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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.05.2013 um 10:31
Skipping Town After Filing
MJ Molestation Claim

5/13/2013 1:00 AM PDT

0510-wade-robson-condo-sold-launch-1Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Wade Robson's wasting no time hightailing it out of L.A. after alleging Michael Jackson molested him -- he just unloaded his Santa Monica condo -- and is leaving Cali for good.

Wade listed the condo March 21 for $789,000 and closed escrow May 8. And get this -- he scored more than the asking price -- $825,000.

It's not an outlandish leap to think the timing isn't coincidental. We broke the story this week ... Wade filed a creditor's claim against MJ's estate May 1 ... claiming the King of Pop molested him over a 7-year period when he was a kid.

Sources tell us, Wade, his wife and son plan to lay down roots in the Aloha state ... where his wife grew up.

Check out the condo and all it's amenities. Repressed memories not included.

filed a creditor's claim

Repressed memories


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13.05.2013 um 12:16
Paris Coming To Cannes? Michael Jackson’s Daughter May Appear

05/13/13 5:11am . Roger Friedman

EXCLUSIVE It’s a great headline– Paris coming to Cannes. But I’ve been told that Paris Jackson, who just turned 16, is indeed being brought to the Cannes Film Festival. I told you exclusively a couple of weeks ago that Paris recently signed with Hollywood super agent Rick Yorn, who also reps Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz and Martin Scorsese as a manager.

If Paris does indeed make the trip it’s unclear if it’s because Yorn has plans for her already, although he’s told friends he’s convinced Paris can be a huge star. “He just wants her to finish high school,” says a source. Ironically, I’d only recently heard that Paris’s grandfather, wily Joe Jackson, was considering a Cannes appearance as well. And Janet Jackson often makes an appearance at a charity event or two.

So we’ll see how many Jacksons make the trip to the south of France– and who’s talking to whom. That will be most interesting since it was less than a year ago that Paris clashed with Janet publicly when Janet and several siblings “kidnapped” Katherine Jackson.

In any case, Paris would probably come to Cannes during the second week of the festival. It would also be a good distraction for her while the AEG wrongful death suit continues in Los Angeles.
Stay tuned…


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13.05.2013 um 14:41
♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777 8h
They showed this image in court Friday. see here. "@seeskaper: @TeamMichael777"

6:52 AM - 13 Mai 13

♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777 9h
Meet Sandra Stadler @seeskaper This is by a TRUE Michael Jackson follower RETWEET
5:17 AM - 13 Mai 13
seeskaper Sandra Stadler 29 Aug
#HappyBirthdayMichaelJackson @ParisJackson @princemjjjaxon You will always be my first and last love. Miss you more.

A1cHOoFCUAIEGtN.jpg large


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13.05.2013 um 18:36
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 24m
I'll be back in the Jackson vs AEG trial later this morning. Here's a recap of some of last week's developments:

Yahoo! Music

Jackson civil jury hears roots of singer's trouble

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A look at key moments this past week in the wrongful death trial in Los Angeles between Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and concert giant AEG Live, and what is...
6:00 PM - 13 Mai 13

vgl. a. Eintrag vom 11.05.2013 um 19:57h ...

Jackson civil jury hears roots of singer's trouble

By The Associated Press | Associated Press – Sat, May 11, 2013 10:53 AM EDT

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A look at key moments this past week in the wrongful death trial in Los Angeles between Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and concert giant AEG Live, and what is expected at court in the week ahead:


Jackson's mother wants a jury to determine that the promoter of Jackson's planned comeback concerts didn't properly investigate Dr. Conrad Murray, who a criminal jury convicted of involuntary manslaughter for Jackson's June 2009 death. AEG's attorney says the case is about personal choice, namely Jackson's decision to have Murray serve as his doctor and give him doses of a powerful anesthetic as a sleep aid. Millions, possibly billions, of dollars are at stake.


— Jurors heard about Jackson in life and death from a pair of women who knew him and from coroner's officials who pieced together how he died. Jackson's mother skipped morbid testimony about Jackson's autopsy, but listened as her son's friend and makeup artist told jurors about watching him perform, and gradually become more dependent on prescription drugs.

— Jackson's longtime makeup artist Karen Faye testified that she overheard AEG co-CEO Paul Gongaware tell the singer's assistant to do "whatever it takes" to get the superstar out of a locked bathroom and to a rehearsal. Faye said Gongaware and another AEG official pushed Jackson to perform despite his emaciated appearance and signs of paranoia.


— A black-and-white photo of Jackson's lifeless body lying on a table before his autopsy. The image was shown in open court for less than a minute.

— Faye repeatedly break down in tears as she described how Jackson trusted his doctors but became more dependent on prescription medications in the early 1990s when he was on his "Dangerous" tour and facing his first bout of child molestation allegations.


— "Michael would do five songs to the dancers' one. I never saw anything like it." (Makeup artist and hair stylist Karen Faye, describing Jackson's stamina and ability to put all pain aside while he was performing.)

— "When I hugged him, he just felt like marble. But when I hugged, when I saw him briefly in 2006, he didn't feel like that anymore. He felt thin." (Dancer and choreographer Alif Sankey, who contrasted Jackson's appearance and build when she met him while shooting the "Smooth Criminal" video with the final years of his life.)


— Wade Robson, a choreographer who testified in Jackson's defense at his child molestation
trial, filed court paperwork stating that he was abused by Jackson over a seven-year period, according to his attorney. He has not stated how much he is seeking from Jackson's estate.

— A 20-minute preview of the Cirque du Soleil show "Immortal" based on Jackson's career and music was previewed at Las Vegas' Mandalay Bay hotel-casino. The show is scheduled to open June 29.


— Jurors will hear from AEG Live's first witnesses, a pair of choreographers who worked with Jackson and who will be called out of order to accommodate their touring schedule.

— Deputy Medical Examiner Christopher Rogers is expected to resume testifying and may offer an estimate of how long Jackson would have lived if he hadn't received an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. (Archiv-Version vom 08.06.2013)


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13.05.2013 um 18:54
Jermaine Jackson slams Wade Robson over molestation claims

May 13, 2013, 11:24 AM EST

Jermaine Jackson has taken aim at Wade Robson over allegations his late brother Michael molested the choreographer when he was a child, branding the dancer's claims "a big lie."

Robson has asked a California judge to allow him to make a late creditor's claim against Jackson's estate after alleging he was abused by the singer between the ages of seven and 14 at the superstar's California and Las Vegas homes. Jackson's estate attorney Howard Weitzman blasted the claims, and now the late pop star's brother Jermaine has launched an angry tirade at Robson, who took to the stand at the singer's 2005 child molestation trial to deny he had ever been abused by Michael Jackson.

Jermaine tells TMZ, "Wade Robson is full of s--t. Wade Robson and his mother helped me with my book. He got on the stand and told the courts that Michael never touched him and it's the truth. ... I really don't know what's going on, there's no truth to it." "That's a big lie," he added. "Michael can't defend himself, Michael's not here." (Archiv-Version vom 27.06.2013)

Quellenbericht: von TMZ

Wade Robson Is

5/13/2013 6:03 AM PDT

<iframe id="kaltura_player_1368463980" height="360" width="640" style="border: 0px solid #ffffff;" src="">Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.</iframe>

Jermaine Jackson -- Wade Robson Is 'Full of S**t'

Jermaine Jackson didn't mince words when we asked him about the recent molestation allegations made against his brother Michael by choreographer Wade Robson ... saying simply, "He's full of s**t."

JJ points out ... not only did Robson testify under oath that MJ never touched him, but Wade and his mother helped Jermaine write his book a few years back.

As TMZ first reported, Robson filed docs on May 1 asking a judge to allow him to file a creditor's claim against Jackson's estate ... claiming sexual abuse. A lawyer for the estate calls the claim "outrageous and pathetic."

ein ähnlicher Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.05.2013 um 19:07
13.05.2013 15:00 Uhr

Jermaine Jackson: Harte Worte gegen Wade Robson

Jermaine Jackson (58) beschimpfte Wade Robson (30), der Michael Jackson (+50) posthum wegen Kindesmissbrauchs auf Millionen verklagt.

Der ältere Bruder des King of Pop ('Thriller') sparte nicht mit drastischer Sprache, als er die Klage gegenüber 'Tmz' kommentierte: "Er steckt voller Sch****!"

Robson hatte am 1. Mai eine Klage eingereicht, in der er behauptete, dass er im Alter zwischen sieben und 14 Jahren wiederholt von dem Sänger auf dessen Neverland Ranch missbraucht worden sei, als er dort übernachtete.

Der Amerikaner hatte 2005 im Kindesmissbrauchsprozess für Michael Jackson ausgesagt. Jermaine Jackson wies darauf hin, dass Robson damals unter Eid ausgesagt habe, dass ihn der Superstar nie angerührt habe. Der ältere Jackson-Bruder behauptete zudem, dass Robson und dessen Mutter ihm bei seinem Buch vor ein paar Jahren geholfen hätten, in dem er seinen kleineren Bruder verteidigte.

Robson hat derweil seine Eigentumswohnung in Santa Monica verkauft und plant nun nach Hawaii zu ziehen, da seine Frau dort aufgewachsen sei. Insider erzählten 'Tmz', dass der Tanzprofi die Klage eingereicht habe, da er von "unterdrückten Erinnerungen" heimgesucht worden sei.

Unterdessen ist die Jackson-Familie weiter in ihre Klage gegen den Konzert-Veranstalter Aeg Live verstrickt. Katherine Jackson (83) wirft dem Veranstalter Fahrlässigkeit vor, die zum Tod ihres Sohnes geführt habe. Die Familie will umgerechnet 30 Milliarden Euro Schadensersatz haben - wie viel Wade Robson seinerseits von dem Jackson-Erbe haben will, ist bislang nicht bekannt.


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13.05.2013 um 20:38
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9s
Here's a short update on choreographer Stacy Walker's testimony. Link will update with longer version soon:

Yahoo! News

Choreographer: No signs Jackson was ill in 2009

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An associate choreographer who worked on Michael Jackson's planned series of comeback concerts has told a jury she never saw signs the singer was ill or might die.
8:33 PM - 13 Mai 13

Choreographer: No signs Jackson was ill in 2009

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 4 mins 36 secs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An associate choreographer who worked on Michael Jackson's planned series of comeback concerts has told a jury she never saw signs the singer was ill or might die.

Stacy Walker is testifying for AEG Live LLC, the promoter of Jackson's "This Is It" shows planned for 2009. She says that while she was frustrated the singer missed numerous rehearsals, she was convinced after seeing his final preparations that he could perform 50 shows in London.

Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, is suing AEG, claiming it didn't properly investigate the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter for her son's death.

Walker told jurors it wasn't her job to focus on Jackson or his health, but that the singer appeared happy about the shows.

Witnesses for Katherine Jackson have testified that the singer was sickly during rehearsals. (Archiv-Version vom 10.06.2013)


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13.05.2013 um 20:59

Narben! Verletzt sich Paris Jackson selbst?

Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013 | 18:22 Uhr | Laura S.


Wieder einmal sorgen Paparazzi-Bilder einer jungen Prominenten für große Sorge. Nach Miley Cyrus (20) im vergangenen Jahr wurde nun auch Michael Jackson (✝50) Sprössling Paris Jackson (15) mit merkwürdigen Malen an ihrem Unterarm gesichtet, die auf den ersten Blick an das Ergebnis selbstverletzenden Verhaltens erinnern. Setzen Paris ihre schwierigen Familienverhältnisse und der Status als Tochter einer überglorifizierten Musikgröße, die posthum immer wieder mit schweren Vorwürfen in Verbindung gebracht wird, so sehr zu, dass sie ihren Kummer nicht anders zu verarbeiten weiß? Die Fotos entstanden in Los Angeles, als Paris gut gelaunt ein Restaurant in Begleitung ihrer Mutter Debbie Rowe (54) und dreier Freunde verließ. Alles bloß Fassade?

Als Fake-Justin-Bieber-Fans Anfang des Jahres auf Twitter dazu aufriefen, sich für ihren Star selbst zu verletzen, erklärte Paris auf ihrer Seite noch: "Können wir bitte diese Epidemie stoppen. Ernsthaft! Es tut viel zu vielen Menschen weh und ist unglaublich lächerlich. Ich habe einen guten Freund wegen Rasierklingen verloren und ich hasse es zu beobachten, wie bekannte Belieber sich wegen einer Sucht so viel Schmerz zufügen. Bitte hört damit auf." Kaum zu glauben, dass sich das junge Mädchen nun selbst in diesem Strudel der Autoaggression befindet. Vielleicht handelt es sich bei den Spuren an ihrem Arm aber auch schlicht und ergreifend um ungünstige Abdrücke?

ähnliche Berichte


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13.05.2013 um 21:08
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m
Stacy Walker has wrapped up her testimony. Updates to come.
Afternoon witness will be Christopher Rogers of coroner's office. #JacksonTrial
8:57 PM - 13 Mai 13


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13.05.2013 um 21:33
Jackson pulled it together in final rehearsals, choreographer says

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 13, 2013, 12:09 p.m.

A choreographer on Michael Jackson's doomed "This Is It" concert series testified Monday she was frustrated the singer was missing rehearsals but that her concerns were swept away during the last two preparation sessions for his anticipated “This Is It” comeback concerts in London.

“I finally saw what I was looking to see,” said Stacy Walker.

Walker said she was so encouraged she told her mother to buy a ticket for opening night in London. "I was very excited and relieved and hopeful,” she testified.

The testimony, coming in the third week of a wrongful-death trial in downtown Los Angeles, followed earlier reports from witnesses who described Jackson as being in such feeble health that they doubted he could pull off the 50-concert series.

One witness, Jackson’s longtime makeup and hair artist, said she warned others that she believed the pop singer was dying.

Walker had worked as a dancer on Jackson's 40-minute video "Ghost" in the mid-1990s, a job that she said was the big break of her career, and toured with him.

She was associate choreographer on "This Is It," working mainly with the dancers. Choreographer Travis Payne, she said, would often rehearse with Jackson in another room or at his rented mansion.

Walker also testified that Jackson was much skinnier than he had been when she had worked with him previously.

Walker was the first witness to testify for Anschutz Entertainment Group, the promoter of the London concerts. Jackson's mother and children are suing AEG, saying the company hired and poorly supervised Conrad Murray, the tour doctor who administered Jackson a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol in the final days before the concerts.

AEG says that Jackson wanted Murray with him and that any payments the company was supposed to make to the doctor were advances to the singer.

Walker testified out of turn because she will be out of town and not available when AEG presents its case.

She said she wasn't "shocked" Jackson was missing rehearsals. "I was irritated he wasn’t coming.”,0,5701736.story


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13.05.2013 um 21:44
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m
Here's an updated link on this morning's testimony in Jackson vs. AEG trial:

Yahoo! News

Choreographer: No signs Jackson was ill in 2009

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An associate choreographer who worked on Michael Jackson's planned comeback concerts testified Monday that she didn't see any signs that the pop superstar was ill or might die in...
9:32 PM - 13 Mai 13

Choreographer: No signs Jackson was ill in 2009

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 17 mins ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An associate choreographer who worked on Michael Jackson's planned comeback concerts testified Monday that she didn't see any signs that the pop superstar was ill or might die in the final days of his life.

"I just never in a million years thought he would leave us, or pass away," Stacy Walker told jurors hearing a lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother against concert promoter AEG Live LLC. "It just never crossed my mind."

Walker, who is testifying for AEG, said Jackson appeared thinner than he had been in previous years and wore multiple layers of clothes while rehearing for his "This Is It" shows planned for London's O2 arena. She said despite Jackson missing multiple rehearsals, she was convinced based on his performances the last two days of his life that he was ready for the series of shows.

Previous witnesses have testified that Jackson was shivering, had to be fed by others and appeared unprepared.

Walker said she never saw any of that behavior, although she acknowledged that her job was to work with other dancers and not Jackson directly.

"I wasn't looking for things at the time," she said. "I wish I was."

She said she attributed Jackson's multi-layered wardrobe to a personal preference. She said she recalled one incident in which Jackson may have appeared groggy or drugged, but she said she couldn't remember whether she witnessed or heard about it from others on the show.

Walker was the first witness called by AEG in a trial filed by Jackson's mother, Katherine, against the concert promoter. Her suit claims AEG didn't properly investigate the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death and that its executives missed signs that the singer was unprepared for the "This Is It" shows.

AEG denies all wrongdoing, and contends Jackson hid his struggles with prescription drug addiction.
Jackson died in June 2009 from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol, which he had been using as a sleep aid.

Walker, who worked with Jackson on three projects beginning in 1996, was called to the witness stand Monday because she is slated to leave the country for work. The trial is expected to last several more weeks.

AEG is expected to call choreographer Travis Payne, who worked with Jackson directly in preparation for the "This Is It" shows, and tour director Kenny Ortega is also expected to testify.

Jurors last week heard from a dancer and also Jackson's longtime makeup artist, who testified that the singer appeared thin and at times unprepared for the concert tour. Another dancer, Alif Sankey, told the panel she expressed concerns that Jackson might die and sent an email about his appearance to Ortega.

Emails presented during the trial so far have shown Ortega expressed concerns about Jackson's physical and mental wellbeing to AEG executives. (Archiv-Version vom 10.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.05.2013 um 22:18
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
Defendants' first witness (out of order) was Stacy Walker, the Associate Choreographer for "This Is It" tour.
10:05 PM - 13 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. Day 9 of Jackson Family vs AEG trial in full swing. They took witness out of order due to schedule
10:04 PM - 13 Mai 13


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13.05.2013 um 23:59
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
You'll definitely want to read full transcript summary from opening statements w/ many new stuff that wasn't reported
10:40 PM - 13 Mai 13

MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity 1h
MJJC Exclusive: Select Transcript Summaries from Katherine Jackson - AEG Trial: more to come
Retweetet von Ivy
10:29 PM - 13 Mai 13

The below summaries are done from actual court reporter transcript of the Katherine Jackson - AEG trial testimony. They are paid by and summarized by MJJC members. They are posted publicly for everyone to read. Please do not copy them to other websites. Simply post the link to this thread if you want to share the following transcript summaries.


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14.05.2013 um 09:23
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8h
Rogers testified that Michael Jackson’s Body Mass Index was within the normal range. A BMI figure below 18.5 would be underweight.
Rogers sagte aus, dass Michael Jacksons Body Mass Index im Normbereich war. Ein BMI Zahl unter 18,5, wäre untergewichtig.
Retweetet von Ivy
12:17 AM - 14 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8h
Cahan also asks about Jackson’s weight at the time of his death. He weighed 136 pounds, with a Body Mass Index of 20.1, Rogers tells jury.
Cahan fragt auch nach Jacksons Gewicht zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes. Er wog 136 Pfund, mit einem Body Mass Index von 20,1, erzählt Rogers der Jury.
Retweetet von Ivy
12:17 AM - 14 Mai 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8h
“He looked thin in comparison to most people,” Rogers said. He says Jackson did not appear emaciated. Says singer didn't appear emaciated.
"Er sah dünn aus, im Vergleich zu den meisten Leuten", sagte Rogers. Er sagt, Jackson erschien nicht abgemagert. Sagt, der Sänger erschien nicht abgemagert.
Retweetet von Ivy

12:17 AM - 14 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.05.2013 um 09:44
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 3h
It has a lot of new stuff that wasn't reported by media and you will understand how the testimonies fit to the strategy of both sides.
Es hat eine Menge neuer Sachen, die nicht von den Medien berichtet wurden, und ihr werdet verstehen, wie die Zeugenaussagen passend zur Strategie auf beiden Seiten sind.
5:39 AM - 14 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 3h
Earlier in the day I posted summaries of opening statements from court transcripts. I recommend everyone to read it -
Früher am Tag, habe ich Zusammenfassungen der Eröffnungspladoyers von den Kopien/Abschriften (Transkripte) vom Gericht eingestellt. Ich empfehle jedem, es zu lesen
5:38 AM - 14 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.05.2013 um 09:51
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
Court urged to reject Conrad Murray's appeal: (Archiv-Version vom 24.06.2013) Attorney cites his conduct with Jackson as "Russian roulette"

The Associated Press

Court urged to reject Jackson doctor's appeal
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The involuntary manslaughter conviction of Michael Jackson's doctor should not be overturned because there were no serious errors made by the judge overseeing his criminal case, a...
Im Web anzeigen
7:30 AM - 14 Mai 13



— May. 14 1:34 AM EDT

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The involuntary manslaughter conviction of Michael Jackson's doctor should not be overturned because there were no serious errors made by the judge overseeing his criminal case, a state attorney wrote in a filing urging a court to reject his appeal.

Supervising Deputy Attorney General Victoria B. Wilson wrote in a response Monday to Conrad Murray's appeal that the former cardiologist's own lawyers forfeited several opportunities to object to a judge's rulings in the case.

Wilson's filing also states jurors were presented overwhelming evidence that Murray's actions caused Jackson's death and his conviction should be upheld.

Rulings cited by Murray's attorneys as legal errors by Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor were not mistakes, but rather kept the jury focused on whether the physician was responsible for Jackson's June 2009 death, Wilson wrote.

Murray remains jailed after being sentenced to four years behind bars for providing Jackson with the anesthetic propofol, which the singer overdosed on in his bedroom.

"The record shows that (Murray) was playing Russian roulette with Mr. Jackson's life over the course of several months," Wilson wrote.

His attorney Valerie Wass appealed the conviction in April, arguing that Pastor erred by not allowing jurors to hear evidence about Jackson's troubled finances, his contract with concert giant AEG Live LLC, and by not sequestering the jury and allowing television coverage.

Wilson wrote that none of those rulings were errors, or would warrant overturning Murray's conviction.

"The argument is nothing more than the reflection of a criminal defendant who harbors no sense of responsibility or remorse for taking the life of a human being," Wilson wrote.

"Of course I disagree," Wass said Monday night. "I believe there were serious errors made."

She said Wilson's filing didn't address her argument that the prosecution theory about how Jackson overdosed was incorrect and how additional forensic testing could demonstrate that.

Wilson's filing however noted that Murray's three-person legal team had access to evidence in the case for months before the trial, and in some cases conceded they hadn't thought to raise certain issues.

Wass said she would raise what she said were omissions in Wilson's response in a subsequent filing.

Jackson's finances and his relationship with AEG and Murray are the subject of a civil lawsuit being heard at a courthouse down the street from where Murray was convicted. The case brought by Jackson's mother against AEG claims the concert giant failed to properly investigate Murray before allowing him to serve as a tour doctor, and ignored signs of Jackson's poor health.

AEG denies wrongdoing, and a deputy medical examiner who conducted Jackson's autopsy told jurors Monday that the pop singer appeared to be in excellent health when he died.

Allowing the criminal jury to hear evidence of Jackson's massive debts and pending lawsuits would have been a distraction, and a mistake, Wilson wrote.

Pastor was right to be concerned that presenting evidence of Jackson's financial troubles "would result in a salacious sideshow of Mr. Jackson's finances and lawsuits and run the risk of distracting the jury from its task of deciding (Murray's) guilt," she wrote.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2013) (Archiv-Version vom 24.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.05.2013 um 09:57
weiterer Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2013)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
Payne will resume testifying in the morning. He has to wrap up by tomorrow, because Wednesday’s he leaving country for work.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
Payne said Jackson’s goal was to sing every song in “This Is It” live. Jackson had used vocal-assist tracks on previous shows, he said.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina asked Payne whether he thought Jackson could have finished “This Is It” show. Payne said yes.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
He also ate lunch with Jackson on many days. He said MJ’s appetite depended on the day.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
Payne was then asked about his one-on-one rehearsals with Jackson at the singer’s home. These were scheduled for 5 days a week.


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14.05.2013 um 10:00
weiterer Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 07.09.2013)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
And that wrapped Day 10 of the trial. Payne is expected to last most of the day tomorrow on the stand. See you all then!

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
In it, Dr. Murray said he was hired by MJ to be paid by AEG. Plaintiffs said it's hearsay and judge agreed.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
After jurors left, Judge Palazuelos said she sustained plaintiffs objection and will not allow defense to use Dr. Murray's intvw w/ LAPD

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
By June 25, Payne said MJ had not developed the goal of singing and dancing at the same time. Payne resumes testimony tomorrow morning.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
"MJ told me he wanted to sing all the songs live," Payne said. "He had not done that in the past." Some songs were vocalist tracked 2 assist


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14.05.2013 um 10:04
Jackson used vocal aid in concerts, choreographer says

ByJeff Gottlieb
May 13, 2013, 7:05 p.m.

Michael Jackson sometimes sang during concerts accompanied by his own recorded vocal track to help him perform the most physically strenuous numbers, the choreographer for what was to be his comeback shows in London testified Monday.

What is known as a vocal assist track is used by performers to boost their voices, for example, if dancing makes it difficult to sing to their standards.

Travis Payne, testifying in the wrongful death suit filed by Jackson’s mother and three children, said the singer told him that on the “This Is It” concerts, he wanted to sing all the vocals live, “which he had not done in the past on every tour…. This was a goal he set for himself.”

Payne said that Jackson had never performed a complete show with just his live vocals.

He said Jackson had not reached his goal by the time he died June 25, 2009, but the choreographer thought he could have pulled it off.

Jackson’s family alleges in the suit that entertainment giant AEG hired and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, the tour doctor who administered a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol shortly before the series of 50 concerts was to begin. Murray is now serving jail time for involuntary manslaughter.

AEG says that it was Jackson who wanted Murray with him and that the $150,000 a month the company was supposed to pay the doctor was just part of the multimillion-dollar advance it had given to the singer.

Payne also testified that Jackson was involved in almost every detail of his scheduled shows, such as costume, wardrobe and set design, choosing the dancers and the bandleader.

The choreographer said that on most days he would rehearse with Jackson at the singer’s rented Holmby Hills mansion for several hours, but as show time approached, he missed some rehearsals with the full crews, causing “production” to worry whether he would be ready.

Payne and associate choreographer Stacy Walker said they were working to modify Jackson’s dance routine to his age. “I was realizing that’s Michael Jackson, but he’s not 20 or 30 any more,” Walker testified, “he’s 50 and how is that going to be? We have to figure it out.”

Earlier in the day, Christopher Rogers, the Los Angeles County deputy medical examiner, testified that Jackson’s weight was in the normal range for his height. Rogers said that Jackson was 5 feet, 9 inches tall and 136 pounds when he was weighed and measured at the coroner’s office the day after he died.

Rogers said he gave Jackson a body mass index of 20.1. It would take a BMI of less than 18.5 for him to be considered underweight.

Rogers' testimony was used by AEG to try to rebut witnesses who testified that Jackson was rail thin. A paramedic testified that when he answered the 911 call to Jackson’s rented Holmby Hills mansion, the singer was so emaciated that he looked like an end-stage cancer patient who had come home to die.

However, under questioning by Jackson attorney Michael Koskoff, Rogers said that by the time the pop star was weighed, intravenous fluids had been administered to him in the ambulance and at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, which could have increased his weight.

Rogers testified that Jackson didn’t have much fat on him.

He also said that Jackson was only the second coroner’s case he had worked on in which the person had died of propofol toxicity. The other person worked in the medical field, he said.

Propofol, he said, “caused his death by sedation. “Essentially, he was so sedated his vital functions stopped.”

Rogers also said that “other doctors contributed to Jackson’s death,” but did not go into details.,0,6854924.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.05.2013 um 17:15
Michael Jackson’s Daughter Paris To Spend Summer With Birth Mom Debbie Rowe
Hot Deals

Posted on May 14, 2013 @ 3:27AM | By jenheger

Paris Jackson, the daughter of the late King of Pop, is about to ramp up her get-to-know-mom plans, Jackson family sources tell

The 15-year-old has told her 83-year-old grandmother Katherine that she plans on spending a large chunk of her summer vacation with her biological mom Debbie Rowe at her horse ranch outside in Palmdale, Calif, we’ve learned.

“Paris will be with Debbie at her house in Southern California this summer when the school year is over,” an insider revealed.

“She might go to summer school for the first month of vacation, but will be with Debbie on the weekends and plans on being with her mom in July and August. Paris wants to spend as much time as possible with Debbie and this is the perfect time.”

As previously reported, Paris celebrated her recent birthday with Rowe, who married Michael Jackson in 2006. It marked the first time the mom-and-daughter duo had been seen in public together since she was an infant.

The pair has also bonded over horseback riding on Debbie’s farm.

“This is very important to Paris and while grandmother, Katherine, will miss her over summer, Katherine supports Paris’ plans and keen interest in getting to know her mom,” the source added.

Added the insider: “Paris and Debbie are quickly finding out how much they have in common — a love of animals and being outspoken! Paris definitely takes after Debbie because they are both straight shooters and don’t take any nonsense from anybody.”

Rowe, a former nurse, is the biological mother to Paris and Prince and was married to Jackson for three years before their 2009 divorce.

ähnlicher Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 18.10.2013)
