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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.07.2013 um 18:40
Chris Tucker an den BET Awards

2. Juli 2013

Chris Tucker erinnert nicht zum ersten Mal mit seinen lustigen und charmanten Anekdoten an Michael. Bei den diesjährigen BET Awards trat Chris als Host auf. Er nahm sich bei der Moderation einige Minuten Zeit, um von seinem guten Freund Michael zu erzählen:

„Ich werde euch von Michael erzählen, dass er wie jeder andere war. Es gab Zeiten als Michael und ich zusammen im Auto unterwegs waren. Wisst ihr, Michael liebte Rap Musik, er mochte alle verschiedenen Arten von Musik. Wir fuhren im Auto und er liebte den Song `In Da Club` von 50 Cent. Wir waren im Auto und Michael mochte den Beat, wir spielten den Song vor und zurück und Michael jammte dazu.“ An diesem Punkt weiter zu erzählen lohnt sich nicht, denn Chris‘ Erzählungen können unmöglich mit Worten so geschildert werden, wie wenn man ihn direkt auf der Bühne sieht und hört. Hier darum das Video (Archiv-Version vom 04.07.2013) , bei dem Chris am Schluss mit dem Publikum auch noch einen Song anstimmt. Lass dich überraschen!


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03.07.2013 um 18:45
Paris Jackson Will Remain In Treatment Until End Of Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Posted on Jul 2, 2013 @ 12:12PM | By jenheger

Paris Jackson will remain in psychiatric treatment until the end of the wrongful death lawsuit involving her late father, Michael Jackson, so that she won’t have to read sensational headlines about the King of Pop, is exclusively reporting.

Media reports circulated on Tuesday that said Paris was going to rehab. However, our sources deny the teenager will go to a rehab facility after leaving UCLA, but will be going to a psychiatric facility.

“Paris is doing better, and her doctors at UCLA are still researching where she should go after being discharged. It’s being recommended by her docs that she remain in treatment, and in a safe, controlled environment until the end of the wrongful death lawsuit ends. It’s a no brainer that Paris not have access to the internet, cell phones, and social media during the trial, since the horrific stuff she was reading about her dad pushed the teenager over the edge,” a source told exclusively.

As previously reported, Paris Jackson remains hospitalized after a failed suicide attempt several weeks ago.

Katherine Jackson‘s wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live, contending the concert promoter was responsible for the death of her son, Michael Jackson in 2009.

Last week, Paris’ older brother, Prince Michael, testified at the trial last week, and told jurors complained that concert promoter AEG was “killing him” in the days before his death four years ago.

However, unlike her older brother’s willingness to testify, “Paris wants absolutely nothing to do with the case or the trial. She was becoming extremely upset in the first few days at UCLA when the trial was brought up, and causing her severe anxiety. Paris will have to remain in a bubble until the trial is over so she won’t harm herself,” the insider told us.

The trial is expected to last until August.


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03.07.2013 um 18:50

Michael Jackson Sex Accuser Claims Dad Killed Himself After Being Destroyed By Alleged Abuse

Jul 3, 2013 @ 2:50AM

Wade Robson‘s dad killed himself in torment over the alleged sexual abuse his son suffered at the hands of Michael Jackson, it’s claimed.

The Australian-born dancer-choreographer revealed his secret family anguish in an amended complaint against the late King of Pop’s estate, obtained by, in which he claimed Jackson sexually abused him from age seven for a period of seven years.

Wade, now 30, had become estranged from his dad, who he said was found hanged in 2002.

The former So You Think You Can Dance judge alleged he recently learned from his father’s sister that “the thought that Plaintiff [Robson] might have been sexually abused by Decedent [Jackson] was a huge source of anxiety and depression for his father.”

Before the suicide, Wade’s dad had been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and his relationship with his wife Joy had “deteriorated,” the filing said.

Wade told the court his father had been with him when he first traveled to Jackson’s Neverland Ranch for a weekend retreat in 1990.

“The first night of the weekend, on or about February 3, 1990, Plaintiff [Robson] and his sister slept in Decedent’s bedroom (a two floor bedroom suite with beds both in the downstairs and upstairs areas), in the same bed with decedent downstairs,” it’s revealed.

“The rest of the family slept in the separate guest quarters.”

The next night the systematic sexual abuse began, it’s alleged.

Days later, the Robsons left the ranch to continue a road trip, but Wade’s father and mother allowed their son to stay behind with Jackson.

“Plaintiff slept in Decedent’s bed every night and the sexual abuse took place every night,” it’s said.

Robson’s family returned to stay Plaintiff at the ranch the following weekend, but again, Wade slept in the bed with Jackson while the family slept elsewhere in the house.

“The sexual abuse continued on each of those nights,” it’s alleged.

The next week, Wade, his mother and sister went to stay with Jackson at his Wilshire Boulevard apartment in Westwood, Los Angeles, while his father and grandparents continued on their road trip around America.

“Plaintiff slept with decedent in his bed at the Westwood apartment; Plaintiff’s mother and sister stayed across the street at the Holiday Inn Hotel,” it’s said.

“The sexual abuse occurred on each of those nights as well.”

Wade is now asking a Los Angeles court to award him unspecified damages.

“Plaintiff’s heart, body and mind were so severely manipulated as a child by Decedent that the psychological injury and damage it has caused Plaintiff to suffer will continue for a lifetime,” his re-filed case claimed.

“Often victims of such childhood abuse take their secret to the grave. Plaintiff has lived most of his life in unspeakable shame, guilt and denial as a result of Decedent’s wrongdoing.”

Interesting side note: Wade’s father is the SECOND dad of a Jackson sex accuser to have committed suicide.

Jordy Chandler’s dad was found in bed in 2009 with a single gunshot wound to his head.

The ex-dentist had reportedly changed his appearance to avoid recriminations over accusing Jackson of molesting his son in the early 1990s.


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03.07.2013 um 19:06
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 21h
Roger Friedman and Charles Thomson stand up for MJ's innocence, and fans.
9:28 PM - 2 Jul 13

andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 10h
Please RT The Desborough-Mann Connection
8:29 AM - 3 Jul 13

The Desborough - Mann Connection

Tuesday, July 2, 2013



andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 2 Jul
RT Proof Positive: Paul Baressi is the Source of the Sunday People Trash Story
9:15 AM - 2 Jul 13

Proof Positive: Paul Baressi is the Source of Sunday People Trash Story

Monday, July 1, 2013



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03.07.2013 um 19:09
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct 16h
Roger Friedman speaks with Mark Simone radio - 34:22∣=23420885 … Bits from Roger Friedman - (cont)
Retweetet von andjustice4MJ

WOR NewsTalk Radio
Mark Simone 7/2/13 Hour 1 - WOR 710
2:06 AM - 3 Jul 13


Roger Friedman speaks with Mark Simone radio - 34:22

Bits from Roger Friedman -

There are no FBI files .NO pay out - Michael did NOT molest any children .. He had a childish mentality .. He was set up by the kid in 2005 .. This Wade Robson testified in the 2005 trial .. you'd think he seen another kid molested and he'd save him..but no.. NOW that the probate is closing he comes along with allegations.

It's a total fraud .. Michael Jackson's kids are suffering. ...


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03.07.2013 um 19:12
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 1h
I don't agree with Roger Friedman on everything but I sincerely thank him for his info and standing up for MJ's innocence.
6:03 PM - 3 Jul 13

andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 1h
Media outlets reported what Wade Robson ALLEGES, but not what MJ fans can PROVE, i.e. fake FBI story. SMDH
5:32 PM - 3 Jul 13

andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 2h
who wrote the fake FBI story.

andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 2h
Howard Mann by his own admission, has used James Desborough extensively to leak information re MJ/Jxns. Desborough is the same journalist
5:00 PM - 3 Jul 13


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03.07.2013 um 19:18
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 17h
Not long after that, we broke for the day. I'l be back in court tomorrow in Jackson vs. AEG Live. Reminder: no court on Thursday or Friday.
Zur Erinnerung: kein Gericht am Donnerstag oder auch Freitag.
2:09 AM - 3 Jul 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.07.2013 um 19:26
Paris Jackson
Bis August in Behandlung

3. Juli 2013 08:30

Michael Jacksons Tochter Paris soll auf Anraten ihrer Ärzte bis August in psychiatrischer Behandlung bleiben.

Paris Jackson (15) bleibt noch mehrere Wochen unter ärztlicher Aufsicht.

Die Tochter des verstorbenen Sängers Michael Jackson (50, 'Thriller') ist nach einem Selbstmordversuch im letzten Monat in psychiatrischer Behandlung im UCLA Medical Center. Neuesten Berichten zufolge soll die bildhübsche Beauty eine Verlegung in ein Rehazentrum in Utah fern der Öffentlichkeit beantragt haben. Dies wurde laut 'TMZ' abgelehnt, da man befürchtet, dass die Anwesenheit des Promi-Teenagers zu einem Ansturm von Paparazzi führen würde.

Wie 'Radar Online' berichtete, wollen Paris Jacksons Ärzte sie stattdessen bis August diesen Jahres in eine Nervenklinik verlegen, um den Teenie vor Schlagzeilen im Zusammenhang mit dem Prozess ihrer Großmutter zu schützen. Katherine Jackson (83) hat im Namen der drei Kinder des verstorbenen Popsängers ein Verfahren wegen widerrechtlicher Tötung gegen den Konzertpromoter AEG Live eingeleitet. Die Urteilsverkündung wird im August erwartet.

"Paris' Ärzte sind der Ansicht, dass es besser für sie sei, wenn sie bis Ende des Gerichtsverfahrens in einer sicheren Umgebung unter Kontrolle ist", erklärte eine der Familie nahestehende Person. "Es ist ja wohl klar, dass Paris Zugang zum Internet und zu sozialen Medien hat, während diese Sache im Gang ist. Die ganzen fürchterlichen Sachen über ihren Vater zu lesen, haben dem Teenager einfach den Rest gegeben."

Prince (16), Paris Jacksons älterer Bruder, hat letzte Woche vor Gericht ausgesagt. Seine Schwester dagegen will mit der Angelegenheit nichts zu tun haben, wie der Freund der Familie verlauten ließ. "Paris war in den ersten Tagen im UCLA Medical Center total mitgenommen, als die Sprache auf die Gerichtsverhandlung kam. Sie war aus dem Häuschen und völlig durcheinander", so der Insider. "Es ist für ihre Gesundheit am besten, wenn sie von der Sache nichts mehr mitbekommt, bis alles vorbei ist."

Die Familie Jackson hat sich bislang eines Kommentars darüber enthalten, wie die Behandlung von Paris Jackson weiterverlaufen soll.

ähnliche Berichte (Archiv-Version vom 22.04.2021)


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03.07.2013 um 22:14

Jermaine Jackson
Paris Jackson Needs

7/3/2013 12:50 AM PDT


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Jermaine Jackson -- Paris Jackson Needs Discipline

Paris Jackson does NOT respect authority ... so says her uncle Jermaine Jackson ... who insinuated that P's cutting incident was an overreaction to being told she couldn't go to a concert.

TMZ broke the story ... Paris was hospitalized last month for slicing her arm with a meat cleaver ... after she became upset at being told she was not allowed to attend a Marilyn Manson concert.

Sources say Paris' issues stem from her father's death -- which she's had a very hard time dealing with ever since he passed in 2009.

But when we ran into Jermaine in Calabasas yesterday, he told us ... issues be damned, Paris still needs to learn she can't always do whatever she wants.

"[Paris] has to learn there are certain guidelines when you grow up being a teenager," Jermaine said ... "There are rules."

But Jermaine isn't just pointing the finger at Paris ... suggesting P's guardians are to blame -- "I just think that ... things could have been enforced a little stronger."

Jermaine never named names ... so it's unclear if his issues are with T.J., Katherine, or Michael himself.


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04.07.2013 um 07:52
Tabloid report on Michael Jackson 'FBI files' questioned

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 9:41 PM EDT, Wed July 3, 2013


* CNN's Drew Griffin: "None of this is new -- zero -- and there was no FBI involvement"
* "This stuff was not in the FBI files," former Jackson lawyer Tom Mesereau says
* "The paper took this old story and (made) it seem new," journalist Diane Dimond says
* A former porn actor whose investigator's license was revoked is linked to the material

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A London tabloid declared Sunday that "secret FBI files" reveal Michael Jackson paid millions to silence dozens of boys he abused.

The story quickly echoed throughout global media, perhaps in part because of the trial of the Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit against a concert promoter and the recent suicide attempt by Jackson's teenage daughter.

A website can enjoy a sharp spike in traffic -- which can translate into advertising revenue -- with a sensational headline.

But journalists and others who have closely followed the controversies and legal fights surrounding the pop star found the description by the Sunday People newspaper of the documents as being from FBI files to be questionable.

'Recycled tabloid reports'

"None of this is new -- zero -- and there was no FBI involvement," said CNN Special Investigations reporter Drew Griffin. "It just sounds like recycled tabloid reports from 20 years ago."

Griffin saw and reported on the same material more than a decade ago as a local Los Angeles reporter.

"The bottom line is this stuff was not in the FBI files," said Tom Mesereau, the lawyer who successfully defended Jackson against child molestation charges in a lengthy trial in 2005. "The FBI closed the investigation. It sounds like a bunch of utter nonsense."

Journalist Diane Dimond, who is no defender of the pop icon, also attacked the Sunday People article.

"It is obvious the paper took this old story and proceeded to make it seem new by adding numbers to it -- 24 boys paid off $35 million by Michael Jackson," Dimond said. "The problem is there's no evidence to back up the claim that Jackson made that many payoffs."

Dimond's book "Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case" details her coverage of allegations of improper relationships between Jackson and boys.

The tabloid report was published at a critical time for the Jackson family, as its wrongful death lawsuit against a concert promoter entered its 10th week and while Jackson's daughter, Paris, is being treated after a reported suicide attempt.

"The files will also dismay Jacko's kids, Prince, 16, Paris, 15, and 11-year-old Blanket, who have not yet come to terms with losing their father," the Sunday People story said.

Michael Jackson considered the British tabloids' use of "Jacko" to be a derogatory term.

Griffin, Dimond and Mesereau each point to Paul Barresi, a former porn actor who lost his private investigator's license for fabricating evidence, as the person who possessed the material published Sunday.

It included an audio recording of an interview done by Jim Mitteager, a reporter with the U.S.-based Globe tabloid, with a couple who worked as chefs at Jackson's Neverland Ranch. Mitteager left the tape to Baressi when he died of cancer in 1997.

"Paul Barresi made it no secret over the years that he had come into possession of the Mitteager tapes and that they included a long interview with Philip and Stella LeMarque, the former live-in couple at Neverland," Dimond said. "He discussed the tapes and their contents with me on several occasions."

Griffin said Barresi also gave him access to the material years ago. It included reports Barresi wrote when he worked for now-disgraced celebrity investigator Anthony Pellicano. Pellicano is serving a 15-year federal prison sentence for a wiretapping and racketeering convictions.

Porn star turned P.I.

"Since Barresi has fairly recently been stripped of his P.I.'s license, I can imagine that money has been tight for him," Dimond said. "My best guess is that the UK paper offered Mr. Barresi several thousand dollars for his copies of the old Pellicano files."

When CNN called Barresi on Tuesday to ask if he sold the materials to the newspaper, he responded: "I have no comment and that's all I have to say."

But before the question could be posed, he asked if the reporter wanted to know how many times he's had sex in a hammock. He explained it was a common question people ask because of his porn film career.

Barresi's films, with titles such as "Married Men with Men on the Side" and "Leather Bears and Smooth Chested Huskies," won him the X-Rated Critics' award for best "group grope scene" in 1985 and he was inducted into the GayVN's Hall of Fame in 2008.

Barresi, now 60, retired from the porn business to focus more on his investigative work, but court records suggest he was not as successful in that work.

He obtained a California private investigator's license in 2009, but lost it three years later. He signed a "stipulated settlement" with the state admitting that he faked a report about an ex-girlfriend's drug use to get her fired from her hospital job as a nurse in 2011.

Federal court records also show Barresi and his wife filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010.

Tabloid stands by story

A Sunday People spokesman would not confirm that Barresi was the paper's source or if it paid for access, but he did stand by the story.

"Our article clearly states that we have seen copies of reports, phone transcripts and interviews carried out by an agent working for private investigator Anthony Pellicano who had been hired by Michael Jackson," Rupert Smith said in an e-mail to CNN. "The files were seized by the FBI when Pellicano was himself investigated in 2002. The documents then became part of the FBI's files on Jackson case numbers CADCE MJ-02463 and CR 01046."

In fact, the FBI released files it collected on Michael Jackson in December 2009, six months after his death. Most of them related to the federal agency's support of the California investigations of child molestation allegations against the entertainer.

Los Angeles Police, who were investigating child molestation allegations against Jackson, called the FBI's Los Angeles office in September 1993 to suggest the agency look into a "possible federal violation against Jackson concerning transportation of a minor across state lines for immoral purposes (Mann Act)", one document said.

The Los Angeles County district attorney did not pursue criminal charges against Jackson, but the singer did reach a confidential financial settlement with the 1993 accuser, Jordan Chandler, and his father after they filed a lawsuit. Reports at the time said the Chandlers got between $16 million and $20 million from Jackson's insurance company.

The Chandler accusation became a key part of the prosecution's case when Jackson was tried and acquitted of molestation a decade later in Santa Barbara County, California.

Mesereau, who reviewed the 330 redacted pages released by the FBI, said the documents purported by the newspaper to have been included in the files were not there.

CNN also reviewed the files, which are still posted on the FBI website, and found none referring to other payoffs by Jackson. None of the file numbers matched those quoted by the newspaper.

"You can imagine what the prosecutor in Santa Barbara would have done with this information if they really had it," Mesereau said.

Phillip LeMarque did testify, telling the court that he once caught Jackson improperly touching then-child actor Macaulay Culkin while he worked as Jackson's self-described cook and "majordomo" for about 10 months in 1991.

Culkin, the second witness called in Jackson's defense, denied any improper touching by Jackson.

Jackson's guilt is 'inconsequential'

Barresi represented the LaMarques in an attempt to sell their story to tabloid media outlets, Mesereau said.

LeMarque admitted at the trial that he tried to make money from his story, even meeting with Barresi, who promised him $100,000 from the tabloid press, maybe more if the story were dirtier.

"He began to make the story more and more graphic as the price went up," Mesereau said, referring to Phillip LaMarque.

"Was it true that the broker told him the payoff might be higher if Mr. Jackson's hand was inside Culkin's pants?" Mesereau asked during cross examination.

"That's what he said," LeMarque said.

Barresi discussed his deal with the LaMarques in an interview for a PBS "Frontline" documentary in 1994.

"My interest in helping them was that they promised me a percentage of what they made," Baressi said. "I was not on any kind of crusade to bring anyone to justice. Whether Michael was guilty or innocent at that point was inconsequential. My interest was strictly for the money, as was theirs, I might add."


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04.07.2013 um 07:57
Specialist: 'I don't know' if Michael Jackson was a drug addict

By Kate Mather
July 3, 2013, 7:04 p.m.

Michael Jackson’s drug use was again the topic of conversation in court Wednesday, where an addiction specialist testified that he saw no evidence the singer was addicted to painkillers or the anesthetic propofol that ultimately led to his death.

Dr. Sidney Schnoll acknowledged that after Jackson interrupted his 1993 “Dangerous” tour to seek treatment for an addiction to painkillers, he was given propofol during medical procedures and Demerol for back and scalp pain.

But Schnoll said that based on his review of the case, there was not enough material to provide a definite diagnosis.

“I don’t know if he was a drug addict,” Schnoll testified. “I’ve not seen any evidence that would give me the information that would allow me to make a diagnosis of addiction.”

Schnoll’s testimony came in the wrongful death suit filed by Jackson’s mother and three children against entertainment giant AEG Live. The family contends that AEG hired Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave the singer the fatal dose of propofol two weeks before his “This Is It” tour was supposed to begin. The company maintains that Jackson hired Murray.

Murray is serving jail time on an involuntary manslaughter conviction.

Jackson's drug use has come up several times during the 10-week trial, including opening statements when Jackson family attorney Brian Panish said the singer had at times been "dependent" on prescription medication after being badly burned while filming a Pepsi commercial in 1984.

Schnoll, hired by the Jacksons' attorneys, said that even if the singer was addicted or dependent on drugs, "If he got proper treatment, he would have had a normal life expectancy."

He added: "If his underlying medical conditions — the pain, the insomnia — had been appropriately treated, he may have been able to get off of those medications or been treated appropriately."

When asked by Jackson family attorney Michael Koskoff if other factors — including Jackson's family, career, financial resources and love of fans — would have helped improve the success of any treatment, Schnoll said it would.

But a cardiologist such as Murray, Schnoll said, would not be "competent" to treat any drug problem Jackson might have had.

"He was an intervention cardiologist, which is a highly specialized area of medicine," Schnoll said of Murray. "Intervention cardiologists have no background in treating problems of substance abuse, they have no background in treating pain ... they look at hearts, which is totally unrelated.",0,6569766.story


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04.07.2013 um 14:20
Michael Jackson was not abusing pain medication in years leading up to comeback tour deal with AEG Live, says doctor

Dr. Sidney Schnoll based his opinion on medical records stating the King of Pop only needed 100 milligrams of the narcotic pain medication Demerol to knock him out for a dermatology procedure in late 2008.

By Nancy Dillon
Wednesday, July 3, 2013, 6:22 PM


Michael Jackson was a patient who developed an opioid dependence because of legitimate pain related to his burned scalp, says his former doctor.

Michael Jackson apparently was clean and not abusing pain medication in the years leading up to his comeback tour deal with concert promoter AEG Live, a Connecticut doctor testified Wednesday.

Dr. Sidney Schnoll based his opinion on medical records stating the King of Pop only needed 100 milligrams of the narcotic pain medication Demerol to knock him out for a dermatology procedure in late 2008.

Schnoll said Jackson would have built up too much tolerance for that dose to work if he frequently abused opioids during the era of his 2005 molestation trial and subsequent travels abroad.

“He would have to take a much higher dose of Demerol to get the (necessary) effect for the surgery," Schnoll told jurors.

The New Jersey-born doctor was acting as a paid expert witness for Jackson’s mother, Katherine.

Katherine Jackson claims AEG Live negligently hired Dr. Conrad Murray as tour physician and set the stage for her son’s fatal 2009 overdose.

Katherine Jackson, 83, is suing AEG Live for wrongful death, claiming the concert promoter negligently hired Dr. Conrad Murray as tour physician and set the stage for her son’s fatal 2009 overdose on the surgery-strength anesthetic propofol.

AEG vehemently denies any wrongdoing, saying Jackson personally hired Murray and begged for secret, bedroom-based infusions of the intravenous drug he called “milk.”

During his testimony, Schnoll said he didn’t believe Michael was an addict who craved and used drugs recreationally. Rather he was a patient who developed an opioid dependence because of legitimate pain related to his burned scalp.

He said plenty of celebrities have suffered opioid dependence, including President John F. Kennedy, who had debilitating back pain.

Schnoll said Jackson even got a Narcan implant in his abdomen in 2003 that steadily released Naltrexone, a drug that blocks the euphoric effects of opioids. (Archiv-Version vom 07.07.2013)


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04.07.2013 um 14:26
Michael Jackson wrongful death trial: Addiction specialist testifies

Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Miriam Hernandez

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LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- An addiction specialist took the stand Wednesday at the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial.

Dr. Sidney Schnoll painted a picture of the king of pop as a typical pain patient -- that is, he says, until the entrance of Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray.

Schnoll reviewed 16 years of the artist's available medical records, from the time in 1993 when Jackson announced his struggle with pain medication to the day he died.

The opinion of Schnoll is that the music icon was probably drug dependent. He testified there was not enough evidence to conclude that Jackson was an addict, a person who seeks a drug to get high.

Schnoll is testifying in support of Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against concert promoter AEG Live. The expert listed Jackson's medical procedures, including scalp surgeries after pyrotechnics in a Pepsi commercial set his hair on fire.

Later, months before his death, Jackson was getting cosmetic treatments and dozens of shots of Demerol, an opioid pain medication.

Schnoll said Jackson's available medical records showed that his treatments were legitimate and that Jackson never abused drugs.

That changed, he said, as Jackson prepared for his comeback tour. It was in the same period that Murray signed on to be Jackson's personal physician. According to evidence in Murray's criminal case, Murray provided infusions of the anesthetic propofol six nights a week for two months.

The plaintiffs say Jackson's health was deteriorating. Schnoll says that when Jackson missed rehearsals in mid-June, he was showing symptoms typical of Demerol withdrawal, such as chills and runny nose. He said Murray failed to diagnose it.

Yet on cross-examination, Schnoll said the dates did not coincide with Jackson's Demerol treatments. He said it was hard to say whether Jackson was dependent on Demerol at this time.

The plaintiffs said Jackson's earnings could go into the billions of dollars. Schnoll said Jackson could have gone on to live a long and healthy life. Under defense questioning, he qualified his opinion, saying it depended on Jackson getting help for his dependency.

Katherine Jackson's attorneys allege that AEG hired Murray and had a responsibility to monitor him. AEG says Jackson selected Murray and that AEG executives were not privy to Jackson's medical care.

Meantime, outside the presence of the jury, the judge warned attorneys to heed her admonishment or they were headed for a mistrial.

The issue was raised because of a statement on Tuesday by a witness for the Jacksons. A human resources expert testified that in her opinion, AEG hired Murray. The judge says that is a determination for the jury and that the expert should not have been asked her opinion. (Archiv-Version vom 16.07.2013)


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04.07.2013 um 14:45
His chariot awaits! Prince Jackson speeds off in car after night out in Beverly Hills

By Monty Archibald
PUBLISHED: 01:33 GMT, 4 July 2013 | UPDATED: 06:47 GMT, 4 July 2013

It seems Prince Jackson enjoys some of the trappings of real royalty.

For the teenager sped off in his luxury SUV after a night out in Beverly Hills on Tuesday.

The 16-year-old, the eldest son of Prince of Pop Michael Jackson, seemed in a rush to get home after taking advantage of his school summer holidays to visit the well-heeled area.

article-0-1AA337CD000005DC-330 634x926Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Fetching his chariot: Prince Jackson on his way to hand over his valet ticket in Beverly Hills on Tuesday night

The jolly schoolboy seemed in good cheer as he waited to hand over his parking ticket to a valet.

And he was rewarded for his patience when he climbed into his car soon after, with a burly minder in tow.

Prince was wearing a dressed down ensemble of black T-shirt, green shorts and Nike trainers for his outing.

He has certainly been enjoying his free time, and was in Las Vegas at the weekend to see the Michael Jackson ONE Cirque du Soleil show at the Mandalay Bay with his family.

article-0-1AA3392B000005DC-141 634x763
Having a ball: The schoolboy has been taking advantage of the fact he can go out during the school holidays
article-0-1AA33A5F000005DC-764 634x522
Wheely impressive: The 16-year-old has an luxury SUV despite the fact he is barely old enough to drive

He was in the news recently after giving evidence in the ongoing wrongful death suit filed by his family against AEG Live.

During his testimony he revealed personal details of his life and old stories about what it was like to grow up with the Prince of Pop.

He also revealed that he harbours ambitions to become a movie director when he grows up.

Prince told the jury: 'My dad taught me everything was a learning experience,' adding that he and his father wrote screenplays together and watched movies without sound to study the visual components of filmmaking.

article-2355312-1A94D331000005DC-125 634
Prince of Vegas: He attended the world premiere of Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil with Remi Alfalah at the weekend


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.07.2013 um 14:53
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
Schnoll spent about another hour on the witness stand, reiterating his point that there was no sign in records that Jackson was an addict.
1:58 AM - 4 Jul 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
The judge said the jury should disregard her testimony about whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
The jury was brought in, and Palazuelos read an instruction stating that Seawright violated a court order.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
Palazuelos: “I don’t know why you’re pointing the finger that way.” She told Panish to make sure he warns his experts from now on.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
Panish also said that he was trying to counter questions from AEG’s attorneys that suggested Seawright didn’t have an opinion.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
Palazuelos: “This is my concern. Nine weeks into this trial and this is getting in a mistrial situation.” (We’re in 10th wk of testimony.)7

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
Panish protested, saying “All I was trying to show was that she was trying to show was that she has an opinion.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
The judge said the answer veered into mistrial territory, and that Panish should have warned Seawright to not state her opinion.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
Panish had asked whether Seawright she had an opinion on whether AEG Live hired Murray. He said today he thought it was a yes-no question.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
Seawright told the jury she thought AEG did hire Murray, based on a question from plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
The judge noted that expert witnesses had been instructed not to state opinions on whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
After the afternoon break, Judge Yvette Palazuelos returned to the testimony of HR expert Jean Seawright. She was upset about yesterday.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
The doctor said he probably hadn’t prescribed Demerol since the 1970s. (He hasn’t been practicing with patients for several years.)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12h
AEG defense attorney Kathryn Cahan also asked Schnoll about Demerol. He called it a “dirty opioid.”
1:48 AM - 4 Jul 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.07.2013 um 14:54
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
Jury ordered to return on Monday at 10 am PT. Plaintiffs will play Dr Finkelstein's deposition. Kenny Ortega set to testify in the afternoon
10:13 AM - 4 Jul 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.07.2013 um 19:43
T3, Sean Ono Lennon und MJ ...

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 4 Jul
#ThrowBackThursday Me & my bros @tarylljackson @tjjackson w/ my uncle & @seanonolennon
BOWy7LnCcAAnCy9.jpg large
10:21 PM - 4 Jul 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 08:04
zu dem vorherigen Eintrag ... :)
1988 trat der 13-jährige Sean Lennon mit Michael Jackson in dessen Video zu Smooth Criminal und dem Jackson-Kinofilm Moonwalker auf.
Wikipedia: Sean Lennon


Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 11h
“@damienshields: In The Studio With Michael Jackson: A MUST for fans of the King of Pop (Archiv-Version vom 10.07.2013) " Great article Damien!
8:17 PM - 6 Jul 13

In The Studio With Michael Jackson: A MUST for fans of the King of Pop

by Damien Shields Posted on July 6, 2013


Last week, at Smash Studios in midtown New York, Michael Jackson’s long-time studio technician Brad Sundberg held two seminars, entitled “In The Studio With Michael Jackson”. Today I am bringing you some fascinating details from within those seminars which I hope will do the experience justice and encourage fans to attend future sessions.

more: (Archiv-Version vom 10.07.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 08:06
Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 11h
“@B__Marco: @tajjackson3 @tjjackson @tarylljackson …” Thanks Marco

#MJFam 1995 Michael's Nephews (3T) Comment on Michael
8:20 PM - 6 Jul 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.07.2013 um 08:10
Modedesigner Glööckler soll Michael Jacksons Neverland-Ranch umdekorieren

07.07.2013 | 07:34

Der Berliner Modedesigner Harald Glööckler soll die Gebäude auf dem Anwesen des verstorbenen US-Stars Michael Jackson ausstatten. "Wir wurden gefragt, ob wir die Innenausstattungen von Michael Jacksons Neverland-Ranch übernehmen wollen", sagte Glööckler der "Welt am Sonntag".

"Es soll ein Hotel daraus entstehen. Mal sehen, ob eine Zusammenarbeit zustande kommt. Diese hängt natürlich davon ab, wie interessant das konkrete Angebot für uns ist", sagte der 48-Jährige weiter. Auf der Neverland-Ranch in Kalifornien hatte der 2009 verstorbene US-Popstar Michael Jackson gelebt.

Nach einem Besuch der unbewohnten Geländes im Jahr 2010 hatten Jacksons Kinder angekündigt, die Ranch kaufen zu wollen. Im Januar 2013 gab US-Sängerin Lady Gaga bekannt, den Kindern Jacksons finanziell helfen zu wollen, damit das Gelände erhalten werden kann.
