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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.06.2013 um 18:05
juhu :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.06.2013 um 18:16
es wird immer verrückter ... nicht nur Wade Robson und zwei bisher unbekannte Promis "klagen" MJ an, weil sie angeblich von ihm als Kinder missbraucht worden seien ... und nun soll es geheime FBI-Akten geben, nach denen zwei Dutzend (24 Kinder) ebenfalls über Jahre von MJ missbraucht worden seien ... was soll das ????

Michael Jackson spent £23MILLION buying silence of at least TWO DOZEN young boys he abused over 15 years

29 Jun 2013 22:02

Secret FBI files exclusively seen by the Sunday People reveal how superstar bought off parents and victim


Secret FBI files exclusively seen by the Sunday People reveal Michael Jackson spent £23million buying the silence of at least two dozen young boys he abused over 15 years.

The documents – case numbers CADCE MJ-02463 and CR 01046 – were not passed on to prosecutors in the King of Pop’s 2005 trial, when he was cleared of molesting a child.

But they throw a disturbing new light on the megastar’s insistence he never laid a finger on any of the scores of kids he invited to his home for unsupervised sleep-overs.

Agents have thousands of pages of evidence dating back to 1989 indicating Jacko groomed and molested children – sometimes right under the noses of their starstruck parents.

The FBI files include private investigators’ reports, phone transcripts and hours of audio tapes.

They describe how the Thriller hit-maker was once caught by a member of his household staff groping a world-famous child star, watching porn films while molesting another boy and fondling the genitals of a third in his private cinema.

The mother of one of the youngsters was sitting two or three rows in front of them at the time – unaware of the vile abuse her son was suffering.

Ironically, many of the damning reports in the FBI collection had been commissioned by Jacko himself.

Terrified the parents of boys who spent nights with him at his Neverland ranch might go to the cops or expose him in the media, the desperate singer hired “private eye to the stars” Anthony Pellicano to target potential skeletons in his closet – and make sure they stayed out of the limelight.

But when Pellicano was investigated himself in 2002 for bugging Hollywood stars such as Sylvester Stallone, the FBI seized all his files – including many about Jackson. It is copies of these to which the Sunday People has had exclusive access.

The latest revelations about Jacko’s lurid past come as his private life is once again in the spotlight – even though four years have passed since he died from heart failure aged 50.

His family are currently suing gig promoters AEG Live for £26billion, claiming they hired Dr Conrad Murray, who gave Jacko the dose of the anaesthetic propofol that killed him.

AEG deny employing Murray, now serving a four-year jail term for involuntary manslaughter.

The files will also dismay Jacko’s kids Prince, 16, Paris, 15, and 11-year-old Blanket, who have not yet come to terms with losing their father.

In fact, Paris tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists just three weeks ago and is still in hospital.

But there is yet more shocking news for the singer’s family – Jackson’s former child pal Wade Robson, a dancer and once one of his most stalwart defenders, has just launched a major lawsuit against his estate.

Robson, now 30, claims he was often molested at Neverland during his regular visits to the infamous ranch during the 1990s.

The Aussie-born choreographer for pop stars such as Britney Spears and Demi Lovato claims the abuse started when he was only seven and continued until he was 14.

Michael-Jackson-FBI-files-2011682Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Michael-Jackson-FBI-files-2011680Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

The files seen by this newspaper appear to confirm Robson’s claim to be one of many child victims who were invited to fulfil Jackson’s sick fantasies at his isolated playground in the Californian countryside.

Pellicano is now behind bars serving a 15-year jail sentence for racketeering and wire-tapping.

But one of his senior snoops – who worked extensively on the Jackson case – has broken his silence to speak exclusively to the Sunday People.

The investigator, whose name we are withholding, said he was among those quizzed by FBI agents probing his old boss. And he kept copies of many of the Jackson documents now held in the bureau’s archives.

The paedophile allegations – sandwiched between thousands of pages of information about Jackson, his career and his accusers – include inter-views with ex-aides who claim their boss was fixated with child porn.

The files name 17 boys – including five child actors and two dancers – Jacko singled out for abuse.

Other kids the singer preyed on include a European boy and the sons of a screenwriter.

At least three boys got hush-money, the investigator said, with the family of one well-known young film actor ­being given £392,000 “to refrain from any and all contact with media and communications, newspapers, television, radio, film and books”.

The gagging order also insisted there would not be any attempt now or in the future to “extort, intimidate, harass or impede” the Jackson organisation.

A maid who worked for the singer at Neverland was said to have been paid off with about £1.3million after complaining her son had been abused by her employer. And the investigator told of one shocking case of a mother who knew her young son was being molested by Jackson “but turned a blind eye to it because if it didn’t bother him, it didn’t bother her”.

Many of the files on the victims – whose names are not being published for legal reasons – were originally pulled together by lawyers drawing up a list of a potential threats to Jackson’s paedophile secret in the early 1990s.

The legal team was scrambled after the dentist dad of 13-year-old Jordan Chandler went public with claims his son had been abused – opening the door to a string of accusations involving other kids.

The sleuth who worked for Pellicano said: “Around 1993 things were really heating up. The suggestions were Jordie was not the only victim. The momentum became so great Jackson needed a private investigator to go straight for the jugular and produce results.

“His actress friend Elizabeth Taylor encouraged him to hire Pellicano ­because she had used him to stop dirt on her drug problems being released in the media – Pellicano was a master of negotiation and keeping stars’ ­reputations clean.

“I was hired by him to find out where the fires needed putting out and, in this case, where allegations would be coming from.

“But I have never worked on a case with as many potential claimants as the Jackson case.”

The investigator, who spent two years on the case, saw Pellicano’s ruthless methods first-hand in the frantic bid to salvage Jackson’s Mr Clean image.

He said his boss encouraged his extensive contacts in the media to call the singer’s victims after he paid them off so they could publicly deny he ever touched them. It was part of a relentless campaign to clear the megastar’s name.

The investigator said: “There was a mountain of allegations levelled at Jackson and Pellicano was determined to prove his client innocent.

“He promised Jackson, ‘I can make this go away’ and he wanted me to dig up everything that was around on him and then began smoothing it over.

“Pellicano had links to key figures in the US media and made them dance to his tune. He was very good at starting fires – but also at putting them out. By the end we had at least 10 boxes of documents about Jackson.”

He went on: “The FBI had all that information long before Jackson’s 2005 trial. I’m surprised this evidence never came to light.

“Then again, if the pay-offs were successfully executed, no one would have spoken.

“At the time, Jackson was on a world tour, battling drug addiction and planning his next CD and future.

“If these files had been released then, Jackson’s career would have been over. But he was the King of Pop and spending the equivalent of a year’s royalties was worth it to keep him on his throne. With the help of people like Pellicano, the world and his fans never heard what took place at Neverland over 15 years.”

At his 2005 trial, Jackson was acquitted of abusing and feeding ­alcohol to a 13-year-old boy who had survived cancer. But the private eye said: “Our reports painted the picture that Jackson was a serial child predator.

“It showed at least two dozen children were given money to stay quiet – which came to around ­$35million (£23million).

“Wade Robson was one of the kids identified as a victim while our reports show many others were paid off before their names even emerged.”


He said the pay-out total includes the £13million settlement to Jordie Chandler and up to £4.5million in legal and investigation fees. The investigator added: “I haven’t released this now to upset Michael’s children, who haven’t done anything wrong.

“But when Wade’s case was announced, I felt it was time the public knew what information had been ­collected, what the authorities have – and what has never been released.”

Brian Oxman, a long-time Jackson family lawyer and friend, said yesterday he was not aware that Michael “paid off” any boys other than Jordan Chandler.

He said: “The only money I know about was Jordan Chandler. But the gift list on Michael’s income tax returns was astounding. He would give out a great deal of money and top of the list was Elizabeth Taylor. He gave money to a whole series of people. It happened all the time.

“I wasn’t aware of any pay-offs to kids. I never heard him talking about it.”

The 20Jackson 27s 20pictured 20left 20to


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30.06.2013 um 18:26
Michael Jackson enticed "lost boys" into sordid fantasy world hidden from their parents

29 Jun 2013 22:02
By James Desborough, David Gardner

Shocking audio tapes from the singer’s secret FBI file offer a chilling insight into the superstar’s depravity


The “lost boys” lured to Michael Jackson’s Neverland ranch were enticed into a sordid fantasy world hidden from their parents, the Sunday People can reveal.

Shocking audio tapes from the singer’s secret FBI file offer a chilling insight into the superstar’s depravity.

They reveal how groups of kids would be invited to Jackson’s estate, where he would then isolate his prey.

The twisted star would sleep with children in a tepee as well as his bed and was even seen groping two boys.

Jackson’s sick secrets were exposed in a recorded interview with his ex-butler Philip LeMarque and wife Stella, taped on August 28, 1993 – 12 years before the star stood trial accused of molesting children.

The charges followed a TV documentary showing the singer holding hands with 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo in 2003. Jacko was acquitted of seven child abuse charges in June 2005.

The couple said Jackson – who used the code name Blue Fox – would watch porn films with young boys in his private bedroom behind a secret wall in a 70-seat Neverland cinema.

They claimed the ONLY adult who ever complained about Jackson’s disappearing acts with young boys was screen legend Marlon Brando.

The “lost boys” lured to Michael Jackson’s Neverland ranch were enticed into a sordid fantasy world hidden from their parents, the Sunday People can reveal.

Shocking audio tapes from the singer’s secret FBI file offer a chilling insight into the superstar’s depravity.

They reveal how groups of kids would be invited to Jackson’s estate, where he would then isolate his prey.

The twisted star would sleep with children in a tepee as well as his bed and was even seen groping two boys.

Jackson’s sick secrets were exposed in a recorded interview with his ex-butler Philip LeMarque and wife Stella, taped on August 28, 1993 – 12 years before the star stood trial accused of molesting children.

The charges followed a TV documentary showing the singer holding hands with 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo in 2003. Jacko was acquitted of seven child abuse charges in June 2005.

The couple said Jackson – who used the code name Blue Fox – would watch porn films with young boys in his private bedroom behind a secret wall in a 70-seat Neverland cinema.

They claimed the ONLY adult who ever complained about Jackson’s disappearing acts with young boys was screen legend Marlon Brando.

The following are excerpts from a copy he made of the recording:

PHILIP: The theatre is like a regular theatre. He’s got 70 seats.

STELLA: And behind the wall, he has two bedrooms. Sometimes he’d be there with the kids. I wanted to take a picture of the bedroom but couldn’t.

PHILIP: He could watch porn.

STELLA: He’d stay with the kids all night long. All night long!

PHILIP: From 7pm until eight the next morning… nine in the morning, they are still up playing around.

PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Where are the adults?

PHILIP: The adults are in separate buildings.

STELLA: Boy A came to see Michael… The parents were in the room smoking pot with a five-month-old baby. At the time, he was crazy about Boy A and his little brother.

PHILIP: Michael likes them young. Boy A was getting too old. The first time when Michael saw Boy A in the movie, XXXX XXXX, he told Boy A he wanted to meet him.

PI: Wait a minute. She (a former member of Jackson’s staff) makes deals with the parents?

PHILIP: She makes the deals with the parents to bring everybody… the parents with the kids to the ranch. If there are five kids, then Michael will take the one he wants.

PI: You’re saying (the Jackson staffer) brings a selection of kids for Michael to choose from? Like a pimp?


STELLA: If you really like children, you like all of them, boy or girl. Not only one while the others run around.

PHILIP: We saw a little boy and girl running around the ranch at 3am. We were the ones who found them.

PI: Michael gave no attention to those he had no interest in?

PHILIP: Yes, they didn’t know where to go. The ranch is very large. The arcade... Michael invites a whole bunch of kids, boys and girls so it doesn’t sound to be unnatural. Everyone is playing and doing things. This gives Michael the chance to break one of the children away from the rest.

PI: Sounds like he has a plan that he puts in to motion, in stages.

PHILIP: First the children just go on the amusements.

PI: You mean they just play? It’s innocent?

PHILIP: Yes, but as time progresses, the next time, (the staffer) invites only the kids Michael is interested in. The activity goes on mostly in the night.

PI: Where are the damn parents! Jesus Christ!

PHILIP: The parents do their own thing. Michael and the kids sleep in the tepee.

STELLA: And Michael sleeps in the bedroom with the children he loves. That’s true.

PHILIP: There is a stairway inside Michael’s room. It leads to the guest room…no other access …where he says the children sleep, but they never do. The bedroom upstairs …the bedroom is never undone. When Boy A came, Michael told his parents, “Boy A will stay with me.” Michael has warning alarms that go off when someone is walking close to the bedroom.

PI: I want to know about the other kids. I imagine there were a few.

PHILIP: More than a few.

PI: OK, we’ll get to them but tell me what you know about Michael and Boy A.

PHILIP: (Michael) called me at 2am that night to say, “Philip, would you please bring me some French fries?” OK, I get up and I go make him some French fries. So, then I take the two-way radio and you call security and you ask, ‘Where is Blue Fox?’ They say, ‘Oh, he’s in the arcade.’ … I went around the other entrance and entered through there and that’s when I saw Michael groping the kid.

PI: Michael had his hand touching his private parts over the pants?

PHILIP: No, no, no… In the pants.

STELLA: Boy C in the cinema, Michael did the same thing with him… and the mother was two or three rows in the front.

PI: They weren’t watching porn?

STELLA: No but they were kissing.

PI: Like a peck on the cheek?

STELLA: No, like lovers. I saw them. That’s not normal.

PI: And Boy A’s father… You said he didn’t know what was going on?

STELLA: The father is an ***hole. He is only interested in the money.

PHILIP: The father did ask me one time what was happening with Michael and Boy A. Why they were with each other all the time.

STELLA: Michael took an apartment back near the studio. Michael would pick him up in the limo and they would always be together.

PHILIP: He would keep the parents busy doing things around the house. Michael would give the parents things to do and he would treat them like kings! He (a Jackson staffer) would give them whatever they wanted.

STELLA: Well, the mother of the boy from Switzerland was crying and saying, “Why does Michael always want to be with my son to sleep? Why is it I have four other children and why doesn’t he want to spend time with them, if he loves all children?”

PI: What was the mother from Switzerland doing there?

STELLA: Michael sent them tickets.

PHILIP: Michael liked variety. (laughing)

STELLA: Yes. Boy B was there very often, but then he got too old and stopped coming to the ranch.

PHILIP: He would call all the time, but Michael would say, “Tell him I’m not here.” Then he’d smile about it.

PI: A sinister reaction. That’s dark and cold.

PHILIP: Michael and Boy B watched porn together. The boy didn’t want to touch himself and Michael told him he would do it for him.

PI: Did any adults witness this?

STELLA: Yes, (Jackson staffer) saw everything. She told us… Michael

always thought everybody was stealing from him.

PI: Maybe it stems from his own guilt… from stealing young boys’ ­childhoods. Any other weird behaviour or something you want to mention?

PHILIP: Michael would never let the kids look at clocks or know what day it was. He didn’t want anybody to worry about the time because it was never bedtime. Sometimes he’d be up all night with the kids.

The investigator, speaking now, said: “I don’t believe the world understood how much power and influence Jackson wielded. He could spend millions to silence anyone – and he did that with Jordie (Chandler). Back then the victims couldn’t speak for themselves. I understand some of their parents were paid money and the kids didn’t know. Now the kids are grown up, they have the chance to speak. I feel that Wade is now taking his chance to speak up.

“I hope it helps his other victims. It might even give them the courage to make a complaint to the police.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.06.2013 um 18:38
Michael Jackson Slimed By British Press: Here’s the REAL Story from 2005

06/30/13 1:33am Roger Friedman


I’ve been alerted to a story in the British press about Michael Jackson paying off 24 families of children he supposedly molested. Readers of this column must know that I have almost a PhD in Michael Jackson. The story is not true. It’s based on files left behind by a National Enquirer reporter, now dead, called Jim Mitteager. In 2005 I went through tons of Mitteager’s files, re-reporting them. A lot of it was just poppycock. Read this whole column I published back then. I did a lot of work on it. As devil’s advocate, I tried to find someone who would say they were molested by Michael Jackson. No one would because, I think, no one had been.

From March 2005, c2013

Was there a kid who made a deal with Michael Jackson before his first accuser settled with the pop star for $20 million in 1993?

Tape recordings left behind by a deceased National Enquirer reporter would suggest there was, but on closer inspection, it turns out there probably wasn’t.

In fact, the tapes show that there was a zealous push on the part of the supermarket tabloids 12 years ago to find any boy who might have been abused by Jackson.

This will be a disappointment for Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who has not been able to produce any other Jackson “victims” so far.

On Monday, Judge Rodney Melville will hold a hearing to determine whether or not Jackson’s “prior” acts can be brought into this trial.

If they are allowed, what could they be and where did they come from? And are they real?

Sneddon is prepared to subpoena every ex-Jackson employee and cop who was involved in the first case, even those who’ve since sold their stories to the tabloids. The result could be a veritable list of the supermarket tabs’ sources and leakers from a dozen years ago.

Like a tabloid Richard Nixon, National Enquirer and Globe writer Jim Mitteager taped most of his conversations about Jackson when he covered the story in 1993-94.

Mitteager, who was later dismissed from the papers for sexual harassment, talks to his sources and his editors very candidly.

The result is a revealing look at how the tabs salivated to get the most salacious story about Jackson, often disregarding the exact truth for kernels of plausible items that could be inflated into screaming front-page headlines.

Mitteager bequeathed the tapes to Paul Barresi, a self-styled investigator, trusting him to “do the right thing with them.” Barresi thought the tapes had value, but could not have guessed what historical importance they would acquire.

Mitteager inadvertently kept a record of much of what is in the news today concerning Hollywood’s underbelly. The tapes include anecdotes about many celebrities and lawyers, as well as incarcerated private eye Anthony Pellicano, who once worked for Jackson.

Barresi has a long history of involvement with the Jackson story.

In 1993, the pop star’s former cook and housekeeper, Philip and Stella LeMarque, asked him to sell their story about sexual abuse at Neverland.

The LeMarques, who were slight acquaintances of Barresi, had only worked at Neverland for about 10 months and left after the first molestation case broke in 1991.

Like many disgruntled former Jackson employees, the LeMarques are now on Sneddon’s witness list. The Quindoys, another couple who also sold their story, are ready to testify as well.

But Barresi realized early on that the LeMarques were probably not telling the truth.

“I concluded that it was all about the money and not about protecting a child from a predator,” he told me.

The couple, he said, began embellishing their story when they came to believe they could get $500,000 for it. In the end, they received nothing.

Barresi wound up turning over his taped interviews with the couple to then-Los Angeles District Attorney Gil Garcetti. They are now in the hands of Jackson’s prosecutor.

The coup de grace, Barresi says, happened later, when he listened to Mitteager’s tapes. On one of them, it’s noted that the LeMarques had tried to sell their story of child molestation at Neverland long before the first case broke in 1991.

“They couldn’t get any takers,” recalls Barresi. “But why didn’t they just go to the police?”

Often the Globe printed stories, written by Mitteager, that were based on the flimsiest of evidence.

Mitteager, at least in the case of Jackson, relied heavily on a sketchy stringer named Taylea Shea. Her veracity consequently became integral to a lot of tabloid reporting at the time.

Shea, who seems to have gone by a number of aliases and had a long list of addresses and phone numbers, could not be contacted for this story, despite many tries.

Neighbors at the Los Angeles address at which she lived the longest do not remember her fondly. They recall a hustler and con woman who was always on the take.

“She should be in jail, if she hasn’t been already,” one former friend and neighbor said.

On one tape, Shea reads what sounds convincingly like a legal document drawn up between Jackson and a 12-year-old boy named Brandon P. Richmond, who is represented by his mother, Eva Richmond.

Brandon, according to the document, received $600,000 from Jackson. He and Jackson would no longer have any contact with each other.

Shea read the document, which is dated July 1992, to Mitteager the following year.

This would have been a blockbuster, if true, because it would make Brandon, not the differently-named boy who settled with Jackson in 1993, the first of Jackson’s accusers.

Shea also says on the tape that the legal document came from the offices of famed Hollywood lawyer Bert Fields, Jackson’s attorney at the time.

No reason is given why Jackson and Brandon Richmond should be separated. The implication, however, is clear.

The Globe published the story without using names. Over time, it was assumed that Brandon P. Richmond was in fact Brandon Adams, a boy who had appeared in Jackson’s “Moonwalker” video.

Discussions on the tapes indicate that the tabloids also believed the two Brandons were one and the same. But there’s a problem with Shea’s story: Nothing adds up.

For one thing, a source close to Fields says the document uses language uncommon to their usual agreements.

Then there’s the actual family.

According to the Adamses, whom I met in January, they don’t know an Eva Richmond.

Brandon Adams’ mother is named Marquita Woods. And Brandon’s grandmother assures me she knows nothing of a $600,000 payment. The family has lived in a modest home in Baldwin Hills, Calif., for 30 years.

Brandon Adams, who is now 25, is a struggling actor. He appeared in “D2: The Mighty Ducks” and the indie film “MacArthur Park,” and is currently working on building a music career.

“I wish I had $600,000,” he said. “I’m broke.”

The Adamses pointed out that Brandon never visited Neverland, just the Jackson family home in Encino.

For a short time they were friendly not only with the Jacksons, but with Sean Lennon and his mother Yoko Ono, who were also part of “Moonwalker.” But the relationship seems to have ended well before Taylea Shea’s big scoop.

Was Shea simply lying to Mitteager to collect a big fee? It would seem so.

On the tapes, Mitteager tells an editor that Shea also has “shocking” material about David Geffen and Keanu Reeves, among others. None of it would turn out to be true, but all of it was tabloid fodder that spread to more mainstream publications for a short time.

Curiously, nobody I spoke with who worked at the tabloids could remember Shea. And her own alleged main source — an attorney then associated with the office of Larry Feldman, the first accuser’s lawyer — insists vehemently that she did not know Shea and had little knowledge of the case anyway.

Suddenly, the value of the Mitteager tapes takes on a new meaning.

Barresi, a sometime investigator and tabloid source in the past, is aware that he’s in possession of materials that demonstrate how the supermarket tabloids operated in their heyday — the era of O.J. Simpson, Jackson and other scandals.

But one tabloid editor still in the business cautioned, “Don’t paint all of us with the same brush. We did a lot of excellent work on Simpson.”

Indeed, though it’s hard to separate them in our minds, the Globe — then under a different owner — had a much lower standard of proof than did the Enquirer in the early 1990s. And Mitteager came from the Globe’s mentality, according to sources with whom I have spoken.

At one point, in running down lists of kids who’d spent time with Jackson, Mitteager rattles off the name of a boy with the conviction that Jackson, who had befriended him, must have also acted inappropriately with him.

But it was only wishful thinking on the part of a tabloid reporter.

It turns out that the boy was 9 years old in 1993 and died shortly thereafter from leukemia. He’d met Jackson through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Even Jackson’s staunchest critics would agree that it is hard to fathom how this boy could have been the object of the singer’s romantic interests.

Read also: (Archiv-Version vom 05.07.2013)

and this: (Archiv-Version vom 08.07.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.06.2013 um 19:04
Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil World Premiere At Mandalay Bay 6/29

"Michael Jackson ONE" by Cirque du Soleil, Weltpremiere am 29/6 im Mandalay Bay
oder auch Bilder bei (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2013)



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30.06.2013 um 19:11
Robin Leach ‏@Robin_Leach 1h
1st VIDEO of Michael Jackson ONE World Premiere Red Carpet Mandalay Bay - Mass media mayhem! Youtube: Michael Jackson ONE World Premiere Red Carpet Mandalay Bay Vegas 6-29-13
Michael Jackson ONE World Premiere Red Carpet Mandalay Bay Vegas 6-29-13
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Michael Jackson ONE World Premiere Red Carpet Mandalay Bay Vegas...

See Michael Jackson's mother and child with friends on the Michael Jackson ONE Cirque du Soleil show world premiere red carpet inside of the Mandalay Bay Las...
5:23 PM - 30 Jun 13


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30.06.2013 um 19:16
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some 7h
11:53 AM - 30 Jun 13


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30.06.2013 um 19:30

T.J. Jackson breaks down on stand, says Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris is ‘in a tough spot’

Michael Jackson's nephew testifies in wrongful-death trial as lawyer confirms Paris Jackson won't take the witness stand.

Published: Thursday, June 27, 2013, 4:39 PM
Updated: Thursday, June 27, 2013, 7:31 PM

T.J. Jackson, son of Tito Jackson, in 2003. He is Michael’s nephew.

Michael Jackson's daughter is in a "tough spot" after her attempted suicide and in too much "pain" to testify in her family's wrongful-death case against his concert promoter, a judge heard Thursday.

"Paris is not going to be testifying," lawyer Deborah Chang told Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos while the jury was out of the courtroom.

"We have a little girl in so much pain right now, she cannot come," Chang said.

Paris, 15, was hospitalized after paramedics rushed to her Calabasas mansion earlier this month for a call that she downed 20 Motrin pills and slashed her arm with a kitchen knife.

Chang confirmed Paris won't take the witness stand as she argued to admit a handwritten note the King of Pop's daughter purportedly wrote to her dad in the months before his death.

"Dead Daddy, I love you so much & I'm so glad I got a goodnight hug," the note reads. "Sleep well. I love you & good night. I'll see you tomorrow! XOX Goodnight. Lots of love, Paris Jackson"

Chang argued that the pencil-written note depicts how Paris "felt about her father" and the great love they shared.

A lawyer for AEG objected that it was hearsay, and the judge agreed. The note was not admitted as evidence.

Earlier Thursday, Michael Jackson's nephew broke down crying on the witness stand as he discussed the heartache his family has suffered after Michael's fatal overdose.

Tito "T.J." Jackson Jr. didn't specifically mention Paris' failed suicide bid, but he said that as her co-guardian along with grandmother Katherine Jackson, he's now working overtime to help the troubled teen.

"I don't want (you) to go into details on what's going on with Paris now, but could you explain how Paris is handling the loss of her father?" asked Kevin Boyle, one of the lawyers representing Katherine.

"It's tough," T.J. said. "She was daddy's girl. My uncle was her world."

He acknowledged Michael's death has "been very hard" for all three kids - including sons Prince, 16, and Blanket, 11 - but Paris was "the princess of his life."

"Paris has a heart of gold," he said. "I just think the loss of my uncle has hit her at a different level. She's in a tough spot, but we're all loving her and doing everything we can to get her where she should be."

The 34-year-old son of Jackson 5 member Tito Jackson said he agreed to become co-guardian of Michael's kids because the "Thriller" singer gave him extra support and guidance after the 1994 drowning murder of his mom DeDe Jackson.

He called Michael his "mentor" and smiled as jurors watched a music video of him and his brothers singing with the pop icon.

"He was just everything," T.J. said, bowing his head in tears and needing a minute to compose himself.

He called his grandmother the "queen" and "CEO" of the family, saying it was his role simply to help her in any way possible with Michael's kids.

He said Katherine also has taken Michael's death "very hard."

"Our children are supposed to outlive us, so it's been very difficult on our grandmother," he said.

The married dad with three kids of his own was named co-guardian last summer after some relatives reported Katherine "missing" while she was out of state with a group of Michael's siblings challenging the validity of his will.

T.J. said he handles the kids' school and medical appointments and tries to instill in them the humility he admired in his uncle.

He said he drives a Honda Accord and Michael's son Prince drives a Ford truck, not a Maserati.

"(Prince) is an amazing person," T.J. said. "Since he was a kid, he's always been one of the smartest kids I've ever seen or known, reading books at a young age, devouring books."

Prince gave his own emotional testimony a day earlier, speaking publicly about his dad for the first time Wednesday.

The high schooler recalled his tears the day of his dad's fatal overdose and lamented his inability to share milestones such as his driver's license and first girlfriend with his doting dad.

"Nothing will ever be the same," Prince testified Wednesday. "I can't sleep at night. I have a hard time sleeping. For a while after he died, I became emotionally distant from a lot of people."

Michael Jackson rehearses for his planned shows in London at the Staples Center on June 23, 2009, in Los Angeles. Jackson died two days later at the age of 50.

Prince also touched on his sister's current hospitalization in general terms.

"Out of all my siblings, she was probably hit the hardest because she was my dad's princess," he said. "It really hurt her a lot. She definitely is dealing with it in her own way."

A source told the Daily News Paris suffers from "severe" depression and likely will remain in treatment for an extended period.

Speaking to jurors Thursday, T.J. said Michael's youngest son Blanket also misses his dad but is trying to live a normal life - one that includes martial arts classes every Tuesday.

He said Blanket was always "very shy."

"Blanket was always wrapped around (Michael's) leg, right behind his leg," he said. "Wherever my uncle was, Blanket was there. My uncle was everything to Blanket."

Katherine is suing AEG Live for damages that could top $1 billion, saying the promoter of Michael's ill-fated "This Is It" concert series should be held liable for his death.

Her lawsuit claims AEG Live negligently hired the doctor who's now serving four years for Michael's fatal overdose on June 25, 2009.

AEG has denied any wrongdoing, arguing it was Michael who hired the doctor and went to great lengths to hide his use of an intravenous anesthetic as a treatment for his insomnia. (Archiv-Version vom 30.06.2013)


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30.06.2013 um 19:40
bei LSA "entdeckt" ... :)

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30.06.2013 um 20:04
Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 16h
My daughter has asked that I extend a huge thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers and support. She is strong like her father
Meine Tochter hat mich gebeten, dass ich ein riesiges Dankeschön für all Eure Gedanken und Gebete und Unterstützung weiterreiche. Sie ist stark wie ihr Vater
3:07 AM - 30 Jun 13

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 22h
@MarkalesterMark what kind of a person has to speak to an atty and pr person to deny a lie in a tabloid story? A calculating piece of shit
9:40 PM - 29 Jun 13


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30.06.2013 um 20:35
Randy Jackson Jr. ‏@randyjacksonjr 14h
His hologram was unreal!!! Emotional and amazing at the same time 🙌🙌

Randy Jackson Jr. ‏@randyjacksonjr 16h
It's showtime!! #cirquedusoleil #one

MJONE29062013 zps18cc62a1Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Randy Jackson Jr. ‏@randyjacksonjr 20h
I've never experienced this type of heat!!! #vegas
11:53 PM - 29 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.06.2013 um 20:38
2013 MICHAEL JACKSON ONE premiere red carpet interviews and Jackso
Richard Corey ~ Veröffentlicht am 30.06.2013

read the story at
s. a. (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2013)


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30.06.2013 um 20:45
Prince Jackson poses with grandmother Katherine and girlfriend Remi Alfalah at the star-studded Las Vegas premiere of Michael Jackson ONE

By Bianca Carneiro
PUBLISHED: 06:14 GMT, 30 June 2013 | UPDATED: 10:55 GMT, 30 June 2013


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30.06.2013 um 20:48
Cirque du Soleil ‏@Cirque 16h
.@JackieJackson5 @titojackson5 @Marlon_Jackson with Berry Gordy on the #MJONE red carpet!

BN SPlkCIAA01uI.jpg large

4:07 AM - 30 Jun 13

ein Tweet von Mai 2013

Cirque du Soleil ‏@Cirque 7 Mai

We’ve just unveiled #MJONE! Here’s a look at what you can expect from the show when it opens @MandalayBay on May 23! Youtube: Trailer First Look: Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil | Cirque du Soleil
Trailer First Look: Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil | Cirque du Soleil
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Trailer First Look: Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil

Here's your first look at Michael Jackson ONE, coming to Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas on May 23rd! For tickets and more info, visit:
8:55 PM - 7 Mai 1


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30.06.2013 um 21:09
'She's strong like her father': Debbie Rowe compares Paris to Michael Jackson as she thanks fans for their prayers

By Mike Larkin
PUBLISHED: 18:05 GMT, 30 June 2013 | UPDATED: 18:35 GMT, 30 June 2013

Debbie Rowe has said her daughter Paris is strong like her father Michael Jackson.

The 54-year-old likened the teenager to the Prince Of Pop when she took to Twitter on Saturday to thank her well-wishers for their prayers and messages of support.

It comes after the 15-year-old was hospitalised following in a suicide attempt on June 5, and was subsequently taken to a psychiatric facility at the UCLA Medical Center.

She tweeted: 'My daughter has asked that I extend a huge thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers and support.

'She is strong like her father.'

Debbie also sent a message to Neil Patrick Harris after he tweeted about the opening night of Michael Jackson's Cirque One at the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas.

She wrote: 'Paris wants to know how you loved it.'

Last week a judge ruled Paris and her brothers will remain under the guardianship of their grandmother Katherine and cousin TJ,

article-0-1A94988F000005DC-191 634x792
Inner strength: Debbie said the late Prince Of Pop had hidden reserves of power beneath his childlike demeanor
article-2351942-1A970E40000005DC-844 634
Tweeting out: Debbie thanked supporters of her daughter on her Twitter account on Saturday

The decision follows an investigation into the well-being of the late Michael Jackson's three children when she was hospitalised after she overdosed on pills and cut herself.

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ordered an investigator to interview Jackson's children, including Prince, 16, and Blanket, 11, and report back to him.

Judge Beckloff said he was taking 'no further action' and the current guardianship set-up, which is shared between Katherine and TJ, will remain in place.

The decision came on the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, who died on June 25, 2009, from a fatal dose of Propofol.


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30.06.2013 um 21:14
Jackson Family Pays Tribute to Michael at Cirque du Soleil Premiere

By Alison Schwartz
06/30/2013 at 02:05 PM EDT

Prince Jackson and Katherine Jackson at the June 29 world premiere of Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas

There was only one place to be in Las Vegas on Saturday night.

Cirque du Soleil's Michael Jackson ONE premiere garnered a star-studded crowd, including Neil Patrick Harris, Justin Bieber and David Arquette, as well as members of the late artist's family.

Among Jackson's family honoring his career: his mother Katherine, his 16-year-old son Prince, and his brothers Marlon, Tito and Jackie, who commented on Paris Jackson's recent mental health scare that began following a June 5 suicide attempt.

"She's going to be okay," Jackie Jackson said, according to the Associated Press. "She's getting better."

Michael Jackson ONE is the second Cirque du Soleil show paying tribute to Jackson, coming less than 20 months after Immortal debuted.

"ONE is all about the music," Marlon Jackson said. "This is part of giving back and sharing his legacy.",,20713638,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 02.07.2013)


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30.06.2013 um 22:12
Michael Jackson: Neverland Kid Told Me in 2005 “Nothing Happened” to Him or to Wade Robson

06/30/13 11:09am Roger Friedman

michael jackson

Wade Robson is the young man who is now suing Michael Jackson’s estate. He claims Jackson molested him from age 7 to 14. Thanks to the re-surfacing of old “files” from the old “National Enquirer” in the British press today, I had go to back and look through my files from 2005. And what I found is pretty interesting.

I met with a young man named Bobby Newt, a kid from the files whom National Enquirer reporter Jim Mitteager targeted as a Michael Jackson “victim.” By 2005 he was an adult, and I met with him. He told me nothing happened to him. He also added that nothing happened to Wade Robson, who was then going to be a witness in the trial.

Bobby Newt and his two brothers, who wanted to be the next Jackson 5, spent two weeks with Michael at his Hayvenhurst house in Encino (this was before Neverland). This is what I wrote:

“…nothing about what Bobby Newt hears now about himself or others makes sense.

“I don’t know what to believe. He had prime time with me and my brother in the guest room for two weeks,” he said. “And he didn’t try anything.”

As a footnote to all of this: In the small world of the Los Angeles music business, Bobby Newt recently worked with choreographer and alleged Jackson “victim” Wade Robson on tracks for his first album, a potential hit compendium of original R&B ballads.

“Wade is straight as they come. He’s getting married. And nothing ever happened to him, either,” Newt said.

Published April 7, 2005
Former Protege Vouches for Jackson

No matter who testifies next in Michael Jackson‘s alleged “prior acts” of sexual abuse mini-trial, the prosecution will have to deal with the fact that only one boy will show up to say he was molested many years ago by the pop star.

Now comes Robert Newt, 30, long a “Holy Grail” for The National Enquirer from its investigation into Jackson circa 1993.

Newt and his twin brother Ronald Newt Jr. (now deceased) were aspiring performers and spent two weeks as guests in the Jackson family home in Encino, Calif., around 1985. They were about 11 years old. This all occurred before Neverland was completed. Michael, Janet Jackson and LaToya Jackson were all there, as well as the Jackson parents.

Fast-forward to December 1993. The National Enquirer, desperate to get a scoop that Jackson has abused children, heard that the Newt kids once spent time with Jackson.

The tabloid offered the Newts’ father, Ronald Newt Sr., $200,000 to say that something happened between his kids and Jackson.

Newt, a San Francisco “character” and filmmaker whose past includes pimping and jail time, considered the offer.

A contract was drawn up, signed by Enquirer editor David Perel. Enquirer reporter Jim Mitteager, who is also now deceased, met with Newt and his son at the Marriott hotel in downtown San Francisco.

It seemed that all systems were go. But the Newts declined the offer at the last minute.

Ron Newt Sr., to whom $200,000 would have seemed like the world on a silver platter, wrote “No good sucker” where his signature was supposed to go. The reason: Nothing ever happened between Jackson and the Newt boys.

Indeed, no kids, no matter how much money was dangled by the tabloids, ever showed up to trade stories of Jackson malfeasance for big lumps of cash after the first scandal broke in 1993.

“Maybe there aren’t any other kids,” a current Enquirer editor conceded.

I met Bobby Newt yesterday near the office where he works as a mortgage broker in suburban Los Angeles.

Just as his dad promised me a few days earlier, he’s a good-looking kid. He’s half black and half Chinese.

Robert and his twin brother were likely very cute kids. They have the same features as other boys advertised as alleged Neverland “victims.” But all Bobby Newt remembers of his encounter with Jackson is good times.

And all he remembers about the man from The National Enquirer is that he wanted Bobby, then 18, to lie.

“He said, ‘Say he grabbed you on the butt. Say he grabbed you and touched you in any kind of way,’” Newt said. “He told us he took all these people down. Now he was going to take Michael down. That he would really destroy him. He told us he took all these other famous people down. All the major people that had scandals against them. He said, ‘We take these people down. That’s what we do.’”

Prior to Bobby’s meeting with Mitteager, Bobby’s father met with him and brought along an intermediary, San Francisco politician, businessman and fellow jailbird Charlie Walker.

Walker is infamous in San Francisco circles for being “hooked up” to anything interesting cooking on the West Coast.

“My dad said these dudes are offering this money to take Michael Jackson down. And the guy [Mitteager] said, ‘Say he touched you. All you have to do is say it. But you might have to take the stand. You might have to go on ‘Oprah’ in front of all these people. You have to be prepared for this thing. Just say it. And we’ll give you money,’” Newt said.

Two pieces of evidence confirm the Newts’ story. One is the actual contract proffered by the Enquirer and signed by Perel, who declined to comment for this story.

The contract, written as a letter, says it’s an agreement between the tabloid and the Newts for their exclusive story regarding “your relationship with and knowledge of Michael Jackson, and his sexuality, your knowledge of Michael Jackson’s sexual contact and attempts at sexual contact with Robert Newt and others.”

Mitteager expected them to sign, even though it was completely untrue and there was, in fact, no story.

He knew you were lying, I reminded Bobby Newt.

“Exactly! And he didn’t care! He was like, ‘Just say it and we’ll give you the money.’ And I was like, ‘He [Jackson] never touched me!” Newt said. “He [Mitteager] was really fishing and really digging. Think about it — most people you say it to, ‘We’ll give you this money,’ even [if it's not true]. And they’d take it.”

Bobby Newt recalled more details of the 30-minute meeting with The National Enquirer’s reporter:

“He was trying to coach me — if I decided to take the money, what would happen. He said ‘You know, it’s going to be a huge scandal. You’ll probably have a lot of people not liking you. You’re going to be famous!’ But to me, you’d be ruined. And the truth is Michael didn’t do anything even close to trying to molest us.”

Ironically, the second piece of evidence also backs up the Newts’ story. Unbeknownst to them, they were taped by Mitteager.

I told you last week that Mitteager did more surreptitious taping than Richard Nixon. When he died, the tapes were left to Hollywood investigator Paul Barresi. His dozens of hours of tapes include a conversation between Mitteager, Ron Newt Sr. and Charlie Walker.

When I read some of the transcript back to Newt the other day, he was shocked.

“I said all that,” he observed, surprised to have his memory prodded some 12 years later.

Back in the mid-’80s, Ron Newt Sr. put his three sons together as a singing group much as Joseph Jackson did. He called them The Newtrons.

After much pushing, he got the attention of Joe Jackson, who agreed to manage the group. Joe Jackson got the Newtrons a showcase at the Roxy in West Hollywood.

Michael showed up and loved them. The result was a two-week stay for the boys at the Encino house on Hayvenhurst Ave., where they were supposed to work on their music.

“We would see Michael in passing. We didn’t see him, maybe, because he was working on an album. We saw him downstairs in the kitchen and we talked to him,” he said.

The Newtrons eventually got a record contract and recorded the Jackson 5 hit “I Want You Back” at Hayvenhurst. They also spent the night at Tito Jackson‘s house. But nothing about what Bobby Newt hears now about himself or others makes sense.

“I don’t know what to believe. He had prime time with me and my brother in the guest room for two weeks,” he said. “And he didn’t try anything.”

As a footnote to all of this: In the small world of the Los Angeles music business, Bobby Newt recently worked with choreographer and alleged Jackson “victim” Wade Robson on tracks for his first album, a potential hit compendium of original R&B ballads.

Jackson’s former maid Blanca Francia implicated Robson in the case during Monday’s testimony. Robson is not testifying for the prosecution.

“Wade is straight as they come. He’s getting married. And nothing ever happened to him, either,” Newt said.

He shakes his head, thinking about those who have made claims against Jackson.

“You have to look at these people, go back and see when their relationship with Michael fractured. The calls stopped coming,” he said.

And Newt should know. After the adventure in 1985, the Newts never saw Jackson again. It didn’t bother them, Bobby says, as much as it might have others.

“They probably didn’t like it. And this is their way of getting back at him,” he said.
Read more: (Archiv-Version vom 08.07.2013)


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30.06.2013 um 22:22
Charles Thomson ‏@CEThomson 7h
NEW BLOG: What nobody else is telling you about today's new Michael Jackson smear campaign:
2:46 PM - 30 Jun 13

Sunday, 30 June 2013

The Mirror, the People, and the settlement that never was...

It's a funny thing. Ever since the high-profile Michael Jackson death trial started going pear-shaped for promoter AEG Live, a lot of newspapers which carry prominent and lucrative advertising for its events have become more intent on smearing Michael Jackson than ever.

Leading the way has been The Mirror in the UK. A few weeks ago, contemporaneous emails presented at trial showed that AEG boss Randy Phillips had 'slapped' Michael Jackson because he was scared about attending a press conference. Slapped him and screamed at him 'so loud the walls shook'.

The shocking revelation was widely ignored by the press. Several days after the evidence was heard in open court, only one outlet had summoned the courage to publish it. AP did not include the testimony in its daily missive from the courtroom. The wire's reporter claimed on twitter he had been out of the courtroom sending emails when the testimony occurred.

It was only when fans started making noise about the 'cover-up' on sites like Twitter that other media companies grudgingly published the comments. AEG-sponsored newspapers like the Mirror, though, bizarrely tried to paint Michael Jackson as the bad guy. According to the first line of the Mirror's story, Jackson 'needed to be slapped'. Interestingly, the Mirror was a lot faster to publish a story last year accusing Janet Jackson of slapping a minor. A story which turned out to be a lie.

This weekend - days after Jackson's son took the stand and testified that he saw Phillips in his home while his father was not there, behaving 'aggressively' towards Jackson's doctor - the Mirror's Sunday edition, called the People, is at it again. It has published a highly misleading story about some 'FBI files' which allegedly show Michael Jackson was witnessed molesting children by multiple Neverland employees. The 'FBI files' also detail a supposed settlement with a young accuser in 1992 - before the Jordy Chandler case.

In reality, the story is a nonsense; a birds nest of mangled and misstated accusations which are neither 'new' nor 'exclusive', despite the People's repeated claims that they are. In fact, the documents are not 'FBI files' at all. This is a flat-out lie. Moreover, the claims have all been in the public domain for a very long time, some having been discredited two decades ago.

Of course, most readers won't bother to fact-check the story. Why would they? The newspaper is supposed to do that before publishing it. Sadly, it seems other media outlets can't be bothered either. Britain's Mail newspaper has already rehashed the story, evidently making no attempt to investigate its veracity before doing so.

I could go into a whole lot of detail about the claims made by the People - and the various lazy journalists who will copy and paste its story hundreds, or perhaps thousands of times onto their own websites and into their own newspapers in the coming days. But what is the point? The info is already in the public domain.

Those who hate Jackson will adopt the People's story as evidence for their case. Those with an interest in hearing both sides of Jackson's case will already know that these claims were debunked a long time ago. Nobody else will even bother to research the story. The People's readers buy the newspaper because they like and trust it. They, as intended, will believe this story and will not question it.

Briefly, however, for the record:

1) The 'FBI files' are not FBI files. They are transcripts of interviews compiled by a tabloid journalist who paid his sources - including one who turned out not to exist.They were acquired by a PI who worked for Jackson's defence team. A decade later, he was prosecuted for tapping phones. The FBI seized all of his files, of which these tabloid interviews formed a miniscule part.

2) The allegations of Jackson being caught by multiple employees do not, as the People infers, come from a host of different documents. They all come from one document - a transcript of an interview with a couple called the LeMarques, who worked at Neverland in the late 80s and early 90s. The People intentionally does not state that all of these uncorroborated accusations come from just one of the documents, instead purposely misleading readers and suggesting that they're taken from a cache of evidence.

The LeMarques never contacted police about the abuse they claimed to have witnessed, instead opting to negotiate deals with tabloid newspapers - including the Mirror. Their claims were investigated by cops probing Jackson, who found the couple had agreed to add increasingly graphic details to their interviews for more and more money. Investigators concluded in the 90s that the pair had no credibility and possessed no evidence of any genuine abuse. They were called on out of desperation to testify in Jackson's 2005 trial after prosecutors watched their case begin to disintegrate, but were destroyed under cross-examination. Jurors rejected their testimony and acquitted Jackson, unanimously.

3) The supposed 'settlement' in 1992 was detailed to a tabloid reporter, for money, by a female source who claimed to work for Jordan Chandler's legal firm. She never showed the reporter a document - she simply 'read it out' over the phone. A police investigation into the claim found that the boy named in the settlement did not exist, there was no record of any settlement ever being paid, and the female source had never worked for the legal firm and in fact did not exist. She was never heard of again.

This leaves one element of the People's story standing; that Jackson 'allegedly' - what a convenient little word that is - paid $35million to two-dozen young accusers. The newspaper presents no evidence to corroborate this claim. Just a note in the tabloid reporter's documents, which the People intentionally misrepresents as an 'FBI file'.

Contrary to the People's claim, investigators knew about and investigated these tapes as part of their probe into Jackson in 2003/4, in which they were assisted by the FBI. Despite all of their resources, neither the Californian police nor the FBI was ever able to locate any evidence that any child besides Jordan Chandler or Jason Francia ever received a settlement.


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30.06.2013 um 22:39
30. Juni 2013 12:00

Millionen für angebliche Missbrauchsopfer?

Der verstorbene King of Pop, Michael Jackson, soll nach neuen Berichten umgerechnet fast 27 Millionen Euro gezahlt haben, damit angebliche Missbrauchsopfer nicht an die Öffentlichkeit gehen.

Angeblich erkaufte sich Michael Jackson (50) mit einer Millionensumme das Schweigen angeblicher Missbrauchsopfer.

Ein Ermittler sammelte Berichte, Transkripte von Telefonanrufen und Aufzeichnungen, die vermuten lassen, dass der 2009 verstorbene Sänger ('Thriller') umgerechnet fast 27 Millionen Euro an die Familien angeblicher Opfer zahlte.

"Sie [die Berichte] zeigen, dass wenigstens zwei Dutzend Kindern Geld gegeben wurde, damit sie ruhig blieben - man kommt auf etwa 35 Millionen Dollar", meinte der Ermittler gegenüber der britischen Zeitung 'Sunday People'. "Wade Robson war eines der Kinder, das als Opfer identifiziert wurde, während unsere Berichte zeigen, dass viele andere bezahlt wurden, bevor ihre Namen überhaupt irgendwo auftauchten."

Umgerechnet über 15 Millionen Euro sollen demnach auch an Jordan Chandler gegangen sein. Der Ermittler wurde 1993 von Chandlers Vater angeheuert, nachdem dessen Sohn behauptet hatte, von Michael Jackson missbraucht worden zu sein.

"Ich habe das nicht veröffentlicht, um Michaels Kinder, die nichts Falsches getan haben, durcheinanderzubringen. Aber als Wades Fall bekannt wurde, fand ich, dass die Zeit reif wäre, die Öffentlichkeit wissen zu lassen, welche Informationen gesammelt wurden, was die Behörden haben - und was nie veröffentlicht wurde."
