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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 08:16
Majestik Magnificent Opens Up About Jackson Family Drama

3 days ago, omg! INSIDER

"omg! Insider" sat down with Majestik Magnificent on Tuesday, a close friend of the Jackson family who also appears on La Toya's OWN reality show, "Life With La Toya." Majestik opened up about about all the drama surrounding the Jackson family including the wrongful death suit against AEG, Wade Robson's accusations of abuse and Paris Jackson's recent suicide attempt. He told us, "Even in death this man cannot get a break. It's ridiculous. Michael being dead is not enough for people. (Archiv-Version vom 26.08.2013)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 21:43
Paris Jackson to enroll at boarding school for troubled teens

Last Updated: 3:14 PM, July 7, 2013
Posted: 9:28 AM, July 7, 2013

Paris Jackson will be moved to a boarding school for troubled teens when she finally checks out of hospital following her suicide bid.

Her mom Debbie Rowe and grandmother Katherine Jackson are determined to ensure that she makes a full recovery.

And they do not think she is anywhere near ready to go home yet.

The pair are also desperate to shield her from the internet and social media, because they are convinced she will have a relapse if she reads cruel taunts about her and her late pop superstar dad Michael.

In an attempt to protect the 15-year-old they will enrol her at the $10 million Diamond Ranch Academy in Utah, a treatment centre for struggling children. (Archiv-Version vom 09.07.2013)

Read more The Sun:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 21:52
Paris Jackson faces teen trauma tank

Jacko's girl 'not well enough to go home'

EXCLUSIVE | By WILL PAYNE, Associate TV Editor
Published: 19 hrs ago

PARIS Jackson will be moved to a boarding school for troubled teens when she finally checks out of hospital following her suicide bid.

Her mum Debbie Rowe and grandmother Katherine Jackson are determined to ensure that she makes a full recovery.

And they do not think she is anywhere near ready to go home yet.

The pair are also desperate to shield her from the internet and social media, because they are convinced she will have a relapse if she reads cruel taunts about her and her late pop superstar dad Michael.

In an attempt to protect the 15-year-old they will enrol her at the $10million Diamond Ranch Academy in Utah, a treatment centre for struggling children.

The move is temporarily on hold as they are putting a security team in place at the ranch to protect Paris and the other children from any obsessive fans.

Paris will then be transferred from UCLA Hospital in Los Angeles and stay there until she is well enough to go home — probably after her family’s wrongful death lawsuit with music promoters AEG Live is over.

Last night a source close to the family said: “As far as Paris is concerned she is fine and is ready to go home, but the doctors and her family are not taking any chances. She tried to end her own life and it doesn’t get more serious than that.

“She was in a terrible state and her family know it would not take much to tip her over the edge again.

“They are terrified she will have a major relapse if she has access to Twitter and the internet again — especially with all the shocking information that is coming out in the AEG wrongful death court case.

“Debbie and Katherine have looked into things and they have decided the best place for her is the Diamond Ranch Academy. It is a secluded treatment centre for 12 to 18-years-olds that specialises in depression and grief management.

“While she’s there she can be around kids going through similar problems and concentrate on getting well again, without pressures from the outside world and all the negativity on the internet. The only stumbling block is the security situation.

“They know there will be a lot of attention on Paris while she’s in residence and there’s a real danger obsessive fans might try to break in.”

Paris, Michael Jackson’s middle child, was rushed to hospital last month after she slashed her wrists and took a cocktail of pills.

She has struggled with depression since her dad died aged 50 four years ago. A spokesperson for Paris refused to comment.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 22:01
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

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MJ und die Cascio kids, Marie Nicole und ihr Bruder ...
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 22:27
Charles Thomson ‏@CEThomson 9h
NEW BLOG: The truth about today's fraudulent Michael Jackson 'FBI' story in the Mirror:
12:46 PM - 7 Jul 13

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Mirror publishes another fraudulent Jackson 'FBI' story

A pattern is emerging here.

Today the Mirror has published a story claiming that FBI papers released in 2009 'admit' that an investigation into Michael Jackson was halted in the mid-80s to avoid political embarrassment, as Jackson was due to have a public meeting with President Reagan.

The story is a lie and I have to conclude that it is an intentional lie. This is the second time in eight days that the same organisation has run a completely inaccurate story based on 'FBI files' accusing Jackson of paedophilia. There are two possibilities. 1) The staff at the Mirror are completely incompetent. 2) They are smearing Michael Jackson with lies on purpose.

The story alleges that files 'admit' that Jackson was investigated for molesting two Mexican boys, but the investigation was called off because of the presidential meeting. The story is absolutely bogus.

Here is what the files really say:

After the Jordan Chandler allegations became public, a writer - not named in the files - contacted the FBI to say they had heard a rumour that Jackson was investigated for molesting two Mexican boys in the mid-80s, but the investigation had been called off for the reasons outlined in the Mirror's story.

These claims are made in the files solely by the anonymous writer, who had been unable to obtain any evidence at all that they were true. The only reason the claim appears in the files is that the writer had contacted the bureau to ask whether it was true. The bureau searched its records and found that the rumoured mid-80s investigation had never taken place - then wrote a document detailing the interaction with the writer, which is what the Mirror has quoted.


The FBI report was written, specifically, to document the fact that a writer had called to enquire about a rumoured investigation, but the FBI had concluded the rumour was untrue. However, the Mirror has chosen to totally misrepresent the contents of the document and state inaccurately that the story was in fact true.

This story - like last week's - is not only bogus, but old. It was widely misreported in 2009 when the files were released. I addressed it on this very blog, in an article which wound up being quoted in J Randy Taraborrelli's 'The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story' as the only accurate assessment of the FBI files he was able to find.

This is the Mirror's emerging pattern; it takes a fabricated story which was discredited several years ago, pretends it is brand new, intentionally omits the fact that it is fabricated and uses it to smear Michael Jackson.

At this stage, I feel that serious questions need to be asked about what is really going on here.

Posted by Charles Thomson at 11:45


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 09:32
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #42 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 40 – June 28 2013 – Summary

Katherine Jackson is not in court.

Karen Faye Testimony

AEG Cross

AEG defense attorney Marvin S. Putnam is cross-examining Faye. He started out stating it had been 7 weeks since she was last in court. (AP) Faye testified 7 weeks ago, May 10. Putnam asked her if she done anything to prepare, like look at the transcript. She said yes, periodically. "I was deposed for 4 or 5 days and I talked to plaintiffs for 1 day," Faye said. She reviewed transcripts but not what she said on the stand. She didn't look at exhibits, but met with plaintiffs' counsel, Faye said. (ABC7) Putnam asked whether Faye had reviewed her trial testimony. She said she hadn’t. She reviewed her deposition. Faye said her deposition spanned five or six days. At one point, she held up her hands to show how huge the file was. (AP)

Putnam asked Faye about her interactions with Michael Jackson after his acquittal in the child molestation case. (AP) Faye got MJ ready for the criminal trial in June 2005. She didn't talk to him at the day of acquittal, he left for Bahrain. Putnam: Were you upset you that you had been there every day and he didn't say good bye? "He had been thru a horrible, horrible ordeal. Whatever he had to do to recover from that, that was fine," Faye said. Faye on MJ: "I understood that he wanted to leave." (ABC7) Faye didn’t talk to Jackson after his acquittal. Putnam asked Faye whether that upset her. “It didn’t upset me. No sir.” Faye on not talking to Jackson after his acquittal: “He had been through a horrible, horrible ordeal and I was by his side sir.” (AP)

Faye said MJ never returned to Neverland after that, neither did she. She didn't see MJ in 2008 at Carolwood. Faye didn't talk to MJ when he came back into the country, heard from him every 3,4, 5 months and they were like brother and sister.

She said she talked to him every few months, but didn’t see him again until April 2009. She found out about ‘This Is It’ tour from the news. (AP) Faye said she found out about "This is It" tour on the news. She wasn't surprised, MJ had mentioned he had projects. Faye said she got a call from Michael Amir mid March saying he was MJ's assistant; Michael wanted her to go on the tour with him. She said she didn't think it was strange that Michael had an assistant calling her. Previously, MJ would call her directly. "He didn't give me too much information, said MJ would call me from blocked number, make sure to pick up, it had to do with tour," Faye said. It was a really happy and light conversation, Faye recalled. "Work with me Turkle, Work with me Turkle," Faye said MJ told her. "We kind of laughed and chuckled. I think I mentioned in that conversation I was excited for him going back on tour," Faye testified. Faye said MJ told her he thought it was only going to be 10 shows but when he woke up, and it was now 50. He was a little discouraged about the number of shows, Faye said. She told MJ they would have to work on his hair to get him ready to tour. Faye said she knows that was part of their conversation, but wasn't sure if it was part of their first conversation. (ABC7)

Putnam: He asked you to work on the tour and you said yes?
Faye: Yes (ABC7)

Faye said she remembers seeing the media following his bus, but is not sure she saw the press conference announcement live. "His wig was so big," Faye said, explaining that because of her work she notices people's hair and make-up. "I thought his behavior was a little odd, but not out of the ordinary," Faye said. (ABC7) On seeing Jackson’s press conference announcing the London shows, Faye said, “I just thought he had a really bad hairpiece on, sir.” Faye said she thought his wig was too big. Putnam asked her about Jackson’s behavior. She responded, “I thought his behavior was a little odd, but not out of the ordinary.” (AP)

Putnam: How did you think he looked?
Faye: Oh, ok. I just thought that he had a really bad hair piece on (ABc7)

Karen Faye revealed she found texts that helped her remember when things happened during prep for the “This Is It” tour. AEG attorney Marvin Putnam seemed surprised. Putnam asked Faye when she discovered the texts, and when she handed them over to plaintiff’s counsel. She said she turned them in today. Faye didn’t give the text messages to AEG’s lawyers. Putnam: ““I guess we’re getting them now.” (AP) Faye said she found some text messages related to the period, couple of days before MJ's death. Faye said she didn't even know she still had the phone. She said she looked at the texts to remember dates, turned them to defendants today. Faye said she was sick a couple of weeks ago and that's when she found the phone. Faye: You keep asking me things about dates, I'm trying to remember, I was trying to refresh my memory about things. (ABC7)

Putnam asked if she found anything else and she quipped, “I was going through my drawers. I found some sexy things for my boyfriend and I.” Putnam asked whether she found the proceedings funny. “I don’t think the case is funny at all sir,” Faye responded. (AP)

"I was concern on how close the shows were together, sir" Faye said. She reached out to Kenny Ortega and Michael about it. Faye said she learned about the tour schedule online. She doesn't recall if there was a three month break. "He might make 1st week but it will go downhill after," Faye said. "I felt the schedule was too difficult for him to maintain" (ABC7)

Putnam: You didn't see MJ for 4 years and thought it was a problem?
Faye: I said it could possibly be problem, I didn't say it was definite (ABC7)

Putnam showed Faye the calendar for the shows of "This Is It." She said she had not seeing it, what she saw was a list online. Faye agreed with the concept that she did call and expressed concern, but didn't say it was dangerous and impractical. "I had no concept of Michael's ability at this time," Faye said. "I was always protective of Michael and his well being." Faye: When I saw that there may be a problem, I did speak out, but exactly what they are talking here, I don't know. "I think he didn't know how the schedule was, he should go a look at the schedule and how he feels about it," Faye explained. "That's funny, my mother said the same thing," Faye said MJ told her. "By the conversation I had with him, he didn't seem to know the structure, only that it was 50 days," Faye said about MJ. Faye: I just wanted him to make sure he knew the schedule and if he was comfortable with it (ABC7).

Faye was asked about her conversation with Jackson about the “This Is It” shows. She says the singer seemed surprised about the 50 shows. Faye recalled Jackson telling her, “’ It started out as 10 shows and then I woke up and it was 50.’” Faye said she was concerned about how close together the “This Is It” shows were and she reached out to Kenny Ortega, the tour director. “I didn't say definitively that it was going to be a problem,” Faye said. “I said this was something we should look at.” She added that she thought Jackson needed more time to recuperate. Putnam asked whether she called schedule dangerous. Faye said she didn’t characterize it that way. “I said it wasn’t the best schedule for Michael to be successful,” she said. Putnam showed her an email Ortega sent to AEG exec Paul Gongaware saying Faye raised concerns about the schedule. Faye said they were Kenny’s words and not hers. She said she didn’t recall saying the schedule was dangerous. (AP)

Faye said she worked with a wig maker and they both went to Carolwood to see MJ. "Sir, we needed to prepare for the show, sir." She testified she needed to get some funds to start working on MJ's wigs and was told to speak with Dr. Tohme. (ABC7)

Faye was then asked about the Jackson family maid, Grace Rwaramba and her role during the molestation trial. She said she thought Jackson was better off when Grace wasn’t living at Neverland Ranch during the trial. (AP) "I really, really loved Grace when I first met her," Faye said. "I adored her, I was really happy Michael used her as the nanny." "As her responsibilities grew, she kind of stood in the way, it seems she always tried to keep me away from Michael," Faye said about Grace. "Michael seemed to have more difficult time when Grace was brought back to Neverland," Faye said, referring to the time of criminal trial. "I just noticed that Michael started having a lot of back pain" Faye said. "With the symptoms of losing a lot of weight, and the pajama day". Faye explained the day during the criminal trial MJ went to court wearing pajamas one day. That day, Michael went to the hospital because something happened to his back and they gave him some pain killers, Faye testified. "The judge was informing MJ he had to go to court or he would be sent to jail" Faye said. So he went to court in pajamas, couldn't get ready. "They were going to throw him in jail if he didn't get there on time," Faye said. (ABC7)

Faye said a lot of her information came through Taunya Zilkie and their concerns. Taunya took care of Faye's businesses affairs. Putnam said the contract with between the company of her Taunya's company, not Faye. Putnam: Did you have an understating as to whether or not you were an employee of AEG Live? Faye: I worked for This Is It and the production of the tour. "I think I was giving her (Taunya) something to take care of all my business and pay bills, but can't recall the amount," Faye said. (ABC7) Faye was then asked about her contract with AEG to work with Jackson on “This Is It.” She said she wasn't paid until contract was signed. (AP)

She was asked about the wigs she bought for Jackson, which she said were ventilated. She said she needed 5 wigs for the London shows. (AP) "The process of his hair took a long time," Faye said. Faye said she needed to be able to get to MJ, so she asked in the contract to be close to him. "I don't know where they were going to put me," she explained. "I wanted to make sure they could get to me if they needed." Faye said MJ liked privacy. "When you do somebody's hair there's a lot of things involved and he didn't want people to see it," Faye said. Faye said she needed probably 5 wigs, each costing $3,500. She said it was a long process to get one ready, needed reserves for emergency. "It meant Michael didn't want anybody to know he wore a wig," Faye said. Faye requested the wig receipt be as discreet as possible. (ABC7) She was also asked about contract terms that called for her to submit itemized receipts for expenses only if Jackson approved it. Faye: “I wanted it to be as private for him as possible.” (AP)

Botox inhibits sweating, so Faye thought MJ could have Botox injection on his scalp and he wouldn't sweat, the wig would stay on. Faye said Latisse and Propecia prescriptions for Michael were under her name. The Propecia rejuvenated hair on men's scalp, Faye said, and she needed as much healthy hair as possible. Faye said one of MJ assistants would sometimes give her skin creams to give to MJ. (ABC7)

"Ortega demanded Michael to take off sunglasses, they gave me orders sir, but not pertaining to make-up and hair," Faye said. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you work for Michael Jackson?
Faye: He requested me, sir, he called me and asked me (ABC7)

Putnam: Did they do a background check on you?
Faye laughed out loud and said, you're so funny. I don't think so(ABC7)

"No, there was no background check done on me," Faye said, explaining she knows the background check is one of the issues of the trial. Faye said she saw information about the trial on the news and internet. She worked with MJ for 27 years. Putnam asked if AEG did financial check on her if they'd find problems. Plaintiffs objected, asserting witness's privacy. Judge sustained it (ABC7)

Putnam asked Faye what she did in April and May 2009 to prepare for the tour. She said she attended productions meetings at Center Staging. "I was researching all the adhesives available, trying to figure out ways to have my job be successful," Faye said. Faye said she worked in a bedroom downstairs at the Carolwood house, never went to the second floor bedrooms. Faye doesn't recall how many times a week she saw MJ from March to June. In the first period of rehearsals, Faye said he seemed ok. "In compared to how I used to know him, it was little different, I can't say it was exactly how it used to be," Faye said. "I noticed some physical things that were odd," Fayed recalled. Faye said rehearsal was really, really dried and that kind of bothered her. "His thinness was still bothering me," Faye testified. "He wasn't gaining anything that was a concern." Faye said she was so concerned she brought an old time MJ's cook who had a restaurant nearby to bring him food. "It wasn't the MJ at 29, but he did Billie Jean and it was MJ, everyone was really excited about that," Faye said about rehearsals in June. (ABC7)

"I asked Michael's security if he was going to see Dr. Klein," Faye testified. "I was kind on the lookout for doctors getting involved," Faye explained. Putnam asked why Faye inquired specifically about Dr. Klein. "Because in the media, there were reports that he had gone to Dr. Klein," Faye explained. "What I asked is how often he went there." Faye said they said Jackson's security confirmed MJ was seeing Dr. Klein maybe 3-4 days a week. That concerned her, Faye said. "Because of the past, when I'd see doctors get involved in Michael's life," Faye explained. Faye said she expressed that concern to Frank DiLeo, MJ's manager at the time. Faye never spoke with MJ about it. "I was really getting worried about Michael's psychological state," Faye said. She was concerned about Dr. Klein and aware of Dr. Murray in the week prior to MJ's death. Faye said she had a conversation with Kenny Ortega about Dr. Murray. She never asked about Dr. Klein. Faye said she can't recall ever having a conversation with Ortega about Dr. Klein. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you express to KO any concern you had about Dr. Conrad Murray?
Faye: Yes, that he wasn't a psychologist (ABC7)

"I didn't know Conrad Murray at that particular point other than expressed the concern of what I think Michael needed," Faye said. (ABC7)

Regarding the fitting day, where MJ wore t-shirt and shoulder piece, Faye said she was there but didn't see him when they did the fitting. Faye said she saw MJ down to t-shirt several times, since she had to wire MJ, put wires and battery packs on him. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did Randy Phillips ever pressure you to get MJ on stage?
Faye: No
Putnam: Did Paul Gongaware ever pressure you to get MJ on stage?
Faye: No
Putnam: Did Randy Phillips ever personally instruct you to never listen no MJ?
Faye: No
Putnam: Did Paul Gongaware ever personally instruct you to never listen to MJ?
Faye: No
Putnam: Did you ever observe Randy Phillips tell anyone to get MJ on stage to rehearse?
Faye: He told me he wanted to build a wall around Michael so he doesn't want to do anything but get to rehearsal.

Faye said she wasn't around Phillips a lot, so she didn't recall Phillips telling anyone to get MJ on stage to rehearse. (ABC7) Faye told jurors that she was never pressured by AEG executives Randy Phillips or Paul Gongaware to get Jackson to rehearse. (AP)

On June 22, Faye went over to MJ's house to replace MJ's wig. She waited couple of hours and was told to leave, MJ didn't want to do it. (ABC7)

June 23 was the first time they were at Staples Center. Faye said she was extremely concerned with MJ's health on June 19th. "I was very concerned during this period of time, I was very, very frightened," Faye explained. She said she had horrible thoughts. "I made a phone call to security Alberto Alvarez on Saturday and asked him to watch MJ very closely that I was concerned," Faye testified. Faye said Alvarez didn't want to stay on the phone, had to go and hung up. Faye said she didn't have an opportunity to talk to anybody on June 22 about MJ and she didn't want to ask the children. On June 23, Faye said there were lots of meetings at Staples Center with MJ. She was alone with MJ at some point in the day. Faye said she didn't remember what she said to MJ, it was probably how are you doing, probably addressed him very casually. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you think MJ had a good rehearsal on June 23?
Faye: It was much improved, sir
Putnam: How about the 24th?
Faye: It was improved (ABC7)

Putnam asked Faye how Jackson's performance was on the 23rd. Her response: "It was much improved." Putnam asked, "Did it restore your hope?" Faye replied, "Oh yeah." (KABC)

Putnam asked if Faye thought MJ would be ready to tour after those rehearsals. She responded "oh no, oh no!"
Putnam: You didn't think he was ready to go?
Faye: Oh no (ABC7)

Faye explained MJ didn't gain any weight, there were changes that needed to be done to get him ready, perhaps if they could delay it a bit.

Putnam: So you didn't think he could be ready after watching those rehearsals?
Faye: No

"It was a very strenuous show," Faye said. (ABC7)

Faye said there was hope, though."I saw more of Michael, he was laughing, I saw him participating, yes, there was some relief." "He was still cold, but his spirit was better, sir," Faye said. "I wasn't concerned for his weight for everyday life, but I was concert for his performance weight," Faye explained. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you ever testify his work weight was 120 pounds?
Faye: Lisa Marie Presley gave me that information
"Lisa Marie Presley and I became friends and she told me MJ liked to be at 120 pounds," Faye said. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you say he lost 10-15 lbs the last week of his life?
Faye: It was an estimate, yes

Putnam: Were you observing Mr. Jackson becoming thinner and thinner?
Faye: Yes (ABC7)

Faye said that in Mar/Apr she told Michael she was concerned with his weight. She never talked to him about it during last weeks of his life. "Michael wasn't very coherent that week to have a discussion like that," Faye said. Faye said people who didn't know MJ very well would probably not realize he lost lots of weight because of the several layers of clothes. (ABC7)

Putnam asked Faye about the fact that Coroner's report saying MJ was 136 lbs at the time of his death.
Putnam: Did you think it was impossible for him to weigh that much?
Faye: Yes
"Because Michael had lost so much weight and he kept losing weight. 136 lbs was a lot for MJ," Faye explained. (ABC7)

Defense attorney Marvin Putnam asked Faye if she would be surprised that Jackson weighed 136 pounds when he died. Faye's response: "136 pounds would be good for Michael." (KABC)

Faye said she was a bit upset that no one seemed to have been listening to her back in June 2009. "I was voicing my opinions and what I thought and I wasn't getting too much response, sir," Faye said. "He would pretend everything was ok" Faye said. But she never asked MJ if he was ok since she thought he wasn't in the state of mind for it. Faye did not express any of her concerns to MJ's family remembers. (ABC7)

Putnam asked if Faye and MJ knew each other well. Faye said he thought so. Faye said MJ believed in doctors and that wherever they prescribed he thought it was ok. Faye said the first time she heard about Propofol was after MJ died. She was surprised about it. (ABC7)

Faye testified earlier in the case that MJ didn't take no for answer. She said it had to do specifically with her work. (ABC7)

Faye said MJ talked about the tour seemed he was trying to convince himself to do it. "It was always like he was talking himself into it." (ABC7)

Putnam: That last week, you didn't know what was going on?
Faye: Right
Putnam: Did you think MJ was self-sabotaging?
Faye: I didn't understand what was going on (ABC7)

Email Faye sent to Frank DiLeo was a note from a fan concerned with MJ's weight on June 20, 2009. Faye wrote in the email: Frank... Unfortunate she's right. I'm fearful he I'll make himself so sick be will die. If he doesn't do this show he has no where else to go. Another fan email forwarded on June 22 from Faye to DiLeo saying MJ was too thin. When he asked me to do this in May and met with him. I saw a slender but strong and coherent Michael Jackson. "I felt desperate when I wrote this email, because I felt I wasn't being heard or acknowledged," Faye said. "It seems like he is setting himself up to be the victim," Faye wrote in the email to DiLeo. "I thought the best pathway, he needed some psychological help," Faye explained. "I'm trying to figure out what is going on." Faye said she thought there was some sort of fear with MJ. "He hurts himself most of all," Faye wrote. Putnam asked what she meant by that and Faye said "He's dead!" "I don't think you, Kenny or Randy deserve becoming the villains, or the financial victims," Faye wrote. "This is between you and me alone," Faye wrote in the email to DiLeo. "I am leaving this in your hands as you have instructed me to do." Faye said she was trying to get their attention to do something. "I was desperate. I wanted a therapist for Michael." No response from Frank DiLeo or anybody else, Faye said. Putnam asked about her saying it was between the two alone, and she said her intention was for someone to help Michael. Faye's email to DiLeo: Michael is painfully thin... His bones are protruding. I'm one person that has physical contact with him very day. Michael's OCD is getting worse. He repeats his actions and rambles words constantly. (ABC7)

Hair and makeup artist Karen Faye testified about two emails she sent to Jackson's manager Frank Dileo within the five days before the singer's death that his health was deteriorating. In one of the messages, Faye warned Dileo that he and AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips might become "villains" or "financial victims" if Jackson were to die while preparing or performing a series of comeback shows called "This Is It." Faye said she struck a dire tone in the messages because she felt that earlier concerns about Jackson's health had been ignored. Faye sent the warning that Jackson may die in a message on June 20, 2009 — five days before the singer died of an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. Two days later, on June 22, she sent the warning about Dileo, Phillips and tour director Kenny Ortega being held financially responsible for the entertainer's demise. "I don't think you, Kenny, or Randy deserve becoming the villains, or the financial victims," her email states. She wrote that the message was "between you and me alone." She told jurors she was concerned the men "could be responsible for that in some way. Just kind of like where we are right now," she said, referencing Katherine Jackson's ongoing civil case against AEG Live.Faye's emails described Jackson as emaciated, paranoid and unable to perform. She told jurors Friday that while the singer's performances dramatically improved in his final two rehearsals, she was still not convinced he would be able to perform the 50-concert schedule of "This Is It," let alone its premiere. (AP)

In an email on July 1, 2009, Faye expressed concern to Randy Phillips about footage of MJ shuffling and wrapping around in blankets. Phillips responded: We control all the footage and it is locked at the vault at staples center (ABC7)

Jackson redirect

Panish: Were you seeing Michael not able to sing and dance on June 16?
Faye: Yes, sir
Panish: Did you think that MJ needed some medical assistance that time?
Faye: Absolutely
Faye agreed with Bugzee that MJ was deteriorating in front of everyone eyes.

"He was not in good physical shape on June 19," Faye said. (ABC7)

Panish: Who did you negotiate your contract with?
Faye: AEG Live (ABC7)

"He was burned a long time ago, had damage to his scalp," Faye said about MJ needing wig. "He had 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burn." (ABC7)

Panish: Were you being paid $150,000 a month?
Faye: No
Panish: Did you take the Hippocratic oath when you became a make-up artist?
Faye: No, sir (ABC7)

Panish asked if someone has died after getting make-up. "I never even burned someone with a hot iron, sir," Faye responded. (ABC7)

MJ went to rehearsal on June 18 but arrived late, Faye said. Ortega was very angry Michael was late to rehearsal. Faye said MJ was scared, paranoid, pressure on the last two weeks of his life. Putnam questioned Faye for 5 days in deposition related to Lloyds of London lawsuit. There were no lawyer representing the Jacksons. "I was quite sure he was deteriorating, sir" Faye said. "I had no idea what was going on, but there was something very, very wrong." Faye said she discussed with mortician MJ's body weight. Panish asked if he looked worse than on June 19. Faye responded: "He was dead, sir" Faye said on June 18 Michael was almost catatonic, stoic, appeared scared to die. (ABC7)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 09:36
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #43 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 41 – July 1 2013 – Summary

Katherine Jackson is not in court.

Jean Seawright, Human Resources Expert for Jacksons

Jackson direct

Jackson's attorney, Brian Panish, is questioning Jean Seawright, a Human Resources consultant. She has her own company, helps clients find, hire, train, compensate, terminate workers; basically the entire life cycle of an employment. Seawright said human resources relates to the people and the workers in a business. She has clients in various line of businesses: pest control, law firms, restaurants, car dealerships, hospitals, etc. Seawright has BS in Chemistry, has consulted in the field of HR for 25 years, advising owners and managers of human resources practices. (ABC7) Seawright has her own HR-consulting company based in Florida, but has clients in different parts of the case. (AP)

Seawright said there are several types of background check, including driving, criminal, credit and social security check. Depending on the reports, the cost can be as low as $5, background check from $10-15, $25 with other fees, Seawright testified.

She has testified in around 16 court cases, including one in which an employee killed a supervisor. The worker had a previous murder conviction, but no background check had been done, Seawright said. (AP) Seawright has testified in approximately 16 cases. Being an expert witness composes about 10% of her company's revenue.She charges $300/hour and has works a little over 100 hours in this case, Seawright testified. (ABC7)

Seawright has never works in the music or show producing industry, but said that she's qualified to testify since HR principles are the same. (ABC7)

She said her goal is to hire workers who are fit for the position and who are not going to put themselves or others at risk. Seawright said she doesn't differentiate independent contractors and company employees, since it's just a classification/label of a worker. "The same risks exist, regardless of the label," Seawright explained. "You can't manage what you don't know," Seawright said. "It's important to understand what the history of what an individual is before hiring them," Seawright explained. She said that knowing the background of workers diminish the risks of the hiring. Seawright explained smart hiring process, which can minimize the risks and hire a competent and fit employee. (ABC7) Seawright said she doesn’t advise different procedures for checking the background of an employee vs an independent contractor. Doing background checks is relatively inexpensive, Seawright said. A Social Security number check might cost $5, criminal check up to $30. (AP)

Panish asked assuming Paul Gongaware knew MJ had prescription drug issues, would that knowledge be critical in hiring a doctor for MJ? "Yes indeed, it would elevate the risk even higher," Seawright answered. Seawright: The organization knows the potential to harm the artist, they have information about the parties, which would elevate the risk.(ABC7)

Attorney Brian Panish asked Seawright a hypothetical question. He told her to assume AEG Live hired Conrad Murray at MJ’s request. Panish asked whether Seawright believed AEG followed adequate hiring practices. She said the company didn’t follow good hiring practices. She said she would have considered Murray performing a high-risk job due to several factors. The factors included Murray working in Jackson’s home, having access to confidential info and the singer’s family and giving medical care. Seawright said in Murray’s case, she would have recommended the following checks: criminal, credit and driving history. She would have also recommended a verification of Murray’s Social Security information. Panish questioned whether the absence of a criminal record would be enough of a check. Seawright said no. In forming her opinion, Seawright said she relied on the testimony of Dr. Matheson and other witnesses during the trial. (AP)

"They did indeed fail to follow adequate hiring practices," she testified Monday.Serving as a personal doctor for Michael Jackson was "a very high risk position" that warranted a background check to determine if Murray was fit for the job, competent to do the work and did not have a conflict of interest, Seawright testified. A simple credit check -- taking five minutes and costing less than $10 -- would have revealed the conflict of interest, she said. Credit checks are routine for many companies hiring for high-risk positions, she said. (CNN)

"I'd recommend criminal background check, credit and motor vehicle check and a social security verification on Dr. Murray," Seawright said. "Dr. Murray was in position of administering medical care but was paid by company that had the ability to stop the tour," Seawright said. "Had that happened, Dr. Murray would not be able to continue to work, he was in a conflict of interest," Seawright continued. (ABC7)

She said she saw no evidence of AEG conducting checks on Dr. Murray. Panish showed a chart of AEG's process to check out people, which separates employees from independent contractors.(ABC7) Panish displayed a board with a blowup of an AEG Live exhibit that their corporate attorney, Shawn Trell, used in his testimony. The board was titled “AEG Process to Check Out People.” It drew distinctions between employees and independent contractors. Panish gave Seawright a red marker and asked her to write whether they were processes that reflect standard human resources practices. Seawright said some of the processes including on the AEG exhibit were standard practices. Others were not. There were seven items on the procedures for Independent Contractors. Seawright wrote that none were standard practices. The processes included relying on a previous working relationship with AEG, or being known to the artist. She said requiring an independent contractor to be fully insured and indemnifying AEG from liability benefited the company. She said using a process like AEG employed could lead to harm. She said an independent contractor can cause as much harm as an employee. Seawright said at the minimum, AEG Live should have done a credit check on Conrad Murray. AEG Live’s lawyers objected to some of the questions Seawright was being asked, but judge allowed her to respond to most of them. (AP)

Seawright said there are risks involving employees who are not necessarily dealing with money. The expert said that looking at someone's professional license is not enough to qualify a potential worker. Seawright went through all the procedures AEG has in place to hire independent contractors and said most of their process only protects AEG. Seawright said the label of the employee doesn't change the fact that the company is responsible for the hiring of fit and competent person. Panish: Could independent contractors cause the same damage as employees? Seawright: Yes (ABC7)

Seawright said background checking minimizes the risk of hiring someone. Seawright opined that just including in the contract that Dr. Murray needed to be licensed is not sufficient to determine his competency. "I did not see any evidence in my review of documents and testimony," Seawright said about AEG checking Dr. Murray's medical license. "You can't just always take people's word" Seawright explained, saying that until you check their credentials you don't know if they are fit. (ABC7)

Panish: Did you see anything that qualified Dr. Murray as extremely successful? Seawright: I saw nothing that was done to determine that. Seawright talked about Phillips' email where he said Dr. Murray was extremely successful and didn't need the gig. She said Phillips acknowledged what the criteria was, that they needed someone ethical and unbiased"The email is a recognition by Mr. Phillips to hire someone who doesn't need the gig," Seawright opined.. (ABC7)

Seawright then testified about an email from AEG Chief Executive Randy Phillips to tour director Kenny Ortega, in which Phillips said Murray was “extremely successful” – noting “we check everyone out” – and “does not need this gig, so he is totally unbiased and ethical.” Seawright said that email indicated Phillips understood the criteria for the job and that AEG had a process in place for examining its workers. When asked if she saw evidence indicating the company in fact “checked out” Murray’s background, she replied: “I did not.” Ultimately, she said, the email indicated AEG was in a "sort of trap … where if you don’t check out a worker adequately, then you are in a situation like this.” “It was Mr. Phillips saying what he hoped was the case but we later found out was not the case,” she said. (LATimes)

Seawright said entertainment companies are not different from others, HR is practice across businesses lines to find fit, competent workers. No matter what business you are, you need to follow HR protocols, Seawright said.(ABC7)

The expert explained the credit check is used to determine whether or not the person met all his/her obligations, if there had any default. Seawright explained the problem is not the debt at all, it's the fact you are in default of the debt, that you haven't met your obligations. She said credit checks are inexpensive, cost between $5-8 and takes about 5 minutes to get the report. As to Dr. Murray, Seawright said AEG should have done, at minimum, a credit check. MJ was just a referral of Dr. Murray, Seawright said, and AEG should've done further investigations on him. Seawright said Dr. Murray was going to be in MJ's house, would have exposure to confidential information, so he needed to be checked out. Moreover, Dr. Murray would be providing medical care to MJ, and AEG should've checked him out, the expert opined. To get a credit report, you have to have the individual's consent, Seawright said. (ABC7)

The expert analyzed an email from outside counsel Kathy Jorrie to Phillips recommending background check on Dr. Tohme. (ABC7)

During deposition, AEG's attorney Jessica Bina showed study where out of 158 employers 3 % indicated they did credit check in healthcare. Another part of the survey related to employees working at people's homes, in which 30% employers conduct credit checks, Seawright testified. Panish: Could AEG have done a background check on Dr. Murray? Seawright: There's no question they could've done that, if they wanted to. "Being in debt is just having debt," Seawright explained. "But default is not paying the debts." (ABC7)

Dr. Murray had three different social security numbers in his credit report, according to LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez. Seawright said AEG could've run Dr. Murray's background and would've gotten the same information Det. Martinez received. (ABC7)

Panish: Do you know any special rules that apply to AEG Live? Seawright: No (ABC7)
Nothing further from plaintiff.

AEG Cross

AEG's attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina did cross examination.

Bina asked if all the opinions Seawright offered are based on the assumption that AEG, not MJ, hired Dr. Murray. She said yes. Seawright said she did not analyze the info assuming Michael Jackson hired Dr. Murray. Judge told the jurors that ultimately they are the ones who are going to decide who hired Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

Seawright Associates has four employees currently. Seawright said she has no idea if plaintiffs checked her background, but that she did not sign a release to check her credit. (ABC7)

Seawright said she never ran her doctors' background. She has not worked with concert promoters or the music industry. The expert said this is the 1st case where a person's credit history is major issue. The other cases involved criminal history and behavior (ABC7) She said the Jackson vs AEG Live case is the first one where a person’s credit history was an issue. Other cases involved criminal history. (AP)

Stebbins Bina tried to get Seawright to define the term “Independent contractor.” Seawright said there wasn’t a standard definition. The effort to define independent contractor prompted a lengthy sidebar. Afterward, Stebbins Bina read a definition from the dictionary. Seawright said the dictionary definition didn’t totally define what an independent contractor was. Seawright wouldn't define the term. (AP) The expert said there's no precise definition for independent contractor; there may be characteristics, but not a definition Bina gave hypotheticals to explain independent contractor. Most common background checks are criminal and reference checks, Seawright said. Seawright: It's important to be able to identify the best way to hire a worker, minimize the risk, determine if they are fit and competent. (Some jurors had their eyes closed at this point. It was very dry testimony, some audience members were sleeping.) (ABC7) A couple of the jurors seemed to be struggling to stay away during Seawright’s cross-examination. (AP)

A company can be accused of discrimination if the criteria involved in the hiring uses discriminatory practices, Seawright said. (ABC7)

Before the break, there was a tense session outside the jury’s presence on EEOC guidelines with regard to credit checks. AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina asked Seawright about whether the EEOC now prohibits credit checks. Stebbins Bina showed the jury a printout from the EEOC website that she said showed the agency prohibited credit checks. Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish objected, and pointed out the printout doesn’t have a date on it. He said doc shouldn’t have been shown. Stebbins Bina acknowledged during the sidebar that she wasn't sure if the printout was a federal regulation, so she'll check on it tonight. Panish was extremely upset during the sidebar, saying Stebbins Bina and the judge erred by showing the printout to jury. He wanted the printout and comments about it made in front of the jury stricken from the record, but judge refused for now. Judge Yvette Palazuelos said she would wait to strike the printout and discussion from the record until she hears more about it tomorrow. (AP)

Outside the presence of the jury, there was a heated discussion about a document AEG showed to the jury. Bina showed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) policy on credit check, saying it is a discriminatory practice. Jackson's atty Brian Panish argued vehemently that there was no foundation as to the date of the document and if it was in effect in 2009. Judge offered to take judicial notice of the document, but Panish said judge couldn't legally do it. Judge Yvette Palazuelos: is this is a regulation, rule, statute I can take judicial notice? Bina claimed the document, printed out of the website, is a policy and judge should be able to take judicial notice. She will look further. "The court should not allow that, plaintiff has been prejudiced by the misconduct of defendants' counsel," Panish told the judge. Judge read the document and noted it says "generally should be avoided", and it doesn't says it is prohibited. "It doesn't exactly say what you said," judge told Bina. Here's the text of the policy.

Document Pre-Employment Inquiries and Credit Rating or Economic Status: Inquiry into an applicant's current or past assets, liabilities, or credit rating, including bankruptcy or garnishment, refusal or cancellation of bonding, car ownership, rental or ownership of a house, length of residence at an address, charge accounts, furniture ownership, or bank accounts generally should be avoided because they tend to impact more adversely on minorities and females. Exceptions exist if the employer can show that such information is essential to the particular job in question. (ABC7)

Panish said the document is not a rule, regulation or policy and asked judge to admonish the jury to disregard it. Panish said it's misleading, inappropriate, should not be presented to the jury and it's unduly prejudicial to the plaintiffs. Bina argued she thinks it's clearly admissible, doesn't think it's appropriate to instruct jury now. "I do not believe there's any error in showing this document to the jury," Bina said. "You, improperly, took judicial notice over my objection and I'm requesting to admonish the jury now," Panish requested Judge Palazuelos. Judge: if it turns out judicial notice was improper but admissible in other ground, it may be difficult to explain to the jury. Judge wants to make sure they get to the bottom of it, whether it is admissible or not, before instructing the jury one way or another. Judicial notice is a rule in the law of evidence thatallows a fact to be introduced into evidence if the truth of that fact is so notorious or well known, or so authoritatively attested that it cannot reasonably be doubted. This is done upon the request of the party seeking to rely on the fact at issue. Facts & materials admitted under judicial notice are accepted without being formally introduced by witness or other rule of evidenceand they are even admitted if one party wishes to lead evidence to the contrary. (ABC7)

Bina resumed cross examination, jury back in the courtroom. Bina: Dr. Murray had a medical license, right? Seawright: My understanding, yes. Seawright said that once she checked Dr. Murray's credit check it made him ineligible for employment, thus she didn't investigate further. "There was no need to," Seawright said, explaining the fact that Dr. Murray failed the credit history was sufficient to deny him employment. (ABC7)

Regarding Dr. Murray's contract "4.1 Perform the Services reasonably by Producer" Bina said it was an error and Producer should read Artist. Seawright said she saw contradicting testimony, several well-qualified people reviewed the contract and it wasn't changed in final version. (ABC7)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 10:04
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 3h
RT Open Letter to Media: Tired of Schemes: Michael Jackson Fans Scream for Justice
7:00 AM - 8 Jul 13

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Open Letter: Tired of the Schemes: Michael Jackson Fans Scream for Justice

A few days ago a British tabloid published a ‘breaking’ headline that stated Michael Jackson allegedly paid at least two dozen boys to keep quiet about abuses they suffered at the hands of Jackson. According to The Sunday People, the source for these incredulous claims are ‘secret FBI files’ exclusively seen by their staff.

These allegations are categorically false. They were published by another tabloid over two decades ago, only to be disproven by a handful of ethical journalists and Jackson’s fans. The “FBI files” are nothing more than a statement made from an ex-employee of Jackson’s, who was proven to sell his stories to the tabloids. In addition, the disgruntled ex-employee embellished his version of events, according to what tabloids were willing to pay. This ex-employee exemplifies the foundation of checkbook journalism in the sordid tabloid world.

We have had enough. Michael Jackson’s fans are no longer willing to ignore the blatant lies willingly and knowingly spread by tabloids and by others who use copy and paste journalism in order to make a profit. It shows lack of journalistic integrity and even worse, serves to underscore poor investigative skills which have run rampant for decades.

We implore the media to restore some degree of integrity and allow us a platform for this truth to be known. If the tabloids continue the salacious campaign against Michael Jackson, his millions of worldwide fans will have no choice but to boycott and contact their advertisers, negatively affecting their bottom line; their profit.

Michael Jackson is survived by his children, family and fans who love him beyond what any words could ever be expressed. Since he is no longer here to defend himelf, Jackson’s fans feel it is up to them to continue to pursue truth and justice for him. We thank you in advance for your time and consideration in this matter.



This letter was written by a group of Jackson's fans. If your fan site, blog, etc. would like to sign this letter, please leave your site name in the comments area. We cannot accept individual signatures because we are adding logos to the letter. The format must be short and simple to maximize impact. Please share this letter with all fan sites. We have a 48 hour cut off date for logos to be added. This means your logo must be added by 9 pm PST, July 9th. We are, tired of injustice, tired of the schemes. Help us tell the media just that.

Posted by Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some at 9:59 PM


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 10:08

Prince Jackson
Jiu Jitsu Badass
At Legendary Fight School

7/8/2013 1:00 AM PDT


Prince Jackson is one step closer to becoming a cold-blooded killing machine -- TMZ has learned, Michael Jackson's first born just earned his blue belt in Jiu Jitsu last week ... from one of the most famous martial arts schools in the world.

It's no small feat ... sources at the renowned Gracie Academy in Beverly Hills -- where the 16-year-old trains -- tell us, there are only 5 belts total in the Gracie belt hierarchy, and it takes a LONG time to move up in the ranks.

FYI, the Gracie family is Jiu Jitsu royalty -- and has trained scores of MMA stars like Brendan Schaub, Nate Diaz, Antoni Hardonk, Rani Yahya ... hell, even Tim Tebow.

As for the belts, blue is the second belt after white -- and in order to advance, we're told students must learn 34 different maneuvers (such as an arm bar, elevator sweep, and a guillotine) each with roughly 4 different techniques.

After blue comes purple, then brown, then black -- and to get to purple, we're told Prince will have to learn an additional 600 moves.

Better start practicing.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 10:26
Paris Jackson

Paris Jackson soll auf Spezial-Internat gehen

Montag, 08.07.2013, 07:15

Debbie Rowe und Katherine Jackson sind sich laut „New York Post“ einig, dass Paris Jackson nach ihrem Selbstmordversuch vorerst nicht wieder nach Hause kann. Sie wollen sie angeblich in einem Internat anmelden, das auf schwierige Teenager spezialisiert ist.

Paris Jackson soll in ein Internat für problematische Teenager gehen, wenn sie aus dem Krankenhaus kommt, berichtet die „New York Post“. Ihre Mutter Debbie Rowe und ihre Großmutter Katherine Jackson wollen, dass sich die 15-Jährige nach ihrem Selbstmordversuch völlig erholt, heißt es. Und sie seien der Meinung, dass Paris noch lange nicht nach Hause kann.

Die beiden wollten die Tochter von Michael Jackson (1958-2009) auch vom Internet und sozialen Netzwerken fernhalten, weil sie sicher seien, dass sie einen Rückfall erleiden werde, wenn sie schlimme Dinge über sich und ihren toten Vater liest. Paris soll jetzt laut der Zeitung an der Diamond Ranch Academy in Utah angemeldet werden. Das Internat soll auf Teenager mit Problemen spezialisiert sein.

ähnlicher Bericht: (Archiv-Version vom 10.07.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 10:33
dieser Majestik ist wohl der jetzige Familiensprecher? Muß man ja annehmen, weil sich sonst keiner äußert zu den Vorwürfen und zu diesem Artikel in der britischen Presse!!!
Allerdings der Satz:"toter Michael ist nicht genug für die Menschen" geht mir trotzdem gegen den Strich. Denen, der gesamten Familie ist das nicht genug gewesen, sie alle haben ihn vermarktet und tun es noch immer, sie haben auch alle ihre Öffentlichkeitssucht auf Michaels Tod aufgebaut (siehe auch Latunta).
Und genug haben ja nur die Jacksons nicht vom toten Michael, indem sie ihn noch vor Gericht blosstellen, nur um an Geld für ihren ausschweifenden Lebensstil zu kommen!!!!!

Übrigens gab es auch einen kurzen Mitschnitt von Reportern, da kommt die Katie Hilton und Latunta aus einem Lokal, die Katie verteidigt Michael gegen die Vorwürfe und die blöde Latunta steht daneben und steigt ohne einen Ton in ihr Auto ein, Pfuiiii!!!!!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 10:35
Na das können die doch nicht mit der Paris machen, die in ein Internat stecken, nein, unglaublich!!
Die braucht auf jeden Fall jemanden aus ihrer eigenen Familie, ich meine, ihre Brüder oder ihre Mutter. Das können die nicht machen. Wollen die Paris brechen?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 10:52
Dieser Charles Thomson fragt in seinem Artikel:
"Meiner Meinung nach müssen in diesem Stadium ernste Fragen gestellt werden, was hier wirklich vor sich geht!!!"
Ja hoffentlich schreibt er das nicht nur in seinem Blog, da nützt es niemanden, die Fragen sollte er an die Redaktion stellen.

Da es sich ja um alte "nicht vorhandene" Dokumente handelt sondern um etwas Zusammengestückeltes von einem Möchtegernautor und der "Mirror" z.B. so was veröffentlicht, sollte man wirklich mal hinterfragen, wo das herkommt.

Habe gelesen, das der Autor von diesen "Dokumenten-Artikel" mit Howard Mann befreundet ist.
Hat der vielleicht da seine Hände mit im Spiel, schließlich will der dem Estate eins auswischen, weil er ja schließlich von denen gedemütigt wurde. Könnte ich mir vorstellen und da steckt dann der Randy auch noch mit dahinter, er ist besessen vom Estate, er möchte die gern stürzen.
Ich schicke Dir per PN noch eine Twitter-Adresse, das mußt Du lesen OMG, ich weiß nicht, ob das alles so stimmt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 10:55
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Na das können die doch nicht mit der Paris machen, die in ein Internat stecken, nein, unglaublich!!
Die braucht auf jeden Fall jemanden aus ihrer eigenen Familie, ich meine, ihre Brüder oder ihre Mutter. Das können die nicht machen. Wollen die Paris brechen?
wer weiß, ob die Berichte überhaupt so stimmen, wie sie uns präsentiert werden ... bei psychischen Erkrankungen ist es oft sinnvoll, erstmal nicht mit dem täglichen Umfeld konfrontiert zu werden ... aber man weiß doch viel zu wenig über das Krankheitsbild von Paris und auch das, was die Ärzte alles feststellen konnten ... und wir kennen doch Paris eh nicht persönlich ... ich könnte mir durchaus vorstellen, dass man auch ein Einverständnis von Paris einholt ... denn wenn sie sich gegen eine Behandlung sträubt, bringt doch alles nichts ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 11:01
Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson's family to present 'smoking gun' evidence

08 July 2013

Michael Jackson's family will receive the laptop of his late manager Frank DiLeo today (08.07.13) which lawyers hope could be the ''smoking gun'' in their wrongful death trial against AEG Live.

katherine jackson 642591

Michael Jackson's family will receive his late manager's laptop today (08.07.13), which they hope will be the ''smoking gun'' evidence in their wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live.

The late King of Pop's mother Katherine Jackson and her lawyers hope the computer will contain bombshell evidence which proves her case against the concert promoters, who she claims are responsible for Michael's death by hiring Conrad Murray, the doctor that administered him with a deadly dose of Propofol.

The computer is currently in the possession of Frank's daughter Belinda DiLeo, who last week was ordered by a court to hand over the device to Katherine's lawyers by today - stemming from a subpoena filed for the laptop at the start of the trial in April - or face prison for contempt of court.

A source told the New York Post newspaper: ''First she said she didn't have it, but then she miraculously found it, and she's handing it in on Monday.''

It's believed Frank - who worked alongside Michael until his death in June 2009, and died two years later himself - was one of the 'Thriller' singer's closest confidantes and knew potentially incriminating details relating to Michael's deal with AEG, some of which he documented in an unpublished memoir before his death.

A source said: ''Frank knew where all the bodies were buried. If there are new emails on his computer, or a copy of his book, it could rip the trial wide open.''

Meanwhile, AEG's lawyer Marvin Putnam insists the new evidence is ''yet another attempt by plaintiffs to distract the press with a sideshow''.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 11:03
Ja wahrscheinlich wird das alles eh nicht so stimmen mit der Paris. Hab aber doch gelesen, daß das alles gegen ihren Willen geschieht, die wollen ihren Widerstand brechen, weil die anderen aus der Familie alles Duckmäuser sind und sich unterordnen, hat man zumindest so den Eindruck.
Das Kidnapping im letzten Jahr wäre doch nie an die Öffentlichkeit gekommen, wenn die Paris nicht über Twitter geschrieben hätte, das wollen die ihr auch irgendwie mit heimzahlen, garantiert.
Aber daß Paris Probleme hat, ist ja offentsichtlich, das will ich nicht in Frage stellen. Nur das Ritzen ist schon ein Beweis.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 11:11
na da bin ich doch mal gespannt, was die E-Mails von Frank Dileo ergeben. Nicht, daß der Schuss nach hinten losgeht. Da wird ja sicher auch der Geschäftsverkehr mit Allgood drinstehen. Ich glaube aber, daß alles heiße Luft ist, alles Mögliche lt. Antrag oder Einwand nicht vor Gericht verwendet werden darf, ja da wette ich. Allerdings ist der letzte Satz von diesem AEG-Anwalt auch wieder ein Hinweis, daß sie auf den "Nebenschauplatz" eingehen werden. .......und dann?

Habe gelesen, daß heute der Ortega aussagt.
Was und die E-Mails, na das wird ja dann spannend. :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 14:42
Jackson trial breakthrough

Last Updated: 12:03 AM, July 8, 2013
Posted: 11:53 PM, July 7, 2013

The personal computer of Michael Jackson’s late manager, Frank DiLeo, will be handed over today by his daughter in the hope of finding a “smoking gun” about the star’s death, sources tell Page Six. Lawyers for Katherine Jackson and her three grandchildren hope the hard drive contains evidence that will prove that executives for concert company AEG Live were responsible for Jacko’s 2009 death by hiring Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave him a fatal dose of medication.

The Post’s Richard Johnson reports that Katherine’s lawyers subpoenaed the computer before the wrongful-death civil trial started in April, but were stymied until an Ohio judge found Frank’s daughter, Belinda DiLeo, in contempt of court last week and vowed to jail her if she didn’t produce the computer by today.

“First she said she didn’t have it, but then she miraculously found it, and she’s handing it in on Monday,” a source told The Post.

The cigar-smoking, bullet-headed DiLeo was so convincing as a gangster, Martin Scorsese cast the Pittsburgh native in “Goodfellas.” The jury is already familiar with him from testimony of Michael Jackson’s hair and makeup person, Karen Faye, who said she overheard DiLeo dealing with the artist’s severe weight loss by telling a handler, “Get him a bucket of chicken!”

AEG Live boss Randy Phillips testified that he and DiLeo were standing in the emergency room at Cedars-Sinai when they were told Jackson was dead. “Frank collapsed,” Phillips said. DiLeo died two years later, following heart surgery at the same hospital, but he didn’t take his secrets to the grave. DiLeo left a manuscript of the tell-all he was writing. “The truth has to be told,” he said at the time. “I’m going to set the record straight once and for all.” It is in the hands of Mark Lamica, who worked with DiLeo for nine years.

“Frank knew where all the bodies were buried,” said an insider. “If there are new e-mails on his computer, or a copy of his book, it could rip the trial wide open.”

But AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam told The Post, “Unfortunately, this is yet another attempt by plaintiffs to distract the press with a sideshow.”

Putnam said he and his clients “look forward to the production of Frank DiLeo’s computer. Mr. DiLeo’s documents will only confirm what the defendants have said all along — that the defendants were never aware that Dr. Conrad Murray was administering powerful anesthetics to Michael Jackson in Michael Jackson’s private bedroom at night behind locked doors.” (Archiv-Version vom 09.07.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.07.2013 um 15:37
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:na da bin ich doch mal gespannt, was die E-Mails von Frank Dileo ergeben.
ja, man darf wirklich gespannt sein, ob auch dieses ganze Theater, tatsächlich dem Klageverfahren Jackson vs. AEG Live, dienlich sein könnte ...


8. Juli 2013 12:00
Michael Jackson

Beweismaterial erwartet

Die Familie des verstorbenen King of Pop, Michael Jackson, hofft, dass neues Beweismaterial den Prozess gegen den Veranstalter "AEG Live" beeinflusst

Die Familie von Michael Jackson (50) erwartet, dass der Computer des früheren Managers des Stars dem aktuellen Gerichtsprozess eine neue Richtung geben wird.

Die Mutter des verstorbenen King of Pop ('Thriller'), Katherine Jackson (83), verklagt den Konzertveranstalter AEG Live und behauptet in dem Prozess, dass der Star, der während der letzten Vorbereitungen für seine Tour starb, zu der Konzertreihe gedrängt worden sei. Heute soll der private Computer von Jacksons Manager Frank DiLeo (63) dem Gericht übergeben werden. Laut 'New York Post' hoffen die Anwälte von Katherine Jackson und den drei Kindern des Sängers, dass die Festplatte wichtige Beweise im Zusammenhang mit dem Tod Jacksons liefert. "Wenn es neue E-Mails auf seinem Computer gibt, würde das den ganzen Prozess verändern. Frank wusste, wo die Leichen begraben waren", erklärte ein Insider.

DiLeo soll vor seinem Tod im Jahr 2011 einem Kollegen ein Enthüllungsbuch gegeben haben. Spekulationen zufolge könnte das auf dem Computer sein. Das Manuskript ist im Besitz von Mark Lamica und soll Geheimnisse über den verstorbenen Star enthalten. "Die Wahrheit muss gesagt werden. Ich werde die Sache ein für alle Mal richtig stellen", sagte DiLeo angeblich vor seinem Ableben.

Eine Auswertung des Computers des Managers wurde Berichten zufolge schon im April verlangt, aber aufgrund von Streitereien mit der Tochter Belinda DiLeo konnte er nicht als Beweismaterial verwendet werden. In der letzten Woche drohten sie Belinda DiLeo mit einer Gefängnisstrafe, wenn sie den Rechner nicht bis heute freigeben würde. "Erst sagte sie, dass sie ihn nicht habe, aber dann fand sie ihn auf wundersame Weise und am Montag händigte sie ihm dem Gericht aus", berichtete ein Beobachter.

Die Mutter des King of Pop wirft AEG Live vor, den Arzt Conrad Murray nicht ordentlich überprüft zu haben, der Jackson damals behandelte und ihm die Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol verabreicht hatte. Damit sei AEG verantwortlich für den Tod ihres Sohnes.

Die Jury verhörte bereits die Hairstylistin und Visagistin des Sängers, Karen Faye, vor Gericht. Sie sagte aus, dass sie dem Manager DiLeo fünf Tage vor dem Tod Jacksons eine E-Mail geschrieben habe, in der sie ihn vor dem Tod der Pop-Ikone warnte. Die AEG-Verantwortlichen bestreiten jegliches Fehlverhalten. Der Anwalt Marvin Putnam behauptete, dass Dr. Conrad Murray auf Verlangen von Jackson selbst angestellt wurde. Die Klienten von Putnam fürchten das neue Beweismittel nicht: "Leider ist das nur ein weiterer Versuch der Kläger, die Presse mit einer Nebenvorstellung abzulenken. Meine Klienten erwarten das Beweismittel, den Computer von Frank DiLeo, gespannt. Seine Dokumente werden lediglich bestätigten, was die Angeklagten bisher gesagt haben - dass die Angeklagten nicht wussten, dass Dr. Conrad Murray Michael Jackson nachts starke Betäubungsmittel in seinem Schlafzimmer hinter verschlossenen Türen verabreichte."
