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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.07.2013 um 11:39
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #50 ~ User: Ivy

Deposition transcripts filed with the court.

Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript

Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript

Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript

Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:07
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #51 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 48 – July 15 2013 – Summary

Katherine Jackson is in court

Arthur Erk Testimony

[ Source : Majority of the information is from ABC7 unless otherwise indicated]

Jackson direct

Erk explained business management, paying bills, intellectual property. A master recording is when artist records track in studio, Erk said. Songwriter completes a song, Erk said. A self-published individual will write notes and lyrics, sends to copyright office in Washington D.C. Use license exists whether it is artist on internet who is not signed by a record label or record company, Erk explained. Royalty calculations have not change, he said, only distribution. Technology advances have changed the industry, Erk testified. Erk: For artist to release song must go to publisher of songwriter or major publishing company to exploit this particular songwriter's song. The publisher gets 50 cents for every song and artist gets 50 cents, Erk said. He explained the formula radio stations use to calculate and collect over the air royaltiesIn a Print, Folio (printed song material) a songwriter gets 10% of price, Erk testified. In Film, there's synchronization license to get the right to hear the song in the film. It requires a worldwide license. Used to be songwriter gives up right and becomes a member of staff, Erk explained. As Business evolved, biz managers became more savvy, writers wouldn't give up 100% of copyright, would sell 50% still get co-publishing deal

"MJ was a tried and tested songwriter and artist from the time he was 5," Erk explained saying he differed from other artists who have died. Panish asked if Erk knows some of MJ's #1 songs. He responded Beat It, Billie Jean, Man in the Mirror, Heal the World, Can’t Stop Loving You. Erk explained that to be a Gold album, it must sell 500,000 copies, Platinum is one million and Diamond is 10 million sales.

Erk said he charges normally hour rate of $475. He has worked in a little over 200 hours on this case. (ABC7)

The expert has done royalty work for Jackson in mid-80’s. In 1983, he did it for "Thriller," one of the largest selling albums of all time. “When you have that many sales, there is usually money there, that means they didn’t pay according to the contract," Erk explained. When MJ’s manager John Branca was pursuing the Beatles catalogue, with 4,000 songs, Erk was hired to determine the value. "We call it net publishers share, that is amount publisher is left after paying all co-writers and everyone else," Erk said. Erk: It was our job to go to Robert Holmes a Court, Australian billionaire who owned the catalogue. It was a testing of wills. Erk: We valued catalogue at 40 million. He assessed at 49 Million, also didn't want 2 give up Penny Lane because he had family member w/ that name. The deal got done without that song. Erk said MJ was smart enough to keep his own copyrights.

Panish: When someone dies, what happens? Erk: The average male recording is 75 years. MJ lost 25 years of copyright income. The longer you live the longer the copyright goes, Erk said.

He assessed areas of touring, the movie was going out on tour, merchandise (t-shits, hats), endorsements (ads, might get signage at arena.) Erk also calculated that MJ would've done a thematic show and would've earned additional royalties on “grand rights.”

Erk described his experience in the business. He's worked with lots of artists, intellectual property, business management, royalties. He said Bravado is largest merchandising outfit company.

Erk examined AEG's budget, which initially called for 30 "This Is It" shows. Erk reviewed depositions, AEG contract w/ MJ, picture/development deal that MJ signed w/ AEG, trial testimony, Ortega and Faye's contract. He read emails of AEG's plans, budgets, handwritten notes of MJ's; read Ortega's testimony whether MJ would be successful in film industry.

The expert said he saw evidence MJ wanted to do shows in Las Vegas and had intention to record future music.
Erk assessed a numerical value for possible losses based on extremely conservative estimates.
Panish: When you say conservative analysis, why? Erk: Because I used AEG’s budget numbers that I translated.

Erk used several emails from Randy Phillips to show AEG's plans for future tours. In one, Phillips said MJ sold 750K tickets in 5 hours. AEG prepared budgets. One was at $1.45 exchange rate and another at $1.65, since they used British pounds. Erk said AEG determined what the gross revenue would be 4 tickets, estimated merchandise sales 4 shows based on 30 shows originally, not 50. O2 arena has 20K seat capacity. They sold 750K tickets for 50 shows. Erk said 1.4% of Great Britain's population bought tickets for the show

Panish: How do you assess ticket prices? Erk: We took the top 5 grossing tours and took average ticket price.

Erk, who described his financial calculation as conservative, said his projections included a 37-month tour with the London shows and an average of two concerts a week in Central Europe, Asia, Australia and the U.S. He said he also included a 10-year show in Las Vegas based on Jackson's music, where the singer would not have performed. It also included sales of merchandise and endorsements. (LATimes)

Erk said he was using conservative estimates to figure Jackson's earning potential if he had lived for several more years, completed a worldwide tour and created a Las Vegas show based on his music. The estimates took into account endorsements and royalties that Jackson could have earned and are heavily dependent on the idea that Jackson would have performed a 37-month, 260-concert world tour. (AP)

Erk showed chart w/ projections of seats they figured would be sold for MJ touring in Great Britain, Central Europe, Asia, Australia and US. He estimated the actual seat projection to be 12.9 million, out of 5.9 billion people, would generate MJ revenue of $452,155,095. Erk said he didn't consider MJ's past tour attendance since MJ said This Is It, it was going to be his final tour; he adjusted the projection. Erk said MJ's albums did “quite fantastically” worldwide, sales doubled and tripled around the world.

Erk explained that Tier 1 is what is reasonably assured MJ would've done, no speculation, very conservative estimate. Tier 1 are top artists: U2, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Erk said. “MJ is in a class of his own, King of Pop, no one came close."

Billboard is the music industry magazine, which has a top Box Office for concerts. In the top 25 grossing acts in 2009, Paul McCartney had 10 shows but was 3rd grossing, since he had very expensive tickets and big venues. Only two artists were sold out for all the shows in 2009: U2 and Madonna. Billy Joel and Elton John almost sold out, Erk said. The jury was shown a chart from Billboard magazine of the highest-grossing tours of 2009, led by U2, Madonna and Paul McCartney. Jackson, he said, would have beat them all.
"Michael Jackson was in a class by himself," Erk said. "He was known as the King of Pop. There’s no one who comes close to him." (LATimes)

Erk calculated MJ's ticket price average of $108.18. "He's the top of the pyramid," the expert opined. Panish asked if the price could've been higher. Erk said AEG did not expect this wild demand.Erk: The demand here was so wild, they could probably sell the tickets for a much higher price and still sold out shows.

Total Projected Economic Damages: $1,511,182,374 billion for MJ's loss of economic earning capacity based on $200 ticket minus MJ's expenses. Total projected income based on $108.18 ticket price: $1,261,745,023
Erk figured that if AEG charged $108 a ticket for the concerts, Jackson's worldwide tour and the Las Vegas show would net him $1,127,378,787. If tickets were $200 each, what were described as his "lost economic damages" would total $1,511,182,374. “Demand was so wild that he probably could have charged more for tickets and still sold out,” Erk said.
Erk pointed to the singer's record sales. "Thriller" sold 65 million copies worldwide, "Bad" 45 million, "Dangerous" 32 million, "Off the Wall" and "HIStory" 20 million and "Invincible" 13 million.“Looking at it historically, he has a huge fan base," the accountant said. (LATimes)

His projections include Jackson spending $134,386,236 total over the next 15 years, which took him to age 65 and retirement, Erk said. (LATimes)

[ Outside the presence of jury, Judge Palazuelos told audience that someone took picture of courtroom and/or jury through the courtroom window. She admonished everyone again that no pictures are allowed in the courtroom/courthouse. The windows are now covered, Sheriffs investigating. Judge told jurors they might have to have new procedures to protect them, but judge doesn't want to discuss that just yet.]

Erk analyzed five categories: Tour, Merchandise, Endorsements, Vegas shows and Vegas royalties. The assessment was based on the price of ticket sales. The estimate of MJ's gain was between $1.127 million and $1.511 million. Erk said he's been in the business for more than 34 years. He said artists always go back to do what they are good at.

Erk then calculated Tier 2 category, which is for future earnings for business MJ would most likely do. He said he had MJ on a much reduced tour, period of hiatus, another reduced tour, and decline from there up until he was 65 years old. "My belief and perception of AEG executives as well, there's no other artist like Michael Jackson," Erk opined.

Erk projected MJ do 260 shows, average of 2 per week. He said MJ was much bigger than any other artist.

Beyonce had a Pepsi endorsement deal of $50 million in 2012. Her most recent tour gross revenue was $119,500,000. MJ's TII Gross (2009 and 2010) -- $638.976.138 Erk did a calculation based on Beyonce's Pepsi deal and came up with $267,354,032. He added $50 million clothing endorsement and came up with $317,354,032. Erk said he could not compare Beyonce with MJ. "He was the King of Pop," Erk explained. "There was no other like him." Projected Income to MJ - Vegas: $269 million. That was for Vegas show after MJ died, where MJ did not have to perform. Royalties, for use of music, would pay 5% of box office: $102 million total.

Erk said the calculation in Tier 1 was based on things MJ was reasonably assured of doing. "I tried to err on the low side." Future Loss: For 37 months $1.127 billion - $1.511 billion; For 48 months $1.462 billion - $1.96 billion. Professional fees: entertainment attorney, business manager and personal manager. Erk calculated MJ would have 20% expense in fees. Future Loss Minus Professional Fees: 10% fee -- Range from $1.014 billion to $1.764 billion; 20% fee -- range $901,600,000 to $1.568 billion.

"I think their opinion is that there would be no loss of future income," Erk said about AEG economist and accountant expert. Erk disagrees.

Panish asked if Erk is familiar w/ artists saying this is it and returning to tour. "Not to me personally, but I've seen in the public eye."
Erk did not calculate how much money MJ could earn making movies. He said he thought it was best left for the jury to decide.

Tier 2 is future touring. $373,985, 179 -- total projected economic damages for Tier 2, including merchandising. Erk calculated 4 more tours through 2024. Projected Income to MJ -- Merchandise $79,407,278.

AEG Cross

AEG's attorney Sabrina Strong did the cross examination.

Erk said he spends half of his time doing business management and other half of royalty compliance. Largely, Erk said he made estimations based on touring, but he is not a tour manager. Erk testified he prepared tour budget before. But in his deposition, Erk said tour budget was not part of his responsibilities.

Strong said Erk estimated MJ would do 260 shows for TII tour, plus 4 more tours after that. She asked if that wasn't too much. He said no.

Strong questioned Erk's expertise in tours, endorsements, merchandising, Las Vegas shows. Erk: I relied of what should've been an expert, AEG's numbers. Erk never met Michael Jackson. Strong asked if Erk had personal conversation with MJ about his future plans. He said no.

Erk's firm has spent 650-700 hours for total efforts of all the employees in the company, including his 200 hours, in this case.
Strong: Had MJ not died in 2009, you estimate he would've gone on tour 3 more years, 4 more tours after that until age 66, correct? Erk: 4 more tours, until age 66, was my professional opinion.

"The show was called This-Is-It, he was going to blow it out," Erk said, adding MJ planned on earning as much money as he could. Strong: At the time MJ passed away, TII was expected to be 50 shows, correct? Erk: First leg, yes. Erk said TII sold 750K tickets in 5 hours, 525K people waiting to buy tickets. "Never done before, never done again," Erk testified.

Erk said he had triple fusion surgery just before giving deposition.

"Had he lived, I believe he would've performed the shows," Erk testified. "I believe had he lived he would've taken the stage."

For his projections, Erk assumed MJ was in good health. Strong: Did not consider MJ was taking Demerol in a regular basis? Erk: No, I did not. Erk said he didn't consider MJ's use of Propofol, drug abuse. "I'm not aware he was a drug abuser" Erk said; didn't review medical record. Erk said he would not have changed his opinion if he knew MJ was using Propofol.

Strong asked Erk if he knew MJ was ordered to pay $5 million in breach of contract for backing out of the Millennium Concerts. Marcel Avram was the promoter. "And he also spent some time in jail," Erk said. Strong showed a judgment Avram v MJ for breach of contract. "Did Mr. Jackson break the Jan. 14, 1999 contract by failing to perform the Millennium Concerts?" Jury answered "Yes.". There was $5.3 million in judgment for breaching contract. Erk said he didn't even know about this judgment, didn't use it in his opinion. Strong laid out several lawsuits MJ had for failing to perform. Erk said he had not reviewed any of the prior lawsuits.
Strong: Did you take into account any of his prior failed projects? Erk: No. He needed to work. Erk said he didn't consider the fact MJ didn't tour/perform in 12 years or Prince's testimony that his father didn't want to tour anymore.

AEG Live defense attorney Sabrina Strong questioned Erk's assumption during cross-examination because Jackson had never completed a tour that long and hadn't performed a tour in more than a decade. Strong also questioned Erk about three instances where Jackson got into legal disputes over canceled performances, but the accountant said those didn't factor into his analysis. "He needed to work," Erk said. (AP)

Strong played KJ's deposition. She said he was a bit surprised with MJ going on tour since MJ didn't want to do Moonwalk on stage at 50. (ABC7) On the video, she said she was surprised when her son announced the "This Is It" shows in London. "He would always make a joke about he don't want to be doing the Moonwalk on stage when ... he's over 50," she said. "He wanted to be doing something else." (AP)

Strong asked if Erk's opinion was based on pure speculation. Erk said it was not speculative, he had reasonable assurance MJ would perform.

Strong: Mr Erk, are you aware Mr. Jackson generally spent more than $570K a month to live between Jan 2000-June 2009? Erk: I don't know that. Erk relied on a memo to come up with MJ's monthly consumption. It has handwritten notes amounting to $570k. Strong said there's testimony MJ was a heavy traveler, used charter planes and stayed at the finest hotels, would take over entire wings. Strong also said MJ spent $435,000 on air fare and hotels in two months period in early 2000s. (ABC7) Strong also questioned why Erk didn't take into account Jackson's lavish spending, which the lawyer said another witness testified in deposition consisted of $435,000 spent over two months on hotel and airfare in the early 2000s. (AP) He said he did not consider the fact that Jackson was an estimated $400 million in debt when he died as a factor in his future earning potential. (AP)


After jury left, Panish said he wanted to put on the record that AEG didn't know if the $5.3 million judgement was ever reversed on appeal. Panish asked if he should present all the lawsuits AEG has been a defendant, like the boy who fell and died at Staples Center. "I certainly hope it is final judgment," judge said, adding she doesn't want to have to undo anything.

Attorneys discussed future calendar, it looks like jurors are having problems and need time off. Apparently in August and September, there will be a lot of days off. There are 3 weeks with only 2 day of session scheduled. Judge said mid-September has school starting, "it is just the nature of the beast."

Panish said he will try to finish this week. Witnesses to come: Erk, an economist, Dr. Brown, Katherine Jackson and maybe Tom Barrack. Judge told defendants' attorneys to be prepared to start their case in chief on Monday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:10
Gestern hat TMZ an den 20.Jahrestag der "Free Willy"-Veröffentlichung erinnert. Ich war ganz überrascht, sehr sentimental und schön, vorallem das Video.
Habe gelesen, daß Michael für diese Filmmusik "Oscarnominiert" war, aber dann kamen diese Vorwürfe in 1993 und die Nominierung war pfutsch.
Schaut mal, sooooooooooooooooooo wunderschön!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:11
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #52 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 49 – July 16 2013 – Summary

Katherine and Trent Jackson is in court.

Court opened this morning with arguments on whether it was proper for AEG lawyers to show Erk a judgment against Jackson. The judgment was related to case filed by concert promoter Marcel Avram against Jackson in Santa Barbara. Plaintiffs objected to its use. Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish argued that the $5 million judgment against Jackson wasn’t final -- it had been appealed and later settled. Panish argued it was improper “character evidence” and shouldn’t have been shown to the jury on Monday. AEG’s attorneys argued that the case had been settled for $6.5 million. The appeal was dropped, they said, which made the judgment final. The judge agreed with AEG Live and she wouldn’t instruct the jury regarding the judgment. “Let’s keep going, she said. (AP)

Arthur Erk Testimony

AEG cross

The promoters of Michael Jackson’s highly anticipated comeback concerts were interested in pursuing a 3-D version of a “Thriller” movie and a TV special of one of his sold-out concerts at the O2 arena in London, an accountant testified Tuesday. (LATimes)

An expert who projected Michael Jackson could have earned more than $1 billion on his comeback concerts testified Tuesday that his analysis didn't include a breakdown of the singer's yearly earnings over his lifetime and projected a longer concert tour than the superstar had ever performed. Arthur Erk, a certified public accountant who is an expert in musician's royalties, said his analysis didn't take into account thousands of pages of figures detailing Jackson's spending over the years. The accountant based his calculations on documents prepared by AEG, but on cross-examination conceded that the company never projected the singer would earn more than $1 billion after the "This Is It" shows opened. He said he didn't have information regarding Jackson's earnings over his lifetime. (AP)

AEG Live defense attorney Sabrina Strong's cross-examination focused on trying to show there wasn't historical basis for Erk's projections. (AP)

Strong immediately asked Erk about his testimony that he had used AEG Live’s figures to reach his $1 billion + estimates. A big piece of Erk’s estimates was the idea that Jackson would have done a 37-month, 260 show worldwide “This Is It” tour. Strong started out a question with "Let's be clear" and proceeded to state that AEG Live never projected $900 million in earnings for "TII". Erk agreed with Srong on this and several other questions, including one in which she said AEG didn’t contemplate 260 shows. (AP)

Strong: AEG Live never projected MJ would've earned anything close to the $900 million you estimated, correct?
Erk: That's correct (ABC7)

AEG Live never projected MJ would do 260 shows, Strong asked. Erk agreed. (ABC7)

Erk projected the worldwide tour would go to India, Japan, Central Europe and return Jackson to the U.S. for shows as well. (AP)

Strong also attacked Erk's calculation that Jackson would have spent $134 million between ages 50 and 65. She cited testimony from Jackson's former business managers and accountants in depositions that Jackson was historically outspending his earnings by millions of dollars each year. She questioned why Erk and associates who helped him compile his analysis didn't review tens of thousands of pages that detailed Jackson's spending over the years. Erk said that wasn't part of his job as a hired expert and he relied on figures about Jackson's monthly spending prepared by the singer's accountant before his death. "We boiled down what we thought was necessary to do the calculations," Erk said. (AP)

Strong then began to question Erk about Jackson’s spending, again stating that when he died he was at least $400 million in debt. Strong then mentioned that the Jackson family home in Encino was facing foreclosure in June 2009 and didn’t have access to cash. Erk: “The reason he was going on tour was he was going to get himself straight, pay off his debts and take care of his family.” Strong mentioned that the Jacksons’ Hayvenhurst home was facing foreclosure twice this morning. The 2nd time, Mrs. Jackson shook her head. (AP) Strong talked back about consumption, which is the amount of MJ's expenses. She said MJ was $400 million in debt when he died. Strong asked if Katherine Jackson's Hayvenhurst home was about to go in foreclosure. Erk said yes. "The reason he was going on tour was to get himself straight, earn money to take care of his family," Erk said. (ABC7)

Strong mentioned the deposition testimony of several of Jackson’s business managers that the singer consistently spent more than he earned. (AP) Historically, MJ spent more money than he earned, Strong said. Erk said that based on the accountant's testimony, yes. Barry Siegel is one of MJ's former accountant. Strong said Siegel noted MJ had substantial income coming in and higher expenses going out. Strong asked if Erk knows why Siegel quit his job with MJ. Jacksons' attorney objected to the form of question. Strong then said assuming Siegel quit because MJ couldn't control his spending, if that would've affect his consumption numbers. Erk said no (ABC7)

Strong talked about Jackson's prolific spending, saying he was $400 million in debt and that his mother's home was in foreclosure. She said that a former Jackson business manager had quit because the singer showed no interest in pulling back on his spending. Strong said that in one instance, Jackson bought a $1-million watch but had to return it because he couldn't afford it.Another former Jackson business manager said Jackson spent $20 million to $30 million a year more than he earned, Strong said. (LAtimes)

The lawyer also mentioned that Jackson had borrowed money against his music catalog. Erk agreed MJ “had loans on his assets.” Strong asked about a note coming due on Jackson’s loan against the SonyATV music catalog in 2009, saying he couldn’t pay it. (AP) Erk said Jackson had a $320-million loan on his portion of the Sony/ATV musical catalog, which includes Beatles songs. (LATimes)
Strong: “Michael Jackson had no ability to meet that obligation, correct?”
Erk: “Correct.” (AP)

Strong: And that doesn't account for million dollars shopping spree?
Erk: I don't call it consumption, I call it fun money (ABC7)

Strong asked if MJ spent $20 to $30 million a year more than he was earning. Erk said yes. (ABC7)

Strong said $1 billion Erk estimated didn't include repayment of MJ's debts. (Implication is you can't get damages for money to repay debts) Erk said his job was not to consider whether MJ was going to repay his debts. He was hired to estimate MJ's earning capacity had he lived. (ABC7)

Erk said he didn’t consider Jackson’s debts outside $570k a month in expenses, including repayment on Sony/ATV loan.
Erk:”That wasn’t my job to consider that.”
Strong: “You were just asked to calculate how much he would have made.”
Yes, he replied. (AP)

Panish objected to Strong’s questions about the debts and how she phrased certain questions. Judge sustained some of the objections. (AP)

Strong then asked whether Erk considered how much Jackson earned in 2001, 2002 and other years. He said he hadn’t. She asked him whether he had any idea how much Jackson earned in any year of his life. No, Erk replied. (AP) Strong asked if Erk knows how much money MJ earned in 2001, 2002, 2003. He said no and that it had no relevance to his assessment. Erk said he reviewed documents attached to depositions explaining MJ's yearly earnings and consumption. (ABC7) Strong cited at least 71,000 pages of records of Jackson’s expenses that had been produced in the case. Erk said he didn’t go through them. (AP)

Strong asked how much the expert and his firm had billed for work on the case. He said they’d billed $300,000. Erk added that if he’d gone through the expense records that Strong described, his firm's fees for the case would have been in the millions. (AP) Erk said the estimate of cost of his firm's work in this case is $300,000. He didn't review thousands of pages, eliminated all unnecessary. Erk explained he's been doing this for 34 years and it would've taken an untold amount of man hours to go through all the documents. Erk: In me and my partner's experience, we are very good in judgments. We boiled down what we thought was important for the calculations (ABC7) Erk said he had 34 years of experience. “We boiled down what we thought was necessary to do the calculations,” he said.(AP)

Strong said Erk's opinion assumes that MJ would do something he had never done before. (ABC7)

Strong: The artist usually had the final decision?
Erk: Yes, they have final say but consult with the professionals that surround them (ABC7)

"What you're projecting is totally inconsistent with Michael Jackson's history, isn't it?" asked attorney Sabrina Strong (LATimes)

AEG Live attorney Sabrina Strong showed Erk a chart that showed that Jackson's three previous solo tours comprised 275 shows over a 10-year span. She challenged Erk's contention that he was being conservative by projecting Jackson would have performed 260 shows over a three-year period. (AP)

Strong then started walking Erk through Jackson’s solo tour history. She asked him about the “Bad,” “Dangerous” and “HIStory” tours. “Bad” was the longest tour with 123 shows. Jackson was 29 at the time. “Dangerous” was roughly 70 shows; MJ was 33 years old. “HIStory” was 82 shows and Jackson was 38. In total, Strong and Erk said Jackson did 275 shows between 1987 and 2008. (In reality, the 275 shows were performed in a 10-year span between 1987 and 1997, according to figures shown in court.) (AP)

Strong showed Erk's overview of the 260 shows the expert projected MJ would do had he lived, within 37 months. Strong questioned Erk about his 260 tours estimates. She reiterated there's no AEG document saying MJ would ever do 260 shows. Erk said there was testimony that MJ could've done a 48-month tour, which would increase revenue in approximately 30%. The increase would be based on higher ticket sales and merchandising. He didn't include endorsement, which could be higher too. Erk said he didn't calculate how many more shows would be required to fulfill a 48 month tour. Using the simple 30% increase calculation, there would be an additional 78 shows, totaling 338 shows in 48 months. The expert said Randy Phillips, a top AEG Live executive, said in an email they would probably do a four year tour. (ABC7)

Strong asked Erk if MJ's record high of number of shows was 123 shows for "Bad" tour in 1987 when MJ was 29 years old. He said yes. Dangerous tour: began in 1992, MJ was about 33 years old, had 73 shows. Strong said Gongaware testified it was about 70 tours. HIStory tour, 1996, MJ was 38 years old -- 82 shows. Total of 275 shows if added all together. (ABC7)

Strong: Now you have him in one tour, 12 years later, at age of 50, doing 260 shows?
Erk: Yes (ABC7)

Strong then asked about Jackson’s place among other acts in highest-grossing concerts. None of his tours were in the Top 25. Erk explained that Jackson tended “not to go crazy with his ticket prices.” He said he charged less than his counterparts. The accountant also defended his calculations, saying his were in line with what other acts made if you added more shows to their tours. (AP)

Strong said Erk calculated MJ would gross in "This Is It" more than 10 times he ever grossed before in a tour. MJ's highest gross tour is "HIStory" -- $165 million for 82 shows. It ranks number 26 on the highest grossing tours of the all time. Even though HIStory was the highest grossing tour for MJ, he didn't take home any money, according to Paul Gongaware's testimony. (ABC7)

Strong: You estimated gross of $1.5 billion for 260 shows and the highest you know MJ ever did was $165 Million?
Erk: Yes
Strong: And is that conservative?
Erk: Yes (ABC7)

Bad -- $125 million gross. "I can tell you that show was fantastic!," Erk opined on Bad tour. Strong asked if Erk's projection is inconsistent with MJ's tour history. Erk said the show was called This Is It, his final extravaganza. "I packed a lot of shows in to go out with a bang," Erk said. (ABC7)

Regarding the ticket numbers, Strong said that for the 260 tours, Erk's assumption was that it would sell approximately 13 million tickets.
Strong: Just like with the number of shows, MJ never sold anywhere near 13 million tickets, correct?
Erk: Yes
Number of tickets sold in "Bad" was close to 4.5 million. "HIStory" tour sold about the same number of tickets, 4.5 million. (ABC7)

Erk said he doesn't think the child molestation trial would have any impact on whether people would attend his show. Strong asked if people had issue w/ MJ dangling a baby over the balcony of hotel. He said for a short time yes, but not to affect attendance (ABC7) Strong then brought up Jackson’s child molestation trial and his dangling Blanket over the balcony. Erk said they weren’t factors. Erk said AEG Live expected Jackson’s image to be rehabilitated after initial “This Is It” shows to the point he could tour in U.S. again. (AP) Erk said that the five-hour sale of 750,000 tickets to his 50 London concerts showed that Jackson's popularity had not suffered. AEG's plan, was that after the London shows the singer would perform in Europe and Asia, finally ending the tour in the U.S., he said, "and by that time his image would be rehabilitated.” (LATimes)

Strong asked Erk to agree with her that Jackson’s reputation was better in the 1980s than in late 2000s. Erk replied that the 80s were when Michael Jackson got the term “King of Pop.” (AP)

Strong and Erk argued over whether the worldwide tour was contemplated by AEG Live.
Erk said a worldwide tour was considered. He said plans for a worldwide tour were mentioned by Kenny Ortega and Paris Jackson in her deposition. Erk said he spoke to Jackson’s son Prince on Saturday night. He said Prince told him his father said, “’We’re going to Asia.” (AP) Strong asked if MJ never agreed to do more than 50 shows. Erk said he doesn't know if he agrees with that. Erk said he spoke with Prince on Saturday and he said MJ told him they were going to Asia. (ABC7) Strong kept insisting that Jackson had not agreed to anything other than the London shows, although Jackson's contract included the possibility of extending the tour. Erk said he spoke to Jackson's son, Prince, Saturday night. "He said his father specifically told him, 'We're going to Asia,' " according to Erk. (LATimes)

Erk said MJ needed to work, needed the money, so had incentive to perform all shows. (ABC7) The accountant added that Jackson needed the money, and that was a “great impetus to go out and do the shows.” (AP)

Strong then moved deeper into projections for MJ world tour. She asked him about “production kills” -- seats that can’t be used in venues. The seats aren’t available because of sight lines to the stage or other factors. Strong used them to challenge Erk’s numbers for "TII" tour. Strong asked about various stadiums, including Luca Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Seating capacity is 70,000, but is lower for concerts. Strong noted that Erk hadn’t worked on concert tours and hadn't consulted with people who had for his projections. She told Erk to assume that AEG had put on shows at Lucas Oil Stadium and the seating capacity was 51,000 seats. Erk said he didn’t agree with Strong or AEG’s figures, saying more tickets could have been sold for spots on the field at many venues. The accountant had to concede he didn’t really know the seating capacity, and hadn’t talked to anyone who does for his calculations.(AP)

Erk and Strong went back-and-forth over several venues, and the lawyer challenged him on his projection that MJ would sell out every show. Erk said he thought that was possible. “There’s a tremendous amount of pent up demand,” for Jackson shows in ’09, he said. (AP)

Strong: You estimated Mj would've sold 100% tickets for all the show?
Erk: Based on the huge, excessive demand, yes
MJ was on a category of his own, Erk said, he was the King of Pop, could not be compared to any other artist.

Strong: You had MJ selling out Rose Bowl three times?
Erk: Yes

MJ never performed at the Rose Bowl, Strong said. Panish objected saying MJ performed at Superbowl half time there and it was sold
out. (ABC7)

Strong moved on to Erk’s projection for Jackson concerts in India, including his estimate for 10 shows at Salt Lake Stadium which seats 120k. The lawyer said Jackson only played one show in his lifetime in India. Erk projected him to do 60 shows in India on “This Is It” tour. Strong asked Erk about his research, noting that he based a lot of it on Wikipedia information. The lawyer then asked whether Erk noticed in his online research that the government banned concerts at Salt Lake Stadium in 2009. That detail isn’t currently on the Wikipedia page, but Strong said if it’s true then Jackson couldn’t have performed 10 shows there. Erk said that would have depended on whether a show could have been negotiated to be performed at the venue. (AP)

Strong asked if Erk used the same price for tickets in all shows, in different countries. He said yes, just adjusted inflation. "There are a lot of wealthy people in India," Erk said. Strong asked if Erk knew the stadium in Salt Lake City was for sports events only and that MJ would not be able to perform one show there. Erk said if there was no negotiation, yes, he would not be able to perform there. (ABC7)


Erk to resume on the stand. Strong estimates another half day of cross, judge gave 2 hrs

After session ended, attorneys for both sides had a heated exchange of words in the hallway when they were talking to media and fans. Both attorneys were shouting to each other, court clerk asked them to knock it off, called sheriffs. (ABC7) One issue that may come in court tomorrow morning _ a verbal tiff between lawyers on the case in hallway outside the Jackson courtroom. It happened after testimony ended and I believe all the jurors were gone by the time this happened. Plaintiff’s lawyer Brian Panish and AEG defense attorney Marvin Putnam shouted at each other after court. Panish said he overheard Putnam say something, and the attorneys exchanged words. Judge Palazuelos’ clerk came out and calmed things down. The clerk asked Putnam to leave and said she would report the shouting match to the judge and it would be addressed on Wednesday. (AP)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:12
und nochmal, weil es eh keiner liest, hier nochmal 20.Jahrestag von "Free Willy" gestern.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:14
Michael Jackson
Billion Dollar Man

7/15/2013 3:09 PM PDT


Michael Jackson could have raked in as much as $1.5 billion had he lived ... at least that's what an entertainment money man told jurors today in MJ's wrongful death case.

Accounting guru Arthur Erk testified ... Jackson could have earned minimum $1.1 billion if he performed a worldwide concert and showcased his music in Las Vegas. And Erk felt if ticket prices were high enough, the figure would soar to $1.5 bil by the time Michael turned 65.

There are a couple of problems. First, MJ never planned a worldwide tour. The "This Is It" tour was limited to London. Second, the family is seeking more than $40 billion.

Another interesting thing ... Erk said he deducted what he felt Jackson would have spent between age 50 and age 65, when he hypothetically would have retired -- $134 million.

Oh the struggles of living on a budget.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:23
hab gelesen, die Anwälte hatten sich gestern vor Gericht richtig in den Haaren, bösartiger STreit, da werden wir sicher heute etwas davon lesen.
Dieser Erk hat seine 300.000,00 Dollar für sein Gutachten ja leicht verdient. Er hat lt. Befragung sein Wissen von Wiki, hahaha.
Ich werde auch Gutachter.
Vorallem diese lächerlichen Zahlen, niemals hätte Michael jahrelang getourt. Wie kommt der auf so etwas. Vorallem muß´man ja in der Lage sein, das über Jahre durchzustehen. Ich denke, Michael ging es so schlecht, wieso kommt er jetzt auf solche enormen Einnahme- Vermutungen???
Na, nächste Woche fliegen die Fetzen, wenn die jetzt schon anfangen, sich anzugiften.
Kathrine hat erst von TII erfahren, als es öffentlich gemacht wurde, na sehr glaubhaft!!!
Sie sagt auch, daß Michael ab 50 nicht mehr touren wollte, aber jetzt wird berechnet, was er verdient hätte bei allen Touren die er noch bis ins hohe Alter durchgeführt hätte, pfui, so ein Widerspruch. Vorallem, sie wollen doch beweisen, daß es Michael nicht gut ging und nach den Anklägern war ja Michael auch ein Drogensüchtiger.
Ich drehe durch, die widersprechen sich alle am laufenden Band. Das ist doch nicht zu fassen.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:32
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Gestern hat TMZ an den 20.Jahrestag der "Free Willy"-Veröffentlichung erinnert. Ich war ganz überrascht, sehr sentimental und schön, vorallem das Video.
ja, das Video ist wunderschön ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:46
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Vorallem diese lächerlichen Zahlen, niemals hätte Michael jahrelang getourt. Wie kommt der auf so etwas. Vorallem muß´man ja in der Lage sein, das über Jahre durchzustehen. Ich denke, Michael ging es so schlecht, wieso kommt er jetzt auf solche enormen Einnahme- Vermutungen???
Daran glaube ich auch nicht, dass MJ, wenn er noch leben würde, weiterhin auf Tour gegangen wäre ... er hätte sich einem neuen Aufgabengebiet gewidmet, hätte sich mit der "Filmerei" beschäftigt ...
das war ja wohl sein größter Wunsch ...
ja, haben die da Märchenstunde bei der Verhandlung ???

hmmmm, das war ja ein Zeuge, der Jacksons ... na ja, das war bestimmt auch die Grundlage für sein Honorar ... :)
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Ich drehe durch, die widersprechen sich alle am laufenden Band. Das ist doch nicht zu fassen.
ja, man hat immer wieder das Gefühl, dass das Gericht über die Widersprüche hinweg geht ... hoffe doch, dass die Juroren merken, was ihnen da für Müll vorgetragen wird ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 08:49
Michael Jackson hätte noch Milliarden verdienen können

Dienstag, 16.07.2013, 08:47

Im Prozess um den Tod von Popstar Michael Jackson hat ein Experte vorgerechnet, was der 2009 verstorbene King of Pop bis zu seinem 65. Geburtstag noch hätte verdienen können.

Michael Jackson hätte noch 1,5 Milliarden Dollar (etwa 1,1 Milliarden Euro) machen können, wenn er am Leben geblieben wäre. Das soll laut „TMZ“ ein Experte im Prozess um den Tod des 2009 im Alter von 50 Jahren verstorbenen Popstars ausgesagt haben.

Demnach hätte Jackson durch eine weltweite Tour und eine Show in Las Vegas mindestens 1,1 Milliarden Dollar einnehmen können. Durch steigende Ticketpreise hätte sich das auf 1,5 Milliarden erhöht, bis Jackson 65 Jahre alt geworden wäre. Der Bilanz-Experte, der vor Gericht aussagte, hat laut dem Bericht abgezogen, was Jackson seiner Meinung nach zwischen seinem 50. und 65. Geburtstag ausgegeben hätte: 134 Millionen Dollar (102 Millionen Euro).

Allerdings hatte Jackson keine weltweite Tour geplant. Seine „This Is It“-Konzerte, die kurz vor seinem Tod angekündigt wurden, sollten auf London beschränkt bleiben. Seine Familie hat den Konzertveranstalter verklagt, weil sie ihm eine Mitschuld am Tod von Michael Jackson gibt. Laut „TMZ“ fordern die Jacksons 40 Milliarden Dollar (30 Milliarden Euro).


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17.07.2013 um 08:55
AEG lawyer attacks projection of Michael Jackson tour earnings

Accountant says the singer could have made as much as $1.5 billion on a 260-show tour. But the attorney says the singer had a history of canceling shows and drug use.

By Jeff Gottlieb
July 16, 2013, 9:34 p.m.

An accountant's projection that Michael Jackson would have made as much as $1.5 billion if he had taken his doomed "This Is It" concert on a 260-stop world tour was attacked sharply Tuesday by a defense attorney who said the singer had never pulled off an engagement even half that long.

"What you're projecting is totally inconsistent with Michael Jackson's history, isn't it?" asked attorney Sabrina Strong, one of the attorneys representing AEG Live, the entertainment company that was producing what was to have been Jackson's comeback tour in 2009.

Jackson had been sued for canceling shows and had a history of drug use, Strong told jurors. And she suggested Tuesday that his popularity may have started to wane after his 2005 child-molestation trial and the bizarre instance in which he dangled one of his young children over a hotel balcony. Jackson was acquitted in the molestation case.

Arthur Erk, a certified public accountant who has worked with various rock acts, testified that Jackson's earning power remained robust and that he could have made as much as $1.5 billion if he'd gone on tour after his 50-concert stand in London.

Erk disagreed that Jackson's earning power had diminished or that he was incapable of pulling off a long, multiyear tour. He said "This Is It" was going to be a "blow-out tour, and he was going to earn a lot of money."

"I packed a lot of shows in to go out with a bang," he said of the number of performances he included in his world tour calculations

Testimony over the last two days, for the first time, has touched on what the pop star's death might have cost in terms of lost revenue, and attorneys representing AEG Live pushed back aggressively on Erk's high-dollar calculations.

The most Jackson had ever performed in one tour was 123 shows on the "Bad" tour in 1987, according to a chart Strong showed the jury. His highest grossing tour was his last one, "HIStory," which began in 1996, in which he performed 82 shows and grossed $165 million in ticket and merchandise sales.

Strong told Erk that AEG executive Paul Gongaware, a defendant in the case, had testified that Jackson didn't make any money on "HIStory." Outside the courtroom, Jackson attorney Brian Panish said that was only because the pop singer had given 85% of his share to charity.

Erk said that the five-hour sale of 750,000 tickets to his 50 London concerts showed that Jackson's popularity had not suffered. AEG's plan was for the 50-year-old singer to march across the world after the London shows, performing in Europe, Asia and ending in the U.S., Erk said. "And by that time, his image would be rehabilitated."

Strong, though, insisted that Jackson had not agreed to anything other than the London shows, although Jackson's contract included the possibility of extending the tour.

Erk said he spoke to Jackson's son Prince on Saturday night. "He said his father specifically told him, 'We're going to Asia,' " Erk said.

Jackson's mother and three children filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against AEG, saying the entertainment firm hired and controlled Conrad Murray, the doctor who gave the singer the fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol in June 2009. AEG says that the doctor worked for Jackson and that any money the firm was supposed to pay Murray was an advance to the singer.

Strong also talked about Jackson's prolific spending, saying he was $400 million in debt, his mother's home was in foreclosure and a former Jackson business manager had quit because the singer showed no interest in pulling back on his spending.

In one instance, she told jurors, Jackson bought a $1-million watch but had to return it because he couldn't afford it.

Another former Jackson business manager said Jackson spent $20 million to $30 million a year more than he earned, Strong said.

Erk said Jackson had a $320-million loan on his portion of the Sony/ATV musical catalog, which includes the songs of the Beatles.

Erk's calculations of Jackson's projected earnings also included a Las Vegas show based on the pop star's music, but one in which he would not perform. Erk calculated that Jackson could have earned as much as $1.96 billion if his tour was extended to four years, a plan based on an e-mail from AEG Chief Executive Randy Phillips.

His more speculative projections had Jackson taking a nearly three-year break after the global tour and then performing in four smaller sets of concerts through 2024, which would have earned him an additional $376 million, including merchandising.,0,4933550.story


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17.07.2013 um 08:59
Michael Jackson wrongful death trial: Testimony focuses on finances

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Miriam Hernandez

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LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Michael Jackson's accountant was back on the witness stand Tuesday in the Jackson family's wrongful death trial against AEG Live. He said the singer brought in millions of dollars in revenue but had a hard time holding on to it.

Jackson turned songs to platinum, but jurors heard testimony from accountant Arthur Erk, a witness for the Jacksons, that the artist spent money faster than he made it and that Jackson was broke when he signed with AEG to stage his comeback tour.

Erk had testified that Jackson could have earned as much as $1.5 billion from the tour had he lived. AEG's defense on Tuesday attacked Erk's figures.

Jackson's most popular tours -- "Bad," "Dangerous" and "History" -- were performed over a 10-year span. Erk said the "This Is It" tour could sell out 260 concert dates over 37 months. Erk conceded that Jackson agreed to 50 shows, not 260.

About Jackson's ability to fill concert venues, Erk had listed potential concert sites throughout the world. Under cross examination, he said he obtained his information from Wikipedia and did not know that a major sport site in India did not even allow concerts.

"It was a creation and a fabrication that was presented to the jury as an idea of what Mr. Jackson would have made, which was more than he made in his lifetime," said AEG defense attorney Marvin Putnam.

The defense also raised questions about Jackson's marketability after dangling his baby over a balcony and his molestation trial. Future earnings potential will be an issue for the jury only if they decide AEG is liable for the actions of Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray. The defense says Jackson's debt must also be calculated too.

Jurors heard Tuesday that Jackson signed his tour agreement after borrowing all he could on what he owned, including his mother's house, which was on the verge of foreclosure.


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17.07.2013 um 09:14
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9h
Updated story on AEG Live challenging projections of Michael Jackson's earnings:

Yahoo! News
AEG attacks projection of $1B earnings for Jackson
An expert who projected Michael Jackson could have earned more than $1 billion on his comeback concerts testified Tuesday that his analysis didn't include a breakdown of the singer's yearly earnings...
11:59 PM - 16 Jul 13


AEG attacks projection of $1B earnings for Jackson

Associated Press
Anthony Mccartney, AP Entertainment Writer 12 hours ago

34b7f840ac7eab17370f6a706700141e originaOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- An expert who projected Michael Jackson could have earned more than $1 billion on his comeback concerts testified Tuesday that his analysis didn't include a breakdown of the singer's yearly earnings over his lifetime and projected a longer concert tour than the superstar had ever performed.

Arthur Erk, a certified public accountant who is an expert in musician's royalties, said his analysis didn't take into account thousands of pages of figures detailing Jackson's spending over the years.

His projection that Jackson would have earned between $1.1 billion and $1.5 billion if he performed a 37-month, 260-show tour and crafted a Las Vegas show came under attack Tuesday by a lawyer for concert promoter AEG Live LLC. He said his figures were a conservative estimate of Jackson's earning potential if he had lived.

Erk is testifying for Jackson's mother in her lawsuit against AEG Live, claiming the company is liable for her son's death because it failed to properly investigate the doctor who administered a fatal overdose of an anesthetic propofol in June 2009. At the time of his death, Jackson was preparing for 50 comeback concerts in London called "This Is It," but there was the possibility the singer would have embarked on a worldwide tour.

The accountant based his calculations on documents prepared by AEG, but on cross-examination conceded that the company never projected the singer would earn more than $1 billion after the "This Is It" shows opened. He said he didn't have information regarding Jackson's earnings over his lifetime.

Erk's estimate contemplated Jackson receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in merchandise, endorsement deals and royalties from a Las Vegas show based on his music and archival footage.

AEG Live attorney Sabrina Strong showed Erk a chart that showed that Jackson's three previous solo tours comprised 275 shows over a 10-year span. She challenged Erk's contention that he was being conservative by projecting Jackson would have performed 260 shows over a three-year period.

Strong also attacked Erk's calculation that Jackson would have spent $134 million between ages 50 and 65. She cited testimony from Jackson's former business managers and accountants in depositions that Jackson was historically outspending his earnings by millions of dollars each year. She questioned why Erk and associates who helped him compile his analysis didn't review tens of thousands of pages that detailed Jackson's spending over the years.

Erk said that wasn't part of his job as a hired expert and he relied on figures about Jackson's monthly spending prepared by the singer's accountant before his death.

"We boiled down what we thought was necessary to do the calculations," Erk said.

Jackson died an estimated $400 million in debt.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2013)


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17.07.2013 um 09:28
Paris Jackson: Aus der Klinik in die Reha

15. Juli 2013 10:51

Nach vier Wochen in Behandlung darf Paris Jackson (15) endlich die UCLA-Klinik verlassen. Von ihrem Selbstmordversuch erholt sie sich jetzt weiter in der Reha.

Gut einen Monat nach ihrem Selbstmordversuch am 5. Juni hat die Tochter von Michael Jackson (†50) im "UCLA Medical Center" in Los Angeles verbracht – am letzten Dienstag soll sie endlich aus der Klinik entlassen worden sein, wie das "People"-Magazin berichtet. Nach Hause ging es für Paris Jackson vorerst allerdings noch nicht, und auch ein spezielles Internat scheint doch noch nicht das Richtige für den Teenie zu sein.

Nach ihrem Aufenthalt in der Klinik soll die 15-Jährige an ein Rehabilitationszentrum überwiesen worden sein, das bestätigt eine Quelle des Klatschblatts. Die neue Einrichtung sollen Paris Jacksons Ärzte aus dem UCLA zusammen mit ihrer biologischen Mutter Debbie Rowe (54) und Großmutter Katherine Jackson (83) ausgesucht haben. "Sie haben das Gefühl, dass Paris immer noch eine Gefahr für sich selbst darstellt", begründet der Informant die Entscheidung der Angehörigen und erklärt: "Beide, Katherine und Debbie, wollen ihr die Hilfe besorgen, die sie braucht."

Wie lange Paris Jackson in der Reha bleiben muss, ist noch nicht bekannt. Mit ihren offenbar sehr ernstzunehmenden Depressionen und vor allem nach dem Selbstmordversuch – ob nun ernst gemeint oder mehr ein Hilferuf – dürfte die Behandlung aber noch eine ganze Weile dauern.

Quellenbericht:,,20715490,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2013)

ähnlicher Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2013) (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2013)


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17.07.2013 um 09:45
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 33. Teil

10. Juli 2013

Am Montag hat Dr. Stuart Finkelstein ausgesagt bzw. die Anwälte zeigten den Geschworenen seine eidesstattliche Zeugeneinvernahme vom Februar via Video. Dr. Finkelstein, der jetzt ein Facharzt für Suchverhalten ist, war während der Dangerous Tour 1993 dabei und sein Job war es, sich um die Crew zu kümmern. Zur Erinnerung: Paul Gongaware, der jetzige (Co-)CEO von AEG Live war damals der zuständige Tour Manager.

Gemäss Aussage traf Dr. Finkelstein Michael Jackson zum ersten Mal, als er während des Aufenthalts 1993 in Bangkok in Michaels Suite gerufen wurde. Michael hatte Schmerzen und man (es wurde nicht spezifiziert, wer damit konkret gemeint war) setzte ihn mit Michaels Arzt, Allan Metzger, in Los Angeles telefonisch in Verbindung. Metzger sagte Finkelstein, dass Michael heftige Kopfschmerzen hatte und Finkelstein ihm ein entsprechendes Schmerzmittel verabreichen solle. Dieser wollte Michael Jackson Demerol spritzen, was jedoch aufgrund von harten Vernarbungen (aufgrund früherer Injektionen, so Finkelstein) am Gesäss nicht möglich war. Da eine Spritze zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht möglich war, verabreichte der Arzt Michael während den nächsten 24 Stunden Morphium über einen IV-Drip . Danach konnte Michael wieder auftreten.

Nachdem jedoch ein zweites Konzert in Bangkok verschoben worden war (die tragischen Hintergründe dafür sind uns allen ja bestens bekannt), traf Dr. Finkelstein sich mit dem Promoter Marcel Avram und einem Pressesprecher. Letzterer sagte Finkelstein, dass die offizielle Version laute, dass Michael Jackson dehydriert sei, was gegenüber CNN dann auch als Erklärung abgegeben wurde.

Finkelstein sagte auch aus, dass er damals den Konzertveranstaltern gesagt hatte, dass Michael Jackson medikamentensüchtig war, ihm aber niemand geglaubt hatte. Insbesondere hatte er Gongaware gesagt, dass Michael Jackson von Opiaten abhängig war. Daraufhin hatte Gongaware ihm gesagt, er solle sich nicht wie ein Dr. Nick aufführen — eine Anspielung auf den Arzt, der Elvis Presley mit rezeptpflichtigen Medikamenten belieferte, die am Ende zu seinem Tod führten.

Finkelstein sagte aus, dass Gongaware und er im 2009 fünf bis zehn Gespräche geführt hätten, wobei es darum ging, ob Finkelstein bei der “This Is It” Tour mitarbeiten würde. Finkelstein sagte, er habe für diesen Job ein Gehalt von USD 40’000 pro Monat verlangt; er wurde jedoch am Ende (wie wir bestens wissen) nicht angestellt.

Seit Montagnachmittag ist Kenny Ortega im Zeugenstand. Thema am Montag war erst einmal Michael Jacksons kreative Seite, seine Stimme, seine Lieder und seine Tänze. Am Dienstagnachmittag wurde mit Ortegas Befragung fortgefahren. Wir werden morgen darüber berichten. Gespannt sein dürfen wir insbesondere was Kenny Ortega betreffend das “Notfalltreffen” bei Michael zu Hause, wenige Tage vor dessen Tod, zu sagen hat. Denn Randy Phillips sagte zuvor aus, dass er sich nicht mehr so genau daran erinnern könne, Conrad Murray hat sich auf den Verfassungszusatz betreffend sein Aussageverweigerungsrecht berufen und Frank DiLeo, der damals auch anwesend war, ist mittlerweile verstorben.

A propos Frank DiLeo. Im Laufe des heutigen Prozesstages wird auch das Thema von Frank DiLeos Computer (nochmals) besprochen werden. Ihr mögt Euch erinnern? Wenn nicht, hier unsere damalige Meldung . Scheinbar ging das Ganze nicht ganz so reibungslos zu und her. Der Computer wurde dem Gericht bis Ende letzte Woche noch immer nicht übergeben. Die Witwe und Tochter von Frank DiLeo hatten nun bis Montag Zeit, dem Gesuch nachzukommen und dem Gericht den Computer auszuhändigen oder sie müssen wegen Missachtungs des Gerichts damit rechnen, dass sie ins Gefängnis kommen. Auf die Daten/E-Mails von DiLeos Computer darf man wahrlich sehr gespannt sein.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 09:56
ach, der Computer von Dileo wurde immer noch nicht übergeben!!! ?

Na sehr interessant, ich habe gedacht, daß die Jackson-Anwälte nicht wollten, daß da etwas bekanntgegeben wird, weil es ihrer STrategie widerspricht.
Also kann da noch was kommen?
Mich wundert wirklich, warum die Grace und der Tohme nicht aussagen mußten?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 10:00
ich bin auch noch gespannt, ob über den Druck der Jacksons auf Michael gesprochen wird. Sie haben ihn ja schließlich auch gestresst mit dem Allgood-Veranstalter. Ich denke sogar, daß darüber viel in den E-Mails von Deleo zu lesen ist und deshalb nicht vor Gericht gezeigt wird.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2013 um 10:03
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 34. Teil

11. Juli 2013

Seit Montag war Kenny Ortega, der Regisseur der “This Is It” Show im Zeugenstand. Gestern haben wir bereits kurz darüber berichtet. Nachdem es beim ersten Teil der Befragung generell um die kreative Seite von Michael Jackson ging, konzentrierten sich die Fragen am Dienstagnachmittag und gestern auf die “This Is It” Vorbereitungen, insbesondere auf die letzten Wochen und Tage vor Michaels Tod. Kenny Ortega konnte einige Mal seine Tränen nicht verdrängen und musste sogar einmal die Richterin um eine Pause bitten.

“Es geht mir gerade nicht gut. Kann ich eine kurze Pause machen?” Richterin Palazuelos erlaubte Kenny Ortega, dass er sich für ein paar Minuten allein in den Geschworenenraum zurückziehen konnte, um sich wieder zu beruhigen. Insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit seinen Aussagen betreffend Michael Jacksons letzten Tage kamen Kenny Ortega immer wieder die Tränen. Auch Michaels Mutter Katherine musste weinen, als sie Kenny zuhörte.

Nach einer schwachen Probe am 13. Juni 2009 und nachdem Michael am Tag darauf dann gar nicht zu den Proben erschien, schrieb Kenny Ortega eine E-Mail an Paul Gongaware, co-CEO von AEG Live: “Warst Du Dir bewusst, dass MJs Arzt ihn gestern nicht zu den Proben gehen liess? Wissen das Randy (Phillips) und Frank (DiLeo)? Bitte sorge dafür, dass sie sich um MJs Gesundheit kümmern, ohne in MJs Privatsphäre einzudringen. Es wäre vielleicht eine gute Idee, mit seinem Arzt zu sprechen, um sicherzustellen, dass MJ alles hat, was er braucht”. Später sagten die AEG Leute Ortega, dass sie sich mit Murray getroffen hatten und den Arzt damit beauftragt hatten, dafür zu sorgen, dass Michael zu den Proben erscheint. Ortega bekam auch die Natelnummer von Conrad Murray, falls er von diesem wissen musste, ob Michael zu den Proben kommt. Als Michael Jackson eine ganze weitere Woche nicht zu den Proben erschien, rief Ortega Murray an und sie telefonierten eine halbe Stunde lang. “Er sagte mir”, so Ortega über Murray, “er arbeitete einen Plan aus; dieser funktioniere aber nicht”.

Als Michael am 19. Juni zu den Proben erschien, “schien er verloren, kalt und verängstigt”, so Ortega. “Ich sah einen Michael, der Angst hatte; ein Michael, der zitterte und dem kalt war. Ich dachte, da gibt es irgendein emotionales Problem, ein tiefgründiges emotionales Problem, aber auch ein körperliches Problem. Er schien zerbrechlich”. Wie wir vom Schlafexperten erfahren hatte, deuteten diese Symptome darauf hin, dass Michael Jackson über lange Zeit hinweg keinen richtigen Schlaf (mit dem notwendigen Zyklus) erhalten hatte. Schliesslich handelte sich bei Propofol um ein Narkose- und kein Schlafmittel. Kenny Ortega überzeugte Michael Jackson dann, an diesem Abend nicht aufzutreten, weil er Angst hatte, dass Michael sich verletzen könnte. Michael stimmte dem Vorschlag zu und schaute sich die Proben an, während sein Choreograph Travis Payne Michaels Rolle auf der Bühne einnahm. Michael Jackson, so Ortega, habe ihm gegenüber an dem Abend immer wieder gesagt, dass er ihn bitte nicht verlassen solle. “Michael hatte Angst gehabt, dass ich ihn im Stich lassen oder den Job künden würde”, so Ortega.

Da man nur noch 12 Tage Zeit hatte für Proben, bevor man sich nach London begab, befürchtete Ortega, “dass alles, an dem wir zusammen gearbeitet hatten, Michael und ich — dieser Traum, dieser Wunsch — wie ein Kartenhaus zusammenbrechen würde”. An jenem 19. Juni hatte Ortega das Gefühl, dass sie die Produktion stoppen sollten, aber er war hin und her gerissen, weil er Michaels Herz nicht brechen wollte. In der Nacht vom 19. Juni und am folgenden Morgen schrieb Kenny Ortega den AEG Leuten einige E-Mails, in denen er diese warnte, dass sie für Michael professionelle Hilfe anfordern sollten.

Aufgrund dessen kam es dann am 20. Juni 2009 zu dem bereits mehrfach erwähnten Treffen bei Michael zu Hause. Murray hatte Ortega an dem Meeting wütend konfrontiert. “Er sagte, ich hätte kein Recht, Michael nicht proben zu lassen; dass Michael sowohl körperlich als auch emotional durchaus fähig wäre, all seine Pflichten als Performer wahrzunehmen und ich sollte ein Regisseur sein und nicht einen Amateurarzt oder -psychologen spielen”, so Ortega über Murray.

Die nächsten Proben waren dann am 23. Juni und ein total anderer Michael Jackson sei an jenem Tag zu den Proben erschienen. “Es war ein Wunder”, so Ortega. “Ich war so erfreut über Michaels riesen Energie, seinen mentalen Zustand und seinen Enthusiasmus. [...] Es war unglaublich”. Wie wir mittlerweile wissen, war diese Verfassungsänderung dem Umstand zuzuschreiben, dass Conrad Murray Michael Jacksons Propofolbehandlung nach 60 aufeinander folgenden Nächten, an denen das Mittel verabreicht worden war, (vorläufig) eingestellt hatte.

Den Geschworenen wurde anschliessend das Video von den Probeaufnahmen vom “Earth Song” gezeigt — dem Song, den Michael Jackson am 24. Juni 2009 zuletzt peformt hatte. Am darauffolgenden Tag — Kenny war bereits wieder im Staples Center für die Proben — erhielt er einen Anruf von Paul Gongaware: “Unser Junge ist tot”. “Ich glaube, ich befand mich im Schockzustand”, so Ortega. “Ich wollte glauben, dass dies irgendein Spinner sei am Telefon,” sagte Ortega weiter.

Bereits am Dienstagnachmittag sagte Kenny Ortega aus, dass er es sich zweimal überlegt hätte, ob er die Stelle als Regisseur für die “This Is It” Shows annehmen sollte, nachdem er erfahren hatte, was sich kurz vor dem Auftritt Michaels bei der Ankündigung der Konzerte in London im März 2009 abgespielt hatte (siehe unsere beiden Meldungen am 1. Juni und 13. Juni ). Die AEG Manager hatten Kenny Ortega über diesen Vorfall nicht informiert gehabt, als sie ihn wenige Tage später nach der Pressekonferenz fragten, ob er bei den ”This Is It” Show Regie führen möchte. Hätte er gewusst, wie sich die Konzertvorbereitungen physisch und emotional auf Michael auswirken würden, hätte er den Job wahrscheinlich nicht angenommen, so Ortega.


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17.07.2013 um 10:10
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 35. Teil

14. Juli 2013

Am Donnerstag wurde Michael Jacksons Neffe und Titos Sohn Taj in den Zeugenstand gerufen. Dessen Bruder T.J. hatte bereits am 30. Juni ausgesagt (siehe hier ). Taj sprach unter anderem über die herzliche Beziehung zwischen Michael und seinen drei Kindern. Um die liebevolle Beziehung näher zu illustrieren, wurden den Geschworenen unter anderem zwei handschriftliche Notizen vorgelesen, die man nach Michael Jacksons Tod in dessen Schlafzimmer gefunden hatte (für die Kopie der Originale siehe hier ). AEG erhob Einspruch gegen die Zulassung der Notizen als Beweismaterial, da nicht ersichtlich wäre, von wann diese stammten. Dem Einspruch wurde jedoch nicht stattgegeben.

Die eine Notiz stammte von der damals 11-jährigen Paris Jackson: “Lieber Daddy, ich liebe Dich so sehr & ich bin so glücklich, dass ich eine Gutenachtumarmung bekommen hab. Schlaf gut. Ich liebe Dich und gute Nacht. Bis morgen. XOX gute Nacht. Viel Liebe Paris Jackson”. Die zweite Notiz stammte von Michael selbst. Er schrieb: “Worte von Blanket, meinem Sohn, 6 Jahre jung. ‘Was sind Deine Lieblingsbuchstaben, Daddy? Meine sind ‘G’ für Gott und D für Daddy’. 6 Jahre alt. Blanket”. Diese Notiz, so die Anwältin der Jacksons zu den Geschworenen, zeige insbesondere, wie wichtig Michael seine Kinder waren; denn er hatte sich die Zeit genommen, die Worte seines jüngsten Sohnes niederzuschreiben.

Die liebevolle Beziehung zwischen Michael und seinen Kindern ist insofern von Bedeutung in diesem Prozess, da falls die Geschworenen AEG Live für den Tod von Michael Jackson haftbar machen, sie den emotionalen Verlust, den die drei Kinder dadurch erlitten haben, mittels eines Geldbetrags bemessen müssen.

AEG Live hatte sich übrigens erneut ein riesen Ei gelegt am Donnerstag. So hatte die AEG Anwältin im Kreuzverhör Nancy Grace, eine TV-Reporterin, mit Grace Rwaramba, dem ehemaligen Kindermädchen der Jacksons, verwechselt. Taj hatte gerade die enge und liebevolle Beziehung zwischen Michael und seinen Kindern beschrieben, als ihn die AEG Anwälten fragte, ob er denke, dass Grace Rwarambe manchmal unehrlich war. Die Jackson Anwälte erhoben zuerst Einspruch gegen diese Frage, da sie nicht relevant sei für diesen Fall. Die Richterin gab dem Einspruch jedoch nicht statt und sie wies Taj auf, die Frage zu beantworten. “Ich habe sie nicht als unehrlich empfunden”, so Taj. Die AEG Anwälten zeigte daraufhin eine TwitLonger Nachricht von Taj, die — so dachte sie zumindest — die Aussage von Taj hätte diskreditieren sollen. In jener Nachricht vom 11. Dezember 2011 hatte Taj darüber geschrieben, wie ihm der Journalist Roger Friedman zuwider sei. Er nannte ihn “Anti-Jackson” und eine “falsche Schlange”. Zudem schrieb Taj darin: “Sorry… aber es gibt da ein paar Leute, die mich echt anwidern. Und für mich gehört er in die gleiche Kategorie wie Grace, Dimond und Bashir”. Ob diese Nachricht nun sein Gedächtnis aufzufrischen vermochte, fragte die AEG Anwältin Taj. “Das ist nicht das Gleiche. Damit ist Nancy Grace gemeint!”, stellte Michaels Neffe richtig. Der Gerichtssaal brach in lautes Gelächter aus und er brauchte ein paar Sekunden, bis wieder Ruhe eingekehrt war. Wenn man bedenkt, was für sie alles auf dem Spiel steht, macht AEG Live seit Prozessbeginn im April so einen amateurhaften, wenn nicht sogar schlichtwegs dummen Eindruck. Man kann es kaum glauben.

Am Montag soll ein weiterer Experte für die Jacksons aussagen: Buchhalter Arthur Erik. Wie es heisst, soll die Jackson Seite nächste Woche ihre letzten Zeugen befragen. Anschliessend ist AEG Live mit ihren Zeugen dran. Wir dürfen ja gespannt sein, wie sie sich vorstellen, das Ruder noch umdrehen zu können – vor allem wenn sie so weitermachen wie bisher. AEG Lives Konkurrenz lacht sich ja kaputt, wenn sie diesen Prozess soweit mitverfolgt hat. Und sie können sich dieses Jahr definitiv viel Marketing und hohe Werbekosten ersparen.


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19.07.2013 um 08:31
Scharmützel um fiktive Milliardeneinnahme von Michael Jackson

New York, 18.07.2013, 12:05

Bleibt Gegenstand von Prozessen, Gerüchten und Spekalutationen: Michael Jackson

Laut dem US-Wirtschaftsprüfer Arthur Erk, der als Experte für Musikereinkünfte und -tantiemen gilt, hätte der 2009 verstorbene Michael Jackson mit einer damals von AEG Live geplanten Welttournee und Las-Vegas-Show zwischen 1,1 und 1,5 Milliarden Dollar verdienen können. Diese Zahlen fußen laut einem vom US-Branchenblatt "Billboard" publizizierten Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Associated Press auf der Annahme, dass der "King of Pop" innerhalb von 37 Monaten 260 Shows rund um den Erdball gegeben hätte und zudem durch Sponsoring- und Merchandisingeinnahmen sowie eine Las-Vegas-Show über seine Musik und sein Leben kräftig dazuverdient hätte. Erk beruft sich bei diesen Berechnungen auf Unterlagen der Veranstalterdivision der Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG), die Pläne für eine Welttour dargestellt hätten.

Sabrina Strong, Anwältin von AEG Live, weist Erks Rechenexempel zurück. So sei eine solch lange Tour mit den erwähnten 260 Auftritten in drei Jahren nicht realistisch gewesen. Jackson habe auf seinen drei letzten Welttourneen insgesamt 275 Shows in einer Spanne von rund zehn Jahren gespielt, so Strong. Wie "Billboard" berichtet, soll AEG Live 2009 eine Jackson-Tour um den Globus mit 186 Shows und einem Salär in Höhe von 132 Millionen Dollar für den Künstler geplant haben.

Ebenso attackierte Strong Kalkulationen Erks, wonach Jackson im Fall seines Weiterlebens im Alter von 50 bis 65 Jahren 134 Millionen Dollar ausgegeben hätte. Die AEG-Anwältin beruft sich auf frühere Business-Manager und Steuerberater Jacksons, wonach dessen Ausgaben seine Einnahmen jedes Jahr um Millionen überstiegen hätten. Dem Vernehmen nach soll Jackson zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes 400 Millionen Dollar Schulden gehabt haben.

Erks Berechnungen seien laut Sabrina Strong zudem deshalb falsch, weil sie den Imageschaden des Künstlers nach der Anklage gegen ihn wegen Kindesmissbrauchs und seiner Aktion, als er 2002 seinen damals erst neun Monate alten Sohn Blanket nur an einem Arm haltend über ein Balkongeländer des Berliner Hotels Adlon baumeln ließ, nicht berücksichtigt habe.

Michael Jackson war 2009 in der Zeit der Vorbereitung und Proben für 50 von AEG Live geplanten Konzerte in London nach Verabreichung einer Überdosis des Narkotikums Propofol gestorben. Für die 50 vorgesehenen Shows in der O2 Arena hätte er nach Schätzungen von AEG Live zwischen 22 und gut 30 Millionen Dollar verdienen können.

Arthur Erk ist als Zeuge für Michael Jacksons Mutter im Rechtsstreit gegen AEG Live in Erscheinung getreten. Sie wirft dem Konzertveranstalter vor, für den Tod ihres Sohnes verantwortlich zu sein, da AEG Jacksons Arzt Conrad Murray, der ihm die tödliche Dosis verabreichte, eingestellt und diesen nicht eingehend genug unter die Lupe genommen habe. Laut AEG habe Jackson indes auf Murray als seinem persönlichen Arzt bestanden.
