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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 20:47
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Gourjian now playing the surveillance video. It's about 7 minutes long, not very clear. #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Supall: I don't remember who made the determination as to what time of day we needed to go back go watch Mr. #MichaelJackson arriving.
vor 2 Minuten

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Supall: I traced back the line and ended up in the basement of the house. #conradmurraytrial
vor 3 Minuten


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24.10.2011 um 20:56
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Gourjian then showed another surveillance video, which appeared to be mounted on the house's keypad entrance. #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Supall says he didn't locate where the surveillance cameras where located at the property & it doesn't remember how many cameras there were.
vor 42 Sekunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 20:57

na, auch mit diesem Zeugen ging es ja ganz schnell ... :D

jetzt kommt Lunch Time ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 20:59
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
What did you think of the prosecution's case? Did they prove their case? #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge recessing trial for lunch. Next defense witness to be called at 1:30 pm. You can watch it live at
vor 55 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Gourjian has completed direct examination, prosecution did not have any question for this witness. Supall was excused subject to recall.
vor 1 Minute


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 21:11
es erfolgte wieder ein Update ... :D

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
My Patients Fear Propofol

Anesthesiologist -- Dr. Steven Shafer Testifies
Updated 10/24/11 at 8:49 AM

VIDEO im Bericht

Leading Propofol expert Dr. Steven Shafer -- the final witness for the prosecution -- told the jury, Dr. Conrad Murray corrupted his patients ... because now, they're all terrified of Propofol.

He told the jury today -- "I am asked every day I'm in the operating room ... 'Are you going to give me the drug that killed Michael Jackson?'"

In his review of Dr. Murray's conduct, Shafer testified he found 17 "egregious violations" of standard medical care that contributed to the singer's death.

* Last Thursday, Shafer told prosecutors he was hired 20 years ago by the company that produces Propofol to calibrate the correct dosing for the drug.
* Shafer said the exact dosage of Propofol is crucial -- because even a slight discrepancy could be the difference between a patient sleeping for a few minutes, and one sleeping for several hours.
* Jurors then watched a video that showed how Propofol should be used in the OR. The clip showed nurses and doctors successfully reviving a patient -- played by an actor -- suffering from a cardiac arrest. Prosecutors were trying to show the jury Dr. Murray was not equipped to handle an emergency situation when he treated MJ.
* Shafer explained to the jury that Jackson probably died because his tongue blocked the back of his throat ... but could have been saved with a simple chin lift.

* As the video was played, Dr. Shafer gave a blow by blow how Propofol is administered.
* Shafer's key points:
- Infusion of drugs should be done ONLY through a pump to avoid overdosing.
- "Informed consent" is not just a piece of paper but a process in which the doctor informs the patient of all the risks, benefits and alternatives.
- A verbal consent is NOT binding.
- Record keeping is paramount
- If the patient stops breathing, the first thing a doctor should do... call for help.
* Shafer told prosecutors even when administering "a little bit" of Propofol, guidelines should be strictly followed because the worst disasters occur during sedation ... when doctors "cut corners."
* Shafer said Murray's treatment of MJ is both an "egregious" and "unconscionable" violation of standard care.
* He also called the 15.5 liters of Propofol Murray bought -- about four gallons worth -- "an extraordinary amount" for one person.
* Shafer said Murray's lack of basic and essential monitoring devices are an egregious violation of care and contributed to MJ's death.
* The fact that Murray never kept any records is "unbelievable," according to Shafer.
* He said Murray "left the steering wheel" when he went to bathroom to relieve his bladder calling the doc "quite clueless."
* Shafer told prosecutors there is practically no research on Propofol use to treat insomnia ... adding, "We're in a pharmacological Never-Never Land."
* Shafer took a shot at his former colleague and friend, defense expert Dr. Paul White... telling the court he was "disappointed" to learn that White thought MJ could have died from drinking Propofol. Shafer went over several studies on rats, dogs and even humans that show the drug doesn't work when it's swallowed.
* Shafer also bulked at the defense's argument that Jackson may have caused his own death by swallowing 8 pills of Lorazepam ... because the toxicology report showed the amount of Lorazepam found in MJ's stomach was "trivial." According to his calculations, Murray would have had to inject MJ with 10 consecutive shots of 4 mg each to reach the the blood levels in the toxicology report.
* Dr. Shafer debunked another theory by the defense, telling jurors there is no way Jackson woke up and then injected himself with a fatal dose of Propofol. He said people don't wake up "hell-bent" on grabbing the next dose, calling it a "crazy scenario."


* Shafer said the only theory that fits is this: Murray started MJ on a 1000 mg Propofol drip at around 9 AM ... which caused the singer to stop breathing around noon.
* Had Murray been in the room he would have noticed MJ's breathing slowing down around 11:45 AM and could have saved him by stopping the drip.
* In a dramatic moment, Shafer demonstrated to the jury how, he believed, Murray set up a Propofol drip ... inserting a Propofol bottle into an empty saline bag.
* Shafer said Murray never used an automated pump, which caused the anesthetic to drip at a dangerous rate. The defense claims Murray only gave MJ a single dose of 25 mg of Propofol with a syringe on the day the singer died.
* Defense attorney Ed Chernoff came out swinging during cross examination, challenging Shafer's testimony from Thursday in which he said there is no way Jackson killed himself with either Propofol or Lorazepam. "That's a bold statement isn't it?" Chernoff "asked " ... "That's what I think happened," Shafer shot back. "Everything you said is an opinion..." Chernoff said... to which Shafer responded, "To say that one should not lie to UCLA Medical Center is my opinion."
* Chernoff tried to discredit Shafer's testimony ... saying the IV tubing he used in his demonstration was not found at the scene. Shafer said Murray could have easily shoved it in his pocket before leaving MJ's room.
* Chernoff also pointed out Shafer used the wrong size syringe and IV bag in his demonstrations. Shafer brushed it off, saying he didn't think "size mattered."
* Chernoff also asked Shafer about his relationship with Dr. Paul White, the defense's Propofol expert... asking him if it's true that he nominated White for an "Excellence In Research" award. Shafer said he did.
* During his cross examination on Monday, Shafer told Chernoff it's hard to know the precise effect Propofol may have had on MJ because the singer had been given so much of it in the 2 months before he died.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 21:13
Ja was wollten die damit wohl beweisen, da muss ich noch mal kurz war das..

Ja, jetzt wird schnell was gefuttert :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 21:20
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ja was wollten die damit wohl beweisen, da muss ich noch mal kurz war das..
das waren die Außenaufnahmen, die noch vorhanden waren ... muß doch furchtbar gewesen sein, da standen doch vermutlich auch noch viele "Fans" vor dem Tor ... selbst in der Nacht, haben die keine Ruhe gegeben ... lungern die da einfach so rum ... :D

habe nicht richtig mitbekommen, was der Zeuge noch zu den "nicht " mehr vorhandenen Aufnahmen gesagt hatte ... :D

vielleicht wollen sie damit sagen, seht, da konnten doch Fremde auf das Grundstück, wenn das Tor offen stand !!! keine Ahnung ... :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 21:30
aus dem MJ@ckson Forum
Eintrag # 37 von Sleepless
vielen Dank rose

Zeuge Alexander Supall
Spezialist für Überwachungselektronik / LAPD

Er ist zu MJ's Haus geholt worden, wegen Download des Überwachungsvideos.
Er sagte das DVR Gerät hatte keinen CD-Brenner, es bot nur die Möglichkeit ein Video vorwärts oder rückwärts zu spulen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 21:39
By ABC News
Oct 24, 2011 2:21pm

Defense Strategy for Michael Jackson Doctor Conrad Murray

ap conrad murray jef 111004 wblog
Dr. Conrad Murray speaks with his attorney, Ed Chernoff, during his trial in the death of pop star Michael Jackson Oct. 3, 2011, in Los Angeles. (Mario Anzuoni/Pool/AP Photo)

ABC News’ Colleen Curry and Jim Avila report:

Attorneys for Dr. Conrad Murray will present 16 witnesses and a three-pronged defense of Michael Jackson’s personal doctor this week as they begin their defense today in Murray’s manslaughter trial.

Jackson died two years ago from an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. Murray has admitted to giving the singer the anesthesia June 25, 2009, and said the singer begged for his “milk,” the nickname he’d given for the creamy drug. The doctor could face four years in prison if convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The defense is expected to start its own case today with two police detective witnesses and the promoter of Jackson’s This Is It tour, Randy Phillips. They are expected to call 16 witnesses in all this week, including an expert in anesthesia, Dr. Paul White, their star witness.

White, however, has already been heard from during the trial, when he was chastised by Judge Michael Pastor for talking to reporters about the trial.

E! online reported that Murray could be heard whispering loudly to the possible witness, Dr. Paul White, “Can you believe that?” in response to the testimony of Dr. Steven Shafer, a witness for the prosecution. In response, White allegedly turned to journalists and said, “What a scumbag.”

It was unclear whether White was referring to Shafer or prosecutor David Walgren.

Pastor scolded White for his remark and set a Nov. 16 hearing date to determine whether White should be held in contempt of court.

In addition to White’s testimony about anesthesia, attorneys say they have to prove three things during their testimony: that propofol can be used safely as a sleep aid, that Murray did not have to immediately call 911 because he was busy tending to Jackson, and that Jackson was such an experienced drug user, he could have administered the propofol by himself.

For the latter point, lawyers will have to disprove prosecution witness testimony and convince jurors that the groggy Michael Jackson could have grabbed and swallowed a fatal dose of sedatives, or released the clamp on the propofol IV to self-administer a fatal dose of propofol.

They will also have to prove that Murray’s time was better spent trying to help Jackson in the moments after the doctor discovered him unconscious rather than calling 911 and waiting for emergency responders.

Testimony for the defense is expected to last all week. (Archiv-Version vom 24.10.2011)

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 21:42
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:The defense is expected to start its own case today with two police detective witnesses and the promoter of Jackson’s This Is It tour, Randy Phillips. They are expected to call 16 witnesses in all this week, including an expert in anesthesia, Dr. Paul White, their star witness.
dann wird heute vermutlich auch noch Randy Phillips als Zeuge aufgerufen werden ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 21:56
Conrad Murray Trial
Prosecution to Defense:
What YOU Got?

Conrad Murray Prozess
Staatsanwaltschaft an Verteidigung
Was habt Ihr drauf ?

10/24/2011 11:20 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

VIDEO im Bericht

The prosecution just rested its case in Dr. Conrad Murray's trial -- now Murray's team will almost immediately attempt to make its case ... that the doc is not guilty.

Lead prosecutor David Walgren and his team called witnesses for almost four weeks before passing the baton to Murray's defense.

Murray's first witness was a quickie -- with Beverly Hills PD Communications Director Donna Norris discussing the 911 call the day Michael Jackson died.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:05
24. Oktober 2011

Verteidigung ruft im Jackson-Prozess ersten Zeugen auf

Los Angeles - Nach vier Wochen, in denen die Anklage ihre Belastungszeugen präsentieren konnte, hat am Montag im Prozess gegen den Leibarzt von Michael Jackson die Verteidigung damit begonnen, ihre Entlastungszeugen aufzurufen. Als erste Zeugin der Verteidigung sagte die Polizeibeamtin Dona Norris aus, die am Tag von Jacksons Tod im Juni 2009 den Notruf entgegengenommen hatte. Die in den vergangenen Wochen von der Staatsanwaltschaft präsentierten Aussagen belasteten Conrad Murray schwer. So warf ihm der Anästhesie-Experte Steven Shafer vor, mit wiederholten und gravierenden Verstößen bei der Verwendung des Betäubungsmittels Propofol den Tod des Popstars herbeigeführt zu haben. Murray wird fahrlässige Tötung vorgeworfen. Er hat sich nicht schuldig bekannt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:10

October 24, 2011

The prosecution's case in 6 & 1/2 minutes

Posted: 03:42 PM ET

Can you believe we're now on Day 16 of Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial? Doesn't really seem like a lot of time when you consider all of the evidence we've seen and heard.

Remember the audio tape prosecutors played of a slurring Michael Jackson (recorded by Murray)? Or all of the girlfriends who paraded out on the stand (one said she recieved shipments of propofol for Murray, another said she was on the phone with him the day Jackson died)? And who could forget the shocking autopsy photo or the hours and hours of medical testimony showing how propofol should be used.

If you've been living under a rock for the last few weeks or if you suffer from a bit of short term memory and can't remember that far back, then we've got you covered. All you need is six and a half minutes. Don't think we can cram the whole prosecution's case in that short of a time? We DARE you to watch:


VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 30.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:17
Prosecution Rests Case Against Jackson Physician

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES October 24, 2011 (AP)

Conrad Murray: Defense Makes Its Case
VIDEO im Bericht

Prosecutors concluded their case Monday against the doctor charged with Michael Jackson's death after questioning 33 witnesses, including an expert who said the physician committed numerous violations of medical practices that made him solely responsible for the singer's death.

Defense attorneys quickly called their first two witnesses.

One was Dona Norris, a records custodian for the Beverly Hills Police Department who briefly discussed the timing of the 911 call received on the day Jackson died.

They also called a police surveillance specialist who retrieved grainy surveillance footage shot outside Jackson's home on the day of his death.

The specialist, Alexander Supall, told jurors he only collected a few minutes of footage taken around the time Jackson arrived home after a June 25, 2009, rehearsal for his comeback concerts.

The witnesses were among 15 expected to be called by the defense over the next few days.

The final prosecution witness against defendant Dr. Conrad Murray was Dr. Steven Shafer, an expert on the anesthetic propofol that authorities say killed Jackson.

Shafer, a Columbia University researcher and professor, said Jackson had been receiving propofol almost every night for more than two months, according to a police statement by Murray. The Houston-based cardiologist has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Shafer previously testified that he thinks a propofol overdose killed Jackson. But he said Murray kept no records about how much of the drug he gave the singer.

Shafer told jurors that it's difficult to know the precise effects of the drug on the singer because he had been given so much of it in the months before he died.

Shafer made the statement while being cross-examined by lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff, who noted the risk that Jackson would stop breathing should have been low after the first few minutes the drug was administered on the day he died.

Chernoff based that conclusion on models and research done by Shafer.

"In Mr. Jackson's case, it's harder to have that certainty," Shafer replied. "There's very little, almost no precedent for this level of propofol exposure."

Shafer has said the only possible explanation for Jackson's death based on the evidence was that Murray put the singer on an IV drip of propofol then left the room after the singer appeared to be asleep.

Murray's attorneys will try to counter four weeks of damaging testimony from prosecution witnesses who have cast Murray as an inept, distracted and opportunistic doctor who repeatedly broke legal, ethical and professional guidelines.

Murray's attorneys have not publicly revealed whether they will call him to testify.

Jurors have heard from the doctor through a more than two-hour interview with police, and it seems unlikely his attorneys would subject their client to what would be blistering questioning from prosecutors.

Shafer never retreated from his position that Murray is solely responsible for Jackson's death and that the cardiologist committed 17 egregious violations of medical practices that each could have either led to Jackson's serious injury or death.

Out of sight of the jury, the defense's theory has shifted in recent months from arguing that Jackson swallowed propofol and gave himself the fatal dose to suggesting the singer had swallowed several pills of the sedative lorazepam that led to his death.
AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.
McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011) (Archiv-Version vom 25.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:22
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:vielleicht wollen sie damit sagen, seht, da konnten doch Fremde auf das Grundstück, wenn das Tor offen stand !!! keine Ahnung ... :D
Ich vermute sowas in der Richtung wird es sein, aber ganz schlüssig bin ich mir auch nicht.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:25
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Attorneys for Dr. Conrad Murray will present 16 witnesses
Jetzt sind es schon 16 statt 15 Zeugen, wir nähern uns der 17 :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:26
Propofol expert says it's difficult to know drug's effects on Michael Jackson

October 24, 2011 2:00 PM

AP111021027482 244x183
Anesthesiology expert Dr. Steven Shafer, left, and defense attorney Ed Chernoff, right, in a Los Angeles courtroom, Friday, Oct. 21, 2011 during Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial.
(Credit: Pool, AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

(CBS/AP) LOS ANGELES - An expert on the powerful anesthetic propofol, which is blamed for Michael Jackson's death, told jurors Monday that it's difficult to know the precise effects of the drug on the pop star because he had been given so much of it in the months before he died.

Dr. Steven Shafer made the statement while being cross-examined by lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff, who noted the risk that Jackson would stop breathing should have been low after the first few minutes the drug was administered on the day he died.

Chernoff based that conclusion on models and research done by Shafer.

"In Mr. Jackson's case, it's harder to have that certainty," Shafer replied. "There's very little, almost no precedent for this level of propofol exposure."

Shafer, a Columbia University researcher and professor, said Jackson had been receiving propofol almost every night for more than two months, according to a police statement by Dr. Conrad Murray. The Houston-based cardiologist has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Shafer has previously testified that he thinks a propofol overdose killed Jackson. But he said Murray kept no records about how much of the drug he gave the singer.

Shafer has said the only possible explanation for Jackson's death based on the evidence was that Murray put the singer on an IV drip of propofol then left the room after the singer appeared to be asleep.

Shafer is the final prosecution witness, and defense attorneys are expected to begin presenting their case later in the day. Murray's attorneys will likely ask a judge to dismiss the case after the prosecution rests. (Archiv-Version vom 25.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:29
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Jetzt sind es schon 16 statt 15 Zeugen, wir nähern uns der 17
ja, in vielen Berichten, aber auch mit unterschiedlichen Angaben hinsichtlich der Anzahl der Zeugen ... na, da lassen wir uns überraschen ... :D

aber wenn dieser Experte, Dr. White kommt, dann wird es nicht so schnell beendet sein ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:35
es geht weiter

jetzt kommt Dan Myers


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.10.2011 um 22:42
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Defense next witness is LAPD Detective Dan Myers. Began investigating case Monday after #MichaelJackson's death
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Court is back in session. Watch #MurrayTrial LIVE
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
What did you think of the prosecution's case? Did they prove their case? #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Stunde
