Wie findet ihr die Aktivistengruppe "Letzte Generation"
01.12.2022 um 11:39... und sich weiter verschärft, die britische Ablegerbewegung droht jetzt bereits direkt und ausdrücklich mit der Zerstörung von Kunstwerken:MarinaG. schrieb:Dadurch, dass sich dieser Aktionismus innerhalb kurzer Zeit deutlich verschärft hat
Just Stop Oil demonstrators are considering slashing famous works of art as they threaten to "escalate" their protests.Quelle: https://news.sky.com/story/just-stop-oil-considers-slashing-famous-artworks-as-it-threatens-to-escalate-protests-12757133
The controversial climate activists have also issued a call to England captain Harry Kane to wear an armband carrying their message at the World Cup in Qatar.
The group is planning more disruption in the run-up to Christmas in its campaign of direct action, which has included blocking roads, spraying orange paint on buildings and defacing famous artworks.
Among the protests, demonstrators have thrown soup at Van Gogh's Sunflowers painting and glued themselves to the frames of several masterpieces, prompting one art critic to brand them "morons".
Alex De Koning, a spokesman for Just Stop Oil, said it was "insane" that "more people are outraged" about the activists targeting artwork than the devastating floods in Pakistan, which displaced millions of people.
The 24-year-old - who describes himself as a climate scientist - told Sky News that the protest group may follow in the footsteps of suffragettes who "violently slashed paintings in order to get their messages across".
Die Begründung ist die Gleiche wie auch schon hier im Thread vorgetragen: der Weltuntergang naht, das rechtfertigt im Prinzip alles.
Mr De Koning said targeting famous art had "marked an escalation" in Just Stop Oil's action and warned it will "continue to escalate unless the government meets our demand" to stop future gas and oil projects.Quelle: selbe
He told Sky News: "If things need to escalate then we're going to take inspiration from past successful movements and we're going to do everything we can.
"If that's unfortunately what it needs to come to, then that's unfortunately what it needs to come to.
"We're fighting for our lives, why would we do any less?"
Asked directly whether future protests could involve slashing artwork, the spokesman replied: "It could potentially come to that at one point in the future, yeah."
Angeblich würden auch Haftstrafen oder deren Androhung die Aktivisten nicht abschrecken, weil die Welt sowieso bald untergeht:
Mr De Koning said Just Stop Oil activists were "not going to be intimidated by potential prison time".Quelle: selbe
"At least in prison you get three meals a day and shelter and water," he said.
"In 20 years' time, who knows if that's still the case for millions of people."
Und als Minimalforderung für das vereinigte Königreich wird nicht das 9€-Ticket oder ein Tempolimit genannt, sondern ein sofortiges und ewiges Moratorium für die Förderung fossiler Brennstoffe:
The Just Stop Oil spokesman confirmed more disruption is planned in the run-up to Christmas, saying it would be "mostly road blocking" but it was "always good to have new tactics".Quelle: selbe
The group has said it will stop its direct action if the government announces it will immediately halt all future licences for the exploration and production of fossil fuels in the UK.