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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 12:04
eine interessante Seite ...

eine eMail von Karen aus 2007

@munchkette1 @wingheart

This is an email from Karen.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: deleted for privacy
Date: Apr 1, 2007 2:00 PM
Subject: The Real Lisa Marie - Karen Faye.
To: edited for privacy

Hi Angie.....everyone has a part of their mind that
will always doubt. We must learn to trust our hearts,
not our brains. Lisa Marie is a very evil little girl.
She was horrible to Michael, myself, and anyone who
was around Michael. She was even jealous of her own
children when they adored Michael. She was the one
trying to manipulate Michael and his world. I never
saw Michael so miserable as I did when he was married
to Lisa. Ino one should start
beleiving the tabloids now......Lisa has her album
coming out, she wants as much publicity as she can,
What better way than to jump on Michaels
popularity....everyo ne else does.


Lisa is an evil little princess
Michael is an angel by comparison to LM
she was so jealous of anyone that came near Michael
she hated jealous, she didn't want me touching him

LM has an album she wants to sell...what better way than to use Michael.....

she was a lovely person before they married
she pursued him with a vengence even when she was still married
she did not smoke or drink
as soon as they got married, she drank, smoked, wanted to fire everyone around Michael, and demanded he become a Scientologist
he bent over backwards to please her.....he never could, she was just too miserable

Lisa is just seeing the situation through her eyes, which is from a
very confused individual. I viewed the relationship
from a more objective point of view. Lisa was a
miserable, jealous, and treated Michael unfairly in
every situation when I was around. He was so unhappy
during his marriage with her, and he tried so hard to
make it work. You must also understand she has an
album to sell right now, and again people are more
interested in Michael than they are with her.....what
would you say? You would twist everything to support
yourself and your record sales...this is very
predictable. Also, remember the media twists the words
of the people they interview also (didn't we just see
that?) Do you think they don't do it with Lisa too?


s. a.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 12:13
Friday, 10th May 2013

Karen Faye Continues Her Testimony

Karen Faye setzt ihre Aussage fort


Karen Faye, Michael’s longtime make up and hair artist, continued her testimony on Friday.

She said she was alarmed by Michael’s frail figure during his last days. Michael Bush, Michael’s costume designer for nearly 25 years, appeared upset after he finished up a June 2009 fitting inside Michael’s bathroom at Staples Center, Karen Faye said.

“He said, ‘Oh my god, Turkle. I could see Michael’s heartbeat through the skin in his chest,’” Faye recounted.

Turkle was Michael’s nickname for Karen. She was emotional as she described the moment. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos then asked her about Bush’s tone of voice at the time.

“It was like, ‘Oh my god,’” Karen said. “He was pretty much in shock.”

Around the same time, she said she tried to warn Michael’s manager, Frank DiLeo, about his health.

“[Frank] was saying pretty much, ‘I got it under control, don’t worry about it,’” Karen said. “I said, ‘But he’s losing weight rapidly.’ … I said, ‘Why don’t you ask Michael Bush to verify taking in his pants and how much weight he’s actually losing?’” Karen said DiLeo went to speak to Bush and she overheard the manager say, “Get him a bucket of chicken.” “It was such a cold response,” she said. “I mean, it broke my heart.”

The plaintiffs have a court order for emails DiLeo wrote during preparation for the comeback concerts but were told by AEG’s attorneys that the manager’s computer had disappeared, the Jacksons’ lawyer Kevin Boyle said. He said the emails could include exchanges between DiLeo and AEG executives and that they may be able to recover copies from an attorney who worked with DiLeo before the manager’s 2011 death.

Karen, who began working with Michael in the early 1980s, said she felt the singer, “did not have enough muscle mass to do a concert” as he was prepping for his ‘This Is It’ concerts.

She said Michael realized he didn’t look good in a video that was filmed to be used on giant screens during the concert series. At his request, she said, she assisted technicians retouching the singer’s image on the footage. But the makeup artist said that although she was asked, she did not help retouch the posthumous ‘This Is It’ documentary.

“Everybody was lying after he died, sir, that Michael was well,” Karen said to the Jacksons’ attorney, Brian Panish. “And everybody knew he wasn’t. I felt retouching Michael was just a part of that lie.”

During cross-examination by an AEG attorney, Karen clarified and said she had been torn about working on the documentary.

“My initial feeling was that I didn’t want to lie, and the second, my other thing that was tugging at my heart, was that if this movie was going out, I wanted him to look good.”

Karen said she helped prepare Michael’s body for his casket.

She also testified that she told a drug therapist after the ‘Dangerous’ tour that she worried that his use of pain killers could be fatal. She said under cross-examination by defense attorney Marvin Putnam that Michael went into a rehab program in England that was recommended by Elizabeth Taylor.

“I said I was afraid Michael could die,” Karen said in recalling different stages of the ‘Dangerous’ tour. “Personally, there were times when he was OK and times when I was worried.”

She had also testified on Thursday that Debbie Rowe, the nurse for Michael’s dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein at the time, was present during the ‘Dangerous’ tour with a bag of medications.

The makeup artist said she parted ways with Michael during 1996-97′s HIStory World Tour, due to problems with the tour manager, as well as jealousy from Debbie Rowe, the performer’s wife at the time. After a few years, Karen said, she returned to working with Michael, and Rowe apologized.

In other testimony on Friday, Karen said she expressed her drug abuse concerns about Michael’s health with his oldest sister, Rebbie, after the woman reached out to her requesting information about the singer. Karen said she could not recall the time period when the conversation occurred. She said she also had more abbreviated discussions about the same topic with another two of the singer’s other siblings, LaToya Jackson and Randy Jackson. She said that in later years Jackson’s family members unsuccessfully tried to get him to return to rehab.

“I never knew them to be successful, sir,” Karen told Putnam. “I’m sure they were trying to help him in any way they could.”

She said she did not discuss Michael’s drug problem with him personally.

“I just avoided that issue like the plague, sir, the molestation and the drug areas,” she told Putnam today.

Asked by Putnam if Michael ever sought drugs from her, she replied affirmatively.

“He asked me one time if I had pain killers,” Faye said. “I said no, I didn’t.”

She also testified that she never saw Michael use drugs.

Karen said she did request prescriptions for Latisse, which is used to lengthen eyelashes, and the hair growth drug Propecia in her name, so that she could give them to Michael. She also inquired about but never received Botox as a possible remedy to Michael’s onstage sweating that often caused problems with his hair extensions.

She said she became concerned during Michael’s 2005 trial and acquittal on molestation charges that he was using drugs again, saying she based her assumptions on his appearance and his demeanor. She said she got up early every morning to get him ready for court. She said he told her he had extreme back pain, in large part because of a 1999 concert accident in Munich, when a bridge prop on which he was standing unexpectedly descended into the orchestra pit. She said he was hospitalized for part of the molestation trial, because of the back pain that likely dated from the Munich accident. She said she decided again to avoid confronting Michael about possible drug abuse.

“It was my job and my duty as a friend to make that time … calm and peaceful,” Faye said. “I didn’t want to confront him with anything. No matter what he was doing, I could never blame him for that because of the pain.”

Despite emotional testimony from Karen, who at times clenched a tissue and wiped her eyes, the overall mood in the courtroom was kept light by her frequent quips. During cross-examination, she sighed at questions and told AEG attorney Marvin Putnam:

“I’m 60 years old, sir, and you’re talking about a 30-year span. I’m going to do the best I can. … How old are you, sir?”

After jurors and observers laughed, Faye asked slyly, “Is that hearsay?” …. referring to multiple hearsay objections from AEG.

“You go, girl,” said one fan in the courtroom who gave the thumbs up sign.

When Putnam brought up Karen’s blog and Twitter account — on which she has insisted that she was paid by AEG and once wrote, “AEG owned Michael” — she stood firm.

“I’ve stated the truth as far as my experience,” she said.

Source: LA Times & MJWN


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 17:21
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #11 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 9 - May 10 2013- Summary

Katherine Jackson is not at court.

Karen Faye Testimony


Jackson direct

Faye described how Jackson's health had changed over 27 years. She said that his legs, once muscular, were thin, and his face was skeletal. She said that Jackson was not strong enough for the rigorous concert schedule set by AEG. (KABC)

Michael Bush appeared upset after he finished up a June 2009 fitting inside Jackson’s bathroom at Staples Center, Karen Faye said.

“He said 'Oh my god, Turkle. I could see Michael’s heartbeat through the skin in his chest,'” Faye recounted.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos then asked Faye about Bush's tone of voice at the time.

“It was like, 'Oh my god,'” Faye said. “He was pretty much in shock.”

Around the same time, Faye said she tried to warn Jackson’s manager, Frank DiLeo, about Jackson’s health.

“[Frank] was saying pretty much, 'I got it under control, don’t worry about it,'” Faye said.

“I said, ‘But he’s losing weight rapidly.’ … I said, ‘Why don’t you ask Michael Bush to verify taking in his pants and how much weight he’s actually losing?’”

Faye said DiLeo went to speak to Bush and she overheard the manager say, “Get him a bucket of chicken.”

“It was such a cold response,” Faye said. “I mean, it broke my heart.” (LATimes)

It was Kenny Ortega who came to her, hugged her and told her MJ had died. She said she became weak in the knees (ABC7).
Faye said she prepared MJ's body for the family to see him after he died. (ABC7)

She was asked to work on the "This is It" film touching up MJ in the footage. She refused. She thought that would be a lie and couldn't(ABC7)

Faye felt the MJ “did not have enough muscle mass to do a concert” as he was prepping for his “This Is It” comeback tour.She said Jackson realized he didn't look good in a video that was filmed to be used on giant screens during the concert series. At his request, she said, she assisted technicians retouching the singer’s image on the footage.(LAtimes)

But Karen Faye said that although she was asked, she did not help retouch the posthumous “This Is It” documentary.“Everybody was lying after he died, sir, that Michael was well,” Faye said to the Jacksons’ attorney, Brian Panish. “And everybody knew he wasn’t. I felt retouching Michael was just a part of that lie.” (LATimes)

AEG cross

Karen Faye said under cross- examination by defense attorney Marvin Putnam that Jackson went into a rehab program in England that was recommended by Elizabeth Taylor.

“I said I was afraid Michael could die,” Faye said in recalling different stages of the “Dangerous” tour. “Personally, there were times when he was OK and times when I was worried.”(CNS)

Under Cross Examination Faye said she was released not fired from the HIStory Tour after the first leg.(ABC7)

She said Debbie Rowe who was then MJ's wife had a role in her being removed from the tour. Debbie was pregnant and very in love with MJ. Faye said Rowe was jealous of their closeness. (ABC7)

Faye said she parted ways with Jackson during the HIStory World Tour due to problems with the tour manager as well as with Debbie Rowe, Jackson’s wife at the time.

“[Debbie] told me that she was jealous of me being there as Michael’s makeup artist,” Faye said. “She thought that Michael liked me better than her.”

After a few years, Faye said she returned to working with Jackson and that Rowe apologized.(LATimes)

When Faye went back to work for MJ after the HIStory tour he made Debbie apologize to Faye for having a role in getting her fired. (ABC7)

Faye did the makeup when MJ made the announcement that he was going to rehab. She said she put false eyelashes on him for the video.(ABC7).

Faye said she had two prescriptions in her name for MJ - Propecia (grow hair) and Latisse (grow eyelashes) for the This is It tour. She also consulted with a doctor about Botox for MJ for sweating. He wore a hairpiece and she was concerned with sweat. (ABC7) Faye said she did request prescriptions in her name for Latisse, which is used to lengthen eyelashes, and the hair-growth drug Propecia so that she could give them to Jackson. She also inquired about Botox as a way to remedy Jackson’s onstage sweat that often caused problems with his hair extensions, but said she ultimately did not get that drug. (LAtimes)

Faye said she expressed her drug abuse concerns about Jackson’s health with his oldest sister, Rebbie Jackson, after the woman reached out to her requesting information about the singer. Faye said she could not recall the time period when the conversation occurred.

She said she also had more abbreviated discussions about the same topic with another two of the singer’s other siblings, LaToya Jackson and Randy Jackson.

Faye said that in later years Jackson’s family members unsuccessfully tried to get him to return to rehab.

“I never knew them to be successful, sir,” Faye told Putnam. “I’m sure they were trying to help him in any way they could.”(CNS)

Faye could not remember when she discussed her fear of MJ's drug use with his sister Rebbie. Rebbie approached her for information(ABC7) She testified that she believed the family was not successful getting MJ into a rehab facility despite trying.(ABC7)

Faye said she sometimes spoke about Jackson’s addiction with his siblings, Rebbie, Randy and LaToya. It was her understanding, she said, that the family had attempted additional interventions with Jackson that were unsuccessful. (LAtimes)

During cross-examination by an AEG attorney, Faye clarified and said she had been torn about working on the documentary. “My initial feeling was that I didn’t want to lie, and the second, my other thing that was tugging at my heart, was that if this movie was going out, I wanted him to look good.” (LATimes)


Faye recounted multiple incidents that she says alarmed her about Jackson's use of painkillers from the time he was burned during the filming of a Pepsi commercial, to the stress of his criminal trial on molestation charges, to the day at rehearsal before he died.Yet under cross-examination, Faye said she never had a single conversation with Jackson about his drug use, and that there was a period of time after Jackson went through rehab in 1993 that he seemed to be fine. (KABC)

Karen Faye said she never saw Jackson use drugs and that there was only one instance when the singer asked her if she had painkillers.(LAtimes)

Karen Faye testified she never broached the subject of his addiction with him. Karen Faye said that during Jackson’s 2005 trial she would spend a lot of time with the performer, arriving at 3 a.m. to help him get ready, and felt it was not appropriate to confront him about his misuse of prescription drugs. (LATimes)

Faye said she did not discuss Jackson’s drug problem with him personally.

“I just avoided that issue like the plague, sir, the molestation and the drug areas,” she told Putnam today.

Asked by Putnam if Jackson ever sought drugs from her, Faye replied affirmatively.

“He asked me one time if I had pain killers,” Faye said. “I said no, I didn’t.” (CNS)

“I was a place of safety for him, and peace,” Faye said. “And I didn’t want to bring up the allegations in my time with him. I wanted that to be a really safe place.” (LAtimes)

Faye said she also became concerned during Jackson’s 2005 trial and acquittal on molestation charges that he was using drugs again, saying she based her assumptions on his appearance and his demeanor. She said she got up early every morning to get Jackson ready for court. She said he was hospitalized for part of the molestation trial because of the back pain that likely dated from the Munich accident. She said she decided again to avoid confronting Jackson about possible drug abuse.(CNS)

“It was my job and my duty as a friend to make that time … calm and peaceful,” Faye said. “I didn’t want to confront him with anything. No matter what he was doing, I could never blame him for that because of the pain.” (CNS)

Faye said it was her duty as Jackson’s longtime friend to keep him calm before he had to go to court.

“And no matter what he was doing, I could never blame him for that because of the pain,” Faye said, referring to the singer’s psychological pain over the charges as well as his physical pain from suffering injuries from a fire and a fall during a performance.(LATimes)

Putnam brought up Faye’s Twitter account and blog and asked her if she had posted unfavorable things about AEG, she stood firm. “I’ve stated the truth as far as my experience,” she said. (LAtimes)


On Monday, AEG attorneys are expected to call their first witnesses, choreographers Stacy Walker and Travis Payne. Because the two must leave for a show in Tokyo, Judge Yvette Palazuelos has allowed the defense to call them early. Faye will return afterward. (LATimes)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 17:29
Former Michael Jackson Hairstylist Testifies About His Painkiller Use

(CNS) Posted Friday, May 10 – 3:23 PM

A hair stylist and makeup artist who worked for 27 years with Michael Jackson testified today that she told a drug therapist after the pop star’s “Dangerous” tour in the early 1990s that she worried that his use of pain killers could be fatal.

Taking the stand for the second day on behalf of the plaintiffs in the trial of the negligence and wrongful death lawsuit that Jackson’s mother brought against entertainment giant AEG Live, Karen Faye said under cross- examination by defense attorney Marvin Putnam that Jackson went into a rehab program in England that was recommended by Elizabeth Taylor.

“I said I was afraid Michael could die,” Faye said in recalling different stages of the “Dangerous” tour. “Personally, there were times when he was OK and times when I was worried.” Faye said on Thursday that Jackson stumbled in his dressing room during a stop in Singapore on the “Dangerous” tour. She said he was taking medication after surgery for scalp reduction to try and remove a bald spot left over from burns he received when special effects went awry in the 1984 filming of a Pepsi commercial. Faye also testified on Thursday that Debbie Rowe, then the nurse for Jackson dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein, was present during the “Dangerous” tour with a bag of medications. Jackson would later marry and divorce Rowe. The couple had two children. In other testimony today, Faye said she expressed her drug abuse concerns about Jackson’s health with his oldest sister, Rebbie Jackson, after the woman reached out to her requesting information about the singer. Faye said she could not recall the time period when the conversation occurred.

She said she also had more abbreviated discussions about the same topic with another two of the singer’s other siblings, LaToya Jackson and Randy Jackson.

Faye said that in later years Jackson’s family members unsuccessfully tried to get him to return to rehab.

“I never knew them to be successful, sir,” Faye told Putnam. “I’m sure they were trying to help him in any way the could.”

Faye said she did not discuss Jackson’s drug problem with him personally.

“I just avoided that issue like the plague, sir, the molestation and the drug areas,” she told Putnam today.

Asked by Putnam if Jackson ever sought drugs from her, Faye replied affirmatively.

“He asked me one time if I had pain killers,” Faye said. “I said no, I didn’t.”

Faye said she also became concerned during Jackson’s 2005 trial and acquittal on molestation charges that he was using drugs again, saying she based her assumptions on his appearance and his demeanor. She said she got up early every morning to get Jackson ready for court.

She said Jackson told her he had extreme back pain, in large part because of a 1999 concert accident in Munich when a bridge prop on which he was standing unexpectedly descended into the orchestra pit. She said he was hospitalized for part of the molestation trial because of the back pain that likely dated from the Munich accident.

She said she decided again to avoid confronting Jackson about possible drug abuse.

“It was my job and my duty as a friend to make that time … calm and peaceful,” Faye said. “I didn’t want to confront him with anything. No matter what he was doing, I could never blame him for that because of the pain.”

AEG Live attorneys maintain that Jackson hired Dr. Conrad Murray in 2006 as his personal physician and chose him to be his doctor during his “This Is It Tour.” Jackson was rehearsing for 50 sold-out tour dates in London at the time of his death on June 25, 2009 at age 50.

Lawyers for 82-year-old Katherine Jackson, who filed the lawsuit in 2010 on behalf of herself and her son’s children, allege that AEG Live hired Murray and failed to supervise him properly.

Murray was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter for giving the singer the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid and was sentenced to four years in jail. (Archiv-Version vom 14.07.2014)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 19:45
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
May 11 Motion updates in Katherine Jackson - AEG civil case :
6:29 PM - 11 Mai 13

Eintrag #33

May 11 Update

Michael Bush Deposition

Michael Bush is one of the witnesses that is late added by Jacksons. AEG wants to depose Michael Bush before he testifies. IT's not clear if Jacksons actually plan to call him to stand.

Conrad Murray police interview

Jacksons and AEG is arguing over Murray's interview with the police on June 27 2009. (This is the interview that was shown during the criminal trial).

AEG wants to use the interview to show that Murray said Michael asked him to be on his team, and Murray believed that he was the employee of Michael Jackson. AEG says this will show Murray's state of mind. AEG says Murray's state of mind can show that AEG and Murray never entered into a contract and it rebuts that Murray had conflict of interest or divided loyalties.

AEG points out that Jackson experts use other parts of the interview (that Murray gave Michael propofol for 6 weeks, Murray talked with AEG people at the hospital and how Detective Martinez learned 3 bags of Propofol from Murray and so on) but oppose AEG using this part of the interview. AEG calls it unfair.

AEG states statements that show state of mind, emotion, physical sensation, intent, plan, motive is admissible when they are used to show the person's state of mind and and explore or prove act of conduct of that person.

Jacksons respond to this calling Murray's interview inadmissible hearsay. Jacksons also argue that Murray's belief that he was MJ's employee is irrelevant and whether Murray was employed or independent contractor of Michael or AEG needs to be determined on the basis of several objective factors. Jacksons also ask Murray's statement about employment to be excluded because it can mislead the jury. Overall Jacksons argue that it's the jury that should determine whether Murray was hired by AEG or Michael.

AEG responds pointing out Jacksons arguing Murray's state of mind being irrelevant is outrageous. AEG argues that Murray's statements aren't hearsay because they won't be offered as truth , they will be just offered as evidence.

AEG states that they don't plan to use the statements to argue or prove that Murray was Michael's employee. They say that the statement shows that Murray did not consider himself to be contractually bound to AEG Live. Similarly AEG argues Murray's subjective belief as who he was actually working for is relevant to determine whether in fact Murray could have felt the pressure claimed by Jacksons. AEG argues Murray could not have felt pressure from a conflict he did not know existed. AEG states Murray's statement shows Murray did not believe he was in the service of AEG Live at the time he treated Michael, is admissible to show his state of mind.

(Note: These last set of documents also again reference that "Murray was at most an independent contractor is the law of the case")


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 19:50 (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
AEG also states they won't be presenting it as "truth" or "proof" of who hired Murray. It'll be just evidence about Murray's state of mind.
6:36 PM - 11 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
AEG points out Jacksons use portions of interview (such as Murray's statements about his treatment) so it's unfair not to allow them use it

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
Jacksons call the interview inadmissible hearsay, prejudicial and jury should decide whether Murray was hired by MJ or AEG.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
AEG states Murray's belief that he worked for MJ rebuts Jacksons claims that Murray was under pressure / conflict of interest from AEG.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
AEG wants to introduce that interview to evidence to show Murray's state of mind and how he believed to be working for Michael.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
AEG and Jacksons having a disagreement about Murray's police interview where Murray explains his employment / work status.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
Michael Bush was late added to Jacksons witness list. AEG wants to depose him if Jacksons will call him to the stand.
6:31 PM - 11 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.05.2013 um 19:57
In 2nd week of Jackson civil case, jury hears about singer’s talents, roots of his addiction

By Associated Press, Updated: Saturday, May 11, 4:55 PM

LOS ANGELES — A look at key moments this past week in the wrongful death trial in Los Angeles between Michael Jackson’s mother, Katherine Jackson, and concert giant AEG Live, and what is expected at court in the week ahead:


Jackson’s mother wants a jury to determine that the promoter of Jackson’s planned comeback concerts didn’t properly investigate Dr. Conrad Murray, who a criminal jury convicted of involuntary manslaughter for Jackson’s June 2009 death. AEG’s attorney says the case is about personal choice, namely Jackson’s decision to have Murray serve as his doctor and give him doses of a powerful anesthetic as a sleep aid. Millions, possibly billions, of dollars are at stake.


— Jurors heard about Jackson in life and death from a pair of women who knew him and from coroner’s officials who pieced together how he died. Jackson’s mother skipped morbid testimony about Jackson’s autopsy, but listened as her son’s friend and makeup artist told jurors about watching him perform, and gradually become more dependent on prescription drugs.

— Jackson’s longtime makeup artist Karen Faye testified that she overheard AEG co-CEO Paul Gongaware tell the singer’s assistant to do “whatever it takes” to get the superstar out of a locked bathroom and to a rehearsal. Faye said Gongaware and another AEG official pushed Jackson to perform despite his emaciated appearance and signs of paranoia.


— A black-and-white photo of Jackson’s lifeless body lying on a table before his autopsy. The image was shown in open court for less than a minute.

— Faye repeatedly break down in tears as she described how Jackson trusted his doctors but became more dependent on prescription medications in the early 1990s when he was on his “Dangerous” tour and facing his first bout of child molestation allegations.


— “Michael would do five songs to the dancers’ one. I never saw anything like it.” (Makeup artist and hair stylist Karen Faye, describing Jackson’s stamina and ability to put all pain aside while he was performing.)

— “When I hugged him, he just felt like marble. But when I hugged, when I saw him briefly in 2006, he didn’t feel like that anymore. He felt thin.” (Dancer and choreographer Alif Sankey, who contrasted Jackson’s appearance and build when she met him while shooting the “Smooth Criminal” video with the final years of his life.)


— Wade Robson, a choreographer who testified in Jackson’s defense at his child molestation

trial, filed court paperwork stating that he was abused by Jackson over a seven-year period, according to his attorney. He has not stated how much he is seeking from Jackson’s estate.

— A 20-minute preview of the Cirque du Soleil show “Immortal” based on Jackson’s career and music was previewed at Las Vegas’ Mandalay Bay hotel-casino. The show is scheduled to open June 29.


— Jurors will hear from AEG Live’s first witnesses, a pair of choreographers who worked with Jackson and who will be called out of order to accommodate their touring schedule.

— Deputy Medical Examiner Christopher Rogers is expected to resume testifying and may offer an estimate of how long Jackson would have lived if he hadn’t received an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. (Archiv-Version vom 12.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.05.2013 um 07:46
bei LSA "entdeckt" ... Paris mit ihrer Freundin Sara ...

e74dfe48ba8f11e2a2d522000a1fb04d 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.05.2013 um 08:20
11.05.2013, 21:03 UHR

Jackson-Denkmal feierlich enthüllt

Mistelbach, die niederösterreichische Partnerstadt von Neumarkt/Oberpfalz, könnte bald europaweit Pilgerort der Fans des „King of Pop“ werden.

Für Martina Kainz (unten rechts) war es der Moment, als das Michael Jackson-Denkmal in Mistelbach am Samstag eröffnet war.


NEUMARKT/MISTELBACH. Die niederösterreichische Partnerstadt von Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Mistelbach, ist seit Samstagabend um eine Attraktion reicher: Im „Liechtenstein-Park“ des Kernortes des Weinviertels ist eine Statue enthüllt worden, die dem am 25. Juni 2009 verstorbenen „King of Pop“ Michael Jackson gewidmet ist. Die nahe Mistelbach lebende Hausfrau und Mutter Martina Kainz (41), selbst bekennender Fan von Michael Jackson, wollte solch ein Denkmal eigentlich in Wien errichten lassen. Doch die Behörden machten ihr einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Schließlich traf sie in Mistelbach auf offene Arme. Nachdem der erste Versuch einer Eröffnung im Juni vor einem Jahr gescheitert war, weil der Hersteller mit einer Bronze-Büste von Jackson nicht klar gekommen war, gab Kainz nicht auf. Und so war am Samstag der große Moment für die Enthüllung einer gut 2,50 Meter großen Statue mit Michael Jackson gekommen.

Umrahmt wurde die Zeremonie, zu der auch eine Abordnung der Michael-Jackson-Foundation gekommen war, von einem bunten Show-Programm. Dessen roter Faden waren Auftritte von Michael Jackson-Imitatoren und Künstlern, die sich auf die Wiedergabe von dessen Songs spezialisiert haben. Auch elf junge Damen der Mistelbacher Musikschule,. die eine Choreographie zu einem Jackson-Hit tanzten, waren dabei. Viel Beifall bekam der 17 Jahre alte Wiener Lukas Pratschker, der mit seinem drei Jahre alten Bordercollie passend zu dessen Fellfarbe den Hit „Black or White“ als Dressurnummer einstudiert hatte.

Bekanntester Jackson-Imitator der dreistündigen Show war Sascha Pazdera aus Köln. Pazdera war auch schon bei „Wetten, dass ...“ aufgetreten.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.05.2013 um 10:56
hmmm, nicht der von Stacy Brown angekündigte Bericht, nein, ein Bericht vom Daily Star ... aber ob man diese Nachricht ernst nehmen kann ???? ... 2 weitere angebliche Missbrauchsopfer sitzen in den Startlöchern ... :)


12th May 2013 By Mike Parker

TWO more alleged child abuse victims of Michael Jackson are preparing to file lawsuits against the late King of Pop’s estate, it was revealed yesterday.

A legal source close to the singer’s family confirmed: “One is in the public eye, the other is not.

“They are both telling the same story of regular and repeated molestations.”

The bombshell claims come ten days after top Hollywood choreographer Wade Robson launched his claim for compensation from Jackson’s estate.

Australian Robson, 30, alleges he was “systematically” molested for seven years during his childhood at Neverland Ranch, where he was a regular guest of the Thriller singer.

Both the other victims waiting in the wings claim they too were subjected to “years of abuse,” according to the legal source, who added: “They are waiting to see what happens in the first action.”

Robson was a key defence witness in Jackson’s 2005 trial, at which the star was acquitted by a jury of seven counts of child molestation and two of administering “intoxicating agents” to a 13-year-old boy.

His U-turn was slammed by Howard Weitzman, a lawyer for the Jackson estate who described his lawsuit as “outrageous and pathetic”.

But Robson’s lawyer Henry Gradstein hit back: “Jackson was a monster and in their hearts every normal person knows it.

“My client has lived with the brainwashing of a sexual predator until the stress and burden of it crushed him.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.05.2013 um 10:57
Stimmt das wirklich das Paris bei ihrer Mutti eingezogen ist???

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.05.2013 um 11:04
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Stimmt das wirklich das Paris bei ihrer Mutti eingezogen ist???
ich weiß es nicht ... glaube aber, bei den Medien ist Wunschdenken angesagt ... :D

hier ist wohl eher, der Wunsch der Vater des Gedanken ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.05.2013 um 11:07
Paris Jackson Raises Questions as She Reunites with Birth MomYoutube: Paris Jackson Raises Questions as She Reunites with Birth Mom
Paris Jackson Raises Questions as She Reunites with Birth Mom
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ABCNews . Veröffentlicht am 11.05.2013
Daughter of Michael Jackson seeks solace of mother Debbie Rowe, spends birthday together.


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12.05.2013 um 11:11
Paris Jackson will walk away from Jackson family!

Posted By: Daliya Updated:Saturday, 11th May 2013,10:05

15 year-old Paris Jackson, daughter of late pop singer Michael Jackson will walk away from Jackson family when she will turn 16. The future of Paris Jackson was predicted by Mark Lester, who is godfather to late King of Pop Michael Jackson's three children. He predicted that Paris is planning to cut her all relationship from Jackson family.

"I am sure when Paris hits 16 she will take herself out of that Jackson clan, walk out of that door and never turn back. She will never go back. I am glad she has got Debbie Rowe (Paris' mother) in her life," he said.

Paris who celebrated her 15th birthday with Rowe last month is living with her legal guardian, grandmother Katherine Jackson along with her brothers Prince, 16, and Blanket, 11, after the death of her father Michael in 2009,

Lester also expressed his sympathy for Katherine, who is taking all the responsibility of raising the three children.

"It must be hard for Katherine, being an 83-year-old having teenage kids running around. It must be very difficult for her stepping in as a mother when she was always granny, which brings us back to Debbie Rowe. I think it's a good thing she's coming back on the scene, perfect timing," he added.

Meanwhile, it is also learnt that Paris Jackson has reached to her mother Debbie Rowe as she is going through ‘teenage angst’. She moved with her biological mother along with her brothers.

A source told People: ''Paris has been going through a lot of teenage angst and needed a mother figure. Debbie never wanted to intrude but when Paris called she was immediately there”.

''They are making a big effort to make up for lost time.''

In 1999, Michael was given full custody of Paris and her elder brother Prince Michael and in return gave his ex-wife Debbie an $8 million settlement and a house in Beverly Hills. (Archiv-Version vom 23.06.2013)


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12.05.2013 um 11:53
'Dance Crew' Judge Shane Sparks

5/12/2013 12:50 AM PDT


Former "America's Best Dance Crew" judge Shane Sparks -- a convicted statutory rapist -- has Wade Robson's back ... telling TMZ, he believes Michael Jackson molested the choreographer.

TMZ broke the story ... Wade has filed a claim with the MJ Estate, alleging the King of Pop molested him for 7 years, from the time he was 7 until he turned 14.

Shane tells TMZ, "I've been knowing Wade forever. Because of the man he is, I do believe him. I don't think he would lie about this because this could hurt him ... He don’t need the publicity or the money. I think this is something that has been on his mind and he had to get it off."

Shane tells us, a big clue emerged soon after he met Wade, who was not much older than 7 at the time.

According to Shane, Wade's tiny apartment was filled with ridiculously expensive electronics -- mixing boards, beat machines, video games, and other "rich kid" toys ... all of which were gifts from Michael.

Shane says Wade was so tight with MJ, he was allowed to host birthday parties at Neverland Ranch without Michael present -- and the only room that was off limits was Michael's bedroom.

Background on Shane, a self-professed MJ fan ... back in 2011, he was convicted of having unlawful sex with a minor under 16.


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13.05.2013 um 08:22
Quelle: Jackson.CH


12. MAI 2013

Als nächste Zeugin für die Jacksons sagte Michaels langjährige Hair- und Make-up Artist, Karen Faye, aus. Sie kannten sich 27 Jahre lang. Auch sie bestätigte, dass Michael in seinen letzten Tagen paranoid erschien, sich immer wieder wiederholte und er stets fröstelte. “Das war nicht der Mann, den ich kannte”, so Faye. Als Karen Faye Michaels Plan für die 50 “This Is It” Shows sah, sagte sie, er schaffe dies nicht. Sie war sich bewusst, dass er mehr Ruhe zwischen den einzelnen Shows brauchte und wenn die Shows so durchgeführt würden, wie geplant, würde er vielleicht gerade mal eine Woche durchstehen.

Als Karen Faye Michael im April 2009 für die ersten Vorbereitungen gesehen hatte, war er sehr aufgestellt, aber etwas dünn. Aber sie dachte, er habe bis Juli noch genügend Zeit, Körper- und Muskelmasse aufzubauen. Als Michael Jackson dann das erste Mal auf die Bühne musste bei den Proben, war für Karen klar, wie stark er sich verändert hatte.

In den letzten Tagen vor seinem Tod, wurde Karen Faye unter Druck gesetzt zu ignorieren, was ihr Michael Jackson sagte und es wurde von ihr verlangt, dass sie ihre Anweisungen von Randy Phillips, dem CEO von AEG Live, entgegen nehmen muss. Einmal wurde ihr gesagt, sie müsse Michael auf die Bühne bringen und sein Ear Piece einsetzen, als Michael nicht wollte. Es wurde von ihr verlangt, dass sie gegenüber Michael “tough love” zeigen und nicht darauf hören sollte, was er ihr erzähle. An einem Tag schloss sich Michael in seinem Badezimmer zu Hause ein, da er sich weigerte an die Proben zu gehen. Paul Gongaware, der co-CEO von AEG Live, war wütend und verzweifelt, dass Michael Jackson zu den Proben ins Forum erscheinen müsse. Karen Faye hatte ein Telefonat von Paul Gongaware an Michaels Sicherheitsleute mitbekommen, in dem ersterer sagte, dass die Sicherheitsleute Michael aus dem Badezimmer holen sollen. “Habt ihr einen Schlüssel? Tut, was immer notwendig ist”, soll Gongaware gemäss Karen Faye geschrien haben.

Bei den Proben Mitte Juni war Michael Jackson “sehr stoisch” und erschien “beängstigt”. Er sprach mit sich selbst, so Karen Faye. “Er wiederholte sich sehr oft und sagte immer wieder die gleichen Sachen.” Eine dieser Aussagen war: “Wieso kann ich nicht selbst wählen?” Karen Faye schlug Kenny Ortega vor, dass sie einen Psychologen reinholen sollten, um Michaels Zustand zu beurteilen. Zudem beschrieb Karen Faye, wie Michaels Haut eiskalt war und er nie zuvor so ausgemergelt ausgesehen hatte. Als Karen Faye ihre Bedenken im Juni mal gegenüber Randy Phillips erwähnte, sagte dieser angeblich: “Ja, das ist schlimm. [...] Bei der Ankündigung [der "This Is It Shows] in London musste ich Michael vom Boden aufkratzen, weil er so betrunken war.” Bei Michaels Beerdigung habe Phillips Karen Faye gesagt, er habe alles versucht, was er konnte. Als Brian Panish, der Anwalt der Jacksons, Faye fragte, ob sie Phillips geglaubt habe, antwortete sie: “Sir, Michael Jackson liegt nur wenige Meter entfernt von mir in einem Sarg. Mir fehlten die Worte darauf zu antworten. Das kann nicht alles sein, was man machen konnte.”

Karen Faye sagte auch zu den restlichen 26 Jahren ihrer engen Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft mit Michael Jackson aus – sowohl den schönen als auch den schwierigen Momenten in Michaels Leben. Zu den schwierigeren Momenten gehörten insbesondere seine Unfälle und deren Folgeschäden (wie beim Pepsi Dreh und beim Konzert in München, als ein Brücke, auf der Michael stand, zusammen stürzte) sowie die körperlichen Probleme bei den lange und energieraubenden Konzerttourneen. Eine wichtige Aussage war dabei, dass Michael immer glaubte, dass ein Arzt nur sein Bestes im Sinne hatte. “Er glaubte, dass wenn ihm ein Arzt etwas verschrieb, dass es sicher für ihn war und er es verwenden konnte”, so Karen Faye. Eine erschreckende Anekdote stammte von der Dangerours Tour 1993. Als sie in Singapur waren, war Michael körperlich so schlecht dran, dass Karen Faye dem tourbegleitenden Arzt, Dr. David Forecast, sagte, Michael könne an dem Abend nicht auftreten. Daraufhin soll Dr. Forecast sie an die Wand gedrückt und seine Hände um ihren Hals gelegt haben und zu ihr gesagt haben: “Du weisst nicht, was Du da machst.” Sie hätte fast das Bewusstsein verloren und der Arzt griff nach Michael und schleppte ihn zur Bühne. Das Konzert wurde dann aber doch noch abgesagt.

Wer interessiert ist, kann hier das Protokoll der gesamten Zeugenaussage von Karen Faye lesen.


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13.05.2013 um 08:36
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

tumblr mmozcmQM9u1qlutfoo1 500


Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 5h
throwback to when me and @sophipher were screaming Little Mermaid lyrics out in public and everyone was giving us funny looks(: #noshame
Rückblickend auf mich und @ sophipher, als wir "Little Mermaid" Texte in der Öffentlichkeit kreischten und jeder schenkte uns lustige Blicke (: # keine Schande
2:46 AM - 13 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.05.2013 um 08:59
Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 9h
Paparazzi have nothing better to do than hang out in front of my house for some odd reason I thought they might have mothers
Paparazzi haben nichts Besseres zu tun, als vor meinem Haus rumzuhängen, aus irgendeinem Grund dachte ich, sie könnten Mütter haben
11:10 PM - 12 Mai 13


Michael Jackson's ex Debbie Rowe spends Mother's Day alone on her farm... despite rekindling relationship with daughter Paris Jackson

PUBLISHED: 01:48 GMT, 13 May 2013 | UPDATED: 03:32 GMT, 13 May 2013

She's spent much of the past year getting to know her estranged daughter with pop star Michael Jackson.

But on the day of the year that people around the world celebrate their mothers, Debbie Rowe spent her time alone with her horses at her farm in Palmdale, California on Sunday.

The 54-year-old walked around her dusty compound barefoot as she tended to her precious equines by her lonesome.

article-2323585-19BF5EBD000005DC-919 634Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
All by herself: Debbie Rowe marked Mother's Day with a lonesome walk around her farm in Palmdale, California on Sunday

The former medical assistant rose to fame in the 1990s after her quickie wedding to Michael Jackson that resulted in his two eldest children Prince and Paris.

But when their relationship ended in divorce in 1999, Debbie signed away custody of her children as part of a multi-million dollar deal.

However, after the singer's death in June 2009, Debbie, 54, reached an agreement with Michael's mother - who became the children's' legal guardian - for supervised visitation rights.

Since then she's enjoyed a budding relationship with her second child Paris, as the pair have been shopping and even spent the teen's 15th birthday together.

The two were pictured smiling as they chowed down on sushi at Ahi Sushi in Studio City, California -- their first since their family portaits of the '90s.

In previous interviews, Debbie has said her previous choice to stay out of their lives was out of respect for the late singer.

'My kids don't call me mom because I don't want them to,' she said in a televised interview with Martin Bashir.

'It's not that they're not my children, but I had them because I wanted [Michael] to be the father.
'My children are with their father, where they are supposed to be. I didn't do I didn’t do it to be a mother.'

article-2304600-191CE390000005DC-625 634
Former family: Debbie and Michael were wed after meeting at his dermatologist's office

After Michael's sudden death in 2009, Paris and her brothers Prince and Blanket were placed under court-mandated guardianship of their cousin T.J. Jackson and 82-year-old grandmother Katherine.

And that's around the time Paris became inquisitive about her mother.

In a recent interview for the Mail On Sunday's Event Magazine, Paris revealed that she had also been shopping with her mother.

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Family: Michael (holding Prince) and Debbie (holding Paris) were married for three years

Paris said: 'When I'm with my mom, we don't really have security with us. Which is really nice.'
Paris' uncle Jermaine Jackson recently said he approved of the pair's burgeoning relationship.

He told TMZ: 'I think that's wonderful. The kids need their mum. I think it's great. That's their mother. That's wonderful. That's a good thing.'

Debbie has reportedly developed an 'intense bond' with her daughter and the pair have been spending lots of time together in recent months.

The Billie Jean singer's ex-wife supported the teenager, who performed in a dance contest at her school in Los Angeles last weekend, turning up with a bouquet of flowers.

Meanwhile, it appears Debbie and Michael's son Prince is not yet ready to develop a relationship with his mother.

The 16-year-old budding TV presenter allegedly isn't interested in getting to know his birth mother, but she hopes that they will develop a natural connection much like she did with Paris.


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13.05.2013 um 09:05
By Chris Bucktin / 13 May 2013 00:00

Secret plan to use Michael Jackson backing tracks for live shows

Documents claim Jacko was in a frail state and could not sing and dance at the same time


Tragic Michael Jackson was so frail in the days before his death he could not sing and dance at the same time, documents allege.

And it is claimed his physical state so worried bosses of his comeback tour that they made contingency plans to use backing tracks at his £100-a-ticket shows.

But The King of Pop died aged 50 from an overdose of powerful anaesthetic shortly before the This Is It shows were was due to start at London’s O2 Arena in July 2009.

Jackson’s mother Katherine, together with his three children, are suing concert promoters AEG Live for £31billion.

A string of emails, seen by the Mirror and to be presented to the Los Angeles Superior Court in California, make it clear there were serious fears about Jacko’s ability to perform.

Long-term Jackson family friend Terry Harvey claims the singer had laid down vocals over several months to work as back-up material for shows.

And the promoter insists he made Jackson’s managers Dr Tohme Tohme, Frank DiLeo and contract lawyer Dennis Hawk aware of his dangerously frail state. He says he warned Di Leo, who died in 2011: “You are going to kill Michael.”

In other evidence it is claimed Jacko was so emaciated that, two days before he died, his heart could be seen beating.

Make-up artist Karen Faye said costume director Michael Bush looked in horror at Jackson’s unclothed body before a dress rehearsal: “He said, ‘Oh my God ... I could see Michael’s heart beat through the skin of his chest’.”

Faye, 60, who worked for Jackson over nearly three decades, claimed he was on the brink of death weeks before his drug overdose.

She wept, describing how she made up Jackson in his coffin, but refused to “help retouch” footage of the singer for the posthumous documentary, “This Is It”.

Faye blasted: “It was a lie. I didn’t want a lie.

“Everybody was lying after he died, (saying) Michael was well. Everybody knew he wasn’t. I felt retouching Michael was just a part of that lie.”

The key emails show there was a difference between the public version of Jackson’s rehearsals and reality.

After announcing the series of This Is It gigs, ticket sales reaped more than £169million at the box office.

But on June 16, 2009 music arranger Michael Bearden revealed the singer was unable to sing live and dance, just three weeks away from the start at London’s 02 Arena.

In a message entitled Plan B, Bearden told Kenny Ortega, producer and director of the This Is It tour, that he planned using Jackson’s studio material.

Bearden wrote: “If we can’t get everything we need from the vault I can use what we have and take out ad libs and such to try to make it feel new.

“MJ is not in shape enough yet to sing this stuff live and dance at the same time. He can use the ballads to sing live and get his stamina back ... I have full confidence he can sing the majority of the show live.

“His voice sounds amazing right now he just needs to build it back up.”

Dancer Travis Payne, who let slip Jackson needed golf carts to get around the arena, responded with, “Great idea”.

There were even rumours, strongly denied, that a Jackson stand-in was used to announce the London gigs.

Harvey, claims the singer recorded show vocals weeks before his rehearsals.

He said: “On This Is It there were moments where he wasn’t singing, his energy levels were down and anyone who worked with him in the past could tell Michael was a way off from 100 per cent. We found out Michael was in the studio recording tracks for the show and even new albums in his last months. You can put your voice in a sequencer and backing track for live shows, so if you don’t want to sing you mime and fans don’t realise.”

Other documents show how, five days before Jackson’s death, Ortega asked AEG managing director Randy Phillips to pull the plug.

On June 20 Ortega wrote: “My concern is that now that we’ve brought the doctor in to the fold ... the artist may be unable to rise to the occasion due to real emotional stuff.”

He continued saying how Jackson was “trembling, rambling and obsessing,” adding: “Everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated. If we have any chance at all to get him back.”

Ortega added: “He’s terribly frightened it’s all going to go away. He was like a lost boy.” But Phillips shot down Ortega, after consulting Dr Conrad Murray.

Phillips refused to consider stopping the This Is It concerts. “You cannot imagine the harm and ramifications of stopping the show now,” he said.

“I am not just talking about AEG’s interests here, but the myriad of stuff and lawsuits swirling around MJ that I crisis manage, and also his well-being.” Signing off as Randy he added: “It’s time to put out the fire, not burn the building.”

Harvey and partners AllGood Entertainment offered Jackson a Dallas 2009 comeback show, on the provision he went to rehab. But the singer chose AEG’s gigs in London.

It prompted a lawsuit with AllGood which they lost in 2010. But today Harvey claims AllGood plan to refile their £200million lawsuit against AEG for stealing the Thriller star from their grasp.

Harvey claims he spoke to Jackson in his last few weeks over the deal with AllGood.

He said: “It was part of the contract for Michael to get clean. His mother Katherine and father Joe knew that, and we made it clear to everyone close to him.

“For months we told Michael’s lawyer at the time Dennis Hawk, his managers Frank DiLeo and Dr Tohme Tohme he needed rehab.

“I told Frank, ‘He needs to get clean first’, but he didn’t want to know. It was an open secret in close circles that Michael had addiction issues.”

Harvey claims Jackson had agreed to do a one-off return gig in Dallas but was lured away by AEG execs.

Harvey, 53, who lives in Oklahoma, said: “Michael’s comeback was tailor-made for one show. He didn’t need to slug it out for 50 nights. The This Is It sales figures prove our formula – they made $200million from a rehearsal, so we would have made more – and Michael would have taken the lion’s share.

“There is a feeling that Michael’s death turned about to be a good business decision for AEG. It hurts me to say that, because people forget Michael was not just a commodity, but a troubled human being, with a lot still to offer, who was dedicated to his three kids. The only reason he did this was so that his kids could see him perform.”

AllGood, who have worked with stars such as Bon Jovi and Stevie Wonder, are set to refile their £200million law suit in the next few weeks.

“We feel there is a strong case,” said Harvey. “The company were not given access to the emails that have come up in this case.

“We have depositions from senior AEG executives, who insisted that Michael was healthy enough to do ‘100 shows’ in the days before the rehearsals. The emails in the Jackson case suggest they had knowledge of problems. People knew Michael had a long term drug condition.

“His employees saw him unable to walk after visiting doctors – it was even on the news, but no one stepped in. I think AEG will lose to Katherine Jackson.”

The Jackson family claim that as Jackson’s personal physician Dr Conrad Murray was responsible for administering the fatal anaesthetic, AEG should be held responsible as they were his employer. AEG deny responsibility.

Murray, paid £100,000 a month by Jackson, got four years jail for involuntary manslaughter.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.05.2013 um 09:13
Witness: 'Everybody was lying' after Michael Jackson died

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 13, 2013 -- Updated 0628 GMT (1428 HKT)


* "I can see Michael's heart beat through the skin in his chest," stylist says
* "Get him a bucket of chicken," manager says
* "It was such a cold response, it broke my heart," makeup artist says
* Wife Debbie Rowe "was obviously in love with Michael," witness says

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The portrait of Michael Jackson in the last week of his life, painted by people close to him, is a disturbing picture of an emaciated man, unable to sleep or eat, and unlikely to be ready for his comeback concerts just days away.

"Oh, my God, Turkle, I can see Michael's heart beat through the skin in his chest," stylist Michael Bush said after a costume fitting six days before his death on June 19, 2009.

Turkle is the nickname of makeup artist Karen Faye, who testified Thursday and Friday in Jackson's wrongful death trial. Her testimony has been the most dramatic so far.

Proceedings continue Monday with choreographer Stacy Walker on the witness stand.

"Get him a bucket of chicken," manager Frank DiLeo said in reply to concerns about Jackson's weight loss, Faye testified.

"It was such a cold response, it broke my heart," Faye said through tears.

Michael Jackson's mother and three children contend concert promoter AEG Live is liable in Jackson's death because its executives ignored his health problem and pressured him to prepare for his "This Is It" shows set to debut in London in July 2009.

AEG Live negligently hired, retained and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the pop icon's death, according to the Jackson's lawsuit.

The coroner blamed Jackson's June 25, 2009 death on an overdose of propofol, combined with sedatives, given to him by Dr. Murray as a treatment for insomnia.

AEG lawyers contend that it was Jackson, and not AEG, who hired and supervised Dr. Murray, and that he was responsible for his own decisions. They said these were influenced by a drug addiction its executives did not and could not be expected to know about.

Witness: "Everybody was lying after he died"

The Michael Jackson the public saw in the documentary "This Is It" -- produced months after his death with 80 hours of video shot during his last rehearsals -- is not reality, Faye said.

She was asked to help retouch the video to make Jackson look healthier on the big screen, she testified. But she refused.

"It was a lie. I didn't want to lie," Faye said. "Everybody was lying after he died, saying that Michael was well, and everybody knew he wasn't. I felt that retouching Michael was just a part of that lie."

Before Faye testified, jurors heard a similarly disturbing description of Jackson in his final days from "This Is It" associate producer Alif Sankey.

Jackson "was not speaking normally" at the June 19 costume fitting, Sankey said. She and producer Kenny Ortega cried after he left because of his appearance and what he said.

"God keeps talking to me," Jackson told Ortega, Sankey testified.

Faye said Jackson seemed "frightened," and he was talking to himself, repeating "the same thing over and over again."

"He kept repeating, 'Why can't I choose?'" she said.

Jackson was shivering from chills, and it was "like I was touching ice" when she put on his makeup, Faye testified.

Faye said she raised her concerns with AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips. He told her, "Yeah, this is bad.

It's not so good. I had to scrape Michael off the floor in London ... because he was so drunk," she said.

The Jackson family's legal representation contends Phillips should have gotten Jackson medical care from someone other than Murray.

Sankey, who knew Jackson since she first danced with him in 1987, said she screamed at Ortega in a phone call after the June 19 rehearsal, begging that he get help for Jackson.

"I kept saying that 'Michael is dying, he's dying, he's leaving us, he needs to be put in a hospital,'" Sankey said. "'Please do something. Please, please.' I kept saying that. I asked him why no one had seen what I had seen. He said he didn't know."

Debbie Rowe was "in love with Michael"

The trial, which enters its third week Monday, could offer more previously unpublicized insights into Jackson's life and death.

Along with his oldest children Prince and Paris Jackson, his ex-wife and their mother, Debbie Rowe, is scheduled to testify.

Faye's testimony on Friday offered a glimpse at Jackson's relationship with Rowe, suggesting there was romance involved, or at least jealously.

Faye said that after she was fired from her job during Jackson's "History" tour in 1997, she learned it was because Rowe felt threatened by her relationship with Jackson.

"She was obviously in love with Michael," Faye said. "She had told me for many years that it was her desire to be with him."

Rowe later apologized to her for asking Jackson's manager to let her go, she testified.

"She told me she was jealous of me," Faye said. "She thought that Michael liked me better."
