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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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07.05.2013 um 11:28
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4h
It's impossible to know, but wondering how jury reconciles description of relatively healthy Jackson with portrayal in openings of addict MJ
Es ist unmöglich, darüber Bescheid zu wissen, aber man fragt sich, ob die Jury Beschreibungen von einem relativ gesunden Jackson, mit Darstellungen des abhängigen MJ, in den Eröffnungspladoyers, in Einklang bringt
6:34 AM - 7 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4h
Thanks for responses re: lupus and Jackson. Will see if it comes up tomorrow during cross-examination.
Vielen Dank für die Antworten re: Lupus und Jackson. Werden sehen, ob es morgen während des Kreuzverhörs kommt.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4h
I must be blanking on something, but what's significance of lupus question during today's Jackson trial?
Ich muss auf etwas ausgeblendetes kommen, aber was ist bei Fragen zu Lupus während der heutigen Jackson-Verhandlung von Bedeutung?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 11:33
JUSTICE 4 MJ ‏@justice_4mj (Archiv-Version vom 10.06.2013) … For something positive, be sure to watch this! Eddie VanHalen & LL Cool J on Piers Morgan live last wk about MJ <3


"Piers Morgan Live, Rewind": Eddie Van Halen on Michael Jackson;...
Whether you fell asleep early, stayed out too late, or simply want to watch it again, we realize it's not always possible to get your entire "Piers Morgan Live" fix from television.
1:51 AM - 7 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 11:42
Autopsy reveals Michael Jackson's secrets

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 7, 2013 -- Updated 0931 GMT (1731 HKT)


* Jurors are shown Michael Jackson's unclothed corpse spread out on a coroner's table
* Doctor who did autopsy confirms Jackson had "vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disease"
* If not for death by propofol, Michael Jackson could've lived a normal lifespan, doctor says

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Jurors hearing the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial have a stark vision of the dead pop icon after a lawyer showed them an autopsy photo.

Jackson's unclothed corpse lying on a coroner's table looked nothing like the world's most famous entertainer.

The doctor who conducted Jackson's autopsy returns to the witness stand for a second day Tuesday in the trial to decide if concert promoter AEG Live shares blame in his death with Dr. Conrad Murray.

Much of what jurors heard for the first time is a repeat of the scientific evidence presented in the trial of Murray, who is now serving a prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter. But some of what is in the coroner's report seems to give more insight into Michael Jackson's life rather than how he died.

Dr. Christopher Rogers noted in his autopsy report that Jackson's lips were tattooed pink, while his eyebrows were a dark tattoo. The front of his scalp was also tattooed black, apparently to blend his hairline in with the wigs he wore.

The autopsy confirmed what Jackson told people who questioned why his skin tone became lighter in the 1980s. Jackson had "vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disease," Rogers said. "So, some areas of the skin appear light and others appear dark."

Jackson lawyer Michael Koskoff made sure the jury heard that, even though it had nothing to do with how he died.

Jackson's mother and three children are suing AEG Live, contending the company that was promoting his "This Is It" shows was liable for his death because of the negligent hiring, retention and supervision of Murray.

AEG Live argues that Jackson chose Murray as his tour doctor and that the company had no way of knowing he was using the surgical anesthetic propofol to put the singer to sleep each night.

Rogers concluded that a propofol overdose killed Jackson, although several sedatives Murray gave him that morning contributed to his death.

Los Angeles coroner's toxicologist Dan Anderson, who studied the drugs in Jackson's body, testified Monday that the level of propofol found in Jackson's body was "consistent with major surgery anesthesia."

Propofol is a dangerous drug when not used properly, he said.

The Los Angeles coroner's office found 31 deaths in the last 14 years in which propofol was found in a body, including six suicides committed by medical personnel -- doctors, nurses and anesthesiologists -- who chose the drug to end their lives, Anderson said.

There have also been several homicides with propofol, including "a mercy killing" in a hospital, he testified.

If not for his death by propofol, Jackson's health appeared good enough for him to live a normal lifespan, Rogers testified.

"There was no indication from the autopsy that there was anything anatomically wrong with him that would lead to premature death," Rogers said.

He had no signs of being addicted to street drugs, such as needle marks or disease, he said.

That testimony is important for the Jackson case, since if the jury decides AEG is liable in his death, his expected lifespan will be key to calculating damages. Jackson lawyers will contend that he would have made billions of dollars in the remaining years through several more world tours, merchandizing, recording and movies.

The next witness up after Rogers Tuesday will be a cardiologist, Dr. Daniel Wohgeternter, who will be called as an expert to offer analysis of Murray's skills and decisions.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 11:51
Michael Jackson: Ein Opfer Der Medizin?

Am 7. Mai 2013

Er scheint ein Opfer der modernen Medizin geworden zu sein! Michael Jackson soll nicht nur das Narkosemittel Propofol regelmäßig eingenommen haben. Aus einem toxikologischen Bericht, der gestern (06.05.) beim Prozess in Los Angeles vorgelegt wurde, soll hervorgehen, dass im Körper des 2009 verstorbenen King of Pop auch das Betäubungsmittel Lidocaine und die Beruhigungsmittel Lorazepam, Midazolam und Diazepam nachgewiesen werden konnten. Keine schöne Geschichte, denn nicht alles was eine Wirkung hat ist auch hilfreich! Inwieweit dies im Verfahren gegen den Konzertveranstalter "AEG Live" eine Rolle spielen wird, ist allerdings noch nicht ganz klar. Immerhin wurde Jackos früherer Arzt, Conrad Murray, der ihm die verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamente vermutlich besorgt hatte, bereits 2011 zu vier Jahren Haft wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt.

Michael Jackson zum Erfolg gezwungen?

Katherine Jackson gibt dem Konzertveranstalter "AEG Live" eine Mitschuld am Tod des Sängers und fordert rund 30 Milliarden Euro Schadensersatz. (Archiv-Version vom 07.06.2013)

ähnlicher Bericht:

Michael Jackson: vollgepumpt mit Betäubungsmitteln?

Los Angeles - Michael Jackson soll nicht nur das Narkosemittel Propofol regelmäßig eingenommen haben.

07.05.2013 09:09 Uhr


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 12:23
Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR
Shocking that the media is trying to make my daughter look inconsiderate
Schockierend, dass die Medien versuchen, meine Tochter rücksichtslos aussehen zu lassen
8:03 PM - 6 Mai 13

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR
I don't know how my daughter could be accused of "skipping out " on her Grandmothers biday JW don't celebrate ....
Ich weiß nicht, wie man meine Tochter beschuldigen kann, den Geburtstag von ihrer Großmutter "zu übergehen" .. Zeugen Jehovas feiern ihn nicht ...
8:02 PM - 6 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 19:07
Michael Jackson had skin disease at time of death

Michael Jackson hatte Hautkrankheit zum Zeitpunkt des Todes

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 7, 2013, 9:28 a.m.

Personal details about Michael Jackson were revealed Monday during his family's lawsuit against entertainment giant AEG.

Christopher Rogers, the Los Angeles County deputy medical examiner, testified Monday that the 5-foot-9 Jackson weighed only 136 pounds at the time of his death and that X-rays showed he suffered from arthritis in his lower spine and fingers.

In addition, he had a pink tattoo on his lips and dark tattoos on his eyebrows and on the top front of his head.

He also testified that Jackson suffered from a disease, more common in African Americans, in which some areas of the skin are light and others are dark.

"It can be very disfiguring," Rogers said.

A toxicologist testified Monday that Michael Jackson is the only person in Los Angeles County not in the medical field to die of propofol intoxication in their home in the last 14 years.

The comments from Dan Anderson, with the county coroner's office, appeared directed at showing that propofol is only used in medical settings and is not available from a pharmacy. The other six people who died at their homes were doctors or nurses who had access to the tightly controlled anesthetic.

Jackson died at his Holmby Hills mansion in 2009 after Dr. Conrad Murray gave him propofol to help him sleep. Jackson had been preparing for a series of comeback concerts in London.

The testimony comes in the second week of a wrongful death suit that Jackson’s mother and his children filed against AEG, the promoter that was staging Jackson’s anticipated “This Is It” concerts.,0,7236465.story


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07.05.2013 um 19:18
die Sitzung beginnt ... Katherine Jackson ist zurückgekehrt, um die Aussagen der Kardiologie-Experten zu hören ...

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m
Jackson vs AEG trial about to go in session - Katherine Jackson has returned to listen to expert cardiologist testify. #JacksonTrial
6:57 PM - 7 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 19:45


5. MAI 2013

Die erste Woche im Zivilprozess der Jacksons gegen AEG Live liegt hinter uns. Die Anwälte der Jackson Familie sind als erstes an der Reihe, ihre Zeugen aufzurufen. Diese Woche wurden als erstes Richard Seneff, der Rettungssanitäter, der am 25. Juni 2009 auf den 911 Notruf geantwortet hatte und vor Ort erschien, und anschliessend Orlando Martinez vom Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”), der für die Untersuchung von Michael Jacksons Tod verantwortlich war, befragt.

Die Aussage von Richard Seneff war inhaltlich identisch mit derjenigen, die er im Strafprozess gegen Conrad Murray machte. So betonte er auch dieses Mal, dass er zuerst gedacht hatte, dass es sich bei diesem Mann (anfangs wusste er noch nicht, dass es sich um Michael Jackson handelte), um jemanden handelte, der im Endstadium einer langen schweren Krankheit war. Umso erstaunter war er dann, als Murray ihm vor Ort sagte, “Nein, nein, das ist gerade erst passiert.” Murray schien “ausser sich”, als er Michael Jackson betreute. “Er war bleich, er schwitzte, er war sehr geschäftig,” so Seneff über Murray. Als er Murray fragte, ob Michael Jackson irgendwelche Medikamente einnahm, verneinte Murray dies; Murray verschwieg auch, wie wir aus dem Strafprozess nur zu gut wissen, dass Propofol im Spiel war. Seneff wiederholte auch, dass Michael Jackson nicht geatmet hatte und es schien, als ob er tot gewesen sei. Die Jackson Anwälte wollten damit zeigen, dass AEG realisiert haben sollte, wie zerbrechlich Michael Jacksons Gesundheitszustand war.

Im Rahmen der zweiten Zeugenbefragung hatte LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez u.a. Aussagen zu diversen Gerichts- und Kreditakten gemacht, die zeigten, dass Murray im 2009 mindestens USD 1 Mio. Schulden hatte, einschliesslich Steuerschulden, Kreditausfälle, unbezahlte Kinderunterhaltszahlungen (Murray hat acht Kinder von sieben Frauen). Murray war auch in Verzug für sechs Monatsraten für seine Hypothek. Hinzu kam, dass sein Haus in Las Vegas, das er für USD 1.6 Mio gekauft hatte, im 2009 nur noch ca. USD 1 Mio. Wert hatte und aufgrund seiner zahlreichen Schulden und Zahlungsverzüge eine Pfändung bevorstand. Auch für seine Arztpraxis wurde er zur Räumung gezwungen. Zum Zeitpunkt, als er die Gelegenheit hatte, Michael Jacksons persönlicher Arzt zu werden, überstiegen seine monatlichen Ausgaben seine Einnahmen um USD 2’700. Als AEG Live und er sich vertraglich auf ein Monatssalär von USD 150’000 geeinigt hatten, sah die Welt für Conrad Murray plötzlich sehr viel rosiger aus. Entsprechend folgerte Martinez, dass diese grosszügige Salärvereinbarung Anreiz genug war für Murray, “die Regeln zu verletzen, zu beugen, alles zu tun, was in seiner Macht stand, um bezahlt zu werden.” Die Anwälte der Jacksons behaupten, dass AEG mindestens eine Bonitätsprüfung von Murray hätten machen können, bevor sie ihm die Verantwortung übertrugen, für Michael Jackson zu sorgen. Es hätte ein riesen Warnsignal dafür sein sollen, dass ihm seine Lohnzahlungen wichtiger waren als sein hippokratischer Eid.

Martinez wurde auch zur Untersuchung von Murrays BMW, vier Tage nach Michael Jacksons Tod, befragt. Darin fand die Polizei einen Vertrag zwischen AEG Live und Conrad Murray, wonach dieser USD 150’000 pro Monat für seine Dienste als persönlicher Arzt von Michael Jackson erhalten würde. Zusammen mit dem Vertrag wurde eine Visitenkarte von AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips und eine Natelnummer gefunden.

Zudem wurde im Verlauf der Befragung von Orlando Martinez aufgedeckt, dass Conrad Murray während den 10 Jahren vor Michael Jacksons Tod dreimal von Spitälern suspendiert worden war. Einmal, weil er nicht sofort auf einen Anruf reagiert, als er Dienst hatte. In den anderen beiden Fällen, weil er die Vorschriften betr. Aufzeichnungen im Rahmen der Patientenbetreuung nicht eingehalten hatte. Ferner hatte ein Mann in Las Vegas nach dem Tod von Michael Jackson das LAPD angerufen und gesagt, er denke, Murrays Fahrlässigkeit sei auch für den Tod seines Vaters verantwortlich gewesen. Eine Klage gegen Murray habe er damals nicht eingereicht, weil das Recht in Nevada eine Klage wegen ärztlichen Kunstfehlers nicht einfach machte. Die Anwälte von AEG legten im Kreuzverhör das Dokument des damaligen Gerichtsmediziners vor, das in jenem Fall als Todesursache natürliches Herzversagen aufzeigte.

Entscheidend für die Jackson Anwälte sei mit diesen Aussagen jedoch die Folgerung, dass AEG Live bei einer Hintergrundüberprüfung von Conrad Murray diese zahlreichen Warnsignale gesehen hätte.

Was lief diese Woche sonst noch ab? Die vorsitzende Richterin entschied, dass jeweils nur ein weiteres Mitglied der Jackson Familie neben Mutter Katherine im Gerichtssaal anwesend sein darf und dies auch nur, wenn Katherine Jackson selbst anwesend ist. Grund dafür war ein entsprechender Antrag von AEG, der zum Inhalt hatte, dass keine weiteren Familienmitglieder ausser Katherine dem Prozess beiwohnen dürften, da mit der Ausnahme von Marlon, alle Jackson Geschwister auf der Zeugenliste von AEG stehen und andere Zeugenaussagen sie somit entsprechend beeinflussen könnten. Brian Panish, Anwalt für die Jacksons, konnte dann immerhin durchbringen, dass mindestes ein Sohn oder eine Tochter ihrer 82-jährige Mutter beistehen dürfen. AEG will, so hatte deren Anwalt im Eröffnungsplädoyer Anfang Woche klar gemacht, die Geschwister von Michael zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in den Zeugenstand rufen, damit diese darüber aussagen können, wie sie verschiedene Interventionen betreffend Michaels Medikamentensucht veranlasst hatten, diese aber allesamt gescheitert seien. Ebenso sollen die Geschwister aussagen, dass sie nicht wussten, was genau mit Michael vorging. Dies soll AEGs Position stärken, dass wenn schon seine eigene Familie unwissend gewesen sei und Michael sie täuschen konnte und vorgab, dass alles in Ordnung gewesen sei, wie soll es dann AEG möglich gewesen sein, über Michaels Medikamentensucht informiert gewesen zu sein.

Nächste Woche wollen die Jackson Anwälte als erstes den Gerichtsmediziner, der Michael Jacksons Leiche untersucht hatte, in den Zeugenstand rufen.


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7. MAI 2013

Gestern befragten die Jackson Anwälte zwei weitere Zeugen, die ebenfalls beide bereits im Strafprozess gegen Conrad Murray ausgesagt hatten. Nachstehend die wichtigsten Aussagen.

Als erstes wurde Dan Anderson, der gerichtsmedizinische Toxikologe, befragt. Er bestätigte, dass die Menge an Propofol in Michael Jacksons Körper der verabreichten Menge bei einer Narkose für einen grösseren operativen Eingriff entsprach. Zudem sagte Anderson aus, dass es sich bei Propofol um ein gefährliches Arzneimittel handelt, wenn es nicht sachgerecht eingesetzt verabreicht und wird.

Als zweiter Zeuge wurde Gerichtsmediziner Dr. Christopher Rogers zu seinem Autopsiebericht befragt. Seine Aussage deckte sich weitgehend mit seiner Aussage im Conrad Murray Prozess. Wichtig für die Jackson Anwälte war neu die Bestätigung, dass Michael Jackson gemäss Autopsiebericht an Vitiligo gelitten hatte, auch wenn dies keinen direkten Bezug zur Art und Weise, wie Michael Jackson verstorben ist, hat. Ferner bestätigte Dr. Rogers, dass wenn Michael Jackson nicht an Propofol gestorben wäre, sein Gesundheitszustand gut genug gewesen wäre, um eine normale Lebensdauer zu erreichen. Mit anderen Worten, es gab keine Hinweise, die auf einen frühzeitigen Tod hinweisen würden. Es gab auch keine Anzeichen, dass Michael Jackson krank oder von intravenösen Drogen abhängig war (keine Nadeleinstiche). Diese Aussagen sind wichtig, wenn die Geschworenen am Ende des Prozesses die Verantwortung von AEG Live im Rahmen von Michael Jackson Tod bejahen und es anschliessend darum geht, die Schadenssumme (inkl. entgangenem Gewinn für künftige Einkünfte) von AEG Live an die Jacksons zu berechnen.

Die Zeugenbefragung von Dr. Rogers wird heute fortgesetzt. Anschliessend steht der Kardiologe, Dr. Daniel Wohgeternter, auf der Zeugenliste der Jacksons. Dieser soll sich als Experte zu Conrad Murrays Kompetenzen und Entscheidungen äussern.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 22:04
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 24m
Short update on this morning's testimony by an expert in Jackson vs AEG Live case:

Yahoo! News

Expert: Jackson doctor unqualified in many areas

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An expert cardiologist says Michael Jackson's doctor did not have the proper training to treat the singer for insomnia or any drug addictions.
9:27 PM - 7 Mai 13

Expert: Jackson doctor unqualified in many areas

Associated Press – 49 mins ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An expert cardiologist says Michael Jackson's doctor did not have the proper training to treat the singer for insomnia or any drug addictions.
Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter told a jury hearing a negligent hiring case filed by Jackson's mother against AEG Live LLC that he reached his conclusion after reviewing the credentials of Jackson's doctor.
Wohlgelernter also testified that former cardiologist Conrad Murray was unqualified to administer propofol, the powerful anesthetic that killed Jackson.
The Santa Monica-based cardiologist is testifying for Katherine Jackson, who claims AEG failed to properly investigate and supervise Murray's care of her son.
AEG denies all wrongdoing and says it was Michael Jackson who wanted Murray to work as his doctor while he prepared for a series of comeback shows in 2009. (Archiv-Version vom 22.05.2013)

Anthony McCartney war wegen eines Computerproblems nicht in der Lage zu posten ...
außerdem ist er mit einer anderen Angelegenheit beschäftigt ... ein aktualisierter Bericht wird bald folgen ...

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 28m
I haven't been able to post this morning due to a computer issue and having to deal with another matter. Will have an updated story out soon
9:29 PM - 7 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 22:49
Cardiologist says Michael Jackson's doctor was unfit to save him

Kardiologe sagt, Michael Jacksons Arzt war unfähig, um ihn zu retten

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 7, 2013, 12:59 p.m.

A cardiologist testified Tuesday that Michael Jackson's doctor gave his famous patient incorrect treatment when he noticed the singer had stopped breathing as a result of a powerful anesthetic the physician had administered.

Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter, who has taught at Yale and UCLA and practices in Santa Monica, said that Dr. Conrad Murray used chest compressions when he saw that Jackson was in distress, rather than focusing on getting his breathing restarted.

Jackson died after Murray administered a fatal dose of propofol, a drug usually used in medical settings and most often administered to patients undergoing surgery.

The testimony comes in the second week of a wrongful death trial in which Jackson’s mother and his three children are suing concert promoter AEG. The family contends AEG hired and supervised Murray.

Wohlgelernter said Murray did not have the appropriate training to serve as Jackson's physician for the "This Is It" tour, which was expected to relaunch the pop star’s career.

Instead of a cardiologist like Murray, the expert witness said that Jackson needed a doctor who was trained in addiction medicine, substance abuse and sleep disorders.

Since Jackson had no evidence of heart disease, Murray was not an appropriate choice to treat him, the witness said.

Wohlgelernter called Murray's treating of Jackson “a mismatch. It’s not what he needs.”

Wohlgelernter said Jackson "was not fit and competent in so far as he administered medications he was not trained and credentialed to administer and administered them in a whole unsatisfactory environment."

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson the anesthetic propofol at the singer's Holmby Hills mansion to treat the singer's insomnia. He’s now serving a jail sentence.

Wohlgelernter testified that propofol should be given only in a hospital setting and administered by an anesthesiologist because there is a risk the patient can stop breathing.

Cardiologists, like Murray, “are not competent to administer propofol,” he said.

Jackson's family contends Murray was in a deep financial hole and would do nearly anything to ensure he would receive his $150,000 a month salary for treating Jackson.

AEG says that Jackson chose Murray as his doctor and payments the company was supposed to make to him were an advance to the singer.,0,3985062.story

ähnliche Berichte: (Archiv-Version vom 07.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 23:12
Jackson autopsy reveals eyebrows and forehead were tattooed black to make his wigs look better

* Autopsy revealed how the singer also tattooed his lips pink and suffered from a skin pigmentation disease since the 1980s
* Coroner testified that Jackson died of a fatal does of propofol but was also given seven other drugs to help him sleep
* Toxicologist says he had enough of the powerful sedative in his system to undergo major surgery
* Dr Christopher Rogers confirms Jackson's health aside from the overdose would have given him a normal lifespan

PUBLISHED: 13:30 GMT, 7 May 2013 | UPDATED: 15:14 GMT, 7 May 2013

Michael Jackson tattooed his lips pink, permanently inked his eyebrows and relied on a dark tattoo to blend his hairline into his wig, according to an autopsy report given in a Los Angeles court yesterday.

As the high profile trial of the singer's tour promoter, AEG, continues, a disturbing photograph of the fallen pop star's corpse was shown to the court on Monday by Dr Christopher Rogers.

His coroner's report described a man whose struggle to hide a skin pigmentation disease forced him to mask his true features but who would have lived a long life had he not overdosed on propofol.

article-2320736-19A95535000005DC-960 306
article-2320736-19A9551C000005DC-895 306
Face paint: A disturbing autopsy photograph of the singer, not released, was shown in court yesterday revealing that he tattooed his lips, his eyebrows and his hairline as seen here in older photos

The revelation of Jackson's permanent make-up comes during the trial brought by the singer's mother and children who claim AEG shares blame in his death for neglecting to vet and supervise Mr Jackon's doctor, Dr Conrad Murray.

The firm, which was organising Jackson's planned comeback concerts in London, claims it was not responsible for the star's decision to employ Conrad Murray as his doctor.

Dr Rogers confirmed from his autopsy that Jackson's skin became lighter in the 1980s owing to 'vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disease.'

He added: 'So some areas of the skin appear light and others appear dark.'

The doctor also confirmed that an overdose of propofol killed the pop star although several other types of sedative administered by Murray the same morning contributed to his death.

Michael Koskoff, a lawyer for Katherine Jackson, asked the deputy medical examiner for Los Angeles County: 'Would a fit, competent doctor administer propofol for insomnia?'

'I would not expect that, no,' Dr Rogers responded.

Los Angeles coroner's toxicologist Dan Anderson, also testified on Monday that the level of propofol in Jackon's body was 'consistent with major surgery anesthesia.'

Propofol, a sedative used in operations and even executions, was allegedly taken so often by Jackson that he referred to it as 'milk'.

Mr Anderson told the court: 'It raises a red flag in my eyes. It's very problematic to find it outside the hospital setting.'

He went on to explain how when propofol is administered to a patient, a number of staff should be on hand equipped with sophisticated medical devices to intervene if the patient stops breathing.

Faced with suggestions that the singer gave himself the lethal dose of propofol, Dr Rogers countered: '...based on the history that was available, I don't believe that that happened.'

Furthermore, he testified, were it not for the lethal dose of the drug, the pop star's overall health would have promised him a normal lifespan.

With no signs of addiction to street drugs, or any heart disease that some have insinuated triggered his death, 'there was no indication from the autopsy that there was anything anatomically wrong with him that would lead to premature death,' Dr Rogers said.

CNN noted the importance of Dr Rogers' testimony in calculating Mr Jackson's expected lifespan as it would relate to damages. If he had not passed, the fact that the pop star would have continued to make billions of dollars will affect the number the Jackson family expect.

AEG continue to argue that the singer chose Dr Murray as his tour medic and the company had no way of knowing what he was giving Jackson to sleep at night.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 23:24
Jackson doctor a 'mismatch' for drug-addicted star

Jacksons Arzt eine "Fehlentscheidung" für den Medikamentenabhängigen Star

(AFP) – 1 hour ago

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's doctor was clearly a "mismatch" unsuitable to care for the singer on his doomed 2009 tour, since he was not specialized in drug addiction or insomnia, an expert testified Tuesday.

Jackson was well known to have a history of sleep problems and abusing painkillers, Dr Daniel Wohlgelernter told a trial where Jackson's 82-year-old mother is suing tour promoter AEG Live for negligently hiring Murray.

Wohlgelernter, a trained heart specialist like Murray -- who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2011 -- also criticized Jackson's former physician for using the anesthetic propofol, and for his actions the day Jackson died.

"My opinion is that Conrad Murray repeatedly failed (to meet) the standard of care in his treatment of Michael Jackson," he said.

Jackson died on June 25, 2009 from an overdose of propofol, administered by Murray to help the singer sleep after rehearsals in Los Angeles for a series of concerts in London and his planned "This is It" world tour.

Wohlgelernter said Murray made repeated mistakes, including using propofol outside of a hospital, leaving Jackson unattended, focusing on his heart rather than breathing when he found him apparently lifeless, and delaying calling 911.

"My opinion is that these departures from the standard of care... were a substantial factor in the death of Michael Jackson," said the senior cardiologist, brought as a witness by Katherine Jackson's lawyers.

Jackson's health problems were well known: he had cut short his "Dangerous" tour in 1993 and announced he had a drug addiction, notably to painkillers following treatment for burns to the scalp suffered during a Pepsi advert in 1984.

Murray had no specialized training for such problems.

"For Michael Jackson, given that he had no history of heart disease... a cardiologist's experience and skills and credentials would not be appropriate.

"It's a mismatch, it's not what he needs," he said, adding: "My opinion is that Dr. Murray was not an appropriate choice to serve as Michael Jackson's physician on the 'This is It' tour."

"It's not the right doctor for this patient."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.05.2013 um 23:39
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h
Expert tells jury in Jackson vs AEG case that singer's doctor was unqualified to treat addiction, insomnia: (Update)

Yahoo! News

Expert: Jackson doctor unqualified in many areas

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's doctor was not qualified to treat the singer for insomnia or drug addiction and botched resuscitation efforts, an expert cardiologist testifying for the singer's...
10:20 PM - 7 Mai 13 ·

Expert: Jackson doctor unqualified in many areas

Experte: Jackson Arzt in vielen Bereichen unqualifiziert

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 1 hr 12 mins ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's doctor was not qualified to treat the singer for insomnia or drug addiction and botched resuscitation efforts, an expert cardiologist testifying for the singer's mother told a jury Tuesday.

Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter told jurors hearing a negligent hiring case filed by Jackson's mother against AEG Live LLC that he reached his conclusion after reviewing the credentials of Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter over Jackson's 2009 death.

Attorneys for both sides told the panel last week that Jackson suffered from longstanding prescription drug addiction issues, which Wohlgelernter said Murray had no formal training on how to treat. The former cardiologist was also unqualified to administer propofol, the powerful anesthetic that killed Jackson.

Wohlgelernter, a Santa Monica-based cardiologist, told the panel that Murray improperly focused on Jackson's heart when the singer stopped breathing after receiving propofol and other drugs on the morning of June 25, 2009.

The physician said he and Murray had received much of the same types of training over the courses of their careers, but that only anesthesiologists should administer propofol and that treating addiction or insomnia requires specialized training. Jackson was receiving propofol treatments as a sleep aid.

AEG denies all wrongdoing and says it was Michael Jackson who wanted Murray to work as his doctor while he prepared for a series of comeback shows called "This Is It."

Wohlgelernter was the first of many experts expected to testify during the trial about Murray's care, AEG's actions, contracts and other issues.

Several other doctors testified during Murray's 2011 criminal trial that the doctor repeatedly violated the standard of care in his treatments on Jackson. Murray had been expecting to receive $150,000 per month for his work on Jackson's tour, but the singer died before the contract was finalized. (Archiv-Version vom 22.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 07:11
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #8 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 6 - May 7 2013 - Summary

Katherine Jackson and Trent Jackson was in court.

Cardiologist Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter testimony


Jackson direct

Cardiologist Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter testifying as an expert witness for Katherine Jackson.

He is a Yale Medical School Graduate and has practiced in Southern California since 1985(ABC7) Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter, who has taught at Yale and UCLA and practices in Santa Monica (LATimes)

During the morning session, Dr. W testified about elements of the contract, including descriptions of med equipment included in the contract(AP)

Murray's agreement to close down his Las Vegas clinic to work full time for Jackson created a conflict, he said. The agreement said Murray could lose his job if the tour was delayed or canceled. (CNN) "It meant that Dr. Murray was entirely dependent on the continuation of the tour for his income," he said. (CNN)

Wohlgelernter also said he was troubled by a section of Murray’s contract that said the doctor was to “Perform the Services reasonably requested by the Producer,” which was AEG. That meant Murray was “responsible and accountable to a third party, namely AEG Live,” Wohlgelernter said, not his patient, leading to a conflict of interest. (LATimes)

Dr. Wohlgelernter testified that Propofol needs to be administered by an Anesthesiologist who is properly trained.(ABC7) Wohlgelernter testified that propofol should be given only in a hospital setting and administered by an anesthesiologist because there is a risk the patient can stop breathing. (LATimes)

Cardiologists, like Murray, “are not competent to administer propofol,” he said. (LATimes)

Wohlgelernter said Murray "was not fit and competent in so far as he administered medications he was not trained and credentialed to administer and administered them in a whole unsatisfactory environment." (LATimes)

Dr. Wohlgelernter said Murray was not the right doctor - not appropriately trained for what MJ had substance abuse, addiction, and a sleep disorder (ABC7)

"Michael Jackson had a history of substance abuse, addiction to medications and sleep disturbance," he said, not heart or cardiovascular problems.(CNN)

Wohlgelernter said Murray did not have the appropriate training to serve as Jackson's physician for the "This Is It" tour. Instead of a cardiologist like Murray, the expert witness said that Jackson needed a doctor who was trained in addiction medicine, substance abuse and sleep disorders.Since Jackson had no evidence of heart disease, Murray was not an appropriate choice to treat him, the witness said. (LATimes)

Attorneys for both sides told the panel last week that Jackson suffered from longstanding prescription drug addiction issues, which Wohlgelernter said Murray had no formal training on how to treat. The former cardiologist was also unqualified to administer propofol, the powerful anesthetic that killed Jackson. (AP)

Wohlgelernter called Murray's treating of Jackson “a mismatch. It’s not what he needs.”(LATimes)

"For Michael Jackson, given that he had no history of heart disease... a cardiologist's experience and skills and credentials would not be appropriate."It's a mismatch, it's not what he needs," he said, adding: "My opinion is that Dr. Murray was not an appropriate choice to serve as Michael Jackson's physician on the 'This is It' tour. It's not the right doctor for this patient." (AFP)

Wohlgelernter said the fact that Dr. Conrad Murray, a cardiologist, shut his practice to care only for Jackson, who had no history of heart problems, “that to me is a red flag,” Wohlgelernter said. He asked why Murray would “leave what he was doing for a patient who doesn’t need his services?” (LATimes)

The physician said he and Murray had received much of the same types of training over the courses of their careers, but that only anesthesiologists should administer propofol and that treating addiction or insomnia requires specialized training. (AP).

Jackson lawyer: Do you believe Conrad Murray was competent and fit for AEG to hire?
Dr. Wohlgelernter: No. (ABC7)

Doctor testified he thought Dr. Murray not up to the Standard of care because of his only admission that MJ had stopped breathing. Dr. Wohlgelernter said Dr. Murray should have opened an airway but instead chose chest compressions. (ABC7)

He testified that Murray gave MJ incorrect treatment when he noticed the singer had stopped breathing as a result of Propofol Murray had administered.(LATimes)

Wohlgelernter told the jurors that Murray improperly focused on Jackson's heart when the singer stopped breathing after receiving propofol and other drugs on the morning of June 25, 2009. (AP). Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter said that Murray used chest compressions when he saw that Jackson was in distress, rather than focusing on getting his breathing restarted.(LATimes)

"My opinion is that Conrad Murray repeatedly failed (to meet) the standard of care in his treatment of Michael Jackson," he said. (AFP)

Wohlgelernter said Murray made repeated mistakes, including using propofol outside of a hospital, leaving Jackson unattended, focusing on his heart rather than breathing when he found him apparently lifeless, and delaying calling 911. (AFP)

"My opinion is that these departures from the standard of care... were a substantial factor in the death of Michael Jackson," said the senior cardiologist, brought as a witness by Katherine Jackson's lawyers.(AFP)

AEG Cross

AEG attorney Cahan tried to get Dr. W. to change his opinion that Murray was unqualified to treat addiction, sleep issues. Dr. W. stuck to his opinion that Murray was unqualified to treat Jackson. He did say Murray was qualified as an internal medicine. (AP)

Under cross-examination by AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan, Wohlgelernter testified that Murray's training and credentials were reputable and he appeared to be a competent internal medicine physician. (AP)

Dr. W. was also asked about Dr. Murray’s training and education. He said Murray studied, trained at respectable institutions. (AP)

Wohlgelernter, however, said Jackson's request for Murray to be his doctor and Murray's desire to leave other patients behind to work with the singer should have caused AEG some concern. Wohlgelernter said the company should have asked why the two men wanted to work with each other.(AP)

The witness also said that Murray’s request for a CPR machine, written into his contract, a device used when patients undergo heart surgery, should have raised questions. “What is this doctor planning to do?” Wohlgelernter asked. “What are his treatment plans in taking care of Michael Jackson?”(LATimes)

Another warning, he said, was Jackson’s request for Murray, considering the singer’s background with drug use. “It’s a red flag to the extent that Michael Jackson has a history of substance abuse and addiction that he specifically is requesting a given doctor who has no training in any of those areas.… What is the nature of this relationship? Why do these two want each other?” (LATimes)

Cahan asked Dr. W. to testify about Murray’s proposed contract w/ AEG. Doctor said he wasn’t qualified to testify about its elements.(AP)

On Cross - Contract shows that Dr. Murray was hired to be MJ's General Practitioner. (ABC7)

The contract shown was only signed by Dr. Murray not by AEG or MJ. Dr. Wohlgelernter did no know if Dr. Murray was ever paid.(ABC7)

Dr. W. said he has never administered propofol and he’s never written a patient a prescription for propofol. (AP)

Cahan asked Dr. W. about whether he’d heard of different classes of doctors and internists administering propofol. Dr. W. said no each time. Dr. W. also said he’d never heard of an anesthesiologist administering propofol in a residence. (AP)

Cahan Asked Dr. W. similar questions about CPR. He said it was reasonable to expect a cardiologist, internist, etc. to give proper CPR.(AP)

AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan did ask Dr. W. if the company could have asked Murray about Jackson's medical conditions. Dr. Wohlgelernter said they couldn't have because of HIPPA, the medical privacy law. (AP) Jackson's med info could have been disclosed with a waiver, he said.(AP)

Dr. W. concluded his testimony by saying he wasn't aware of any investigation AEG did into Murray's background. (AP)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 07:25
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
52 pictures from Cirque MJ One show -
5:25 AM - 8 Mai 13

Michael Jackson One’ Sneak Peek at Mandalay Bay

Read more:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 07:39
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 27m
"When children see Michael Jackson they see a human being. When adults see him they see money." - Phil Collins <---- true statement
"Wenn die Kinder Michael Jackson sehen, sehen sie einen Menschen. Wenn Erwachsene ihn sehen, sehen sie Geld." - Phil Collins <---- wahre Äußerung
6:58 AM - 8 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 29m
''Reason why Michael Jackson loves children so much is because they see him as a human being, not a walking money machine'' - Phil Collins
'' der Grund, warum Michael Jackson Kinder so sehr liebt, ist, weil sie ihn als einen Menschen sehen, nicht als eine wandelndes Geldmaschine'' - Phil Collins
6:56 AM - 8 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 07:56
Michael Jackson defender files sex abuse claim

By Alan Duke, CNN

May 8, 2013 -- Updated 0325 GMT (1125 HKT)


* Wade Robson denied he was sexually abused at Jackson's 2005 trial
* He was one of Jackson's "strongest witnesses," attorney Tom Mesereau says
* Robson filed a claim for money from Jackson's estate last week
* Details of Robson's allegations against Jackson are sealed by a court

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A dancer-choreographer filed a claim against Michael Jackson's estate related to alleged child sex abuse by the late pop icon.

Wade Robson, now 30, denied in testimony at Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005 that he had been molested by the singer.

The details of the allegation are sealed by the Los Angeles probate court where Robson's lawyer filed the claim last week, according to a court document obtained Tuesday by CNN.

The deadline has long passed for creditors to file claims against Jackson's estate, but Robson is asking the probate court to allow him to file a late creditor's claim.

The sealed documents include an affidavit from Dr. David Arrendondo, a San Francisco-based child psychiatrist, the filing said.

Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005, partly based on the testimony of Robson, his sister and his mother.

It's absurd," said Tom Mesereau, the lawyer who successfully defended Jackson in the trial. "He was one of the strongest witnesses for the defense at Michael Jackson's criminal trial in 2005. He was adamant under oath that he had never been molested at any time."

A Neverland housekeeper testified that she saw Jackson showering naked with Robson during a visit in the early 1990s, but he denied it at the trial.

"He withstood very aggressive cross-examination by the prosecutor," Mesereau told CNN Tuesday. "He stood his ground and never wavered in saying Michael Jackson had done absolutely nothing improper to him."

The 2005 trial in Santa Barbara County, California, centered on charges that Jackson had molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor who often visited his ranch. He was also charged with plying the boy with alcohol, conspiring to abduct, extort and falsely imprison the child and his family. He was acquitted on all counts.

"I've known Michael for a long time. I've spent many hours talking to him about everything. I trust him. I trust him with my children," Joy Robson, the mother of Wade Robson, testified when called as a prosecution witness.

Robson said she let Wade, who was then 7, and daughter Chantal sleep in Jackson's bedroom from the first visit.

A spokesman for the Jackson estate said the executors may issue a statement later.

Mesereau said it was "suspicious timing" for the claim to be filed at the start of the trial of the Michael Jackson wrongful death case, in which Jackson's mother and children are suing concert promoter AEG Live.

AEG Live lawyers have said they would bring up the child molestation charges against Jackson as part of their defense.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 08:13
sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan 48m
#MJFam, Diane Dimond not only BELIEVE Wade Robson, but thinks Brett, Mac Culkin, and others will come forward!


7:08 AM - 8 Mai 13

sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan 1h
#MJFam, oh great! Now MJ's 2 most notorious enemies, Victor Gutierrez and Diane Dimond, are promoting Wade's lies!

BJt8tVeCIAEZpPi.jpg large

6:56 AM - 8 Mai 13

Showbiz 411 ‏@showbiz411 41m
Michael Jackson Accuser Will Have to Refute This Video: "We Had a Wonderful Relationship"
Retweetet von sanemjfan
7:22 AM - 8 Mai 13

Michael Jackson Accuser Will Have to Refute This Video: “We Had a Wonderful Relationship”

05/08/13 1:22amRoger Friedman

Wade Robson, accusing Michael Jackson now of sexual molestation, will have to refute and recant all his praises of Jackson. That will start with this video for “ET” made since Jackson died. “We had a wonderful relationship,” Robson said.

Watch the video:

Wade Robson praises Michael Jackson in 2009
Wade Robson praises Michael Jackson as a entertainer and family man in the summer of 2009 after his death.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 08:14
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 2h
Remember folks, the judge who oversees the Estate would have to approve of this late creditor's claim by Robson. That may not happen.
6:38 AM - 8 Mai 13
Showbiz 411 ‏@showbiz411 59m
@andjustice4some it's completely ridiculous. keep calm. i sat in that courtroom and heard his testimony. this is b-s
Retweetet von sanemjfan
7:12 AM - 8 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.05.2013 um 08:36
MelanieLOVESMJONE! ‏@Mellie4Justice 20m
Wades court doc: (Archiv-Version vom 08.06.2013)
Retweetet von sanemjfan

New York Daily News

Choreographer Wade Robson says Michael Jackson molested him in civil...

A former choreographer for Britney Spears is reversing his prior adamant denials and accusing Michael Jackson of molesting him as a minor, a blockbuster court filing reveals.
7:55 AM - 8 Mai 13

Choreographer Wade Robson says Michael Jackson molested him in civil claim: court papers

Robson denied any abuse in the 2005 molestation trial against the pop star, contradicting testimony by a maid that told the court she saw Robson with Jackson in the shower.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2013, 12:36 AM


Wade Robson, the first defense witness in Michael Jackson's child molestation trial, exits the Santa Barbara County Superior Courthouse in Santa Maria, California with wife Amanda Rodriguez following his testimony on May 5, 2005. He was reversed his position and said he was molested by the pop star, according to new court claim.

A former choreographer for Britney Spears is reversing his prior adamant denials and accusing Michael Jackson of molesting him as a minor, a blockbuster court filing reveals.

Dancer Wade Robson, 30, is asking a Los Angeles judge for permission to file a late claim against the dead singer’s estate and an order to seal an “unfiled complaint for childhood sexual abuse,” a motion filed last Wednesday states.

Robson, an established choreographer and producer who’s also worked with Justin Timberlake and Demi Lovato, was a regular sleepover companion of the “Thriller” singer in the late '80s and early '90s after their meeting in Australia when he was just 5 years old.

Michael Jackson and his mother Katherine Jackson leave court after the first day of defense testimony at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse in Santa Maria, California, May 5, 2005.

He testified at Jackson’s 2005 molestation trial that he shared the pop star’s bed a few times as a boy but was “never” sexually abused.

Giving uneasy testimony in Santa Barbara County, Robson denied an ex-maid’s claim that she caught Jackson showering naked with him.


A choreographer has posthumously accused Michael Jackson of child sex abuse in a civil claim filed by Wade Robson, who spent time at Jacko's Neverland Ranch when he was a child.

The maid, Blanca Francia, recalled seeing Robson’s tiny “green-neon” underwear on the bathroom floor next to Jackson’s white cotton briefs and hearing the duo “laughing and playing around.”

She said she could make out the figures of Jackson and a “little kid” but couldn’t confirm they were touching due to the “cloudy” haze of steam.

She said it happened in 1989 or 1990, when Robson was about 8 years old.


Wade Robson denied abuse during the 2005 molestation against Michael Jackson but now says it did happen when we was about 8 years old in 1989 or 1990.

“It never happened,” Robson testified in 2005.

In his new paperwork first reported by, Robson asks the judge handling Jackson’s estate to allow his late claim to proceed in a manner that protects his "privacy concerns."


Wade Robson, at age 8, dances to a Michael Jackson song on the Australian talent show 'Star Search.'

Unidentified sources told TMZ that the new complaint details alleged abuse at the hands of Jackson.

The filing mentions involvement by Dr. David Arredondo, a famous child psychiatrist working in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Robson shows a talent for dance in mimcking Michael Jackon's moves on 'Star Search.'

Attempts to reach Robson and his lawyer were not immediately successful.

A lawyer for Jackson’s beloved mom was critical of the new claim late Tuesday.

“This is really absurd,” lawyer Perry Sanders told the Daily News.

Sanders said he spoke to Tom Mesereau, Michael’s criminal defense lawyer, and felt confident the claim was bogus.

“Look, his mom and sister were at the (molestation) trial and said it was absolutely ridiculous,” Sanders said.

ANM.: nur über Proxy zu "genießen" (Archiv-Version vom 08.06.2013)
