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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 19:39
Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 7m
“@andjustice4some: This is the note @TajJackson is referring to. via @Wiserlemming ” Yes, that's it


7:27 PM - 16 Mai 13

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 10m
I don't want to go on TV. I don't want publicity, I just want the truth.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 14m
I will not let them smear my Uncle's legacy. #Followthetrail

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 16m
Don't forget I was living at Neverland when Wade testified during my uncle's case. I sat there and ate dinner with him and his family.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 19m
My hands are still trembling.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 26m
That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 34m
My uncle was a support system for me and my mom. He wrote a letter to her that many have seen already, u just didn't know what it was about

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 40m
I was sexually abuse. By an uncle on my mom's side of the family when I was a kid.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 43m
I am writing these words knowing that the minute I press send, my life will never be the same afterwards…

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 55m
I will not sit back and let someone flat out lie about my uncle. PERIOD.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 1h
What people will $ay and do for money and to $tay relevant is $ickening. De$perate times call for De$perate mea$ures. #Money
6:35 PM - 16 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 19:45
Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 42s
I hate that Wade made me do this, this way. But since my uncle Michael is no longer here to defend himself. I will.
7:43 PM - 16 Mai 13 ·

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 6m
I always told my uncle Michael that I would take a bullet for him. I mean it today just as much as I meant it back then.
7:37 PM - 16 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 20:06
Says He Never Forgot ...
But Denied Specifics at Trial

5/16/2013 7:21 AM PDT

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Wade Robson Says He Never Forgot ... But Denied Specifics at Trial

Wade Robson just said on TV ... he never forgot what Michael Jackson did to him -- he just didn't know it was wrong until recently ... but Wade's testimony in 2005 suggests if he didn't forget, he might have been lying.

Robson said on "Today" Michael performed sexual acts on him and vice versa when he was a child.

Wade told Matt Lauer on "Today," "I've never forgot one moment of what Michael did to me but I was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

But we've looked at the trial transcript from the 2005 molestation case, and Wade was asked very specific questions about the physical contact he had with MJ.

Prosecutor Ron Zonen grilled Robson on cross examination and asked very specific questions:

-- Zonen: Mr. Jackson would periodically kiss you.
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: Periodically hug you?
-- Robson: Yes
-- Zonen: Touch you?
-- Robson: Hug me.
-- Zonen: Did he ever kiss your lips
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: On occasions you stayed in bed with Mr. Jackson would you ever cuddle in bed?
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: Would you lie next to one another?
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: Would you touch?
-- Robson: No

Short story ... Robson says he "never forgot" anything Michael did to him ... he just didn't know it was wrong. So if he never forgot, did he lie on the stand or is he making it up now? Fair question.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 20:09
Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 12m
Make no mistake. Since my uncle Michael is no longer here to defend himself. I WILL. Even if that means friendships.
7:54 PM - 16 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 20:17
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 4h
gonna miss these guys so much 😔💔

3:42 PM - 16 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 20:24
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct 27m
Deep family secret will finally let Taj and Michael Free - Share this information
7:53 PM - 16 Mai 13

The yellow note that Michael Jackson wrote to his sister -in law- (Tito's wife) - He had attached an article that detailed child molesters within families for her to read ..

He was warning -

deedee please read this article about child molestation and please read it to Taj, TJ and Taryll-it brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters: or even uncles and aunts molesting of nephews or neices - please read -

Remember that Henry Vacarro gleefully handed over this note found in the warehouses that he'd held from the Jackson's ... He thought Sneddon could use this note against Michael in 2005 trial-

Now THINK --- All these years this type of accusation was used against Michael .. when in actuality HE was the protector. Read his nephews tweets and unders tand the enormity of this revelation.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 2m
I always told my uncle Michael that I would take a bullet for him. I mean it today just as much as I meant it back then.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 14m
I don't want to go on TV. I don't want publicity, I just want the truth.
Expand Reply Retweeted Favorite More

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 17m
I will not let them smear my Uncle's legacy. #Followthetrail

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 20m
Don't forget I was living at Neverland when Wade testified during my uncle's case. I sat there and ate dinner with him and his family.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 22m
My hands are still trembling.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 29m
That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 38m
My uncle was a support system for me and my mom. He wrote a letter to her that many have seen already, u just didn't know what it was about

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 44m
I was sexually abuse. By an uncle on my mom's side of the family when I was a kid.

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 46m
I am writing these words knowing that the minute I press send, my life will never be the same afterwards…

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 59m
I will not sit back and let someone flat out lie about my uncle. PERIOD.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 21:34
And Michael Helped Me Cope

5/16/2013 12:05 PM PDT


Michael Jackson's nephew Taj Jackson -- Tito's son -- just revealed he was molested by a family member on his mom's side when he was a kid ... and says Michael personally consoled him after the incident.

Taj dropped the bombshell on Twitter this morning during a tirade aimed at MJ accuser Wade Robson.

During the tweet session, Taj claimed he's in a unique position to judge Robson's sexual abuse allegations because he knows what it's like to have gone through such a traumatic experience.

"That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor," Taj tweeted. Followed by: "I was sexually abuse (sic). By [a family member] on my mom's side of the family when I was a kid."

As for Michael, Taj says MJ "was a support system for me and my mom" during his abuse ordeal ... he even tweeted a picture of a note he says MJ wrote to his mother. The scrawl reads:

"Dee Dee please read this article about child molestation and please read it to Taj (and his siblings) ... it brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters of children, even uncles or aunts molesting nephews or nieces. Please Read. Love MJ."

And Taj makes it clear -- he thinks Robson is LYING for CASH.

"What people will $ay and do for money and to $tay relevant is $ickening. De$perate times call for De$perate mea$ures. #Money."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 21:47
Wade Robson: "Michael Jackson SEXUALLY Abused Me" - Today Show
TBGFAT .. Veröffentlicht am 16.05.2013
wade robson Choreographer: Michael Jackson 'sexually abused me'. For years, choreographer Wade Robson defended his former mentor, Michael Jackson, against others' accusations, but now, he says the late star is a "sexual predator" and is making a claim against Jackson's estate. He tells Matt Lauer it's "the right thing to do."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 23:59
Wade Robson's a

5/16/2013 1:08 PM PDT


Debbie Rowe doesn't believe for one minute that her ex-husband, Michael Jackson, molested Wade Robson, telling TMZ the latest accuser will not blemish the memory of MJ.

Rowe -- reacting to Robson's appearance on "Today" and the 2 legal claims he's filed in court, tells TMZ:

"I was angered that Wade Robson reversed his sworn testimony from court in 2005, and now claims to be a victim of sexual abuse."

Rowe goes on ... "His publicity-seeking attempt is opportunistic and just oozes falseness."

Robson claims Jackson molested him for 7 years -- between the ages of 7 and 14, although he squarely denied it when he took the stand as Jackson's star witness in the 2005 molestation trial.

Rowe tells us, "It will be quickly forgotten, and will do nothing, nothing to tarnish Michael's extraordinary legacy."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 00:03
Nephew: Michael Jackson was my 'support system' when molested

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 16, 2013 -- Updated 2141 GMT (0541 HKT)


* Taj Jackson reveals he was sexually abused as a child
* "Even your own relatives can be molesters of children," Michael Jackson wrote
* Taj Jackson's Twitter postings defending Michael Jackson against Wade Robson's charge
* Taj Jackson: "I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor"

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's nephew revealed Thursday that when he was molested as a child, Jackson "was a support system for me and my mom."

Taj Jackson, 35, claimed he was a child sex abuse victim in a series of Twitter messages posted in response to Wade Robson's televised claim that Michael Jackson molested him. "I will not let them smear my Uncle's legacy," he tweeted.

Robson, a dancer who frequently visited Jackson's Neverland Ranch as a child, called Jackson "a pedophile and a child sexual abuser" in an interview Thursday on NBC's "Today Show." He said Jackson "performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him" from ages 7 to 14.

Apparently Taj Jackson, one of three sons of Tito Jackson and co-guardian of Michael Jackson's children, posted a series of Twitter messages in defense of his uncle, Michael Jackson.

"I hate that Wade made me do this, this way," Taj Jackson tweeted. "But since my uncle Michael is no longer here to defend himself. I will."

"I am writing these words knowing that the minute I press send, my life will never be the same afterwards," he tweeted, before claiming in another tweet that he was sexually abused as a child by a relative.

Michael Jackson "was a support system for me and my mom," he tweeted. "He wrote a letter to her that many have seen already, u just didn't know what it was about."

He posted a photo of that handwritten note from Michael Jackson to Taj's mother Dee Dee Jackson:
"Dee Dee, Please read this article about child molestation and read it to Taj, T.J. and Taryll. It brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters of children, or even uncles or aunts molesting nephew or nieces. Please read. Love MJ."

It was his own childhood experience that qualified him to question Robson's accusations, he said. "That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor."

Robson, now 30, denied in testimony at Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005 that he had been molested by the singer. Jackson was acquitted, partly based on the testimony of Robson, his sister and his mother. Tom Mesereau, the lawyer who successfully defended Jackson in the trial, said he was one of his strongest witnesses.

Robson said Thursday that his denial was the result of Jackson's "complete manipulation and brainwashing" of him.

"Don't forget I was living at Neverland when Wade testified during my uncle's case," Taj Jackson tweeted. "I sat there and ate dinner with him and his family."

Robson, who filed a creditor's claim against Jackson's estate this month, insisted in the NBC interview he was not now coming forward because of money. "The idea that I would make all of this up and put myself, my wife, my son, my entire family through this extremely stressful and painful experience all for the sake of money is completely incomprehensible," he said.

Taj Jackson's tweets challenged Robson's explanation. "What people will $ay and do for money and to $tay relevant is $ickening. De$perate times call for De$perate mea$ures. I will not sit back and let someone flat out lie about my uncle. PERIOD."

"I always told my uncle Michael that I would take a bullet for him," he tweeted. "I mean it today just as much as I meant it back then."

Taj Jackson was appointed as a co-guardian of Michael Jackson's three children last year.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 00:12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 18m
Whoopi: Now the man is dead. He can't even say "now hold up a minute buddy". I don't believe him (Wade). I'm gonna go with the dead guy.
11:52 PM - 16 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 24m
Barbara Walters: He says he's not doing this for money Whoopi: Really? He's suing the Estate for money. I thought that meant he wanted money
11:46 PM - 16 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 57m
Harvey Levin: "This is about money. That's the only reason you file a creditors claim. It's all about money."
11:10 PM - 16 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 55m
Even TMZ doesn't believe Wade. And TMZ is the tabloid media that's milking this story. That says a lot.
11:14 PM - 16 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 07:34
wieder von "unten nach oben" lesen ... (Archiv-Version vom 07.09.2013)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
We're wrapping coverage for today. Hope to see everybody again tomorrow! See ya!
2:36 AM - 17 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Dr. Brown is Propofol expert from Harvard. Since he's coming from out of town, they are accommodating his schedule. Hollander resumes after

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
That ended session for today, Day 12 of trial. Plaintiffs will take witness out of order tomorrow. They will call Dr. Emery Brown first.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
On April 30, 2009, Panish showed a document with $300,000 budgeted for management medical.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Panish showed the jury the budget from 5/16/09 for 27 shows:
Management Medical --300,000; 450,000; 750,000
Total: $1.5MM to pay Dr. Murray

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Hollander: I talked to Mr. Wooley about the inclusion of Dr. Murray in the budget. I talked to Mr. Trell as to the conditions he'd be paid

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Memo: MJ wishes to have permanent physician available on call thru pre-tour/operational period. There are 2 months at $150K newly budgeted

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Hollander said she did not know who negotiated the compensation for Dr. Murray. He was the only doctor budgeted for the tour.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Panish: Do you know if AEG ever performed a background check on Dr. Murray?
Hollander: I'm not aware of anything in that regard

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Panish showed email from 5/18/09 from Hollander to Wooley: "Were in process of quickly putting together urgent re-forecast for Mr Anschutz"

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Panish: AEG advanced money to MJ, is that right?
Hollander: Yes, it was an advance, recoupable in some capacity

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Brian Panish shows Hollander a large binder with 80 documents she reviewed to refresh her recollection.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Panish: For London there was more than 1 million dollars in the budget to pay Dr. Murray, right?
Hollander: I don't recall a figure of $1MM

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander: There was $300,000 listed on the budget for Dr. Murray, yes. That budget was approved by Mr. Gongaware.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander said that if all the terms of the contract were met and remained consistent, Dr. Murray would be paid retroactively from May 1, 09

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander said she used the term draft because the contract was not fully executed. Fully executed means all partied signed the contract.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
"Timm Wooley advised me that Dr. Murray was being engaged at the request of the artist," Hollander testified, saying contract with AEG Live

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Panish: you don't know whether Dr. Murray was performing services for MJ?
Hollander: I don't know, I can't say for sure, not me, personally

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
She agreed she saw Dr. Murray's contract, but says it was un-executed, since it was not signed by all parties.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander: "My understating was that Dr. Murray was part of the budget, is listed on the budget for the tour at the request of the artist."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander: "My role was to execute payments pursuing to executed contracts."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
"We had situations where contracts were signed later," Hollander said. "Due to abrupt end of the tour the contracts were being negotiated."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander said the company had a policy manual saying payment would be predicated upon the execution of the contract.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Other budgeted costs: traveling for people involved, housing for some people involved and insurance.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander said budget was the costs expected to incur in the tour with
developing the shows, taking show on the road, getting gear to London

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander said she didn't prepare the budgets for TII tour. Wooley did. She reported the budget primarily to Paul Gongaware

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander was responsible for the financial/accounting for "This Is It" tour. She estimated she worked on about 20 tours --several concerts.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
"I'm responsible for making sure the books are maintained for the tours," Hollander described. The book is an electronic accounting system.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander said she was responsible for overseeing 'the books' (accounting term) for anything related to the project "This Is It."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander reviewed dozens of emails, exhibits and her deposition. She doesn't know how many emails she saw, but estimated between 20-40.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Hollander says she reports directly to the CFO. She is in charge of financial report and accounting for the events produced by AEG Live

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
Wooley came back to work in the "This Is It" tour. Hollander is not aware of Wooley still working for AEG. Last year he did a project

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
Hollander said that in 2009 Wooley was more than just a tour accountant. She stopped reporting to Wooley in 2002, when he left the company.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
First part of her testimony was explaining who hired her (Timm Wooley) and what a CEO/CFO does. She works for AEG Live, under AEG.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
Julie Hollander, AEG's VP of Controller and Event Operation, is currently on the stand. Jackson's attorneys called her as adverse witness.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Afternoon session about to start with jurors back in the courtroom.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
The statement is Dr. Murray saying he's employed by MJ but paid by AEG. Judge said the employment is one of the issues for the jury 2 decide

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
AEG attorneys were not able to convince judge that the statement would be useful for the jury. Judge said statement is ambiguous.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Judge then discussed her tentative ruling to not allow Dr. Murray's statement made to the police to be used. She said it's hearsay.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
AEG said they also want copies of the emails and never objected to the material being produced.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
If it's proven they didn't, it could be a problem for AEG's attorney. Everyone is on standby.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Jackson's attorneys want to make sure AEG turned over all the email conversations AEG had with everyone about MJ.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Regoli said he will give a status of the work completed to both counsels by next Tuesday. He also said AEG's attys don't rep Mrs. DiLeo.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Panish suggested to get a technical person agreeable to both sides to go over the computer with Regoli, who would be the gatekeeper

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Regoli says the emails may contain personal things so he promised to go thru the emails and turn over all the emails related to this case

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Regoli said he was told family gave the computer away after they got it back. Regoli thinks it went to her daughter's friend who needed it

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
Regoli said Mrs. DiLeo asked him to review the subpoena by Katherine Jackson's attorney, go thru the emails and produce anything relevant

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
Regoli told the court he saved the entire file, with all of the emails, the whole inbox from DiLeo's computer. It's about 2GB of material.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
Regoli said said he did have DiLeo's computer and while going through his the emails for another purpose, he made a working copy of them.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
Regoli says he sent the computer back to Mrs. DiLeo in September, at that time she terminated his representation.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
Judge Palazuelos called David Regoli, the attorney representing Mrs. DiLeo. Regoli said he made a copy of DiLeo's emails.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
Katherine Jackson's attorneys want to review the emails. They believe there may be discussions between DiLeo and AEG about MJ/his health

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
The hearing was regarding production of emails contained in Michael Jackson's former manager, Frank DiLeo, computer. DiLeo died in 2011.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. Judge Yvette Palazuelos held a hearing this morning without the presence of the jurors.
10:04 PM - 16 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 07:42 (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Raymone is appealing this decision. The arguments are the same. In several months the appeal court should make a decision.
3:03 AM - 17 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Raymone asked the court to reopen the case. Court refused as this was a letter Raymone knew but never mentioned, it wasn't a "new discovery"

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Several months later Raymone said she "discovered" a letter from MJ saying he never fired her and don't know about a release.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Raymone had signed a release letter saying MJ does not owe anything to her. Based on that court dismissed Raymone's lawsuit.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Recap about Raymone's lawsuit: She had sued MJ and later MJ Estate for over $40 Million. Court dismissed her case based on a release letter

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Estate has filed their reply to Raymone Bain's appeal. Raymone has 2 weeks to file her reply in the appeal case.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Lloyds and MJ Estate with no objection agreed to give deposition copies from Lloyds lawsuit to the Jacksons for AEG trial.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
In Lloyds lawsuits Lloyds request to motion to compel Dr. Arnie Klein to sit for deposition is granted.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
I'll do minor lawsuit updates
2:57 AM - 17 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 07:47
17. Mai. 2013 . 05:44

Australier wirft Michael Jackson jahrelangen Kindesmissbrauch vor

Choreograph erklärt Widersprüche zu früheren Aussagen im US-Fernsehen

Ein australischer Choreograph hat den verstorbenen US-Popstar Michael Jackson beschuldigt, ihn als Kind sexuell missbraucht zu haben. Vom siebten bis zum 14. Lebensjahr habe Jackson "sexuelle Handlungen an mir vorgenommen und mich gezwungen, sexuelle Handlungen an ihm vorzunehmen", sagte Wade Robson am Donnerstag dem US-Fernsehsender NBC. Der frühere Tänzer hatte 2005 vor Gericht allerdings unter Eid ausgesagt, Jackson habe ihn niemals angerührt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 07:52
Nephew: Michael Jackson was my 'support system' when molested

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 17, 2013 -- Updated 0036 GMT (0836 HKT)



* Taj Jackson reveals he was sexually abused as a child
* "Even your own relatives can be molesters of children," Michael Jackson wrote
* Taj Jackson's Twitter postings defending Michael Jackson against Wade Robson's charge
* Taj Jackson: "I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor"

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's nephew revealed Thursday that when he was molested as a child, Jackson "was a support system for me and my mom."

Taj Jackson, 39, claimed he was a child sex abuse victim in a series of Twitter messages posted in response to Wade Robson's televised claim that Michael Jackson molested him. "I will not let them smear my Uncle's legacy," he tweeted.

Robson, a dancer who frequently visited Jackson's Neverland Ranch as a child, called Jackson "a pedophile and a child sexual abuser" in an interview Thursday on NBC's "Today Show." He said Jackson "performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him" from ages 7 to 14.

Apparently Taj Jackson, one of three sons of Tito Jackson, posted a series of Twitter messages in defense of his uncle, Michael Jackson.

"I hate that Wade made me do this, this way," Taj Jackson tweeted. "But since my uncle Michael is no longer here to defend himself. I will."

"I am writing these words knowing that the minute I press send, my life will never be the same afterwards," he tweeted, before claiming in another tweet that he was sexually abused as a child by a relative.

Michael Jackson "was a support system for me and my mom," he tweeted. "He wrote a letter to her that many have seen already, u just didn't know what it was about."

He posted a photo of that handwritten note from Michael Jackson to Taj's mother Dee Dee Jackson:
"Dee Dee, Please read this article about child molestation and read it to Taj, T.J. and Taryll. It brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters of children, or even uncles or aunts molesting nephew or nieces. Please read. Love MJ."

It was his own childhood experience that qualified him to question Robson's accusations, he said. "That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor."

Robson, now 30, denied in testimony at Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005 that he had been molested by the singer. Jackson was acquitted, partly based on the testimony of Robson, his sister and his mother. Tom Mesereau, the lawyer who successfully defended Jackson in the trial, said he was one of his strongest witnesses.

Robson said Thursday that his denial was the result of Jackson's "complete manipulation and brainwashing" of him.

"Don't forget I was living at Neverland when Wade testified during my uncle's case," Taj Jackson tweeted. "I sat there and ate dinner with him and his family."

Robson, who filed a creditor's claim against Jackson's estate this month, insisted in the NBC interview he was not now coming forward because of money. "The idea that I would make all of this up and put myself, my wife, my son, my entire family through this extremely stressful and painful experience all for the sake of money is completely incomprehensible," he said.

Taj Jackson's tweets challenged Robson's explanation. "What people will $ay and do for money and to $tay relevant is $ickening. De$perate times call for De$perate mea$ures. I will not sit back and let someone flat out lie about my uncle. PERIOD."

"I always told my uncle Michael that I would take a bullet for him," he tweeted. "I mean it today just as much as I meant it back then."

Taj Jackson's brother T.J. Jackson was appointed as a co-guardian of Michael Jackson's three children last year.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 08:10
SHOCKED Over Nephew's
Molestation Claims

Jermaine Jackson
Schockiert über
Missbrauchs-Behauptungen des Neffen

5/16/2013 4:26 PM PDT

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Jermaine Jackson -- SHOCKED About Nephew Taj's Molestation Claims

Jermaine Jackson couldn't BELIEVE it when he heard his nephew Taj's claims that a family member had molested him as a child -- telling TMZ, "I've never heard that. I've never ever heard that."

As we reported, Taj Jackson -- one of Tito's sons -- made the announcement on Twitter today, claiming an uncle on his mother's side of the family sexually abused him as a child ... and Michael Jackson counseled him through the trauma.

Taj says he made the announcement in an attempt to discredit Wade Robson's abuse allegations against MJ, claiming, "That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor."

Taj added, MJ "was a support system for me and my mom" during the abuse ordeal.

Taj believes Wade is making up stories about MJ in order to score a payday from the Jackson estate.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 08:20
And to Keep Quiet About It

5/16/2013 5:05 AM PDT

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Wade Robson -- Michael Jackson Forced Me to Have Sex and to Keep Quiet

9:00 AM PT -- Howard Weitzman, the attorney for MJ's estate, tells TMZ, “Mr. Robson has adamantly denied under oath and in numerous interviews over the past 20 years that Michael Jackson ever did anything inappropriate to him. He now wants us to believe that he committed perjury at least twice and has been lying to anyone and everyone about Mr. Jackson since the early ‘90s so he can file a claim for money. Mr. Robson’s transparent lawsuit comes nearly 4 years after Michael passed. His claim is outrageous and sad.”

Wade Robson says the only reason he's now changing his story ... accusing Michael Jackson of sexually abusing him for 7 years is because Michael engaged in a campaign of manipulation to keep him silent, especially during MJ's 2005 child molestation trial.

Robson went on NBC Today and said, Michael "performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him" from the age of 7 ... until Robson was 14.

Robson claimed he testified in 2005 that Michael did NOT sexually abuse him because Michael told him what they were doing was "an expression of love" ... and added, "if you ever tell anyone what we're doing both of our lives and our careers will be over."

TMZ broke the story ... Robson filed a creditor's claim against Michael Jackson's estate last week, insisting MJ sexually abused him during his childhood for years, but according to sources he didn't take action until he saw a therapist following a nervous breakdown.

Robson referenced the breakdown on Today, saying ... "For the first time in my life I began to realize that my completely numb and unexplored feelings in relation to what Michael did to me might be a problem and maybe I need to speak to someone about it."

Interestingly, Robson denied repressing memories of the alleged abuse ... instead saying he was merely "psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

Robson added he doesn't excuse the alleged abuse, but he believed Michael was a "troubled man" who was an amazing talent, but "also a pedophile."

Michael Jackson's estate has told TMZ Robson's allegations are an "outrageous and pathetic" money grab.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 08:28
Jackson trial: Dr. Murray's salary was on AEG's books

Jackson-Prozess: Dr. Murray's Gehalt war in AEG's Geschäftsbüchern

By Corina Knoll
May 16, 2013, 6:46 p.m.

An AEG finance executive Thursday verified a 2009 company budget that allotted $300,000 to be paid to Dr. Conrad Murray for two months of caring for Michael Jackson.

Julie Hollander, vice president/controller of event operations for AEG Live, testified in the wrongful death trial that Murray’s salary of $150,000 each for the months of May and June that year was included in a budget approved by executive Paul Gongaware.

Gongaware is one of the defendants in the civil suit filed against the entertainment company by Jackson’s mother and three children who allege that AEG hired and controlled Murray. Murray treated Jackson as he was preparing for "This Is It,” a series of comeback concerts to be held in London, and gave the singer a fatal dose of propofol.

The case, which could be worth millions, or even billions to Jackson’s family, could turn on whether the jury believes Murray took his marching orders from Murray or Jackson himself.

Hollander was responsible for overseeing the books and the general ledger of all transactions related to “This Is It,” but said it was AEG executive Timm Woolley who actually created and managed the budget and made sure people got paid.

Woolley advised her that Murray was “engaged at the request of the artist,” Hollander said, and added that the budgets were ultimately approved by Gongaware.

Hollander called the doctor’s contract with AEG a “draft” because, although it was signed by Murray, neither Jackson nor AEG had signed it.

“If Michael Jackson didn’t die and AEG signed, then AEG would owe the money, right?” Brian Panish, the Jackson family’s attorney, asked.

“If all parties signed it would have been a fully executed contract, yes, and I would have to — if the costs were approved — it would be no basis for me to say I’m not going to pay that,” Hollander said.

She said, however, that there were situations where contracts were signed after Jackson’s death because “due to the abrupt end of the tour, deals were renegotiated.”

Hollander verified a document created May 16, 2009, that listed dozens of changes to the “This Is It” budget. Murray was listed as item 29.

“MJ wishes to have a permanent physician available on call throughout the pre-tour period on operational period,” the document said. “There are 2 months at $150,000 newly budgeted.”

Hollander said she spoke with Woolley about the inclusion of Murray on the budget and to AEG’s in-house attorney Shawn Trell about conditions under which the doctor would be paid.

On May 18, 2009, Hollander wrote an email to several executives asking for information that would help give AEG owner Philip Anschutz an idea of the upcoming tour profits.

“We are in the process of quickly pulling together an urgent re-forecast for Mr. Anschutz and need the latest and greatest on MJ,” her email read. “I recall that you were working on an update. Is it ready for consumption? I need something by tomorrow at the latest.… Once the numbers are in, I need direction from you with respect to the split between UK and US.”

Panish asked Hollander, “They weren’t asking you how the rehearsals were going, were they?”


“They wanted to know how much money would be made for the U.S. and how much money would be made for the U.K., correct?”



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 08:34
Attorney agrees to hand over emails from Jackson's manager

By Corina Knoll
May 16, 2013, 1:15 p.m.

Emails written by Michael Jackson’s longtime manager will be turned over to the attorneys involved in an ongoing wrongful death case filed by the pop singer’s mother and his three children.

A Pennsylvania attorney for the widow of manager Frank DiLeo said Thursday that he would turn over emails that could be relevant to the case, which accuses entertainment behemoth AEG of responsibility for the pop singer’s death in 2009.

The attorney, David Regoli, who spoke via telephone in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom, said he had made a copy of DiLeo’s email inbox while he was doing work for the manager’s estate. DiLeo died in 2011.

Attorneys for Jackson’s mother and three children said they have a court order for those emails and believe they could include exchanges between DiLeo and AEG executives. Their wrongful death suit alleges that AEG hired and controlled Dr. Conrad Murray, who administered a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to the singer as he was preparing for a series of comeback concerts.

Regoli estimated that the digital file was about two gigabytes in size and he said he would make a log of the emails that would be pertinent to the trial. He is expected to give both the plaintiffs and the defense an update of his progress next week.

DiLeo, who died in 2011, was brought up last week in dramatic testimony given by Jackson’s hair and makeup artist.

Karen Faye said that during Jackson’s final days she tried to warn DiLeo about the singer’s health.

“Frank was saying pretty much, ‘I got it under control, don’t worry about it,’ ” Faye testified Friday.

“I said, ‘But he’s losing weight rapidly.’ … I said, ‘Why don’t you ask [costume designer] Michael Bush to verify taking in his pants and how much weight he’s actually losing?’ ”

Faye said DiLeo went to speak to Bush and she overheard the manager say, “Get him a bucket of chicken.”

“It was such a cold response,” she said. “I mean, it broke my heart.”

Jackson died soon afterward. Murray is now serving jail time for involuntary manslaughter.,0,1092347.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2013 um 08:44
ein Tweet von Debbie Rowe ... :)

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 2h
@HarveyLevinTMZ wow you have some angry viewers lol
@ HarveyLevinTMZ toll, Sie haben einige wütende Viewer lol
5:42 AM - 17 Mai 13 ·
