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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 13:35
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Nice Siedah Garret Interview (Archiv-Version vom 16.11.2012)≻=fame_with_bebe_sweetbriar&id=136257 …
6:14 AM - 22 Aug 12

Siedah Garrett Keeps On Loving Michael Jackson

by BeBe Sweetbriar
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012

viewimage story elementphp

Siedah Garrett writing her MJ tribute song "Keep On Lovin' You".mov
Youtube: Siedah Garrett writing her MJ tribute song "Keep On Lovin' You".mov
Siedah Garrett writing her MJ tribute song "Keep On Lovin' You".mov
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Hochgeladen von InTheMirrorMusic4U am 04.01.2012

Follow "Man In The Mirror" co-writer Siedah Garrett as she creates her upcoming tribute song to Michael Jackson, "Keep On Lovin' You", and expresses her feelings about MJ with co-writer/producer Dapo Torimiro. See more footage of Siedah's creative process on her ArtistShare fan-funded project site,
"Man In The Mirror" Tribute - Siedah Garrett and The Agape International Choir: Michael Jackson
Youtube: "Man In The Mirror" Tribute - Siedah Garrett and The Agape International Choir: Michael Jackson
"Man In The Mirror" Tribute - Siedah Garrett and The Agape International Choir: Michael Jackson
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Hochgeladen von rickiebb am 03.07.2009

"Man In The Mirror" singer-songwriter Siedah Garrett and the Agape International Choir Honor Michael Jackson in LIVE performance of Worldwide Number One Song.

"I have the distinct honor of writing one of Michael Jacksons all-time favorite songs," says Saieda Garrett. "Michael's compassion and generosity taught the world to sing with one voice and his amazing talent lives in the hearts of people everywhere."

"Michael Jackson inspired the world by demonstrating how one person can make a positive impact on the lives of many," says Rickie Byars Beckwith, director of the 200 voice Agape International Choir. "We are honored to sing in joyous celebration with Siedah Garrett, whose socially responsible lyrics helped bring consciousness to the masses."

Rickie, with her husband, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, CA, created the Agape International Choir in 1988 as a vehicle that delivers transformational healing through the power of music.

(c) Agape Media International.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 13:50
ϟ ℳմz♪ʞFactorƴ₮ωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
lesliemjhu blog is gone ¯\(°_°)/¯
6:58 AM - 22 Aug 12

die tolle Seite von lesliemjhau existiert nicht mehr!!!!!


ϟ ℳմz♪ʞFactorƴ₮ωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
@Qbees We can do this as long you want, wedding or no wedding. I’ve screencapped all your hateful tweets and (cont)
12:31 AM - 22 Aug 12


We can do this as long you want, wedding or no wedding. I’ve screencapped all your hateful tweets and considering a blog. I’ve also got hateful biased rabid tweets by other MJJC members. I had a peaceful resolution with Gaz, don’t provoke me! Test me if you think I’m bluffing. I’ve always kept my word.

Now you are subtweeting about a 14 year CHILD (Paris). Before Paris can hit the send button, you respond to her every tweet. You admit you stalk her on facebook too. What does an elderly woman have in common with a child? Why don’t you go stalk your own children? Or do they not wanna talk to you? Is this why you are on twitter 24/7?

- You’ll stop preaching people about God, tolerance, love & kindness until you can practice what u preach

- You’ll stop complaining about how the fan community went to shit when you are a big contributing pile of shit yourself. If you don’t see it now, you will when I blog all your hateful tweets

- “You will not look at tweets that might cause u a relapse” WHOLE DAY

- You are a joke. You tweet to Karen “ignore”. What the fuck do u think she has been doing??? =) GET THE HINT & stop tweeting people who clearly are ignoring u

- Sugar, don’t blame me b/c you are illiterate. You are an elderly woman who has no excuse for her illiteracy. I am saying it’d do you good to read the dictionary.

- You’ll refrain from tweeting about MJ business affairs which are too heavy for your moribund brain. Give Sudoku a chance.

- The propaganda you spread, you spread it to like-minded people. They already believe what you believe and you won’t change the minds of other people. If you need to seek counseling to accept and respect diversity then do that.

- You’ll leave MJ advocacy to younger & competent people. Knit, take a nap or do whatever other old folks are doing in your retirement home.

- You’ll “go farthest from the twitter” so you can get a life.

- I meant this to be ONE tweet, asking you to stop being condescending to people. But u keep provoking me. We can drag this to a blog, if you want. I don’t want it, don't force me. Move the hell on & be kind to people.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 14:22
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:So und hast schon Pepsi Büchsen mit MJ drauf gekauft????
nein, ich habe mir noch keine Pepsi Dosen gekauft und werde es auch nicht tun ... :)
Cola trinke ich ganz selten und wenn dann nur CocaCola ... Pepsi Cola schmeckt mir absolut nicht ...
hinzu kommt, dass ich diesen Kommerz von MJ Produkten so gut wie gar nicht "unterstütze" ... :)

hast du denn in deiner Stadt schon welche von den Pepsi Dosen kaufen können ????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 14:46
ein paar Bilder von der Facebook Seite The Jacksons

376913 10152050337175788 1580380179 n

557467 10152046548265788 1923676469 n

425133 10151902545845788 495681601 nOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 18:02
Michael Jackson & Friends Live in München 1999 Dangerous
Hochgeladen von TheBanditSteven am 21.02.2012

Am 27. Juni 1999 bot Michael Jackson im Münchner Olympiastadion ein musikalisches Riesenprogramm zugunsten der Kriegskinder im Kosovo mit What More Can I Give - Michael Jackson & Friends.
Ein Großteil der Stars war über den halben Globus zu dem Konzert ins Münchner Olympiastadion gekommen.
Zwei Tage zuvor hatten Michael Jackson & Friends noch im Olympiastadion von Südkoreas Hauptstadt Seoul das Wohltätigkeitskonzert gegeben.
Die Produzenten des Konzertes waren Michael Jackson und Marcel Avram, Mama Concerts & Raw GrubH. 500 Techniker waren mit 100 Lastwagen und 60 Tonnen Equipment unterwegs, verlegten 50 Kilometer Kabel und installierten eine 250 000-Watt-Tonanlage. Hinter den Kulissen sorgten tausend Mitarbeiter dafür, daß die Umbaupausen von Auftritt zu Auftritt nicht länger als fünf Minuten dauerten. Damit alle Beteiligten trotz solchen Aufwandes bei Laune und bei Stimme blieben, gab es allein für Stars, Techniker und Betreuer aus drei Großküchen fünf Tonnen Lebensmittel und 5000 Liter Getränke.
Das gesamte Konzert wurde live vom ZDF übertragen
Vielen Dank an Rosemarie für den Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 20:24
TJ Jackson officially named co-guardian of Jackson children

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Michael Jackson's family were back in court on Wednesday to iron out guardianship of his three children.

A judge officially named Michael Jackson's nephew TJ as co-guardian of the kids.

Last month, he was appointed as a temporary guardian for Prince, Paris and Blanket, while their 82-year-old grandmother Katherine spent time at a spa in Arizona.

The new arrangement allows Katherine Jackson to focus on parenting instead of administrative duties. Earlier this month, Judge Mitchell Beckloff said he was pleasantly surprised with an investigator's report of Michael Jackson's children, saying Katherine Jackson was doing a "wonderful job."

Billie Jean Jackson, the woman who claims to be Blanket's biological mother, says she will petition the judge for guardianship of the 10-year-old next month. (Archiv-Version vom 24.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 20:34

TJ Jackson
Officially Co-Guardian
Of Michael Jackson's Kids

8/22/2012 11:12 AM PDT


TJ Jackson is now PERMANENTLY sharing guardianship of Michael Jackson's children with their grandmother Katherine Jackson, an L.A. judge just ruled.

As we previously reported, TJ was awarded temporary co-guardianship of Prince, Paris, and Blanket along with Katherine ... but that was made permanent today.

TJ has received enormous support from the Jackson family to take a guardianship role, including from Katherine herself ... as well as MJ's kids. TJ has been a father figure to the children for years.

The judge told TJ in court to be mindful of the giant rift currently tearing apart the Jackson family -- and asked TJ to make sure the children aren't negatively affected.

As co-guardian, TJ will assume many of the day-to-day tasks involved in taking care of the children -- including management of household personnel and security.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 20:46
da gab es doch schon den Bericht, dass diese "Verrückte" einen Antrag eingereicht hatte ... :)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Oh Lawd, crazy Billie Jean Jackson has filed a motion to be guardian of MJ's kids.
8:38 PM - 22 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 20:53
Nein habe noch keine, aber bei uns soll es die Dosen auch zu kaufen geben.
Bei Penny na da muss ich mal schaun ich will eine :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 21:02
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Nein habe noch keine, aber bei uns soll es die Dosen auch zu kaufen geben.
Bei Penny na da muss ich mal schaun ich will eine
na, dann drück ich dir beide Daumen, dass du noch eine Pepsi Dose bekommst ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 21:04
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ

"Billie Jean Jackson, who claims to be Blanket's biological mother, says she will petition the judge for guardianship of him next month."
9:00 PM - 22 Aug 12 via


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 21:12
ABRAMS MICHAEL L. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

BUIE CHARLENE - Petitioner


CUTROW ALLAN B. ESQ. - Attorney for Real Pty in Int

CVITANICH ALANA - Real Party in Interest

DEWEY & LEBOEUF LLP - Real Party in Interest

GEORGE ERIC M. - Petitioner

GEORGE ERIC M. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

GOODMAN DIANE M. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

IN PRO PER - Attorney for Petitioner

JACKSON BILLIE JEAN - Petitioner in Pro Per (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2012)

na ja, sie steht halt drin.
mich würde viel viel mehr diese Charlene interessieren.

guten abend!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 21:13 (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Patrick Healy ‏@PatrickNBCLA
Pair in court identified themselves as Debra and son Anthony Jackson, cousins of Michael. Opposed TJ becoming co-guardian of MJ's children
Retweetet von Ivy
8:38 PM - 22 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 21:28
Michael Jackson nephew appointed co-guardian

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer – 9 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A judge appointed Michael Jackson's nephew on Wednesday to share guardianship responsibilities for the singer's three children, but not without a last-minute effort by some relatives to delay the decision.

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff named TJ Jackson as the children's co-guardian who will now share responsibilities for raising the siblings, who range in ages from 10 to 15.

The judge made the ruling after considering a letter submitted by singer Diana Ross, who was named in Michael Jackson's will as a potential guardian, and a letter presented by cousins of the singer who sought a delay in the appointment.

Debra Jackson and her son Anthony urged Beckloff to delay his ruling, saying they were concerned that family matriarch Katherine Jackson was being coerced. The pair said they had been ostracized from the family and that the children may not be as excited about TJ Jackson's appointment as has been presented to the judge.

But Beckloff noted that all three children have said they consent to the co-guardianship, and that an independent investigation he ordered showed they "have a very strong, loving relationship with TJ Jackson."

He urged TJ Jackson to consider allowing the cousins to visit the family, but said there was no reason to delay. The appointment means that Katherine and TJ Jackson will share responsibilities for raising the children. If one of them is no longer able to serve, the other would become the children's sole guardian.

Debra and Anthony Jackson declined to speak with reporters after the hearing, merely confirming their names and relationship to the family.

Their letter and one submitted by Diana Ross were not filed with the court and will not be made public, court officials said.

Katherine Jackson's attorney, Sandra Ribera, disputed their claims that her client is being improperly influenced.

"Mrs. Jackson is well informed," she said. "Mrs. Jackson is a strong woman who cannot be influenced by anyone when it comes to decisions about these children."

TJ Jackson, 34, was appointed a temporary guardian last month when Katherine Jackson was incommunicado during a stay at an Arizona spa with relatives.

Beckloff has said Katherine Jackson is doing a great job raising Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson, but noted that having a co-guardian will allow for continuity in their lives if she is no longer able to serve.

TJ Jackson was a relative unknown to the public before the recent rift in the family. He performs in a band called 3T along with his brothers and was close to his uncle, Michael, before the pop star died in June 2009 at age 50.

TJ Jackson is a cousin of the children and has remained close to them in the years since the singer's death.

Wednesday's hearing had been expected to be a legal formality and although Beckloff made time to hear the cousins' grievances, the judge didn't waver in his view that the co-guardianship arrangement was appropriate. He noted that it is frequently employed in other cases.

The mother of the two eldest children, Deborah Rowe, has indicated she is comfortable with the arrangement.

ähnliche Berichte (Archiv-Version vom 24.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 21:41
Qbee "spricht" mir aus der Seele ... :)

von der MJJC übernommen ~ Beitrag # 5080 ~ User: qbee ~

Judge made the right decision. Co/Guardianship is best for all concerned especially the children. (Thats what they want)
What we may want is not relevant to their lives. I think sometimes we speculate to much.

der Richter hat die richtige Entscheidung getroffen. Co/Vormundschaft ist für alle am besten, vor allem für die betroffenen Kinder.
(Das ist, was sie wollen)
Was wir empfehlen, ist nicht relevant für ihr Leben. Ich denke, wir spekulieren manchmal zu viel.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 22:28
La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson

#CelebrateMJ by helping to "Heal The World" & making it a better place! That was his dream! Thank you!
10:17 PM - 22 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 22:38
Judge Grants Guardianship of Michael Jackson's Kids To Katherine & TJ; Family Drama During Court Proceedings

Posted on Aug 22, 2012 @ 11:30AM


By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Judge Mitchell Beckloff gave Katherine Jackson and grandson, TJ, guardianship of Michael Jackson's three children in court Wednesday despite objections from Joe Jackson's sister-in-law, Debra and her son, Anthony, is reporting.

During the proceedings Debra, who was married to Joe's brother, Lawrence Jackson, and their only child, Anthony, appeared before the judge asking for the proceedings to be delayed because they had concerns about Katherine and TJ being named as guardians.

"Michael had concerns about certain people's influences on his children.....TJ Jackson and his brothers," Debra Jackson told Judge Beckloff.

The judge wasn't impressed with Debra's claims though and said a thorough investigation had been conducted and it was in the children's best interests that TJ and Katherine be named as co-guardians. It was also revealed during the hearing that Debra and Anthony had been told to leave a party for Prince Jackson because they weren't welcome.

After Lawrence passed away, when Anthony was seven years old, Michael Jackson became significantly involved in his life and was his godfather.

As previously reported, Beckloff awarded temporary co-guardianship to Katherine and TJ after a string of bizarre incidents involving the 82-year-old grandmother/guardian, who was whisked away to an Arizona resort by her children and out of contact with the grandkids for 11 days.

Both TJ and Katherine have signed off on the dual guardianship arrangement, and Prince and Paris are satisfied with it as well. Should something happen to either TJ or Katherine, the other would assume sole guardianship of the three kids.

TJ, 34, is the children's cousin and the son of Tito Jackson. He sings in a band called 3T.

Debra and Anthony Jackson refused to answer questions from the media after the hearing.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 22:42
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
she's been around for quite some time, claiming to be B's mother, asking for money RT @MJs__Smile: @Ivy_4MJ who's crazy billie jean jackson?
9:58 PM - 22 Aug 12
Helen ‏@MJsBillieJ01
Her NAME, though. LOL RT @Ivy_4MJ: "Billie Jean Jackson, who claims to be Blanket's biological mother, says she will petition the judge[...]
9:12 PM - 22 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
@MJsBillieJ01 Billie Jean Jackson is not her real name of course, her real name is Lavon Powlis
9:51 PM - 22 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.08.2012 um 23:51
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Do hear Blanket Jackson singing? "Billiejean is not my mother, she's just a girl who say I am the one, but I swear I aint her son"

hörst Du Blanket Jackson singen? "Billie Jean ist nicht meine Mutter, sie ist nur ein Mädchen, welches sagt, dass ich derjenige bin, aber ich schwöre, ich bin nicht ihr Sohn"

11:24 PM - 22 Aug 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Didn't that BillieJean women already get shot down by Michael ONCE? Whutz she want now? ohhh.. Blanket. Pfffft #CelebrateMJ
11:22 PM - 22 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.08.2012 um 00:53
Zitat von Brigitte58Brigitte58 schrieb:na ja, sie steht halt drin.
mich würde viel viel mehr diese Charlene interessieren.
am 26.09.2012 ist eine Anhörung bezüglich des Antrages von Billie Jean Jackson angesetzt ...

aus "Probate Notes" (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2012)

zu Charlene Buie habe ich folgendes gefunden:

aus dem TMZ Bericht Michael Jackson Estate Hearing vom 8/28/2009 7:30 AM PDT ...
A woman named Charlene Buie (crazy on Line 1) says she has a hand-written will from Jackson and doesn't think the will recognized by the court is legit because the initials on the will are not MJ's handwriting.
Eine Frau namens Charlene Buie (verrückt nach Reihe 1 (Anm.: Reihenfolge der Erbberechtigung) sagt, sie hat ein handschriftliches Testament von Jackson und glaubt nicht, dass das Testament, das durch das Gericht anerkannt wurde, echt ist, weil die Initialen auf dem Testament nicht MJ's Handschrift sind.

die Namen die du aufgeführt hast, sind auf der Seite "Case Summary" (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2012)
unter Parties = Parteien aufgeführt und betreffen das Nachlassverfahren bereits ab 2009 ...
das bedeutet, sie haben jetzt nicht unbedingt direkt etwas mit der Entscheidung der Vormundschaft zu tun ...
