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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.07.2012 um 22:27
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ich kenne mich nicht aus, bin kein Informatiker. Was halt komisch ist, daß die Tweets ausgerechnet auf dem Konto von Prince gelöscht sind. Sehr merkwürdig.
seine eingestellten Tweets kann der User auch selbst löschen ... :)
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Na Hilfe, es eskaliert nach Deinem Eintrag von 21.54h.
Und wieder bin ich bei meiner Meinung, die Kathrine hat auch Leichen im Keller.
meine Meinung geht eher in eine andere Richtung ... aber ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass es schon schockierend für Katherine gewesen sein muß, das Überwachungsvideo zu sehen, in dem zu erkennen ist, wie sich ihre lieben Janet und Randy aber auch Jermaine verhalten haben ...

es wird bestimmt unverständlich für Katherine sein, dass sie weder das Sicherheitspersonal und noch ihrem Neffen Trent kündigen kann ...
und der Trent soll auch im Mietvertrag des Hauses in Calabasas mit aufgeführt worden sein ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.07.2012 um 22:39
21:27 | USA

Jackson-Mutter kämpft gegen Entzug von Sorgerecht für Enkelkinder

Sorge um Wohlergehen von Prince, Paris und Blanket - Katherine Jackson: "Ein Haufen Lügen"


Los Angeles (dapd). Die Mutter von Michael Jackson kämpft gegen die Aberkennung ihres Sorgerechts für die drei Kinder des verstorbenen "King of Pop". Das Gerichtsurteil, das ihr vorübergehend die Vormundschaft für Prince, Paris und Blanket entzog, basiere auf "einem Haufen Lügen", sagte Katherine Jackson dem US-Fernsehsender ABC News.

Nachdem sie mehrere Tage lang nicht bei den Kindern gewesen war, kehrte Katherine Jackson am Donnerstag offenbar in das Haus in Los Angeles zurück. Enkelin Paris schrieb am Morgen (Ortszeit): "Großmutter ist wieder da", und auch Katherines Sohn Marlon meldete über Twitter die Rückkehr seiner Mutter.

Im Hintergrund schwelt gleichzeitig eine Familienfehde um den Nachlass Michael Jacksons. Am Sonntag drangen die Differenzen innerhalb der Jackson-Familie an die Öffentlichkeit, als eine Verwandte Katherine Jackson vermisst meldete, während diese bei anderen Familienmitgliedern im US-Staat Arizona war.

Einige von Michael Jacksons Geschwistern hatten in den vergangenen Tagen zudem die Verwalter seines Nachlasses zum Rücktritt aufgefordert. Am Dienstag bezeichnete Randy Jackson das Testament seines Bruders als Fälschung und warf den Nachlassverwaltern kriminelles Verhalten vor. Diese wiesen alle Anschuldigungen zurück. Seit Jacksons Tod im Jahr 2009 hatte der Michael Jackson Estate 475 Millionen Dollar (386 Millionen Euro) Gewinn gemacht.

Seit diesem Zeitpunkt ist auch Katherine Jackson Vormund der drei Kinder ihres Sohnes. Inmitten des Nachlassstreits ernannte Richter Mitchell Beckloff am Mittwoch Jacksons Neffen TJ zum vorläufigen Vormund von Prince, Paris und Blanket. Zur Begründung erklärte er, die 82-jährige Großmutter halte sich in Arizona auf und habe mehrere Tage lang keinen Kontakt zu den Kindern gehabt.

TJ Jackson ist der Sohn von Tito Jackson. Der 34-Jährige bildet mit seinen beiden Brüder die Band 3T, die Ende der 90er-Jahre besonders in Europa Erfolge feiern konnte. Er erhielt mit der Gerichtsentscheidung vom Mittwoch auch die Befugnis, Mitarbeiter auf dem Anwesen der Familie einzustellen oder zu entlassen. Richter Beckloff ordnete außerdem an, dass die Kinder ohne gerichtliche Erlaubnis Kalifornien nicht verlassen dürfen.

Der Richter betonte, es gebe keine Hinweise, dass Katherine Jackson etwas falsch gemacht habe. Es habe den Anschein, als werde sie von dritten Parteien bewusst daran gehindert, ihren Aufgaben als Vormund nachzukommen. Richter Beckloff verwies auf einen Zwischenfall vor dem Wohnhaus der Kinder am Montag. Michael Jacksons Geschwister Janet, Randy und Jermaine hatten den Kindern gesagt, sie könnten mit ihrer Großmutter sprechen, müssten dafür aber mit ihnen mitfahren.

Am Donnerstag veröffentlichte Jacksons Sohn Prince zudem eine angebliche Gruppen-SMS, in der Janet Jackson seine Bitte nach Kontakt mit seiner Großmutter angeblich ablehnt.

"Das war merkwürdig und beunruhigend für mich und (die Kinder) und verstärkte unsere Sorge, dass unsere Großmutter daran gehindert wurde, nach Hause zu kommen", schrieb TJ Jackson an das Gericht. Sein Anwalt erklärte außerdem, die Kinder seien am Mittwoch aus Sorge um ihre Sicherheit nicht zur Schule gegangen. Gegen 03.30 Uhr sei ein neues Sicherheitsteam vor dem Jackson-Haus in Calabasas eingetroffen und habe angegeben, von Katherine Jackson geschickt worden zu sein. Die Sicherheitsleute hätten sich auch nach der Schule der Kinder erkundigt.

Katherine Jackson war einige Tage verschwunden, am Mittwoch hieß es, sie habe mehrere Tage unerreichbar für ihre Enkel bei Verwandten in Arizona verbracht. Paris Jackson hatte mehrmals via Twitter mitgeteilt, dass sie seit dem 15. Juli nicht mit ihrer Großmutter gesprochen habe. Michael Jacksons Bruder Jermaine erklärte, seine Mutter habe ärztliche Anweisungen befolgt, als sie den Kontakt zu den Kindern abgebrochen habe. Einzelheiten nannte er nicht.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.07.2012 um 22:44

Feuding Jackson Bros.
Family War Be Damned ...
We're Still Performing!

7/26/2012 1:15 PM PDT


Nothing brings the Jackson brothers together like a payday -- TMZ has learned, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, and Jackie still plan to perform a concert together tomorrow night ... despite a war raging between Jermaine and the rest of his siblings.

As we reported, Tito, Marlon, and Jackie have drawn a line in the sand -- aligning themselves with the Michael Jackson estate ... while Randy and Jermaine continue to claim the estate is defrauding the family.

Now, sources close to the brothers tell TMZ, the Jackson Unity concert scheduled for tomorrow at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, CA will still take place as scheduled.

According to sources, the brothers have decided to put their problems aside for the sake of the fans.

We're guessing the paycheck doesn't hurt either.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.07.2012 um 22:57
TMZ Live (Livestream)

TMZ Live
Katherine Jackson
No Grandkids, No MONEY

7/26/2012 12:30 PM PDT

Katherine Jackson is finally back in LA, but is she too late? Now that she's been stripped of guardianship, she stands to lose a ton of money from the MJ Estate. Also, the story behind her bizarre "Nightline" appearance.

Plus, "Big Brother" villain Willie Hantz gets busted for DUI ... just days after he got kicked off the show for being too violent.

Also, the Kristen Stewart cheating scandal hits someone -- besides Robert Pattinson -- really, really, really HARD.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 03:45
Paris hat die Tweets von Prince Retweetet ... :)

frei übersetzt:
the thing my brother tweeted last night was the last true thing he tweeted.. he was hacked saying what we tweeted was false..
das, was mein Bruder gestern Abend getweeted hat, war die letzte wahre Sache, die er twitterte .. er wurde gehackt, mit den Worten, dass das, was wir getweeted haben, falsch war



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 04:01
Prince hat die "gelöschten" Tweets repost ... beide Tweets sind wieder da ... :D

frei übersetzt
I have no idea if my twitter was hacked anything
Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob mein twitter etwas gehackt wurde

Twitterprince27072012AOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 04:27
Alan Duke ‏@AlanDukeCNN
Conrad Murray invites Katherine Jackson for jailhouse visit
Retweetet von Ivy
3:30 AM - 27 Jul 12
vy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
hmm Murray and Katherine? Let me guess Murray has been deposed in KJ's AEG case?
3:00 AM - 27 Jul 12
Alan Duke ‏@AlanDukeCNN
I will break some big news regarding Michael Jackson, Katherine Jackson and Conrad Murray on @drdrew show in 30 minutes
Retweetet von Ivy
2:40 AM - 27 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
I'm posting this Branca pic hoping that "justice fighters" & Anti-estate people that stalk my timeline gets annoyed :)
2:07 AM - 27 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Just saw this on MJJC - so wrong but so funny too -
1:44 AM - 27 Jul 12
sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan
are wasting their money trying to sue to gain control, and in the end all the Jacksons are doing is dragging PPB through the mud in public!
Retweetet von Ivy
1:39 AM - 27 Jul 12
sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan
Jen Hager from Radar Online refuted Halperin by stating that the 1997 will is the exact same as the 2002, so nothing changes and the
Retweetet von Ivy
1:39 AM - 27 Jul 12
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some
HLN: Reporter says '97 and '02 are same and exec is still John Branca. So any attempt to challenge will, Good Luck with that.
Retweetet von Ivy
1:39 AM - 27 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 04:34
Conrad Murray invites Katherine Jackson to visit him in jail

Conrad Murray lädt Katherine Jackson ein, ihn im Gefängnis zu besuchen

By Alan Duke, CNN
July 27, 2012 -- Updated 0151 GMT (0951 HKT)



* Conrad Murray extends the invitation through his lawyers from jail
* "I've been told that she has a desire to speak with me," Murray says
* "It would put her at peace," he says
* "She appeared to be extremely sad," Murray says of news clips of Katherine Jackson

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Conrad Murray, the doctor convicted in Michael Jackson's death, is inviting the late pop star's mother to visit him in jail to "answer any questions she might have."

Murray extended the invitation Tuesday night in a statement released to CNN through his lawyers, Valerie Wass and Michael Flanagan..

"I've been told that she has a desire to speak with me before she departs this life," Murray said. "Seeing that she is up in age and in questionable health, and the fact that she is the mother of a very dear departed friend, it would give me great pleasure to sit with her one on one and answer any questions she might have."

Murray was sentenced to four years in prison last November after a jury convicted him of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's June 25, 2009, death.

Murray, who is expected to serve at least two years in a Los Angeles County jail, said he would put Katherine Jackson's name on his visitor's list.

"It would put her at peace," he said. "I would do that truly out of concern for her and altruistic love and concern for others. I want to see her. I do not want Mrs. Jackson to suffer. She remains as dear to me as my own mother, unbeknownst to her."

News coverage of the ongoing feud among members of the Jackson family apparently prompted Murray's offer.

Jackson family drama an unwanted reality show

"Although I am not permitted to see the news in jail, there are times when intermittent snippets are seen before a channel change occurs," Murray said. "I recently saw Katherine Jackson in one of those snippets. She appeared to be extremely sad. I also heard she is having a difficult time."

A representative for Katherine Jackson said he would present the offer to her, but he doubted she would accept.

Katherine Jackson is dealing with a major division in her family that grew larger when four of her children recently took her to Arizona for 10 days without letting Michael Jackson's three children speak to her.


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27.07.2012 um 04:37
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Translation: The people Randy tried to block from Katherine are now blocking him. Tit for tat.
4:27 AM - 27 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
X17 has another exclusive now saying TJ isn't letting Sanders and Jackson siblings around Katherine -
4:26 AM - 27 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 04:44

X17 EXCLUSIVE - Katherine Jackson's Attorney Denied Access Into Home By Nephew TJ, Family Worried For Her Safety

Posted on Thu Jul 26, 2012 05:35 PM PDT

katherinex17Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Perry Sanders Jr. is ready to have Katherine Jackson sign paperwork to be reinstated as guardian of Michael's three children ... Paris, Prince and Blanket, however we've learned exclusively that TJ Jackson has instructed security to not allow him into Katherine's Calababas home.

Our Jackson family source tells X17online exclusively:

"TJ won't allow Perry to do his job and won't allow his grandmother to speak to any of her children. Trent and the security team, who Katherine fired already, are refusing to leave the premises. They also won't answer the phone at the house. Family members are worried sick about Katherine's safety. Once again, they are using trickery. "

Just yesterday, Tito Jackson's 34-year-old son was granted temporary guardianship. However, as X17 first reported, Katherine's attorney Perry Sanders Jr. is ready to file paperwork "asap."

We told you first that Katherine fired Trent and the entire security team before leaving her vacation spot in Arizona to come home. Our family source, who heard the phone conversation, says Katherine directly told Trent, "You better be gone by the time I return home." Trent replied with the following: "We don't work for you, we work for the estate. We're not leaving."

The Jacksons tell us they believe family advisor John Branca was behind the confrontation on Monday at the Jackson estate between Janet, Randy, Jermaine, Paris, Prince, Trent and the security team.

Family members add that Branca "is trying to paint a picture that under Katherine's supervision, the kids aren't being cared for." They also believe TJ is being coached by Branca.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 05:15
Paris Jackson Assures Fans Her Brother's Tweet Was for Real

27th July 2012

The Jackson family feud continues amid reports suggesting a damning tweet Michael Jackson's eldest son Prince wrote was a hoax.

The post in question, which was sent out early on Thursday (26Jul12), suggested the teenager was far from happy with the way he and his siblings had been treated by his aunts and uncles during the recent drama about his grandmother Katherine's whereabouts.

"Prince has since re-posted the original message on his own page"

It read "As I am sure everyone is well aware of the events that have been going on. I have been holding off on backing up my sister and her tweets avidly because I was waiting for the time to reveal my side. "As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways.

Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to.

I'm really angry and hurt". The post was subsequently deleted amid claims Prince's account had been hacked, but now his sister Paris has alerted her followers to the fact there was no hacking and the message was genuine. She writes, "the thing my brother tweeted last night was the last true thing he tweeted...

he was hacked saying what we tweeted was false...

'if you continue with your lies, i will continue with the truth' prince wanted me to tell you guys that okay.

please know its us tweeting". Prince has since re-posted the original message on his own page. The Jacksons have been feuding since family matriarch Katherine Jackson was reported missing at the weekend. She has since returned to the Calabasas home she shares with her grandchildren, Prince, Paris and Blanket, after a 10-day "short vacation" at an Arizona resort. She was stripped of guardianship of the children on Wednesday (25Jul12) after another grandchild, Tito Jackson's son TJ called for an emergency court hearing and was granted temporary guardianship. The 82 year old's attorney has revealed he plans to reverse the court ruling. (Archiv-Version vom 31.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 09:26
Ja ja es wird spannend :D
Und der Murry huhuhu ja :D wer es glaubt wird seelig... :D

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 10:31
La Toya to Family
Stop Fighting In Public!

7/27/2012 1:00 AM PDT


La Toya Jackson is a conscientious objector ... REFUSING to take part in the Jackson media war ... because she believes all of the PUBLIC feuding is damaging the family name.

La Toya -- who's not exactly shy when it comes to publicity -- has been noticeably absent from the media blitz surrounding Michael Jackson's kids and the MJ Estate.

We're told La Toya feels VERY STRONGLY that the most effective way to solve the family problems are NOT to attack each other in public ... but rather hash things out quietly ... and respectfully ... in private.

So whose side is she on? Sources say she's definitely NOT aligned with Janet, Randy, Jermaine and Rebbie ... and wasn't thrilled to see them camera-whoring all over TV this week.

Bottom line -- we're told La Toya wants what's best for Michael's kids ... and feels the quicker the family can stop making a public spectacle of themselves ... the better off the kids will be.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 10:50
Gestern bei TMZ Live - s. a. Eintrag gestern(26.07.2012) um 22:57 - wer es verpasst hat, kann es auch auf Video anschauen ... :)

TMZlive26072012AOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
VIDEO auf der Website

(0:00) The Jackson family drama somehow gets weirder every day -- you gotta see the super strange "interview" Katherine Jackson did ... that Gary says looks like a kidnapping/ransom video.
(10:30) Prince Jackson finally breaks his silence -- tweeting a picture of the text message he sent to his family demanding he speak to Katherine Jackson.

(15:00) Robert Pattinson has already moved out of the house he shared with Kristen Stewart! One obsessed "Twilight" fan posted a rant video about it ... and it's amazing.
(18:00) Don't stop us if you've heard this one before -- Lindsay Lohan got into another fender bender.
(21:20) A "Big Brother" contestant got popped for DUI ... just days after getting booted from the show. And for some reason ... his brother seems to be proud of him.
(23:55) One of the guys from The Wanted is pissed ... because his ex-girlfriend says he was amazing in bed. We know ... it doesn't make much sense.
(27:25) Breaking news -- two incredibly creepy voicemails that Jerry Sandusky left one of his victim were released.
(30:00) There's a least one person who thinks Penn State got off easy in the Jerry Sandusky scandal ... Regis Philbin!?!
(32:00) Speaking of getting off easy -- Russell Brand got a slap on the wrist for destroying a paparazzo's iPhone.
(34:00) Fred Willard's wife ... standing by her man..
(37:00) Suri Cruise is slumming it ... trading her helicopter rides for a ... dare we say it ... cab ride!!! The nerve.
(40:00) We take your calls!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 11:05
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i love my brothers so effing much<3
parismitBrdernOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB)
9:44 AM - 27 Jul 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
…and we wonder why we're single! haha @_mlchaeljackson @samara_bradley lol this is why ! no one gets our humor 😔
8:59 AM - 27 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 11:14
einige der neuen Bilder, die Paris bei Instagram eingestellt hat ...

Paris: ;* 5h
divinityinmotion: If I wake and you're here still, give me a kiss :* 5h
Paris: i wasn't finished dreamin bout ur lips 5h

2b077362d7a111e189de22000a1e95dd 7

Paris: someone likes to join me for videochats!(: 6h
3a83472cd79611e19bab1231382048e0 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 11:23
Wenn Katherine nicht einmal in der Lage ist, sich selbst zu bestimmen, wie will sie da Entscheidungen für ihre Enkel treffen? Ich denke, die Zeit war da, ihr die Verantwortung abzunehmen.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 11:24
EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Katherine Jackson FINALLY Meets With Her Lawyer, 'Laughs At Reports She Had A Stroke'

Posted on Jul 26, 2012 @ 10:00PM

Katherine-jackson--SN 1

By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Katherine Jackson was finally able to meet with her attorney, Perry Sanders, on Thursday night, at her Calabasas mansion, two days after the attorney flew to Tucson to see the Jackson family matriarch and wasn't allowed to see her, and she laughed at reports that said she had a stroke, is exclusively reporting.

"I had a long and productive meeting with Mrs. Jackson. I am pleased to report that she is fine and she laughed at the widely publicized report that she had suffered a stroke. I will be releasing a formal statement tomorrow morning regarding the results of the meeting. There will be no further comments made between now and then," Sanders told in a statement.

Sanders arrived at the house shortly after 6 p.m., and the meeting lasted for almost three hours, according to our sources.

"Perry was able to finally talk to Katherine by himself for the first time in almost two weeks. Katherine didn't wake up until after 1 p.m., because she didn't go to bed until 4 a.m. She has been talking to her grandchildren all day, and learning what was really going on. Needless to say, Katherine was extremely distressed and concerned about the grandchildren," the insider told us.

Reports circulated on Thursday night that Sanders was refused entry by Katherine Jackson's nephew, Trent, who lives at the house, and TJ Jackson, her grandson, and temporary guardian of Michael's three children.

"That categorically never happened. Perry arrived at the front gate, and was allowed entry immediately. In fact, TJ and Trent were SO happy to see Sanders as they both know he truly is an advocate for Katherine's best interests. The person that is spreading those false rumors about Katherine is causing all of the drama in the family right now," the insider tells us.

Sanders told us earlier this week that he would be going to court after seeing his client to petition for Jackson to have custody reinstated of Michael's three children. Sources tell us that there will be extra layers of protection in the new custody agreement that will ensure that Katherine will never be out of contact with the kids for that long again without immediate consequences.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 11:27
Jetzt endlich mal was Positives:!?p=3679297#post3679297


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.07.2012 um 11:28
Zitat von HanikaHanika schrieb:Wenn Katherine nicht einmal in der Lage ist, sich selbst zu bestimmen, wie will sie da Entscheidungen für ihre Enkel treffen? Ich denke, die Zeit war da, ihr die Verantwortung abzunehmen.
das denke ich auch ... ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass der Richter ihr die Vormundschaft nochmals überträgt ... aber Katherine wird versuchen sie wiederzubekommen ... ;)
