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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 00:28

ich gehe auch gleich in die Heia ... schlaf schön, gute Nacht ... bis später ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 08:45
Investigators next in trial of Michael Jackson's doctor
By Alan Duke, CNN
October 5, 2011 -- Updated 0600 GMT (1400 HKT)

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A day after prosecutors paraded three of Dr. Conrad Murray's girlfriends in front of jurors, police and coroner investigators are likely to take the witness stand Wednesday in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor.

While prosecutors have not revealed their witness list in advance, if they follow the pattern used in Murray's preliminary hearing last January, the jury should soon hear the audio recording of his interview with police two days after Jackson's death.

Investigators from the Los Angeles County coroner's office should also testify Wednesday or Thursday about what they found in Jackson's bedroom and his body after his death.

Prosecutors argue that Murray, who was Jackson's personal physician as he prepared for planned comeback concerts, is criminally responsible for the singer's death because of medical negligence and his reckless use of the surgical anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep.

The coroner ruled that Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, was the result of "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with sedatives.

Murray's defense lawyers contend Jackson caused his own death by swallowing eight lorazepam pills and orally ingesting propofol while Murray was out of the room.

While the investigators' testimony is the bedrock of the prosecution's case, it could not match Tuesday's testimony by the trio of Murray's girlfriends for drama.

Cocktail waitress Sade Anding, who dated Murray after they met at a Houston steakhouse where she worked, described a phone call from Murray that prosecutors suggest is evidence of when the doctor realized there was a problem with Michael Jackson.

Five or six minutes into the call, which began at 11:51 a.m. the day Jackson died, Anding realized Murray was not listening to her.

"I said 'Hello, hello, are you there?" Anding testified.

She said when she pressed her cell phone against her ear, "I heard the mumbling of voices ... and I heard coughing, and nobody answered." Anding hung up the phone about three minutes later, she said.

The interruption, which prosecutors said was likely when Murray noticed his patient was not breathing, would have come at about 11:57 a.m., about 10 minutes before the time chef Kai Chase said Murray ran down the stairs to ask her to call for help.

After Anding's testimony, the prosecution called Michelle Bella, who said she met Murray at a Las Vegas "social club" where she was working in February 2008.

Murray sent Bella a cell phone text message at 8:35 a.m. the day Jackson died, but the judge did not allow the prosecution to read it.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor also would not let the jury hear a voice message Murray left on Bella's cell phone nine days earlier.

But Bella did answer 'yes' when asked if Murray had told her he hoped to "meet up with you" later at a club in Las Vegas before he left for London with Jackson. The judge ordered that testimony stricken from the court record, but jurors clearly heard it.

Pastor limited how deep prosecutors could dig into Murray's social relationships with the women.

The prosecution contends that one reason Murray is criminally responsible for Jackson's death is because phone calls and text messages to these women, other patients and employees at his clinics caused him to ignore his patient while administering dangerous drugs.

The third girlfriend to testify Tuesday was Nicole Alvarez, 29, who has a two-year-old son fathered by Murray. Her animated testimony suggested she was starstruck by Michael Jackson, who she met several times with Murray.

"I was speechless when I met him," Alvarez testified. "I couldn't believe I was meeting Michael Jackson."

Her testimony was important because it was her apartment where a Las Vegas pharmacy shipped 255 bottles of propofol -- totaling more than four gallons -- and 80 bottles of liquid sedatives that prosecutors say Murray ordered for Jackson.

The prosecution also asked her about a phone call Murray placed to her from the ambulance while on the way to the hospital with Jackson.

"I remember him telling me, that he was on the way to the hospital in the ambulance with Mr. Jackson and for me not to be alarmed," Alvarez said. "He didn't want me to be worried, because he knew I would learn this through the news."

On Monday, the emergency room doctor who declared Jackson dead testified that there was no way doctors could have revived the pop icon after he arrived at the hospital.

If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, Murray could spend four years in a California prison and lose his medical license.


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05.10.2011 um 09:00
Conrad Murray's Girlfriends Testify: Sade Anding, Nicole Alvarez, Michelle Bella and Bridgette Morgan
Oct. 4, 2011

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Dr. Conrad Murray's trial for involuntary manslaughter produced colorful testimony today from three of Murray's current and former girlfriends, including Nicole Alvarez, the mother of one of his seven children -- an actress who said she spends her time going to rehearsals and "refining my instrument."

Four women, including one who testified Monday, were among the distractions preoccupying Murray during Michael Jackson's final hours of life, prosecutors allege.

Murray, who is accused of allegedly giving the pop legend a fatal dose of sedatives, admitted to administering 25 mg of the sedative propofol but claims that Jackson took an additional dose without Murray's knowledge.

In the hours preceding Jackson's death, Murray was reportedly communicating with four women: Sade Anding, Nicole Alvarez, Michelle Bella and Bridgette Morgan. Phone records show he made several calls during the critical period during which Jackson should have been closely monitored, prosecutors argue.

Today, Alvarez, Anding and Bella testified about their conversations with Murray during Michael Jackson's last hours.

Sade Anding

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Today Houston cocktail waitress Sade Anding, who met Murray in February of 2009, took the stand. Prosecutors asked her about the odd phone call she had with Murray on the day of Jackson's death, during the moment when prosecutors believe Murray discovered Jackson had stopped breathing.

During today's hearing, she reiterated statements made earlier this year in an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America."

Anding told GMA during the call Murray "sounded like something was wrong."

"He was like, 'Well.' And it seemed like he wanted to say something. And I wish I would have just shut up and let him finish. Because he just said, 'Well.' And then he took forever," she said. "He didn't sound like himself to me at all."

Then, she says, Murray became distracted.

At today's hearing she testified, "I said, 'Well let me tell you about my day and I started telling him about my day...that's when I realized he was no longer on the phone … I was just talking and the next thing you know I said, 'Hello? Hello?' and I didn't hear anything. That's when I pressed the phone on my ear and I heard mumbling of voices … I heard coughing and nobody answered."

Anding also told the court today that after she told Murray she had been questioned by police he allegedly told her not to speak to them again without his lawyer.

He said, "I'm going to give you my lawyer's number and make sure before you speak to LAPD you have my lawyer present," she recalled.

During her interview with GMA, Anding said Murray had lied to her, saying he was divorced with two children when he really had seven kids. Prosecutors said he supported several girlfriends, along with his family, on a $150,000 a month salary as Jackson's personal cardiologist.

Murray reportedly lavished Anding with gifts and tips. She went to dinner with him twice after meeting him at the steakhouse where she worked.

"The first thing he said to me was, 'You are too beautiful to be waiting on people -- at a place like this,'" Anding said.

"I thought he was very nice. He was very friendly. He's a good person," she told ABC News.

Nicole Alvarez

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Actress and former cocktail waitress Nicole Alvarez, the mother of one of Murray's children, also testifed today, telling the court she spends her time going to rehearsals, "refining my instrument," which she defined as her "being."

She found out Murray was Jackson's doctor in 2008, and eventually met Jackson, saying she was "star struck" during the brief visit to Jackson's home.

"I can remember because Michael was very interested in the baby…he wanted to schedule visits so that he could see my son," she said today.

During Jackson's death she lived with Murray, and received his packages in the mail, but claimed she didn't know the contents.

He said "that he was going to be receiving something, that if there was knock on the door, it was going to be a delivery that I could retrieve it for him," Alvarez said.

In January, during the preliminary hearing, Alvarez made the same claim. Prosecutors believe those packages were shipments of propofol.

Phone records show Murray called Alvarez from the ambulance that transported Jackson to the hospital. Prosecutors asked her about their two-minute conversation.

"I remember him telling me that he was on the way to the hospital in the ambulance with Mr. Jackson and for me not to be alarmed … because he knew I would learn this through the news," she said today.

"This is a different witness entirely than the other women…This is a witness who was receiving the propofol shipments at her house," said Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney David Walgren during the preliminary hearing in January. "This is an uncooperative witness who has refused to cooperate with the police, has refused to open the door for the police, has reached out to Dr. Murray's attorney. Whenever we tried to reach her… And it's not simply a phone call..."

Murray met Alvarez at a Las Vegas club a few years ago. He still stays in her Santa Monica apartment when he is in Los Angeles.

Her biggest acting role was in a 2008 movie called "Days of Wrath," produced by Foxy Films, where she played the role of "Hot Chick."

Michelle Bella

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Although Conrad Murray's ex-girlfriend Michelle Bella is reportedly a stripper, pre-trial rulings dictated that information couldn't be shared with the jury. In court it was said that Bella met Murray at a "social-type club" in Las Vegas where they exchanged phone numbers.

On the day of Jackson's death Murray sent her a text, and she testified today that he left her a voicemail message on June 16, nine days before Jackson's death, telling her he was Jackson's doctor.

Bridgette Morgan

abc bridgette morgan conrad murray thg 1

Bridgette Morgan met Murray in 2003 at a club in Las Vegas, according to court documents.

She testified Monday, just as she had in January, saying she had called Murray on the day of Jackson's death but didn't speak to him, because "he didn't answer his telephone."

Kaitlyn Folmer and Jessica Hopper contributed to this report.


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05.10.2011 um 09:05
October 4, 2011

4 gallons of propofol? Pharmacist takes the stand
Posted: 04:41 PM ET

The man who sold Dr. Conrad Murray more than four gallons of propofol took the stand Tuesday.

Pharmacist Tim Lopez testified about the purchases, which were made through Lopez’s company Applied Pharmacy Services in 2009.

Prosecutor Deborah Brazil introduced several invoices from Applied Pharmacy Services that showed Dr. Murray’s purchases of propofol. Lopez testified that Dr. Murray bought more than four gallons of propofol over a 9 week period.

Here’s how Dr. Murray’s purchases break down:

° April 6, 2009, Dr. Murray ordered one 10-bottle carton of 100 milliliter vials.
Dr. Murray also ordered a 25-bottle carton of the smaller size, 20 milliliter vials.
° Three weeks later, on April 28, 2009, Dr. Murray ordered 40 bottles of the larger size and 25 bottles of the smaller size.
° Around May 12, 2009, Lopez says Dr. Murray placed the same order as he did on April 28, for 40 more 100 milliliter vials, and 25 more of the 20's.
° And on June 10, 2009 Dr. Murray placed his final and largest order with Lopez: 40, 100 milliter vials and 50, 20 milliter vials.

That adds up to 130 of the larger bottles (100 ml each) and 125 of the smaller bottles (25 ml each) of propofol. The Los Angeles medical examiner ruled that the singer died of acute propofol intoxication.

Lopez testified that his first contact with Dr. Murray was in 2008, when he approached him seeking a medication cream used for whitening skin. He claimed he had patients with vitiligo, a skin disease that causes the loss of pigmentation. Jackson reportedly suffered from vitiligo.

Lopez said that in order to fulfill Dr. Murray's prescriptions, he had to ask if there were any restrictions on his license regarding his ability to prescribe medication. Dr. Murray told him that there were no issues with his license.

Complete coverage of the Conrad Murray trial live on HLN from gavel to gavel and on In Session from 9a to 3p ET every week day. (Archiv-Version vom 07.10.2011)


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05.10.2011 um 09:13
Jackson's doctor stocked up on powerful drug

Published: 5:13PM Wednesday October 05, 2011 Source: Reuters

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Michael Jackson's doctor had packages of the powerful anaesthetic propofol sent to his girlfriend's home while he was caring for the singer in the spring of 2009, a Los Angeles court heard today.

Dr Conrad Murray is on trial on a charge of involuntary manslaughter stemming from Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, from an overdose of propofol and sedatives.

Prosecutors told jurors last week that Murray received 255 propofol vials at the apartment of girlfriend Nicole Alvarez, containing a total of more than 15 litres of the substance.

Alvarez testified today that after she gave birth to his son, the physician was living with her in the beach city of Santa Monica and treating Jackson at the singer's rented Los Angeles mansion.

She acknowledged receiving packages from a pharmacy in Las Vegas, but said she did not know what they contained.

"I do remember receiving shipments ... every now and then," Alvarez said in a sometimes testy exchange with prosecutors.

Tim Lopez, the former owner of Applied Pharmacy in Las Vegas, said on the witness stand that he sent 255 vials of propofol by express delivery to the Santa Monica apartment after Murray, who had practices in Texas and Nevada, told him it was the address for his medical office in California.

Murray did not have a medical office in the state, according to authorities.

Lopez testified that on one occasion in May, he was headed to Los Angeles and offered to personally deliver drugs to what he thought was Murray's office.

"He said there was no need to do that, just use the delivery system as always," Lopez said.

He added that he again sent the package by express shipping.

Murray admits giving the "Thriller" singer a small dose of propofol as a sleep aid, but denies involuntary manslaughter.

Defence attorneys claim Jackson, 50, caused his own death by giving himself an extra dose of the anaesthetic, and sedatives, without Murray's knowledge.

Prosecutors today also brought to the witness stand two other women whom Murray knew socially and either spoke to on the phone or texted on the day Jackson died.

But jurors heard little about the nature of their relationships with Murray.

Attorneys for Murray have sought to exclude evidence concerning that part of his life on the grounds that it would prejudice jurors against him. (Archiv-Version vom 06.10.2011)


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05.10.2011 um 09:21
Michael Jackson Doc Conrad Murray Ordered Hundreds of Vials of Propofol, Bleaching Cream: Pharmacist

Oct. 4, 2011

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Video im Bericht ...

The manager of a specialty pharmacy testified in the Conrad Murray manslaughter trial that Michael Jackson's doctor ordered 255 vials of the powerful anesthetic propofol and never revealed that the medicines were for Jackson.

"He asked me specifically to find pricing and availability of propofol and normal saline IV bags," said pharmacist Tim Lopez.

Lopez, the owner and pharmacist of the now shuttered Applied Pharmacy Services, said that Conrad Murray said the orders were for his medical practice in California. The Santa Monica, Calif., address where Murray had hundreds of vials of propofol, sedatives, bleaching cream and IV bags delivered turned out to be the address of his girlfriend's apartment.

Murray's girlfriend Nicole Alvarez testified about receiving the packages and said that Murray only had medical practices in Texas and Nevada.

Murray could face four years in prison if convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the overdosing death of Jackson. Jackson died of a drug overdose of propofol on June 25, 2009, at age 50.

The pharmacist and the doctor first crossed paths in November 2008 when Murray called Lopez to inquire about skin bleaching cream, benequin, Lopez said.

"He was looking for a specific dermatological agent that is used for whitening of the skin …he mentioned that a lot of his patients were African American and they could use this medication," Murray said.

Murray told Lopez that his "patient base" was suffering from vitiligo. Rumors that Jackson bleached his skin had long swirled around the singer.

The orders for bleaching cream spiraled into orders for IV bags, numbing cream, 255 vials of propofol, 20 vials of lorazepam and 60 vials of midazolam. Lorazepam and midazolam are both sedatives. Murray's defense team claims that Jackson gave himself a fatal combination of propofol and lorazepam without Murray's knowledge on the day he died.

ABC News has learned from sources close to the investigation that all propofol bottles found in Jackson's bedroom or on Murray did not have Jackson's fingerprints on them. That revelation may deal a blow to the defense's theory.

Prosecutors argue that Murray recklessly administered propofol and other drugs to his patient, and that when he should have been monitoring Jackson, he was talking to his girlfriends on the phone.

Lopez testified that he heard from Murray on either June 23 or June 24, 2009, just days before Jackson died.

"The initial call was to the office and my clerk answered the phone … she had a hard time understanding what he was saying … I took the phone and again he was talking to me, but I couldn't really figure out what he was saying because there was a lot of noise in the background like an open window in the car," Lopez said.

Lopez hung up and the two never finished their conversation.

Lopez's testimony followed the testimony of three of Dr. Murray's girlfriends who told jurors that they exchanged phone conversations or text messages with Murray on the day Jackson died.

Nicole Alvarez, the 29-year-old mother of one of Murray's seven children, said she spoke to him while he was in the ambulance with Jackson.

"I remember him telling me that he was on the way to the hospital in the ambulance with Mr. Jackson and for me not to be alarmed … because he knew I would learn this through the news," she said.

Conrad Murray Exchanged Calls, Texts With Girlfriends on Day Michael Jackson Died

She was at times combative with the prosecutor and revealed to jurors that she and Murray currently live together. Alvarez said she and her newborn son at the time had planned to accompany Murray as he traveled with Jackson for the singer's 50-night comeback tour dubbed "This Is It."

Alvarez told jurors that she received several packages for Murray beginning in April 2009. Prosecutors contend those packages contained propofol and other sedatives.

He said "that he was going to be receiving something, that if there was knock on the door, it was going to be a delivery that I could retrieve it for him," Alvarez said.

She claimed that she never opened the packages or asked about their contents.

Alvarez met Murray in 2005 at a Las Vegas club. In 2008, she testified that she learned that Murray was Jackson's doctor. She also met the singer.

"It actually was a surprise … he [Murray] said he wanted me to meet someone, so I didn't know where I was going and that was what happened. I was speechless when I met him. I couldn't believe I was meeting Michael Jackson," she said.

In March 2009, she gave birth to a son and Jackson took an interest in the child, requesting visits to see Alvarez and the boy.

"Michael was very interested in the baby … he wanted to schedule visits so that he could see my son," Alvarez said.

Alvarez told jurors that between April and June 2009, Murray would leave at 9 p.m. for Jackson's home and return in the morning to her Santa Monica, Calif., apartment.

"In the beginning when he was working for Michael, he would come back really early … and then it became later and later," she said.

Alvarez, an actress, said that Murray paid her $2,500 monthly rent. She said that even though he was paying her rent, she was still working as an actress.

"As a professional actress, my daily duties consist of maintaining my instrument … Acting is a little bit different than a 9-to-5 job … as an actor, your instrument is yourself," she said. "I was working, I was auditioning and I believe I had at that time, I had several national commercials at that time on air."

Two more of Murray's girlfriends also testified. One was working at a Houston steakhouse when she met Murray in 2009. She received a call from the doctor at 11:51 a.m. on June 25, 2009, less than half an hour before a frantic Murray called Jackson's personal assistant and screamed for help at Jackson's chef.

"What he said to me was, Hello, it's Conrad Murray, and he said, How are you doing. I said, Hello, how are you?" said Sade Anding. "He just said, Well, and then paused."

Anding said that she interrupted him and talked for an additional three to four minutes before realizing he wasn't listening.

"I realized he was no longer on the phone… I said, Hello, hello, and I didn't hear anything, that's when I pressed the phone on my ear and I heard mumbling of voices… I heard coughing and nobody answered," she said.

When Los Angeles detectives reached out to Anding after Jackson died, she contacted Murray for help.

"He told me, What, why, why are they calling you? I'm so sorry that they're contacting you and now you know, now you're in this. I'm going to give you my lawyer's number and make sure before you speak to LAPD, you have my lawyer present," Anding told jurors.

A third girlfriend, Michelle Bella, testified about meeting Murray at a Las Vegas club in February 2008 where she was working. Murray sent her a text message on the day Jackson died.

The contents of that message were not revealed.

Murray's one-time girlfriend Bridgette Morgan told jurors Monday that she called Murray on the day of Jackson's death, but that he didn't pick up the phone.

ABC News' Christina Caron contributed to this report.


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05.10.2011 um 09:26
Jackson Doctor's Girlfriend Talks Calls, Shipments

By LINDA DEUTSCH AP Special Correspondent
LOS ANGELES October 4, 2011 (AP)

Dr. Conrad Murray's complicated love life became entangled with the life and death of his patient Michael Jackson, prosecutors suggested Tuesday as they called a parade of women witnesses who received phone calls from the doctor as Jackson was near death.

The evidence was designed to show that the doctor was trying to juggle his medical practice, personal life and superstar patient all at the same time and was so distracted he failed to give Jackson proper care.

Murray's phone records from the day Jackson died were displayed in court as a backdrop for testimony of those at the other end of the cell phone calls. Three of them were current and former girlfriends and one was the manager of Murray's Houston office.

Nicole Alvarez, who lives with Murray and is the mother of his small son, was a key witness. She said she received a phone call from Murray as he rode in an ambulance beside Jackson's lifeless body on June 25, 2009.

"I remember him telling me that he was on the way to the hospital in an ambulance with Mr. Jackson and not to be alarmed," Alvarez said. "He was worried I would hear about it."

Three more calls to her were recorded that day but she didn't remember the conversations.

Alvarez was depicted as an unwitting conduit for Murray's purchases of the powerful anesthetic propofol which Jackson craved as a sleep aid. Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter, accused of giving the star an overdose of the drug and failing to respond properly when he found him not breathing.

Murray has pleaded not guilty, and his attorneys claim Jackson took the fatal dose himself.

Alvarez recounted how she received many shipments of boxes for Murray in April, May and June 2009 but didn't open them and had no idea of their contents. The pharmacist who shipped them to her Santa Monica apartment from Las Vegas testified that he thought he was shipping to Murray's medical office.

FedEx and pharmacy receipts displayed by Deputy District Attorney Deborah Brazil showed that they contained large amounts of propofol, sedatives and a skin whitening cream used to treat the skin disease vitiligo from which Jackson suffered.

Tim Lopez, the Las Vegas pharmacist who filled orders from Murray, testified that over four months he purchased 255 vials of propofol, 20 vials of the sedative lorazepam, 60 vials of midazolam and several tubes of lidocaine which was intended to numb injection sites. He also purchased saline solution in IV bags.

Alvarez, who had given birth to Murray's son in March 2009, recalled the doctor telling her that he was Jackson's private physician. The 29-year-old actress said she found it exciting.

"It was Michael Jackson!" she exulted when she recounted meeting the star. She said Murray surprised her, telling her he was taking her to meet someone and then they arrived at Jackson's home.

"I was speechless," Alvarez said. "I couldn't believe I was meeting Michael Jackson."

Alvarez smiled frequently and was often breathless during her testimony. She told of her romance with Murray that began at a Las Vegas night club and drew her into the glamorous world of Jackson's inner circle.

She said she and Murray met Jackson several other times. "Michael was very interested in the baby," she said. "He saw my stomach growing with the pregnancy. He wanted to schedule a visit so he could see my son."

Alvarez said she brought the little boy to Jackson's home twice for visits.

When they settled into her Santa Monica apartment, Alvarez said, Murray began keeping odd hours but she never asked why. He would leave at about 9 p.m. and not return until the morning. He would tell her he was "going to work," she said, and she presumed he was at Jackson's home.

She said she had plans to move to London with Murray when he toured with Jackson but those plans ended when the superstar died on June 25, 2009. "I never finished packing," she said sadly.

In opening statements, a prosecutor said Murray had received more than four gallons of propofol while working with Jackson, most of it sent to Alvarez's home. Murray told police after Jackson's death that he was giving the singer propofol as a sleep aid.

Alvarez was preceded to the witness stand by other Murray girlfriends.

There was Michelle Bela, who met him in in February 2008 when she was working at a Las Vegas social club and he was a patron, she said. They exchanged phone numbers and began dating.

In 2009, she said, he told her he was working as Michael Jackson's personal physician. On June 16, she said he left her a voice message. Brazil asked to play the audio, but the judge rejected it.

The prosecutor indicated that Murray told Bela he wanted to see her before he left on tour. A few hours before Jackson died, he left her a text message, she said.

She was followed to the stand by Sade (Sha-day) Anding, a Houston waitress who met Murray at a steak house where she worked in February 2009. She said they became close and Murray referred to her as his girlfriend.

His phone call to her was the last one before Jackson died. Phone records show that it was made at 11:51 a.m.

"What he said to me is 'Hello, it's Conrad Murray. How are you doing?'" she recalled. "I said, 'Fine, but I haven't heard from you in a while.'" She said he told her he was fine, but "I started telling him about my day and then I realized he wasn't on the phone.

"I pressed the phone to my ear and I heard mumbling and voices. Like the phone was in his pocket. I heard coughing," she said.

She said she kept saying, "Hello, hello, are you there?" When there was no response, she hung up.


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report. (Archiv-Version vom 07.10.2011)


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05.10.2011 um 09:30
Woman says call with Jackson doc interrupted

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer – 1 day ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A woman who was speaking on the phone with the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death the day the singer died says the call was interrupted and the physician was no longer paying attention to her.

Sade Anding says she heard voices, coughing and mumbling on Dr. Conrad Murray's end of the line. She told jurors in Murray's involuntary manslaughter case that it sounded like his cell phone was in his pocket.

Anding says Murray called her at 11:51 a.m. on June 25, 2009. About five or six minutes into their call is when she noticed Murray was no longer paying attention.

Murray has pleaded not guilty. Authorities are focusing on his phone records to try to show he was distracted when he should have been caring for Jackson.

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 09:51
leider kann die Staatsanwaltschaft Murray nicht nachweisen, dass er vermutlich dieses Telefonat inszeniert hatte ... und solche Behauptungen dürfen sie ja nicht von sich geben ...
denn dann folgt doch gleich ein "Einspruch" vom Richter ... wegen Spekulationen ... ja, ist leider zu spekulativ :)

Murray telefonierte wohl als Jackson starb

Im Prozess gegen den Arzt von Michael Jackson haben zwei Freundinnen Conrad Murrays ausgesagt. Eine von ihnen gab zu Protokoll, sie habe mit dem Mediziner telefoniert, als wohl gerade "Jacko" starb.

Nach Aussage weiterer Zeugen im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons früheren Leibarzt war dieser am Todestag des Sängers häufig am Telefon. Conrad Murrays Bekannte Sade Anding gab im Gericht von Los Angeles zu Protokoll, sie habe mit Murray am 25. Juni 2009 einige Minuten gesprochen, als er plötzlich aus der Leitung verschwand. Dann habe sie nur noch unverständliches Murmeln und Geräusche gehört, so, als ob das Telefon in seiner Hosentasche gesteckt habe. Die Anklage legte nahe, dass Murray mitten in dem Gespräch plötzlich bemerkte, dass sein Patient nicht mehr atmete.

Jackson war an einer "akuten Vergiftung" mit dem starken Betäubungsmittel gestorben. Murray ist wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt. Der Prozess befindet sich in der zweiten Woche. Die Staatsanwaltschaft will beweisen, dass der Leibarzt abgelenkt war und "grob fahrlässig" mit seinem prominenten Patienten umging. Während er Jackson betreute, kümmerte sich Murray auch noch um seine Patienten in anderen Praxen und telefonierte mit Angestellten und Bekannten, so der Vorwurf.

Murray drohen vier Jahre Haft

Murrays Freundin Nicole Alvarez gab am Dienstag zu Protokoll, dass sie in den Wochen vor Jacksons Tod in ihrer Wohnung in Los Angeles Pakete für den Arzt in Empfang genommen hatte. Alvarez, die mit Murray einen zweijährigen Sohn hat, beteuerte, dass sie nichts über den Inhalt wusste. Ermittler stellten später fest, dass die Sendungen unter anderem große Mengen des Narkosemittels Propofol enthielten.

Das Verfahren in Los Angeles kann sich nach Einschätzung des Richters über vier bis fünf Wochen hinziehen. Die Verhandlung wird von Internetportalen und einigen US-TV-Sendern live übertragen. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs muss Murray mit vier Jahren Haft rechnen.
(dpa, N24)

05.10.2011 09:01 Uhr (Archiv-Version vom 06.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 10:00
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:dann hatte Benny das damals sogar richtig ausgerechnet, wenn ich das recht in Erinnerung habe.
ja, mir ist auch so, als ob er zu dem gleichen Ergebis kam ... mit diesen Berechnungen hatten wir uns ja tagelang beschäftigt ... und sind auch manchmal an unsere Grenzen gestoßen ... :D :D :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 10:41
Michael Jackson: Arzt bestellte 15 Liter Propofol
05.10.2011 08:30 Uhr

Unglaublich: Dr. Conrad Murray kaufte riesige Mengen Propofol für Michael Jackson (+50).

Gestern wurde der Apotheker Tim Lopez in den Zeugenstand gerufen, um im Prozess gegen den ehemaligen Leibarzt des King of Pop auszusagen. Und dessen Angaben waren schockierend. Er bestätigte nämlich, dass Dr. Murray 2009 15 Liter des starken Narkosemedikaments Propofol bei der Firma 'Applied Pharmacy Service' bestellt habe. Um keinen Verdacht zu erregen hatte er angegeben, er habe eine Klinik in Los Angeles und das Medikament sei für viele Patienten bestimmt. Doch, wie die Behörden feststellten, gibt es keine solche Klinik in Kalifornien.

"Murray bat mich explizit, Preise und Verfügbarkeit von Propofol für ihn herauszufinden und dazu normale Salzlösung in Infusionsbeuteln", sagte Lopez dem Gericht und fügte hinzu, dass er die Ampullen an eine Adresse in Los Angeles geschickt habe und davon ausgegangen sei, dass es sich dabei um die Klinik handelt, doch tatsächlich war es die Adresse des Hauses von Dr. Murray, seiner Freundin Nicole Alvarez und dem neugeborenen Sohn des Paares.

Nach einer ersten Lieferung von zehn 100ml Flaschen und 25 20ml Fläschchen habe der Arzt drei Wochen später weitere 40 große Flaschen und 25 kleine 20ml Ampullen bestellt.

Nur 15 Tage vor dem Tod des Superstars lief eine neue Bestellung bei Lopez ein mit 40 großen und 50 kleinen Flaschen Propofol.

Der Apotheker sagte aus, dass er Dr. Murray zum ersten Mal 2008 begegnet sei, als er auf der Suche nach einer Salbe zur Aufhellung der Haut war, die Menschen mit Pigmentstörungen helfen kann. Er sagte damals, einer seiner Patienten habe eine solche Störung, genannt Vitiligo, und es ist bekannt, dass Michael Jackson unter diesem Problem litt.

Der Weltstar war vor zwei Jahren an einer Überdosis des Narkosemedikaments Propofol gestorben und sein Leibarzt Dr. Murray steht derzeit wegen fahrlässiger Tötung in Los Angeles vor Gericht. Er bestreitet jedoch nach wie vor, seinem berühmten Patienten eine Überdosis des Narkosemedikaments verabreicht zu haben.

Der Prozess kann noch bis zu sechs Wochen dauern - bei einer Verurteilung drohen dem Leibarzt von Michael Jackson vier Jahre Gefängnis.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 10:49
Leibarzt Murray telefonierte kurz vor Jackson-Tod

(AFP) – Vor 52 Minuten

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Los Angeles — Eine Bekannte des wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagten Leibarztes von Michael Jackson hat vor Gericht über ein Telefongespräch mit Conrad Murray kurz vor dem Tod des Popstars berichtet. Die Kellnerin Sade Anding sagte in Los Angeles, ihr Freund habe sie am 25. Juni 2009 um 11.51 Uhr angerufen. Nach einigen Minuten habe Murray dann plötzlich nichts mehr gesagt und sie habe nur noch dumpfe Geräusche gehört, als ob das Telefon in einer Tasche gesteckt habe.

"Ich habe murmelnde Stimmen gehört", sagte Anding, die Murray im Februar 2009 in einem Restaurant kennengelernt hatte. "Und ich habe Husten gehört". Nach drei bis vier Minuten habe sie aufgelegt. Auf ihre Rückrufversuche habe Murray nicht reagiert.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Murray vor, Jackson eine Überdosis Propofol gegeben und ihn dann vernachlässigt zu haben. Die Sanitäter waren fünf Minuten nach dem Eingang des Notrufs um 12.21 Uhr in Jacksons Villa eingetroffen - also gut 20 Minuten nach dem Telefongespräch mit Anding. Die Verteidigung argumentiert, der unter Schlafstörungen leidende Jackson habe sich selbst einen tödlichen Cocktail aus Propofol und Lorazepam verabreicht, während Murray nicht im Raum war. Dem Arzt drohen bei einer Verurteilung bis zu vier Jahre Haft.

Ende der vergangenen Woche hatte der Sanitäter Richard Senneff vor Gericht ausgesagt, dass Murray die eintreffenden Rettungssanitäter belogen habe. So habe er unter anderem verschwiegen, dass er seinem Patienten zum Einschlafen das starke Betäubungsmittel Propofol verabreicht hatte.

Copyright © 2011 AFP


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 11:01
bestehen in dieser Berichterstattung evtl. doch Zweifel ??? na, auf die Ideen, die wir da haben, kommen ja auch andere ... :D

Telefonierte der Leibarzt, während Jackson starb?
Dienstag, 04.10.2011, 22:22

Michael Jacksons Leibarzt soll telefoniert haben, während der „King of Pop“ im Sterben lag. Als Dr. Conrad Murray das bemerkte, stopfte er das Handy angeblich schnell in die Hosentasche. Vorher soll er paketeweise Narkosemittel bestellt haben.

Im Prozess gegen Conrad Murray gab dessen Bekannte Sade Anding am Dienstag im Gericht von Los Angeles zu Protokoll, sie habe mit Murray am 25. Juni 2009 einige Minuten gesprochen, als er plötzlich aus der Leitung verschwand. Dann habe sie nur noch unverständliches Murmeln und Geräusche gehört, so, als ob das Telefon in seiner Hosentasche gesteckt habe. Die Anklage legte nahe, dass Murray mitten in dem Gespräch plötzlich bemerkte, dass sein Patient Michael Jackson nicht mehr atmete.

Jackson war an einer „akuten Vergiftung“ mit dem starken Betäubungsmittel Propofol gestorben. Murray ist wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt. Der Prozess befindet sich in der zweiten Woche. Die Staatsanwaltschaft will beweisen, dass der Leibarzt abgelenkt war und „grob fahrlässig“ mit seinem prominenten Patienten umging. Während er Jackson betreute, kümmerte sich Murray auch noch um seine Patienten in anderen Praxen und telefonierte mit Angestellten und Bekannten, so der Vorwurf.

Leibarzt bekam Pakte voller Narkosemittel

Murrays Freundin Nicole Alvarez gab am Dienstag zu Protokoll, dass sie in den Wochen vor Jacksons Tod in ihrer Wohnung in Los Angeles Pakete für den Arzt in Empfang genommen hatte. Alvarez, die mit Murray einen zweijährigen Sohn hat, beteuerte, dass sie nichts über den Inhalt wusste. Ermittler stellten später fest, dass die Sendungen unter anderem große Mengen des Narkosemittels Propofol enthielten.

Das Verfahren in Los Angeles kann sich nach Einschätzung des Richters über vier bis fünf Wochen hinziehen. Die Verhandlung wird von Internetportalen und einigen US-TV-Sendern live übertragen. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs muss Murray mit vier Jahren Haft rechnen. Am Montag hatte bereits die herbei geeilte Notärztin Murray schwer belastet.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 11:08
Murray soll Wiederbelebung verpatzt haben

4. Oktober 2011, 12:30 Uhr

Ist er ein gewissenloser Arzt, Lügner und Vertuscher? Die Vorwürfe im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray verdichten sich. Die Staatsanwaltschaft beschuldigt ihn, den Tod des Sängers grob fahrlässig verursacht zu haben

Die Anspannung ist Conrad Murray ins Gesicht geschrieben. Auf der Anklagebank in Los Angeles schrumpft der Zwei-Meter-Mann vor den Gerichtskameras zu einer ausdruckslosen Figur zusammen. Seit Prozessbeginn vor einer Woche schaut der 58-jährige Herzspezialist mit starrer Miene in den Raum, während die Vorwürfe auf ihn niederprasseln. Die Anklage fährt schweres Geschütz auf. Sie will beweisen, dass der Mediziner "grob fahrlässig" den Tod seines prominenten Patienten verursacht hat.

Glaubt man den Aussagen der ersten Dutzend Zeugen, so hat Murray den Popstar an seinem Todestag im Juni 2009 mit starken Präparaten versorgt, seinen Patienten dabei aus den Augen gelassen, in heller Panik eine mögliche Wiederbelebung verpatzt, Spuren vertuscht und erst viel zu spät den Notarzt gerufen.

Vielleicht hätten sie Jacksons Herz bei raschem Eingreifen wieder zum Schlagen bringen können, warf der Sanitäter Richard Senneff in den Raum. Mehr als 40 Minuten habe er sich mit einem Kollegen in Jacksons Schlafzimmer vergeblich abgemüht. An einem leblosen Körper, denn nach seiner Einschätzung war der Sänger bereits tot. Murray habe sie belogen, als er nur ein Schlafmittel genannt habe, das er Jackson gegeben hatte, aber das starke Narkosemittel Propofol verschwiegen habe.

"Er starb so schnell, so augenblicklich"
Diesen schweren Vorwurf hörten die zwölf Geschworenen am Montag, zu Beginn der zweiten Prozesswoche, auch von zwei Ärztinnen vom UCLA Medical Center, wo sich ein Team von 14 Helfern ebenfalls um Jackson bemüht hatte. Murray habe Propofol "absolut nicht" erwähnt, bekräftigte die Herzspezialistin Thao Nguyen. Überhaupt habe der Arzt "verzweifelt" gewirkt und ihr keine hilfreichen Antworten geben Können. "Er sagte, dass er keinen Bezug zur Zeit habe und dass er keine Uhr hatte", erklärte die Zeugin. Die Notärztin Richelle Cooper ließ keine Zweifel daran, dass Jackson "klinisch tot" und "schon lange vorher" gestorben war, bevor er in die Notaufnahmen eingeliefert wurde. Nur auf Drängen von Murray hin hätten sie die Wiederbelebung noch länger fortgesetzt.

Im Kreuzverhör räumte Cooper ein, dass es im Grunde auch nichts genützt hätte, wenn Murray die Notärzte sofort über Propofol unterrichtet hätte. Der Patient sei bereits tot gewesen.

Nach eigenen Angaben hatte der Leibarzt nur eine kleine, harmlose Dosis des Narkosemittels etliche Stunden vor Jacksons Tod gespritzt. Jackson selbst sei der Täter gewesen. Auf diese Strategie setzt die Verteidigung. Sie wollen beweisen, dass der Sänger ohne Wissen des Arztes aus eigenen Stücken zu dem tödlichen Medikamenten-Cocktail griff und sich dabei versehentlich selbst tötete. "Er starb so schnell, so augenblicklich, er hatte nicht einmal Zeit, seine Augen zu schließen", beschrieb Verteidiger Ed Chernoff Jacksons plötzlichen Überdosis-Tod.

Murray drohen bis zu vier Jahre Haft
Bevor die Verteidigung zum Gegenangriff startet, will die Anklage noch viele Zeugen vorführen: Freundinnen von Murray, mit denen der Arzt telefonierte, während Jackson betäubt im Bett lag. Ermittler, die bei der Hausdurchsuchung jede Menge leere und volle Medikamenten- Behälter fanden. Möglicherweise auch Prince, den ältesten Sohn des Sängers, der zusammen mit seiner Schwester Paris das dramatische Ende seines Vater hautnah miterlebte.

Keines der drei Kinder hat bisher den Gerichtssaal betreten. Doch der Jackson-Clan ist täglich vertreten. Die Eltern des Popstars, Joe, 82, und Katherine ,81, wurden zum Auftakt von den Geschwistern La Toya, Janet, Randy, Jermaine und Tito begleitet. Katherine, die ihre Enkel aufzieht, brach mehrmals in Tränen aus.

Mit einem Schockeffekt sorgte die Anklage gleich zu Beginn für ein emotionales Drama. Im abgedunkelten Gerichtssaal leuchtete eine Foto des Popstars auf, bleich und leblos auf einer Krankenbahre. Dann klang die lallende Stimme des Verstorbenen durch den Saal. In einer Aufnahme, sechs Wochen vor seinem Tod, spricht Jackson über sein geplantes Konzert-Comeback. Die Leuten sollen nach der Show sagen können, er sei "der größte Entertainer der Welt", stammelt der Sänger mit verzerrter Stimme, offensichtlich unter dem Einfluss von Betäubungsmitteln. Die soll ihm Murray über Wochen hinweg "grob fahrlässig" gegeben haben. Wochen wird es auch dauern, alle Beweise vorzulegen. Das Gerichtsdrama kann sich nach Einschätzung des Richters über einen Monat hinziehen. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs muss Murray mit vier Jahren Haft rechnen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 12:55
Die Black Eyed Peas werden nicht am Konzert für MJ teilnehmen ........

Black Eyed Peas out of Cardiff Michael Jackson concert

 55834096 blackeyedpeas

The Black Eyed Peas will not be taking part in the Michael Jackson tribute concert in Cardiff at the weekend.

Event organisers said the cancellation was due to "unavoidable circumstances".

The singer's sister La Toya and the Jackson Brothers, Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green and Gladys Knight and Smokey Robinson are amongst the stars taking part.

BBC Radio 1 presenter Fearne Cotton will co-host the Millennium Stadium concert with Hollywood star Jamie Foxx.

"It is with regret that we announce the removal of Black Eyed Peas from the Michael Forever bill, but I look forward to a great night with other earth shattering artists," said Chris Hunt, the chief executive officer of Global Live Events.

Michael Jackson died aged 50 in June, 2009 while rehearsing for his This Is It tour.

The tribute concert in Cardiff will raise money for three charities including the Los Angeles-based Aids Project.

On Tuesday his brothers Marlon, Tito and Jackie Jackson, who will be taking part in the concert with their sister La Toya, defended the decision to hold the event while the trial of his doctor is underway in the US.

Dr Conrad Murray denies involuntary manslaughter.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 13:24
Michael Jacksons Kids sehen sich Tribut-Show Immortal an
Während diejenigen, die sich zurzeit in einem kalifornischen Gerichtssaal versammelt haben, Michael Jackson als Suchtkranken darstellen wollen, der nicht hätte sterben müssen, waren all diejenigen, die am Sonntagabend in Montreal zur Cirque-du-Soleil-Show zu Ehren des King of Pop erschienen, anwesend, um zu ehren, was sie liebten
Somit liegt es nahe, dass einige Mitglieder des Jackson-Clans die Anhörung am Montag ausfallen ließen, um stattdessen an der Eröffnung der Show teilzunehmen.

Auch seine Kinder wurden zum ersten Mal seit Beginn des Prozesses in der Öffentlichkeit gesehen.

Prince, Paris und Blanket sowie ihre Onkel Tito, Jackie und Marlon, die Cousins Jaffar und Jermajesty und natürlich die Familienmatriarchin Katherine Jackson kamen alle nach Montreal für den Startschuss von Cirques Tribut-Show The Immortal World Tour.

Die Show war ein voller Erfolg und erntete Standing Ovations vom Publikum. Neben der üblichen Cirque-Akrobatik wird ein Rückblick auf Jacksons Leben geboten bis hin zu seinen Anfängen als Kinderstar mit den Jackson 5. Die Show geht nun auf eine 10-monatige Nordamerikatour, die in 50 US-und kanadischen Städten bis Juli 2012 haltmachen wird.

Im Mittelpunkt des Sets der $60-Millionen teuren Show steht der "Giving Tree," eine Eiche aus Jacksons Neverland Ranch, die er oftmals aufsuchte, wenn er Ruhe haben und sich inspirieren lassen wollte. Außerdem, wie es nicht anders von einer Tribut-Show zu erwarten ist, stellten Sänger seine typischen Looks und Bewegungen nach. Die Vorstellung beinhaltet über 60 Jackson-Songs und nie zuvor gesehenes Material aus seiner geplanten "This Is It"-Tour.

Mehr lesen:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 13:41
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ja, mir ist auch so, als ob er zu dem gleichen Ergebis kam ... mit diesen Berechnungen hatten wir uns ja tagelang beschäftigt ... und sind auch manchmal an unsere Grenzen gestoßen ...
Ja, mit den ganzen ML/MG Angaben hatten wir uns schwer getan :D

@FaIrIeFlOwEr @ghost777
Murray war wohl sehr beschäftigt mit seiner Telefoniererei....hat sämtliche Frauen erst mal angerufen oder Texte geschickt....und MJ lag da bewusstlos rum.

So, muss wieder weg, bis später Mädels :D

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 14:05

Das soll der Grund sein .....warum gestern abgebrochen wurde .......


The issue raised at the end of the day was about upcoming testimony of LAPD Detective Scott Smith.

Prosecutors will play in excess of 2 hrs of audio tape interview of LAPD Detective Smith w/ Murray. Defense wasn't ready for this witness.

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.10.2011 um 14:23
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Das soll der Grund sein .....warum gestern abgebrochen wurde .......
ahhh, Danke ...
