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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 06:44
zu beachten, der wie immer bissige Bericht dazu von


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 10:37
Prince, Paris Jackson in Gary to honor Michael Jackson on 54th birthday (Video: Prince, Paris Jackson in Gary to honor Michael Jackson on 54th birthday)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 10:54
Zitat von TellmewhyTellmewhy schrieb:bei Sekunde 53...he IS...he WAS the most...
ob nun he IS oder he WAS ... was bedeutet das schon ... MJ ist wie alle Legenden, unsterblich ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 10:57
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Habs tatsächlich vorhin gefunden, sie ist mit ihrem eigenen Kamerateam in Gary aufgeschlagen, also doch für ihre Reality-Show, hahaha, wir lassen uns doch nicht blenden!!!
oder sie hat vielleicht mit ihrem Freund Jeffrey Phillips noch ein anderes Projekt "im Auge" ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 11:07
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
Blanket Jackson is NOT impressed! Haha

5:46 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
@777MJJ very cute. Still and (understandably shy) Local photog (who isn't a fan) just mused: "Looks like Blanket didn't want to be here."
5:18 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
Prince, Paris & Blanket posing for the camera. Blanket does NOT like strangers and will NOT suffer a fool haha

5:09 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ

4:56 PM - 30 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 11:16
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
My guess is the kids stayed and the watched the first two innings (at most) then split. The Jacksons are NOT impressed with baseball lol
6:08 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
U guys should check out the Times of Northwest IN 2morrow. thr will b a gr8 pic of La Toya striking a pose after she threw her pitch
6:06 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
Paris tried fixin Blanket's jersey then hugging on his shoulders & was promptly shooed away. I repeat: Blanket Jackson is NOT impressed haha
6:05 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
When fans in bleachers were calling their names, Prince gathered sis and bro to turn to their cameras and smile for quick posing.
6:04 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
LaToya came on field several mins after kids and Paris gave her aunt a HUGE hug - like "I haven't seen you in 18 yrs" type of hug. ...
6:03 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
Other observations: In this circus, Prince hung around one of his bodyguards or his two cousins and laughed. ...
6:02 PM - 30 Aug 12
MJ Preservationists ‏@PreservingMJ
Prince reacting to his Aunt LaToya throwing out her first pitch. She got it across the plate too.
6:02 PM - 30 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 11:26
La Toya & Paris
Party with MJ Impersonator

8/31/2012 12:40 AM PDT

0830 katherine jackson impersonator sub

While celebrating Michael Jackson's birthday on Wednesday, La Toya and Paris Jackson partied it up by hanging out with a look-alike MJ impersonator.

La Toya and Paris snapped pics with tribute artist Carlo Riley at the annual "Goin' Back to Indiana" birthday celebration for the King of Pop in his hometown of Gary.

Riley looks so much like MJ that he said Katherine Jackson told him, "You're going to make me cry." While Paris added, "I love your outfit."

It's the man in the mirror.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 11:33
MJ's Deathday
Overshadows His Bday

8/30/2012 12:40 AM PDT

VIDEO im Bericht

Jermaine Jackson says he celebrated Michael Jackson's birthday by spending time with his family and watching sentimental home videos ... but JJ explained it's also a day marked with great sadness.

Jermaine was out with his kids in Calabasas yesterday where he told us, "Today is a day to remember a wonderful human being ... but we're sobbing ... always."

Sadly, Jermaine told us the family "didn't really have birthday parties" for Michael over the years ... but says he will always cherish the memories of the two performing on stage together.

Michael would have been 54.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 11:40
TJ Jackson ‏@tjjackson
Home for a few hours then back to the airport for a couple days in Texas with longtime childhood friends. Spread love!
3:52 PM - 30 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 11:44
Randy Jackson Jr. ‏@randyjacksonjr
Michael Jackson - We Are Here To Change The World / Another Part Of Me (Captain EO) Youtube: Michael Jackson - We Are Here To Change The World / Another Part Of Me (Captain EO)
Michael Jackson - We Are Here To Change The World / Another Part Of Me (Captain EO)
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.
… via @youtube. POOOTER!!!! Haha
5:58 PM - 29 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 14:17
Michael Jackson’s family returns to Gary, Ind. for what would have been King of Pop’s 54th birthday
Paris and Prince took part in vigil at home where Jackson family grew up.



Prince Jackson (l.) and Paris Jackson display T-shirts given to them by Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson on Wednesday.

GARY, Ind. -- The scene outside the childhood home of Michael Jackson resembled a party as fans joined members of the pop star's family for a vigil Wednesday, which would have been his 54th birthday.

Fans danced to Jackson's music prior to the arrival of his children and mother at the house at 2300 Jackson St., where the King of Pop, his siblings and their parents lived until 1969. In the days after Jackson's death in 2009, the singer's admirers piled stuffed animals, flowers and photos outside the tiny home in Gary.

Among those at the Wednesday night vigil was Andrei Tejada, 32, a Chicago veterinary technician student who said she was pleased that Jackson's relatives were attending the event.


Blanket, Paris and Prince Jackson attend a candlelight vigil at the childhood home of their father Wednesday night.

"They still remember where they started, and it shows they appreciate where they started. It's a humbling experience to know they are here," said Tejada, who said she visits the Jackson childhood home once a month.

Other events planned by the family in Gary include a dinner Friday and a concert Saturday.

Before the vigil, Jackson's children, 14-year-old Paris and 15-year-old Prince Michael, were given blue "Team Gary" T-shirts by Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson as they posed for pictures at a casino overlooking Lake Michigan.

"We just want you to know how much he meant to us and the city of Gary," the mayor said.

Prince Jackson greets fans at the childhood home of his father, Michael Jackson, Wednesday night.

Paris and Prince Michael didn't speak during the brief presentation. Later, in the moments before the vigil was to start, the two, joined by Jackson's other child, Prince Michael II, signed autographs outside the Jackson home. A large crowd formed around them, with fans shoving books and posters in the teens' faces.

Jackson's sister LaToya told the crowd the family's musical fame started in the city, east of Chicago, and in "this little house." After saying, "We all love you, Michael," LaToya folded her hands and looked to the sky.

Rainbow/PUSH Coalition leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson showed up at the tribute, stopping in the crowd before the vigil to pose for a photo with a Michael Jackson impersonator.

Jackson later said he thanked God for Michael Jackson and led the crowd in chanting, "Long live Michael!"

Michael Jackson spent the first 11 years of his life in Gary. The family moved out of the city known for its steel mills after the Jackson 5 struck it big in 1969 with the release of their first album.

Paris Jackson greets fans Wednesday night.

Aside from two concerts the Jackson 5 played at West Side High School in 1971, the only time the singer returned to his hometown was in 2003, when plans for a Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center in the city's downtown were announced. It was never built.

"Gary, you are family, you always will be, I love you," Jackson said at the time.

Blanket Jackson signs autographs during his visit to Gary, Indiana.

Last week, a Los Angeles judge appointed the pop star's nephew, TJ Jackson, to share guardianship responsibilities for the late singer's three children with family matriarch Katherine Jackson. TJ Jackson was appointed a temporary guardian last month when Katherine Jackson was incommunicado during a stay at an Arizona spa with relatives.

Other family members have said Katherine Jackson was being improperly influenced regarding custody arrangements for the children, but her attorney disputed those claims.

Watch Michael and Paris accept their "Team Gary" T-shirts

<iframe src='' height='320' width='425' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'></iframe>


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 14:22
Michael Jackson: Paris Jackson feiert mit Vater-Imitator!

von LooMee (Redaktion) am Aug.31, 2012

Diese Meldung mutet schon extrem sonderbar an. Es ist erst drei Jahre her, dass Michael Jackson viel zu früh verstarb. Vorgestern dann jährte sich erneut sein Geburtstag und Fans auf der ganzen Welt feierten ihren "King of Pop" erneut hoch. Auch seine Familie gedachte natürlich besonders an diesem Tag ihrem Michael. La Toya und Paris Jackson haben allerdings tatsächlich mit einem Michael Jackson-Imitator gefeiert. Irgendwie makaber diese Vorstellung man würde den Geburtstag des eigenen Angehörigen mit einer versuchten Kopie feiern, oder?

Anlässlich des Geburtstages des verstorbenen Sängers haben Michaels Familienangehörige ihm in seiner Heimatstadt Gary, Indiana, Tribut gezollt. Anwesend auch: Carly Riley - ein Darsteller, der dem King of Pop zum Verwechseln ähnlich sah. Paris sagte zu ihm laut "": "Ich liebe dein Outfit." Was ein Glück, das sie ihn nicht gezielt eingeladen haben, denn dies wäre doch tatsächlich einen Schritt zu weit gegangen, oder?

Michael Jackson wäre am Mittwoch (29.08.) 54 Jahre alt geworden. Er verstarb 2009 an einer Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 18:17
Spike Lee's tribute to Michael Jackson rocks Venice

Friday, Aug 31, 2012

20120831.200145 afp spikelee

VENICE - US director Spike Lee brought together Michael Jackson's studio hands and previously unseen behind-the-scenes footage for a documentary that premiered Friday at the Venice film festival.

"Bad 25" deliberately leaves out the scandals surrounding the late pop legend in favour of an in-depth look at the making of "Bad" - 25 years after the release of what became one of the best-selling albums of all time.

Home videos shot by Jackson himself or by his closest collaborators during rehearsals will delight fans, revealing the king of pop's impish sense of humour, unflagging creative energy and meticulous attention to detail.

Many of the interviews were shot in the studio where "Bad" was recorded and bring out the still-raw emotions over Jackson's 2009 shock death from choreographers, sound technicians and musicians who knew him at his best.

The documentary is a treasure trove for nostalgics for big hair and pop beat days, with tributes from singers Justin Bieber, Mariah Carey and Stevie Wonder as well as Lee's voice heard off camera chuckling in the interviews.

Interviews with Martin Scorsese, who filmed the music video for "Bad", and concerts and footage of screaming fans also brings back memories of the anticipation surrounding the release of the album in pre-Internet days.

It is perhaps weighed down, however, by the bewildering quantity of the interviews and very little footage of Jackson himself talking about his work.

A half-hearted attempt to affirm Jackson's place in the tradition of African-American soul singers is also perhaps insufficiently explained.

The documentary is scheduled for general release next month. (Archiv-Version vom 02.07.2018)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 18:27
Seidl, Efron und Jackson: Gegensätze in Venedig

31.08.2012, 17:56 Uhr Aliki Nassoufis

Österreicher Ulrich Seidl provoziert in Venedig mit einem Beziehungskrieg. Zac Efron sorgt für weibliche Hormonschübe. Und Spike Lee ehrt Michael Jackson.

VENEDIG. Ein Muslim, der ein Bild des Papstes von der Wand reißt und dafür Szenenapplaus bekommt – ein erster Skandal bei den Filmfestspielen Venedig? Nicht wirklich, aber immerhin lieferte der österreichische Regisseur Ulrich Seidl mit seinem Wettbewerbsbeitrag „Paradies: Glaube“ – einer deutschen Koproduktion – manches, was provozierte. Eine fanatische Katholikin liefert sich darin mit ihrem muslimischen Ehemann einen privaten Glaubenskrieg. Es brauchte allerdings nicht unbedingt so einen Aufreger, um am Freitag beim Festival die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zu ziehen. Denn eine Michael-Jackson-Doku feierte die Musik-Legende, und Jungstar Zac Efron sorgte für entzücktes Kreischen vor allem bei den weiblichen Fans.

Efron, als Teenager mit der TV-Serie „High School Musical“ zum Mädchenschwarm katapultiert, will sich mit dem Drama „At Any Price“ weiter als ernstzunehmender Darsteller etablieren. An der Seite von Dennis Quaid („The Day After Tomorrow“) spielt der 24-Jährige einen Farmerssohn, der gegen seinen Vater und dessen Lebensentwurf rebelliert. Als eine Tragödie passiert, muss sich die Familie entscheiden, welchen Weg sie gehen will.

Regisseur Ramin Bahrani verbindet dabei gekonnt Beobachtungen vom Alltag in der Einöde mit dem Erwachsenwerden eines jungen Mannes und dem Kampf einer Familie gegen den finanziellen Ruin. Er habe mit seinem Film Fragen nach der Moral stellen wollen, sagte Bahrani. „Wir befinden uns in einer globalen Krise. Doch die Menschen, die davon am meisten profitiert haben, kommen ungeschoren davon.“

Ganz anders dagegen Spike Lees Werk, die Doku „Bad 25“. Darin rekonstruiert Lee die Entstehung von Jacksons Erfolgs-Album „Bad“ und interviewt dafür ehemalige Weggefährten und Fans wie Mariah Carey und Justin Bieber. „Das ist mein Liebes-Brief an Michael Jackson“, sagte Lee über den Film. Herausgekommen ist eine intensive Würdigung von Jacksons Werk und dessen Leistungen.

Dokumentarische Ansätze hatte auch Ulrich Seidls Spielfilm. Der 59-jährige Österreicher („Hundstage“) lässt im zweiten Teil seiner „Paradies“-Trilogie die Katholikin Anna auf ihren muslimischen Ehemann prallen. Anna geht in Österreich missionierend von Haus zu Haus. Dann kehrt ihr querschnittsgelähmter Mann nach zwei Jahren Abwesenheit zurück und fordert von der ihm entfremdeten Anna, ihre ehelichen Pflichten zu erfüllen – alle. Anna ist zwischen den christlichen Ansprüchen an sich selbst und der Abscheu vor dem groben Ehemann hin- und hergerissen. Ein religiös getriebener Beziehungskrieg beginnt, wie er wohl noch nie im Kino zu sehen war.

Wenn dieser Film Sie verstört, wird das einen Grund haben“, meinte Seidl. „Er wird nicht jeden Zuschauer verstören.“ Er habe keine Geschichte erzählen wollen, die für den gesamten christlichen Glauben steht. Aber sie könnte sich so ereignen, war sich Seidl sicher. „Sehr oft ist die Hölle im Alltagsleben zu sehen, auch in der Ehe. Jeder hat seine eigene Hölle in sich." (Archiv-Version vom 02.09.2012)

ähnlicher Bericht:;art2794,2102737


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 18:35
Michel Jackson: Paris gratulierte ihm!

von LooMee (Redaktion) am Aug.30, 2012

Gestern hätte einer der ganz Großen seinen Geburtstag feiern können. Leider ist Michael Jackson nun schon 3 Jahre nicht mehr unter uns. Doch es dachten sehr viele Menschen an den verstorbenen "King of Pop". Darunter auch jemand, der Michael ganz besonders am Herzen lag. Dieser Jemand lies es sich auch nicht nehmen, seine Liebe ganz öffentlich zu zeigen: Paris Jackson hat ihrem verstorbenen Vater via "Twitter" zum Geburtstag gratuliert.

Michael Jackson wäre, wie bereits erwähnt, gestern (29.08.) 54 Jahre alt geworden. Seine 14-jährige Tochter twitterte dazu: "Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Ich liebe dich Papa." Sie werde ihn immer im Herzen tragen, so Paris abschließend. Gegangen, aber nicht vergessen! Paris vermisst ihren Vater schmerzlich, wie sie oft erzählt und doch hält sie sein Andenken lebendig.

Was wohl ihre Brüder Prince Michael und Blanket den traurigen Tag verbracht haben?
Michael Jackson starb am 25. Juni 2009 in seinem Haus in Los Angeles. Todesursache war eine Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol.

CWP-000538-e1346355913154 (Archiv-Version vom 25.01.2022)

bei dem Beitrag von heute um 14:22h habe ich leider den Quellennachweis vergessen ... Sorry ...
hier nun der entsprechende Link (Archiv-Version vom 03.09.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 18:39
Filmfestival Venedig: Spike Lee erhält Auszeichnung am Lido

Regisseur Spike Lee wird beim Filmfest Venedig für sein Werk ausgezeichnet. Der 55-Jährige sollte heute Abend den Jaeger-LeCoultre Glory to the Filmmaker Award erhalten. Dieser wird an Regisseure vergeben, die mit ihren Werken das Kino der Gegenwart geprägt haben. Lee drehte Filme wie „Malcolm X“ und „25 Stunden“.

Beim Filmfest Venedig zeigte er seine Michael-Jackson-Dokumentation „Bad 25“, die auf die Entstehung von Jacksons Album „Bad“ zurückschaut. Dabei kommen Weggefährten und Fans wie Mariah Carey und Justin Bieber zu Wort. 2011 erhielt Al Pacino den Jaeger-LeCoultre-Preis.

Publiziert am 31.08.2012


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 19:00
Jackson Kids Throw Out a First Pitch

08/31/2012 at 11:35 AM EDT

Play ball!


After making a pilgrimage to their father's hometown of Gary, Ind., this week, Michael Jackson's children continued to celebrate what would have been the King of Pop's 54th birthday by participating in America's favorite pastime.

On Thursday, Prince, 15, Paris, 14, and Blanket, 10, along with their aunt, La Toya Jackson, 56, attended a Gary Southshore Railcats baseball game – where they threw out ceremonial pitches in honor of their father.

From left: Gary, Ind., Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, Prince Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II, La Toya Jackson and Paris Jackson

"We're here in Gary, and it's a new experience for us. People are real nice here," Prince told a local reporter "It's amazing how much he was respected and loved."
– Michael Cohen,,20626047,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 31.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 19:03
Aug 31, 2012 12:08pm

Michael Jackson’s Kids Journey to Dad’s Hometown on His Birthday

gty jackson kids vigil jef 120831 wblog

Michael Jackson’s three children spent what would have been the King of Pop’s 54th birthday in Gary, Ind., the town where their father was raised.

For the first time since Michael Jackson’s death three years ago, Prince, 15; Paris, 14; and Blanket, 10; joined a vigil for their father on Wednesday at the house at 2300 Jackson Street, where Joe and Katherine Jackson raised their father and his famous siblings until 1969. The Rev. Jesse Jackson attended, leading the crowd in chanting “Long live Michael!” the Associated Press reported. The late singer’s sister La Toya also was also at the vigil.

Jackson’s children were photographed at a casino overlooking Lake Michigan, where Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson presented them with “Team Gary” T-shirts.

“It’s a new experience for us. People are real nice here. It’s amazing how much he was respected and loved,” Prince told a local reporter Wednesday. ”It’s something that amazes me every time I come to a place like this where all these fans gather for him. It’s amazing how much he was respected and loved.”

Paris Jackson took to her Twitter account Wednesday to also express her love for her dad: “Thru my joy & my sorrow, in the promise of another 2morro , i’ll never let u apart for ur always in my heart … happy birthday i love u daddy,” she tweeted.

The memorial events came two days before the 25th anniversary of the release of “Bad,” one of Jackson’s landmark albums, which included such mega hits as “The Way You Make Me Feel,” “Smooth Criminal” and the title track.

“Bad” was the first album for which Jackson wrote nearly all the songs. He co-wrote nine of the 11 tracks — and he was listed as a co-producer for the entire project. It was also the first album that Jackson toured behind as a solo artist — a tour that cemented his status as a global superstar.
“Bad” sold between 35 and 40 million copies worldwide, including 8 million in the U.S. alone. It was nominated for six Grammys, and won two.

It took more than 20 years for another artist to match that record: Katy Perry did it with her album “Teenage Dream.”

Spike Lee’s documentary about the making and influence of “Bad,” which premieres at the Venice International Film Festival Friday, includes one-on-one interviews with Jackson’s confidants, collaborators, choreographers and famous fans, including director Martin Scorsese, Mariah Carey, Cee Lo Green and Sheryl Crow, to name a few.

“This film was done with the cooperation of the Michael Jackson estate so they opened up the archives,” Lee told ABC News. “We have stuff in this documentary that no one has ever seen. So it was amazing to me to look at this, to see this stuff.”

The documentary screens at the Toronto International Film Festival in September, and airs on ABC close to Thanksgiving.

ABC News radio contributed to this report. (Archiv-Version vom 31.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 19:09
von Facebook - Martina van der Linden hat John Isaacs Foto geteilt

❤ "The way he is..." L.O.V.E. ❤

223830 10151128002053288 372069199 n
Michel Jackosn comforting a youngster.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.08.2012 um 19:15
538621 456257654394518 1568826049 n

Michael's children mark their father's birthday in Gary

Published on Thursday, 30 August 2012 06:41

GARY, Ind. (AP) — The scene outside the childhood home of Michael Jackson resembled a party as fans joined members of the pop star's family for a vigil Wednesday, which would have been his 54th birthday. Fans danced to Jackson's music prior to the arrival of his children and mother at the house at 2300 Jackson St., where the King of Pop, his siblings and their parents lived until 1969. In the days after Jackson's death in 2009, the singer's admirers piled stuffed animals, flowers and photos outside the tiny home in Gary.

Among those at the Wednesday night vigil was Andrei Tejada, 32, a Chicago veterinary technician student who said she was pleased that Jackson's relatives were attending the event.

"They still remember where they started, and it shows they appreciate where they started. It's a humbling experience to know they are here," said Tejada, who said she visits the Jackson childhood home once a month.

Other events planned by the family in Gary include a dinner Friday and a concert Saturday.

Before the vigil, Jackson's children, 14-year-old Paris and 15-year-old Prince Michael, were given blue "Team Gary" T-shirts by Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson as they posed for pictures at a casino overlooking Lake Michigan.

"We just want you to know how much he meant to us and the city of Gary," the mayor said.

Paris and Prince Michael didn't speak during the brief presentation. Later, in the moments before the vigil was to start, the two, joined by Blanket, signed autographs outside the Jackson home. A large crowd formed around them, with fans shoving books and posters in the teens' faces.

LaToya told the crowd the family's musical fame started in the city, east of Chicago, and in "this little house." After saying, "We all love you, Michael," LaToya folded her hands and looked to the sky. TJ was also present at the scene.

Rainbow/PUSH Coaltion leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson showed up at the tribute, stopping in the crowd before the vigil to pose for a photo with a Michael Jackson impersonator.

Jackson later said he thanked God for Michael Jackson and led the crowd in chanting, "Long live Michael!"

Michael Jackson spent the first 11 years of his life in Gary. The family moved out of the city known for its steel mills after the Jackson 5 struck it big in 1969 with the release of their first album.

Aside from two concerts the Jackson 5 played at West Side High School in 1971, the only time the singer returned to his hometown was in 2003, when plans for a Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center in the city's downtown were announced. It was never built.

"Gary, you are family, you always will be, I love you," Michael said at the time.

Paris2BJackson2BGoin2BBack2BIndiana2BCanOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

