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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 19:22
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 19:30
Michael Jackson: Zu Viel Stress Um Zu Singen?

Am 6. Mai 2013

Es sind Details aus seinem Leben, die man nicht unbedingt wissen will! Michael Jackson soll nicht mehr in der Lage gewesen sein, auf der Bühne zu singen und zu tanzen. Der 2009 verstorbene King of Pop soll deshalb bei seinen geplanten Comeback-Shows auf Vollplayback gesetzt haben. Dies soll eine ganze Reihe von E-Mails zwischen Jacko und dem Konzertveranstalter "AEG Live" bestätigen. Demnach war Michael Jackson solch einem Druck ausgesetzt, dass er bei seinen Konzerten in London nicht live singen wollte, weil er sich dazu nicht mehr im Stande sah. Die Jackson-Familie, die derzeit einen Prozess gegen "AEG Live" in Los Angeles führt, will damit belegen, wie gestresst der Sänger kurz vor seinem geplanten Comeback war, und dass dies zu seinem Tod beigetragen habe.
Michael Jackson Facts:
Katherine Jackson gibt dem Konzertveranstalter "AEG Live" eine Mitschuld am Tod des Sängers und fordert angeblich 30 Milliarden Euro Schadensersatz. Der Prozess hat vor wenigen Tagen begonnen.

SPX-027908-Michael-Jackson-625x501 (Archiv-Version vom 08.05.2013)

ähnlicher Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 19:50
Paris Jackson skips grandmother Katherine's birthday to spend the day at a horse ranch with birth mother Debbie Rowe

PUBLISHED: 16:47 GMT, 5 May 2013 | UPDATED: 17:10 GMT, 5 May 2013

Her mother signed over all rights to be involved in her upbringing when she was just three years old.

But it seems Paris Jackson does not bare a grudge against her mother Debbie Rowe.
Having only recently reconciled with the teen spent Saturday getting to know the 54-year-old at a horse ranch in Temecula, California.

Showing just how close the pair are becoming, Paris chose to be with Debbie rather than her grandmother and guardian Katherine Jackson, who was celebrating her 83rd birthday.

Debbie and Paris spent a large chunk of the day together, as they followed up the pony-scouting with a bite to eat with the owners of the ranch, in the countryside almost two hours away from Paris' home.

Laughing Paris appeared comfortable in the company of her mother, who signed away all legal rights to her and her siblings in 2001.

But there did seemed to be the odd shy, awkward moment for the teen, who must surely be finding this transition an emotional one.

Debbie, 54, looked to be right at home on the ranch, Bricker Performance Ponies.

The former dermatologist's assistant now lives in the countryside in Palmdale, CA, and has been seen visiting rodeos of late.

Paris, 15, was stylishly clad in her usual alternative attire: cutoff denim shorts and a tank, with her pixie locks at times held back in a red beanie.

She added a pair of western style cowboy boots to go with the theme of the day.

It seems she got her style from her late father, King of Pop Michael Jackson, rather than her mother.

Debbie was comfortably though not exactly stylishly clad in baggy jeans, a blue long-sleeved top and flip-flops, with her blonde tresses unkempt.

article-2319826-19A1562C000005DC-298 634
Besotted! It looked like Paris had fallen in love with the blue and grey pinto pony, as Debbie helped tame the shy animal
article-2319826-19A1575C000005DC-543 634
Sharing a smooch: Paris looked to have developed a bond with the pony and eventually gave it a little nuzzle on the nose... perhaps a new addition for Neverland

Paris seemed to fall in love with a brown and gray pinto pony.
The teen smiled like crazy as she petted the horse and even gave it a kiss on the nose.

Debbie stood close by as her biological daughter met the pony, at times holding out a hand to help tame the shy animal.

The owners of the ranch looked to be rather starstruck by the visit, smiling graciously as they toured the pair around the property.

They then joined Paris and Debbie for sushi, despite the fact that it was Paris' grandmother's birthday that very day... almost two hours away, back in West Los Angeles.

Paris was playing with Debbie's hair, playfully seeing what her own red beanie on her mother's head.

After Michael's sudden death, Paris and her brothers Prince and Blanket were placed under court-mandated guardianship of their cousin T.J. Jackson and 83-year-old grandmother Katherine.
Though Debbie has been absent from the children's lives and shockingly said in the past that 'My kids don't call me mom because I don't want them to,' it appears she may be determined to forge a real relationship with Paris.

article-2319826-19A1572C000005DC-617 634
Sushi time: The mother and daughter were joined by the owners of the ranch for a bite to eat at a sushi spot

Debbie recently turned with a bouquet of flowers to support Paris at her school dance competition, and also spent Paris' 15th birthday with her, as they enjoyed sushi, all smiles, in Los Angeles.
It's not unlikely that Paris is looking to buy a pony of her own to add to her late father's beloved Neverland property.

She recently said that she is determined to rebuild it to its former glory so that underprivileged children can enjoy it.

The grounds, which had been disintegrating due to lack of care, are now becoming rejuvenated thanks to Michael's children.

Red tail kites, brown eagles and turkey buzzards are nesting in the grounds and grassland, which are irrigated and mowed daily.

article-2319826-19A153CE000005DC-217 634
Peace! Paris seemed a little more accustomed to photographers these days than Debbie, who now lives in the countryside


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 20:00
Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 12h
Love my daughter had a great day. She's a natural on a horse WHO KNEW?? Me

7:15 AM - 6 Mai 13

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 15h
my two favorite girls #yeehaw

4:21 AM - 6 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 20:06
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
Court got started this morning with discussions of next witnesses. No Jackson family members here today.
7:58 PM - 6 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
Today’s testimony will be from coroner’s officials, including Dan Anderson and Christopher Rogers.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m
Dan Anderson is a toxicologist. Christopher Rogers performed Michael Jackson’s autopsy.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 21:23
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 14m
Toxicologist Dan Anderson is on the stand at KJ- AEG trial. Here's a refresher of his testimony from Murray trial -
8:49 PM - 6 Mai 13

Dan Anderson - Toxicologist on the stand,

Refresher: Dan Anderson testimony from Murray criminal trial

Dan Anderson Testimony


Walgren direct
Anderson is employed by LA Coroner as a toxiologists for 21 years. His current position is the supervisor. He's responsible for the people and the results. Anderson mentions his education, work history and certifications.

Anderson talks in detail about toxicology, the type of tests they do ,the terms used and how they do the tests and the equipment they use.

Walgren starts talking about this case. Anderson received 4 samples of blood taken at the hospital and hand delivered to him by Fleak.
June 26. Anderson attended to the beginning of autopsy to tell what he wanted as samples. June 26 afternoon they started testing. Tests take several hour and days. They started evaluating them by Monday. They generated a 8 page report about all the samples tested.

ng/ml - nanogram ug/ml - micrograms. micrograms are 1000 times bigger than nanograms.

lunch break

Murray Trial Day 8 October 6, 2011

Afternoon session

Dan Anderson testimony continued

Walgren direct continued

Anderson goes over each of the findings in the report. Most majority of the test is done is using heart blood. It's the starting point.
-Femoral blood is taken from leg.
-Heart blood is taken from heart.
- Hospital blood is taken at hospital.
- Vitreous fluid is taken from behind the eyeballs.
- Liver they took a portion.
- Gastric contents are stomach contents.
- Urine samples : Urine from scene brought in a plastic urine bottle also they collected urine from the bladder during autopsy

Anderson lists all the findings. You can see some of them in the following pictures. For full details check the the autopsy report.



Important findings: MJ had no alcohol, no Demerol (Meperadine) , no metabolized Demerol (normeperidine) and no Cocaine, Marijuana and such. MJ had Valium, Lorezepam and Midazolam, Propofol in his system. They tested femerol blood, heart blood and hospital blood. They did 2 tests on liver for lidocaine and propofol - both was detected in liver. Stomach contents showed Lidocaine and Propofol. Urine from autopsy shows lidocaine, Midazolam, Ephedrine and Propofol. Jug of urine was tested and it showed Lidocaine, Midazolam, Ephedrine and Propofol. Vitreous (clear fluid behind the eye) showed Propofol.

Anderson made a summary about positive toxicology findings.


Walgren again clearly states that there was no Demerol in MJ's system. Anderson says correct.

Walgren mentions Propofol in MJ's stomach. Anderson compares amount of propofol in MJ's stomach is equivalent to 'specks of sugar granules'. So they are basically saying that it's too small.

Syringe on the nightstand was tested. They found 4 drops of liquid in it. They detected propofol and lidocaine in it.

Saline bag, tubing, Y connector and syringe on the IV was tested. They draw a diagram and determined how to test it. Walgren identifies each of the items.


Propofol, lidocaine and flumazenil was found on the IV on the syringe and the short side of the tubing. Saline bag and long section of IV tubing had no drugs detected.


mid afternoon break.

Flanagan Cross

Flanagan is going over the summary report about positive toxicology findings.


Flanagan asks why Propofol was tested on 3 different blood samples. Anderson says they generally make tests on 2 samples : general blood and peripheral blood (such as from the leg femoral blood) due to postportem distribution. Anderson explains that the body tissue releases the drugs back into the circulation after death and moving the body will also distribute the drugs. On this instance they also got hospital admittance blood.

Flanagan asks if the reason for hospital blood result be higher is due to the drugs not having chance to be redistributed. Objection. Judge finds the question vague. Flanagan " Do you know why the hospital blood results are higher?" Answer : No. Flanagan "why is the femoral blood results are the lowest?" Answer : Postportem distribution. Flanagan confuses the witness to the point that he can't understand what is being asked. Flanagan "Why is femoral blood has the lowest results?" Answer : That's typical because tissues release drugs to the central cavity artifically raising the heart blood.

Lidocaine higher in femoral blood then the heart blood. Anderson says it's drug dependent. Some drugs might have different distribution pattern.

Flanagan asks why the eye fluid was analyzed. They analyzed it for Propofol because Propofol was the real issue. Anderson says that they didn't have enough fluid to make a full analysis. It tells him that Propofol doesn't distrubute very well to the eyeball fluid. They didn't give an exact number amount for Propofol in the eye fluid because they didn't have enough sample. Protocol tells that they can't give exact numbers in such instances as they can't gurantee the accuracy.

Urine from the scene. Flanagan asks why they couldn't get the exact number amount for Propofol amount. Again It was below their lowest caliber. It was almost negligible.

Ephedrine was present in the urine but wasn't in blood. It's because bladder can store things for a long time. Flanaggan asks how long ago it was used. Anderson says it can't be recent as it's not in the blood and it could be used anywhere between 24 to 72 hours ago.

Propofol was found in the urine from the scene. Flanagan asks if it could be from a few days ago as well. Anderson agrees and says that it could also be recent. Flanagan asks if the urine from the scene was accumulated before urine from autopsy. Anderson says he has no idea when it was collected or even it's from MJ.

Flanagan gives a scenario that the urine from the scene was in 7 AM and the time of death being around 12:00 and 2:26 and says that not much urine is collected after death. Anderson corrects him that they actually had over 500 ml of autopsy urine which he says to be alot.
Flanagan is trying to say that MJ got/given propofol after the urine in the scene was deposited in the plastic bottle because the propofol level was higher in the autopsy urine. Flanagan again confuses the witness and no one can understand what he's asking.

Lorazepam. Flanagan asks if it's high. Anderson says it's normal high therapeutic range. Flanagan asks how much lorazepam MJ was given in mg. Anderson says that calculation could be done but it would not be a perfect calculation as there has to be several assumptions made. Anderson says it shouldn't be done.

Anderson mentions assumptions that needed for such calculation :drug fully distributed, redistrubution didn't happen after death and the heart blood level is not falsely elevated.

Flanagan shows a book saying that Lorazepam is not subject to redistribution after death. Anderson doesn't agree with it and says there have been only 2 cases stating that but he wouldn't be comfortable with generalizating it to the whole population.

Flanagan still asks Anderson to give a mg number. Anderson goes over his records saying that based on several assumptions, it's approximately 11 mg. Anderson says that they can't determine how Lorazepam was given (orally or IV) from a blood level and he doesn't know when it was given.

Flanagan asks if the results indicate that lorazepam has been in the system for a while. Anderson says yes. Propofol levels was not equilibrium. Flanagan asks if a person was on a drip , would he expect the propofol levels to be in equilibrium. Anderson says he doesn't know how Propofol metabolizes.

Flanagan mentions that the summary Anderson did has no information about Lorazepam in the stomach contents. Anderson says that they only analyze stomach contents for overdose cases. Their blood test results showed Lorazepam to be in the acceptable range so they didn't test it in the stomach.

Defense has tested the stomach for Lorazepam , it was .634 micrograms/ml.

Flanagan says Lorazepam is 4 times concentrated in the stomach then the blood. Anderson disagrees saying that it's not significant in it's opinion. Flanagan asks if it's consistent with oral digestion. Anderson says no and explains that drugs will be in stomach in small levels due to "ion trapping" and doesn't necessarily mean that it's taken orally. Anderson converts it to mg : 0.046 mg , that means 1/40th of a normal 2 mg pill. Anderson says that it could come from the blood.

Flanagan asks questions about Midazolam. Anderson has not made calculations about it because the amounts are really small.

Flanagan by looking to urine level of Midazolam trying to establish blood levels for it. Anderson says it's not a comparison that could be done.

Flanagan talks about urine and whether it would be representative of the metabolization of the drugs such as if a person urinated at 1 AM and then at 7 AM , Flanagan asks if the 7 AM urine would be representative of the 1 AM - 7AM period. Anderson says there will be some contamination. Flanagan asks if the autopsy urine would be an average level of 12:30 - 7:30 AM time period. Anderson is having trouble with understanding the question. Judge and Walgren also doesn't understand the questions. Flanagan asks if urine would be in equilibrium with the blood, it's beyond Anderson's level of expertise. Anderson says just from the urine results he cannot tell when the person would have higher levels of Midazolam in his system. Anderson says he can't do it for Propofol as well.

Back to stomach contents and not analyzing it for Midazolam and Lorazepam. Switching to IV set testing. Saline bag and the tubing that goes down to the y port had no propofol or lidocaine. Propofol, lidocaine and flumazenil was found in the syringe and short tubing. Flanagan asks about the amounts of those drugs. Anderson says that they didn't quantify them because they didn't think it was relevant and they didn't have a standard procedure to quantify fluids from medical evidence. Flanagan asks if they can tell the proportions of lidocaine and propofol and flumazenil. Anderson says they can't. Anderson says they also had a very small amounts of liquids that complicated the testing as well.

end of day 8

Murray Trial Day 9, October 7, 2011

Morning Session

Dan Anderson Testimony continued

Flanagan Cross continued

Flanagan starts off by asking about the IV bag on the stand in MJ's room where he died. Flanagan asks if the bag was analyzed for all chemicals and the only thing was saline solution, Anderson states they do not analyze for solution, but there were no drugs found in it. Flanagan asks about the tubing (hanging from the IV stand), and Anderson states that it was not found to have any drugs in it.

Flanagan asks repeatedly whether the tubing and the IV bag were attached, Anderson repeatedly states that they were not attached when received into medical evidence, according to notes. Flanagan asks if Anderson tested two syringe barrels, Anderson states yes and when asked, states that both barrels tested positive for propofol and lidocaine. Flanagan asks if Anderson tested any apparatus that had only propofol in it, Anderson states no. Anderson states that the only medical equipment that had propofol and lidocaine in them were the Y tubing (connector) and the syringe barrels. Anderson states that each of the syringes and the Y tubing each had Flumanezil. Flanagan asks if the proportion of propofol and lidocaine were the same in both the Y tubing and the 2 syringe barrels, Anderson states that proportionality testing was not performed.

Flanagan asks for Anderson to define equilibrium as it relates to bodily fluids, Anderson states he believes it is when the samples of the drug or their concentrations are equal. Flanagan asks how long it takes for the blood system to come to an equilibrium, Anderson states its beyond his scope of expertise. Flanagan asks Anderson to define therapeutic range (of a drug), Anderson states that a concentration of the drug that achieves the desired effect, generally it is a safety concern because they are not safe at all concentrations. Flanagan asks what determines therapeutic range, Anderson states clinical trials from the FDA, as well as the literature provided with each drug. Flanagan asks if there is a therapeutic range for propofol, Anderson states no. Flanagan asks about therapeutic range for Lorazepam, Anderson states that it averages 100-200 micrograms per mililiter. Anderson clarifies that the average can be 180, but that everybody tolerates medications differently, and he cannot give specific ranges.

Flanagan shows a Lorazepam bottle, prescription for MJ, asks Anderson to read the bottle, Anderson reads Lorazepam 2 mgs, 1 tablet by mouth. Flanagan asks about MJ's blood concentration of .16% and asks if that would equal about five Lorazepam tablets, Anderson states yes, regardless of the route, whether it was in tablet or IV form. Flanagan asks if MJ had the equivalent of 11 mg of Lorazepam, Anderson states yes, approximately. Flanagan asks how many pills would MJ have to take to get to that level (11 mg), Anderson states that it could be an accumulation over several days, and that he does not feel comfortable with assumptions of routing of medications or form of medications.

Flanagan asks about ion trapping with respect Lorazepam, Anderson states that he knows little about Lorazepam and postmortem redistribution. Anderson states that the only way to get propofol in the stomach is through oral ingestion or ion trapping, it's not postmortem redistribution.

Flanagan asks Anderson to define the term ion trapping. Anderson states that an acidic environment traps the ions of the drug in that environment, beyond that, is beyond his area of expertise. Anderson states that other than ingestion, the only way propofol can get into the stomach by diffusion of the surrounding specimens. When Flanagan asks about the surrounding specimens, Anderson answers that the liver is close, blood samples and blood itself are close to the stomach.

Flanagan states that Anderson is saying that Lorazepam can get into the stomach through redistribution, Anderson states that it can get into the stomach by ion trapping. Anderson states time and time again that this information is beyond the scope of his expertise. Anderson states that he has seen many different decendents who had stomach contents with drugs in them, and that the drugs were not given orally.
Anderson states he does not have personal experience with a decendent that had Lorazepam in their stomach.

Flanagan asks Anderson about ephedrine. Flanagan asks if Anderson came to understand that propofol was the most important drug in the case, Anderson states yes he did. Flanagan asks if Lorazepam was important, Anderson he thinks it has its importance, but that it does notraise a flag. Anderson states that propofol in any case is important, Lorazepam was in therapeutic range, and that he previously testified that propofol was within range only a proper setting. When Flanagan asks what does a setting have to do with therapeutic range, Anderson states that it's very important. Flanagan states that therapeutic range is desired effect, Anderson states yes. Flanagan states that the literature does not take into consideration the setting, Anderson states that every drug literature takes setting into consideration.

Flanagan asks if Anderson did the calculations with regard to Lorazepam last weekend, Anderson states it was two weekends ago, Anderson states that he did them because of the Lorazepam in the gastric sample, and the two urine samples done by the defense. Anderson states that the urine is a historical perspective, and could be an accumulation from several days. Anderson states that the Midazolam testing was done in the urine because the concentration is much higher, which helps to confirm the blood level of Midazolam. Anderson states that Lorazepam levels were much more elevated in the urine than the Midazolam. Anderson states Lorazepam 12,974 nanograms/ml (13 micrograms/ml) Midazolam 0.025 nanograms/ml. Anderson states that the Lorazepam concentration goes up in the autopsy urine, and with Midzolam much less than Lorazepam.

Anderson states that the half life of Lorazepam is 9-16 hours, and that he looked it up in a medical reference book to gain that information. Anderson states he doesn't know what the absorption time and/or the peak time of Lorazepam, that it is in the book, but he doesn't remember what it said.

Walgren Redirect

Anderson clarifies that he never went to 100 North Carolwood. Anderson states that he received vials of blood, a broken syringe with plunger, an IV catheter from Investigator Fleak. Anderson states that the IV bag and IV tubing was brought to him at the lab, simply marked medical evidence #2.

Anderson states that the difference between blood sample and urine sample, is that the blood is what is usually happening in the body, and in the urine represents everything that the body is metabolizing out, and that the urine concentration expectation is that it would be much higher. Anderson states that the urine is historical in nature and what is being expelled from the body over a certain amount of time.

Anderson states that the PACTOX gastric contents analysis, shows 634 nanograms/ml of Lorazepam. Anderson states that the lab measured in concentration, he was provided 73.5 mls of gastric contents, in which he would multiply the two numbers to get the nanograms of stomach contents which would be 46,599 nanograms of Lorazepam left in the stomach. But the numbers Anderson should have used for calculation (micrograms not nanograms) he needed to divide by a thousand, so 46,599 divided by a thousand equals 46.599 divided by another 1000 to get a mg amount, equals 0.04599 of Lorazepam in the stomach. Anderson states that he went further and got a more exact amount and arrived at 0.046599. Anderson states that with a 2 mg Lorazepam pill, the gastric contents are equal to 1/43rd of a single 2 mg tablet, which is a very small amount

Flanagan Recross

Flanagan asks if there is a high concentration of ephedrine in the urine, but a low concentration in the bladder, would it be fair to say it was recently taken, Anderson says it’s a fair assumption. Flanagan asks if it's the same with propofol, Anderson states that he is not familiar with the excretion patterns of propofol.

Flanagan asks if a person were to take 7 or 8 Lorazepam tablets, and he found 14 miligrams in the stomach, would Anderson state that the person had taken it recently, Anderson states yes. There are numerous questions asked after this by Flanagan, but prosecutor Walgren objects and judge Pastor sustains them.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 21:33
Rolling to the Stones Concert with Princess GF

5/4/2013 9:55 AM PDT


Prince Jackson is stepping up his game -- after first being seen with his new Kuwaiti princess girlfriend out for a daytime bowling date, he then graduated to a Hollywood dinner date ... and now he's graduated to the Rolling Stones concert last night at Staples Center.

The girl is his, indeed.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 21:43
"entdeckt" bei LSA ....

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tumblr mmautwp6Kr1r0kva7o1 500
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 21:47
Spends Day with Mom
on Grandma's Birthday

5/5/2013 6:45 AM PDT


Paris Jackson spent most of Saturday with her biological mother Debbie Rowe -- looking at horses, playing with her hair ... real mother/daughter stuff -- and what's particularly interesting ... they were hanging the same day as grandma Katherine Jackson's birthday.

Paris and Debbie were way out in Palmdale, CA where Debbie lives -- so if Paris saw Katherine at all yesterday ... it wasn't for long.

The belated bond between Paris and Debbie is clearly tight.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 06:43
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #7 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 5 – May 6 2013 – Summary

Jackson family did not attend the court.

Toxicologist Dan Anderson Testimony

Jackson direct

Jackson attorney Koskoff is doing the direct examination. Anderson starts testifying about his experience, credentials (AP).

Jurors are shown the pictures of three prescription pill bottles found in MJ’s bedroom: lorazepam, diazepam and Flomax. They are also shown a photo of four bottles of 20ml of the propofol (AP).

Anderson is then asked about a chart which shows the medications, how many doses were issued and how many remained at the time of Michael Jackson’s death. Another series of charts show the propofol and other medications that were found in Jackson’s home. (AP).

Most of the drugs, he testified, were prescribed by Murray (LATimes)

Toxicologist Anderson tells jury it’s highly unusual to find injectable lorazepam and propofol in a home setting. (AP)

Anderson said investigators found injectable lorazepam at MJ's home, a form of the drug "typically found in a hospital setting." (LATimes)

Jackson lawyer Koskoff: "After you heard from investigators that propofol was found in the home, what did you think?"

Anderson: "Propofol collected as evidence, it's highly unusual. It raises a red flag in my eyes as a toxicologist...It's very problematic if it's found outside the hospital setting." (NYDailyTimes)

The discovery of the propofol bottles outside a medical setting also was “highly unusual" and "kind of raises a red flag,” Anderson said. (LATimes)

Anderson also explains where coroner’s staff take samples from within a body, and also how certain drugs are metabolized. The toxicologist then explains to jurors what tests he ordered on Michael Jackson’s body. (AP)

Toxicologist Dan Anderson said blood samples were taken from every corner of Jackson’s body — his heart, femoral artery, liver and behind his eyes. (NYPost)

Dan Anderson : “This particular case, we were looking for everything and anything.” (AP)

Anderson testified that tests of Jackson's blood, urine and internal organs showed traces of the anesthetic propofol, the anti-anxiety drugs Valium and lorazepam, the short-term anesthetic midazolam and lidocaine, a numbing cream that paramedics sometimes use in resuscitation efforts. (LATimes)

Toxicology tests detected six other drugs in Jackson’s system – lidocaine, diazepam, nordiazepam (a metabolite of Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), midazolam (Versed) and ephedrine – according to Anderson. (CBSLA)

Anderson walks jurors through a chart he prepared of the drugs found in Jackson’s system. Propofol and lidocaine found everywhere. By everywhere, Anderson means blood taken from Jackson’s heart, femoral artery, liver, urine and in fluid behind eye. (AP).

Anderson said propofol and other drugs were found during toxicology tests, noting that propofol was of most concern. (CBSLA)

Anderson: “It raises a red flag in my eyes,” It’s very problematic to find it outside the hospital setting.” (CBSLA)

After morning break, toxicologist Anderson tells jury level of propofol in MJ’s body is consistent with general surgery. (AP) Anderson said that the amount of propofol found in Jackson’s system was what you'd expect in a patient who had just undergone major surgery. (LATimes)

Anderson: “Michael Jackson's body was riddled with the powerful anesthetic propofol when he died - an amount "consistent to major surgery with anesthesia," (NYDailytimes) The level was "consistent with major surgery anesthesia," said Anderson, noting that a level of 3.2 milligrammes per millilitre of blood was found in Jackson's body. (AFP)

Jackson lawyer Koskoff asks Anderson about other cases LA coroner has handled where propofol was involved. Anderson tells jury about preparing a chart of all LA County deaths where propofol was found. Chart created after MJ’s death. Coroner’s office continued to update the chart after Jackson’s death, Anderson tells jury. It now has 31 cases. The first LA County death case where propofol was found dates back to 1999, Anderson says. It's updated as of a couple weeks ago. To put the 31 propofol cases in context, Anderson says coroner handles about 8,000 deaths a year. Roughly 5,000 involve toxicology screens. (AP)

Koskoff also asked Anderson about Demerol. Toxicologist says none was found in Jackson’s system. Anderson told jury Demerol typically dissipates from a person's system with 12-16 hours. (AP)

Sumary of Negative Toxicological Findings. No Alcohol, Barbituates, Demerol, Zoloft, Xanax, Cocaine, Marijuana, Amthamphetamine, Codeine! Anderson said there were no recreational drugs in MJ’s system. (ABC7)

Direct questioning of Anderson ends with him telling jury he didn’t find any recreational drugs in Jackson’s system. (AP)

AEG Cross

Cahan is the attorney handling cross-examination for AEG.

Anderson remembers when he heard Michael Jackson had died. It was a Thursday, his day off, and his son told him MJ had died. (ABC7)

Anderson was off on day Jackson died -- he found out about it from his child. He tells jury he suggested tests that were conducted. (AP) Anderson tells that he observed part of the autopsy the day after the death. (ABC7)

Much of Anderson's cross examination is him explaining charts he prepared in greater detail.(AP)

Cahan notes that one chart shows 10 medications, with three doctors issuing them: Conrad Murray, Allan Metzger and Arnold Klein. She notes that the doctors were all prescribing certain medications that were supposed to be taken at bedtime. She asks if this is important. Anderson says his staff doesn’t take into account directions for taking meds, but how they’re found in toxicology screens. (AP)

AEG Lawyer Cahan: "Would you agree with me there are three different physicians prescribing medication for Mr. Jackson to take at bedtime (in the months before his death)?"
Anderson : "I would agree," (NYDailyTimes)

Toxicologist Dan Anderson also explains that there were two visits to Jackson’s home where medications were collected. On July 9th, Jackson’s family brought in additional medications they had found and thought investigators should have. (AP)

Anderson testifies by mid-July he knew the amount of propofol found in Jackson’s body was cause of death.(AP)

Cahan asked Anderson about signing his portion of the toxicology test on July 15th. She asked if the level of Propofal was fatal. Anderson responded with a yes...the level was fatal. (ABC7)

Toxicologist Anderson testifies that he found out propofol had been collected from Jackson’s home after he found it in drug screens. (AP)

Jackson redirect

Anderson was also asked about 31 death cases in LA where propofol was found. He makes clear, propofol not cause of death in all those cases. Jackson’s lawyer Koskoff highlighted seven cases where propofol was a cause of death; five cases were in residences. Six of the seven cases where a propofol overdose was a cause of death were deemed suicides, toxicologist Anderson testified. According to Anderson, Jackson’s case was the only one involving someone outside the medical field who overdosed on propofol in a home. (AP)

Anderson testified that Michael Jackson is the only person in Los Angeles County not in the medical field to die of propofol intoxication in their home in the last 14 years. The other six people who died at their homes were doctors or nurses who had access to the tightly controlled anesthetic. (LATimes).

Coroner Christopher Rogers Testimony

Jackson Direct

Christopher Rogers is the deputy medical examiner who performed MJ’s autopsy. He walks through his credentials and experience.(AP)

Rogers said he learned about MJ's death while at a conference. “Somebody passed me a note that Michael Jackson had died,” Rogers said. (Wave)

Dr. Christopher Rogers — who determined that Jackson’s death was a “homicide” told the jurors he gave added consideration to detail when determining the cause and manner of the MJ’s death because of the stature of the pop star.(Wave)

Rogers: “Because Michael Jackson was such a prominent individual, there was likely to be a great deal of press attention as well as from members of the public,” (Wave)

A black-and-white photo taken of Jackson’s body before autopsy is shown to the jury. It’s left on the screen for less than a minute. (AP) Rogers said the photo accurately depicted MJ’s condition at the time (wave).

Christopher Rogers testified that the 5-foot, 9-inch MJ weighed 136 pounds at the time of his death and that X-rays showed he suffered from arthritis in his lower spine and fingers (LATimes)

Rogers walks jury through a diagram of puncture wounds and scars on Jackson’s body. Punctures consistent w/ lifesaving efforts, he says. The origin of some of the scars couldn’t be determined. (AP)

Rogers also detailed how Jackson had his lips tattooed pink, his eyebrows and scalp inked with black. There were 3/4-inch scars behind both ears, suggesting he had at least one face lift, according to Rogers’ notes that he shared with jurors. (NYPost)

Rogers also testifies about MJ's vitiligo (AP). Rogers testified that MJ suffered from vitiligo a disease more common in African Americans, in which some areas of the skin are light and others are dark. (LATimes)

"It can be very disfiguring," Rogers said. (LATimes)

Rogers said Jackson’s post-mortem exam revealed no heart disease or Lupus, the autoimmune disease that some, Dr. Arnold Klein, have attributed to MJ (NYDailyNews).

Christopher Rogers said the MJ was in good health before his untimely 2009 death at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray (NYDailyNews)

Jackson lawyer Koskoff asks Rogers about condition of MJ’s body. Koskoff asked whether Jackson’s body had any characteristics of a street drug addict. (Disease, track marks, liver damage.) Rogers says no. Rogers also testifies about the condition of Jackson’s organs. All were in good shape, other than some lung issues. (AP)

Rogers explained why he concluded that Jackson died from a propofol overdose. Koskoff asked Rogers whether his conclusions regarding Jackson’s death have changed since Aug. ’09. “No,” he responded. (AP)

Jackson lawyer Koskoff: “Would a fit, competent doctor administer propofol for insomnia?” Rogers: “I would not expect that, no,” (NYDailyNews)

Rogers also shot down suggestions that Jackson self-administered his lethal dose of propofol – a cornerstone theory of Murray’s defense.

“One possibility that we considered is that he might have given an overdose of propofol to himself. However based on the history that was available, I don’t believe that that happened,” Rogers said (NYDailyNews).


May 7 Tuesday : Cardiologist Dr. Daniel Wohgelernter will testify first out of order. When the he is finished, Dr. Rogers from the Coroner's office will resume. (ABC7)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 06:47
Michael Jackson had a number of drugs in his system, jury is told

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 6, 2013, 12:28 p.m.

Michael Jackson had a long list of prescription drugs in his system when he died in the days before his anticipated comeback tour, a toxicologist with the Los Angeles County coroner's office testified Monday.

Dan Anderson, the first witness called in the second week of the lawsuit that Michael Jackson's mother and three children filed against entertainment giant AEG, continued what has been an unvarnished look into the entertainer’s final days.

A Los Angeles Police Department detective already testified that when he saw Jackson spread on a bed in his rented Holmby Hills mansion, the pop singer resembled an end stage cancer patient who’d come home to die. Testimony also recounted how Jackson’s family had tried to get him to quit drugs, including a failed intervention effort at this Neverland ranch.

On Monday, Anderson testified that tests of Jackson's blood, urine and internal organs showed traces of the anesthetic propofol, the anti-anxiety drugs Valium and lorazepam, the short-term anesthetic midazolam and lidocaine, a numbing cream that paramedics sometimes use in resuscitation efforts.

Anderson said that the amount of propofol found in Jackson’s system was what you'd expect in a patient who had just undergone major surgery.

The toxicologist also testified that investigators found other drugs at Jackson's home, including the antidepressant trazodone and the prostate drug Flomax.

Anderson said investigators found injectable lorazepam at Jackson's home as well, a form of the drug "typically found in a hospital setting."

The discovery of the propofol bottles outside a medical setting also was “highly unusual" and "kind of raises a red flag,” Anderson said.

Most of the drugs, he testified, were prescribed by Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving the singer the lethal dose of propofol that killed entertainer.

The Jackson family claims that AEG negligently hired and supervised Murray, while AEG says the doctor worked for Jackson. AEG, a major player in downtown L.A. with the Staples Center and L.A. Live, was promoting Jackson’s “This Is It” comeback tour.,0,2043191.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 06:54
Michael Jackson had several drugs in his system when he died

Michael Jackson had a cocktail of drugs in his system when he died, according to testimony in the wrongful death suit Jackson's family has filed against AEG.

By Jeff Gottlieb, Los Angeles Times
May 7, 2013

When he died, Michael Jackson had a cocktail of anti-depressant and mood drugs in his system as well as a level of the anesthetic propofol typical of a patient undergoing major surgery.

The revelation came during testimony Monday in the lawsuit Jackson's mother and children have filed against AEG, the entertainment giant that was promoting the singer's comeback concert series in London when he died.

Dr. Christopher Rogers, the Los Angeles County deputy medical examiner, testified that after toxicology tests found Jackson had used propofol, he consulted with an anesthesiologist. Dr. Selma Calmes wrote that when the drug is used, a slew of medical devices should be on hand to monitor the patient in case he or she stops breathing.

"The most essential monitor is a person trained in anesthesia and in resuscitation who is continuously present and not involved" in the procedure, her report said.

Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson a fatal dose of propofol, was a cardiologist who used little of the equipment Calmes listed.

The Jacksons argue that AEG negligently hired and supervised Murray. The doctor, they say, did the company's bidding by pushing the entertainer to perform despite his frail health, because of his own desperate financial problems.

AEG, however, argues Jackson hired Murray and that the $150,000 a month the company was supposed to pay the doctor were really advances it gave the entertainer.

In the opening rounds of the trial, the family's attorneys have been striving to show that Murray was incompetent while offering jurors an unvarnished look at the singer's final days, including his use of prescription drugs. A paramedic called by the Jackson attorney testified that when he first saw Jackson on his bed, he resembled an end-stage cancer patient.

Dan Anderson, a toxicologist with the coroner's office, testified that Jackson's blood, urine and internal organs showed traces of the anti-anxiety drugs Valium and Lorazepam, the short-term anesthetic midazolam and lidocaine, which can be used along with propofol.

Anderson said investigators found injectable Lorazepam at Jackson's home as well, a form of the drug "typically found in a hospital setting."

Anderson also testified that Jackson was the only person in Los Angeles County who was not a doctor or nurse to die of propofol intoxication at their home in the last 14 years.

Rogers reviewed his autopsy, and a black-and-white photo of the naked singer laid out in the coroner's office was flashed briefly on a screen in the courtroom.

The deputy medical examiner testified that the 5-foot-9 Jackson weighed 136 pounds when he died and that X-rays showed he suffered from arthritis in his lower spine and fingers.

He had a pink tattoo on his lips and dark tattoos on his eyebrows and on the front of his scalp.

He also testified Jackson suffered from vitiligo, a disease more common in African Americans, in which some areas of the skin are light and others are dark. "It can be very disfiguring," Rogers said.

Although Rogers found that Jackson suffered from maladies that other 50-year-old men might have, such as an enlarged prostate, the autopsy found nothing that would lead to his premature death.,0,3066388.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 06:58
Jackson's propofol death a first in 14 years, witness says

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 6, 2013, 5:35 p.m

A toxicologist testified Monday that Michael Jackson is the only person in Los Angeles County not in the medical field to die of propofol intoxication in their home in the last 14 years.

The comments from Dan Anderson, with the county coronor's office, appeared directed at showing that propofol is only used in medical settings and is not available from a pharmacy. The other six people who died at their homes were doctors or nurses who had access to the tightly controlled anesthetic.

Jackson died at his Holmby Hills mansion in 2009 after Dr. Conrad Murray gave him propofol to help him sleep. Jackson had been preparing for a series of comeback concerts in London.

Christopher Rogers, the Los Angeles County deputy medical examiner, testified Monday that the 5-foot, 9-inch Jackson weighed only 136 pounds at the time of his death and that X-rays showed he suffered from arthritis in his lower spine and fingers.

In addition, he had a pink tattoo on his lips and a dark tattoos on his eyebrows and on the top front of his head.

He also testified that Jackson suffered from a disease, more common in African Americans, in which some areas of the skin are light and others are dark.

"It can be very disfiguring," Rogers said.

The testimony comes in the second week of a wrongful death suit that Jackson’s mother and his children filed against AEG, the promoter that was staging Jackson’s anticipated “This Is It” concerts.,0,5208463.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 07:03
Forensics expert: propofol in Jackson's room 'problematic'

Monday, May 06, 2013

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Miriam Hernandez

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A criminalist testified Monday in a wrongful-death lawsuit in the case of singer Michael Jackson's case. The criminalist found it "very problematic" the powerful anesthetic propofol was given to Michael Jackson at his home instead of in a hospital. Monday's testimony focused on the cause of Jackson's death.

In a civil suit brought by Jackson's mother, Katherine, she accuses concert promoter AEG of negligence in hiring and supervising Dr. Conrad Murray.

Hours after Michael Jackson rehearsed for his comeback tour, he was at home struggling to sleep. According to the autopsy report, he ingested several medications and stopped breathing. His personal physician, Doctor Conrad Murray, was unable to revive him.

Monday, Dan Anderson, a Los Angeles County Coroner's Office criminalist, described a forensic search. Anderson had earlier testified in Murray's criminal case.

Anderson listed six drugs he found in Jackson's body, including lidocaine, a numbing agents used for injections; multiple types of anti-anxiety relaxants called benzodiazepines; and propofol, a sedative used in surgery. Vials of propofol were found in Jackson's bedroom.

"It kind of raised a red flag. It is very problematic when it is found outside a hospital setting," said Anderson in court.

Anderson said that based on laboratory analysis, the levels of propofol in Jackson's body were consistent with those used in major surgery.

AEG's defense focused on the rarity of propofol in overdose deaths. In L.A. County Coroner investigations, Anderson says, it's come up only 21 times in 10 years.

The defense suggested to the jury that AEG managers could not have imagined that their star was demanding injections to fall asleep.

The defense also raised questions about who prescribed all of Jackson's medications.

The names of two other doctors were on pill bottles. Jackson was seeing other physicians besides Murray.

The defense contends that's a sign of Jackson's dependency on meds, and that Jackson's choice to use them was beyond the control of AEG.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 10:01
More Bonding Time For Paris Jackson and Debbie Rowe

Mother and daughter bonding continues for Debbie Rowe and Paris Jackson with day of activities including a visit to a pageant competition in Palmdale, a friend's Horse Ranch in Temecula and Hana Sushi in Temecula, California on May 4, 2013.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 10:12
gerade jetzt wieder aktuell bei LSA ....

The Debbie Rowe Interview The Missing Tapes 2009
MJJFA . Veröffentlicht am 02.04.2012
ScreenShots aus dem Video



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 10:25
ebenfalls bei LSA "entdeckt" :
Sie wollte keine Kinder, das bedeutet aber nicht, dass sie sie nicht liebt. Schaut euch Debbie mit Baby Prince an, könnt ihr da sagen, dass sie ihn nicht liebt, nein, sie scheint es zu genießen, als sie Prince am Ende des Videos hielt:
Prince Michael Jackson with Michael and Debbie Rowe at Munich, 1997 #1 (Video: Prince Michael Jackson with Michael and Debbie Rowe at Munich, 1997 #1)

Prince Michael Jackson with Michael and Debbie Rowe at Munich, 1997 #2 (Video: Prince Michael Jackson with Michael and Debbie Rowe at Munich, 1997 #2)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 10:32
noch von LSA ... :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 10:37


Prince Michael Hits 90210

Prince Michael Jackson (right) made his love for 90210 known at just the right time: He got to help the five-year-old CW drama sign off for good. In the May 13 series finale, the 16-year-old son of the late Michael Jackson plays a character who interacts with Silver (Jessica Stroup) after a ''life-altering event that makes everyone reexamine their lives,'' says exec producer Lara Olsen. ''This was his first appearance in an acting role, so we did what we could to make sure he felt comfortable. When we cast him, we didn't know it was going to be the series finale. Since he's a fan, it was nice to know we'd have a kid who really wanted to do it.'' —Lynette Rice,,20385926_20456486,00.html
