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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 18:21
With Michael Jackson, lurid details of power, perversion never end

By Robin Abcarian
May 10, 2013, 8:55 a.m.

s it possible for the Michael Jackson story to become more lurid, pathetic or extreme?

You bet your sweet Jesus juice.
Jackson’s mother and three children have sued Anschutz Entertainment Group, blaming the promoter of what was supposed to be the singer’s 2009 comeback tour for his death.

So far, the trial in downtown Los Angeles has offered a parade of horror stories, thanks to witnesses who can finally speak freely about Jackson, an entertainer whose heavenly talents were pulled down by his hellish addiction. One thing is certain now: his death came at the hands of the very person who was charged with keeping him alive.

The Jacksons are fighting with AEG over who hired Conrad Murray, the now-disgraced doctor serving a four-year manslaughter sentence for administering a fatal dose of the surgical anesthetic propofol to the singer. The family claims AEG hired Murray. AEG claims Jackson brought Murray in as his personal physician.

Whatever the outcome of the trial -- neither side is particularly sympathetic -- Jackson was the engineer of his own disintegration and death. His immense wealth, power and fame led to the virtually unchecked perversions that guaranteed he would eventually self-destruct.

Even with all we know about the weirdness that was Michael Jackson -- the rumored use of a hyperbaric chamber, the exotic pets, the extreme plastic surgery, the sleepovers with boys, the bizarre marriages, the freaky way he made his children disguise themselves, the way he hung his baby over a balcony -- the testimony in this trial has been disturbing.

"We are going to show some ugly stuff," AEG’s defense attorney warned.

A paramedic who responded to the 911 call the day Jackson died testified he thought he was looking at “an end-stage cancer patient who had come home to die,” The Times reported. "The singer's ribs were visible on his thin body, his eyes were dilated and dry, his lips were a faint blue.”

The paramedic was so certain he was looking at terminal patient, he asked Murray if Jackson had a “do not resuscitate” order.

A toxicologist testified that when he died, Jackson had a cornucopia of drugs in his system -- anti-anxiety meds, plus anesthetics normally found in hospital settings -- and that Jackson was the only non-medical professional in L.A. County in 14 years to die at home of propofol intoxication.

Tour producer Alif Sankey said that five days before he overdosed, she was terrified that a cold and frail Jackson was dying and that he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

In what is perhaps the creepiest turn of all, however, Wade Robson -- an Australian choreographer who during Jackson’s child molestation trial eight years ago denied under oath that the singer had abused him -- has asked to file a late claim as a creditor against the Jackson estate, alleging “childhood sexual abuse.” My colleague Richard Winton reported that the specifics of the case are under seal and include evidence from a mental health practitioner.

Jackson, you recall, was exonerated in 2005 of molesting a 13-year-old cancer patient at his Neverland Ranch in Santa Ynez. It was a runaway train of a celebrity trial, with wall-to-wall international coverage and a militantly pro-Jackson crowd outside the courthouse each day.
One of the witnesses who testified for Jackson was Robson, then 22, who had met Jackson after winning a Melbourne dance competition at age 5. Robson said he had traveled with Jackson, and visited the singer dozens of times, often sleeping in Jackson’s bed at Neverland Ranch. Any notion he’d been molested, testified Robson, was “ridiculous.”

So maybe Robson, who has filed the sexual abuse claim, is telling the truth. Maybe he’s able to face it now that Jackson is dead, his estate is very much alive and the scent of money is in the air. But who is going to believe him?

Either Robson was not being honest then -- at a moment when his story might have helped someone else -- or he is not being honest now.

What a terribly sad, ugly, and confusing situation.

Yet what a fitting coda for Michael Jackson, whose story is just as strange in death as it was in life.,0,1302687.story


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10.05.2013 um 18:32
Has Paris Jackson moved in with her mother? Teen 'has packed her bags after turbulent rows' with grandmother Katherine

PUBLISHED: 02:08 GMT, 10 May 2013 | UPDATED: 07:03 GMT, 10 May 2013

She has been spending more and more time with her mother Debbie Rowe in recent weeks.
And it’s clear that Paris Jackson and her mother have developed a very close bond.

Now reports have emerged that the daughter of Michael Jackson has already taken the next step and moved in with Debbie.

article-2322323-19A152FD000005DC-242 634
Taking the next step?: Paris Jackson has moved in with her mother Debbie Rowe, according to new reports

According to CelebrityFix, Paris packed her bags at the home of her grandmother Katherine and is settling into her new abode.

‘There has been a string of turbulent rows in the Jackson home over the past few weeks and it’s all coming to a head,’ a source told the website.

Despite these reports Paris' regular posts on her Twitter page prove that she is perfectly happy and well-adjusted teenager, and on Thursday she gushed of her excitement about the upcoming school summer holiday.

Paris recently opted to spend her 15th birthday with Debbie instead of Katherine, and the teen is apparently becoming more independent by the day.

‘Whilst she loves her grandmother Katherine, Paris thinks she has some extremely old-fashioned beliefs,’ the insider said.

‘Paris is an extremely independent young woman and as she’s got older, she’s starting to voice her opinion more and stand up for herself and her beliefs.’

According to the reports Paris is encouraging her two brothers to follow suit and also move in with Debbie.

The source said: ‘Paris is trying to persuade Prince and Blanket to join her. Debbie has told her they would all be welcome, but there are certain laws which have to be obeyed and Paris knows that whilst she may be able to leave, it would be far more difficult for the boys due to the legalities.

‘Debbie has called for talks between her, Paris and Katherine. She thinks they all need to sit down and discuss the situation to avoid any more rows and try to make any transition as easy for Paris as possible.’

Apparently Paris is not just enjoying the chance to bond with her mother, but also the freedom of not being surrounded by security all the time.

‘For years she was forced to wear masks, protected by a harem of security and surrounded by entourage,’ the source said.

‘She hates that life and knows that was something Michael wanted to protect all of them from. She feels that by separating herself from her grandmother, she could have a more normal life.’

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article-2322323-1988D4EA000005DC-501 306
Bonding: Paris and Debbie, pictured at the end of last month, have grown extremely close over the last few weeks


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10.05.2013 um 18:53
Jackson friend told AEG executive of fears singer might die

Karen Faye, Michael Jackson's longtime makeup artist, testifies about his declining health and says she warned his manager days before his death.

Karen Faye said she worked on Michael Jackson's makeup and hair for the cover of "Thriller." (Epic Records)

By Jeff Gottlieb, Los Angeles Times
May 9, 2013, 10:12 p.m.

A makeup artist and longtime friend of Michael Jackson said Thursday that in the days before his death the singer was paranoid, repeated himself continuously and was so cold she bundled him in a blanket, put him in front of a space heater and hugged him to try to stop the shivering.

Karen Faye, who had known Jackson for 27 years, said she took her concerns to an AEG executive five days before Jackson died of an overdose of the anesthetic propofol at his rented Holmby Hills mansion.

"I am fearful he will make him self so sick he will die," Faye wrote to Frank Dileo, Jackson's former manager.

Faye's testimony was the most dramatic so far in the wrongful death suit filed by Jackson's mother and three children against Anschutz Entertainment Group, the promoter of his comeback concert series in London.

Faye testified that she talked to top AEG executive Randy Phillips at Jackson's funeral, and he told her he had done everything he could.

Brian Panish, one of the Jackson family attorneys, asked whether she believed him.

"Sir, Michael Jackson was lying in a casket only a few feet away from me," she replied. "I had no response. That's not everything you can do."

Faye's testimony ranged from the days she worked on Jackson's makeup and hair for the cover of "Thriller," one of the bestselling albums of all time, through tours with the entertainer to the preparations for the ill-fated "This Is It" concerts the singer was preparing for when he died.

On Thursday, Faye recounted how Jackson was almost skeletal and that his skin felt like ice when she brought her concerns to concert director Kenny Ortega and Dileo.

"Kenny told me Randy Phillips hired one of the top 10 doctors in the entire world," Faye testified.

She learned that was Dr. Conrad Murray, the cardiologist later convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson propofol. Murray is serving a jail sentence. The family contends that Murray was on AEG's payroll and that the company controlled the doctor.

Faye said that at one point she visited Paul Gongaware, co-chief executive of AEG Live, who had served as manager for previous Jackson tours. She said she heard him talking on the phone to one of Jackson's security guards who told him the singer had locked himself in the bathroom of his home.

"Do whatever it takes," she testified Gongaware said. "Get him out of there. He needs to be here."

Faye, crying at times, said that after Jackson missed a rehearsal, Phillips and Ortega went to his house. Afterward, she said, she was pressured not to listen to Jackson and to get him on stage.

Faye also testified that Jackson began using prescription pain medication after he was burned in 1983 while making a Pepsi commercial and that she had refused to give injections to the singer.

Faye said that while backstage in Bangkok, Thailand, Jackson was having difficulty walking, seemed to be in a daze and stumbled over a potted tree in his dressing room.

Faye testified that she feared for Jackson's safety and urged a man she knew as "Dr. Forecast" not to let Jackson take the stage.

"I put my arms around Michael and said, `You can't take him,'" she said.

"Forecast replied, 'Yes I can,'" she testified.

The makeup artist testified that the man, who she said was "an insurance doctor," backed her against a wall and choked her until she couldn't breathe.

"He said, 'You don't know what you're up against,'" Faye testified.

The doctor took Jackson on stage to perform, she said.

The tour soon came to an end in Mexico City, when Elizabeth Taylor flew down to take the singer to a rehabilitation facility outside London, she said.

"Everyone knew Michael had a problem," Faye said.

Faye also testified that she was at Jackson's side during the 2005 trial in which Jackson was acquitted of molestation, helping him prepare for court each morning.

Faye cried as she described dressing him and washing his hair. They would get on their knees and pray, and then hug each other and cry. They played classical music and watched Three Stooges videos.

"He was afraid," she testified. "The pain got worse. He got thinner. ",0,5468100.story


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10.05.2013 um 18:54
Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll 1h
Karen Faye returns to the stand today. #MJ civil trial
5:34 PM - 10 Mai 13


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10.05.2013 um 19:27
das neue Profilbild von Paris bei Twitter ....


Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 13h
do i qualify for hogwarts now ?

5:49 AM - 10 Mai 13


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10.05.2013 um 20:09
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
Mrs. Jackson is not at the trial today. Makeup artist Karen Faye is back on the stand for continued direct questioning
Mrs. Jackson ist heute nicht bei der Verhandlung. Maskenbildnerin Karen Faye ist zurück im Zeugenstand für die weitere direkte Befragung
7:38 PM - 10 Mai 13


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10.05.2013 um 20:17
Never Touched Me

5/10/2013 10:13 AM PDT

<iframe id="kaltura_player_1368209646" height="360" width="640" style="border: 0px solid #ffffff;" src=";">Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.</iframe>

Ray J -- Michael Jackson Never Touched Me

Ray J is coming to Michael Jackson's defense ... telling TMZ he used to hang out with MJ all the time back when he was a kid, but swears the singer NEVER acted inappropriately toward him.

The singer also says he knows Wade Robson -- the famous dance choreographer who recently claimed MJ sexually abused him as a child.

So who does Ray J believe?


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10.05.2013 um 20:50
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
She was asked to work on the "This is It" film touching up MJ in the footage. She refused. She thought that would be a lii and couldn't
8:27 PM - 10 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
Faye said she prepared MJ's body for the family to see him after he died.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
It was Kenny Ortega who came to her, hugged her and told her MJ had died. She said she became weak in the knees
8:25 PM - 10 Mai 13


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10.05.2013 um 20:56
Michael Jackson Was Blindsided by Lisa Marie Presley’s Divorce Filing

By Craig Rosen | Stop The Presses! – 48 minutes ago

61eda0e4-5ad1-4c18-b30f-b36b744d4741 Mic

Lisa Marie Presley played Michael Jackson like a "Smooth Criminal" when she blindsided the King of Pop with a divorce filing, after she convinced him to hold off from filing first.
That bombshell is the latest nugget to come to light in the Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit with concert promoter AEG Live.

It was revealed Thursday by Karen Faye, Jackson's longtime hair and makeup artist. During Faye's testimony, the jurors we shown several photos of her with Jackson, including a shot taken in January 1996, the day after the King of Rock 'n' Roll's daughter filed for divorce from Jackson.
Faye testified that Jackson was upset after Presley blindsided him with a divorce filing, after she asked him not to file.

"She begged and begged, saying please don't file," Faye said, according to a CNN report. To appease his estranged wife, Jackson promised not to file. Yet "the next morning it was all over the press that she filed before him," Faye said.

Indeed, when news of the divorce first broke, a publicist for Jackson claimed he knew nothing about it.

In an effort to control the negative press, the Jackson camp issued a photo of him with Faye. It "was to give the press something to talk about" with Faye being "the mysterious blonde," she said.
Calls and emails to Lisa Marie's press representatives weren't immediately returned.

Jackson and Presley married in 1994, just 20 days after she divorced her first husband Danny Keough. The marriage, which brought together two generations of pop royalty, was such a big event that MTV opened the 1994 Video Music Awards with the couple onstage sharing a kiss. "Just think, nobody thought this would last," Jackson famously said, before kissing his then-bride.

Although they divorced in 1996, in a 2010 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Presley said that she and Jackson tried to reconcile for four years following their split and often traveled the world to be together. (Archiv-Version vom 08.06.2013)


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10.05.2013 um 21:17
und wieder hat Paris ein neues Profilbild bei Twitter eingestellt ... :) ohhh, eine neue Haarfarbe ...

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 17h
call me gingie😉❤

3:46 AM - 10 Mai 13 ·


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10.05.2013 um 22:03 (Archiv-Version vom 07.09.2013)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
The trial resumes Monday at 10a. Associate Prducer Tracy Walker will take the stand.
9:59 PM - 10 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
She testified that she believed the family was not successful getting MJ into a rehab facility despite trying.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
Faye could not remember when she discussed her fear of MJ's drug use with his sister Rebbie. Rebbie approached her for information

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
She also consulted with a doctor about Botox for MJ for sweating. He wore a hairpiece and she was concerned with sweat.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
Faye said she had two prescriptions in her name for MJ - Propecia (grow hair) and Latisse (grow eyelashes) for the This is It tour.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
Faye did the makeup when MJ made the announcement that he was going to rehab. She said sh put false eyelashes on him for the video.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
When Faye went back to work for MJ after the HIStory tour he made Debbie apologize to Faye for having a role in getting her fired.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
Faye said Rowe was jealous of their closeness.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
She said Debbie Rowe who was then MJ's wife had a role in her being removed from the tour. Debbie was pregnant and very in love with MJ

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m
Under Cross Examination Faye said he was released not fired from the HIStory Tour after the first leg.
9:43 PM - 10 Mai 13


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10.05.2013 um 22:13
Paris Jackson Accidentally Dyes Her Hair Red, Tweets: "I Look Like Ron Weasley"

von Brett Malec 10. Mai 2013 - 10:19

rs 293x473-130510093146-634.ParisJackson

Paris Jackson is showing off yet another new hairstyle.

The 15-year-old, who's debuted more than one ‘do over the past few months, took to Twitter recently she show off her latest look.

"Call me gingie," Jackson posted with a pic of her short red locks falling over her right ear. She followed up with, "Ohmygod i look like ron weasely idk if this is awesome or not" and "do i qualify for hogwarts now ?"

That's not all. Apparently Jackson didn't originally mean to dye her hair red. "People keep asking me why and how .. it's because i tried dying it back from black to brown and...... well......" she tweeted.
"eh whatever i'll get used to it .. lets just hope the dean at my school doesn't hunt me down for this," she also wrote.

ein Tweet von Mama

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 16h
@ParisJackson love you even if you think you look like a Ron Wesealy and you don't
5:34 AM - 10 Mai 13


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10.05.2013 um 22:32
Michael Jackson Defended By Former Employee From Mid 90s

05/10/13 4:03pmRoger Friedman

Scottie Shaffer worked for Michael Jackson from approximately 1992 to 1997. He was known around Neverland by the nickname “House.” Shaffer went off to start his own business- he does product placement for movies and is very successful. But he always stayed friendly with all the Jacksons. He’s invited to a Jackson wedding this summer, in fact. And Scottie is outraged by Wade Robson’s accusations that Michael molested him.

“For all the time I was in the inner circle, working for Michael, I never observed any inappropriate behavior. It’s impossible for me to believe,” Shaffer told me the other night.

Scottie started working for Michael in late 1992, when the “Black and White” video was shot. He stayed until 1997-98. He was present through the whole debacle with Jordan Chandler. He was also there as Jackson entertained many kids at Neverland. His title was Special Projects Coordinator. Shaffer was with Michael when they met Omer Bhatti, the kid who Michael later referred to as his son, and who now uses that distinction to stay with the Jacksons. (He is not in any way related to them.)
“People are just after the money now,” Shaffer says. “And it sickens me.”

Shaffer– who’s a nice guy and a straight shooter– also adds that the Robsons didn’t spend that much time at Neverland. His website is


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11.05.2013 um 08:35
Zeugenaussage von Karen Faye ... eine andere Sichtweise ...

Thursday, 9th May 2013

Karen Faye Testimony


Karen Faye was Michael’s hair and make-up stylist for twenty- seven years. She gave evidence in Court calling him, “a gentle genius,” with unparalleled stamina

On Thursday, Karen Faye’s testimony was very emotional. Karen Faye worked with Michael for 27 years as both a makeup and hair artist, and considered him a brother. She spent about 90 minutes testifying about her close relationship with Michael, who hosted her wedding at his Neverland Ranch and enlisted her to travel around the world with him. She described Michael as “a gentle genius with unparalleled stamina!”

Karen described Michael’s meetings with Princess Diana and other dignitaries, his Super Bowl performance, and other larger-than-life moments from the singer’s life. Jurors and spectators laughed at times as a parade of photos and videos shot during Michael’s performances were played.

“I was from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was just very normal,” she told jurors. “I found myself working with this magical person.”

Karen traced Michael’s struggle with painkillers to the famous Pepsi commercial shoot where his hair caught fire due to pyrotechnics going off too early – though Karen said she really didn’t grasp it until his ‘Dangerous’ tour in 1992-93. The shocking video of Michael’s hair catching on fire was played for jurors. Karen recalled that when Michael’s hair caught on fire he continued dancing down the stairs, having no idea he was burning. Finally, a friend of his ran onto the stage and wrestled him to the ground to put it out.

“I never saw anything like that in my life,” Karen Faye testified. “This was someone I knew and he was on fire. All his hair was gone and there was smoke coming out of his head.”

Michael suffered intense and devastating migraines while the burns were healing and necessary surgery had to be done that involved the insertion of a skin-stretching balloon under his scalp. But instead of suing Pepsi, Michael asked Pepsi to build a burn center at Brotman Medical Center in Culver City where he had been treated.

“Everybody thought he’d sue Pepsi because it was a mistake,” Karen said.

Brian Panish, an attorney for Michael’s mother and three children, also played a video of the singer falling several stories during a concert in Munich (Germany). Faye said Michael fell three or four stories when a prop he was standing on collapsed.

“When I saw what happen, I thought he could be dead,” Faye said.

But Michael, she said, pulled himself up and continued performing. “I can’t disappoint the audience,” she said he later told her. When he finished, he collapsed and security took him to the hospital, she said. The fall left Michael with back pain that flared, when he was under physical or emotional stress.

Faye also testified that over the years there was an increasing reliance on doctors, and that AEG’s co-CEO was aware of the singer’s mix of medications, which she said he began receiving nearly two decades before his death. She said his reliance on medications coincided with the first time he was accused of child molestation in the early 1990s.

“Michael had to go on stage every night knowing that the whole world thought he was a pedophile,” Karen said, shaking her head and crying.

During Michael’s ‘Dangerous’ tour that began in 1992, Karen said she refused a request from promoters to give Michael injections of pain medications. She said Paul Gongaware, who handled logistics on that tour, brought in doctors who treated Michael. There were always two doctors around Michael on that tour, willing and able to give him as many painkillers as necessary.

“I came to learn there was a balance of medication,” Faye said. “The medications had to be strong enough to overcome Michael’s pain but not so strong that he couldn’t perform.”

She said he was so wasted on pain medication during his ‘Dangerous’ tour that he was stumbling around a venue in Singapore and sparked a violent clash between her and a doctor.

“(Michael) had a very hard time walking. He was kind of glazed over. … He stumbled and fell over into a tree,” she recalled of the encounter in his Singapore dressing room. “I said, ‘Michael can’t go on.’ He had to go into a toaster (a stage catapulting device). If his arm was out, it would be severed.”

She said she protectively hugged Michael and refused to let him leave to perform. That’s when one of Michael’s personal doctors, Dr. David Forecast, forcefully intervened.

“He said, ‘Yes I can,’ ” she recalled. “He backed me up against a wall, put his hands around my neck and said, ‘You don’t know what you’re doing,’” she recalled.

She said Forecast marched a disoriented Michael to the stage, but the concert was canceled nonetheless. Soon the rest of the ‘Dangerous’ tour would be canceled, too, with Elizabeth Taylor flying to Mexico to pick up Michael and send him to receive treatment for his prescription drug addiction.

His condition worsened during his 2005 trial that ended with his acquittal of child molestation charges, Karen said. She would go to Neverland Ranch each morning, before daybreak, to help him wash his hair and dress. She recalled praying, crying and laughing with him as they listened to classical music and watched “Three Stooges” videos.

“I wanted people to think he still looked good and was still strong,” she testified.

She said it was a particularly difficult time for Michael:

“He was losing weight. He couldn’t eat because he didn’t want to throw up because he had to watch all these people he loved and cared about tell all those lies.” “He couldn’t eat. He was afraid. He was in pain. He got thinner. His physical pain, his back pain, it all kicked in.”

Faye also recalled an odd incident before Michael performed at Madison Square Garden in fall 2001. When she went to his hotel room to make up his face before a show, Faye claims that a doctor stopped her and said: “I just gave Michael a shot, he’s going to be asleep for the next five or six hours.” “I said that can’t be, he’s set to perform,” Karen told him. She eventually got into Michael’s room, woke him up and fed him bagels to keep him awake and ready to perform, the makeup artist testified.

Karen Faye also testified that in 2009 she overhead an executive for concert promoter AEG Live insist that the singer rehearse for the ‘This Is It’ concerts despite signs of Michael’s declining health. She became increasingly concerned about his health and thought he might die if he was pushed too hard in preparations for his “This Is It’ concerts. AEG executives continued to push Michael, Karen said. She testified she overheard a phone conversation in which AEG executive Paul Gongaware told Michael’s assistant to get him out of a locked bathroom and to a rehearsal. She described Gongaware, AEG Live’s co-CEO, as “angry and kind of desperate,” in the conversation. She testified Gongaware told the assistant to do “whatever it takes.” Karen said the only people she saw insist that Michael rehearse were Gongaware and tour director Kenny Ortega.

Karen said she informed Ortega, Michael’s manager and AEG Live co-CEO Randy Phillips about her concerns about his health during the preparations for the shows. She said Michael was frustrated and after a costume fitting days before his death repeatedly asked her, “Why can’t I choose?” She said that after he missed several rehearsals, Phillips told her to ignore Michael’s instructions.

Faye, choking back tears, read portions of an email from one of Michael’s fans who had a recent meeting with him and had contacted Faye with concerns. During the meeting in June 2009 Michael tried on a jacket. The fan’s e-mail was projected on a courtroom screen:

“(Michael) took his jacket off, and I saw something horrible. A skeleton. I watched his back. It was only bones. I am still in shock. If we do nothing, he will die. I know people who work for him cannot tell him anything. I know his own family tried to help him but he won’t listen. It is humanly impossible for a human being to be a skeleton and dance for two hours straight without any danger.”

Karen said she forwarded the e-mail to Frank DiLeo, Michael’s Manager, telling him that she agreed with the assessment:

“Please intervene … concerts are not worth jeopardizing his life for,” Karen wrote.

But Frank Dileo never responded in writing. Karen said she learned at Michael’s funeral that AEG Live’s Randy Phillips saw the e-mail, too.

By this point, Michael was “emaciated,” had dry skin and dry eyes and was often cold to the touch. She said Michael was cold as an “ice cube” on June 19, 2005, after a costume fitting.

“He couldn’t get warm. I had a space heater, I put it next to him and put him on the sofa and wrapped him in blankets and held him very close to me,” Karen said.

He also seemed to be repeating himself in the days before his death and was becoming increasingly paranoid. Faye said he became obsessed with her being within sight when he was rehearsing onstage. Karen said he changed into someone she didn’t recognize when he started rehearsing for his 50-date ‘This Is It’ concert series.

“He would say things over and over again, repeating the same thing,” she testified. “He wanted to see me all the time. He would say, ‘Make sure I’m able to see you on the stage at all times.’ I’d go, ‘Okay,’ and he’d say it again.”

Karen also described watching tour director Kenny Ortega try to feed the ultra-skinny singer some chicken and pleaded with him to call a doctor.

During her testimony Karen revealed she was the “mystery blond” photographed at Michael Jackson’s side inside Manhattan’s Motown Café after Lisa Marie Presley filed for divorce, she said.

“Lisa Marie Presley was calling Michael the day before (the photo) was shot, begging him not to divorce. So he promised her he wouldn’t file for divorce. But the next morning, it was all over the press she had gone ahead and filed. He was devastated.”

She and Michael decided to hit the Motown Café on Jan. 25, 1996, to “give the press something to talk about,” she said.

Karen is due back in court Friday.

Source: LA Times / Daily Herald / CBS Local / NY Post / NY Daily News & MJWN


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11.05.2013 um 08:37
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
@sanemjfan this is their statement -
2:08 AM - 11 Mai 13

Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the MJ Estate, sent a comment to TMZ:

Weitzman: "Mr. Robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic. This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him. Now, nearly 4 years after Michael has passed, this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is."


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11.05.2013 um 08:49
Ivy wird an diesem Wochenende die Transkripte des Verfahrens Katherine vs. AEG se­lek­tie­ren ...

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 8h
What I'll be working on this weekend? Select transcripts from Katherine Jackson - AEG trial -

11:39 PM - 10 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 09:20
Samantha hat neue "Notizen" bei FB eingestellt ...

Samantha De Gosson
vor 3 Stunden in der Nähe von Los Angeles

I wish I could update you guys more on today's court date but I'm in pain. I just had a car accident a few hours ago. No huge injuries or damage but head-neck and back pain that may need further medical attention tomorrow if not better.

Rear-ended on L.A. down-town freeway after my last status when I said I was going back to work.
I know most of you can read updates of court hearings, there are a few sites (websites or twitter accounts) that seem to be quite objective but not always necessarily relaying the whole experience.
There are ghost writers in the court room too, providing some fan sites with notes. Who they are I don't know, and I don't know if they are media or not. How objective they are I don't know either, considering only media are allowed in from a specific court list and only 2 public seats are up for lottery, and sometimes a few extra seats for public if space allows it.

I will post what I can when I can, but if anyone has a question about Karen's testimony, from what you've read elsewhere or not, feel free to ask here. I was there .

This trial will take much longer than anticipated ! We're already at least 1 week behind in scheduling of witnesses.

Samantha De Gosson
vor 11 Stunden in der Nähe von Los Angeles

Got into court again today. Cross examination was not finished today. Karen will be called back another day (unspecified). She would have been called back monday but Travis Payne needs to testify as he's leaving the country on tuesday.

Quite a rough day I'd say. AEG are purposely trying to confuse Karen by throwing dates back and forth and asking if she remembers specific concerts or conversations or details that date back sometimes more than 20 years. It's very obvious that they are trying the hardest to discredit her by making it seems like she's got a bad memory.

Will post more about it later. I have to go back to work.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 09:31
eine Antwort von Sam zu den Kommentaren des letzten Eintrags ...

Samantha De Gosson: Gaston Franco, she did great. AEG did everything so far to try to confuse her memory by throwing dates back and forth and asking her if if she remembered specific show dates, by date or video. They know what they're doing and she called them up on it in public court! I think it's quite obvious to the jury and the media (not talking some fans) that AEG is really pushing it!
vor 3 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 10:08
Months Before Breakdown

5/11/2013 12:50 AM PDT

<iframe id="kaltura_player_1368259548" height="360" width="640" style="border: 0px solid #ffffff;" src=";">Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.</iframe>

Wade Robson -- Big Love For Michael Jackson Just MONTHS Before Breakdown

Wade Robson was singing Michael Jackson’s praises as recently as July 30, 2011 … talking about preserving MJ’s legacy and “representing his essence” … just 8 months before he claims a nervous breakdown sent memories of sexual abuse flooding back.

Robson rhapsodizes about MJ and the influence he had on his life ... telling the reporter from Rhythm Addict TV that he felt a lot of pressure choreographing the MJ Cirque du Soleil show.

But here's the rub. A spokesperson for the Michael Jackson Estate -- which produced the Cirque du Soleil show -- tells TMZ ... Robson was "on the list of choreographers but his son got sick and he wasn't used." The spokesperson said there was never a contract between Wade and the show.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 11:55
Jackson witness: Answer to health was 'Get him a bucket of chicken'

By Corina Knoll
May 10, 2013, 3:01 p.m.

Michael Jackson’s makeup artist testified Friday that although the singer once asked her if she had painkillers, she never broached the subject of his addiction with him.

Karen Faye said that during Jackson’s 2005 molestation trial in Santa Maria she would spend a lot of time with the performer, arriving at 3 a.m. to help him get ready, and felt it was not appropriate to confront him about his misuse of prescription drugs.

“I was a place of safety for him, and peace,” Faye said. “And I didn’t want to bring up the allegations in my time with him. I wanted that to be a really safe place.”

Faye said it was her duty as Jackson’s longtime friend to keep him calm before he had to go to court.

“And no matter what he was doing, I could never blame him for that because of the pain,” Faye said, referring to the singer’s psychological pain over the charges as well as his physical pain from suffering injuries from a fire and a fall during a performance.

The makeup artist said she never saw Jackson use drugs and that there was only one instance when the singer asked her if she had painkillers.

Faye said she did request prescriptions in her name for Latisse, which is used to lengthen eyelashes, and the hair-growth drug Propecia so that she could give them to Jackson. She also inquired about Botox as a way to remedy Jackson’s onstage sweat that often caused problems with his hair extensions, but said she ultimately did not get that drug.

Since being hired to do Jackson's hair and makeup for his “Thriller” album cover, Faye said she worked with the pop star for nearly three decades, helping ready the star when he taped the 1993 statement about his decision to enter rehab following the Dangerous World Tour.

An audio recording of that announcement was played in court:

“My friends and doctors advised me to seek professional guidance immediately in order to eliminate what has become an addiction" Jackson said. "It is time for me to acknowledge my need for treatment in order to regain my health. I realize that completing the tour is no longer possible and I must cancel the remaining dates. I know I can overcome the problem and will be stronger from the experience.”

Now at the close of its second week, the civil trial pits AEG against Jackson’s mother and three children, who accuse the concert promoter of negligently hiring and controlling Conrad Murray. The doctor administered a fatal dose of propofol to Jackson in 2009 and is now serving jail time for involuntary manslaughter.

Jackson’s mother, Katherine Jackson, who has been steadily attending the trial, was absent Friday.

Faye said she sometimes spoke about Jackson’s addiction with his siblings, Rebbie, Randy and LaToya. It was her understanding, she said, that the family had attempted additional interventions with Jackson that were unsuccessful.

The makeup artist said she parted ways with Jackson during the HIStory World Tour due to problems with the tour manager as well as with Debbie Rowe, Jackson’s wife at the time.

“[Debbie] told me that she was jealous of me being there as Michael’s makeup artist,” Faye said. “She thought that Michael liked me better than her.”

After a few years, Faye said she returned to working with Jackson and that Rowe apologized.

Hired for Jackson’s comeback concert series “This Is It,” Faye said she was worried about the singer’s frail body and alerted his manager Frank DiLeo.

“[Frank] was saying pretty much, 'I got it under control, don’t worry about it,’” Faye said.

“I said, 'But he’s losing weight rapidly.' … I said, 'Why don’t you ask [costume designer] Michael Bush to verify taking in his pants and how much weight he’s actually losing?’”

Faye said DiLeo went to speak to Bush and she overheard the manager say, “Get him a bucket of chicken.”

“It was such a cold response,” Faye said. “I mean, it broke my heart.”

Kevin Boyle, an attorney for the Jacksons, said plaintiffs have a court order for emails DiLeo wrote during preparation for “This Is It” but were informed by AEG’s attorneys that the manager’s computer had disappeared.

An attorney who previously worked with DiLeo -- who died in 2011 -- has copies of those emails and is willing to turn them over, Boyle said. Plaintiffs believe that the emails could include exchanges between DiLeo and AEG executives.

Despite emotional testimony from Faye, who at times clenched a tissue and wiped her eyes, the overall mood in the courtroom was kept light by her frequent quips.

During cross-examination, she sighed at questions and told AEG attorney Marvin Putnam, “I’m 60 years old, sir, and you’re talking about a 30-year span, I’m going to do the best I can. ... How old are you, sir?”

After jurors and observers laughed, Faye asked slyly, “Is that hearsay?” referring to multiple hearsay objections AEG.

“You go girl,” said one fan in the courtroom who gave her the thumbs-up sign.

Later, when an AEG attorney interrupted a line of questioning, Faye said, “Oh my god, are we objecting? Sidebar?”

When Putnam brought up Faye’s Twitter account and blog and asked her if she had posted unfavorable things about AEG, she stood firm.

“I’ve stated the truth as far as my experience,” she said.

Before court started Friday, Faye had tweeted to her 12,600 followers: “Another difficult day. Thank you for all the love and support. Michael’s fans are forever on his side and the side of Truth…LET’S DANCE.”

The trial ended for the day at noon to give jurors a break from testimony that is expected to take four months.

On Monday, AEG attorneys are expected to call their first witnesses, choreographers Stacy Walker and Travis Payne.

Because the two must leave for a show in Tokyo, Judge Yvette Palazuelos has allowed the defense to call them early. Faye will return afterward.,0,803748.story?page=1
