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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 06:59
zum vorangegangenen Beitrag ... eine Antwort zu dem Tweet von Paris ... :)

ĶD ŞǪŞǪ DĘĄƑ Bussin© ‏@sosodeaf
@ParisJackson haha didja see this?
6:40 AM - 21 Aug 12

VIDEO auf der website

twitterparis21082012Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Stilsikker - Omer Bhatti viser frem stjernegarderoben

Omer Bhatti viser frem sin utrolige garderobe med designerklær og stjerneklær.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 07:20

“i don’t stand for the black man’s side , i don’t stand for the white man’s side . i stand for God’s side” —Bob Marley

"Ich bin nicht auf der Seite des schwarzen Mannes, ich bin nicht auf der Seite des weißen Mannes. Ich bin auf Gottes Seite " —Bob Marley


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21.08.2012 um 08:11

i don't know why people keep hating on miley's new cut.. i love it !! shes being herself & shes being different & i love her for that !

Ich weiß nicht, warum sich Leute über Mileys neuen Haarschnitt hassend
unterhalten .. ich mag ihn sehr !! sie ist sie selbst & sie ist anders & ich liebe sie dafür!

Paris Jackson Defends Miley Cyrus' Super Short Haircut

August 20, 2012 AT 6:00PM By Nicole Eggenberger

1345486607 paris-miley-467

Paris Jackson is a fan of Miley Cyrus -- or at least her new haircut!

The 14-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson took to her Twitter account Sunday to defend Cyrus' decision to get a platinum blonde pixie cut.

"I don't know why people keep hating on Miley's new cut . . . I love it!" she wrote. "She's being herself and she's being different and I love her for that!"

Cyrus, 19, received widespread criticism over super short new 'do after she posted photos of the final product on Aug. 12. But she tweeted the next day, "My dad Billy Ray Cyrus used to tell me 'opinions are are like a-- holes every body has one' Love my hair. Feel so happy, pretty and free."

And her fiance Liam Hemsworth loves her new 'do.

"Her hair looks great," the 22-year-old Hunger Games star said Thursday during an interview on Good Morning America. "It's a big change and it looks really fantastic."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 08:20


Sony/ATV übernimmt Michael Jacksons Backkatalog | mit Video

New York - Durch einen Deal mit Michael Jacksons Mijac Music übernimmt Sony/ATV den Backkatalog den Künstlers, inklusive Songs wie "Bad", "Beat It", "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" und "Black Or White". Zuvor hatte Warner/Chappell die Verlagsrechte an den von Michael Jackson geschriebenen Songs.
Das Video zu "Black Or White" (Michael Jackson's Vision) von Michael Jackson. Auf gibt es noch weitere Musikvideos von Michael Jackson.

Neben den Michael-Jackson-Songs fällt Sony/ATV durch den neuen Verlagsvertrag mit Mijac Music auch weltweite Rechte an Songs von Sly and The Family Stone, der Philadelphia-Records-Gründer Kenneth Gamble und Leon Huff sowie Songs, die von prominenten Künstlern wie Ray Charles, Elvis Presley und Aretha Franklin gesungen wurden.

Sony/ATV-Chairman und -CEO Martin Bandier kommentiert: "Wir sind begeistert, dass Michael Jacksons Nachlassverwalter uns diesen unglaublichen Songkatalog anvertrauen, und jeder bei Sony/ATV freut sich darauf, innovative Wege zu finden, diese Songs zu verwenden und gleichzeitig ihr Vermächtnis zu bewahren." John Branca und John McClain, Co-Executors des Estates of Michael Jackson, fügen hinzu: "Michael Jacksons Songs im Mijac-Music-Katalog zeugen nicht nur von seinen Fähigkeiten als Performer, sondern auch als Songwriter. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Firma, deren Gründung Michael vorangetrieben hat und die nach wie vor zu 50 Prozent zum Nachlass Jacksons gehört – Sony/ATV Music Publishing – diese fantastischen Songs und andere Lieder der größten Pop-Künstler unserer Zeit verwalten wird."

Der neue Deal kommt kurz vor dem 25-jährigen Jubiläum des Kultalbums "Bad", das im September als Sonderedition erscheint. Sämtliche Songs auf dieser neuen Version des Michael-Jackson-Albums "Bad" sind Teil des neuen Vertrags mit Sony/ATV. (Archiv-Version vom 22.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 08:29
Michael Jackson Estate Deals Blow to Warner Music, Brings Publishing to Sony

08/20/12 6:15pm | Roger Friedman

michael jackson

The Michael Jackson music catalog, known as MiJac, has been moved to Sony-ATV from Warner Chappell. In layman’s terms: this is a blow to Warner Music and a major win for Sony. Even though MiJac was heavily leveraged for years, I’m told the loan from HSBC is down to around $4 million. The Michael Jackson estate still owes just under $300 million to Bank of America on separate loans Michael took against his ownership in Sony-ATV Music Publishing.

What’s happened now is that Jackson’s long contract with Warner Chappell, the publishing division of Warner Music Group, expired last December. Sony-ATV, in which he has a 50% ownership interest, had the right to match or better any offer when MiJac’s deal with WMG was done. The deal was actually completed a couple of months ago, I’m told. But with all the brouhaha concerning Katherine Jackson and the Jackson siblings demand to oust Michael’s executors, an announcement was put off.

Now all of Michael Jackson’s music publishing will be in one place: Sony-ATV. MiJac holds all of his songs like “Billie Jean” and “Beat It” plus hundreds of other publishing copyrights including everything by Sly Stone. It’s a plum win for Sony and a devastating loss for Warner Music. Warner Chappell was the only part of that company still doing well. To lose MiJac, especially since Jackson’s death and the renewed interest in his music, is a heavy setback. It’s unclear whether that was explained to Len Blavatnik and his Access Industries group when they bought WMG from Edgar Bronfman Jr last year.

Meantime: it’s been underlined that now neither MiJac nor Sony-ATV or the Beatles catalog, is for sale. The Jackson estate has done an excellent job of paying down the various loans and renegotiating the interest rates in more favorable terms.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 08:35
Aug 20 2012 5:44 PM EDT

Michael Jackson Wanted Bad To Outsell Thriller
MJ was determined 'even though it was an impossible task,' Spike Lee tells MTV News ahead of his 'Bad 25' documentary.
By Rob Markman (@RobMarkman)

There was no one who could compete with the King of Pop, so Michael Jackson looked to best himself. That's one of the things that Spike Lee learned about his friend MJ when putting together "Bad 25," a documentary centered on the making of Jackson's top-selling 1987 LP.

"I learned that, number one, he was very self-motivated," Spike recently told MTV News. "Even though it was an impossible task, Michael wanted Bad to outsell Thriller. And everywhere he'd go, he'd put up signs, write on mirrors in bathrooms: '100 million.' "

<iframe src="" width="512" height="288" frameborder="0"></iframe>Get More:
Movie Trailers (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2012), Movies Blog (Archiv-Version vom 18.08.2012)

No doubt, Thriller was the crowning jewel in Jackson's awe-inspiring catalog, recognized as the best-selling album of all time. After Jackson's death in 2009, his album sales shot through the roof, with the RIAA estimating that Thriller had moved 29 million additional copies, not counting international sales. Since its 1982 release, it's estimated that Thriller has sold more than 110 million copies across the globe. Not that Bad was a slouch on the charts: The Thriller follow-up lands at #5 on the all-time list, believed to have sold at least 30 million copies worldwide.

"He always wanted to surpass what he had done previously and 100 million albums sold," Lee said. "He was determined to do that."

August 31 will mark the 25-year anniversary of Mike's Bad, and to celebrate, Epic Records will release Bad 25, a repackaged version of the album, on September 18. The collection will include Lee's documentary, unreleased demo songs, remixes, concert footage and, of course, the original LP. (Archiv-Version vom 22.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 08:58
die drei Kids SIND MJs Kinder ... egal ob biologisch oder nicht ... in allen Geburtsurkunden wurde allem Anschein nach, MJ als Vater eingetragen ... dagegen dürfte m. M. n. eh keiner mehr angehen können ...
nur die Kinder selbst hätten ein Recht, ihre wirkliche Abstammung in Erfahrung zu bringen ... das bedeutet aber nicht, dass bei Feststellung der "anderen Vaterschaft" deswegen die Geburtsurkunden geändert werden müßten ... :)
vielleicht wieder einmal eher die Story der Medien ... :)

Janet Jackson Still Fighting To Change Michael Jackson's Will

Posted: 08/20/2012 3:17 pm

Janet Jackson's management team has made it clear in a new statement that the singer is still questioning the “veracity” of brother Michael Jackson’s will. But why is Janet now saying something is wrong now, three years after the will was probated?

“No one can understand why she is doing this,” a Jackson insider tells me. “Even if Janet got the executors fired and new ones instated, all the money would still go to Michael’s three children, Prince, Paris and Blanket. The executors took the estate, crippled in debt, and have made a fortune for the children. It almost seems that she's trying to take the money away from his kids."

And that is exactly what several Hollywood insiders have said is at the root of all these problems: Are the three kids really Michael's and if they are not, should they be getting the King of Pop's millions?
Und das ist genau das, was einige Hollywood-Insider gesagt haben, es ist die Wurzel all dieser Probleme: Sind die drei wirklich Michaels Kinder und wenn sie es nicht sind, sollten sie die Millionen des King of Pop bekommen?

A statement posted on her website says Janet has nothing to gain financially by finding the will to be invalid. Confirming that Michael’s children are the beneficiaries of his estate, the statement says the people who have the most to lose are “the executors and those on the executors' payroll.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 09:40
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Hi es gibt schon schöne Sachen von Mj ,aber ob man die immer alle bekommt,
ist die zweite Frage.
Bin mal gespannt in Okt. gehts nach Miami.
viele Sachen stehen auch gar nicht mehr zum Verkauf ... na dann viel Erfolg, wenn du in Miami bist ... :)
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Und die Neuen Bilder von Paris finde ich nicht so schön so viel Brust, aber
das muss sie ja wissen.
OK, das kann jeder sehen wie er möchte ... ich habe da eine andere Meinung zu, der man nicht unbedingt folgen muß ... ich finde nichts dabei, dass man den Brustansatz sieht ... Paris ist kein kleines Mädchen mehr ... und die Bilder sind nicht unästhetisch ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 09:55
21.08.2012 08:30 Uhe

Spike Lee: Begeistert von Michael Jackson

Spike Lee (55) war überrascht, als ihm klar wurde, wie "selbstmotivierend" Michael Jackson (+50) war.

Der Filmemacher ('Inside Man') stellte eine Dokumentation mit dem Titel 'Bad 25' zusammen, die zum 25. Jahrestag der Veröffentlichung der Rekordplatte 'Bad' erscheint. Lee ist besonders beeindruckt von der Hingabe des Musikers ('Thriller'): "Als erstes lernte ich, dass er sehr selbstmotivierend war", überlegte der Regisseur im Interview mit 'MTV News'. "Auch, wenn es eine unmögliche Aufgabe war, Michael wollte, dass 'Bad' 'Thriller' bei den Plattenverkäufen schlägt. Überall, wo er hinging, stellte er Schilder auf, schrieb er an die Badezimmerspiegel: '100 Millionen'. Er wollte das, was er zuvor geschafft hatte, toppen und 100 Millionen Alben verkaufen. Er war entschlossen, das zu packen."

'Bad' verkaufte sich letztendlich 30 Millionen Mal, war die fünftmeistverkaufte CD aller Zeiten.

'Epic Records' wird 'Bad 25' am 18. September rausbringen. Darin enthalten sind das Originalalbum, unveröffentlichte Songs, die Doku von Spike Lee, Konzertmitschnitte und Remixes.


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21.08.2012 um 10:12
Michael Jackson's kids to do voiceover

Michael Jacksons Kinder machen Synchronisation

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Michael Jackson's children are set to lend their voices to an animation.
Michael Jacksons Kinder werden ihre Stimmen einer Animation geben.

The late singer's three kids Prince, Paris and Blanket are reportedly planning to take their first steps into the world of entertainment. The trio have grown up in the spotlight, but reports suggest they do not possess the superstar's natural ability to perform. The kids will apparently begin their Hollywood careers by providing voiceovers for an upcoming cartoon. They are hoping this will help them move into live acting roles as they develop their skills.

"They are set to do the voices for a kids' Asian cartoon hit that is being imported to the US," a source explained to British newspaper The Sun.

"Paris doesn't share her father's singing talents but has done some acting. And if the voice-over work is a success it will lead to more high-profile live action roles."

Michael passed away in June 2009. Since their father's death Prince, Paris and Blanket have reportedly been educated at a private school in California. Despite the controversy and press intrusion they witnessed their father go through, the children are keen to pursue a similar career path.

"The older pair in particular have no doubt that they want to follow their dad into showbusiness," the insider continued. "And they find school tough."

hier der Bericht von "The Sun" (Archiv-Version vom 21.08.2012)


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21.08.2012 um 10:31
Susanna ‏@SantaBarbara4MJ
Smart Estate Move: Sony/ATV will be the "administrators" of Mijac--NOT owners
6:28 AM - 21 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
RT @SantaBarbara4MJ Smart Estate Move: Sony/ATV will be the "administrators" of Mijac--NOT owners
6:29 AM - 21 Aug 12

Michael Jackson's Mijac Music Catalog Moves to Sony/ATV

August 20, 2012 | By Ed Christman, New York

Sony/ATV Music Publishing, which is a joint venture between Sony Corp. and the estate of Michael Jackson, will take over worldwide administration of Michael Jackson's Mijac Music Catalog, which has been handled by Warner/Chappell Music Publishing since its inception in 1980.

In addition to Michael Jackson's own songs, Mijac includes the Sly and the Family Stone catalog and songs by Philadelphia soul legends Kenneth Gamble and Leon Huff, as well as songs made famous by artists such as Ray Charles, Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin.

In a statement, Sony/ATV chairman and CEO Martin Bandier, said "Everyone at Sony/ATV looks forward to finding innovative ways to use these songs while protecting their legacy."

The agreement comes in advance of the September 18 release of "Bad25," a new two-disc-package and DVD that marks the 25th anniversary of Michael's landmark "Bad" album. The Warner/Chappell agreement was fulfilled with the release of the "Michael" album in December 2010, sources say.

"We are excited that the company Michael helped found, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, and in which his Estate remains a 50% partner, will represent these amazing songs along with a rich collection of other music recorded by some of our greatest popular artists," John Branca and John McClain, co-executors of the Michael Jackson estate, said in a statement.

In addition to Sly and The Family Stone and Jackson's own songs, the Mijac catalog includes "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now," "After Midnight," "Ease on Down the Road," "Great Balls of Fire," "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher," "I Got A Woman," "If You Don't Know Me By Now," "Love Train," "Mr. Bojangles," "People Get Ready," "Runaround Sue," "Shake, Rattle and Roll," "Sixteen Candles," "The Wanderer", "What'd I Say," "When a Man Loves a Woman" and "You Don't Know Me."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 10:40 (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2011)

Annie ‏@KL_Sunflower
Those who really knew Michael Jackson say of him, INNOCENT! « Vindicating Michael -
Retweetet von Qbee
5:16 AM - 21 Aug 12
Andrea ‏@mylove4MJ
"I want to clarify a silly rumor.. The catalog is not for sale, has not been for sale and will never be for sale"- Michael Jackson, 05/01 ♥
5:17 AM - 21 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
@mylove4MJ And the Catalog has never been sold to this day :) There is no debt and no reason to sell it. It will remain intact for PPB
5:36 AM - 21 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
@neverletyoupart and they dont own it. MJ estate still owns Mijac 100% poeple need to be informed before they judge
2:47 AM - 21 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 10:57
weiterer Gesprächsverlauf, insbesondere Antworten zu den einzelnen Tweets, unter (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2011)

Qbee ‏@Qbees
Some will twist to make it what is is NOT. Sony/ATV dooes NOT own Mijac Cat. But MJ Owns 50% of Sony/ATV which manages publishing for Mijac
12:24 AM - 21 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
With Warner Chappell being sold off, What publising Co would you suggest MIjac Cat be managed by. I think MJ's Sony/ATV would be the best.
12:12 AM - 21 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
If you want to understand what Mijac Song Catalog being managed by Sony/ATV means _ You can learn about it here.
11:59 PM - 20 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
I am Happy the company Michael helped found, Sony/ATV Publishing which his Estate remains a 50% partner, will represent the Mijac catalog
11:41 PM - 20 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
RT @loakim45: so the estate owns 50 % of Sony/ATV, 100 % of Mijac and 19 % of EMI
Retweetet von Qbee
7:52 PM - 20 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
@MJAllForLove @po_st Sony/ATV is owned 50% by Michael. they just administer publishing rights MJ's Estate still owns MIjac NOT Sony.
11:29 PM - 20 Aug 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
@Justice_MJ Sony/ATV is Michaels. He own half of it. So it just moved to His ATV Catalog to manage - Michael own Estate still Owns Mijac Cat
11:26 PM - 20 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 11:16

that awkward moment when people think i'm talking about @itsalyssashouse when i say "my babeee" when i actually meant my guitar……… oh

dieser unangenehme Moment, wie Leute denken, dass ich mit @ itsalyssashouse darüber spreche, wenn ich "mein babeee" sage, während ich eigentlich meine Gitarre meinte ......... oh


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 11:20
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct

READ and RETWEET In 1987, an emotional handwritten message penned by the singer is publicized. He writes it in (cont)
7:25 AM - 21 Aug 12

READ and RETWEET In 1987, an emotional handwritten message penned by the singer is publicized. He writes it in September, that year in his hotel room in Tokyo, Japan during his second leg of the Bad Tour. In it, Jackson pleads for tolerance and fair treatment on behalf of the misunderstood and vilified ones, in the absence of personally meeting them, including himself, simultaneously viewing the judgements (made against him) as an act of "survival".

He continues on to express his affection and concerns for the world's children. The full letter reads: "Like the old Indian proverb says, do not judge a man until you've walked 2 moons in his moccosins (sic) . Most people don't know me, that is why they write such things in wich (sic) MOST is not true. I cry very very often because it hurts and I worry about the children, all my children all over the world, I live for them.", he writes. "If a man could say nothing against a character, but what he can prove, history could not be written.

Animals strike, not from malice, but because they want to live, it is the same with those who criticize, they desire our blood, not our pain. But still I must achieve. I must seek truth in all things. I must endure for the power I was sent forth, for the world, for the children. But have mercy, for I've been bleeding a long time now", the singer adds.

The letter was the result of him becoming very disturbed after his mother had kept him informed about what his PR-ists at the time kept from him and fail to refute: “upsetting” press stories of the singer. In her 1990 autobiography, "My Family, The Jacksons", Katherine Jackson recounts: “[…] Michael sounded surprised. “Mother, that’s not true,” he said. “I’m getting good press.” He said that he would send along copies of the articles that his public relations people had supplied. […]

“Mother,” he said to me after one phone call too many, “it’s gotten to the point that when they tell me you’re on the phone, I don’t want to take the call, because I’m afraid that you’re going to have something else that’s negative to tell me. And it’s hard for me to work when I hear these things, because they bother me.”

Unfortunately, the stories disturbed Michael to the degree that he wound up penning an open letter to the press from his Tokyo hotel room”. Katherine Jackson goes on to say that “Back in his hotel room, he personally passed judgment on every backstage pass and photo. He also quietly saw to it that free concert tickets were dispensed to handicapped youngsters.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 11:31 (Archiv-Version vom 25.01.2012)

sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan
@MJJJusticePrjct thanks! now go and tell that to Peaches! LOL! she must not know 'bout me! ha ha ha!
4:35 AM - 21 Aug 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
@sanemjfan You do great work Its front line Warriors like you that do all of the digging and destroying of long held lies about Michael.
4:34 AM - 21 Aug 12
sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan
When you do a Google search of "Gavin Arvizo cross examination", look who makes up the top SEVEN spots!!
Retweetet von MJJJusticeProject
4:29 AM - 21 Aug 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
This too--- >
4:27 AM - 21 Aug 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Pls read all the way through before you make ur make your final decison regarding Wagener's Affidavit.
4:21 AM - 21 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 11:38
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix

#MichaelJackson (Archiv-Version vom 22.08.2012)


5:15 AM - 21 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 11:42
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix

Statement from John Branca Co-Executor The Estate Of #MichaelJackson regarding Mijac announcement I understand (cont)
10:00 PM - 20 Aug 12

Statement from John Branca Co-Executor The Estate Of #MichaelJackson regarding Mijac announcement

I understand that you are being asked a lot of questions about Mijac.

Yes, there is a matching right that Michael granted to Sony/ATV but they only get to administer the catalog for a limited term AND only if they agree to unprecedented favorable terms. We will not relinquish ultimate control and ownership to anyone. We have favorably refinanced the loans on Mijac which will be paid off and the catalog WILL absolutely be passed to Michael's children as long as we have anything to say about it.

Sony/ATV is a great company and the Estate owns half of it but no one, not even Sony/ATV, will ever own Mijac while John McClain and I remain in charge.

The current Sony team is the one Michael chose to work with on the Thriller 25 release and they are good partners. As stated in the recent court filings, they worked with us to refinance the burdensome debt that had been placed on Michael's interest in Sony/ATV to very favorable terms, an important achievement which insures that Mijac and Michael’s masters remain secure for the benefit of Michael's children for years to come.

I would appreciate your sharing this with the fans that are asking questions.

Thanks – John


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 11:47
Cam25 ‏@IncFilmix
3:33 PM - 20 Aug 12

MJNA Staff August 20, 2012

NEW YORK —August 20, 2012—Sony/ATV Music Publishing announced today that the company has entered into a worldwide administration agreement to represent Michael Jackson’s iconic Mijac Music catalog. Founded by Michael Jackson in 1980 as his personal publishing company, Mijac Music grew to include – in addition to all of his own incredible songs – the classic Sly and the Family Stone catalog, songs by the legendary Philadelphia soul team of Kenneth Gamble and Leon Huff as well as songs made famous by other artists such as Ray Charles, Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin.

Of the announcement, Martin Bandier, Chairman and CEO of Sony/ATV said, “We are thrilled that the Estate of Michael Jackson has entrusted us with this incredible catalog of songs, and everyone at Sony/ATV looks forward to finding innovative ways to use these songs, while protecting their legacy.”

Commenting on the deal, John Branca and John McClain, co-executors of the Estate of Michael Jackson remarked, “Michael’s songs in the Mijac Music catalog not only showcase his greatness as a performer but also his creative genius as a songwriter. We are excited that the company Michael helped found, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, and in which his Estate remains a 50% partner, will represent these amazing songs along with a rich collection of other music recorded by some of our greatest popular artists.”

The agreement comes in advance of the September 18 release of BAD25, a new two-disc-package and DVD that marks the 25th anniversary of Michael’s landmark BAD album.

The Mijac catalog includes all of the songs written by the legendary King of Pop, Michael Jackson, including “Another Part Of Me,” “Bad,” “Beat It,” “Billie Jean,” “Black or White,” “Can You Feel It,” “Dangerous,” “Dirty Diana,” “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough,” “Earth Song,” “Heal the World,” “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You,” “Jam,” “Scream,” “Smooth Criminal,” “They Don’t Care About Us,” “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’,” “The Way You Make Me Feel” and “We Are The World.”

Also included in the catalog are some of the most iconic songs in rock, pop and soul music history, including ”Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now,” “After Midnight,” “Ease on Down the Road,” “Great Balls of Fire,” “(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher,” “I Got A Woman,” “If You Don’t Know Me By Now,” “Love Train,” “Mr. Bojangles,” “People Get Ready,” “Runaround Sue,” “Shake, Rattle and Roll,” “Sixteen Candles,” “The Wanderer”, “What’d I Say,” “When a Man Loves a Woman” and “You Don’t Know Me”. Of special note the catalog includes the songs made famous by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame artist Sly and the Family Stone, including such hits as “Dance To the Music,” “Everybody is a Star,” “Everyday People,” “Family Affair,” “Hot Fun in the Summertime,” “If You Want Me To Stay,” “Sing a Simple Song,” “Stand” and “Thank You.”

About Sony/ATV Music Publishing

Sony/ATV Music Publishing, established in 1995 as a joint venture between Sony and Michael Jackson, is the world’s leading music publisher. Together with EMI Music Publishing, Leiber Stoller, Mijac Music, Motown and the Famous Music catalogs, Sony/ATV owns or administers more than 2 million copyrights, including some of the best known songs ever written. Sony/ATV’s catalog includes “New York, New York,” “All You Need Is Love,” “You’ve Got a Friend,” “Moon River,” “Jailhouse Rock,” “The Mission Impossible Theme,” “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “Over the Rainbow,” “Stand By Me,” “I Heard It Through the Grapevine” and “Singin’ in the Rain.” In addition, Sony/ATV represents the copyrights of such legendary artists as The Beatles, Leonard Cohen, Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan, Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson, Carole King, Kraftwerk, Joni Mitchell, Willie Nelson, Roy Orbison, Queen, The Rolling Stones, Richie Sambora, Sting, Wyclef Jean, Hank Williams and Stevie Wonder, among others. Its ever-growing list of chart-topping artists, writers and producers includes Beyoncé, Fall Out Boy, Jay-Z, Jessie J, Norah Jones, Alicia Keys, Lady Antebellum, Lady Gaga, John Mayer, P!nk, RedOne, Shakira, Ed Sheeran, Stargate, Taylor Swift and Kanye West. (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.08.2012 um 12:03
zum Beitrag von heute um 11:16h ...

Paris: upside down with my babeee

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