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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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17.05.2013 um 08:48
Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 11h
“@3Tmemories: 1995 Michael's Nephews, 3T (Tito's Sons) Comment on Michael HD1080i ” Thank you for this

1995 Michael's Nephews, 3T (Tito's Sons) Comment on Michael HD1080i
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, ...
9:10 PM - 16 Mai 13

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 11h
Those who seek only fame & $ will do or say anything they can to get it. Those who seek or fight for the truth should be equally determined.
8:45 PM - 16 Mai 13


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17.05.2013 um 09:09



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17.05.2013 um 09:17
auch bei LSA (Archiv-Version vom 14.06.2013)
Eintrag #1667 / MadameCassie

Deborah Campise Kunesh
vor 10 Stunden
Statement from David Nordahl, a friend of Michael Jackson for over 20 years, on these new allegations:
Statement von David Nordahl, einem Freund von Michael Jackson, seit über 20 Jahren, zu diesen neuen Vorwürfe:

Hi Debbie -

I was at the ranch when Wade and his mother were there. He was a happy kid and his mother was always there.

I suspect this is just another case of attempted extortion. Wade has a family now and I suspect that he needs the MONEY. I think he saw the immense wealth in the Michael estate and his mouth watered. Michael is no longer here to defend himself.

I was around Michael many times in the presence of children. Michael had a great respect for all people and especially children. He would NEVER have harmed a child — physically or psychologically. ~ David Nordahl, friend of Michael Jackson for 20 years


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17.05.2013 um 09:25
Wade Robson: Michael Jackson Was a "Pedophile" Who Sexually Abused Me

von Alyssa Toomey - 16. Mai 2013 - 09:48

UPDATE: Howard Weitzman, the attorney for Michael Jackson's estate, tells E! News, "Mr. Robson has adamantly denied under oath and in numerous interviews over the past 20 years that Michael Jackson ever did anything inappropriate to him. He now wants us to believe that he committed perjury at least twice and has been lying to anyone and everyone about Mr. Jackson since the early ‘90s so he can file a claim for money. Mr. Robson's transparent lawsuit comes nearly four years after Michael passed. His claim is outrageous and sad."

Wade Robson has just blown the lid off of Michael Jackson's legacy.

The famed choreographer—who testified eight years ago in Jackson's defense during his 2005 trial on child-molestation charges—is changing his tune, alleging that he was, in fact, abused by the late pop icon and has filed a suit against the Jackson estate.

The 30-year-old dancer sat down with Matt Lauer on Today this morning, where he defended his allegations and lawsuit against his former mentor, claiming Jackson, who died in 2009, was a "pedophile" who sexually abused him from ages 7 to 14.

The So You Think You Can Dance regular said he never came forward with his claims because he "was scared psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

"This is not a case of repressed memory," he insisted. "I never forgot one moment of what Michael did to me."

After Lauer pressed Robson for details concerning the specific nature of the abuse, Wade clarified: "He performed sexual acts on me and I performed sexual acts on him."

Robson, who served as the defense team's star witness back in 2005, recalls Jackson's first criminal investigation in 1993 (he was 11 years old at the time). He claims the "Smooth Criminal" singer would call him "every day" and "role-play," convincing him that if anyone knew what they had done together, "both of us would go to jail."

The father of one, who said his son served as the catalyst to share his story, also insists there was never any monetary compensation for defending Jackson, telling Lauer, "It was complete manipulation and brainwashing. He would role-play and train me for these scenarios."

He said he finally had to face his troubling past after suffering from two nervous breakdowns, and when Lauer read statements from both Jermaine Jackson and the lawyer from Jackson's estate, Robson says their claims that he's lying could not be further from the truth.

"The idea that I would make all of this up and put my wife, my son, my entire family through this extremely stressful and painful experience all for the sake of money? That's completely incomprehensible," he said. "I've lived in silence and denial for 22 years...In order to fully heal, I have to speak the truth and I have to speak the whole truth."

And even today, he admits he has mixed feelings about his alleged abuser and late mentor: "There is no excuse for what he did to me, but he was a troubled man...The image that one presents to the world is not the whole explanation of who someone is. Michael Jackson was yes, an incredibly talented artist with an incredible gift. He was many things. And he was also a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."


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17.05.2013 um 09:42
Craig James Baxter, Craig ‘CJB’ Baxter, ein Analyst für Körpersprache, hat das Interview analysiert und ist der Meinung, dass er viele Widersprüche in Wades Aussagen erkennen kann ... :)

Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. The Today Show. Michael Jackson. Part one
Youtube: Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. The Today Show. Michael Jackson. Part One
Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. The Today Show. Michael Jackson. Part One
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AboutBodyLanguage .. Veröffentlicht am 16.05.2013 (Archiv-Version vom 06.05.2013) Twitter @bodylanguageuk Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. Today Show. Michael Jackson. Part One
Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. Part Two. The Today Show. Michael Jackson
Youtube: Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. Part Two. The Today Show. Michael Jackson. CJB
Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. Part Two. The Today Show. Michael Jackson. CJB
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AboutBodyLanguage .. Veröffentlicht am 16.05.2013 (Archiv-Version vom 06.05.2013) Twitter @bodylanguageuk Wade Robson - My Body Language Analysis. Today Show. Michael Jackson. Part Two


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17.05.2013 um 10:08
Missbrauchsvorwürfe gegen Jackson: "Michael sagte mir, wir lieben einander"

Freitag, 17.05.2013 – 09:00 Uhr


Der australische Choreograf Wade Robson hält an seinen schweren Vorwürfen fest: Im US-Frühstücksfernsehen sagte er, Michael Jackson habe ihn als Kind über Jahre hinweg sexuell belästigt. Der verstorbene King of Pop habe ihn per "Gehirnwäsche" zur Verschwiegenheit gezwungen.

Los Angeles - Schwere Vorwürfe gegen den verstorbenen King of Pop: Der australische Choreograph Wade Robson beschuldigt Michael Jackson, ihn als Kind sexuell missbraucht zu haben. Demnach erfolgten die Übergriffe zwischen Robsons siebten und 14. Lebensjahr. "Er hat sexuelle Handlungen an mir vorgenommen und mich gezwungen, sexuelle Handlungen an ihm vorzunehmen", sagte Wade Robson dem US-Fernsehsender NBC.

Genau das hatte der 30-Jährige jedoch 2005 bei einem Missbrauchs-Prozess gegen Jackson bestritten. Vor Gericht sagte er damals unter Eid aus, der Popstar habe ihn nie angerührt. Seine Aussage hatte damals maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass das Verfahren gegen Jackson eingestellt wurde.

Robson verlangt nun Schadensersatz aus dem Nachlass des 2009 verstorbenen Künstlers. US-Medien spekulierten, dass Robson bereits 2005 eine Art Schweigegeld erhalten hat. Dies bestritt der Choreograf bei seinem Auftritt im amerikanischen Frühstücksfernsehen. Stattdessen erklärte er, der "pädophile Sextäter" Jackson habe ihn manipuliert und in Rollenspielen auf seine Aussage vor Gericht vorbereitet. Das Vorgehen des Popstars sei einer "Gehirnwäsche" gleichgekommen: "Ich war psychologisch und emotional absolut nicht in der Lage und nicht willens zu verstehen, dass es sexueller Missbrauch war."

Robson sagte dem Sender, Jackson habe ihm immer gesagt, dass er ihn liebe. "Michael sagte mir, wir lieben einander und dass dies Liebe sei, ein Ausdruck unserer Liebe." Der Popstar habe ihn dann zur Verschwiegenheit verpflichtet: "Wenn du jemals irgendjemandem sagst, was wir tun, werden unsere beider Leben und unsere Karrieren vorbei sein'", soll Jackson laut Aussage von Robson gesagt haben.

Robson hatte im Alter von fünf Jahren einen Tanzwettbewerb gewonnen und so den Sänger kennengelernt. Als Heranwachsender verbrachte er einige Zeit auf dessen Anwesen "Neverland Ranch". Später wurde Robson durch seine Zusammenarbeit mit Showgrößen wie Britney Spears, N'Sync oder Usher bekannt.

Der mit der Verwaltung von Jacksons Erbe betraute Anwalt Howard Weitzman erklärte, die Klage sei "empörend und traurig". Robson wolle die Öffentlichkeit glauben machen, "dass er seit Anfang der Neunziger gegenüber allen und jedem über Herrn Jackson gelogen hat, damit er Geld einklagen kann".



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17.05.2013 um 10:17
Wade Robson calls Michael Jackson 'a pedophile'

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 16, 2013 -- Updated 1857 GMT (0257 HKT)</small<


* Accuser "denied under oath" he was molested, Jackson estate says
* Wade Robson is seeking money from Jackson's estate for alleged child sex abuse
* Robson defended Michael Jackson in his 2005 criminal trial
* "This is not a case of repressed memory," Robson tells NBC

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A dancer-choreographer befriended by Michael Jackson when he was a child now calls the late pop icon "a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

Wade Robson, who is seeking money from Jackson's estate for alleged child sex abuse, talked about his claims Thursday on NBC's "Today" show.

Robson, now 30, denied in testimony at Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005 that he had been molested by the singer.

Two months after Jackson's death in 2009, Robson said they had "a wonderful relationship" and he called Jackson "a kind human being."

"This is not a case of repressed memory," Robson told "Today's" Matt Lauer. "I never forgot one moment of what Michael did to me, but I was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse. "

The lawyer for Jackson's estate called the accusations "outrageous and sad" in a statement given after the Thursday interview.

"Mr. Robson has adamantly denied under oath and in numerous interviews over the past 20 years that Michael Jackson ever did anything inappropriate to him," Jackson estate attorney Howard Weitzman said. "He now wants us to believe that he committed perjury at least twice and has been lying to anyone and everyone about Mr. Jackson since the early '90s so he can file a claim for money. Mr. Robson's transparent lawsuit comes nearly four years after Michael passed."

The accusation came in the form of a creditor's claim against the estate in a Los Angeles probate court this month.

Jackson defender files sex abuse claim

Robson said the abuse started when he was 7-years-old, when he often visited Jackson's Neverland Ranch. It continued until he was 14, he said.

"He performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him," Robson said.
Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005, partly based on the testimony of Robson, his sister and his mother.

"It's absurd," said Tom Mesereau, the lawyer who successfully defended Jackson in the trial. "He was one of the strongest witnesses for the defense at Michael Jackson's criminal trial in 2005. He was adamant under oath that he had never been molested at any time."

Robson said his denial to investigators during a 1993 criminal investigation was the result of Jackson's "complete manipulation and brainwashing" of him. He denied Jackson ever offered money to keep him quiet.

"He would call me every day and role play and tell me the same sort of things and also tell me then that if anyone ever thought that we did these things, any of these sexual things, that both of us would go to jail for the rest of our lives," he said.

Robson met Jackson in his native Australia when he was just 5. Jackson invited him for frequent stays at Neverland after Robson and his family moved to Los Angeles two years later. Their visits continued until he was 13, according to court testimony.

Choreographer: AEG considered 'pulling the plug' on Jackson's comeback
"From day one of the abuse, Michael told me that we loved each other and that this was love, that this was an expression of our love. And then you follow that up with 'but if you ever tell anyone what we're doing, both of our lives and our career will be over,'" he told Lauer.

Robson paid tribute to Jackson In an interview with "Entertainment Tonight" to promote his choreography work on the MTV Video Music Awards in August 2009.

"I just had a wonderful relationship," he said. "I learned so much from him, as an artist and as a kind human being, and it's my goal to just try and continue as much as I can in my own little world that legacy.

"We talk so much about him as the pop legend, which is important, but it's nice to remember that he was a man, that he was a father," Robson said. "And that's what it's really about is a father and his children, and he was a wonderful dad."

But it was becoming a father himself two and a half years ago that caused Robson to change his story about Jackson, he said.

He said he "collapsed into two nervous breakdowns, terrifying nervous breakdowns" in his son's first 18 months.

"At that point I had no idea what was wrong with me, what was going on," he said. "During the second one, this thing happened where I started looking at him and imagining him being a victim of the sexual abuse that I was at the hands of Michael. For the first time in my life, I began to realize that my completely numb and unexplored feelings in relationship to what Michael did to me might be a problem and maybe I need to speak to someone about it."

The accusations created a major stir among Jackson fans, many calling Robson a traitor to the man who made his career. They argue his motivation is money from Jackson's estate.

"I understand completely how hard it is to understand this," he said. "That being said, the idea that I would make all of this up and put myself, my wife, my son, my entire family through this extremely stressful and painful experience all for the sake of money is completely incomprehensible."

Robson said the court claim is about healing.

"I've lived in silence and denial for 22 years, and I can't spend another moment in that," he said. "In order to truly heal I have to speak my truth and speak the whole truth. That's one thing you'll never see from me. I'm never going to go away with this for the sake of money. I'm never going to be silenced for money. That's not going to happen."

Lauer asked Robson what comes to mind now when he thinks of Michael Jackson.

"Heartbreak, pain, anger and compassion," he said. "There's no excuse for what he did to me and I believe many others, but he was a troubled man and every effect has its cause. The image that one presents to the world is not the whole explanation of who someone is. Michael Jackson was, yes, an incredibly talented artist with an incredible gift. He was many things. And he was also a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

The 2005 trial in Santa Barbara County, California, centered on charges that Jackson had molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor who often visited his ranch. He was also charged with plying the boy with alcohol and conspiring to abduct, extort and falsely imprison the child and his family. He was acquitted on all counts.

"I've known Michael for a long time. I've spent many hours talking to him about everything. I trust him. I trust him with my children," Joy Robson, the mother of Wade Robson, testified when called as a prosecution witness.

Robson said she let Wade, who was then 7, and daughter Chantal sleep in Jackson's bedroom from the first visit.


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17.05.2013 um 17:13
Michael Jackson Remains A Global Phenomenon

Michael Jackson bleibt ein weltweites Phänomen

96410-jackson michael l

Michael Jackson went from being Gary, Ind.'s most talented kid to one of the most recognizable human beings on the planet. And while his worldwide album sales were astounding, that wasn't the sole reason for his fame. his ascendancy went far beyond the cash register—he inspired dance moves, dictated fashion trends and raised awareness for social causes around the globe.


Less than a day after Michael Jackson's death, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, announced that the city would erect a statue of the singer in Dona Marta, a favela that was once notorious for drug dealing and is now a model for social development. The change was spurred partly by Jackson's 1996 visit to film the video for "They Don't Care About Us."

Jackson shot two videos for "They Don't Care About Us," the fourth single from "HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I": one in a prison and another in Dona Marta and Salvador da Bahia, a colonial Brazilian city known for its Afro-Brazilian culture and music.

When Jackson came to Brazil to shoot the video, directed by Spike Lee, Rio's local government became concerned that the singer would show the world an unflattering picture of poverty. At the time, Brazilians, like people the world over, saw Jackson as an idol. He'd been to the country twice before, once with the Jackson 5 in the '70s and again in 1993, when he played two concerts in São Paulo to 100,000 people each night.

96444-BBCOM MJ Brazil

At the time, the concert promoter Dodi Sirena recalls a "sensitive" artist who asked for an amusement park to be reserved for his use, then invited children from the poorest public schools. "He displayed great concern for everything in the country, with poverty, with street children," Sirena says.

In that context, Jackson's choice of locale for his video made sense. "The video is about the people no one cares about," says Claudia Silva, press liaison for Rio's office of tourism.

When Jackson shot the video in Rio, Silva was a journalist for the daily newspaper O Globo, but Lee and his staff had banned journalists from the shoot because Dona Marta drug dealers didn't want the attention. But Silva found a family that let her spend the night at their home and saw the favela residents washing the streets to prepare for Jackson's arrival. "The people were so proud," Silva says. "That was the best thing for me. People got up early to clean the area, they prepared for him, they took out the trash."

Jackson arrived by helicopter but walked the streets of Dona Marta shaking hands and distributing candy. "People were very surprised in the end, because they were expecting an extraterrestrial guy," Silva says. "And he was—it sounds strange to say this—a normal guy."

Jackson shot scenes in Salvador, alongside throngs of people, accompanied by the Afro-Brazilian cultural group Olodum. In the video, he can be seen dancing to the beat of hundreds of Olodum's drummers and with cheering fans who reach out to touch him—and at one point burst through security and push him to the floor.

"This process to make Dona Marta better started with Michael Jackson," Silva says. "Now it's a safe favela. There are no drug dealers anymore, and there's a massive social project. But all the attention started with Michael Jackson." --Leila Cobo


"Growing up as a young black kid in a township, you either dreamed of being a freedom fighter or being Michael Jackson. It was as simple as that."

So recalls the leading South African R&B artist Loyiso Bala, whose five South African Music Awards are a testament to the fact that he chose to follow the King of Pop.

The 29-year-old likens Jackson's impact on his family—which includes his high-profile musician brothers Zwai and Phelo—to that of former President Nelson Mandela.

"The whole family would drop what they were doing and watch, mesmerized whenever Michael or [Mandela] came on," he says of life in his Kwa-Nobuhle township home, located outside the Eastern Cape town of Uitenhage.

Lupi Ngcayisa, a DJ on Metro FM, South Africa's biggest national urban commercial station, says Jackson's "rich lyrics changed the complexion of black radio."

"He forced black families to debate issues surrounding individualism and race, so his cultural impact here extended beyond simply the music," he says.

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That impact was most visible in 1997 when the HIStory tour came to the country for a five-date run that ended Oct. 15 at Durban's King's Park Stadium, the performer's final full-scale concert in support of a studio album. The shows are still the largest the country has ever seen, attracting 230,000 people, according to Attie Van Wyk, CEO of the presenting promoter, Cape Town-based Big Concerts.

Equally notable for a country just three years into post-apartheid democracy was the audience mix. "Black and white, young and old, Michael drew a huge crossover audience that we still don't see often at shows," tour publicist Penny Stein says.

Duncan Gibbon, now strategic marketing director at Sony Music Entertainment South Africa, who worked Jackson's catalog as far back as the apartheid era, says Jackson sold more than 2 million albums in South Africa. More importantly, he says Jackson's music was a unifying point for a deeply divided society.

"South African radio was very racially segmented in the years before 1994," he says. "But Michael proved to be the one artist whose music was played on white pop stations and black R&B stations. It doesn't sound like much now, but it was a very potent thing when you think back to how apartheid attempted to keep everything about black and white society separate." --Diane Coetzer


After 30 years of vilifying everything American, Beijing re-established diplomatic relations with Washington, D.C., Jan. 1, 1979, the same year Jackson released "Off the Wall." At the time, most of China was still clad in drab blue Mao suits, state-controlled radio was almost devoid of Western pop music and record companies had little distribution. But Jackson's music soon took root--with a vengeance.

Beijing-based musician Kaiser Kuo says that the only time he felt physically threatened during the volatile spring of 1989 was because of Jackson's popularity.

On June 3, 1989 -- just as pro-democracy students reached what would prove a fatal deadlock with the government in Tiananmen Square -- Kuo's heavy rock band Tang Dynasty was playing a show in Jilin Province, unaware it had been billed as "Michael Jackson's backup band." Realizing they'd been scammed, the audience "went nuts and burned down the ticket booth," Kuo says. "Jackson was just that popular."

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For many in China, reflecting on Jackson means dredging up memories of that era of dashed hopes. Blogger Hong Huang lived much of her childhood in the '70s and '80s in the United States, where her father was a Chinese diplomat. "Back then, I thought nobody in China could be listening to Michael Jackson," she says. Yet Hong hosted three evenings of her late-night TV talk show "Straight Talk" about Jackson's death while the Chinese Internet lit up with discussion of his life and music. The top video-sharing Web site has dozens of posts of Chinese youths moonwalking to his songs in black loafers, white socks and high-water pants.

Jackson's sales in Asia have been strong despite rampant piracy, according to Adam Tsuei, president of Sony Music Entertainment Greater China. Sony says that since 1994 it has sold about 1.2 million Jackson albums in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Jackson never visited mainland China, but Sony says it has sold about 300,000 albums there since 2002, although censorship has prevented the release of his entire catalog.

There had been unconfirmed reports that AEG Live planned to bring Jackson to China after his sold-out London dates. Instead, Shanghai warehouse manager Jin Hailiang says the 150 regular members of the local Jackson fan club he helps manage will host a party Aug. 29, Jackson's birthday.

"His music is so important because it's about love," he says, "and it makes us feel free to dance." --Jonathan Landreth


For many people in India -- a market where international repertoire accounts for just 5% of physical music sales -- Michael Jackson is Western pop.

Alone among Western artists, his popularity isn't confined to English-speaking urban Indians. Among the country's rural youth his celebrity competes with Bollywood stars for one reason: his trademark dance moves.

"Anybody who dances well is compared with Michael Jackson," says Nikhil Gangavane, who founded India's official, 13,000-member Jackson fan club. "The moonwalk made Michael reach from the classes to the masses in India."

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The way Bollywood appropriated Jackson's moves and style connected with Indian fans. "Actors, established choreographers, aspiring composers, kids in dance shows—everybody borrowed ideas," says British-born hip-hop star Hard Kaur, now a Bollywood star.

Indian actors, from Javed Jaffrey to Hrithik Roshan, say they were inspired by Jackson's dancing. And the southern Indian movie industry still uses Jackson-esque routines, thanks to the influence of dancers and choreographers like Prabhu Deva, known as "India's Michael Jackson" for his lightning-fast moves.

Jackson's recorded-music sales are also significant. Arjun Sankalia, associate director of Sony Music Entertainment India, says the 25th-anniversary edition of "Thriller" sold 15,000 copies. The album's initial release sold more than 100,000, according to Suresh Thomas, former branch manager of the southern region for CBS India—a joint venture between India's Tata Group and CBS America. "Bad," which had an inlay card translated into regional languages, sold 200,000. None of the totals include the millions of pirated versions that have been sold.

Jackson proved his popularity on the subcontinent with the one show he performed in India -- Nov. 1, 1996, at Mumbai's Andheri Sports Complex. A 70,000-seat sellout, it was organized by Shiv Sena political party leader Raj Thackeray to raise funds to provide jobs for young people in the state of Maharashtra -- and boost the party's popularity among young urban voters.

Jackson arrived at Mumbai airport Oct. 30 and was greeted by actress Sonali Bendre, who put the traditional Hindu "tilak" mark on his forehead. A motorcade escorted him to the concert, and he stepped out of the car several times during the journey to wave at the thousands of fans lining the streets between the airport and his hotel lobby.

Fans still remember. "Go to any village, any corner in India and you'll find everyone is familiar with the name Michael Jackson," Kaur says. "There is no musician who can replace MJ." --Ahir Bhairab Borthakur


There's big in Japan, and there's Michael Jackson.

Fans ranging from teenagers to 50-somethings -- many dressed in Jackson's trademark outfits—staged an impromptu candlelit memorial June 27 in Tokyo's Yoyogi Park. While some showed off dance moves and sang songs, others wept openly and prayed at makeshift altars.

"It's funny," one attendee said. "The gathering at [Harlem's] Apollo Theater was like a celebration of his life, but Japanese people go straight into mourning."

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Jackson won over Japan like few Western stars before or since. Famous in the country since the release of "Off the Wall," he became even bigger in 1987, when he started his "Bad" world tour at the Tokyo Dome. He sold out 14 shows, drawing about 450,000 fans and taking in an estimated 5 billion yen ($52 million). Hundreds of screaming girls greeted his arrival at Tokyo's Narita Airport, which was covered by 1,000 journalists; another 300 covered the arrival of Bubbles, Jackson's chimp, who came on a separate flight.

"No other performer had Michael Jackson's star power in Japan," says Archie Meguro, senior VP of Sony Music Japan International. "He was so loved for his talent, his music, his dance and his gentle soul."

Sony reports career album sales of at least 4.9 million for Jackson in Japan, making him one of the top-selling international artists. "Thriller" alone sold 2.5 million copies. But his impact went beyond sales. His 1987 tour helped reshape J-pop's choreography, as performers tried to appropriate his moves.

The news of his death caused such a stir in Japanese society that three cabinet ministers took the unusual step of commenting on his passing.

Sales of Jackson's catalog have spiked, and six of his albums made SoundScan Japan's Top 200 Albums chart. By the morning of June 27, Tower Records' seven-story flagship store in Shibuya had three displays of his albums and DVDs. Jackson had attended an event there in 1996, presided over by then-Tower Records Japan president Keith Cahoon. "The fan club members who attended were mostly young girls who shrieked ‘Michael!' in incredibly loud and high-pitched voices," he recalls, "and Michael replied in a soft voice that was nearly as high."

"Michael is the biggest entertainment influence on the Japanese people after the Beatles," says Ken Ohtake, president of Sony Music Publishing Japan. "He will always remain in the hearts of the Japanese people as an extraordinary and unparalleled artist." --Rob Schwartz


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17.05.2013 um 17:22
Quelle: Jackson.Ch - Schweizer MJ Forum


17. MAI 2013

Billboard hat Erinnerungen und Eindrücke zu Michael Jacksons Stellenwert und seinen sozialen Einflüssen rund um die Welt zusammen getragen. Von Brasilien, über Südafrika, China, Indien und Japan. Der King of Pop hinterliess überall seine Spuren. “Da ist kein Musiker, der MJ ersetzen kann”, sagt der Bollywood Star Hard Kaur. “Die Leute waren so stolz”, sagt Claudia Silva über Michael Jacksons Videodreh in Brasilien.

In Brasilien trat der King of Pop einst mit den Jackson 5 auf, und später im Jahr 1993, als er in São Paulo zwei Konzerte vor 100 000 Zuschauern gab. Der damalige lokale Konzertveranstalter Dodi Sirena erinnert sich an einen “einfühlsamen” Künstler, der bat, dass man ihm einen Vergnügungspark reservierte, damit er sich ohne Aufsehen zu erregen, vergnügen konnte, und dann Kinder aus den ärmsten Schulen einlud. “Er zeigte grosses Interesse für Alles im Land, an Armut, an Strassenkindern”, sagt Dodi Sirena

Somit verwunderte es Insider auch nicht, dass Michael Jackson einen der zwei They Don’t Care About Us Videoclips in den Fravelas (Armenvierteln) von Rio de Janeiro drehte. Die heutige Mitarbeiterin des Tourismusbüros Claudia Silva arbeitete damals als Journalistin für eine Zeitschrift “O Globo”. Michael Jacksons Regisseur Spike Lee untersagte damals Journalisten den Zutritt zum Drehort, man vermutete, auch auf Druck von Drogendealers des Viertels. Doch Claudia Silva fand eine Familie in den Fravelas, bei der sie übernachten durfte – und erlebte mit, wie die Bewohner des Armutsviertels die Strassen wuschen, um für Jacksons Ankunft bereit zu sein. “Die Leute waren so stolz”, sagt Silva. “Das war das Beste für mich. Leute standen früh auf, um die Gegend zu säubern, für ihn herzurichten, sie entsorgten den Müll.”

Der King of Pop kam mit dem Helikopter an, ging dann aber zu Fuss durch die Strassen von Dona Marta, schüttelte Hände und verteilte Süssigkeiten. “Die Leute waren am Ende sehr überrascht, da sie einen ausserirdischen Typ erwarteten, ” sagt Silva. “Und er war – es klingt komisch, das zu sagen – ein normaler Kerl.”

Claudia Silva meint: “Der Prozess, Dona Marta besser zu machen, begann mit Michael Jackson. Jetzt ist es ein sicheres Armenviertel. Da sind keine Drogendealer mehr, und es gibt ein massives soziales Projekt. Aber all die Aufmerksamkeit begann mit Michael Jackson.”

Auch in Südafrika hinterliess Michael Jackson seine Spuren. Lupi Ngcayisa, DJ von Metro FM, eine der grössten Radiostationen Südafrikas, sagt: “Jacksons reichhaltigen Texte veränderten den Charakter von schwarzem Radio.” MJ habe schwarze Familien dazu gebracht, über “Individualität und Rasse” zu debatieren. Seine kulturelle Beeinflussung sei darüber hinaus gegangen, als, dass er nur musikalische Aspekte setzte. “Südafrikansiches Radio war in den Jahren vor 1994 sehr rassisch segmentiert. Aber Michael entpuppte sich als der Künstler, dessen Musika auf weissen und auf schwarzen R&B Sendern gespielt wurde. Heute klingt das nicht so besonders, aber es war eine sehr mächtige Sache, wenn man zurückdenkt, wie die Apartheid versuchte alles zwischen schwarzer und weisser Gesellschaft zu separieren.”

Michael Jacksons Stellenwert in Südafrika war insbesondere 1997 eindrücklich zu sehen, als der King of Pop am Ende seiner History World Tour in Kapstadt, Johannesburg und Durban fast 230 000 Personen an seine Konzerte lockte.

In Japan war Michael Jackson ebenso ein wichtiger Künstler. “Kein Anderer hatt Michael Jacksons Star-Power in Japan”, sagt Archie Meguro, senior VP von Sony Music Japan International. “Er wurde so geliebt für sein Talent, seine Musik, seinen Tanz und seine sanfte Seele.”

Bei Interesse: Viel Spass mit der interessanten Artikel-Zusammenstellung – beleuchtet werden auch China und Indien: Michael Jackson remains a global phenomen


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Michael Jackson remains a global phenomen


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17.05.2013 um 17:40
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum


16. MAI 2013

Heute sprach Wade Robson exklusiv in der Today Show über die Belästigungsvorwürfe, die in Zusammenahng mit einer Geldforderung an das MJ Estate publik gemacht wurden. “Dies ist kein Fall von unterdrückter Erinnerung”, sagt Robson. “Ich habe keinen Moment vergessen, davon, was Michael mir antat, aber ich war psychologisch und emotional komplett unfähig und unwilllig zu verstehen, dass es sexueller Missbrauch war.” Der Moderator wollte, dass Robson präziser werde und fragte Robson, ob er sexuelle Handlungen an MJ, und dieser an ihm, vorgenommen hätten. Robson antwortete mit “ja, das was du sagtest”, auf die Frage und wiederholte seine Worte. Das Video der TV-Show, siehe hier.

Robson wirkte gut vorbereitet und könnte durch seine persönlichen Aussagen unvorstellbaren Schaden an Michael Jacksons Nachlass verursachen, obschon die Vorwürfe wegen sexueller Belästigung seit 1993 an Michael Jackson hafteten, wie sie an jedem haften, der – egal ob gerechtfertigt oder nicht – mit solchen Anschuldigungen konfrontiert wird.

Wir möchten nochmals darauf hinweisen, dass im Jahr 2005 Michael Jackson aus guten Gründen und basierend auf teilweise absurden (was auch neutrale Journalisten bestätigen können) Anschuldigungen, in allen Punkten freigesprochen wurde. Dutzende Polizisten durchsuchten Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch und fanden weder auf Computern noch in Magazinen oder sonstwo Hinweise auf eine Pädophilie. Um sicherzustellen, dass nicht anderswo belastendes Material versteckt wurde, durchsuchten die Ermittler der Staatsanwaltschaft auch Anwesen von Geschäftspartner und Freunden Michael Jacksons. Auch da: Nichts.

Ein damaliger internationaler Aufruf an möglicherweise weitere Opfer, verlief ergebnislos. Wade Robson gibt nun an, Michael Jackson habe ihn auf Szenarien vor Gericht vorbereitet und ihn einer Art Gehirnwäsche unterzogen. Die sei ihm so gut gelungen, dass er 2005 den King of Pop verteidigte. Robson bestätigte, dass damals kein Geld floss. Vor einiger Zeit offengelegte FBI Akten, offenbarten auch, dass sogar das FBI während rund 10 Jahren (nach 1993) untersuchte, ob es jungendliche Missbrauchopfer Michael Jacksons gibt. Ermittler nahmen gar internationale Reisen auf sich. Fündig wurden auch diese nicht.

Seltsam ist und bleibt, dass Robson, der bisher immer um Michael Jacksons Ruf als gutherziger Mensch und Ausnahmekünstler bemüht war, ausgerechnet jetzt an die Öffentlichkeit geht, während AEG Live sich einer Milliardenklage der Jacksons ausgesetzt sieht. AEG hat ein grosses Interesse, dass die Marke “Michael Jackson” an Wert verliert. Von daher sind Verschwörungstheorien nicht ganz aus der Luft gegriffen.

Ausserdem, Zufall oder nicht: Philip Anschutz, Besitzer der Anschutz-Corporation, zu der AEG Live gehört, bewegt sich in einem konservativen christlichen Umfeld. Siehe etwa hier auf Wikipedia oder von Jutta Müller auf (“über AEG Live“) Der “bekannte Kinderpsychologe” (dessen Namen aus der ursprünglichen TMZ Meldung entfernt wurde), – Dr. David Arredondo aus San Francisco, kommt ebenfalls aus einem solchen Umfeld: Christlich, konservativ.

Einige interessante Kommentare, darunter auch von Jutta Müller und Patricia, die für vom aktuellen Prozess berichtet, siehe unten in unserer Meldung von lezter Woche.

Wade Robson sagt in der Today Show, dass es ihm nicht um Geld gehe. TMZ berichtete aber, dass neben der Gläubigerforderung auch eine Zivilklage ausgefüllt wurde. Bei Zivilklagen geht es meistens um viel Geld. Robson zieht derweil mit seiner Frau und zweijährigem Sohn von Los Angeles nach Hawaii in ein Luxusanwesen.

Quelle:,,,, div.

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“über AEG Live“ (Archiv-Version vom 13.07.2013)
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17.05.2013 um 18:19
Debbie Rowe says choreographer Wade Robson is 'a liar and opportunist' after Michael Jackson sexual abuse claims

* Wade Robson, 30, has spoken out about the alleged abuse for the first time
* Claims Jackson told him it was an 'expression of our love' and that he would go to jail forever if he told anyone
* Claims he isn't speaking out for fame or fortune but having his own son two years ago made him face up to what allegedly happened
* Jackson's estate have labelled the accusations 'outrageous and pathetic'

[published] | [updated]


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17.05.2013 um 19:08
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
Heading back into court -- will update at a break. #JacksonTrial
7:02 PM - 17 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
AEG executive Julie Hollander will be back this afternoon to resume testifying.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m
At the time, Panish said Hom testified that Murray’s $150k/mo. salary was “an enormous sum of money” and should have been a red flag.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m
One of them is Marty Hom, an AEG-retained expert whose deposition Panish played during opening statements.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m
There’s no witness available now to testify this morning, so Panish plans to play video of an expert’s deposition this morning.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m
There’s been a change-up in the witness order, and plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish has decided not to call a propofol expert this morning.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m
Jackson vs AEG is back in session, with Katherine, Rebbie and Trent Jackson attending the proceedings.
6:59 PM - 17 Mai 13


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17.05.2013 um 20:15
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 24m
That was the gist of this morning's testimony. AEG executive Julie Hollander will resume testifying at 2:30 p.m. PDT.
7:45 PM - 17 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 25m
He said on the previous Rolling Stones tour (not current one), there was a tour doctor. He also cited Blink-182 having a tour doctor.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 26m
During the deposition, AEG attorney asked Hom about tours in which he knew doctors accompanied bands. Hom cited two.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 27m
Hom noted that AEG and Live Nation are the two biggest concert promoters. He wants to keep working with both of them, he said.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 27m
He was approached by two AEG executives about working with the Rolling Stones this year, but AEG picked another tour manager.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 27m
Plaintiff’s attorney Kevin Boyle asked Hom several questions about whether he wanted to work with AEG Live in the future. Hom said yes.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 27m
He also said he wouldn't hire a doctor if he knew the physician was feeding an artist's chemical dependency.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 28m
Hom was asked whether he would hire a doctor to give an “opiate-dependent artist Demerol?” Hom said no.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 28m
Correction to an earlier tweet: Hom’s comment about Murray’s fee being outrageous was related to doc’s initial request for $5 million.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 28m
He said it’s a legitimate question to ask “How long is that musician going to be sick?” and similar questions for the sake of the tour.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 28m
He said he’d never gotten involved in a doctor-patient relationship. He said he does ask doctors about prognosis for injured artists.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
Marty Hom said he’d never worked on a tour in which the artist or artists’ brought along a doctor.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
Boyle asked Hom whether he’d ever hired a doctor to go on tour. Hom said no. He hires local doctors if an artist is sick or needs treatment.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
Hom was paid $500 an hour to serve as an expert on the Jackson vs. AEG case. #notbadforarookie

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
Hom said he’s worked with Janet Jackson, and had met Katherine Jackson on a few occasions.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
He was questioned by plaintiff’s attorney Kevin Boyle, who asked Hom given his ties to AEG how he could convince the jury he was objective.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
Hom, wearing a black shirt and black blazer, testified in a March 25, 2013 deposition.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
“This business is a very, very small business. I probably know most of the people in this business,” Hom said during his deposition.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
He’s also worked with AEG on a couple occasions, including the Alicia Keys tour. He was approached about working on the Rolling Stones tour.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
Marty Hom said he had never talked to Gongaware and Phillips about Michael Jackson.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
Hom said he and Phillips weren’t close -- they didn’t visit each others’ homes or otherwise socialize.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
This is Hom’s first case serving as an expert witness. He knows AEG executives Paul Gongaware and Randy Phillips, who he called a friend.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
Hom is a tour manager who’s worked with the Eagles, Bette Midler, Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson and other big-name acts.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
Jury just listened to videotaped deposition of Marty Hom, a tour manager retained as an AEG expert.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 34m
Because of witness issues, the Jackson vs AEG trial is on a 4-hour break. Testimony resumes at 2:30 p.m. PDT.
7:37 PM - 17 Mai 13


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17.05.2013 um 21:17
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 13m
Interesting find. Britney Spears fan forums say that Wade was replaced for Circus tour in 2009 because he failed a random drug test.
finde ich interessant. Britney Spears Fan-Foren sagen, dass Wade für Circus-Tour im Jahr 2009 ersetzt wurde, weil er einen stichprobenartigen Drogen-Test nicht bestanden hat.
8:58 PM - 17 Mai 13


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17.05.2013 um 21:26
Quelle: . Eintrag #62 . User: Lena

Übersetzungs-Kurzfassung zu den Tweets (hier Eintrag von heute um 20:15h)
übernommen ...
Panish hat nun entschieden, dass er heute nun doch nicht den Propofol-Experten hören will. Daher stand kein anderer Zeuge zur Verfügung. Der Jury wurde daher eine Depositon von Panish mit dem Tourmanager Hom, den AEG als Experten-Zeugen gelistet hat per Video vorgespielt. Hom ist sowohl für Live Nation als auch für AEG tätig und hat Touren von Midler, Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson u.a. gemanaget. Wegen den Zeugen-Problemen gibt es eine 4-stünidge Pause. Es geht dann weiter mit dem AEG-Controller Hollander, der gestern bereits im Zeugenstand war.

Ich glaube mit dem Tempo und den Lücken zwichendrin wird der Prozess Monate dauern.


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17.05.2013 um 21:40
May 17, 2013 10:22 AM

A look in Michael Jackson's closet

VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 18.05.2013)

In life, Michael Jackson earned hundreds of millions and spent even more, accumulating an estimated half-billion dollars in debt towards the end of his life, when a tarnished image curtailed his earning power. In death, the King of Pop is doing just fine, however. He's never been more popular, with almost 60 million Facebook "friends," and music sales and business deals made by his estate have earned more than enough to repay his debt. Lara Logan reports on this unprecedented turnaround and gets a private tour of some of the personal items that meant the most to the late star for a 60 Minutes story to be broadcast Sunday, May 19 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

While the Jackson Estate amasses millions through The Michael Jackson Immortal Tour, an acrobatic performance to his music by Cirque Du Soleil, iTunes and album sales, his possessions sit in storage. Nobody knows what they are worth. It's anybody's guess at what they could bring at auction with the right people biding.

Karen Langford, a friend of Jackson's who worked with him since 1981, is the archivist for the Jackson estate. She takes Logan for a tour of a warehouse full of Jackson's memorabilia.

The tour begins, appropriately, with the Neverland sign sitting on the floor of the 20,000-foot warehouse. It once sat atop the gates to his famous compound that included an amusement park, zoo and his mansion.

Inside, Logan sees Grammy awards, a fleet of cars, antiques, video games, and some of the clothing he wore on stage. The sequined glove he wore on the Billie Jean Tour, worth an estimated $80,000, is kept in a safe on premises.

Other things may not have obviously high value but were priceless to the star, including the wooden rocking horse given to Jackson by one of his closest friends, Elizabeth Taylor. "To MJ, Love ET," reads the inscription.

The items will be stored until Jackson's children come of age and decide what they want to do with them. Meanwhile, the revenue machine that has taken in over $600 million since the entertainer's death in 2009 -- more than any other single living artist has earned over the period -- is predicted to hum along for many years to come.

Sunday evening after the program,, the 60 Minutes web show, will present an even deeper look into the memorabilia few have ever seen since Jackson's death.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 21:50
Michael Jackson trial: Conrad Murray's payment demands 'outrageous'

Michael Jackson-Prozess: Conrad Murray's Bezahlungs-Ansprüche 'unverschämt'

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 17, 2013, 12:37 p.m.

A professional concert tour director testified Friday in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial that a doctor's demand for $5 million to serve as the singer's tour physician "raised a red flag."

Marty Hom, who has spent 25 to 30 years as a tour director and tour manager, said that Dr. Conrad Murray's original demand was "outrageous." Murray, a cardiologist who closed his practice to serve Jackson, eventually agreed to work for $150,000 a month.

Hom, who testified as an expert witness, also said he would never tell a director he had checked out a doctor if he hadn’t, a reference to claims by the Jackson family about an AEG executive.

A portion of Hom's March 25 video deposition was played to the jury in the lawsuit brought by Jackson's mother and three children. They contend that entertainment giant AEG negligently hired and supervised Murray, who administered a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to the singer to combat his insomnia. AEG says that Jackson hired Murray and that any payments the company was supposed to make to the doctor were advances to the singer.

Anschutz Entertainment Group had deposed Hom as an expert witness, paying him $500 a hour. In an unusual move, the Jacksons' attorneys played about 45 minutes of the deposition, taken under oath. Brian Panish, one of the family's lawyers, said he played the testimony to ensure the jury heard it, even if AEG did not call Hom during the trial.

Hom also testified he had never been on a tour where the artist brought a doctor along, although he later said doctors toured with the Rolling Stones and Blink 182, but Hom did not work with them.

Much of Hom's testimony centered on the relationship between a tour manager, performer and doctor. A key question in the lawsuit is whether Murray, who was in desperate financial straits, was more concerned with Jackson's interests or AEG's.

Hom said it was not appropriate for the tour manager or promoter to inject themselves into the doctor-patient relationship.

Asked if it would be OK for someone to speak to the performer's doctor without the artist present, he answered, "I thought it was the doctor's responsibility to say no."

He said he knew of no instance where a promoter or producer had a private conversation with the artist's doctor.

He testified that when performers were ill, "my natural instinct is to go to that doctor and ask him, 'Is that dancer going or musician going to be able to make that show in a week?”

Hom also testified that he knew of no instance where a promoter or tour manager paid the performer's manager.

Panish said outside court that he will later introduce evidence that AEG was paying Jackson's managers, which could be a conflict of interest.,0,6569769.story


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17.05.2013 um 22:10
Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 2h
Sad that the majority of the mainstream media is not interested in researching or printing the truth about my...
7:35 PM - 17 Mai 13

Sad that the majority of the mainstream media is not interested in researching or printing the truth about my family. They just want to keep feeding the lies and accusations.
Schade, dass die Mehrheit der Mainstream-Medien nicht interessiert sind, beim Untersuchen oder Drucken, der Wahrheit über meine Familie. Sie wollen einfach nur den Lügen und Anschuldigungen Vorschub leisten.


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17.05.2013 um 22:15
Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 8h
Article coming soon on the Wade Robson allegations...
Artikel in Kürze, zu den Wade Robson Anschuldigungen ...
1:40 PM - 17 Mai 13


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17.05.2013 um 22:21 (Archiv-Version vom 07.09.2013)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 47s
Hom said he needs to know if artist can perform and/or for how long he needs to be on leave. That's why he'd ask doctor status of the artist
10:21 PM - 17 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Hom said he didn't see a problem asking the doctor questions. It's up to the physician to set the limits, he opined.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Hom: Is it appropriate? I don't know, but it's a question I have to ask for best interest of the show. I think it's a legitimate question.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58s
Hom said he never injected himself in doctor-patient relationship. He said he didn't believe it was appropriate 4 concert promoters to do it

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Boyle asked if Hom knew Kenny Ortega. Hom said yes. Boyle asked if Ortega would ever falsely sound alarm about artist health. Hom said no

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
"The doctor should look for the best interest of the artist," Hom opined, "I'd never put artist on stage if it wasn't for his best interest"

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Hom said he hired doctors in individual cities when artist was ill, wanted B12 shots, crew was sick. Hom said the tour paid the doctor.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Hom said he's seen artists travel w/ physical therapists, masseuses, cooks, but he's not been on tour where artist takes doctor on the road

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Hom: They just wanted me to testify in general scope on what I do for living. I think they were looking for someone who knew the tour biz

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Hom told the atty he didn't know what an expert witness makes. He was told they make between $400 - $500 an hour. They settled on $500/hour.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
Hom said defendant's attorney called him asking if he'd be interested in being an expert witness in this case. Hom thought about it, agreed

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
Hom said he worked w/ Janet Jackson and met Mrs. Jackson as well. "I probably know everyone in the business, this is a very small business"

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
Jacksons attorney Kevin Boyle asked if Hom's friendship with Phillips and Gongaware, defendants in the case, would sway his testimony.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10m
Hom said he's never worked w/ Paul Gongaware. He knows him for many years, ran into each other all the time. He considers Gongaware a friend

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
The music business in general is very small, Hom said, and Randy Philips used to manage a former client of his, Lionel Richie.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 12m
Hom said he worked with Phillips and AEG Live once in the Bette Midler Tour in Las Vegas. Hom has no social relationship with Phillips.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
Live Nation and AEG Live are the biggest companies in the business, Hom said. He's been friends with Randy Phillips for probably 10 years.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
Hom said his role changes from one tour to the next. He has to adapt quickly to the artist's need, since they are just very different.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
The artist is usually who hires and pays him, Hom said. He gets a check from the artist. Hom doesn't know if MJ was paying Gongaware.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
Plaintiff played a video deposition of Marty Hom, defense expert witness. He's been in the music industry 25-30 years.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
Judge says she appreciated the efficiency of the attorney, but things happen from time to time in a trial.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
Judge Yvette Palazuelos told jury they have a wrinkle. They'd play video deposition of a witness, but next scheduled witness fell thru

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
Panish told the judge he planned on calling AEG's Shawn Trell today, but AEG said he wasn't available. As result, jury had 4hrs lunch break

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
Panish told @ABC7 he thought Dr. Brown's testimony wasn't going to add anything new to the jury.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
Plan was to call Dr. David Brown to testify, a Propofol specialist, but plaintiffs' attorney, Brian Panish, changed his mind.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 31m
Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. Day 13 of trial in Jackson Family vs AEG under way. Katherine Jackson and Rebbie in the courtroom
9:44 PM - 17 Mai 13

