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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 13:16
Prince, Paris & Blanket auf dem Airport LAX

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 13:40
und noch ein Bericht von, auch vom 03.09.2012 ... :)


Konzertveranstalter waren über Zustand Michael Jacksons besorgt

"Los Angeles Times" veröffentlicht E-Mail-Verkehr

Konzertveranstalter waren über Zustand Michael Jacksons besorgt

Los Angeles (dapd). Der Gesundheitszustand von Michael Jackson hat seinem Konzertveranstalter schon kurz vor dem Tod Sorgen bereitet. Das geht aus internen E-Mails der Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) vor, die der Zeitung "Los Angeles Times" vorliegen. "MJ (Michael Jackson) ist betrunken und niedergeschlagen in seinem Zimmer eingesperrt", schrieb etwa AEG-Mitarbeiter Randy Phillips wenige Stunden vor einer Pressekonferenz, bei der die auf 50 Auftritte angelegte Konzertreihe "This is it" in London angekündigt wurde.

AEG wollte 2009 das Comeback des "King of Pop" in London finanzieren. In einer Nachricht beschrieb Phillips Jackson als "emotional gelähmte Katastrophe". Er habe dem Popstar vor der Pressekonferenz sogar in die Kleider helfen müssen. AEG-Anwalt Marvin Putnam sagte der Zeitung, Phillips habe übertrieben. Jacksons Benehmen sei durch Nervosität zu erklären gewesen.

Die E-Mails könnten der "Los Angeles Times" zufolge bei zwei bevorstehenden Prozessen im kommenden Jahr eine Schlüsselrolle spielen. Dabei geht es zum einen um eine Versicherungspolice im Wert von 17,5 Millionen Dollar (13,9 Millionen Euro), die AEG nur durch falsche Angaben zu Jacksons Zustand erlangt haben soll. Zum anderen werfen Jacksons Erben AEG vor, den Sänger trotz offenkundiger Gesundheitsprobleme unter Druck gesetzt zu haben.

Mehrere E-Mails zeigten, wie die Versicherungsbörse Lloyd's of London sich vergeblich bemühte, Zugang zu Jacksons Krankenakten zu erlangen. Lloyds wollte Jackson auch einem vierstündigen Gesundheitscheck unterziehen. Man habe "aber fast keine Antwort" auf die wiederholten Fragen erhalten, schrieb ein Agent von Lloyd's.

AEG bezeichnet E-Mail-Verkehr als unvollständig

AEG wies die Vorwürfe durch Anwälte zurück und erklärte, der von der "Los Angeles Times" veröffentliche E-Mail-Verkehr sei unvollständig. Wegen eines laufenden Verfahrens könne AEG aber derzeit keine weiteren E-Mails veröffentlichen, die ein klareres Bild der damaligen Situation ergeben würden.

Jacksons Arzt Conrad Murray hatte weniger als eine Stunde vor dem Tod des Popstars mit Lloyd's kommuniziert, wie bei Murrays Prozess in den USA bekannt wurde. Demnach schrieb Murray dem Versicherer, er habe mit Jackson gesprochen. Dieser erlaube ihm aber nicht, Auskunft über den Gesundheitszustand zu geben. Jackson starb am 25. Juni 2009 in einem Krankenhaus in Los Angeles.


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04.09.2012 um 15:19
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
after a long night its time to curl up in bed with my bob marley shirt &catch some dreams!!💚💛❤xoxo gn😘

5:45 AM - 4 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 16:06
Michael Jackson: jury to decide on value of copyright infringements

Businessman Howard Mann found to have violated Michael Jackson estate copyrights, including cover art from This Is It

Associated Press, Tuesday 4 September 2012 14.31 BST

Howard Mann has collaborated with Michael Jackson's mother Katherine on several projects, including a book.

Michael Jackson's estate will begin making its case to a jury that a businessman working with the singer's mother should be forced to pay millions of dollars for infringing on several copyrights.

The amount is the sole issue at stake in a US trial set to begin on Tuesday against Howard Mann, who has collaborated with Katherine Jackson on several projects, including a book.

A judge has already ruled that Mann violated Jackson estate copyrights and ordered his website to be shut down. His attorneys argue the estate doesn't actually own the proper rights and the ruling should be tossed out, but a judge has refused to reconsider his ruling.

The infringed works include cover art from Jackson's posthumous film This Is It, and a silhouette of the singer dancing to his hit Smooth Criminal.

The estate's case is expected to hinge on one expert witness who has estimated the cost of a license for the works is between $5m and $12m.

Mann's attorneys rejected a settlement offer last week of $2m. Jackson's estate, who sued over the works in January 2011, is also asking that Mann be forced to pay its attorneys' fees.

Mann's lawyers have sought to introduce evidence that they were given bad legal advice about having to license the works, and have considered calling Katherine Jackson as a witness. The Jackson family matriarch is one of the beneficiaries of the singer's estate, along with his three children.

US district judge Dean D Pregerson has noted that Mann doesn't appear to have the resources to pay a large judgment.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 16:15 (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2013)

dllzz ‏@dllzz
These leaked emails from between AEG execs just show more intent on 'offing MJ off' and didnt that lowley newshound say MJ was drunk in LDN?
6:24 AM - 4 Sep 12
ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
@dllzz yep. LNH wrote MJ didnt wanna do o2 press conference, locked himself into his hotel room & ppl begged and persuaded him thru door
6:29 AM - 4 Sep 12 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 17:13
Michael Jackson execs bragged we ‘will make a fortune’ after singer’s death

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Published: 2 hrs ago

MICHAEL Jackson promoters bragged they would "make a fortune" after the King of Pop's death, according to leaked emails which emerged today.

A spate of confidential documents showed a music chief write "life must go on" following the singer's death.

Messages between senior figures at music industry giant Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) also portray an increasingly erratic Jackson - who was too drunk to leave his hotel suite and threatening to destroy his 50-show tour.

In one email, which surfaced today in The Los Angeles Times, AEG Live director Randy Phillips wrote: "Michael's death is a terrible tragedy, but life must go on.

“AEG will make a fortune from merch sales, ticket retention, the touring exhibition and the film/dvd.”
The documentary This Is It about Jackson's doomed tour, which AEG co-produced, grossed more than $260million worldwide.

The emails from AEG – which operates London’s O2 Arena – suggest Jackson was drinking heavily and “riddled” with self-loathing in the weeks before his sudden death in June 2009.

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Writing to AEG chief Tim Leiweke in March 2009, Phillips described the doomed pop star as an "emotionally paralysed mess" and added "MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent”.
Leiweke's immediately replied via his Blackberry: "Are you kidding me?"

Phillips, who according to the emails had to dress the singer, responded: "I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. He is scared to death."

The 250 pages of emails will interest Jackson's family, who are pursuing a wrongful-death suit, accusing AEG of pressuring the singer into high-profile comeback despite indications he was ill.
The messages are likely to figure in legal proceedings against AEG by insurance company Lloyd’s of London, which had to pay out $17.5m (£11m) when MJ’s comeback tour was cancelled.

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At the time the emails between Phillips and Leiweke were sent, Jackson was in London to announce the concerts.

When the Thriller singer finally appeared 90 minutes late, reporters noted his remarks seemed "disjointed and strange" the LA Times said.

Just weeks before the concert debut, scheduled for mid-July 2009, show director Kenny Ortega warned Phillips: "There are strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior."

He called for an immediate psychiatric evaluation, which AEG resisted.

Ortega added: "MJ is not in shape enough yet to sing this stuff live and dance at the same time."
Jackson died soon after, on June 25 at age 50, from an overdose of propofol, a powerful anesthetic.

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The emails suggest AEG execs were worried about Jackson’s ability to perform his comeback tour but felt confident their contract was solid.

"We cannot be forced into stopping this, which MJ will try to do, because he is lazy and constantly changes his mind to fit his immediate wants," wrote another AEG Live executive, Paul Gongaware, to Phillips.

"He is locked. He has no choice.”

AEG deny any wrongdoing and claim the leaked messages were incomplete and were released to portray the company in a negative light.

Jackson's estate received a huge boost after his death, with music and film sales generating £173million in the first 12 months. (Archiv-Version vom 04.09.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 17:28
Michael Jackson's Kids Are Broke ... for Now: Do You Feel Sorry for Them?

by SodaHead Celebs Posted September 04, 2012 (52 minutes ago)

They may live in a gated mansion and attend private schools, but Michael Jackson's kids are broke -- at least for now. The trust fund for Prince, Paris and Blanket is empty, despite the fact that the King of Pop has earned almost $600 million since his untimely death three years ago, The New York Daily News reports.

"The probate is still pending, and although almost all of Michael’s personal debt has been or is about to be paid in full, the estate is technically still in debt," estate lawyer Howard Weitzman told the News. "Once all of the creditors’ claims, taxes and pending litigations have been resolved, the trusts will be funded per court order."

But while it might take another two to five years to get things settled, the kids should end up with a "substantial number" in their trust fund, Weitzman said. The "Michael Jackson Family Trust" gives the children 50 percent of the trust; Jackson's 82-year-old mother, Katherine Jackson, gets the other half, the News reports.

Apparently, this doesn't sit well with Michael's siblings. "To some of Katherine’s children, this is a shocking situation. They see on paper that Michael has made $600 million and cannot understand why all of it is not going to the family," another source told The News.

But don't worry too much about Prince, 15; Paris, 14; and Blanket, 10. Not only do they currently live on about $70,000 a month, they should start receiving large sums of money by the time they are 21, and end up being multimillionaires. That said, no amount of money will bring their dad back ... (Archiv-Version vom 08.09.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 17:36
Planned trust fund for Michael Jackson's children remains empty three years after King of Pop’s tragic demise

In the meantime, Prince, Paris and Blanket live on a family allowance tightly controlled by estate executors and overseen by a judge.



Lawyers and accountants are still sorting through Michael Jackson's towering pile of debts and legal bills.

LOS ANGELES — Their dad was the King of Pop, but Michael Jackson’s three kids remain paupers on paper.

The planned trust fund for Prince, Paris and Blanket remains empty three years after Jackson’s tragic demise, despite almost $600 million generated posthumously from Jackson’s music, legendary likeness and salvaged assets.

Lawyers and accountants are still sorting through the singer’s towering pile of debts and legal bills, and the process could take another two to five years, one lawyer told the Daily News.

In the meantime, Jackson’s kids live on a family allowance tightly controlled by estate executors and overseen by a judge.

“The probate is still pending, and although almost all of Michael’s personal debt has been or is about to be paid in full, the estate is technically still in debt,” estate lawyer Howard Weitzman said. “Once all of the creditors’ claims, taxes and pending litigations have been resolved, the trusts will be funded per court order.”

He declined to speculate on the size of the leftover fortune expected to flow into the trust fund.

“(It’s) too early to speculate on any precise number for a value. It will be a substantial number, I’m certain,” Weitzman said.

Incredibly, estate lawyers still have to deal with upward of $100 million in financial responsibilities.
The “Michael Jackson Family Trust” calls for the singer's three kids to share 50% of the trust balance, with the other half going to the Gloved One’s mother, Katherine Jackson, during her lifetime.

Katherine — the kids’ 82-year-old guardian and co-estate administrator — has not received a dime from her portion of the trust, either.

She, too, remains on an allowance, and the financial situation has sparked issues among some members of the Jackson clan, who went to war over Katherine this summer.

Michael’s disinherited brothers Randy and Jermaine and sisters Janet and Rebbie whisked Katherine away to an Arizona spa for “health reasons” and demanded estate executors John Branca and John McClain resign, citing alleged fraud.

Paris, 14, waged a scathing Twitter campaign to get her grandmother home, and a judge

temporarily stripped Katherine of guardianship.

Michael’s siblings claimed their actions weren’t motivated by money, but another source told The News some relatives want to accelerate Katherine’s access to Michael’s cash because she most likely would share the wealth with them before she dies.

“To some of Katherine’s children, this is a shocking situation. They see on paper that Michael has made $600 million and cannot understand why all of it is not going to the family,” a separate source told The News. “This has been the case for a long time. They always think the worst is happening and people are taking money.”

Michael’s children may be broke on paper, but they enjoy a lavish lifestyle in a gated mansion with private schooling, round-the-clock security and vacations — all at a cost of more than $70,000 a month.

In the long term, Prince, 15; Blanket, 10, and Paris will end up multimillionaires thanks to their dad’s enduring popularity, his purchase of a 50% stake in the Sony/ATV music catalogue that owns much of the Beatles’ iconic music and shrewd business deals by his estate.

Since Michael’s death, the executors have turned his legacy into a moneymaking machine with lucrative music, theatrical and merchandising deals.

On Michael’s orders, Prince, Paris and Blanket will each have to wait until they’re 21 to touch their riches — but by then they will land whopping regular handouts.

They get lump sums at ages 30, 35 and 40, the trust states.

Blanket could walk off with $250 million when he reaches the big 4-0.

In the meantime, the kids appear to be thriving.

Since Michael died, “multiple millions of dollars from (estate) earnings have been spent for the children and for Mrs. Jackson as well,” Weitzman said.

Katherine Jackson’s lawyer Perry Sanders also is seeking an audit of the estate’s earnings.

“My audit is being done to see the details of where the money is coming from and where it is going,” he said. “The beneficiaries should be entitled to all detailed documentation so they can see what their money is paying for.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 18:10
hat Paris bei Instagram gepostet ...

Good morning my sweet home in Calabasas

6217f5b8f63511e183fe22000a1d0cf6 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 18:26
nochmals Bilder vom Heimflug ... :)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 18:30
von Facebook

425437 283678955034345 479785900 n
“I would like to be remembered as a person who came and brought light to the world.”

~Michael Jackson. —


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 18:51
von Facebook > all4michael

403204 283693018366272 317427385 n
He is extremely beautiful, fragile and totally unearthly. I always had the feeling that he is not standing on the floor but slightly floating on air. Michael Jackson knows that he appears like that on others and he also knows how to employ it. "

„Er ist wunderschön, fragil und völlig unirdisch. Ich hatte immer das Gefühl, er steht gar nicht richtig auf dem Boden, sondern schwebt leicht. Michael Jackson weiß um diese Wirkung auf andere, und er versteht sie auch einzusetzen.“

~Gottfried Hellnwein —


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 19:31
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:die Kostüme waren vom Designer Zaldy Goco ... der bei uns im TV agiert, heißt Jorge Gonzalez ...
sie sehen sich aber sehr ähnlich ... hahaha
hahaha, der war gut! Ich habe gedacht, das ist der gleiche. Die sehen sich aber verdammt ähnlich.
Vielleicht sind die verwandt!
So muß jetzt erst mal nachlesen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 20:47
Na da haben ja wirklich sämtliche Schmierblätter voneinander abgeschrieben, wem wundert´s?
Allerdings habe ich bei der NY-dailyNewa die Vermutung, daß einer von den Jacksons, z.B. Latunta, Auskunft gegeben hat, da dort behauptet wird, daß Kathrine noch keinen Cent bekommen hat. Das hat doch diese falsche Schlange schon letztes Jahr behauptet in irgendeinem anderen Interview.
Und daß die alle an das Geld ranwollen, ist ja wohl offensichtlich.

Der Roger Friedman schreibt hier in seinem Artikel, daß das nur ein paar Seiten sind, die an die LA-Times geleakt wurden und er vermutet die Jacksons dahinter.
Die Anwälte überlegen oder wollen heute Klage einreichen wegen dieser Veröffentlichung in einem schwebenden Verfahren. Ja sollen sie mal.
Das Gleiche gab es mal, als die Grace entlassen wurde, da hat dann eine Zeitung den Grund veröffentlicht und die Rebbie Jackson-Brown hat lt. Gerichtsbeschluss erzwungen, den Zuträger bekanntzugeben und es war Latunta, die Zeitung hatte $ 16.000,00 an sie gezahlt.
Ich glaube, seitdem reden die beiden nicht mehr miteinander.

Na ja, der Roger Friedman erzählt eigentlich auch immer viel Müll, aber er war sehr eng mit Frank Dileo befreundet.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 20:54
Ich lasse euch doch nicht alleine hier :D.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 20:56
geklaut auf Ivys Twitterseite

Howard Mann wurde heute verdonnert!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 21:06
Na das muß ich aber jetzt auch mal lesen, bestimmt ganz aufschlußreich, was da in Cardiff so abging!

Interview mit Andy Picheta (producer of Michael Forever Tribute)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 21:07
na hoffentlich!
Gibt ja schließlich viele Neuigkeiten, zumindest aufgewärmte Neuigkeiten, hahaha.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 21:16
Geht doch mal bitte zu TMZ auf die 1. Seite und votet für Michaels Musikvideos!!!!!!!!!!!!
Er hat schon 90 % der Stimmen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.09.2012 um 21:40
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Na da haben ja wirklich sämtliche Schmierblätter voneinander abgeschrieben, wem wundert´s? Allerdings habe ich bei der NY-dailyNewa die Vermutung, daß einer von den Jacksons, z.B. Latunta, Auskunft gegeben hat, da dort behauptet wird, daß Kathrine noch keinen Cent bekommen hat.
das war doch bisher auch immer so ... schnell abschreiben und noch viel nachdenken ... :)
das mit der Behauptung, dass Katherine noch keinen Cent bekommen hat, war doch auch immer wieder mal im Gespräch, vielleicht jetzt wieder aufgewärmt ...
ich vermute auch, dass jemand von den Jacksons geplaudert hat ... könnte doch evtl. auch aus der Richtung Randy + Taaj kommen ????

Anwälte von AEG behaupten ja, es fehlen noch wichtige E-Mails, die den ganzen Vorgang transparenter machen und auch in einem anderen Licht erscheinen lassen würden ... :D :D
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Na ja, der Roger Friedman erzählt eigentlich auch immer viel Müll, aber er war sehr eng mit Frank Dileo befreundet.
nun kann ihm sein Freund aber nicht mehr helfen ... ich gehe davon aus, dass er auch in die große Runde schaut und abschreibt ... :)

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