Angstzustände und Zwangsstörungen. Ich denke, das Beste, was wir momentan tun können, ist einen Top-Psychiater zu engagieren, der ihm so schnell wie möglich hilft", schrieb er in einer E-Mail. "Es ist so, als ob es zwei verschiedene Personen gibt. Der eine Michael Jackson hält daran fest, was er war und immer noch sein kann. Er will sich von uns nicht stoppen lassen. Der andere Michael Jackson ist schwach und verängstigt. MJ ist noch nicht in der Form, wieder live zu singen und gleichzeitig zu tanzen."

'AEG' streitet momentan vor Gericht mit der Versicherungsfirma 'Lloyds' darum, dass die Maklergesellschaft rund 19 Millionen Euro Schadensersatz bezahlen soll, da Michael Jackson seine angekündigten Shows niemals in die Tat umsetzten konnte. 'Lloyds' bemüht sich darum, das Abkommen mit 'AEG' als rechtsungültig zu erklären, da die Firma behauptet, 'AEG' habe über die Gesundheit des Amerikaners falsche Angaben gemacht.

Die Familie von Michael Jackson beschuldigt 'AEG' zudem, den Star zu seinen Comeback-Konzerten gezwungen zu haben. (Archiv-Version vom 05.09.2012)

ähnlicher Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 13:25
Arnold Klein ‏@awkmd (Archiv-Version vom 15.09.2012) lies,lies,lies....time for the truth
1:57 PM - 2 Sep 12
Arnold Klein ‏@awkmd (Archiv-Version vom 15.09.2012) Read the truth about Michael Jackson
1:56 PM - 2 Sep 12

3bc506 Bildschirmfoto 2012-09-03 um 13.1Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)

Murray? Dr Klein was out of the country in May of 2009 so how could he possibly have given the doses of Demerol mentioned during the trial. Why did Harvey Levin vastly increase the doses and frequency of administration of Demerol given by Klein to Jackson? When Murray mentions giving Jackson a 50mg dose this is not how the drug is administered. Did he inject Propofol into the muscle(im) rather than slowly flowing the drug into the vein. IM injections of Propofol would make Jackson irrational for long periods of time? Possibly greater than 24 hours! Still a fundamental question emerges; How did Michael Jackson get addicted to Propofol? Certainly Murray is not the responsible person for that. For clues we have to look back into Jackson’s timeline. We previously reported that Dr. Steven Hoefflin may be a stone that has not yet been turned over to point to culpability in the death of Michael Jackson: (Archiv-Version vom 17.09.2012)

Our reasoning why Steven Hoefflin’s role should be closely looked at:
We’ve seen Dr. Steven Hoefflin come forward and tell the Sun Newspaper in England that Jackson friend/doctor Arnold Klein taught Murray to inject propofol.Source: (Archiv-Version vom 04.04.2012) In the investigations into Klein, however, all that has come up for potential drugs given to Jackson by Klein is Demerol which, while injected, is not something that requires intravenous application. Furthermore Klein worked with Dr. Marc Honzel an addiction specialist and Alan Metzer Jackson internist to determine the proper doses of Demerol. In that the facial rebuilding Klein performs takes session of 3-5 hours each the doses of Demerol he used are wihin the guidelines.Hoefflin’s treatment of Jackson has never been brought to question but in looking at material that is available online; quite a different picture of Michael Jackson’s alleged “friend” and Plastic Surgeon comes to light.First there are allegations that Hoefflin performed as many as 30 nose surgeries on Michael.“Jackson admitted to just two operations on his nose, but evidence pointing to rather more came to light in the mid-1990s when four nurses sued their employer, a Los Angeles plastic surgeon called Steven Hoefflin, known as ‘Doc Hollywood’. In court documents, they claimed that Hoefflin worked repeatedly on Jackson’s nose. When he realised that more cutting would damage the nose irrevocably, his solution, they claimed, was to go through the pretence of an operation to satisfy his patient. According to their depositions, Hoefflin would put Jackson to sleep, but only pretend to have performed another course of rhinoplasty.” Source: An article appeared on Sunday, October 26, 1997 on page F01 in The Washington Post entitled “FACE OFF”. The piece was written by Post staff writer Richard Leiby and it detailed another court case in which a colleague of Hoefflin reopened the previous employee cases against Hoefflin.We previously have reported on Dr. Hoefflin and asked the question about addicting Michael to Propofol. In his letters back and forth to Geraldo Rivera he stated that Howard Weisman (sp) was preparing an authorization to speak:From: Steven Hoefflin, MD, FACS Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 4:43 PMTo: Rivera, CraigSubject: my statement.Dear Craig:Howard Weisman is preparing a new letter to you re: my authorization to speak. He will call you and email you a copy. I am on my way out to see the children, Katherine and the family.” But Certain elements are clear. It seems that Klein, an addiction specialist himself never gave Mr Jackson any Demerol without the approval of both an addiction specialist Mark Honzel or Mr Jackson’s internest Allen Metzger. Furthermore TMZ’s Harvey Levin, a close friend of Howard Weitzman’s ,grossly inflated the doses of Demerol Klein used. The question remains how were Klein’s records on Mr Jackson’s released? It appears that Jason Pfeiffer and Muhammad Khilji illegally released Klein’s records to get him paid by the Jackson Estate. This makes little sense in that AEG was responsible for Mr Jackson’s medical bills. Interestingly, there are now records in the hands of the Police showing this was a master plan of Khilji, Pfeiffer and David Rish to embezzle millions from Klein . These individuals were also in contact with AEG’s Randy Phillip’s for yet to determined reasons. Klein is presently suing Hoefflin for speaking out when Michael Jackson had placed a cease and desist order against Hoefflin in 2003. Why did Katherine Jackson allow Hoefflin to speak out remains a mystery yet he did have a note saying he could do such. What is now also clear is,as stated above, during May 2009 Klein was in Europe and could not possibly have given the doses of Demerol Murray’s lawyers claimed. It appears those doses were given by Rish. Will someone please interview Klein so the truth or what he knows can be revealed!

When Howard Weitzman was contacted to ask about this claim that Hoefflin made:
“I DO NOT REPRESENT HOEFFLIN. I only represent the Estate and the Special Administrators in the Jackson matter. HW Howard Weitzman, Esq.808 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 300Santa Monica, CA 90401(310) 566-XXXX direct(310) XXX-XXXX cell”
Furthermore, Arnold Klein’s attorney asked Weitzman and Londell McMillan (Katherine Jackson’s attorney) the same question on whether Hoefflin had the right to speak. published the emailed statements:

Both Law Firms responded that they do not know about Dr. Hoefflin’s authority to speak on behalf of the Estate or Mrs. Jackson . If the legal teams did not know about Dr Hoefflin’s claims and assertions he had been authorized to speak then who authorized him?Hoefflin has also presented a written by Katherine Jackson signed by a Reba letter authorizing him that to speak to the Sun newspaper on her behalf but that’s the only proof that he has submitted to date. Hoefflin in his statements to the presson July 24th said that Jackson had “had lethal amounts of Demerol and Propofol in his body” and that the “Demerol came from Dr. Arnold Klein.” Yet once Michael died he held news conferences?Also once the Toxicology reports on Michael Jackson were released the drugs that were found were Propofol and Xanax (an anti-anxiety drug.) Demerol was never listed. So why didn’t anyone go back to Hoefflin to say – hey, what’s up with your story?Maybe it was because Diane Dimond did do an expose on Hoefflin and found out that amongst other things he had harassed his neighbors for donations when he decided to run for President, and was taken into custody when he climbded a tree in his front yard and started shooting passersby with a pellet gun? So we have a doctor who used to put Michael Jackson to sleep using SOME kind of drug.Propofol is a drug that is used to put patients to sleep during operations like Plastic surgery.We can glean from court documents and testimony that Hoefflin performed a large number of operations including putting Michael Jackson to sleep and setting the clocks ahead.Dr Arnold Klein has stated that a doctor was on tour with Michael for both the Victory and Dangerous – as we previously speculated this MAY be a reference to Hoefflin and may be why Hoefflin pointed the finger at Klein with his article in the Sun. Klein was targeted by Hoefflin right after Michael died and tried to implicate Klein in Jackson’s death but the toxicology report that eventually came out proved Hoefflin was not accurate.Reporter Diane Dimond has also reported on a lot of disturbing stories on Dr Hoefflin’s erratic behavior in the past few years based on police reports.What bothers us about all of this is that Hoefflin seems to be the one doctor that attempted to gain Katherine’s trust so he could use that to talk about other doctors. Yet Hoefflin was by all accounts estranged from Jackson for many, many years. He has stated he last treated Jackson in 1998 and then helped with an intervention in 2002. How could Hoefflin know anything about the recent medical history of Michael Jackson?Seems like Hoefflin wanted to quickly point out doctors whom blame could be placed on well before any of the autopsy information was available. Why? Was he trying to cover up something he did and move the blame off of him?Sounds like Hoefflin should be added to the list of doctors called during the People vs Conrad Murray trial. Why isn’t Conrad Murray’s legal team looking at how Michael Jackson got addicted to Propofol? Could the doctor who allegedly used to put Michael to sleep and move the clocks ahead may have used Propofol? If so, could he be the doctor responsible for getting Jackson addicted years before his untimely death?

How did Michael Jackson Get Addicted to Propofol?

Joomla! – the dynamic portal engine and content management system

Arnold Klein ‏@awkmd … Michael + Propofol:How it began!
11:07 PM - 1 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 13:36
La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
GN To All! Prayers to everyone who was affected by and in the path of hurricane Issaic! Please be safe guys! And Have A Lovely Labor Day!
12h La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
Hope you guys are enjoying the day/night as well! Thanks for the tweets!😘 Happy Labor Day!
La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
Just having fun N the camper with my mother in Gary! Enjoy UR life with UR love ones life 2 short & precious have fun!

4:05 PM - 2 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 13:51
La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
At 2300 Jackson St. Home! Thank you for the gifts to the family! These are just a few of many! It is much appreciated!

8:23 PM - 1 Sep 12 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 13:56
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix
SPOILERS: @SpikeLee's #MichaelJackson #Bad25 Documentary via @MJJCommunity Highlights: - Behind the scenes (cont)
1:14 AM - 3 Sep 12

SPOILERS: @SpikeLee's #MichaelJackson #Bad25 Documentary via @MJJCommunity

- Behind the scenes footage and out takes from Bad short film
- Alternate ending to Bad short film
- Michael and Siedah recording I Just Cant Stop Loving You in the studio
- Michael recording the Spanish version of I Just Cant Stop Loving You in the studio
- Michael and Stevie Wonder recording Just Good Friends
- Several of Michael's notes shown about the songs
- Two alternate takes from different angles of the Smooth Criminal lean including one where a dancer falls over
- Different performance of Another Part Of Me from Bad Tour - looked to be a mix of Paris and somewhere else but wasn't the same ones as the video
- The entire take of MJ's scene at the end of Liberian girl - he filmed it in one take while the car engine was still running!
- The full Tatiana kiss from MSG
- Tour of Hayvenhurst studio with Matt Forger
- Behind the scenes of Leave Me Alone
- Dirty Diana short film was originally meant to end with a rain scene on the stage but Michael couldn't film it cos he hurt his knees from spinning and dropping down
- Video shot by Michael of Siedah singing Man In The Mirror demo and Michael snapping his fingers in time
- Funny stories about Michael going out in disguise
- A sad story about how Michael had got all dressed up to meet his brothers one time during the Bad era and they never showed up
- Audio of Michael's vocal warm ups
- Complete California raisins commercial and video of Michael showing how he wanted the characters to be in the commercial
- Complete Man In The Mirror performance from Wembley July 16th - will blow you away. Raw and powerful. No crowd shots. No cuts. Just Michael up close
- Don't Be Messin Round is played during the end credits


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 14:15
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Diese Dokumentation soll vom Estate gesponsert worden sein, Du verstehen?
Frag mich aber nicht, wo ich das herhabe. Vielleicht habe ich es bei TM gelesen hahaha.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ja, dann macht es doch wieder Sinn ... hahaha
schau mal, da haben wir doch etwas ... hahaha ... wenn auch keine direkte Bestätigung zum Sponsoring, aber immerhin ... hahaha


7dad9d Bildschirmfoto 2012-09-03 um 14.0


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 15:30

so habe mal etwas genauer gelesen ... hahaha

aus dem vorgenannten Bericht >
John Branca — the doc’s executive producer and longtime producer for Michael Jackson, now in charge of his estate — described “Bad” as a very special album for the late pop star.
John Branca - Executive Producer (leitender o. ausführender Produzent) der Dokumentation und langjähriger Produzent von Michael Jackson, jetzt verantwortlich für seinen Nachlass - hat "Bad" als ein ganz besonderes Album nach dem verstorbenen Popstar beschrieben.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 15:41

King of Pop
Konzertveranstalter beschrieben Jackson als emotionales Wrack

Megastar Jackson (März 2009): Auf der Pressekonferenz nicht ganz bei sich

Los Angeles - "MJ ist betrunken und niedergeschlagen in seinem Zimmer eingesperrt, ich versuche ihn auszunüchtern." Diese Nachricht schrieb ein Mitarbeiter der Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) laut "Los Angeles Times" am 5. März 2009 an seinen Chef. Nur wenige Stunden später sollte Michael Jackson auf einer Pressekonferenz seine "This Is It"-Tour ankündigen.

Die Konferenz fand statt - mit 90 Minuten Verspätung. Laut "LA Times" mussten Mitarbeiter den Popstar anziehen, Jackson sei zu Tode verängstigt gewesen. Am 25. Juni 2009 starb der King of Pop in seiner Villa in Los Angeles, kurz vor dem Start der Tour im Juli.

Die Nachricht zeigt - sofern sie authentisch ist -, dass sich die Konzertveranstalter Monate vor Jacksons Tod über den Gesundheitszustand des Megastars sorgten. Es hatte stets Gerüchte gegeben, Jackson sei in desolater Verfassung und könne die zahlreichen Shows der geplanten "This Is It"-Tour weder physisch noch psychisch durchstehen. Die "LA Times" zitiert aus E-Mails mit einem Umfang von insgesamt rund 250 Seiten, in denen Jackson unter anderem als emotionales Wrack beschrieben wird.

Der Anwalt der AEG sagte der Zeitung, der zitierte Mitarbeiter habe übertrieben. Jacksons Verhalten sei vielmehr nervlich bedingt gewesen. Laut "LA Times" könnten die E-Mails eine wichtige Rolle bei zwei bevorstehenden Gerichtsverfahren spielen. Unter anderem werfen die Erben Jacksons dem Unternehmen AEG vor, den Sänger wegen des geplanten Comebacks unter Druck gesetzt zu haben, obwohl es Anzeichen für gesundheitliche Probleme des Popstars gegeben habe. Eine Versicherung fordert zudem, eine Zahlung von 17,5 Millionen Dollar für nichtig zu erklären, die der AEG wegen des Ausfalls der Tour zustand. Der Veranstalter habe falsche Angaben über Jacksons Gesundheitszustand gemacht, so der Vorwurf.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 15:53
Michael Jackson: Neue Filmdoku von Spike Lee hatte in Venedig Weltpremiere

Sonntag, 2. September 2012, 19:45 Uhr

Der Hype um Michael Jackson wird wahrscheinlich nie abbrechen. Jetzt gibt es zu Ehren des ‚King of Pops’ und zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum seines Albumklassikers ‚Bad’ eine Dokumentation über die Entstehung dieses Albums, produziert vom US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor, Schauspieler Spike Lee (55).

Neben unveröffentlichten Material des legendären Sängers bekommen Fans nun auch zu sehen, wie damals das Album entstanden ist.

Spike-LeeOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Zu sehen gibt es Aufnahmen im Studio und einigen Szenen, die Jackson höchstpersönlich gedreht hatte. ??In dem Film geht es nicht um den Fan- und Medienhype der Popikone, sondern um das außergewöhnliche Talent des Künstlers.

Bad 25 New Documentary (Snippet) by Spike Lee

Außerdem gibt es noch Kommentare von Tänzern, Choreografen, Songschreibern,Backgroundsängern und Tontechnikern aus der Zeit, sowie von heutigen erfolgreichen Künstler wie Mariah Carey, Kanye West und Justin Bieber, die ihre Inspirationen und Einfluss von ‚Bad’ und Michael Jackson selber haben und ohne ihn wahrscheinlich nie Musik gemacht hätten. Auch Martin Scorsese, Regisseur des legendären Musikvideos ‘Bad’ kommt zu Wort.

Die Dokumentation mit dem Titel ‚Bad 25’ feiert seine Premiere bei den Filmfestspielen von Venedig, wo der Streifen außer Konkurrenz lief.


Außerdem soll das Erfolgsalbum ‚Bad’ am 14. September 2012 in einer opulenten Edition wiederveröffentlicht wird. und zeitgleich mit dem Dokufilm erscheinen. Schon damals brach das Album alle Rekorde und brachte neun veröffentlichte Singles, zwei Grammys und über 45 Millionen verkaufte Tonträger hervor.

‘Bad 25′ ist bereits das dritte Album, das nach Jacksons Tod im Juni 2009 veröffentlicht wurde.

88725400952Original anzeigen (0,2 MB) (Archiv-Version vom 05.09.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 19:08
Stars rocked by LA earthquake

paris main 1577504a

'Screaming' ... Paris Jackson reveals she was scared by earthquake

Published: 32 minutes ago

PARIS Jackson has revealed how she got up "screaming" and ran to her little brother Blanket's room earlier today after an earthquake rocked Los Angeles.

The 14-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson tweeted her followers: "Yup... I toootally got up screaming and ran to Blanket's room because of the earthquake... Yeah a 10 year old is gonna protect me!! hahaha."

A 3.2-magnitude tremor struck close to Beverly Hills at around 3.26am local time.

Former Busted star James Bourne and McFly's Danny Jones, who are currently staying in the city, ran into the street when the earthquake hit.

James tweeted: "No for real earthquake me an @Dannymcfly ran outside it was scary."

And he added: "That was only 3.2 ??? What the hell does an 8.0 feel like ?"

Twilight star Ashley Greene complained of being woken up by the quake, declaring: "Way to ruin a perfectly good night's sleep. Super rude earthquake."

While The Day After Tomorrow star Emmy Rossum tweeted: "Earthquake. Well THAT woke me up! My whole bed shook. Everyone okay?"

And Glee's Chris Colfer added: "3.2? 4.1? 3.3? Even the earthquakes get mixed reviews in Los Angeles. Shaken Not Stirred."

But one celeb who wasn't fazed by the tremor was

He revealed he was busy working in his studio recording music for Nicole Scherzinger when the quake struck.

He told his followers: "There was a #Earthquake in l.a just 1min ago...If is wasn' was the beat I'm making in the studio for @NicoleScherzy... #califault."

Beverly Hills police officer Sgt Michael Publicker said his station has received numerous calls from anxious residents.

He added: "Every alarm in the city is going off."

But he said that his officers had seen no signs of structural damage.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 20:24
Spike Lee Bad 25 Documentary - London Premiere 2nd Sept 2012
Veröffentlicht am 03.09.2012 von astrantia2k
Sorry for the blurriness at the beginning of the talking. It's clear from @4:30 onwards. I know it's not great, but it seemed rude/odd me being so close filming. Click 'Show more' below...

More footage and photos I took on my phone and camera:

Follow me on Twitter:

Thanks to MJJCommunity (, I was lucky enough to be added to the guest list for the London Premiere of Spike Lee's Michael Jackson Bad 25 Documentary. This is footage I took on the day, including Q&A with Spike and John Branca.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 20:51
Hinweis auf den Beitrag von heute um 19:08h ... :)

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
yup .. i toootally got up screaming and ran to blanket's room because of the earthquake… yeah a ten year old is gonna protect me!! hahaha
3:59 AM - 3 Sep 12 ·

heute gab es ein kleines Erdbeben der Stärke 3.3 ... :)

Small earthquake reported in Los Angeles area

Published September 03, 2012
Associated Press

LOS ANGELES – The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting an earthquake early Monday in the greater Los Angeles area.
The magnitude-3.3 quake was centered in Beverly Hills at 3:26 a.m.
There are no immediate reports of damage.
Beverly Hills police watch commander Sgt. Michael Publicker said his station has been getting numerous calls from anxious citizens. He said, "Every alarm in the city is going off." But he added that his patrol officers had seen no signs of structural damage.
An officer at the nearby West Los Angeles police precinct said there had been no calls about the quake.
The Los Angeles Fire Department says its survey found no significant damage, injury or loss of life in the city.

ähnlicher Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 21:12
soso hats mal wieder bissel gebebt in LA und Paris ist bibbernd zum kleinen Blanket gerannt, hahaha.
Aber es bebt ja fast jeden Tag irgendwo in Cali.
Und hier bei mir hat es auch schon gebebt, auch nachts, ich bin aufgewacht, weil jemand an meinem Bett gerüttelt hat, dann hab ich gedacht, ich spinne und am nächsten Tag haben sich alle im Büro darüber unterhalten und in den Nachrichten kam es auch. Da war ich dann beruhigt, daß es doch kein Einbrecher war. So, nun lach mal, hahaha, schnarch.

Gibt ja wieder viel zum Lesen.
Ha, da war ja die Vermutung doch richtig, daß Branca mit in dieser Doku involviert ist. Oder was heißt hier Branca, es ist immer noch Michaels Nachlass, also Michaels Geld.

Habe hier noch was sehr interessantes gefunden, mußt Du unbedingt lesen. Hat einer der Kommentatoren beim TMZ-Artikel eingestellt. Ein Insider von den TII-Proben, der nicht mit Namen genannt werden wollte, weil er Angst hat, packt aus:
Die haben alle einen Maulkorb verpasst bekommen!
Der Artikel ist zwar von 2009, paßt aber hervorragend zu dem LA-Times-Offenbarungen. (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2012)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 21:27
Wenn ich mir Latunta so anschaue, grrrrrrrrr.
Die wäre doch sicher nicht nach Gary geflogen, wenn sie das nicht gut in ihrer Reality-Show verarbeiten könnte. Sie hat doch wohl auch gesagt, daß sie vor 20 Jahren das letzte Mal da war, ich denke eher, sie meinte vor 40 Jahren :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2012 um 21:38
War das eine Posse von der BBC, was Du eingestellt hattest? So was veröffentlicht man wohl?!

1x zitiertmelden