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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 08:50
By Wade Robson

von Wade Robson

5/7/2013 3:52 PM PDT


Michael Jackson has been posthumously accused of molesting a now-famous choreographer who spent lots of time with the singer at the Neverland Ranch ... TMZ has learned.

TMZ has obtained legal docs ... filed by Wade Robson ... in which he's asking for money from the Michael Jackson Estate for childhood sexual abuse.

Robson -- now 30 years old -- has worked with top names in pop music including Britney Spears, *NSYNC, Usher and P!nk. He has also appeared on "So You Think You Can Dance."

Wade met Michael when he was 5 years old and they developed a friendship that lasted for years. By the time Wade was 7, he went for sleepovers at Neverland and MJ's homes in L.A. and Vegas. The sleepovers continued until Wade was 14.

Wade even performed to a Michael Jackson song on "Star Search" when he was 8 years old.

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In 2005, Wade testified in MJ's molestation trial and DENIED Michael ever molested him.

Wade's lawyer filed legal docs May 1 asking the judge in the Michael Jackson Estate case to allow him to file a late creditor's claim against the Estate. In the documents, Wade's lawyer says he submitted a never-before filed complaint "for childhood sexual abuse."

Wade's lawyer has filed the actual complaint under seal -- which means it's not available to the public. Sources tell TMZ ... the complaint specifically outlines the alleged abuse at the hands of Michael Jackson.

Wade's lawyer also mentions a psychiatrist who treated Wade -- the doctor is a leader in the field of child psychology.

Interestingly ... in the 2005 molestation trial, Jackson's former housekeeper, Blanca Francia, testified she witnessed Jackson in the shower with Wade when the boy was 8 or 9 years old.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 08:55
8. MAI 2013 07:00

Neue Klage nach seinem Tod

Der verstorbene Superstar Michael Jackson soll laut 'TMZ' erneut verklagt werden.

Obwohl Michael Jackson (†50) längst nicht mehr am Leben ist, soll er nun wegen Kindesmissbrauch verklagt werden.

Das berichtete zumindest 'TMZ' und bezog sich auf Gerichtsunterlagen, die den Mitarbeitern der Webseite vorliegen. Danach wird Jacko ('Thriller') von Starchoreograph Wade Robson (30), der schon für Stars wie Britney Spears (31, 'I Wanna Go') und Pink (33, 'Try') gearbeitet hat, angeklagt. Der Tänzer lernte Jackson mit fünf Jahren kennen und verbrachte mehrere Abende auf der legendären Neverland Ranch des Stars, als er zwischen sieben und 14 Jahre alt war. Robson behauptet, in dieser Zeit Opfer von "Kindesmissbrauch" geworden zu sein und verlangt nun Schmerzensgeld von den Erben des King of Pop. Die Klage wurde angeblich am 1. Mai eingereicht und obwohl der Inhalt streng geheim ist, sollen die Unterlagen genaue Beschreibungen der Vorfälle beinhalten.

Bisher hatte Wade Robson abgestritten, als Kind sexuell belästigt worden zu sein. 2005 sagte er im Prozess gegen Jackson aus und dementierte eine Straftat. Die Haushälterin Blanca Francia, eine frühere Angestellte des Musikers, hatte allerdings ausgesagt, sie habe Jackson und Robson beim gemeinsamen Duschen beobachtet, damals soll der Tänzer acht oder neun Jahre alt gewesen sein.

Weder die Vertreter von Michael Jackson noch Wade Robson selbst haben sich bisher zu den Berichten geäußert.

ähnlicher Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 21.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 09:55
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

Paris & Randy Jr.
tumblr mmg6c2A8eY1s45d2vo1 500

tumblr ln7kgphsW31qd40n3o1 500
tumblr ln1jxhT2Kj1qbe8ibo1 500

Michael Jackson IS Biological Dad Pt 5/5 10 Reasons Arnie Klein is NOT the Daddy
MJMedia09Returns .Veröffentlicht am 07.05.2013

Topics Covered: Arnie Klein NOT the daddy, Lisa Marie Presley Marriage to Michael, Debbie Rowe's marriage to Michael.
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08.05.2013 um 10:08
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Court ended just before 4p. Back again Wednesday with Dr. Christopher Rogers from the Coroner's office and possibly one of the Dancers!
1:15 AM - 8 Mai 13 ·

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
Dr. Wohlgelernter finished his testimony today.
1:14 AM - 8 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 11:05
Wade Robson Molestation Allegations

Wade Robson Missbrauchsvorwürfe

5/8/2013 1:00 AM PDT


Wade Robson is lying through his teeth by now claiming Michael Jackson molested him when he was a child ... so says Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the MJ Estate.

Weitzman tells TMZ ... "Mr. Robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic. This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him."

Weitzman goes on ... "Now, nearly 4 years after Michael has passed, this sad and less than credible claim has been made."

Sources connected with the case tell TMZ ... Robson is claiming he suffered from "repressed memory" and that's why he didn't file his creditor's claim on time. TMZ broke the story ... Robson filed legal docs against the MJ Estate, claiming Michael molested him when he was a child. Robson was a frequent guest at the Neverland Ranch between the ages of 7 and 14.

Weitzman tells TMZ ... "We are confident that the court will see this for what it is."


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08.05.2013 um 17:34
sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan 49m
#MJFam, let's all give a big THANK YOU to R&B Singer Omarion!!!
Retweetet von Ivy


Omarion Rips Wade Robson -- 'Maybe He Needs Extra Change'

Wade Robson's new sexual abuse claim against Michael Jackson is just plain "whack" ... this according to Omarion, who tells TMZ he thinks Wade might be…
4:31 PM - 8 Mai 13

'Maybe He Needs Some Extra Change'

5/8/2013 6:20 AM PDT

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Omarion Rips Wade Robson -- 'Maybe He Needs Extra Change'
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Wade Robson's new sexual abuse claim against Michael Jackson is just plain "whack" ... this according to Omarion, who tells TMZ he thinks Wade might be lying to make a quick buck.

The R&B superstar was out at Supperclub in Hollywood last night, when we broke the news to the singer about Wade's new allegation -- that MJ sexually abused him as a child.

"I can't believe that ... I can't believe you would sue a dead man," Omarion said.

Omarion says Robson -- a hugely successful dance choreographer -- might simply be looking for a quick payday. O then goes on to defend MJ.

So, we gotta ask ...

Do You Believe Robson?
No . 73%
Yes . 27%
Total Votes: 15,473


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08.05.2013 um 17:38
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4h
Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the MJ Estate, sent a comment to TMZ: Weitzman: "Mr. Robson's claim is (cont)
1:35 PM - 8 Mai 13

Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the MJ Estate, sent a comment to TMZ:

Weitzman: "Mr. Robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic. This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him. Now, nearly 4 years after Michael has passed, this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 18:40
8. Mai 2013, 13:42 Uhr

Vorwürfe gegen verstorbenen Popstar
Anwalt dementiert Missbrauch durch Michael Jackson

Auch nach seinem Tod hören die Vorwürfe gegen Michael Jackson nicht auf: Ein Choreograph behauptet, vor 20 Jahren von ihm sexuell missbraucht worden zu sein. Anwälte vermuten finanzielle Interessen.

Der Anwalt des verstorbenen Popstars Michael Jackson, Howard Weitzman, weist die Vorwürfe zurück, nach denen Jackson den Choreografen Wade Robson als Kind sexuell missbraucht haben soll. Der Anwalt kümmert sich um Jacksons Nachlass. Wade Robson fordert laut "TMZ" Schadenersatz von der Nachlassverwaltung des verstorbenen Sängers.

Während Jacksons Kindesmissbrauchs-Prozesses 2005 hatte der Choreograph noch dementiert, von dem Musiker missbraucht worden zu sein. "Mr. Robsons Vorwurf ist unverschämt und erbärmlich", empört sich daher Rechtsanwalt Weitzman gegenüber "TMZ". "Dieser junge Mann hat in den letzten 20 Jahren mindestens zweimal unter Eid ausgesagt und in mehreren Interviews erklärt, dass Michael Jackson ihm niemals etwas Unangemessenes angetan hätte. Jetzt, fast vier Jahre nach Michaels Tod, kommt dieser traurige und unglaubwürdige Vorwurf", sagt er.

Traumatische Ereignisse verdrängt

Erfolgschancen räumt Weitzman dem Kläger daher keine ein: "Wir sind uns sicher, dass das Gericht erkennt, was da wirklich hintersteckt." Auch der Anwalt, der Jackson mithilfe von Robsons Aussage vor acht Jahren zum Freispruch verhalf, hält die Schadensersatzforderung für haltlos. "Da muss es ums Geld gehen", meint Tom Mesereau. Zudem habe Robson 2005 während seiner Aussage vor Gericht unerschütterlich gewirkt.

Robson selbst behauptet derweil angeblich, während jener Zeit an einer Gedächtnisstörung gelitten zu haben, die zur Verdrängung traumatischer Ereignisse aus seiner Kindheit geführt habe. Kennengelernt hatte Robson den "King of Pop" im Alter von fünf Jahren. Anschließend verbrachte er im Alter von sieben bis 14 Jahren immer wieder Zeit auf Jacksons Neverland Ranch.

ähnlicher Bericht


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08.05.2013 um 19:24
Katherine Jackson ist mit ihrem Neffen Trent Jackson eingetroffen ...

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
Mrs. Jackson has arrived with her nephew Trent Jackson. She has a purple dress and jacket on. the fans are standing.
7:13 PM - 8 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 23:31

5/8/2013 12:54 PM PDT


The lawyer for famed choreographer Wade Robson tells TMZ, Michael Jackson was a "monster" who sexually abused Wade for seven years as a child ... and threatened him if he ever went public.

Robson's lawyer, Henry Gradstein, tells TMZ, "Last year, on a career trajectory that was off the charts, he [Wade] collapsed under the stress and sexual trauma of what had happened to him for seven years as a child."

Robson spent many weekends with Jackson at Neverland Ranch and his other homes in L.A. and Vegas between ages 7 and 14.

Gradstein goes on ... "He [Wade] lived with the brain washing by a sexual predator until the burden of it all crushed him."

Gradstein says Michael would tell Wade, "If anyone ever finds out about what we did we will go to jail for the rest of our lives" and “our lives will be ruined forever.”

Gradstein tells us the threats worked, and Wade kept his mouth shut, adding, "This kind of intimidation of a child by a sexual predator is tragically characteristic and effective, keeping them quiet about the abuse - often for a lifetime."

Wade was steadfast for years that MJ did NOT molest him and indeed became Jackson's star witness at his 2005 molestation trial, adamantly denying any untoward conduct.

The lawyer says, "Michael Jackson was a monster and in their hearts every normal person knows it."

TMZ broke the story ... 30-year-old Robson has filed a creditor's claim against MJ's estate alleging the singer molested him as a child and asking for damages. Sources tell us ... Wade is claiming the reason he didn't file the claim on time is because he repressed the memories of the abuse.

Gradstein says they have not asked for any specific amount of money in their legal docs, although that's clearly the point of filing a creditor's claim. He then trashes what he calls "the Jackson money machine" which he says is "at it once again to keep the truth from coming out." But he says, "This time it won't work."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 23:37
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 14m
TMZ : Tom Mesereau : "AEG Might Be Behind New Molestation Claims" -


Michael Jackson Molestation Lawyer -- AEG Might Be Behind New...

Something stinks in Wade Robson's new molestation accusations against Michael Jackson -- so says MJ's famed trial attorney Tom Mesereau, who tells us the…
11:18 PM - 8 Mai 13 ·

AEG Might Be Behind
New Molestation Claims

5/8/2013 2:00 PM PDT

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Michael Jackson Molestation Lawyer -- AEG Might Be Behind New Molestation Accusations

Something stinks in Wade Robson's new molestation accusations against Michael Jackson -- so says MJ's famed trial attorney Tom Mesereau, who tells us the smell leads all the way back to AEG ... the company currently being sued by Katherine Jackson.

Tom called in to "TMZ Live" moments ago, claiming the timing of Wade's accusations is extremely suspicious -- considering the legal battle currently raging between Katherine and AEG ... the concert promoters behind MJ's 2009 "This Is It Tour."

Katherine and Michael's children are suing AEG, claiming the company is responsible for MJ's death by negligently hiring Conrad Murray to care for the singer ... and potentially BILLIONS of dollars are at stake.

Mesereau insinuates Wade's accusations are motivated by money ... specifically a payoff from AEG, which is currently on a mission to trash Michael's reputation.

We reached out to AEG for comment -- so far no word back.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 23:44
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h
"Her purse was full of candy and pictures of her daddy," dancer Alif Sankey on meeting Paris Jackson in 2009. http://

Yahoo! News

Dancer says she gave warnings about Jackson health

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A dancer and choreographer who worked with Michael Jackson throughout his career testified on Wednesday that she told the director of Jackson's ill-fated concert tour that she was...
10:38 PM - 8 Mai 13

Dancer says she gave warnings about Jackson health

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 1 hr 11 mins ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A dancer and choreographer who worked with Michael Jackson throughout his career testified on Wednesday that she told the director of Jackson's ill-fated concert tour that she was worried about the singer's health, but her plea went unanswered.

Witness Alif Sankey told a jury deciding a lawsuit that the pop star appeared thin and unprepared in 2009 for the rigors of his planned comeback concerts known as "This Is It."

The singer showed up at one rehearsal with shoes that had holes in the soles, missed rehearsals and appeared much thinner than earlier in his career, Sankey testified.

Sankey showed jurors an email she wrote to tour director Kenny Ortega in early June 2009, urging him to try to improve Jackson's health and spirits. She said she never got a reply.

"Please help me help you to get him back into that Magical Light, please let me help you help him find what was lost, his GRAIL," Sankey wrote to Ortega, who she had worked closely with for a number of years.

She wrote that she knew what she could say to Jackson that would make him respond and also offered suggestions to help lessen the pain of rehearsals.

Sankey met Jackson while working on his 1987 video for "Smooth Criminal" and was an associate producer and planned to dance onstage during "This Is It."

She was testifying at the trial of a negligent hiring lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother against concert promoter AEG Live LLC. Katherine Jackson claims AEG failed to properly investigate the doctor who was caring for her son and later administered a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to the singer in June 2009.

The promoter has denied wrongdoing and its attorneys have said the singer hid his addiction to propofol. Jackson's former physician, Conrad Murray, was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter. He is appealing the case.

Sankey said she based some of her impressions of Jackson over the years on how he felt when they hugged.

"When I hugged him, he just felt like marble," Sankey said about Jackson early in his career. "But when I hugged, when I saw him briefly in 2006, he didn't feel like that anymore. He felt thin. He just felt thin."

He was thin during the "This Is It" preparations, she said, and she became concerned when he missed multiple rehearsals.

The dancer also described meeting Jackson's daughter, Paris, while footage was being shot for the "This Is It" shows. Paris Jackson shared a secret with Sankey, saying she had brought lots of candy stuffed into her purse to the studio and didn't want her father to find out.

There were also several tiny pictures inside her purse — all of her father.

"Her purse was full of candy and pictures of her daddy," Sankey said. (Archiv-Version vom 07.06.2013)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h
Updated story on this morning's testimony in the Jackson vs AEG Live trial: http://

Yahoo! News

says she gave warnings about Jackson health

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A dancer and choreographer who worked with Michael Jackson throughout his career testified on Wednesday that she told the director of Jackson's ill-fated concert tour that she was...
10:37 PM - 8 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 23:56
Jurors see Michael Jackson's creativity at death trial

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 8, 2013 -- Updated 2106 GMT (0506 HKT)


* "Michael's imagination was endless," dancer testifies
* Paris Jackson's "purse was full of candy and pictures of her daddy," witness says
* Jackson's mom dabbed tears from her eyes as her son's "Smooth Criminal" played in court
* "O.J." Judge Ito visits Jackson trial, takes Judge Palazuelos to lunch

Los Angeles (CNN) -- After six days of testimony about Michael Jackson's death, jurors heard about the pop icon's creativity Wednesday.

"Michael's imagination was endless," dancer-choreographer Alif Sankey testified. "He would visualize it, and it happened. It was amazing."

Sankey, the fifth witness called in the wrongful death lawsuit against concert promoter AEG Live, also testified about Jackson's missed rehearsals and frail health during his last days as he prepared for his comeback concerts.

Spectators in the small Los Angeles courtroom Wednesday morning included Judge Lance Ito, famous for presiding over the O.J. Simpson murder trial in 1995. Ito was there to watch his friend, Judge Yvette Palazuelos, preside over this trial and then go to lunch with her.

Katherine Jackson dabbed tears from her eyes as her son's "Smooth Criminal" video was played in court.

Sankey first met Michael Jackson when she was a dancer in the 1987 video production.

"We got to see Michael's imagination come to life," Sankey said. "That was my first time as a dancer, as an artist, that I was completely inspired by his craft and inspired by his attention to every detail. He was so detailed and he never missed a thing."

Working with Jackson was "magical," she said.

"I dream still to this day that I will be able to create on that level of magic that Michael created," Sankey said. "It was like living a dream of working with an artist like that, and I will treasure it and have it in my memory forever."

Sankey's work as an associate producer and dancer for Jackson's "This Is It" tour put her on the witness list in this trial.

"He shared with me that he was excited to do the show," she said. "He was excited to show his kids, finally to show them who he was, what he was all about; he was very excited about that."
Jurors heard about Jackson's relationship with his three children and their love of their father.

Sankey described how they would come with their father to the set each day in early June when he was filming video elements for the show.

"Paris had a purse, and inside her purse, she had all this candy in her purse she didn't want her daddy to know about," Sankey said. "She had these little pictures of her father in her purse that were in frames. She had, like, a lot of them. Her purse was full of candy and pictures of her daddy."
"They loved their daddy," she said.

The "This Is It" concert would have been "a pretty big show," Sankey told jurors.

"It was going to be huge and it was going to be innovative, different," she testified. "From working with Michael in my past, I knew it had to be something that no one's ever seen. It all had to be new and pioneering."

But in the weeks before Jackson's death, there was a growing frustration about him not attending rehearsals.

Just before the court recessed for lunch, Sankey was being asked about an e-mail she sent to show director Kenny Ortega saying she was "very sad and upset" after having recurring, disturbing dreams about Jackson and the show.

"Kenny, I know how to help him," she wrote. "I know what needs to be said to him please let me help you get him back into the Magical Light."

Michael Jackson's mother and three children contend that AEG Live was negligent in hiring, retaining and supervising Dr. Conrad Murray, the doctor now serving a prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter.

Their lawsuit argues that the concert promoter should have seen red flags signaling that Jackson's health was in danger from Murray's treatments, which were later revealed to be nightly infusions of the surgical anesthetic propofol.

The coroner ruled Jackson had died from an overdose of propofol in combination with several sedatives on June 25, 2009.

Murray told investigators he used the drugs to help Jackson sleep so he could be rested for rehearsals.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 00:06
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct 2h
What happened between 6/09 and NOW to make Robson do the 180? Aussie Wade Breaks Silence, Peter Mitchell (cont)
9:44 PM - 8 Mai 13

What happened between 6/09 and NOW to make Robson do the 180?

Aussie Wade Breaks Silence, Peter Mitchell June 27, 2009 01:40pm MICHAEL Jackson’s closest Australian confidant, Wade Robson, has broken his silence about the iconic entertainer’s death.

“Michael Jackson changed the world and, more personally, my life forever,” Robson said.

“He is the reason I dance, the reason I make music, and one of the main reasons I believe in the pure goodness of human kind.”

Jackson was touring Australia in 1987 when during his stop in Brisbane he met Robson who was just five years old.

Jackson was so impressed with Robson’s dancing talent he invited the youngster to perform at his Brisbane concert and then helped Robson, his mother Joy and sister Chantal move to the US two years later. Jackson signed Robson to his music label.

Robson, now aged 26 and based in Los Angeles, is one of the world’s best known dance choreographers, working with the likes of Britney Spears, NSYNC, Usher and Pink.

He is the winner of two Emmy Awards for choreography and had his own show on MTV, The Wade Robson Project. Robson also appeared in three of Jackson’s music videos, Black or White, Jam and Heal the World.

“He has been a close friend of mine for 20 years,” Robson said.

“His music, his movement, his personal words of inspiration and encouragement and his unconditional love will live inside of me forever. “I will miss him immeasurably, but I know that he is now at peace and enchanting the heavens with a melody and a moonwalk.

“I love you Michael"



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 00:28
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct 5m
Taryll Jackson tweet
12:04 AM - 9 Mai 13

Taryll Jackson ‏@tarylljackson 27m
Tired of the LIES. Disgusted by the BETRAYALS. Sick of people selling out 4 MONEY. Where is the love? Where is the loyalty #peoplearenogood
Müde von den Lügen. Angewidert von dem Verrat. Kranke Menschen für Geld ausverkauft. Wo ist die Liebe? Wo ist die Loyalität #Menschen sind nicht gut
11:41 PM - 8 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 00:37
Michael Jackson

Neue Missbrauchsklage gegen Jackson

Mittwoch, 08.05.2013, 22:01

Vier Jahre nach dem Tod des „King of Pop“ wird Michael Jackson erneut des sexuellen Missbrauchs beschuldigt. Choreograph Wade Robson behauptet, der Superstar habe sich ihm mehrere Male unsittlich genähert.

Nachdem zuletzt der Konzertveranstalter AEG von Michael Jacksons Erben verklagt wurde, müssen sich die Gerichte nun wieder mit dem 2009 verstorbenen „King of Pop“ beschäftigen. Choreograph Wade Robson (30) hat laut „TMZ“ am 1. Mai wegen sexueller Belästigung posthum Klage gegen Jackson eingereicht. Er behauptet, den Sänger im Alter von fünf Jahren kennengelernt und bis zu seinem 14. Lebensjahr mehrmals auf dessen Neverland Ranch besucht zu haben. Dort soll sich ihm der Superstar mehrere Male unsittlich genähert haben. Robson verlangt nun ein Schmerzensgeld von dessen Erben.

Seltsam: 2005 hatte Robson Jackson noch verteidigt. In einem anderen Missbrauchs-Prozess gab er an, zwar regelmäßig mit dem Sänger in einem Bett geschlafen zu haben, jedoch nie sexuell belästigt worden zu sein.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 08:27
dangerous ‏@thegirlwasbad 5h
lets be honest, Stacy Brown is usually wrong. I'm praying this time is no different.
um ehrlich zu sein, liegt Stacy Brown in der Regel falsch. Ich bete dieses Mal, dass es nicht anders ist
Retweetet von Ivy
2:50 AM - 9 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 5h
I don't trust Stacy Brown a bit & hope that he's wrong. I can't deal with another accusation. Trying to stay calm is getting impossible.
Ich traue Stacy Brown kein bisschen & hoffe, dass er falsch liegt. Ich kann mich nicht in einen anderen Vorwurf versetzen. Versuch ruhig zu bleiben, es wird unmöglich sein.
2:49 AM - 9 Mai 13

sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan 5h
According to @StacyBrownMedia, there will be yet ANOTHER person who will claim that MJ molested them! Let's hope he's wrong! Stay tuned!
Laut @StacyBrownMedia, wird es noch eine weitere Person geben, die behauptet, dass MJ sie belästigt hat! Hoffen wir, dass er falsch liegt! Bleiben Sie dran!
Retweetet von Ivy
2:44 AM - 9 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 08:31
ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO 8 Mai
Lets remember that the non-stop salacious media stories about MJ & new molestation claim is all BC of this bitch -------> KATHERINE JACKSON
1:43 AM - 8 Mai 13
Stacy Brown ‏@StacyBrownMedia 18h
@MUZIKfactoryTWO heads up, there's another big molest story coming up.
2:20 PM - 8 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 08:38
Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll 5h
Jackson believed God was talking to him, producer testifies,0,5711980.story

Los Angeles Times

Jackson believed God was talking to him, producer testifies

Michael Jackson ’s behavior and gaunt figure were so troublesome to a producer that she told the director of the “This Is It” concert series that she believed the singer was dying and should be...
3:31 AM - 9 Mai 13

Jackson believed God was talking to him, producer testifies

By Corina Knoll and Jeff Gottlieb
May 8, 2013, 3:57 p.m.

Michael Jackson’s behavior and gaunt figure were so troublesome to a producer that she told the director of the “This Is It” concert series that she believed the singer was dying and should be immediately taken to a hospital.

Alif Sankey also testified Wednesday that the director for the concerts told her Jackson believed God was talking with him.

Sankey recalled that on her way home from rehearsal one night, she pulled her car over and called Kenny Ortega, who was directing what was to be Jackson’s comeback tour. It was only days before Jackson's first concert was to take place.

“I said, 'He needs to be put in the hospital now,' ” Sankey said. “He kept listening to me because I kept going. I kept saying, ‘Michael’s dying, he’s dying.’”

Sankey, who was emotional and paused during her testimony, said she begged Ortega to do something.

“Please, please. I kept saying that. I asked him, ‘Why is no one seeing what I’m seeing?’ ”

Sankey testified that the previous night, Jackson had been at rehearsal for a costume fitting but was sent home because he “was not looking good or feeling good.”

Afterward, Sankey said that Ortega was worried about Jackson, who mentioned God was speaking to him. Both became emotional after discussing their concern for Jackson.

“[Michael] didn’t understand why God was speaking to him. We were both crying. We were crying because he seemed — he was not speaking normally to Kenny.”

A few Jackson fans in the courtroom sniffled throughout Sankey’s testimony.

The civil suit was filed by Jackson’s family who allege that concert promoter AEG was responsible for hiring and controlling Dr. Conrad Murray, who administered the fatal dose of propofol to Jackson in 2009.

Sankey said after being copied on an email from an AEG executive about Murray that she had believed the doctor was paid by AEG.,0,5711980.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 08:45
Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll 7h
New Michael Jackson molestation claims 'absurd,' lawyer says

Los Angeles Times

New Michael Jackson molestation claims 'absurd,' lawyer says

New molestation allegations against Michael Jackson have met with skepticism from the King of Pop's former attorney.
12:50 AM - 9 Mai 13

New Michael Jackson molestation claims 'absurd,' lawyer says

By Richard Winton
May 8, 2013, 3:27 p.m.

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New molestation allegations against Michael Jackson have met with skepticism from the King of Pop's former attorney.
Eight years after he testified in the Jackson molestation trial that the pop star never touched him, an Australian choreographer has filed a claim against the singer's estate alleging "childhood sexual abuse."

Attorneys for Wade Robson, who knew Jackson and stayed at the singer's Neverland Ranch as a teenager, has asked a Los Angeles judge to allow him to make a late claim as creditor in Jackson's estate.

Most of the specifics are under seal, but the documents filed May 1 and publicly available state Robson's claim to monies comes from "childhood sexual abuse." The documents cite sealed evidence from a mental health practitioner.

"It's absurd," said Tom Mesereau, Jackson's criminal defense attorney said in an interview with CNN. "He was one of the strongest witnesses for the defense at Michael Jackson's criminal trial in 2005. He was adamant under oath that he had never been molested at any time."

Jackson died four years ago at age 50, becoming the the only person in Los Angeles County not in the medical field to die of propofol intoxication in their home in the last 14 years.

Since his death, his estate's net worth has soared as allegations of molestation have faded.

In 2005, a highly publicized trial concluded with Jackson being found not guilty of multiple counts of abusing a 13-year-old cancer survivor in 2003.

During that trial, a housekeeper testified she saw Jackson showering with a boy she believed to be Robson, who as an adult went on to do choreography for Britney Spears.

Robson testified under oath that while he stayed at the Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara County numerous times and slept in Jackson's bed, he was never molested.

"Absolutely not," he replied when questioned by Mesereau whether he had ever been molested.

Robson denied showering with Jackson and said he and the singer played together like children.

As for allegations that Jackson molested him, Robson said, "I think it's ridiculous."

When Robson took the witness stand for Jackson's defense, the singer gave him the thumbs up.,0,6020236.story
