Der Dyatlov-Pass-Vorfall
13.10.2019 um 16:04YpersephoneY schrieb:Und könntest du vllt noch die Stellen in Thibeaux-Brignolles Autopsiebericht, auf die du dich in der Hinsicht beziehst, nennen?B.Internal examination.
Skin pieces of the scalp from the internal surface are juicy and dull. There is an indication of hemorrhaging from the right temple into the right temporal muscle with diffuse saturation. After dissection of the right temporal muscle determined that there was a depressed fracture in the right temporal bregmatic area on an area measuring 9 x 7 cm with a bone defect on the temporal lobe measuring 3 x 3.5 x 2 cm. This section of the bone is sunken into the cranial cavity and is located on the dura matter.