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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 09:48
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:was machen wir jetzt mit dem Wade Robson? Ich weiß nicht, was ich davon halten soll. Es ist alles merkwürdig, weil das jetzt gerade mit der Klage gegen AEG zusammenfällt!!!
Es soll aber noch einen zweiten Prominenten geben? So richtig werde ich jetzt daraus nicht schlau.
Vieles geschwärzt, warum? Das ist ja auch noch keine Klage, oder? Der Richter prüft noch?
Hat darüber nur TMZ berichtet?
ich verstehe diesen Klageantrag auch nicht ... bei dem Prozess 2005 hatte der Robson keine Anschuldigungen vorzubringen, aber nun sei er "erwacht" ... alles sehr eigenartig ...

Nein, nicht noch einen zweiten Prominenten, sondern es soll noch ZWEI Berühmtheiten geben ...
so wie ich es verstanden habe, ging es ja u. a. auch um die Versiegelung der Unterlagen ...
da manches an die Öffentlichkeit ging, mußte vieles geschwärzt werden ... diese Angaben werden nicht herausgegeben, daher nun "verschlossen" ... ja, ich denke auch, der Richter prüft noch ...

nein, nicht nur TMZ berichtet ...
hier ein Bericht vom 26.06.2013 ... wurde hier auch eingestellt: Eintrag vom 26.06.2013 um 19:05 Uhr


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 09:58
nein, ich meine renomierte Sender, z.B. CNN. Ob die schon was zu diesem Fall berichtet haben.
So wie aus diesem vorgenannten Artikel hervorgeht, setzten sich alle dafür ein, nichts an die Öffentlichkeit weiterzugeben, um Michaels Kinder zu schützen???!!! Sehr seltsam. Wenn denn dann doch was dran wäre, muß es aber schon an die Öffentlichkeit!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 10:12
ich meine, es muß auch an die Öffentlichkeit, wenn der Wade mit sonstwem in Verbindung steht, AEG oder so. Oder wenn der Wade andere Schwierigkeiten hatte und er vielleicht mit dem Geld, was er eventuell bekommen könnte, liebäugelt.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 10:26
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:nein, ich meine renomierte Sender, z.B. CNN. Ob die schon was zu diesem Fall berichtet haben.
So wie aus diesem vorgenannten Artikel hervorgeht, setzten sich alle dafür ein, nichts an die Öffentlichkeit weiterzugeben, um Michaels Kinder zu schützen???!!! Sehr seltsam. Wenn denn dann doch was dran wäre, muß es aber schon an die Öffentlichkeit!
also CNN hatte am 16.05.2013 über Robson berichtet ...

das ist das Google Ergebnis: Michael Jackson Wade Robson,or.r_qf.&fp=c75277fe136e0d5e&biw=1280&bih=607
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ich meine, es muß auch an die Öffentlichkeit, wenn der Wade mit sonstwem in Verbindung steht, AEG oder so. Oder wenn der Wade andere Schwierigkeiten hatte und er vielleicht mit dem Geld, was er eventuell bekommen könnte, liebäugelt.
ja, es sollte nun auch wirklich geklärt werden, welche Gründe tatsächlich dahinterstecken, dass so viel Jahre nach den angeblichen "Vorfällen", diese Beschuldigungen vor Gericht gebracht werden ...

also richtig ernst nehmen, kann ich diesen Robson nicht ... aber er sorgt für sehr
viel Aufregung mit seinen Behauptungen ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 10:49
Co-guardian says paparazzi make grieving more difficult for children of Michael Jackson

Co-Vormund sagt, Paparazzi machen Trauerarbeit für die Kinder von Michael Jackson schwerer

By Associated Press, Friday, June 28, 3:53 AM

LOS ANGELES — Scrutiny by paparazzi has made it more difficult for the children of Michael Jackson to grieve for their dead father, a family cousin who serves as co-guardian of the singer’s children told a jury on Thursday.

TJ Jackson said the three children don’t like the attention, and he supports any legislative effort to curb photographers from pursuing images of the sons and daughters of celebrities.

“In my opinion, I know it’s making everything harder for the kids to grieve and recover and progress,” Jackson said.

The comments came as Jackson testified during a civil trial involving the death of the pop star about his relationship with his famous uncle and the singer’s parenting of his children.

He cited remarks made Tuesday by Halle Berry in Sacramento as the Legislature considers a bill that would change the definition of harassment to include photographing or recording a child without the permission of a legal guardian.

Anyone convicted of a first offense could spend between 10 days and a year in jail.

TJ Jackson said he had to consider whether Michael Jackson’s youngest son Blanket should attend martial arts classes on Tuesday because photographers would be interested in getting a shot of the 11-year-old on the fourth anniversary of his father’s death.

TJ Jackson is Tito Jackson’s son and a member of the musical group 3T with two of his brothers.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2013)


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28.06.2013 um 10:53
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

tumblr mp298nu3hy1qlutfoo1 500


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 11:00
Michael Jackson: Missbrauchte er den 7-jährigen Wade Robson?

Tänzer spricht über sexuellen Missbrauch

Geschrieben am: 28.06.2013 um 10:44 Uhr


Wade Robson (30) will Gerechtigkeit. Der Tänzer und Choreograph behauptet, dass Michael Jackson ihn als Kind missbrauchte. In der Klage, die der Seite ‚RadarOnline‘ vorliegt, erklärte er, dass er 1990 im Alter von 7 Jahren das erste Mal von Jackson missbrauchte wurde und die Übergriffe 7 Jahre lang andauerten.

„Wir können niemals jemandem sagen was wir machen“ soll der Musiker dem Kind damals erklärt haben. „Die Leute sind ignorant und würden niemals verstehen, dass wir uns lieben und es uns so zeigen. Wenn das jemals jemand herausfinden würde, dann wären unsere Leben und Karrieren vorbei.“

Der Australier, der mit Mitgliedern der Johnny Young Talent School und seiner Familie nach Kalifornien reiste, wurde von Jackson in sein Heim, die Neverland Valley Ranch eingeladen. Er und seine Schwester Chantal schliefen damals im selben Bett wie der Musiker heißt es.

Nach der ersten gemeinsamen Nacht wollte Chantal in einem anderen Zimmer schlafen, doch Wade blieb bei Michael. „Doe 1 [Michael] begann mich in dieser Nacht sexuell zu missbrauchen. Der sexuelle Missbrauch dauerte jede Nacht der zwei Wochen an, die ich Anfang 1990 auf der Ranch verbrachte und ging in seinem Apartment in Westwood in Los Angeles weiter, bevor meine Familie und ich nach Australien zurückkehrten.“

Wade und Michael hatten auch nach der gemeinsamen Zeit in den USA weiterhin Kontakt über Fax und Telefon. „Ich schwor, dass ich keiner Seele davon erzählen würde und das tat ich bis Mai 2012 auch nicht.“

Er und seine Mutter sind nach dem ersten Treffen zwei weitere Male nach Kalifornien geflogen. Während seine Mutter in einem Hotel oder einem Gästezimmer nächtigte, schlief Wade wieder im Bett von Michael Jackson. „In diesen Jahren wurde mein ‚Gott‘ mein ‚Freund‘ und er sagte, dass er mich liebte und mit mir zusammen sein möchte.“

Er soll Wade sogar seinen Sohn genannt und ihn dazu ermutigt haben, dass er von ihm Dad genannt wird. Angeblich soll das Duo sich gemeinsam Pornographie in Form von Magazinen, Büchern und Videos angeschaut haben.

Im Alter von 14 Jahren, als Wade in die Pubertät kam, sollen die Übergriffe aufgehört haben.

Als Michael Jackson 2005 wegen Kindesmissbrauch vor Gericht stand, erklärte Wade Robson allerdings, dass er niemals von ihm unsittlich berührt wurde. Angeblich soll ihn Michael damals zu diesen „Falschaussagen“ gedrängt haben.

Erst am 8. Mai 2012 soll dem Tänzer bewusst geworden sein, dass die Dinge, die er mit Michael trieb nicht in Ordnung waren und er von dem King of Pop missbraucht wurde.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 11:12
MJ Had Sex With Me On The SECOND Night I Stayed At Neverland — When I Was Just 7: Wade Robson Tells His Story Of Abuse

Posted on Jun 27, 2013 @ 15:46PM | By Dylan Howard

waderobson27062013 zpse47f3483Original anzeigen (0,1 MB)

Michael Jackson allegedly made his move on Wade Robson when he was just seven years of age — as his sister slept in another bed just feet away at Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara, California.

Robson, now 30, has told how the King of Pop made his first sexual advances on the young child prodigy in the star’s bedroom in 1990, as the Australia-born dancer’s older sister Chantal slept in the same room and often with his mother under the same roof.

The abuse allegedly continued unabated for another two weeks and from then on, for a period of seven years.

“We can never tell anyone what WE are doing,” Jackson told Robson, according to new court documents filed in the father-of-one’s creditor’s claim against the Estate of the late singer and obtained by

In the declaration, Robson revealed the 13-time Grammy Award-winner suggested to him: “People are ignorant and they would never understand that we love each other and this is how we show it. If anyone were to ever find out, OUR lives and career would be over.”

Robson recounted how he first met Jackson at a meet-and-greet with the pop star during the Australian leg of his ‘Bad’ tour. Two years later, at age seven, he traveled with the Johnny Young Talent School located in Brisbane, Australia, to perform at Disneyland in Anaheim, California.

“Several family members traveled with me to America,” Robson said.

“During our stay in Los Angeles, I met Doe 1 [Jackson] at a recording studio in Van Nuys, California. During our meeting, Doe 1 invited me and my whole family to spend the weekend at his Santa Barbara County ranch, Neverland Valley Ranch. My family stayed the weekend at the ranch, but then left me alone with Doe for another week.”

On the first night at Neverland, Robson and sister Chantal both slept in Jackson’s bedroom — in the same bed as the adult singer — it’s claimed.

But the following night, “Chantal expressed concern about sleeping in Doe 1′s bed and elected instead to sleep in a separate bed on a different floor of Doe’s two-floor bedroom.”

Robson, though, opted to sleep in Jackson’s bed again. That’s when Robson’s lifelong nightmare was said to have begun.

“Doe 1 began sexually abusing me on or about that night,” Robson told court. “The sexual abuse continued every night through the nearly two weeks that I spent at the ranch during that early 1990 visit as well as at Doe 1′s apartment in the Westwood section of Los Angeles before my family and I returned to Australia.”

Specific allegations of abuse were heavily redacted from Robson’s filing. In one section alone, seven lines of alleged abuse were blacked out by the Los Angeles probate court in order to protect Robson’s privacy.

However, according to sections of what was released, it’s claimed that even while Robson’s family was at Neverland, he continued to sleep with Jackson in his bed and “the sexual abuse continued.”

When Robson returned to Australia following his two-week visit, his relationship with the Beat It singer continued via faxes and frequent telephone conversations for “hours each week.”

He pledged to the hit-maker that he would never tell about what happened between them.

“I swore I would never tell a soul about what we did and did not until May 2012,” Robson wrote in the seven page, hand-signed declaration.

That wasn’t the end of the abuse, he said. Between the ages of seven and nine, Robson and his mother Joy traveled to the United States from their hometown of Brisbane on two occasions.

“One trip was for one week and the other was for six weeks,” Robson said. “During these trips, my mother would stay in a hotel or guest room while I stayed with Doe 1 in his bedroom and in his bed. The sexual abuse continued every night we were together.

“It was during these years that my ‘God’ became my ‘friend’ and told me that he loved me and wanted to be with me.”

Shedding light on their apparent and illicit bond, Robson said Jackson — who died at age 50 from an overdose of surgical anesthetic proposal — “encouraged” him to call him ‘Dad’ and he would, in turn, call Robson his ‘Son’.

The pair, Robson claimed, would also watch explicit adult pornography in the form of magazines, books and videos — until it all stopped at age 14.

That was when Robson began to show signs of puberty — and “the sexual abuse by Decedent [Jackson] became less frequent,” charged the court documents.

However, what complicates Robson’s bid for damages is that he infamously denied in testimony at Jackson’s child molestation trial in 2005 that he’d been molested by the singer — charges which Jackson was ultimately acquitted of, partly based on the testimony of Robson, his sister and his mother.

Now, Robson has alleged that Jackson “coached” him “every day” to provide certain statements against claims of molestation, beginning with the Jordy Chandler case in September 1993.

“He would tell me that our phones were tapped and ‘they’ were listening to everything we said,” Robson said of private conversations with Jackson.

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Wade Robson’s Creditor’s Claim Against The Estate Of Michael Jackson (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2013)

“He would role play with me and say to me, ‘They are saying we did all of this disgusting sexual stuff. We never did any of that, right?’ I would play along and answer, ‘No way!’ He would say, ‘If they believed that we did any of this sexual stuff, YOU AND I would go to jail for the rest of our lives. Our lives and careers would be over. We’ve got to fight this. We’ve got to beat them together.”

Jackson selected, hired and paid for the lawyer who represented Robson in relation to his testimony to the grand jury in the Chandler case, it was also revealed.

Then, when Jackson was criminally charged in 2005, he again, allegedly, began to coach Robson.

“Doe 1 [Jackson] called me constantly and coached me by acting out similar role play as he did with me in 1993 when I was 11, telling me such things as, ‘They are making up all these lies about you and I. They are trying tying to take US down, take away my power and money, take away our careers. We can’t let them do this. We have to fight them together.’”

Robson recalled he would play along with his idol, just as he did when he was 11.

“I still did not believe that I was sexually abused,” he said.

“I did not believe that I was forced. I believed that I was a consenting participant in the sexual acts that Doe and I engaged in. I also believed that I was absolutely fine with what went on between us.

“My state of mind was essentially the same as when I was eleven and I denied any abuse.”

According to Robson, it wasn’t until May 8, 2012 that he realized he’d been systematically abused — after multiple nervous breakdowns which included feelings of extreme stress, anxiety, fear, depression and insomnia.

His lawyer told the court, “It was only within the past year, as the result of a complete psychological collapse arising from the fulfilling of a ‘prophecy’ made by the Decedent [Jackson] to Claimant [Robson] that Claimant would one day direct films and a fear that what happened to him as a child could also happen to his own young son, that Claimant, with the assistance of insight-orientated therapy, has relayed that his relationship with his god, his idol and his father figure, Michael Jackson, which began when Claimant was only five years old, was built on sexual abuse and that Claimant was the victim of extensive psychological trauma.

“The decision to pursue a claim against the Estate for the actions of Decedent was not one that Claimant arrived at without a careful and measured evaluation of its implications, as filing this Petition would necessarily mean that he would have to disclose to others the shameful and loathsome nature of his childhood sexual relationship with Decedent, the effects of which he has buried for decades.”

Jackson’s estate has labeled Robson’s claims as “outrageous and pathetic.”

“This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him,” lawyer Howard Weitzman said previously.

“Now, nearly four years after Michael has passed this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 11:21
Nephew: Michael Jackson was murdered

Neffe: Michael Jackson wurde ermordet

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 7:31 PM EDT, Thu June 27, 2013


* NEW: "My mother was murdered for money ... I don't put that past anyone," T.J. Jackson says
* T.J. Jackson shares guardianship of Prince, Paris and Blanket with their grandmother
* Paris "in a tough spot, but we're loving her and doing everything we can," T.J Jackson says
* Paparazzi stalking makes "everything harder for the kids to grieve and to recover, he says

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's nephew testified Thursday that he believes his uncle was murdered.

T.J. Jackson, the youngest son of Jackson brother Tito, revealed his suspicion while being cross examined by an AEG Live lawyer in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial.

Jurors also heard him testify about the emotional devastation caused by Michael Jackson's death.

"He was just everything," said T.J. Jackson, who shares guardianship of Michael Jackson's children -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- with their grandmother.

Michael Jackson's mother and his children contend his last concert promoter was liable for his death because it hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

AEG Live lawyers argue it was Jackson, not the company, who chose and controlled Dr. Murray. Their executives had no way of knowing he was giving nightly infusions of the surgical anesthetic propofol to Jackson, which the coroner ruled killed the singer, the lawyers say.

"Do you believe your uncle was murdered?" AEG Live attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina asked T.J. Jackson.

"I do," he answered. "I believe it because he did tell me and the brothers that he was going to be murdered on a couple of occasions.

"He said that just because of his position he was a target."

T.J. Jackson had earlier testified that his mother, Delores Jackson, was the victim of murder 19 years ago.

"My mother was murdered for money, too, so I don't put that past anyone," he said.

Initially it was believed that his mother, Delores Martes Jackson, who had divorced from Tito Jackson in 1993, drowned in a swimming pool, but the case was reopened, and her sons in 1995 filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against a man they accused of killing her. Three years later, the man was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 15 years to life in prison.

If the jury concludes AEG Live has liability in Jackson's death, then they must put a dollar figure on damages -- including the emotional toll on the children caused by the loss of their father.

The oldest child, 16-year-old Prince, testified Wednesday that sister Paris, 15, "was probably hit the hardest because she was my dad's princess."

Paris has been hospitalized since a suicide attempt earlier this month, although it is unclear whether jurors will know about it.

"The loss of my uncle has hit her at a different level and she's in a tough spot, but we're loving her and doing everything we can," T.J. Jackson testified Thursday

He said he was at a loss for words to describe what Paris is going through. "It's tough, you know, it's tough."

"She was daddy's girl," he said. "My uncle was her world. My uncle gave them more love and for it to be taken away, it's been very hard for Paris, and for all of them."

Blanket, who was 7 when his father died, "was always wrapped around his leg, very shy," T.J. Jackson said. "Wherever my uncle was, Blanket was a foot away, My uncle was everything to Blanket."

"Right now, I don't know if Blanket realizes what he lost," Prince said. "He was so young. He is still growing up just like I am and he doesn't have a father to guide him."

Prince said he has "a hard time sleeping" since his father's death in 2009. It left him "emotionally distant from a lot of people" for a while, he said.

He's missed sharing with his father "the first day of going to school, having the first girlfriend, being able to drive," Prince testified.

T.J. Jackson said Prince was Michael Jackson's "little assistant."

"He was very mature for his age, very smart. My uncle would prepare him for things" by telling him about his business deals.

"He's very strong, he's very smart," he testified. "He was always the smartest kid I'd ever known."

As a guardian, T.J. Jackson said he must constantly deal with paparazzi stalking the children for photographs.

"It's, just to be frank, a complete annoyance," he said. "It's awful."

He suggested there should be a new law to protect celebrity children from photographers.

"I know it's making everything harder for the kids to grieve and to recover and to progress," he said.


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28.06.2013 um 11:26

Michael Jackson & Children
Emotional Home Videos
Tug Heart Strings in Court

6/28/2013 12:50 AM PDT

VIDEO auf der Website

Michael Jackson was a loving father who cared deeply for his 3 children ... and they suffered an immeasurable loss when he passed away -- at least that's what Jackson family lawyers tried to show in court with MJ's own candid home videos.

The videos -- both shot by Michael -- were played for the jury in the Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit against AEG.

The first was shot on Christmas Day in 2006 ... when Prince was 9, Paris was 8, and Blanket was 4.

It's pretty touching -- Michael asks each of his children what they want to be when they grow up, and he really does sound like a caring father.

The other clip was shot years earlier -- when Prince and Paris were both toddlers. It's clear from the footage they both adore their dad, calling themselves "daddy's baby."

VIDEO auf der Website


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28.06.2013 um 11:40
'It's tough. She was a daddy's girl. My uncle was her world': Michael Jackson's nephew T.J. reveals Paris' current struggles in court

By Cliff Renfrew
PUBLISHED: 02:59 GMT, 28 June 2013 | UPDATED: 06:57 GMT, 28 June 2013

Paris Jackson's cousin and co-guardian T.J. Jackson has admitted that the teenager is in a 'tough spot' as she recovers from her recent suicide bid.

The telling insight into the current state of mind of Michael Jackson's 15-year-old daughter was given when the 34-year-old spoke at the wrongful death lawsuit against promoters AEG Live on Thursday.

And the evidence is sure to strike a chord with the late superstar's millions of fans around the world who are hoping and praying that Paris can make a full recovery.

Speaking at Los Angeles Superior Court T.J. Jackson said: 'Paris has a heart of gold. I just think the loss of my uncle has hit her at a different level. She's in a tough spot, but we're all loving her and doing everything we can to get her where she should be.

'It's tough. She was daddy's girl. My uncle was her world.'

'Paris is not going to be testifying,' lawyer Deborah Chang told Judge Yvette Palazuelos while the jury was out of the courtroom. 'We have a little girl in so much pain right now, she cannot come.'

During his testimony T.J. also revealed that Katherine Jackson has been struggling to cope since The King Of Pop died back in June 2009.

T.J. praised Prince, 16, as 'an amazing person' while admitting that Blanket, 11, is 'extremely shy'.

'Our children are supposed to outlive us, so it's been very difficult on our grandmother. He was just everything. Since Prince was a kid, he's always been one of the smartest kids I've ever seen or known, reading books at a young age, devouring books.

'Blanket was always very shy. He was always wrapped around Michael's leg right, behind his leg. Wherever my uncle was, Blanket was there, My uncle was everything to Blanket.'

On a lighter note T.J. also testified about how incredibly generous the late King Of Pop could be by handing over $100 bills to complete strangers and generously rewarding his staff too.

Which is ironic considering that Michael Jackson left a huge trail of debts when he passed away.

The Jacksons are suing AEG Live for hiring and not properly investigating Dr Conrad Murray who was charged with looking after Michael Jackson.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for his part in Michael's death - which AEG contend was not their fault as the performer hid his drug abuse.

Meanwhile, former professional dancer Wade Robson has outlined molestation allegations against Michael Jackson, claiming the performer molested him in various ways from February 4, 1990 and 7 years thereafter.

article-2350352-1A8CC9EE000005DC-754 634
Documents: The US court documents detail Wade Robson's sex assault allegations against Michael Jackson
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Allegations: The dancer claimed the superstar assaulted him in the 1990s

In the redacted documents obtained by TMZ, seven lines of alleged abuse are blacked-out.

Wade's lawyer claim that after Michael's first accuser Jordy Chandler made allegations about him the performer called Wade and 'brainwashed him into being a good soldier.'

According to the documents the superstar would engage in role playing with Robson saying: 'They are saying we did all of this disgusting sexual stuff. We never did any of that. Right?'

In another similar session in 2005 - during his molestation trial - Jackson allegedly told Robson: 'They are making up all these lies about you and I saying that we did all these disgusting sexual stuff.

'They are just trying to take us down, take away my power and my money, take away our careers. We can't let them do this.'

The documents also describe an incident reported by a former housekeeper during Jackson's 2005 criminal trial.

She testified at the time that she walked past the singer's shower and heard him playing with 'little Wade'.

The housekeeper revealed that she saw two pairs of underwear outside the shower - one belonged to Jackson the other was a 'little boy's neon green pair'.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.06.2013 um 12:40
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 29. Teil

27. Juni 2013

Gestern war’s nun soweit. Einen Tag nach dem vierten Jahrestag von Michael Jacksons Tod nahm sein Sohn Prince den Zeugenstand ein. In den ersten 30 Minuten wurden den Geschworenen von den Jackson Anwälten diverse Videos und Fotos von Michael und seinen Kindern gezeigt. Anschliessend befragte Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish Prince zu den letzten Wochen in Michaels Leben. Michael Jackson hatte oft geweint, nachdem er mit AEG Live Leuten telefoniert hatte, so sein Sohn. “Er hatte gesagt ‘Sie werden mich umbringen; sie werden mich umbringen’”, so Prince. Mit “sie” waren gemäss Prince AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips sowie Michaels Manager Dr. Tohme Tohme gemeint.

Prince sagte aus, dass Randy Phillips in der Nacht vor Michaels Tod in ihrem Haus war und Conrad Murray besucht hatte, während Michael noch bei den Proben war. “[Phillips] hatte [Murray] am Ellbogen gefasst. Aus meiner Sicht sah’s aggressiv aus. [...] sie waren sehr nah beisammen und [Phillips] gestikulierte mit den Händen”, so Prince. Er habe jedoch nicht gehört, worüber sie gesprochen hatten. Nachdem er den Vorfall beobachtet hatte, rief Prince seinen Vater vom Häuschen der Sicherheitsleute aus an, um ihm zu sagen, dass Phillips bei ihnen zu Hause sei. Michael habe seinem Sohn daraufhin gesagt, er solle Randy Phillips etwas zu essen und zu trinken anbieten. Das war das letzte Mal, dass Prince mit seinem Daddy gesprochen hatte.

Das nächste Mal, als er seinen Vater gesehen hatte, hing dieser “halb von seinem Bett runter, seine Augen waren zurückgerollt” und Murray hatte versucht, ihn wiederzubeleben. Paris war Prince die Treppe hinauf gefolgt, “aber wir haben sie die Treppe runtergezogen. Sie hat die ganze Zeit geschrien, dass sie ihren Daddy sehen wollte”, so Prince. Im Spital habe Dr. Murray ihnen dann gesagt: “Sorry Kinder, Euer Dad ist tot”, so Prince.

Im 25-minütigen Kreuzverhör versuchte AEG Live Anwalt Marvin Putnam Princes Aussage betreffend Randy Phillips Besuch bei ihnen zu Hause und dessen Auseinandersetzung mit Conrad Murray zu diskreditieren. Prince blieb jedoch bei seiner Aussage; er gestand einzig ein, dass es möglich sei, dass dieser Vorfall sich zwei Nächte vor Michael Jacksons Tod abgespielt hatte und nicht am Vorabend.

Brian Panish gab Prince weiter die Gelegenheit über den emotionalen Verlust, den die drei Kinder infolge des frühzeitigen Tods ihres Vaters, erlitten hatten zu sprechen. “Ich kann nachts nicht schlafen. Ich habe Schwierigkeiten, nachts zu schlafen”, so Prince. Der Tod seines Vaters habe ihn für eine Weile emotional von vielen Leuten distanziert gehalten. Er habe es vermisst, mit seinem Vater seine Erfahrungen nach seinem ersten Schultag, mit seiner ersten Freundin oder mit dem Autofahren zu teilen, sagte Prince.

Prince sprach auch über seine Schwester Paris und wie der Tod ihres Vaters sie speziell hart getroffen hat. (Paris’ Selbstmordversuch und ihre Einlieferung ins Spital wurden im Gerichtssaal nicht angesprochen und es ist nicht klar, ob die Geschworenen wissen, dass dies vorgefallen ist.) “Ich denke, von all meinen Geschwistern, hat es sie wohl am meisten betroffen, weil sie die Prinzessin meines Dads war”, so Prince. Prince sagte auch, dass die zweitägige Befragung durch die AEG Anwälte im März dieses Jahres (im Rahmen der eidesstattlichen Zeugeneinvernahme) von Paris “schmerzhaft für sie” gewesen war. “Sie hatte einige Probleme davor, danach und, so vermute ich, währenddessen”, so Prince. “Sie geht definitiv auf ihre eigene Art und Weise damit um”, so Prince weiter.

Wie wir am 22. Juni im Rahmen der Aussage von Michaels persönlicher Köchin, Kai Chase, berichtet hatten, feiert Paris ihren Geburtstag seit dem Tod ihres Vaters nicht mehr, “weil es ohne [ihren Vater] nicht mehr dasselbe ist. Dies gilt ebenfalls für Prince. Michaels jüngster Sohn, Blanket, jedoch möchte seine Geburtstage weiterhin feiern. “Im Moment weiss ich nicht, ob Blanket realisiert, was er verloren hat. Er war so jung”, so Prince. Und wie er, habe Blanket keinen Vater mehr, der ihm den Weg zeigt.

AEG Live hatte versucht, Blanket im Rahmen dieses Prozesses ebenfalls zur Aussage zu nötigen. Die Richterin hatte den Antrag jedoch abgelehnt, nachdem ein Psychologe ausgesagt hatte, dass es dem Jungen schaden würde. Paris wird wie erwähnt aufgrund der laufenden psychiatrischen Behandlung nach ihrem Selbstmordbesuch ebenfalls nicht (mehr) vor Gericht aussagen. Es kann jedoch weiterhin vorkommen, dass Videoaufnahmen von ihrer eidesstattlichen Zeugenaussage im März vor Gericht verwendet und den Geschworenen gezeigt werden.

Die Geschworenen bekamen von Prince auch einen Einblick in die Welt von Michael und seinen drei Kindern. Unter anderem wurde ihnen ein bisher unbekanntes Home Video gezeigt, das an einem Weihnachtstag von Michael selbst aufgenommen wurde. Darin hatte er seine Kinder gefragt, wie sie “die Welt verändern” möchten, wenn sie gross sind. Hier das Home Video
( *

Prince wurde zudem zu seinen Schulleistungen und seinen sonstigen Aktivitäten befragt. So erfuhren die Geschworenen, dass er sehr gute Noten hat in der Schule und Kampfsport betreibt sowie als Mechaniker für das Roboterprogramm seiner Schule arbeitet. Nach dem Abschluss der High School möchte er an die University of Southern California, Film und Business studieren gehen. Sein Vater habe ihm gezeigt, wie die besten Filmemacher ihr Handwerk betrieben. Prince ist ehrenamtlich auch im Kinderspital in Los Angeles tätig für ein Programm, das junge Patienten mit Büchern beliefert, “um sich von ihren Problemen abzulenken”, so Prince. Sein Vater habe “immer gesagt, man solle Gutes tun für die Gemeinschaft und man solle so oft helfen, wie man kann”, sagte Prince.

Den Geschworenen wurden auch Videos von Michael und seinen Kindern auf der Neverland Ranch gezeigt, bevor sie nach dem Arvizo Prozess von dort weggezogen sind. “Sie haben es meinem Dad verdorben”, sagte Prince. Überall auf dem Gelände der Neverland Ranch waren auch immer wieder Zitate und Gedichte seines Vaters. Eines davon lautet: “Wenn Kinder spielen, Tyrannen weinen, dann gibt es nichts zu sagen”. Als auch Videos von den verschiedenen Bahnen etc. auf Neverland gezeigt wurden, berichtete Prince, “Wir gingen nur bei besonderen Anlässen auf diese Bahnen und zum Zoo, weil mein Dad wollte, dass wir bescheiden bleiben”. Als ein Foto von Prince und Michael an einem Klavier gezeigt wurde, sagte Prince, dass er nie ein Instrument wird spielen können. “nd ich kann definitiv nicht singen”, so Prince.

Prince erzählte auch, dass er zu Lebzeiten seines Vaters sechs Tage pro Woche Schule hatte; entweder wurde er von einem Lehrer oder von seinem Vater selbst unterrichtet. Ein wichtiger Aspekt war jeweils, über andere Kulturen und Religionen zu lernen. Prince betonte auch, dass Michael seine Kinder immer fragte, wie es ihnen in der Schule ging und was sie machten, um die Welt zu verbessern.

Ein Thema war auch das Tragen von Masken in der Öffentlichkeit, als sie klein waren, “damit niemand wusste, wie wir aussahen, so dass, wenn wir mal ohne [unseren Vater] unterwegs waren, wir eine normale Kindheit haben konnten.” Nachdem er nun konstant beobachtet bzw. verfolgt würde, verstehe er jetzt, warum sein Daddy das so wollte und gemacht hatte, sagte Prince.


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28.06.2013 um 12:44
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 30. Teil

28. Juni 2013

Gestern riefen die Jackson Anwälte Michaels Neffen T.J. Jackson in den Zeugenstand. T.J. Jackson ist der jüngste Sohn von Michaels Bruder Tito Jackson und gegenwärtig Vormund von Michaels drei Kindern zusammen mit Katherine Jackson. Als AEG Live Anwältin Jessica Stebbins Bina T.J. während des Kreuzverhörs fragte, ob er glaube, dass Michael ermordert worden sei, sagte er: “Das tu ich. Ich glaube das, weil er mir und meinen Brüdern ein paar Mal gesagt hatte, dass man ihn umbringen will. Er sagte, nur allein wegen seiner Stellung war er ein Ziel”, so T.J.

Zuvor hatte T.J. unter anderem über den Mord seiner Mutter, Delores Jackson, vor 19 Jahren gesprochen. “Meine Mutter wurde auch wegen Geld umgebracht.” Anfangs wurde der Tod von Delores Jackson, die sich 1993 von Tito hatte scheiden lassen, als Unfall angesehen. Sie ertrank in einem Swimming Pool. Der Fall wurde dann jedoch 1995 auf Initiative von T.J. und seinen zwei Brüdern wieder eröffnet und es wurde gegen einen Mann Anklage wegen widerrechtlicher Tötung erhoben. Drei Jahre später wurde der Mann wegen Totschlags zu 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.

T.J. sagte auch aus, welche verheerenden emotionalen Konsequenzen der Tod von Michael Jackson für seine drei Kinder gehabt hat. “Er war einfach alles [für sie]“, so T.J. “Der Verlust meines Onkels hat [Paris] auf eine andere Art und Weise getroffen [als Prince und Blanket] und sie es ist hart für sie. Aber wir lieben sie und tun, was immer wir können”, so T.J. Er sagte, er habe keine Worte um zu beschreiben, was Paris durchmache. Es sei hart. “Sie war Daddys Mädchen. Mein Onkel war die Welt für sie. Mein Onkel hat ihnen so viel Liebe gegeben und seit er nicht mehr da ist, hat es Paris sehr schwer, alle haben’s schwer”. Michaels jüngster Sohn Blanket, der 7 Jahre alt war, als sein Vater gestorben war, “hatte sich immer um [Michaels] Bein geklammert, er war sehr schüchtern. Wo immer mein Onkel war, Blanket war neben ihm. Mein Onkel hat Blanket alles bedeutet”, so T.J. Was Michaels Sohn Prince betrifft, der am Tag zuvor ausgesagt hatte, sagte T.J., dass er Michaels “kleiner Assistent” war. “Er war für sein Alter sehr reif, sehr intelligent. “Mein Onkel hatte ihn für Sachen vorbereitet”, als er mit ihm über Geschäfte sprach.

Als Vormund von Michaels Kindern müsse er sie ständig vor auflauernden Paparazzis schützen, die Fotos von den Kinder machen wollen. “Um ehrlich zu sein, es nervt total. Es ist schlimm”, so T.J. Er schlug vor, dass es ein neues Gesetz geben sollte, das Kinder von Prominenten vor Fotografen schützen sollte. “Es macht alles nur schwieriger für die Kinder, um trauern, sich vom Verlust erholen und mit dem Leben weitermachen zu können”, sagte T.J.


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28.06.2013 um 19:41
MJ Molestation Accuser Says King Of Pop’s Eerie SPIELBERG Prophecy Triggered Abuse Memories

Posted on Jun 28, 2013 @ 3:56AM | By Dylan Howard

Michael Jackson “prophesized” that Wade Robson would one day become a film director bigger than two-time Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg — an eerie prediction that ultimately prompted the molestation accuser to have a nervous breakdown and reveal seven years of alleged abuse.

According to documents filed in a Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by, the 30-year-old dancer-choreographer was hired in early 2011 to direct a “large budget” dance film that “Decedent [Jackson] had once ‘prophesized’ Claimant [Robson] would do.”

“But by April 2011, overwhelmed with stress and anxiety, Claimant [Robson] was unable to work and quit the film,” lawyers for Robson wrote in their filing as part of a claim for money against the late singer’s Estate.

“Following the walk-away from the biggest opportunity of his life, Claimant met with a cognitive psychologist for about a month in attempt to understand why his life was unravelling, but never discussed with him the childhood sexual activities with Decedent.”

Months later, Robson began working again and was back to “invincible status” before he had a final, “complete breakdown” in March, 2012.

He has been unable to work since, it’s claimed.

During the meltdown and amid extreme stress, anxiety, fear and depression, Robson told a psychologist — for the first time — that Jackson had abused him for seven years, beginning at age seven.

“This realization initiated an enormous emotional, psychological and psychological upheaval in my life that continues to this day,” Robson, who was born in Australia, wrote in his seven page, hand-signed declaration to the court.

He also recalled that fateful conversation with the King of Pop about Spielberg.

At some point during a trip to Los Angeles in 1990, “Doe 1 [Jackson] gave me the nickname ‘Little One’. He continued to call me by that name all the way up until his death in 2009. He also began to fill my head with maxims to live by such as ‘Be in the history books’ and ‘Immortalize yourself’.

“He also prophesized that I would one day be a film director bigger than Steven Spielberg. As far as I was concerned, Doe 1 had written my fate.”

Robson, a father of one, told court: “Since beginning to talk about the abuse, everything in my life has changed. I am no longer in the entertainment business and can never be again. I need a new life for myself and my family; this civil action, which for me involves finally speaking the truth as loud as I suppressed it for all these years, is part of the process.”


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28.06.2013 um 19:42
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 37m
We're about to go back in session in Jackson vs AEG Live. Karen Faye just walked into the courtroom to resume testifying.
7:04 PM - 28 Jun 13


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28.06.2013 um 19:46
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
Faye said her deposition spanned five or six days. At one point, she held up her hands to show how huge the file was.
7:43 PM - 28 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
Putnam asked whether Faye had reviewed her trial testimony. She said she hadn’t. She reviewed her deposition.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1m
Faye is expected to testify all day. We were only expecting about four hours of testimony today, and that was before this unexpected break.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1m
AEG defense attorney Marvin S. Putnam is cross-examining Faye. He started out stating it had been 7 weeks since she was last in court.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1m
Karen Faye remains on on the witness stand while the court is on its break. She is wearing a black dress and pearls.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
Court took a quick break about 15 minutes into the session because a juror needed a break. Said she needed to take an aspirin.
7:41 PM - 28 Jun 13


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28.06.2013 um 23:08
For Michael Jackson fan, covering trial is her duty

Taaj Malik has thousands following her on Twitter and visiting her website. She and others are go-to sources for those suspicious about the mainstream media.

By Corina Knoll and Jeff Gottlieb
June 27, 2013

Michael Jackson fans who have been attending the AEG-civil trial, from left, Laura Sherwood, Dexter Calderbank, Taaj Malik, and Carolyn Owens-Horton. (Katie Falkenberg / Los Angeles Times)

She takes two buses to get to the courthouse each day and depends on donations from fans to run her website.

She has no formal training as a journalist but for tens of thousands — maybe multitudes more — she is the oracle for all things Michael.

Inside the cramped downtown Los Angeles courtroom each weekday, Taaj Malik furiously taps away at her iPad as the Michael Jackson wrongful-death case unfolds, taking notes for a transcript she will later post on a website crammed with court documents, autopsy reports, links to court exhibits, salutes to Jackson and an occasional plea for money. Thousands visit the website daily.

With nearly 40,000 following her "Team Michael Jackson" Twitter account, the 52-year-old Malik blasts out tweets during breaks and keeps up a running dialogue with followers.

"It was a great day to watch that roach squirm on the stand, Hes adapting many personalities, none r working cause ever1 can see he's a #LIAR," she writes as one witness is grilled.

"What a pair of MUPPETS," she snaps after two ranking music executives testify.

When a follower thanks her for the stream of information from the courtroom, Malik deflects it quickly. "No, dear... Its my duty with Michael and the truth! Dont say thank you! :)."

The Orange County resident, who ran a housekeeping business until she was injured in a car accident in January, climbs out of bed at 4 a.m. to begin her trek downtown. She is part of a worldwide fan community consumed with the minute details about the King of Pop, fully primed to feast on the latest legal entanglement to invoke his memory.

The wrongful-death trial is playing out in a courtroom with seats for only a handful of observers selected each morning via lottery. Most days the few available slots go quickly and Malik — along with much of the print and television media — is herded off to an overflow room to watch the proceedings on a closed-circuit feed.

There is no televised coverage of the trial, so fans are left to search for what details they can find on Twitter, Facebook and — if they must — the mainstream media. Jackson fan forums and websites have been in full gear since the trial began two months ago.

"Ultimately it's a thirst for knowledge," said Pez Greaves of British-based fan club MJ Vibe, which produces a quarterly magazine dedicated to Jackson.

At fan site Positively Michael, a forum was created exclusively for this trial. Volunteer site administrator Lynn Mathis, who is based in Indiana, is not attending the trial but she uploads a mix of articles for visitors to dissect, such as "Was Michael Jackson Really Worth $40 Billion?" and "Rumored use of Michael Jackson body doubles could be raised in trial."

"We post a lot of news items and perspectives on both sides of all people involved," she said. "We sort of take the position of do your due diligence, read and make your decisions for yourself. Our guests spike when there's a trial because we have a reputation of having objective coverage."

For those suspicious about the mainstream media — and many Jackson fans seem to be — someone like Malik is a go-to source. For some, her tweets serve as real-time dispatches from the civil trial.

Although Malik has her critics, she receives praise from those who consider her an ally in the ongoing fight to protect Jackson's reputation. Katherine Jackson, the pop singer's mother, knows Malik though she is unfamiliar with her tweets or Web page because she does not use the Internet, a family attorney said.

Malik lives off a legal settlement from the car accident — she said back injuries from the accident left her unable to continue work as a housekeeper — and her mother and an aunt send her regular allowances.

She created her website in January 2011 when preliminary hearings for the Conrad Murray case were taking place. Her mother, who lives in Britain, gave her $30,000 to buy and post the court transcripts for those hearings. Malik later sent in daily transcripts of the trial, which ended with the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson a fatal dose of propofol, a powerful anesthetic typically reserved for surgical procedures.

The current civil trial, which promises to offer a panorama of Jackson's final days, feels special to Malik.

"This one means everything to me," she said, "more than Conrad Murray because the charges were an insult. I mean, involuntary manslaughter? This trial is definitely bringing out the truth."

Malik was born in Pakistan and she lived there until she was a teen, when she moved to Staffordshire in central England with her family. She later married a fellow Jackson fan (he got the albums and CDs when they divorced).

She saw Jackson for the first time in 1988 at a sold-out concert at Wembley Stadium in London. Malik said she was so stretched for money she sewed herself a white shirt and fake leather jacket to fit in with the crowd.

"I can still see that concert, the dancing," she recalled. "It was empowering."

She caught a glimpse of Jackson again years later when he arrived in England to accept an award, a moment that is also chiseled in her memory. He arrived in a black limousine with guards striding alongside the vehicle and then stepped out into the evening. "Tears started coming out of my eyes," she said.

By the time she arrived in the U.S. in 2009 , she had five children and a second marriage that was falling apart. Weeks later, Jackson died and the fan in Malik took over. She drove to the Holmby Hills mansion where Jackson had been found unresponsive in his bedroom, and then to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.

Her devotion to Jackson's legacy — "advocacy," she calls it — has poured forth ever since, earning her followers around the world and a support team in the courthouse.

"I only rely on Taaj's website. It's unbiased news," said 37-year-old Dana Brenklin, a film production assistant who discusses the trial on a radio show she hosts on the Web.

Brenklin shows up for the trial most days, joining a small community of Jackson fans who band together at the courthouse to discuss the case and greet the matriarch of the Jackson family with hugs when she arrives. One day they all sported black T-shirts with Katherine Jackson's face and the words, "We support you."

They see it as vital — and consider themselves lucky — to bear witness to the case without it being filtered through traditional print and television reporters.

In the Murray trial, the defendant was the Las Vegas doctor who treated Jackson. This case introduced a new villain: the music industry.

"Did u tell any1esle Mr JAXN is paralyzed self loathing mess? May have said it 2few people in my firm," Malik tweeted as a top music executive was quizzed on the witness stand about a colorful email he wrote describing Jackson's erratic behavior before a 1999 London news conference.

A full collection of emails between the people overseeing Jackson's comeback tour, in which the performer is described as a "freak" and "in need of a shrink," is posted on Malik's Web page, with a promise of more to come.

For people like Julia Thomas, a 40-year-old high school office administrator who obsessively trolls the Internet for Jackson news and reads Malik's tweets for updates, the trial is revealing Jackson as a victim of those he trusted most.

"We want to know what happened at the house, at the rehearsals, how they were treating him," said Thomas, who lives near Rialto.

Still, the civil proceedings have left fans torn over the lawsuit filed by Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren accusing AEG of being complicit in the entertainer's death. Some see AEG as the cold conglomerate that mercilessly pushed a frail, aging man to perform while others see the suit as an attempt to squeeze more profits from Jackson's stardom.

For all those who faithfully follow Malik or visit her Web page, there are others who see her as a fan obsessed. Her brother and sister are among them.

"They think I'm crazy, that I need to leave it alone and get on with my life."

Her mother, she said, feels differently.

"She knows I'm all about the truth.",0,2758379.htmlstory


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28.06.2013 um 23:16
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 36m
Faye: “I wanted it to be as private for him as possible.”
10:36 PM - 28 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 36m
She was also asked about contract terms that called for her to submit itemized receipts for expenses only if Jackson approved it.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 36m
She was asked about the wigs she bought for Jackson, which she said were ventilated. She said she needed 5 wigs for the London shows.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 36m
Faye was then asked about her contract with AEG to work with Jackson on “This Is It.” She said she wasn't paid until contract was signed.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 37m
She said she thought Jackson was better off when Grace wasn’t living at Neverland Ranch during the trial.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 37m
Faye was then asked about the Jackson family maid, Grace Rwaramba and her role during the molestation trial.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 37m
Faye said they were Kenny’s words and not hers. She said she didn’t recall saying the schedule was dangerous.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 37m
Putnam showed her an email Ortega sent to AEG exec Paul Gongaware saying Faye raised concerns about the schedule.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 37m
Faye said she didn’t characterize it that way. “I said it wasn’t the best schedule for Michael to be successful,” she said.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 38m
She added that she thought Jackson needed more time to recuperate. Putnam asked whether she called schedule dangerous.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 38m
“I didn't say definitively that it was going to be a problem,” Faye said. “I said this was something we should look at.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 38m
Faye said she was concerned about how close together the “This Is It” shows were and she reached out to Kenny Ortega, the tour director.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 38m
Faye recalled Jackson telling her, “’ It started out as 10 shows and then I woke up and it was 50.’”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 38m
Faye was asked about her conversation with Jackson about the “This Is It” shows. She says the singer seemed surprised about the 50 shows.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
Putnam asked whether she found the proceedings funny. “I don’t think the case is funny at all sir,” Faye responded.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
Putnam asked if she found anything else and she quipped, “I was going through my drawers. I found some sexy things for my boyfriend and I.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
Faye didn’t give the text messages to AEG’s lawyers. Putnam: ““I guess we’re getting them now.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
Putnam asked Faye when she discovered the texts, and when she handed them over to plaintiff’s counsel. She said she turned them in today.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
... that helped her remember when things happened during prep for the “This Is It” tour. AEG attorney Marvin Putnam seemed surprised.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
It was about this time that the juror had an issue and court took a break. When court resumed, Karen Faye revealed she found texts (cont)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
She responded, “I thought his behavior was a little odd, but not out of the ordinary.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
Faye said she thought his wig was too big. Putnam asked her about Jackson’s behavior.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
On seeing Jackson’s press conference announcing the London shows, Faye said, “I just thought he had a really bad hairpiece on, sir.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
Faye on not talking to Jackson after his acquittal: “He had been through a horrible, horrible ordeal and I was by his side sir.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2h
We're on the lunch break in Jackson vs. AEG Live. Court resumes at 2 p.m. Will try to get out a few more updates from the morning session.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3h
Looks like we're going back in session, so I'll update later.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3h
Faye didn’t talk to Jackson after his acquittal. Putnam asked Faye whether that upset her. “It didn’t upset me. No sir.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3h
She said she talked to him every few months, but didn’t see him again until April 2009. She found out about ‘This Is It’ tour from the news.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3h
Putnam asked Faye about her interactions with Michael Jackson after his acquittal in the child molestation case.
7:45 PM - 28 Jun 13


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28.06.2013 um 23:19
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
Portions of Prince Jackson testimony about Randy Phillips encounters with Murray -
8:37 PM - 28 Jun 13

*** Disclaimer: These transcripts are paid by and summarized by MJJC members. They are posted publicly for everyone to read. Please do not copy them to other websites. Simply post the link to this thread if you want to share the following transcript summaries.

This is the portions of Prince's testimony, check back for the full testimony shortly

Prince Jackson testimony about Randy Phillips at the house


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28.06.2013 um 23:23
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
Faye didn't talk to MJ when he came back into the country, heard from him every 3,4, 5 months and they were like brother and sister.
11:01 PM - 28 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
Faye said MJ never returned to Neverland after that, neither did she. She didn't see MJ in 2008 at Carolwood.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
Faye on MJ: "I understood that he wanted to leave."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
"He had been thru a horrible, horrible ordeal. Whatever he had to do to recover from that, that was fine," Faye said.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
Putnam: Were you upset you that you had been there everyday and he didn't say good bye?

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
Faye got MJ ready for the criminal trial in June 2005. She didn't talk to him at the day of acquittal, he left for Bahrain.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
She didn't look at exhibits, but met with plaintiffs' counsel, Faye said.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
"I was deposed for 4 or 5 days and I talked to plaintiffs for 1 day," Faye said. She reviewed transcripts but not what she said on the stand

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
Faye testified 7 weeks ago, May 10. Putnam asked her if she done anyting to prepare, like look at the transcript. She said yes, periodically

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
Katherine Jackson is not in the courtroom.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
Karen Faye, MJ's hair stylist/make-up artist, is back on the stand for cross examination. AEG's attorney, Marvin Putnam, is questioning her
10:56 PM - 28 Jun 13
