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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 22:18 (Archiv-Version vom 07.09.2013)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
She cried during the entire trial testimony...after the trial MJ went to Bahrain. She is back on the stand after lunch.
9:40 PM - 9 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m
He wouldn't eat or drink during the trial for fear he had to go to the bathoom one of the guards would have to escort him. He was too shy.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
She was with him during the trial. She would do his hair and makeup for the "red carpet" at the courthouse.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
That tour ended when Elizabeth Taylor came to Mexico to accompany MJ to a rehab facility.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m
MJ on tour when the first allegations of Child Molestation hit the papers. MJ under a lot of stress. The world thinks he is a pedifile

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 41m
She told the doctor he couldn't go on in that condition but the Doctor said he could go on. She was afraid for his life.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
In Singapore she saw MJ stumbling and fell into a tree in his dressing room. She was afraid for him and told the Doctor.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
The package had vials and syringes. The Doctor told her she might not have gotten into the country with the package.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
A Doctor was added to the tour in Bangkok. He met Karen in the lobby of the hotel with the medication she refused to carry.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 46m
On one concert tour, Rowe asked Karen to carry pain medication and learn to give an injection. Karen said no.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 47m
He was doing a short film for the Adams Family - and suffering pain because of scalp surgery. Debbie Rowe would come with pain meds

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
On the early concert tours there was enough time between concerts for him to get rest but later tours got longer and show got closer

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
She said MJ had so much adrenalin while performing 2 hours that it took him a day or two to calm down and rest.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
MJ suffered from migraines after the Pepsi commercial accident

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
Karen is shown a commercial shot of MJ for athletic shoes. she can't remember the brand. The MJ supporters is audience tell her "LA Gear!"
9:22 PM - 9 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 22:42
Michael Jackson estate lawyer: New molestation claim is 'pathetic'

Anwalt vom Michael Jackson Estate: Neue Belästigungs-Behauptung ist "erbärmlich"

By Richard Winton
May 9, 2013, 1:02 p.m.

Michael Jackson walks out of the Santa Maria Courthouse after being acquitted in a molestation case in 2005. (Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times / June 13, 2005)

A lawyer for the Michael Jackson estate is blasting a choreographer's claim that he was molested by the pop star, noting the young man has stated repeatedly in the past that nothing occurred.

Attorneys for Wade Robson, who knew Jackson and stayed at the singer's Neverland Ranch as a teenager, have asked a Los Angeles judge to allow him to make a late claim as a creditor in Jackson's estate.

Most of the specifics are under seal, but documents filed May 1 that are publicly available say Robson's claim to money stems from "childhood sexual abuse." The documents cite sealed evidence from a mental health practitioner.

Howard Weitzman, an attorney for the Jackson estate, said, "Mr. Robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic. This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him.

"Now nearly four years after Michael has passed, this sad and less-than-credible claim has been made," he continued. "We are confident that the court will see this for what it is."

Robson testified in Jackson's 2005 molestation trial, in which he said that while he stayed at the Neverland Ranch numerous times and slept in the singer's bed, he was never molested.

"Absolutely not," he said.

A housekeeper had testified that she saw Jackson showering with a boy she believed to be Robson, who as an adult went on to choreograph for Britney Spears. Robson denied showering with Jackson and said he and the singer played together like children.

In response to the suggestion that Jackson may have molested him, Robson said, "I think it's ridiculous."

When Robson took the witness stand for Jackson's defense, the singer gave him the thumbs up. Jackson was ultimately found not guilty of multiple counts of abusing a 13-year-old cancer survivor.

The singer's criminal defense attorney told CNN this week the new allegations were "absurd."

"He was one of the strongest witnesses for the defense at Michael Jackson's criminal trial in 2005," Tom Mesereau said of Robson. "He was adamant under oath that he had never been molested at any time."

Jackson died four years ago at age 50, becoming the the only person in Los Angeles County not in the medical field to die of propofol intoxication in their home in the last 14 years.

Since his death, his estate's net worth has soared as allegations of molestation have faded.

Jackson's mother and three children have sued "This Is It" concert promoter AEG, saying the entertainment giant negligently hired and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave the singer the fatal dose of propofol. That suit is currently at trial.,0,2791385.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 22:47
Michael Jackson’s Ex-Business Associates File Lawsuit Against Estate, Claim Stake Of His Fortune

Posted on May 9, 2013 @ 12:59PM | By carvanradar

It’s hasn’t been a good week for the Michael Jackson estate.

First, Wade Robson filed a claim against the star’s posthumous fortune, alleging he was molested as a teen.

Now, has learned, two men have also filed against John Branca and John McLain, executors of Jackson’s estate, in the Los Angeles Superior Court in a bid to secure two percent of the late singer’s estate.

Broderick Morris and Qadree El-Amin allege they resurrected the King of Pop’s career after his acquittal on child molestation in 2005.

In return, Jackson promised them a 1.6 percent stake in the future Michael Jackson Company, the men allege in the complaint.

“His reputation had been sullied; he was beset with civil lawsuits and creditors from virtually all quarters. He was on the verge of bankruptcy,” the Morris and El-Amin claim in the complaint.

“Mr. Jackson began formulating a plan to revive his career with Ms. Bain, who enlisted the help of [colleague A.] King, El-Amin and Morris to form a joint venture through which they would exploit Mr. Jackson’s prodigious talents – not only in the realm of song and dance but in other areas such as animated filmmaking which Jackson had a passionate interest in for years-and contribute their own unique talents, time, efforts and finances toward putting Jackson back on top of the entertainment world as a performer as well as a businessmen.

The men say they lined up projects for Jackson, who died of cardiac arrest at the age of 50, with Kanye West, R. Kelly, Babyface and the Black Eyed Peas, the complaint states.

Morris and El-Amin are seek damages for breach of a joint venture agreement.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 22:58
Michael Jackson trial continues as concert producer testifies she feared for singer's life days before overdose when he said he was speaking to God

* Alif Sankey told the court Wednesday that Jackson was far skinnier than normal and was telling her and other concert producers that he could speak to God
* And on Thursday, a former makeup artist who worked for Jackson 30 years said she was asked in the 1990s to inject him with painkillers by someone who went on to become an executive at AEG, the plaintiff in the multi-million dollar suit

PUBLISHED: 20:23 GMT, 9 May 2013 | UPDATED: 20:24 GMT, 9 May 2013

A producer for Michael Jackson’s doomed comeback tour testified Wednesday that the singer’s frail physique and confused ramblings about speaking to God had her convinced he was at death’s door days before he died.

Alif Sankey, an associate producer for the tour’s London concerts, told the court that Jackson was extremely thin and telling people he was talking to God and she was fearful he would soon die but that she felt helpless.

Sankey told the Los Angeles Times that her fears drove her to reach out to the director of the This Is It tour Kenny Ortega.

article-0-19B3E5FF000005DC-259 634x342
Sad: Drawing shows Alif Sankey, who testified Wednesday in the suit pitting the Jackson's against AEG that Jackson was gaunt and said he was speaking to God days before overdose

”I said, 'He needs to be put in the hospital now,”’ Sankey said she told Ortega on June 20, 2009. ‘I kept saying, “Michael's dying, he's dying.”’

On June 25, just five days later, Sankey’s fears would come true when Jackson was found dead from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol.

The court heard that when propofol is administered to a patient, a number of staff should be on hand equipped with sophisticated medical devices to intervene if the patient stops breathing.

A toxicologist witness described the singer's use of the drug propofol as 'very problematic' in previous testimony.

article-0-19B3D5E2000005DC-625 634x763
Frail: Sankey said Jackson was abnormally thin and that she reached out to concert promoter AEG with fears he was dying

The crux of the case comes in the form of shamed physician Dr. Conrad Murray. The doctor administered the drug that killed Jackson and was subsequently tried and convicted of involuntary manslaughter for his role in the pop legend’s death.

Jackson's mother Katherine and Jackson’s three children are suing concert promotion company AEG Live for millions, claiming it should have vetted Murray before allowing the singer to employ him as his personal physician.

AEG claims it was Jackson who wanted Murray brough on as part of the tour.

However, Sankey’s testimony painted a different picture, one that showed AEG to be Murray’s employer.

The LA Times points to an email between AEG executive Paul Gongaware and Ortega concerning the physician, on which Sankey was copied.

‘We want to remind him it is AEG, not Michael Jackson who is paying his salary,’ Gongaware wrote. ‘We want him to understand what is expected of him.’

Sankey testified that Ortega had planned a 'tough love' meeting with Jackson and that she and Ortega were very concerned after Jackson told Ortega he'd been speaking to god.

'[Michael] didn't understand why God was speaking to him. We were both crying. We were crying because he seemed — he was not speaking normally to Kenny,' she said.

Sankey, who also cried during her testimony, was the fifth witness to take the stand in the trial.

Karen Faye, a makeup artist who worked with Jackson for some 30 years, also testified for the Jacksons.

Faye said that during the ‘Dangerous’ tour of the early 1990s, promoters asked that she give Jackson injections of pain medications, but she refused.

She says a tour manager who later became a top AEG executive then enlisted a doctor to treat Jackson.

Sankey, who first met Jackson as a dancer on the set of 1987’s ‘Smooth Criminal’ went on to describe in her testimony Jackson’s relationship with his children. ‘They loved their daddy,’ she said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 23:03
Pepsi fire left Michael Jackson with no hair, migraines: witness

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 9, 2013, 12:41 p.m.

A vintage video of Michael Jackson’s hair catching on fire during the third take of a 1983 Pepsi commercial was played for jurors Thursday as a makeup artist testified about the devastating migraine headaches the pop singer endured because of the injuries.

“I never saw anything like that in my life," Karen Faye testified. "This was someone I knew and he was on fire."

Faye, who worked with Jackson for 27 years as both a makeup and hair artist, took the stand in the second week of a wrongful death suit the singer’s mother and children filed against concert promoter AEG, which was bankrolling what was to be his comeback tour when the entertainer died in 2009 of a drug overdose.

Her testimony sometimes growing emotional, Faye recalled that when Jackson's hair caught on fire, he continued dancing down the stairs, having no idea he was burning. Finally, a friend of his ran onto the stage and wrestled him to the ground to put it out.

"All his hair was gone and there was smoke coming out of his head."

Jackson, she said, suffered intense migraines while the burns were healing, Faye said.

Instead of suing Pepsi, she said, Jackson asked Pepsi to build a burn center at Brotman Medical Center in Culver City where the singer was treated. "Everybody thought he'd sue Pepsi because it was a mistake," the makeup artist said.

Brian Panish, an attorney for Jackson's mother and three children, played a video of Jackson's hair catching on fire and another of the singer falling several stories during a concert in Munich.

In the second instance, she said, Jackson fell three or four stories when a prop he was standing on collapsed.

“When I saw what happen, I thought he could be dead,” Faye said.

But Jackson, she said, pulled himself up and continued performing. "I can't disappoint the audience," she said he later told her.

When he finished, he collapsed and security took him to the hospital, she said.

The fall, she said, left Jackson with back pain that flared when he was under physical or emotional stress.

The Jacksons are suing entertainment giant AEG, saying the firm negligently hired and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave Jackson a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol.

AEG says Jackson hired Murray and any payments the company was supposed to give him were actually part of a multimillion-dollar advance to Jackson.,0,401281.story


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09.05.2013 um 23:15
Quelle: Jackson:CH


9. MAI 2013

Gestern wurde Alif Sankey, Associate Producer der “This Is It” Show und ehemals Tänzerin für Michael Jackson, im Zeugenstand befragt. Sie sagte aus, dass Michael Jackson kurz bevor er starb zu Kenny Ortega gesagt hatte, “Gott spricht zu mir”.

Diese Worte zusammen mit der zerbrechlichen Statur von Michael, brachten Kenny Ortega und Alif Sankey bei den Proben zum Weinen. Bei den Proben am 19. Juni, also sechs Tage vor seinem Tod, schien Michael Jackson “enorm dünn” und verwirrt, als er sprach. Den Geschworenen wurde ein Foto von den Kostümproben an jenem Tag gezeigt, auf dem Michael Jackson offensichtlich mager und ausgemergelt ausschaute. Als Sankey im Anschluss an jene Proben nach Hause fuhr, rief sie Kenny Ortega noch vom Auto aus an und sagte ihm, dass sie ernsthaft glaube, dass Michael am Sterben sei und dass er sofort ins Spital gebracht werden müsse. Sie bat Kenny Ortega inständig etwas zu unternehmen und fragte ihn, warum niemand sonst dies aufgefallen sei.

Am kommenden Morgen verschickte Kenny Ortega einige E-Mails, die zum uns bereits bekannten Treffen mit Conrad Murray, Randy Phillips (dem CEO von AEG Live) und Kenny Ortega bei Michael Jackson zu Hause führte. In einer E-Mail von Randy Phillips nach diesem Treffen schrieb dieser, dass er Murray vertraue und “je öfter ich mit ihm zu tun habe, desto grösser wird mein Respekt für ihn. [...] Dieser Arzt ist sehr erfolgreich (wir überprüfen alle) und er braucht diesen Job nicht. Er ist also vollkommen unvoreingenommen und moralisch einwandfrei”. Dies steht im Widerspruch zu dem, was die Jackson Anwälte mit den vorherigen Aussagen bereits aufzeigen wollten, nämlich dass AEG Live Conrad Murray nicht vorgängig überprüft hatten, da sie sonst auf seine zahlreichen beruflichen wie auch monetären Probleme gestossen wären.

Als Michael Jackson für seine letzten Proben im Staples Center eintraf, hatte er eine Decke um sich gewickelt, wie das Video der Sicherheitskamera zeigte. Er habe nicht gut ausgeschaut, so Sankey. Sie habe ihn gefragt, ob er kalt habe und er sagte ja. An jenem Abend habe Michael Jackson zwei Lieder gesungen: “Thriller” und “Earth Song”. “Er tat’s, ist die Songs durchgegangen. Er war nicht in voller Performanceverfassung.”

Sankey schwärmte anschliessend von Michael Jacksons unglaublicher Kreativität. Sie hatte ihn als Tänzerin beim Dreh für “Smooth Criminal” 1987 kennen gelernt gehabt. Das Video wurde den Geschworenen vorgespielt; Katherine Jackson kamen dabei die Tränen. “Wir sahen, wie Michaels Vorstellungen zum Leben erwachten. Das war das erste Mal für mich als Tänzer, als Künstler, dass ich von seiner Kunstfertigkeit und seinem Auge für jedes Detail vollkommen inspiriert war. Er war so fokussiert auf jedes Detail und nichts entging ihm.” Mit Michael Jackson zu arbeiten war “magisch”, so Sankey.

Michael Jackson habe ihr auch gesagt, wie sehr er sich auf die “This Is It” Show freute und insbesondere darauf, seinen Kindern endlich zeigen zu können, wer er sei und wofür er stand. Michael Jacksons hatte seine drei Kinder Anfang Juni jeden Tag aufs Set mitgenommen, als er Videoelemente für die Show filmte. Paris hatte jeweils eine Handtasche dabei, die vollgestopft war mit zwei Sachen: Süssigkeiten und kleinen eingerahmten Fotos von ihrem Vater.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.05.2013 um 23:19
Makeup artist describes Jackson's artistry, pain

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 2 hrs 8 mins ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A makeup artist who worked with Michael Jackson for nearly 30 years says the singer struggled with sleep and required a doctor's care to deal with pain while touring.

Karen Faye is testifying for Jackson's mother in a lawsuit against AEG Live LLC, the promoter of his planned series of comeback concerts.

She says Jackson trusted the advice of doctors to help him sleep and deal with pain from injuries and performances.

Faye says during the "Dangerous" tour, promoters asked that she give Jackson injections of pain medications, but she refused. She says a tour manager who later became a top AEG executive then enlisted a doctor to treat Jackson.

Jackson's mother is suing AEG claiming it didn't properly investigate the doctor convicted of causing Jackson's death. AEG denies wrongdoing. (Archiv-Version vom 18.07.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 07:55
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
Faye is back on the stand Friday morning at 8:30a.
1:38 AM - 10 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
Faye said Randy Phillips told her that he had read her emails and tried to do everything he could for MJ. That was at the funeral.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
She became more concerned for MJ's health in the last few days. She forwarded several emails to producers and included her own concerns

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
After a meeting between MJ, Ortega, and Phillips, Faye was told not to follow MJ's instructions anymore. She should show tough love.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
When she was asked about MJ's hair Fayes asked about her job? The attorney said yes. She couldn't answer...she said it was too personal.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
She said Director Kenny Ortega and AEG CEO Randy Phillips insisted MJ rehearse.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
Faye testified that MJ wanted to do the Tour for his children. they had never seen him perform. He also wanted to do it for his fans.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
She overheard Paul Gongaware from AEG yell into the phone to MJ security to get MJ out of the bathroom.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
She had concerns about MJ and expressed those concerns to Kenny Ortega.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
She testified that MJ was showing signs of paranoia. That MJ had to see her when he was on stage always. He would repeat over and over

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
She said MJ's skin was very dry, his eyes were dry, he was losing weight, and he kept repeating himself.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
She said the first time MJ went on stage to perform at the This is It rehearsals, she saw a change in him.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
When testimony resumed at 1:40p Karen Faye said MJ asked her to be on the "This is It" tour and she said yes
12:02 AM - 10 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 08:01
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5h
Here's a short update on this afternoon's testimony.
Makeup artist says AEG pushed Michael Jackson to rehearse

The Associated Press

Makeup artist says Jackson was pushed to rehearse

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's longtime makeup artist says she heard an executive for the promoter of the singer's planned comeback concerts insist that he rehearse.
2:10 AM - 10 Mai 13


— May. 9 8:23 PM EDT

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's longtime makeup artist testified Thursday that she overhead an executive for concert promoter AEG Live insist that the singer rehearse despite signs of Jackson's declining health.

Karen Faye, who worked with Jackson for more than 27 years, told jurors she became increasingly concerned about Jackson's health and agreed with a fan's assessment that the singer might die if he was pushed too hard in preparations for his "This Is It" concerts.

AEG executives continued to push Jackson, Faye said. She testified she overheard a phone conversation in which AEG executive Paul Gongaware told Jackson's assistant to get him out of a locked bathroom and to a rehearsal.

Faye described Gongaware, AEG Live's co-CEO, as "angry and kind of desperate" in the conversation. She testified Gongaware told the assistant to do "whatever it takes."

Faye said the only people she saw insist that Jackson rehearse were Gongaware and tour director Kenny Ortega.

The makeup artist and hair stylist is testifying in a case brought by Jackson's mother, Katherine, against AEG Live LLC. The suit accuses the Los Angeles-based company of failing to properly investigate the doctor who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the singer's death. Her attorneys also contend the company didn't properly respond to concerns about the singer's health.

AEG denies it hired Murray or bears any liability for Jackson's death.

Faye said she informed Ortega, Jackson's manager and AEG Live co-CEO Randy Phillips about her concerns about Jackson's health during the preparations for the shows. She said Jackson was frustrated and after a costume fitting days before his death repeatedly asked her, "Why can't I choose?"

She said that after Jackson missed several rehearsals, Phillips told her to ignore the singer's instructions.

Jurors are expected to hear from Ortega, Phillips and Gongaware later in the trial.

Faye, choking back tears, read portions of an email from one of Jackson's fans that she forwarded to his now deceased manager, Frank Dileo. It described the singer as a skeleton.

"If we do nothing, he will die," the fan wrote. "I know people who work for him cannot tell him anything. I know his own family tried to help him but he won't listen."

Faye said she wrote Dileo that she agreed with the assessment, but the manager never responded in writing.

By this point, Jackson was often cold to the touch and was becoming increasingly paranoid. Faye said he became obsessed with her being within sight when he was rehearsing onstage.

In earlier testimony, she described severe pain the singer experienced after performance accidents and his increasing reliance on doctors.

She said his reliance on medications coincided with the first time he was accused of child molestation in the early 1990s.

"Michael had to go on stage every night knowing that the whole world thought he was a pedophile," Faye said, shaking her head and crying.

During Jackson's "Dangerous" tour that began in 1992, Faye said she refused a request from promoters to give the Grammy winner injections of pain medications.

She said Gongaware, who handled logistics on that tour, brought in doctors who treated Jackson. The tour was halted early so Jackson could receive treatment for his prescription drug addiction.

His condition worsened during the singer's 2005 trial that ended with his acquittal of child molestation charges, Faye said.

"He couldn't eat," she said. "He was afraid. He was in pain. He got thinner. His physical pain, his back pain, it all kicked in."

Faye spent about 90 minutes testifying about her close relationship with Jackson, who hosted her wedding at his Neverland Ranch and enlisted her to travel around the world with him.

She breezily described Jackson's meetings with Princess Diana and other dignitaries, his Super Bowl performance, and other larger-than-life moments from the singer's life. Jurors and spectators laughed at times as a parade of photos and videos shot during Jackson's performances were played.

"I was from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was just very normal," she told jurors. "I found myself working with this magical person."


Anthony McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 08:06
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5h
AEG attorney said he expects to wrap his cross-examination of Karen Faye on Friday. (He hasn't started, and it's a 1/2 court day.)
2:28 AM - 10 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 08:12
Jurors stunned by video of Michael Jackson's hair catching fire

Last Updated: 9:45 PM, May 9, 2013
Posted: 6:33 PM, May 9, 2013

Rapt jurors today watched shocking video of Michael Jackson going up in smoke, as his longtime makeup artist chronicled The King of Pop’s decades-long bout with painkillers.

Panelists, weighing evidence in his family’s civil lawsuit against concert promoters, couldn’t take their eyes off the courtroom screen as they were shown footage of MJ’s hair catching fire during a 1984 shoot for Pepsi.

“He was dancing. He didn’t know he was on fire,” Jackson’s trusted makeup artist Karen Faye testified, describing the footage. “His hair was gone.There was smoke coming off his head.”

That wild accident touched off Jackson’s reliance on painkillers, leading to The Gloved One’s death on June 25, 2009.

Faye showed jurors e-mails she sent to Jackson’s manager, Frank DiLeo, on June 20 and 22, 2009, illustrating her concern about MJ’s health. At that time, Jackson was in rehearsals for a string of 50 London concerts.

“Please intervene … concerts are not worth jeopardizing his life for,” Faye wrote.

Jackson’s long-time dance collaborator, Alif Sankey, gave similar testimony yesterday. Sankey said she rang all the bells in June 2009, demanding that concert promoters and MJ’s managers step in to help the ailing star.

Faye traced Jackson’s struggle with painkiller to the 1984 Pepsi shoot -- though the makeup artist said she really didn’t grasp it until his “Dangerous” tour in 1992-93.

There were always two doctors around Jackson on that tour, willing and able to give him as many painkillers as necessary, Faye told jurors today.

“I came to learn there was a balance of medication,” Faye said. “They [medication] had to be strong enough to overcome Michael’s pain but not so strong that he couldn’t perform.”

Jackson’s family is suing AEG Live, claiming that promoters knew MJ was in poor health and didn’t do anything about it, as he prepared for the “This Is It” concerts set for 2009-10.

Faye’s testimony could build the foundation for the plaintiff’s contention that everyone around The Gloved One knew about his pill-popping.

Jackson, 50, died after Dr. Conrad Murray gave him a lethal dose of painkillers and anesthetics.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter at a criminal trial. Now Jackson’s family wants AEG to be held responsible for allegedly hiring the quack.

Faye also recalled an odd incident before Jackson performed at Madison Square Garden in fall, 2001.

When she went to his hotel room to make up his face before a show, Faye claims that a doctor stopped her and said: “I just gave Michael a shot, he’s going to be asleep for the next five or six hours.”

“I said that can’t be, he’s set to perform,” Kaye said she responded.

She eventually got into Jackson’s room, woke him up and fed MJ bagels to keep him awake and ready to perform, the makeup artist testified.


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10.05.2013 um 08:17
Jacko horror picture

From Post Wire Services
Last Updated: 4:12 AM, May 7, 2013
Posted: 1:31 AM, May 7, 2013

LOS ANGELES — Jurors saw a stark autopsy photo of Michael Jackson’s body yesterday, as his medical examiners detailed the King of Pop’s sad demise.

Dr. Christopher Rogers, a deputy medical examiner for the LA County Coroner’s Office, showed Jackson’s punctures and scars, vitiligo patches and tattoos.

Rogers also detailed how Jackson had his lips tattooed pink and his eyebrows and scalp inked with black.

There were three-quarter-inch scars behind both ears, suggesting he had at least one face-lift, according to Rogers’ notes.

No members of Jackson’s family were in court during the graphic testimony. His mom, Katherine, was told by her lawyers to stay away so as not to have to see or hear the troubling details.

Jurors see corpse photo.

The family is suing concert promoter AEG Live, asking that the company be held civilly responsible for the criminal acts of Dr. Conrad Murray.

Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for dosing Jackson with deadly amounts of anesthesia and painkillers, is serving four years behind bars.

Earlier in the day, a coroner’s toxicologist said several bottles of drugs were found in Jackson’s bedroom, making the examination of his remains a particularly huge challenge.

Toxicologist Dan Anderson said blood samples were taken from all corners of Jackson’s body — his heart, femoral artery, liver, even from behind his eyes.

“This particular case, we were looking for everything and anything,” he said. (Archiv-Version vom 08.05.2013)


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10.05.2013 um 08:33
Witness: Michael Jackson was paranoid, talking to himself in last days

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 10, 2013 -- Updated 0224 GMT (1024 HKT)


* Michael Jackson's longtime makeup artist testifies about his good times, last days
* Jackson "was acting like a person I didn't recognize" Karen Faye says
* Jackson tried to avoid rehearsing for "This Is It," Faye testifies
* "They had to make him rehearse," she says

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson appeared paranoid, repeating himself and shivering from chills in his final days, his longtime makeup artist testified Thursday.

"This was not the man I knew," Karen Faye testified. "He was acting like a person I didn't recognize."
Faye, who did Jackson's makeup and hair for 27 years, was the sixth witness called by lawyers for Michael Jackson's mother and children in their wrongful death lawsuit against concert promoter AEG Live. She testified Thursday and will return to the stand Friday in a Los Angeles courtroom.

The Jacksons contend that AEG Live is liable in the pop icon's June 25, 2009, death from an overdose of a surgical anesthetic because it negligently hired, retained or supervised the doctor treating him.

Michael Jackson's brightest and darkest moments brought laughter and tears as Faye testified.

His last days

Faye, who traveled with Jackson on his "Bad," "Dangerous" and "History" tours, said she was concerned when she first saw the schedule for Jackson's 50 "This Is It" shows at London's O2 arena.

"On looking at that, I said, 'He can't do this,'" Faye testified. "The shows are far too close together. I knew what he needed between shows. I thought he might last a week."

When she raised the matter with show director Kenny Ortega, "he kind of fluffed it off," she said.
"Michael's adrenaline and what it takes for him to perform with that much effort and what he himself puts into a show, he needed a lot more time to at least get some rest and sleep, and to be healthy and maintain that kind of longevity," she said.

He was "very upbeat, but he was on the thin side" when she saw him in April as preparations for the start of the shows in July were under way, she said. "I thought he had plenty of time to put on some body mass and muscle mass."

Jackson appeared "very, very excited" in early production meetings, but "the first time he actually got up on stage and rehearsed, I saw the change in him."

"The turning point was when he had to get up on stage and actually start performing," she said.
Jackson hated live performances, she said. "It was just too hard on him."

Eventually, "they had to make him rehearse," she said. "They're insisting to the point of going to his home."

In Jackson's last days, Faye was pressured to ignore what Jackson told her to do and instead take her direction from Randy Phillips, AEG's CEO, she testified. She once was ordered to put Jackson on stage and place his earpiece in when he did not want it, she said.

"I was supposed to exhibit tough love" and not listen to what Jackson was telling her to do, Faye testified.

At one point, Jackson locked himself in a bathroom at his home, refusing to leave for rehearsals at the Forum. AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware, who was in charge of the production, was "angry and kind of desperate to get Michael to the Forum," she said.

She overheard a phone call in which Gongaware was telling Jackson's security guard "to get him out of the bathroom. Do you have a key? Do whatever it takes," she said Gongaware screamed.

At a rehearsal in mid-June, Jackson was "very stoic" and seem "frightened." He was talking to himself, she said. "When I was around, he was repeating himself an awful lot, saying the same thing over and over again."

"He kept repeating, 'why can't I choose,' it was one of the things he repeated over and over again," she said.

A show producer testified Wednesday that Jackson told Ortega "God keeps talking to me."

Faye said she suggested to Ortega that a psychologist should be brought in to assess Jackson.

Faye, who had to touch Jackson when she put on his makeup, said it was "like I was touching ice." At one rehearsal, she covered him with blankets and put a space heater next to him, she said.

"I've never seen him so emaciated," she said.

Faye said she raised her concerns once in June with Phillips. He told her, "Yeah, this is bad. It's not so good. I had to scrape Michael off the floor in London at the announcement because he was so drunk," she said.

Faye testified that Phillips told her at Jackson's funeral that "he tried to do everything he could."

Did she believe him, asked Jackson lawyer Brian Panish.

"Sir, Michael Jackson is lying in a casket only a few feet away from me," she said. "I had no words to respond. That's not everything you can do."

The dark days

Michael Jackson endured pain for years caused by head burns suffered while filming a Pepsi commercial in 1984 and a back injury from an onstage mishap during a concert in Munich, Germany, she said.

Faye, who witnessed both incidents, described them.

"His hair caught fire, but he kept dancing," she said, as jurors watched the infamous video of pyrotechnics igniting Jackson's head as he danced down stairs on a stage. "I was screaming and Miko (Brando) got through somehow and had to wrestle him to the ground, because he had no idea he was on fire. Miko put the fire out with his hand."

The fire burned off a section of hair, which doctors tried to repair with surgery to stretch his scalp, she said. Jackson suffered migraine headaches after that, she said.

Later, a bridge suspended above a stage collapsed as Jackson danced on top of it during a show in Munich, she said.

"When I saw what happened, I thought he could be dead," Faye testified. But Jackson held onto his microphone, stood up and finished the song. "He said 'I can't disappoint the audience,'" she said. So he finished the show finale but collapsed in the dressing room when it was over, she said.

"He suffered back pain from that moment on," she said.

Along with the pain, Jackson had trouble sleeping on tour.

Jackson "was so buzzed by his own adrenaline after a show" it would "take him 24 hours to relax his body and, sometimes it would take two days to be able to sleep," said Faye.

"As the tour went on, shows got closer and closer, and he would have trouble sleeping," she said. "It would start out OK, but it would get worse and worse. He tried to find ways to deal with it."

Dealing with it involved a series of doctors, she said.

"Michael always believed that a doctor had his best interest at heart," Faye said. "He believed if he got something through a doctor that it was safe and OK for him to use it."

Faye testified that nurse Debbie Rowe, who would later become Jackson's second wife and the mother of his two oldest children, would travel with them on the "Dangerous" tour in 1992 with "a little bag" of medications.

"Debbie Rowe asked me to learn how to give injections," she said. "I thought about it and said 'No.' I am not qualified to handle any kind of medications."

When the tour was on its way to Bangkok, Thailand, Faye was asked to carry a package she was told contained medicine patches for Jackson's pain, she testified. She refused to travel with it, she said.

Faye testified that the tour doctor, Dr. Stuart Finkelstein, later told her "I'm glad you weren't carrying it. It has vials and syringes. If you had brought this in, you might not be here." The implication was she could have been arrested for smuggling drugs.

Gongaware, now the Co-CEO of AEG Live, was in charge of logistics for the "Dangerous" tour and was involved in the incident, Faye said.

Finkelstein used "a balance of medications strong enough to overcome Michael's pain," Faye said.

Later in the tour in Singapore, Jackson stumbled into his dressing room before a show, she said.

"He was having a very hard time walking," she said. "He was glazed over. He fell over a tree."

She told the tour doctor, whom she identified as Dr. David Forecast, that "Michael can't go on."

His show opened with him being thrust onto the stage by a "toaster," which requires him to "curl up and be shot up" from a small enclosure under the stage, she said.

"His arm could be severed," Faye said. "I feared for his safety, I feared for his life. I told Dr. Forecast, 'You can't make him go out. You can't take him.' And he said, 'Yes, I can.'"

The doctor "backed me up against the wall and put his hands around my neck and said 'You don't know what your doing,'" she testified. "I nearly fainted, and he grabbed Michael and took him to the stage."

The show, however, was eventually canceled, she said.

"Michael was under a lot of stress at that time because that's when the first child allegations were made public," Faye said. "Michael had to go on stage every night knowing that the whole world thought he was a pedophile. He had to stand up in front of all these audiences with the physical pain that he had and knowing that everybody in that audience is thinking that he was the vilest pedophile on earth. To this day I don't know how he did that."

The tour ended early when it reached Mexico City "because everybody knew Michael had a problem," she said. Elizabeth Taylor came down to Mexico to get Jackson, and "we all went home."

Faye later flew to England to join Michael at a rehab facility, which she described as a beautiful country home.

Michael's brighter days

Before Faye's darker testimony began, the courtroom was unusually relaxed with smiles and laughs throughout the jury box.

It started when Jackson lawyer Panish asked her "What is a makeup and hair artist?"

"Makeup and hair!" Faye responded, triggering loud laughter from jurors.

"Can you help me?" Panish joked.

Panish had Faye read to the jury the dedication note from the "Thriller" album: "This album is lovingly dedicated to Katherine Jackson."

Faye and Jackson became "very close" starting in the early 1980s, she said. "It was almost like a brother and sister relationship. If I was having trouble, I could call him and he could call me. You talk, you share, you become very close and imagine that over 27 years."

Jurors viewed a series of photos of Faye and Jackson together through the years, including one taken in January 1996, the day after Lisa Marie Presley filed for divorce from Jackson.

Jackson was upset because just before filing, Presley called him and begged him not to file for divorce, she said.

"She begged and begged, saying please don't file," Faye said. Jackson promised not to file, only to see "the next morning it was all over the press that she filed before him." The photo of Jackson out with Faye "was to give the press something to talk about" with Faye being "the mysterious blonde."

Jurors watched several videos that showed Jackson's talent and impact, a sharp contrast to all of the testimony about drug addiction and death.

They viewed several minutes of Jackson's "Thriller," which Faye pointed out was a short film, not just a music video.

Part of Jackson's 1993 Super Bowl halftime show was viewed, including his rendition of "We Are the World." "It was a very big deal, sir," Faye said. "I think it started the trend of having a big artist at the Super Bowl."

A clip from a Jackson concert in Bucharest, Romania, showed jurors how fanatical his fans were, dozens of them fainting as he sang "Man In the Mirror."

When his 1995 MTV awards performance was shown, Faye noted, "He can moonwalk in a circle."

Jackson's stamina during a show was remarkable, she said. "Some dancers would pass out, but Michael would be fine. He was able to do it."

Faye's testimony took all day Thursday and was set to resume Friday morning.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 08:40
Friend says she tried to stop dazed Michael Jackson from taking stage

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 9, 2013, 2:15 p.m.

<iframe src="" height="400" width="600" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>

A makeup artist testified Friday that before a concert in Bangkok, Michael Jackson was having a hard time walking, seemed to be in a daze and stumbled over a potted tree in his dressing room before finally being led on stage to perform.

Karen Faye, who said she had worked with Jackson for more than two decades and considered him a close friend, said she knew the pop singer was using painkillers but she had refused requests to learn how to give him injections.

The testimony, by far the most dramatic so far in a wrongful death suit filed by the singer’s mother and children, focused on a period in Jackson’s life when he was recuperating from being seriously burned during a Pepsi ad and was under pressure because of child molestation allegations.

Faye testified that while backstage in Bangkok, she turned to someone she knew as “Dr. Forecast” and urged him not to let the wobbly Jackson take the stage.

"I put my arms around Michael and said, `You can't take him.' "

“Forecast replied, 'Yes I can,' " she testified.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson | 1958-2009

The makeup artist testified the man, who she said was “an insurance doctor,” backed her up against a wall and put his hands on her neck, choking her until she couldn't breathe.

"He said, `You don't know what you're up against,' " Faye testified.

The doctor, whose full name was not mentioned, took Jackson on stage to perform, she said.

The tour, though, would soon come to an end in Mexico City, when Elizabeth Taylor flew down to take the singer to a rehab facility outside London, she said.

"Everyone knew Michael had a problem," Faye said.

Faye testified she was at Jackson's side during the 2005 trial in which Jackson was acquitted of molestation, helping him prepare for court each morning.

Faye cried as she described dressing him and washing his hair. They would get on their knees and pray, then hug each other and cry. They would play classical music and watch "Three Stooges" videos.

While Jackson tried to be brave, “he couldn’t eat. He was afraid," she testified. "The pain got worse. He got thinner. ",0,5585620.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 08:49
neuer Eintrag von Samantha De Gosson bei FB .
More than emotional day in court today! Got in even though I didn't win the lottery. Gave Karen a hug before she went in and we exchanged smiles in the court room before she went up to testify.

Gave her the thumbs up and she gave thumbs up back. As a witness I couldn't talk to her in the hallway during the break but I came close and just casually said how are you doing (knowing it was tough). She took a deep breath and just gave me the look of it being rough on her. I said I understand and went back in the court room. I will go back tomorrow for the rest of her testimony.

She was a tough cookie and totally herself. Not allowing herself to be anything but honest. Whether some people or fans like it or not. This should not be a "who's side are you on" trial but a "what do you know and what did you see" trial. This is about TRUTH, not wishful thinking.

She is still answering Panish tomorrow (Katherine Jackson lawyer) and will probably be cross-examined by Putnam (AEG). Tomorrow is a half day only and will start early at 8.30am.

I don't know if it is necessary for me to post my notes, a lot is things we already know. Karen has always been very public. Although there are things that maybe only I and a few others knew privately, I forget...either way. If you guys want me to I will at some point.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 08:59

Kommentare von Sam >

Samantha De Gosson PS: When I say it's not a "who's side are you on", I don't mean KJ vs AEG as both parties in this trial . My opinion has been stated before. AEG needs to lose. No question about it. I'm talking about the division in the fan community or media, that are based on bias, personal opinions, rumors, jealousy and bullying..or total ignorance.
vor 4 Stunden

Samantha De Gosson What some don't seem to understand is the fact that Karen couldn't just say all that she wanted to say, freely. She was being held back and asked to only answer certain things a certain way. She had no freedom to say all she knew or heard in the testimony today. She tried and was told off for it over and over again. This is a trial with regulations about what can be said and not said with legal bullshit, not a personal interview.
vor 2 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 09:12
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #10 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 8 - May 9 2013 - Summary

Katherine Jackson was in court.

Karen Faye Testimony

Jackson direct

Karen Faye MJ's long time Hair and Makeup artist takes the stand. (ABC7). Faye starts out by listing some of her famous clients, including Michael Jackson, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening and Smokey Robinson. (AP)

Faye spends several minutes describing what she does. She talks about having to get close to someone when she’s doing their hair, makeup.(AP)

She says her relationship with MJ grew over the 27 years she worked with him to a brother and sister relationship. (ABC7) Faye and Jackson became "very close" starting in the early 1980s, she said. "It was almost like a brother and sister relationship. If I was having trouble, I could call him and he could call me. You talk, you share, you become very close, and imagine that over 27 years."(CNN)

Faye spent about 90 minutes testifying about her close relationship with Jackson, who hosted her wedding at his Neverland Ranch and enlisted her to travel around the world with him. She breezily described Jackson's meetings with Princess Diana and other dignitaries, his Super Bowl performance, and other larger-than-life moments from the singer's life. Jurors and spectators laughed at times as a parade of photos and videos shot during Jackson's performances were played. "I was from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was just very normal," she told jurors. "I found myself working with this magical person." She said Jackson was like a brother to her. Even after she gave birth to her daughter, Jackson enlisted her for another tour."I said, 'I can't go all around the world with you. I'm a mother now,'" Faye recalled."Michael never took no for an answer. 'Yes you can, it'll be great for her,'" she recalled him saying. (AP)

She’s asked about the 1984 Pepsi commercial shoot accident. She says she worked with Jackson after that to mask his injuries.(AP)

Jackson’s scalp was badly burned, she tells jury. “I had to figure out, along with him, how to hide his injury,” (AP)

Faye, a Pittsburgh native, tells jury she traveled the world with Michael Jackson. “I found myself working with this magical person.” (AP)

Panish asks Faye to describe Jackson: “He was a gentleman. He was elegant. He was brilliant.” _ she says as she starts to break down. (AP) After a couple more questions, Faye starts to cry. She gets emotional describing Jackson’s creativity and relationship with his fans. (AP)

The jury is shown a photo of Jackson doing Faye’s makeup, brush touching her face. Panish asks her how Jackson did. “I didn’t like it at the time, but now that I look at it, I look pretty good.” _ Faye says of Jackson's makeup job.Lots of laughter. (AP)

Panish next shows Faye and jury photos of just Jackson where she did his hair and makeup. One of images is an Annie Leibovitz shot for Vanity Fair. “Who’s Annie Leibovitz?” Panish asks. “Really?” Faye responds. There’s laughter. Panish in a continuation of his self-deprecating questioning of Faye, responds to her Leibovitz quip, “Hey, I don’t get out that much.” (AP)

One picture shows MJ with tape on his fingers...Karen explains that it was a trick to get the audience to follow his hands. She says she knew he couldn't wear the glove forever. (ABC7)

Lots of photos are shown, including a smoky image of Jackson standing on tippy-toes. Debate ensues over what brand the shoes are. Panish asks if they’re Air Jordans. No, Faye responds. Judge names another brand. Nope, Faye says. Faye says fans in the courtroom would know the brand of shoes. Before Panish can stop them, two or three voices call out, “LA Gear!” (AP)

Jurors viewed a series of photos of Faye and Jackson together through the years, including one taken in January 1996, the day after Lisa Marie Presley filed for divorce from Jackson.
Jackson was upset because just before filing, Presley called him and begged him not to file for divorce, she said."She begged and begged, saying please don't file," Faye said. Jackson promised not to file, only to see "the next morning it was all over the press that she filed before him." The photo of Jackson out with Faye "was to give the press something to talk about" with Faye being "the mysterious blonde." (CNN) "Lisa Marie Presley was calling Michael the day before (the photo) was shot, begging him not to divorce," she testified. "So he promised her he wouldn't file for divorce. But the next morning, it was all over the press she had gone ahead and filed. He was devastated." (NYDailyNews)

Panish moves to videos of Jackson performances. He starts off with a performance of “Man in the Mirror” in Bucharest from “Dangerous” tour. In the video, fans are screaming, some being carted out on stretchers. Panish asks Faye if this is common for a Jackson concert.
Faye: “You obviously have not seen a Michael Jackson concert in your life.”
Panish: “I’m not answering that. I get to ask the questions.” (AP)

Part of Jackson's 1993 Super Bowl halftime show was viewed, including his rendition of "We Are the World" and "Earth Song." "It was a very big deal, sir," Faye said. "I think it started the trend of having a big artist at the Super Bowl."(CNN)

They viewed several minutes of Jackson's "Thriller," which Faye pointed out was a short film, not just a music video. A clip from a Jackson concert in Bucharest, Romania, showed jurors how fanatical his fans were, dozens of them fainting as he sang "Man In the Mirror."
When his 1995 MTV awards performance was shown, Faye noted, "He can moonwalk in a circle."Jackson's stamina during a show was remarkable, she said. "Some dancers would pass out, but Michael would be fine. He was able to do it."(CNN)

Faye tells jury she was responsible for keeping Jackson hydrated during shows. She says she’s never seen another performer like MJ. “Michael would do five songs to the dancers’ one. I never saw anything like it.” _ Faye says of Jackson’s performances. (AP)

A vintage video of Michael Jackson’s hair catching on fire during the third take of a 1983 Pepsi commercial was played for jurors as a Karen Faye testified about the devastating migraine headaches the pop singer endured because of the injuries.

“I never saw anything like that in my life," Karen Faye testified. "This was someone I knew and he was on fire." (LATimes)

She says when MJ was burned shooting the Pepsi commercial he did not know it and just kept singing. His friend Miko had to tackle him. He suffered migraines after that injury. He had several surgeries to try to repair the damage to his scalp. (ABC7)

“He was dancing. He didn’t know he was on fire,” Jackson’s trusted makeup artist Karen Faye testified, describing the footage. “His hair was gone.There was smoke coming off his head.” (NYPost)

Faye recalled that when Jackson's hair caught on fire, he continued dancing down the stairs, having no idea he was burning. Finally, a friend of his ran onto the stage and wrestled him to the ground to put it out."All his hair was gone and there was smoke coming out of his head." Jackson, she said, suffered intense migraines while the burns were healing, Faye said. (LATimes)

"His hair caught fire, but he kept dancing," she said, as jurors watched the infamous video of pyrotechnics igniting Jackson's head as he danced down stairs on a stage. "I was screaming and Miko (Brando) got through somehow and had to wrestle him to the ground, because he had no idea he was on fire. Miko put the fire out with his hand."The fire burned off a section of hair, which doctors tried to repair with surgery to stretch his scalp, she said. Jackson suffered migraine headaches after that, she said. (CNN)

Instead of suing Pepsi, she said, Jackson asked Pepsi to build a burn center at Brotman Medical Center in Culver City where the singer was treated. "Everybody thought he'd sue Pepsi because it was a mistake," the makeup artist said.(LATimes)

Jackson attorney Panish played a video of MJ falling several stories during a concert in Munich. Faye said Jackson fell three or four stories when a prop he was standing on collapsed. “When I saw what happen, I thought he could be dead,” Faye said.But Jackson, she said, pulled himself up and continued performing. "I can't disappoint the audience," she said he later told her. When he finished, he collapsed and security took him to the hospital, she said. (LATimes)

Later, a bridge suspended above a stage collapsed as Jackson danced on top of it during a show in Munich, Germany, she said."When I saw what happened, I thought he could be dead," Faye testified. But Jackson held onto his microphone, stood up and finished the song. "He said 'I can't disappoint the audience,'" she said. So he finished the show finale but collapsed in the dressing room when it was over, she said. "He suffered back pain from that moment on," she said.(CNN)

The fall, she said, left Jackson with back pain that flared when he was under physical or emotional stress. (LAtimes)

She said MJ had so much adrenalin while performing 2 hours that it took him a day or two to calm down and rest. On the early concert tours there was enough time between concerts for him to get rest but later tours got longer and show got closer (ABC7)

Jackson "was so buzzed by his own adrenaline after a show" it would "take him 24 hours to relax his body and, sometimes it would take two days to be able to sleep," said Faye.
"As the tour went on, shows got closer and closer, and he would have trouble sleeping," she said. "It would start out OK, but it would get worse and worse. He tried to find ways to deal with it."Dealing with it involved a series of doctors, she said.
"Michael always believed that a doctor had his best interest at heart," Faye said. "He believed if he got something through a doctor that it was safe and OK for him to use it."(CNN)

She says Jackson trusted the advice of doctors to help him sleep and deal with pain from injuries and performances. (AP)

He was doing a short film for the Adams Family - and suffering pain because of scalp surgery. Debbie Rowe would come with pain meds. (ABC7)

Faye says during the "Dangerous" tour, promoters asked that she give Jackson injections of pain medications, but she refused. She says a tour manager who later became a top AEG executive then enlisted a doctor to treat Jackson.(ABC7)

That Pepsi burn touched off Jackson’s reliance on painkillers -- though Faye said she really didn’t grasp it until his “Dangerous” tour in 1992-93. Faye said there were always two doctors around Jackson on that tour, willing and able to give him as many painkillers as necessary.(NYPost)

“I came to learn there was a balance of medication,” Faye said. “They [medication] had to be strong enough to overcome Michael’s pain but not so strong that he couldn’t perform.” (NYPost)

On one concert tour, Rowe asked Karen to carry pain medication and learn to give an injection. Karen said no. (ABC7) "Debbie Rowe asked me to learn how to give injections," she said. "I thought about it and said 'No.' I am not qualified to handle any kind of medications."(CNN)

Despite being asked by tour promoters, Faye said she refused to give the performer injections for pain. She said Paul Gongaware, a promoter who later became a top executive with AEG Live LLC, then brought in doctors who treated Jackson in 1993 on his "Dangerous" tour, which she told jurors had to be halted early due to the singer's prescription drug addiction.(AP)

A Doctor was added to the tour in Bangkok. He met Karen in the lobby of the hotel with the medication she refused to carry. The package had vials and syringes. The Doctor told her she might not have gotten into the country with the package. (ABC7)

When the tour was on its way to Bangkok, Thailand, Faye was asked to carry a package she was told contained medicine patches for Jackson's pain, she testified. She refused to travel with it, she said.Faye testified that the tour doctor -- Dr. Stuart Finkelstein -- later told her "I'm glad you weren't carrying it. It has vials and syringes. If you had brought this in, you might not be here." The implication was she could have been arrested for smuggling drugs. Gongaware, now the Co-CEO of AEG Live, was in charge of logistics for the "Dangerous" tour and was involved in the incident, Faye said. (CNN)

In Singapore she saw MJ stumbling and fell into a tree in his dressing room. She was afraid for him and told the Doctor. She told the doctor he couldn't go on in that condition but the Doctor said he could go on. She was afraid for his life. (ABC7)

Karen Faye testified that before a concert in Bangkok, Michael Jackson was having a hard time walking, seemed to be in a daze and stumbled over a potted tree in his dressing room before finally being led on stage to perform. (LAtimes)

Faye testified that while backstage in Bangkok, she turned to someone she knew as “Dr. Forecast” and urged him not to let the wobbly Jackson take the stage.

"I put my arms around Michael and said, `You can't take him.' "

“Forecast replied, 'Yes I can,' " she testified.

The makeup artist testified the man, who she said was “an insurance doctor,” backed her up against a wall and put his hands on her neck, choking her until she couldn't breathe.

"He said, `You don't know what you're up against,' " Faye testified.

The doctor, whose full name was not mentioned, took Jackson on stage to perform, she said. (LATimes)

Later in the tour in Singapore, Jackson stumbled into his dressing room before a show, she said. "He was having a very hard time walking," she said. "He was glazed over. He fell over a tree."
She told the tour doctor -- whom she identified as Dr. David Forecast -- that "Michael can't go on."
His show opened with him being thrust onto the stage by a "toaster," which requires him to "curl up and be shot up" from a small enclosure under the stage, she said.
"His arm could be severed," Faye said. "I feared for his safety, I feared for his life. I told Dr. Forecast 'You can't make him go out. You can't take him.' And he said 'Yes, I can.'"
The doctor "backed me up against the wall and put his hands around my neck and said 'You don't know what your doing,'" she testified. "I nearly fainted, and he grabbed Michael and took him to the stage." (CNN)

She said Dr. Forecast marched a disoriented Jackson to the stage, but the concert was cancelled nonetheless. (NYDailyNews)

Faye said she never witnessed the singer's treatments, but he appeared to become more dependent on prescription drugs in the years following the "Dangerous" tour. she said she worried every time she saw a doctor arrive to treat Jackson."I was always worried that Michael was in pain," Faye said under questioning by Brian Panish, an attorney for Jackson's mother. She said Jackson had a low pain tolerance except while performing.(AP)

MJ on tour when the first allegations of Child Molestation hit the papers. MJ under a lot of stress. The world thinks he is a pedophile. That tour ended when Elizabeth Taylor came to Mexico to accompany MJ to a rehab facility. (ABC7) The tour, though, would soon come to an end in Mexico City, when Elizabeth Taylor flew down to take the singer to a rehab facility outside London, she said."Everyone knew Michael had a problem," Faye said. (LATimes) The tour ended early when it reached Mexico City "because everybody knew Michael had a problem," she said. Elizabeth Taylor came down to Mexico to get Jackson, and "we all went home."Faye later flew to England to join Michael at a rehab facility, which she described as a beautiful country home.(CNN)

Witness Karen Faye also recalled how Jackson's reliance on medications coincided with the first time he was accused of child molestation in the early 1990s."Michael had to go on stage every night knowing that the whole world thought he was a pedophile," Faye said, shaking her head and crying. (AP)

Faye also recalled an odd incident before Jackson performed at Madison Square Garden in fall, 2001.When she went to his hotel room to make up his face before a show, Faye testified that a doctor stopped her and said: “I just gave Michael a shot, he’s going to be asleep for the next five or six hours.” “I said that can’t be, he’s set to perform,” Kaye said she responded.She eventually got into Jackson’s room, woke him up and fed MJ bagels to keep him awake and ready to perform, that makeup artist testified.(NYPost)

The media put Michael Jackson "on display" during his molestation trial, Faye said, wiping tears. During that trial, MJ would wake, play classical music, watch 3 Stooges-anything that made him happy- before heading to court. Michael Jackson took care with his hair and dress but couldn't eat during the trial and lost weight, Karen Faye said. (LATimes) Faye cried as she described dressing him and washing his hair. They would get on their knees and pray, then hug each other and cry. They would play classical music and watch "Three Stooges" videos.While Jackson tried to be brave, “he couldn’t eat. He was afraid," she testified. "The pain got worse. He got thinner. " (LAtimes)

She was with him during the trial. She would do his hair and makeup for the "red carpet" at the courthouse. He wouldn't eat or drink during the trial for fear he had to go to the bathroom one of the guards would have to escort him. He was too shy. (ABC7)

Faye also described working with Michael during the 2005 molestation trial that ended with his aquittal. She would go to Neverland Ranch each morning before daybreak to help him wash and dress, she said.
"I wanted people to think he still looked good and was still strong," she testified. "I'd wash his hair in the shampoo bowl (and) blow it dry. We'd play classical music and watch 'The Three Stooges.'"
She said it was a particularly difficult time for the superstar.
"He was losing weight," she said. "He couldn't eat because he didn't want to throw up because he had to watch all these people he loved and cared about tell all those lies."
He also refused to drink in the mornings because he hated using the courtroom bathroom, she said.
He eventually got so frail that one morning he fell and had to go to the hospital, she said. That event led to the infamous "pajama" incident, in which Jackson arrived at court in his nightclothes because a judge threatened to send him to jail if he didn't appear immediately.
"There was no time (to change him)," she said, crying and dabbing tears with a tissue. "He went into court without his hair done in his pajamas." (NYDailyNEws)

Jackson's condition worsened during the singer's 2005 trial on child molestation charges, Faye said. Although he was acquitted, the pressure of the case and media attention took its toll, she told jurors."He couldn't eat," she said. "He was afraid. He was in pain. He got thinner. His physical pain, his back pain, it all kicked in." (AP)

Karen Faye said MJ asked her to be on the "This is It" tour and she said yes. (ABC7) Jackson attorney Panish asks who Faye negotiated with. She says AEG executive Paul Gongaware negotiated her rate to work on tour.(AP) Gongaware signed Karen Faye’s contract, which was finalized in May 2009. She was with Jackson a lot during "This Is It" preparations. (AP)

Faye, said she was concerned when she first saw the schedule for Jackson's 50 "This Is It" shows at London's O2 arena. "On looking at that, I said, 'He can't do this,'" Faye testified. "The shows are far too close together. I knew what he needed between shows. I thought he might last a week." When she raised the matter with show director Kenny Ortega, "he kind of fluffed it off," she said. "Michael's adrenaline and what it takes for him to perform with that much effort and what he himself puts into a show, he needed a lot more time to at least get some rest and sleep, and to be healthy and maintain that kind of longevity," she said. (CNN)

Panish asked Faye whether Jackson ever expressed concerns about the “This Is It” production. She says yes, but AEG objects. The attorneys went into a lengthy sidebar on whether Faye can tell jury what Jackson’s concerns were. AEG argued it’s hearsay. Katherine Jackson's attorneys had to tell Faye not to automatically say what other people told her, especially if AEG objected. (AP)

Faye testified that MJ wanted to do the Tour for his children. they had never seen him perform. He also wanted to do it for his fans. (ABC7)

Jackson appeared "very, very excited" in early production meetings, but "the first time he actually got up on stage and rehearsed, I saw the change in him.""The turning point was when he had to get up on stage and actually start performing," she said. (CNN)

She said the first time MJ went on stage to perform at the This is It rehearsals, she saw a change in him. (ABC7)

She said MJ's skin was very dry, his eyes were dry, he was losing weight, and he kept repeating himself. (ABC7)

She testified that MJ was showing signs of paranoia. That MJ had to see her when he was on stage always. He would repeat over and over (ABC7)

She had concerns about MJ and expressed those concerns to Kenny Ortega. (ABC7)

Jackson tried to avoid rehearsing for "This Is It," Faye testifies"They had to make him rehearse," she says. Eventually, "they had to make him rehearse," she said. "They're insisting to the point of going to his home." (CNN)

She said Director Kenny Ortega and AEG CEO Randy Phillips insisted MJ rehearse.She overheard Paul Gongaware from AEG yell into the phone to MJ security to get MJ out of the bathroom.(ABC7)

AEG executives continued to push Jackson, Faye said. She testified she overheard a phone conversation in which AEG executive Paul Gongaware told Jackson's assistant to get him out of a locked bathroom and to a rehearsal. Faye described Gongaware, AEG Live's co-CEO, as "angry and kind of desperate" in the conversation. She testified Gongaware told the assistant to do "whatever it takes."Faye said the only people she saw insist that Jackson rehearse were Gongaware and tour director Kenny Ortega. (AP).

At one point, Jackson locked himself in a bathroom at his home, refusing to leave for rehearsals at the Forum. AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware, who was in charge of the production, was "angry and kind of desperate to get Michael to the Forum," she said.
She overheard a phone call in which Gongaware was telling Jackson's security guard "to get him out of the bathroom. Do you have a key, do whatever it takes," she said Gongaware screamed. (CNN)

After a meeting between MJ, Ortega, and Phillips, Faye was told not to follow MJ's instructions anymore. She should show tough love. (ABC7) She said that after Jackson missed several rehearsals, Phillips told her to ignore the singer's instructions. (AP)

She became more concerned for MJ's health in the last few days. She forwarded several emails to producers and included her own concerns. Faye said Randy Phillips told her that he had read her emails and tried to do everything he could for MJ. That was at the funeral. (ABC7) Faye testified that Phillips told her at Jackson's funeral that "he tried to do everything he could."Did she believe him, Jackson lawyer Brian Panish asked.
"Sir, Michael Jackson is lying in a casket only a few feet away from me," she said. "I had no words to respond. That's not everything you can do." (CNN)

Faye said she informed Ortega, Jackson's manager and AEG Live co-CEO Randy Phillips about her concerns about Jackson's health during the preparations for the shows. She said Jackson was frustrated and after a costume fitting days before his death repeatedly asked her, "Why can't I choose?" (AP)

Faye, choking back tears, read portions of an email from one of Jackson's fans that she forwarded to his now deceased manager, Frank Dileo. It described the singer as a skeleton."If we do nothing, he will die," the fan wrote. "I know people who work for him cannot tell him anything. I know his own family tried to help him but he won't listen."Faye said she wrote Dileo that she agreed with the assessment, but the manager never responded in writing. By this point, Jackson was often cold to the touch and was becoming increasingly paranoid. Faye said he became obsessed with her being within sight when he was rehearsing onstage. (AP)

Michael Jackson appeared paranoid, repeating himself and shivering from chills in his final days, Karen Faye testified. "This was not the man I knew," Karen Faye testified. "He was acting like a person I didn't recognize." (CNN)

At a rehearsal in mid-June, Jackson was talking to himself, she said. "When I was around, he was repeating himself an awful lot, saying the same thing over and over again." (CNN)

Faye, who had to touch Jackson when she put on his makeup, said it was "like I was touching ice." At one rehearsal, she covered him with blankets and put a space heater next to him, she said. (CNN)

Faye said she raised her concerns once in June with AEG CEO Randy Phillips. He told her, "Yeah, this is bad. It's not so good. I had to scrape Michael off the floor in London at the announcement because he was so drunk," she said.(CNN)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 17:19
Wade Robson Will Have To Explain Several Gushing Interviews About Michael Jackson To Prove Molestation Claims

Posted on May 10, 2013 @ 4:34AM | By jenheger

Famed Australian choreographer Wade Robson — who recently filed a creditor’s claim against Michael Jackson’s Estate in which he accuses the King of Pop of sexually abusing him as a child — is going to have to explain several gushing interviews he gave in the last several years in which he praised the Thriller singer and boasted about working for the Cirque du Soleil tribute to the entertainer, is exclusively reporting.

On July 30, 2011, Robson gave an interview in support of Pulse on Tour NYC, and said, “I’m starting on Cirque du Soleil, the Michael Jackson Show, so it’s the equivalent of the Beetles Love Show, the Elvis Show, but for Michael, which is you know it’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time because it’s such a huge responsibility. But that is why I took it on, because he was such a huge part of my life for twenty years — before he passed — since I was seven. So it’s an opportunity for me to give back a little to his legacy, such a big part of his legacy and make sure as much as I can that it’s done right and represents his essence. So that is a really big undertaking.”

As we previously reported, Robson was a star witness for Jackson at his infamous molestation trial in 2005, during which the Australian said he had NEVER been abused by the superstar singer.

Robson, now 30, first met Jackson when he was 5 and had several sleepovers at the Bad singer’s Neverland Ranch — allegedly until he was 14.

In the court docs, obtained by, Robson’s attorney stated in a sworn declaration that the claim should be sealed because of “childhood sexual abuse in the universal complaint for childhood sexual abuse as described in the unified complaint for childhood sexual abuse attached to the Creditor’s claim.”

Casting more doubt on Robson’s new claims, in an interview with Master Class Legends — uploaded to You Tube in July, 2012 — the choreographer gushed about the time he spent with Jackson as a child.

In the interview, Robson recounts dancing on stage with Jackson at age seven, after winning a dance contest in which meeting & performing with the singer was the grand prize. He recalled being obsessed with Jackson’s Thriller video at the young age of 2.

However, Robson recounted what fame and media scrutiny took a toll on Jackson.

“Particularly growing up with Michael, that is a whole other scale, that level of fame, and rightly so for all the amazing reasons, things and work did. But I saw how that tormented him as well. When I was really young, I idolized him, and wanted to be everything and anything he was on that sort of scale. Then as I was getting a little older, going through that experience (myself), kind of referring back to that sort of stuff I saw with Michael’s life and realizing for me personally, I don’t know if I want that particular version of life.”

The timing of these interviews could be pivotal, if the judge allows the creditors claim to proceed, because the deadline has long since passed for those to be paid by the Estate.

Howard Weitzman, attorney for Michael Jackson’s Estate, issued a statement after the claim was filed. “This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him. Now, nearly four years after Michael has passed, this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is.”

Robson’s attorney fired back and said, ” “Michael Jackson was a monster, and in their hearts, every normal person knows it. Wade Robson, in addition to being one of the most talented people on the planet, is one of the kindest, most gentle, decent and introspective human beings one will ever meet. He is the loving father of a young son and happily married. Last year, on a career trajectory that was off the charts, he collapsed under the stress and sexual trauma of what had happened to him for seven years as a child. He lived with the brain washing by a sexual predator until the burden of it all crushed him. ‘If anyone ever finds out about what we did we will go to jail for the rest of our lives, and our lives will be ruined forever,’ Michael would say to him.

“This kind of intimidation of a child by a sexual predator is tragically characteristic and effective, keeping them quiet about the abuse ­ often for a lifetime. The irony here is that we were the ones who filed under seal and still tried to keep it secret. Amidst all the accusations of a financial motive, no amount of damages is even listed in our papers. There are significant legal issues involved in this case that have the potential to impact lives beyond just our client. But the Jackson money machine, in which everyone is indeed financially motivated, is at it once again to keep the truth from coming out. This time it won’t work.”

The first hearing in Robson¹s claim is scheduled for June 6.

As a choreographer, Robson has worked with some of music’s biggest names, including Britney Spears, Usher, Pink and ‘N Sync. He’s also appeared on FOX’s So You Think You Can Dance as both a judge and choreographer.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 17:23
World-News – tmz (USA): Verstorbener Michael Jackson erhält Unterstützung von Lionel Richie

10. Mai 2013

World-News - tmz (USA) – Pop-Sänger Lionel Richie („all night long“) springt seinem verstorbenen Kollegen Michael Jackson bei, der post mortem des Missbrauchs angeklagt wird.

Der ehemalige Choreograph des „King of Pop“, Wade Robson, beschuldigte diesen nämlich, ihn als Kind missbraucht zu haben. Der Anwalt Robsons ließ mitteilen, dass Michael Jackson ein „Monster“ gewesen sei, welches sich über Jahre hinweg an seinem Mandanten vergriffen habe.

Dieser hätte sich erst im Zuge eines Nervenzusammenbruchs und einer damit einhergehenden „Erinnerung“ auf die Ereignisse rückbesinnen können. Eben jene Darstellung bezeichnete Richie in einem Interview als „betrügerisch“.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.05.2013 um 17:31
Michael Jackson: Schon vor “This Is It” dem Tode nahe?

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013, 8:55 Uhr

Michael Jacksons Gesundheitszustand soll bereits bei den Proben zu seiner ‘This Is It’-Tour so schlecht gewesen sein, dass er angeblich dem Tode nahe war.

Michael-Jackson-Prozess111Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)

Der legendäre Sänger starb im Jahr 2009 an einer Überdosis des Schlaf- und Narkosemittels Propofol und habe nach Angaben des Konzert-Produzenten Alif Sankey bereits vorzeitig Anzeichen gezeigt, dass es bald mit ihm zu Ende gehen würde. Am siebten Tag des Prozesses von Jacksons Familie gegen den Musikgiganten AEG in Los Angeles brachte Sankey nun ans Tageslicht: “Ich hatte ein sehr starkes Gefühl, dass Michael sterben würde. Das hat mich extrem verärgert und ich habe an diesem Punkt nur noch ins Telefon geschrien. Ich sagte: ‘Er muss sofort in ein Krankenhaus gebracht werden.’”

Mit seiner Warnung habe er auch Tour-Chef Kenny Ortega beschworen. “Ich sagte immer wieder: ‘Michael ist dabei zu sterben. Er wird uns verlassen. Er muss in ein Krankenhaus. Tu doch bitte etwas.’”

Dennoch sei, wie die ‘New York Daily News’ berichtet, der ‘King of Pop’ Jackson nach Angaben von Sankey ganz begeistert gewesen, auf Tour gehen zu können. Schließlich sei es das erste Mal gewesen, dass seine Kinder Prince (16), Paris (15) und Blanket (11) ihren Vater live in einer Reihe von Shows sehen.

“Er vertraute mir an, dass er begeistert ist, die Show zu spielen. Er war begeistert, seinen Kindern endlich zeigen zu können, wer er ist, worum es bei ihm ging. Er war sehr, sehr glücklich darüber”, so Sankey weiter. (Bang)
