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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 09:02
Neue Missbrauchsvorwürfe gegen Michael Jackson

In einem früheren Missbrauchsprozess gegen Michael Jackson war er selbst ein wichtiger Zeuge der Verteidigung. Nun behauptet ein Choreograph, von dem Popstar als Kind missbraucht worden zu sein.


Vier Jahre nach seinem Tod sind neue Vorwürfe des sexuellen Missbrauchs gegen Michael Jackson erhoben worden. Sie kommen von einem Choreographen, der vor acht Jahren im mit einem Freispruch geendeten Missbrauchsprozess einer der wichtigsten Zeugen der Verteidigung war: Wade Robson.

Der Anwalt des 30-Jährigen, Henry Gradstein, schrieb in einer veröffentlichten Erklärung, sein Mandant sei als Kind von Jackson über einen Zeitraum von sieben Jahren sexuell missbraucht worden. Robson sei fünf Jahre gewesen, als er den King of Pop getroffen und danach mehr als 20 Mal dessen Neverland Ranch besucht habe. Übernachtet habe er in Jacksons Schlafzimmer.

Details des Antrags im Zusammenhang mit einem Rechtsstreit um Jacksons Testament wurden bis zu einer Anhörung im Juni versiegelt. Jacksons Verteidiger in dem damaligen Prozess, Thomas Mesereau, reagierte scharf auf Robsons Vorwürfe. "Robson war einer meiner stärksten Zeugen im Strafprozess gegen Michael Jackson", sagte er. "Ich habe ihn zu Beginn der Verteidigung in den Zeugenstand gerufen und er bestand eisern darauf, dass er nie unangemessen berührt oder missbraucht worden sei. Das ergibt keinen Sinn."

Jackson-Anwalt nennt Vorwürfe "abscheulich und erbärmlich"

Robson sprach auch nach Jacksons Tod 2009 positiv über den Musiker. Gradstein erklärte, Robsons Karriere sei im vergangenen Jahr aus der Spur geraten. Er sei "unter Stress und dem sexuellen Trauma zusammengebrochen, das er sieben Jahre als Kind erlebt hat". Es gebe wichtige rechtliche Fragen in dem Fall, die das Potenzial hätten, "sich auf Leben über das unseren Klienten hinaus auszuwirken".

Gradstein sagte, über Details könne er nicht sprechen. Robsons kürzlicher Zusammenbruch sei aber der Grund, warum er seine vorherigen Aussagen über Jackson widerrufe. Eine Therapie habe ihn dazu in die Lage versetzt. Robson hat im US-Fernsehen bei der Show "So You think You Can Dance" mitgewirkt und mit Britney Spears und anderen Stars gearbeitet.

Ein Anwalt der Jackson-Familie, Howard Weitzman, nannte Robsons Vorwürfe "abscheulich und erbärmlich". "Dieser junge Mann hat mindestens zwei Mal in den vergangenen 20 Jahren unter Eid ausgesagt und in zahlreichen Interviews gesagt, dass Michael Jackson niemals etwas Unangemessenes gegen ihn oder mit ihm gemacht hat. Jetzt, fast vier Jahre nach Michaels Tod, wir diese traurige und weniger als glaubwürdige Behauptung erhoben. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass das Gericht das als das sieht, was es ist."

Richter muss über Antrag entscheiden

Gradstein stellte am 1. Mai einen Antrag bei Gericht, eine Forderung als später Gläubiger gegen das Vermögen Jacksons stellen zu dürfen. Das geht aus Gerichtsakten hervor. Die meisten Dokumente sind bis zu der Anhörung im Juni versiegelt. Aus einer Kurzfassung geht aber hervor, das Robson unter anderem die Erklärung eines Psychiaters und eine "Nicht eingelegte Beschwerde über sexuellen Missbrauch in der Kindheit" einreichte.

Die Frist für Forderungen gegen Jacksons Vermögen ist bereits abgelaufen. Ein kalifornisches Gesetz erlaubt es aber Missbrauchsopfern, eine Klage innerhalb von drei Jahren einzureichen, wenn entdeckt wird, "das psychische Verletzung oder Krankheit ... von sexuellem Missbrauch verursacht wurde." Der Richter im Rechtsstreit um Jacksons Testament wird darüber entscheiden, ob Robsons Antrag angenommen wird.

Das ist nicht der einzige Prozess um Michael Jackson. Seine Mutter Katherine hat den Veranstalter von Jacksons geplanten Comeback-Konzerten verklagt: Dieser habe fahrlässig bei der Verpflichtung eines Arztes für ihren Sohn gehandelt. Der Arzt wurde wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt, weil er Jackson eine tödliche Dosis eines Betäubungsmittels verabreichte.

09.05.2013 | 08:41 Uhr


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09.05.2013 um 12:22
Michael Jackson days before death: 'God keeps talking to me'

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 9, 2013 -- Updated 0935 GMT (1735 HKT)


* Producer testifies she begged AEG Live to put Jackson in a hospital
* "I kept saying that 'Michael is dying,'" producer testifies
* Show director Kenny Ortega "collapsed in our arms," when told Jackson died
* "Michael's imagination was endless," dancer testifies

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson told his tour director days before he died he was hearing God's voice, a producer testified Wednesday.

"God keeps talking to me,"Jackson said.

Those words spoken to Kenny Ortega and Jackson's frail appearance were so disturbing that it caused Ortega and associate producer Alif Sankey to burst into tears at a rehearsal, Sankey said Wednesday in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother and three children.

Jackson, who was being fitted for his costumes, appeared "extremely thin" and "was not speaking normally" at the June 19, 2009, rehearsal, Sankey told jurors in a trial to determine if concert promoter AEG Live should be held liable in the pop icon's death.

Jurors saw a photo of Jackson at the costume fitting that showed an obviously thin and gaunt man.

Sankey testified that she and Ortega cried together after Jackson left. On her way home, Sankey stopped her car to call Ortega "because I had a very strong feeling that Michael was dying."

"I was screaming into the phone at that point," Sankey testified. "I said he needs to be put in the hospital now."

Sankey became emotional as she testified about the call.

"I kept saying that 'Michael is dying, he's dying, he's leaving us, he needs to be put in a hospital,'" Sankey said. "'Please do something. Please, please.' I kept saying that. I asked him why no one had seen what I had seen. He said he didn't know."

Ortega sent a series of e-mails early the next morning that resulted in a meeting at Jackson's house between Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray, AEG Live President Randy Phillips and Ortega.

An e-mail from Phillips after that meeting said he had confidence in Murray, "who I am gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more."

"This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig, so he (is) totally unbiased and ethical," Phillips' e-mail said.

The lawsuit contends that Phillips and AEG never checked Murray out. Otherwise, they would have known he was deeply in debt and vulnerable to breaking the rules in treating Jackson to keep his job, it argues.

Jackson lawyers contend that AEG Live is liable for Jackson's death because the company negligently hired, retained or supervised Murray -- who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.

Jackson's last rehearsal was at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles on June 24, 2009. Security camera video shown to the jury Wednesday showed him walking with a blanket wrapped around him as he passed Sankey.

"He didn't look good," she testified. "I asked him if he was cold, and he said 'Yes.'"

Jackson sang two songs that last night on stage: "Thriller" and "Earth Song," she said.

"He did it," Sankey said. "He went through it. He wasn't in full performance mode."

Sankey said she was standing next to Ortega at a rehearsal the next afternoon when Randy Phillips called to tell him Jackson was dead.

"Kenny collapsed in our arms," she said.

The lawsuit contends that AEG Live executives missed a series of red flags warning them that Jackson's life was at risk because of Murray, who was giving him nightly infusions of the surgical anesthetic propofol to treat his insomnia.

The coroner ruled Jackson had died from an overdose of propofol in combination with several sedatives on June 25, 2009.

Murray told investigators he used the drugs to help Jackson sleep so he could be rested for rehearsals.

AEG lawyers argue Jackson, not their company, chose and supervised Murray, and that their executives had no way of knowing what the doctor was doing to Jackson in the privacy of his bedroom.

Michael's creativity

In contrast to six days of testimony mostly about Jackson's death, jurors did hear about the pop icon's creativity during Sankey's testimony

"Michael's imagination was endless," Sankey said. "He would visualize it, and it happened. It was amazing."

Katherine Jackson dabbed tears from her eyes as her son's "Smooth Criminal" video was played in court.

Sankey first met Michael Jackson when she was a dancer in the 1987 video production.

"We got to see Michael's imagination come to life," Sankey said. "That was my first time as a dancer, as an artist, that I was completely inspired by his craft and inspired by his attention to every detail. He was so detailed and he never missed a thing."

Working with Jackson was "magical," she said.

"I dream still to this day that I will be able to create on that level of magic that Michael created," Sankey said. "It was like living a dream of working with an artist like that, and I will treasure it and have it in my memory forever."

Sankey's work as an associate producer and dancer for Jackson's "This Is It" tour put her on the witness list in this trial.

"He shared with me that he was excited to do the show," she said. "He was excited to show his kids, finally to show them who he was, what he was all about; he was very excited about that."

Jurors heard about Jackson's relationship with his three children and their love of their father. Sankey described how they would come with their father to the set each day in early June when he was filming video elements for the show.

"Paris had a purse, and inside her purse, she had all this candy in her purse she didn't want her daddy to know about," Sankey said. "She had these little pictures of her father in her purse that were in frames. She had, like, a lot of them. Her purse was full of candy and pictures of her daddy."

"They loved their daddy," she said.

The "This Is It" concert would have been "a pretty big show," Sankey told jurors.

"It was going to be huge and it was going to be innovative, different," she testified. "From working with Michael in my past, I knew it had to be something that no one's ever seen. It all had to be new and pioneering."

The next witness when court resumes Thursday morning will be Michael Jackson's longtime hair and make up artist, Karen Faye. She was quoted in interviews after Jackson's death saying that the pop star was in ill health weeks before he died.

Spectators in the small Los Angeles courtroom Wednesday morning included Judge Lance Ito, famous for presiding over the O.J. Simpson murder trial in 1995. Ito was there to watch his friend, Judge Yvette Palazuelos, preside over this trial and then go to lunch with her.


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09.05.2013 um 12:26
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

tumblr mmgfefLKWh1qlutfoo1 500


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09.05.2013 um 12:54
aus Jackson:CH übernommen:


8. MAI 2013

Ausgerechnet Wade Robson, der Michael Jackson 2005 vor Gericht unter Eid verteidigte, möchte von der MJ Nachlassverwaltung Schmerzensgeld verlangen. Der frühere Choreograph von Stars wie Britney Spears und Pink, soll als Kind von Michael Jackson sexuell belästigt worden sein. Thomas Mesereau und Howard Weitzman reagieren mit Unverständnis.

Der 30-jährige Wade Robson – ein Choreographer, der in den frühen 2000er Jahren für Stars wie Britney Spears, NSYNC, Usher und Pink arbeitete – beschuldigt Michael Jackson in Gerichtspapieren der sexuellen Belästigung. Am 1. Mai haben Robsons Anwälte vor Gericht einen verspäteten Antrag gestellt, vom MJ Estate Schmerzensgeld fordern zu dürfen. Die Frist für Gläubigerforderungen ist eigentlich schon lange verstrichen. Das Nachlassgericht in Los Angeles prüft nun den Antrag.

Bisher äusserte sich Wade Robson in Interviews stets positiv. „Michael Jackson hat die Welt verändert und persönlicher, mein Leben für immer. Er ist der Grund, wieso ich tanze, der Grund, wieso ich Musik mache, und einer der Hauptgründe, dass ich in die pure Gutherzigkeit eines menschlichen Wesens glaube“, so Robson nach dem 25. Juni 2009.

Wade Robson lernte den King of Pop in Australien kennen, als er fünf Jahre alt war. Zwischen seinem 7. und 14. Altersjahr übernachtete er mehrmals auf der Neverland Ranch und in Anwesen Jacksons in Los Angeles und Las Vegas. Im Prozess 2005, in dem Michael Jackson von allen Vorwürfen freigesprochen wurde, verteidigte ihn auch Wade Robson, der mit seiner Ehefrau vor Gericht erschien und verneinte, jemals sexuell belästigt worden zu sein. Er gab zwar an, einige Male im Bett des Mega Stars geschlafen zu haben, doch es sei dabei nie zu sexuellen Annäherungen gekommen. Auch seine Mutter sagte unter Eid zugunsten von Michael Jackson aus.

Eine frühere Haushälterin von Neverland, Blanca Francia, sprach damals aber für die Anklage von einem Verdachtsmoment. So habe sie als Wade Robson etwa 8 oder 9 Jahre alt war, dessen winzigen „neon-grünen“ Unterhosen auf dem Badzimmerboden neben Jacksons weissen Baumwolle-Unterhosen liegen sehen und das Duo „lachen und herum spielen“ gehört. Dabei habe sie in der Dusche die Figuren von MJ und einem „kleinen Kind“ erkennen können, doch sie konnte aufgrund des „undeutlichen“ Dunst des Wasserdampfs nicht erkennen, ob sich die beiden berührten. So die eidesstaatliche Aussage, die zu den brisantesten im Arvizo-Fall gehörte. Wade Robson verneinte damals, je mit Michael Jackson nackt geduscht zu haben.

Die plötzlichen Vorwürfe irritieren nicht nur den Anwalt Perry Sanders, der aktuell Katherine Jackson, Prince, Paris und Blanket in ihrer Klage gegen AEG vertritt: „Das ist wirklich absurd“, sagt er zu Daily News. „Schau, seine Mutter und Schwestern waren am Prozess und sagten, dass es absolut lächerlich war“, so Sanders.

Die soeben eingereichten Gerichtsdokumente von Wade Robson erwähnen die Beteiligung eines bekannten Kinderpsychiaters aus der Region von San Francisco, Dr. David Arredondo.

Doch auch Thomas Mesereau, der Michael Jackson 2005 als Anwalt erfolgreich verteidigte, bezeichnet die Vorwürfe als Schwindel und glaubt, dass es nur um Geld geht. „Er war im Michael Jackson Strafprozess 2005 einer der überzeugendsten Zeugen für die Verteidigung. Er war unter Eid felsenfest, dass er nie und zu keinem Zeitpunkt sexuell belästigt wurde,“ sagt Mesereau zu CNN. „Er hielt einem sehr aggressiven Kreuzverhör des Staatsanwalts stand. Er war standfest und zauderte nie, als er sagte, Michael Jackson hatte absolut nichts unangemessenes ihm gegenüber getan.“

Der Anwalt vom MJ Estate, Howard Weitzman, bezeichnet die Vorwürfe als unglaublich. „Mr. Robsons Forderung ist empörend und erbärmlich. Das ist ein junger Mann, der in den letzten 20 Jahren mindestens zweimal unter Eid und in zahlreichen Interviews aussagte, dass Michael Jackson niemals etwas unangebrachtes mit ihm gemacht oder ihm angetan hatte“, sagt Weitzman. „Jetzt, fast vier Jahre nachdem Michael verstarb, wurde diese traurige und weniger als glaubwürdige Behauptung gemacht.“

Ein * Artikel von CNN enthält weitere Aussagen von Wade Robson und seiner Mutter, in denen sie sich positiv über Michael Jackson als Mensch und Vater äusserten.

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* Artikel von CNN


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09.05.2013 um 13:04
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8h
One of Michael Jackson's strongest defenders in molestation case now claims he was abused by singer:

The Associated Press

Former Jackson defender now says singer abused him
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A TV choreographer who testified that Michael Jackson never abused him as a child has now filed a claim against the singer's estate claiming years of abuse by the pop superstar.
4:31 AM - 9 Mai 13


— May. 9 1:21 AM EDT

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A choreographer and television personality who was a key witness in Michael Jackson's successful defense against child molestation charges is seeking permission to file a claim against the singer's estate alleging the pop superstar sexually abused him as a child, court records and an attorney said.

Wade Robson was abused by Jackson during a seven-year period, the choreographer's attorney, Henry Gradstein, wrote in a statement Wednesday. The attorney said Robson, 30, suffered a breakdown last year but has not stated how much his client is seeking to recoup from Jackson's estate if a judge permits him to pursue his abuse allegations.

Details on Robson's accusations were filed under seal.

The molestation allegations have been fiercely denied by an attorney for Jackson's estate and the singer's criminal defense attorney, Thomas Mesereau Jr.

"Mr. Robson was one of my strongest witnesses in Michael Jackson's criminal trial," Mesereau said. "I called him to the stand at the beginning of the defense case and he was adamant that he had never been improperly touched or molested. This makes no sense."

Robson was the first defense witness during the 2005 trial that ended with Jackson's acquittal on molestation charges. He also spoke favorably about Jackson after the singer's death in June 2009.

"Last year, on a career trajectory that was off the charts, (Robson) collapsed under the stress and sexual trauma of what had happened to him for seven years as a child," Gradstein wrote in a statement that referred to Jackson as a sexual predator.

"There are significant legal issues involved in this case that have the potential to impact lives beyond just our client," he wrote.

Gradstein said he could not discuss specifics of the case, but he cited Robson's recent breakdown as the choreographer's reason for reversing his previous statements about Jackson. "As a result, he started intensive treatment which ultimately led to his ability to come forward," Gradstein said.

Robson, an Australian-born choreographer, has appeared on the Fox series "So You Think You Can Dance" and worked with Britney Spears and other stars.

"Mr. Robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic," Jackson estate attorney Howard Weitzman wrote in a statement. "This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him. Now, nearly four years after Michael has passed this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is."

Gradstein filed a motion seeking permission to file a late creditor's claim against Jackson's estate on May 1, nearly four years after the singer's death, court records show. Most of the documents are sealed pending a June court hearing, but a summary of the documents states the choreographer includes a declaration from a psychiatrist and an "Unfiled Complaint for Childhood Sexual Abuse."

The period for filing claims against Jackson's estate has long since passed, but a California civil statute allows victims of abuse to file a lawsuit within three years of discovering "that psychological injury or illness ... was caused by the sexual abuse."

The judge overseeing Jackson's massive probate case will have to determine whether Robson's claim can go forward.

Gradstein's statement did not address any specifics about when or where Jackson's alleged molestation occurred, but the choreographer testified extensively in 2005 about the time he spent with Jackson.

"Wade Robson, in addition to being one of the most talented people on the planet, is one of the kindest, most gentle, decent and introspective human beings one will ever meet. He is the loving father of a young son and happily married," Gradstein wrote in a statement first obtained by celebrity website TMZ.

His claim was filed nearly eight years to the day after Robson testified Jackson never inappropriately touched him. He was 22 at the time he testified, telling jurors in Jackson's criminal case that he met Jackson when he was 5 years old and had spent the night at Jackson's Neverland Ranch more than 20 times, sleeping in the singer's bedroom on most visits.

During the trial, Robson bristled at testimony by other witnesses that they had seen Jackson molest him. "I'm very mad about it," he told jurors. "It's not true and they put my name through the dirt. I'm really not happy about it."

The claims come as Jackson's mother, who supported her son throughout the molestation trial in Santa Maria, Calif., is in a Los Angeles courtroom pursuing a negligent hiring case against the promoter of Jackson's planned series of comeback concerts.

Katherine Jackson has not addressed Robson's allegations, and her attorney, Perry Sander Jr., said Mesereau was the appropriate person to comment on the molestation claims.

Marvin S. Putnam, an attorney for concert promoter AEG Live LLC, said he wasn't familiar with the specifics of Robson's claims but doubted it would come up in the civil trial filed by Jackson's mother. "I don't see how it has anything to do with our case," he said.


AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.


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09.05.2013 um 13:07
morgen (also heute) wird Karen Faye in den Zeugenstand treten ...

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11h
Court is done for the day in Jackson vs AEG. Makeup artist Karen Faye is going to be tomorrow's witness. #JacksonTrial
1:25 AM - 9 Mai 13


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09.05.2013 um 15:18
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 22m
@jenheger Susan Yu is attorney for Wade Robson? The same Susan Yu that was on MJ's defense team in 2005?
2:49 PM - 9 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 23m
wait what? Susan Yu representing Wade? - Wade Robson Has Had NO Contact With AEG, Claims His Attorney -
2:48 PM - 9 Mai 13

Michael Jackson’s Accuser Wade Robson Has Had NO Contact With AEG, Claims His Attorney

Posted on May 9, 2013 @ 5:21AM | By jenheger

Conspiracy theorists have questioned the timing of famed choreographer Wade Robson‘s bombshell decision to file a creditor’s claim against Michael Jackson’s Estate “for childhood sexual abuse,” because of Katherine Jackson‘s $40 billion wrongful death lawsuit trial against AEG and speculated that the concert promoter and the choreographer are working together, but an attorney for the alleged victim tells exclusively that is categorically false.

“Mr. Robson has had NO contact whatsoever with AEG whatsoever regarding their case. It’s false and untrue that AEG had any contact with Mr. Robson before his claim was filed,” Susan Yu, one of the lawyers representing Robson told exclusively.

On Wednesday, sources close to AEG told us they had no plans to call Robson as a witness at the trial. “AEG has just learned about Wade Robson’s claims, and there doesn¹t seem to be any reason to call him to the stand. Wade doesn’t bring anything to the case that would bolster AEG’s case that they aren’t responsible for Michael Jackson¹s death.”

Katherine Jackson, 82, is suing AEG for up to $40 billion, saying AEG failed to properly screen and supervise cardiologist Dr. Conrad Murray, who was to be Michael’s personal physician during his This Is It series of comeback concerts at London’s 02 Arena.

As we previously reported, Robson, now 30, first met Jackson when he was 5 and had several sleepovers at the Bad singer’s Neverland Ranch — allegedly until he was 14.

This week, Robson used a court filing to reverse his previous position that he was never abused by the King of Pop, despite a maid telling the singer’s 2005 molestation trial that she once saw Robson with Jackson in the shower.

Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for Jackson’s estate, fired back at Robson’s newfound accusations, labeling his claim as “outrageous and pathetic.”

“This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him,” Weitzman previously told

“Now, nearly four years after Michael has passed, this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is.”

Robson’s lawyers fired back to Michael Jackson’s Estate response. In a prepared statement, Robson’s lawyer Henry Gradstein said, “Michael Jackson was a monster, and in their hearts every normal person knows it. Wade Robson, in addition to being one of the most talented people on the planet, is one of the kindest, most gentle, decent and introspective human beings one will ever meet. He is the loving father of a young son and happily married. Last year, on a career trajectory that was off the charts, he collapsed under the stress and sexual trauma of what had happened to him for seven years as a child. He lived with the brain washing by a sexual predator until the burden of it all crushed him. ‘If anyone ever finds out about what we did we will go to jail for the rest of our lives, and our lives will be ruined forever,’ Michael would say to him…

“This kind of intimidation of a child by a sexual predator is tragically characteristic and effective, keeping them quiet about the abuse – often for a lifetime. The irony here is that we were the ones who filed under seal and still tried to keep it secret. Amidst all the accusations of a financial motive, no amount of damages is even listed in our papers. There are significant legal issues involved in this case that have the potential to impact lives beyond just our client. But the Jackson money machine, in which everyone is indeed financially motivated, is at it once again to keep the truth from coming out. This time it won’t work.”

The deadline to file creditor’s claims against Michael Jackson’s Estate has long since passed, but lawyers for the Australian have formally asked Judge Mitchell Beckloff to allow it to be paid.

The first hearing in Robson’s claim is scheduled for June 6.


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09.05.2013 um 15:21
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 36m
2011 Interview w/ Robson he says he will be working on MJ Cirque shows≷=US&client=mv-google&v=mWtvYzsbtjc&feature=youtu … but he didn't & perhaps replaced by Jamie King


Wade Robson @ Pulse on Tour NYC
RATV's David talks Wade Robson with at the Pulse on Tour NYC 2011 Summer Intensive held at the Grand Hyatt in New York City ony July 30, 2011. Shot & edited ...
2:42 PM - 9 Mai 13 ·


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09.05.2013 um 15:26
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 17h
First witness is Alif Sankey, a choreographer, dancer and producer. She spends early part of her testimony describing her experience.
9:39 PM - 8 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 17h
Yes. Court version was more colorful. RT @_Tarina__: @mccartneyAP Was it this picture?:)

BJxKq3mCcAEJFbL.jpg large

9:58 PM - 8 Mai 13


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09.05.2013 um 16:31
Ivy hatte nachgefragt, ob es sich um RA Susan Yu handelt ... das wurde nun verneint, da ihnen ein Fehler unterlaufen ist ... es handelt sich um die RA Helen Yu ...

jen hutton heger ‏@jenheger 36m
@Ivy_4MJ lawyer is Helen Yu & NOT Susan. Its being fixed right now. Sorry 4 confusion.
Retweetet von Ivy
3:49 PM - 9 Mai 13


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09.05.2013 um 16:39
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #9 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 7 - May 8 2013 – Summary

Katherine Jackson and Trent Jackson were in the court.

Producer/Dancer Alif Sankey testimony


Jackson Direct

Alif Sankey is a Dancer, Choreographer, and Producer. She was hired the Associate Producer for "This is It"(ABC7). First witness is Alif Sankey, a choreographer, dancer and producer. She spends early part of her testimony describing her experience.(AP)

She first Met MJ working for him as a dancer on the Smooth Criminal music tour. She blew the first audition but got a call back anyway. Her first encounter with MJ he asked her who did her eyes? She said she did and then she wanted to Melt! Sankey said that was the best job she ever had because she got to watch MJ create and see his Genius up close. It has inspired her.(ABC7) Sankey says it took around three months to shoot “Smooth Criminal” music video. Says watching Jackson work influenced her creative process. She also worked with him at a couple live performances, but never went on tour with Jackson. She was later hired to work on “This Is It.”(AP) A few moments into the video, Sankey points out she’s the woman in the brown dress to the right of Jackson. (AP)

"It was magical to work with him ... It was like living a dream.” -Alif Sankey on dancing in #MJ's "Smooth Criminal" video (LAtimes)
“We got to see Michael’s imagination come to life,” she said. “That was my first time as a dancer, as an artist, that I was completely inspired by his craft and inspired by his attention to every detail. … It was magical to work with him, just absolutely magical and I dream still to this day that I will create on that level of magic that Michael created on. It was like living a dream.” (LATimes)

jurors did hear about the pop icon's creativity during Sankey's testimony. "Michael's imagination was endless," Sankey said. "He would visualize it, and it happened. It was amazing." (CNN)

"We got to see Michael's imagination come to life," Sankey said. "That was my first time as a dancer, as an artist, that I was completely inspired by his craft and inspired by his attention to every detail. He was so detailed and he never missed a thing."Working with Jackson was "magical," she said."I dream still to this day that I will be able to create on that level of magic that Michael created," Sankey said. "It was like living a dream of working with an artist like that, and I will treasure it and have it in my memory forever." (CNN)

Sankey said she was hired at the Associate Producer for "This is It" by AEG. She had worked with Producer Kenny Ortega many years. Dancer auditions started April 6th 2009 and hundreds tried out. They hired about 100 (huge show)!!! Sankey testified that the "This is It" tour was to revive MJ's career. Show the audience something they had never seen before.(ABC7)

The "This Is It" concert would have been "a pretty big show," Sankey told jurors.
"It was going to be huge and it was going to be innovative, different," she testified. "From working with Michael in my past, I knew it had to be something that no one's ever seen. It all had to be new and pioneering." (CNN)

Sankey said she saw MJ for the first time after being hired on the last day of dancer auditions. He looked thin. (ABC7)

Sankey also spoke about Jackson’s relationship with his children. “They loved him, they loved their daddy,” she said, and spoke about sitting at a rehearsal with Paris, who kept a purse full of candy and small framed photos of her father. Jackson himself appeared eager to perform with his children around, she said. (LAtimes)

Sankey: “He was excited to show his kids, finally, to show who he was and what he was all about. He was very happy and excited.” (LAtimes)

"He shared with me that he was excited to do the show," she said. "He was excited to show his kids, finally to show them who he was, what he was all about; he was very excited about that." (CNN)

Sankey said she based some of her impressions of Jackson over the years on how he felt when they hugged. "When I hugged him, he just felt like marble," Sankey said about Jackson early in his career. "But when I hugged, when I saw him briefly in 2006, he didn't feel like that anymore. He felt thin. He just felt thin." He was thin during the "This Is It" preparations, she said, and she became concerned when he missed multiple rehearsals. (AP)

Sankey was at a wardrobe meeting with MJ when he said to her she looked good..Had she lost weight? She said she works out. MJ nice to all (ABC7)

She spoke to MJ's assistant because she noticed MJ had holes in the soles of his dancing shoes. (ABC7)

The singer showed up at one rehearsal with shoes that had holes in the soles, missed rehearsals and appeared much thinner than earlier in his career, Sankey testified.(AP)

Michael Jackson complained his body was sore to "This Is It" choreographer, Sankey testified. (LATimes)

Sankey suggested MJ stretch, have a barre installed at his house, and pilates to get 50 year old body in shape for tour. (ABC7)

In June, MJ kids came to rehearsal. Paris had a purse with candy and pix of MJ. She asked Sankey not to tell MJ about the candy.(ABC7)

Sankey also described meeting Paris Jackson while footage was being shot for the "This Is It" shows.Paris Jackson shared a secret with Sankey, saying she had brought lots of candy stuffed into her purse to the studio and didn't want her father to find out.

There were also several tiny pictures inside her purse — all of her father. "Her purse was full of candy and pictures of her daddy," Sankey said. (AP)

Dancer and choreographer Alif Sankey told a jury that MJ appeared thin and unprepared for the rigors of the shows. She testified that a month before MJ’s death, she wrote an email to tour director Kenny Ortega urging him to try to improve the singer's health and spirits. She says she never received a reply. (AP)

Sankey wrote to Ortega: "Please help me help you to get him back into that Magical Light, please let me help you help him find what was lost, his GRAIL," She wrote that she knew what she could say to Jackson that would make him respond and also offered suggestions to help lessen the pain of rehearsals.(AP)

“I wanted to be a part of him being encouraged, being enlightened, believing in himself, believing that we all believed in him, that he could do this,” Sankey said. (LATimes)

Jackson lawyer Panish asked Sankey if she saw AEG Live take any action to protect the entertainer after she expressed her concerns.

“No,” Sankey testified.

“Were you concerned that nothing was happening?” Panish asked.

“Yes,” she responded. (Law360)

Ortega, she said, was frustrated with Jackson's absences. (LAtimes) Producers expressed concern on MJ rehearsal attendance by the beginning of June. Sankey was worried. Sankey testified MJ was not at rehearsal for the first week of June. He came to rehearsal June 6th. That was after a tough love meeting with MJ and the show Director and Producer that Sankey said was tough love. The Director sent MJ home on June 19th after his costume fitting according to Sankey. She met with Director after. Sankey and Director cried together after MJ left because of their concern for him and his physical condition. So thin... On her way home, she called Director and screamed into the phone that MJ was dying and someone had to do something. She said he had to go to the hospital. She made Director promise to do something. (ABC7)

On her way home, Sankey stopped her car to call Ortega "because I had a very strong feeling that Michael was dying." "I was screaming into the phone at that point," Sankey testified. "I said he needs to be put in the hospital now." (CNN)

"I kept saying that 'Michael is dying, he's dying, he's leaving us, he needs to be put in a hospital,'" Sankey said. "'Please do something. Please, please,' I kept saying that. I asked him why no one had seen what I had seen. He said he didn't know." (CNN)

“I said, 'He needs to be put in the hospital now,' ” Sankey said. “He kept listening to me because I kept going. I kept saying, ‘Michael’s dying, he’s dying.’”Sankey, who was emotional and paused during her testimony, said she begged Ortega to do something.
“Please, please. I kept saying that. I asked him, ‘Why is no one seeing what I’m seeing?’ (LATimes)

Ortega send a series of e-mails early the next morning that resulted in a meeting at Jackson's house between Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray, AEG Live President Randy Phillips and Ortega. (CNN)

Sankey testified that the previous night, Jackson had been at rehearsal for a costume fitting but was sent home because he “was not looking good or feeling good.” (LATimes) According to associate producer Alif Sankey.Jackson, who was at the rehearsal for a costume fitting, appeared "extremely thin" and "was not speaking normally" at the June 19, 2009 (CNN)

Afterward, Sankey said that Ortega was worried about Jackson, who mentioned God was speaking to him. ”MJ told Kenny Ortega that "god was speaking to him," Sankey testified Both became emotional after discussing their concern for Jackson. (LAtimes) Sankey testified that she and Ortega cried together after Jackson left. (CNN) Michael Jackson's appearance and state of mind were so disturbing days before his death it caused producers to burst into tears at a rehearsal Sankey said (CNN)

“[Jackson] was not speaking normally to Kenny,” Sankey testified. “I was very concerned. I was highly concerned that night.” (Law360)

“[Michael] didn’t understand why God was speaking to him. We were both crying. We were crying because he seemed — he was not speaking normally to Kenny.”(LATimes)

"God keeps talking to me," Michael Jackson told Kenny Ortega six days before dying (CNN)

MJ was at rehearsal on June 23rd and performed most of the concert. MJ showed up for Rehearsal on the 24th wrapped in a huge blanket. Rehearsal was at the Staples Center. (ABC7)

Jackson's last rehearsal was at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles on June 24, 2009. Security camera video shown to the jury Wednesday showed him walking with a blanket wrapped around him as he passed Sankey.
"He didn't look good," she testified. "I asked him if he was cold and he said 'Yes.'"
Jackson sang two songs that last night on stage: "Thriller" and "Earth Song," she said.
"He did it," Sankey said. "He went through it. He wasn't in full performance mode." (CNN)

On June 25th, the company was rehearsing at Staples. When Sankey arrived, she was told MJ was in the hospital. The Director kept the company rehearsing despite MJ hospitalized. Cell phones went off and no one answered...they kept working. (ABC7)

Sankey said she was standing next to Ortega at a rehearsal the next afternoon when Randy Phillips called to tell him Jackson was dead. "Kenny collapsed in our arms," she said. (CNN) The director, Kenny Ortega, took the call from Randy Phillips of AEG what MJ had died. Sankey says Ortega collapsed. (ABC7)

Sankey and Ortega went back to an office and cried. Then Ortega got the company into a circle and told them MJ had died. (ABC7)

AEG cross

On Cross Examination Attorney for AEG questioned Sankey on how close she was to MJ. She testified that she loved MJ but she really wasn't close to MJ. (ABC7)


Makeup artist Karen Faye is going to be tomorrow's witness.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 16:47
Michael Jacksons Hinterbliebene empört über Vorwürfe

(AFP) – Vor 6 Stunden

Los Angeles — Neue Vorwürfe des Kindesmissbrauchs gegen den verstorbenen US-Popstar Michael Jackson haben bei dessen Hinterbliebenen Empörung ausgelöst. Die Anschuldigungen seien "abscheulich und erbärmlich", erklärte der Anwalt Howard Weitzman, der sich um Jacksons Nachlass kümmert. Die "traurige und unglaubwürdige Behauptung" werde vor Gericht keinen Bestand haben.

Der australische Choreograph Wade Robson hatte laut der Tageszeitung "Los Angeles Times" Anfang Mai Klage wegen Kindesmissbrauchs gegen Jackson eingereicht. Er verlangt Schadenersatz aus dem Erbe des 2009 verstorbenen Künstlers. "Michael Jackson war ein Monster und im Grunde ihres Herzens wissen das alle normalen Menschen", erklärte Robsons Anwalt Henry Gradstein gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur AFP in einer Mitteilung. Sein Mandant sei als Kind über sieben Jahre hinweg missbraucht worden und als Folge davon im vergangenen Jahr zusammengebrochen.

Robson hatte als Heranwachsender eine Zeit lang auf Jacksons Anwesen "Neverland Ranch" gewohnt. In einem Prozess im Jahr 2005 sagte er aus, der Popstar habe ihn niemals angerührt. Laut Jackson-Anwalt Weitzman wiederholte Robson dies auch in mehreren Interviews.

Gegen Jackson waren immer wieder Vorwürfe laut geworden, er habe Kinder sexuell missbraucht. Im Jahr 2005 wurde er nach einem spektakulären Gerichtsverfahren freigesprochen. Seine Karriere erholte sich danach jedoch nicht mehr. Jackson starb am 25. Juni 2009 im Alter von 50 Jahren auf seinem Anwesen in Los Angeles an einer Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol. Sein Arzt Conrad Murray wurde 2011 wegen fahrlässiger Tötung zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt.

Wegen Jacksons Tod läuft derzeit auch ein Prozess seiner Familie gegen dessen Konzertveranstalter AEG. Der Clan wirft AEG unter anderem vor, sich bei der Einstellung Murrays der Fahrlässigkeit schuldig gemacht zu haben.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 16:54
LidJack ‏@LidJack 5h
@ABC7Courts @mccartneyAP did they show this pic or another yesterday??


11:04 AM - 9 Mai 13
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 45m
Yes, this image was shown RT @LidJack: @ABC7Courts @mccartneyAP did they show this pic or another yesterday??
4:06 PM - 9 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 16:59
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 13m
TMZ : "Our sources say Wade lost "a ton of money" and has earned almost nothing since"
Read more: … "


Wade Robson -- Nervous Breakdown Triggered Molestation Memories

Wade Robson -- the famous choreographer who now claims Michael Jackson molested him for 7 years -- had a complete nervous breakdown in March, 2012 ... and…
4:42 PM - 9 Mai 13


5/9/2013 1:00 AM PDT


Wade Robson -- the famous choreographer who now claims Michael Jackson molested him for 7 years -- had a complete nervous breakdown in March, 2012 ... and that opened Pandora's box ... sources close to the Robson family tell TMZ.

Multiple sources tell us ... Robson had anxiety that was building during most of 2011 ... and it exploded in March, 2012. He had a debilitating nervous breakdown that pushed him into complete seclusion and torpedoed his career.

We're told after the breakdown, Robson was unable to work -- to fulfill his commitments. He had a number of contracts that he ended up breaching, including his promise to write 3 songs. Our sources say he lost "a ton of money" and has earned almost nothing since.

Sources tell us after the breakdown, Robson went to a psychotherapist for several weeks ... and that's all it took for the floodgates to open. Robson then told his family Michael Jackson had molested him from ages 7 to 14.

Our sources say shortly after Robson revealed his secret ... he told friends and family he planned to file a lawsuit against the MJ Estate.

As for his motivation ... Robson family sources tell TMZ ... although he's not making any money, he has "substantial savings."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 17:03
s. a. Eintrag von heute um 15:18h

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 27m
Radaronline corrected story: Wade Robson Has Had NO Contact With AEG claims his lawyer Helen Yu :
4:33 PM - 9 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 17:10
geplante Änderungen im Verfahren Jackson vs AEG - die Sitzung am Freitag wird nur für einen halben Tag angesetzt. Keine Zeugenaussagen am Nachmittag.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m
Schedule update on Jackson vs AEG trial - court will be in session a half day on Friday. No testimony in the afternoon.
4:59 PM - 9 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 18:30
Katherine und Trent Jackson sind eben eingetroffen ... :)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Mrs. Jackson andTrent Jackson just arrived. She is wearing a flower dress and a purple jacket along with patent leather mary jane shoes.
6:23 PM - 9 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
She said hello to all the Jackson supporters in the hall. Court is scheduled to start at 9:30a this morning.
6:25 PM - 9 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 20:30 (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2013)
bitte von unten nach oben lesen ... :)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m
Karen Faye has told jury about pain Jackson felt after Pepsi accident and Munich concert accident, but not in great detail yet.
8:12 PM - 9 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m
Before the morning break, Faye was shown video of Jackson's Super Bowl performance.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m
“Michael would do five songs to the dancers’ one. I never saw anything like it.” _ Faye says of Jackson’s performances.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m
Faye tells jury she was responsible for keeping Jackson hydrated during shows. She says she’s never seen another performer like MJ.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m
Faye’s easygoing demeanor on the stand is in sharp contrast to yesterday’s witness, dancer Alif Sankey. She was stiff, nervous.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m
Faye: “You obviously have not seen a Michael Jackson concert in your life.”
Panish: “I’m not answering that. I get to ask the questions.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m
In the video, fans are screaming, some being carted out on stretchers. Panish asks Faye if this is common for a Jackson concert.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m
Panish moves to videos of Jackson performances. He starts off with a performance of “Man in the Mirror” in Bucharest from “Dangerous” tour.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m
Faye says fans in the courtroom would know the brand of shoes. Before Panish can stop them, two or three voices call out, “LA Gear!”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m
Panish asks if they’re Air Jordans. No, Faye responds. Judge names another brand. Nope, Faye says.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m
Lots of photos are shown, including a smoky image of Jackson standing on tippy-toes. Debate ensues over what brand the shoes are.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m
Panish in a continuation of his self-deprecating questioning of Faye, responds to her Leibovitz quip, “Hey, I don’t get out that much.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m
One of images is an Annie Leibovitz shot for Vanity Fair. “Who’s Annie Leibovitz?” Panish asks. “Really?” Faye responds. There’s laughter.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 13m
Panish next shows Faye and jury photos of just Jackson where she did his hair and makeup.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 13m
Another photo is shown of Michael Jackson and makeup artist Karen Faye hugging. The singer is in clown makeup. #JacksonTrial

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 13m
Many photos of Jackson and Karen Faye are shown. One, with bad '80s hair (Faye’s words, not mine) was shot on set of “Leave Me Alone.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14m
“I didn’t like it at the time, but now that I look at it, I look pretty good.” _ Faye says of Jackson's makeup job.
Lots of laughter.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 15m
The jury is shown a photo of Jackson doing Faye’s makeup, brush touching her face. Panish asks her how Jackson did.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 15m
Despite the tears, there’s a lot of laughter in the courtroom this morning. Faye and Panish are both cracking jokes at times.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 15m
After a couple more questions, Faye starts to cry. She gets emotional describing Jackson’s creativity and relationship with his fans.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 15m
Panish asks Faye to describe Jackson: “He was a gentleman. He was elegant. He was brilliant.” _ she says as she starts to break down.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 15m
Faye, a Pittsburgh native, tells jury she traveled the world with Michael Jackson. “I found myself working with this magical person.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 15m
Jackson’s scalp was badly burned, she tells jury. “I had to figure out, along with him, how to hide his injury,” Faye says.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 15m
She’s asked about the 1984 Pepsi commercial shoot accident. She says she worked with Jackson after that to mask his injuries.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 16m
Faye spends several minutes describing what she does. She talks about having to get close to someone when she’s doing their hair, makeup.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 16m
Panish asks Faye to read a dedication on the inside of the record. “This album is lovingly dedicated to Katherine Jackson,” she reads.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 16m
Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish next showed Faye a record (yes, vinyl) of Jackson’s “Thriller” album.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 16m
Faye starts out by listing some of her famous clients, including Michael Jackson, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening and Smokey Robinson.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 17m
Before court resumed, makeup artist/stylist Karen Faye and Katherine Jackson hugged in the courtroom. Mrs. Jackson seemed happy to see her.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 17m
We're on a break in Jackson vs AEG. Some updates from makeup artist Karen Faye's testimony coming up now.
8:02 PM - 9 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 20:49

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
She is asked if she ever worked on anything like that again? No, Sir is the answer
8:17 PM - 9 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
Karen makes the Thriller hand gestures when she is questioned about the music video. As it plays she wipes tears from her eyes.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
He suffered migraines after that injury. He had several surgeries to try to repair the damage to his scalp.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
She says when MJ was burned shooting the Pepsi commercial he did not know it and just kept singing. His friend Niko had to tackle him.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
She says she knew he couldn't wear the glove forever.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
One picture shows MJ with tape on his fingers...Karen explains that it was a trick to get the audience to follow his hands.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
Her testimony has been very emotional. She is wiping tears away as she sees her favorite pictures of MJ

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
She says her relationship with MJ grew over the 27 years she worked with him to a brother and sister relationship.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
Karen Faye MJ's long time Hair and Makeup artist takes the stand.
8:08 PM - 9 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 20:59
New MJ Molestation Claims

5/9/2013 10:26 AM PDT

<iframe id="kaltura_player_1368125708" height="360" width="640" style="border: 0px solid #ffffff;" src=";">Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.</iframe>

Lionel Richie -- New Michael Jackson Molestation Claims Are 'Bogus'

Michael Jackson's longtime friend Lionel Richie is scoffing at the new molestation claim against the King of Pop ... telling TMZ, Wade Robson's abuse allegations are "bogus."

As we first reported, Robson -- a famous choreographer -- filed a creditor's claim against Michael's estate this week claiming the singer sexually abused him as a child.

Wade's lawyer told TMZ ... as far as he's concerned MJ was a "monster" who sexually abused Wade for seven years ... and then threatened Wade if he ever went public.

Sources close to Wade told us, 30-year-old Wade's repressed memories came flooding back following a nervous breakdown last year.

But Lionel's STILL got MJ's back ... check out the video.

