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20.06.2013 um 10:58
Paris Jackson & Prince Jackson Deposition (AEG vs The Jacksons)
Johny Blue ~ Veröffentlicht am 19.06.2013

Paris, Prince Jackson refute chef's testimony

Jurors in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial heard from Prince and Paris Jackson for the first time.


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20.06.2013 um 18:33
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 24. Teil

19. Juni 2013

Am letzten Freitag hatte Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish noch ein zweites und letztes Mal die Gelegenheit, Randy Phillips, CEO von AEG Live, zu befragen, nachdem vorher AEGs Anwalt Marvin Putnam dran war und wir ja nicht wirklich etwas Neues erfahren haben bzw. betont wurde, wie gut Michael drauf war, wie gut er am Ende aussah, wie sich alle auf die Shows freuten und wie Murray alles im Griff hatte und AEG sich voll auf ihn verliess. Panish ging dann gleich zur Sache.

So fragte er Phillips, ob damals die Gefahr bestand, dass die “This Is It” Shows abgesagt werden könnten. “Das könnte man so sagen”, so Phillips’ Antwort. Panish spielte dann auch einen Videoclip von Sky News ab, in dem Phillips eine Woche nach Michael Jacksons Tod gesagt hatte, dass AEG Conrad Murray angestellt hatte. Phillips sagte dann, AEG hatte nie einen Arzt im Auftrag eines Performers angestellt oder für deren Unterkunft gezahlt. Im Vertrag zwischen Murray und AEG jedoch war vorgesehen, so Panish, dass AEG für Murrays Haus aufkommen würde, wenn die Crew für die Shows nach London ziehen würde. An dieser Stelle sei nochmals daran erinnert, dass gemäss früheren Aussagen weder Michael selbst noch seine Vertreter den Vertragsentwurf zwischen AEG Live und Conrad Murray jemals gesehen hatten.

Brian Panish kam dann auch nochmals auf die E-Mail von Kenny Ortega an Randy Phillips vom 19. Juni 2009 zu sprechen, als ersterer beschrieb, wie Michael Jacksons geistige Gesundheit angeschlagen schien und er der Meinung war, ein Psychologe solle Michael mal untersuchen. An jenem Tag wurde auch das Photo vom sichtlich ausgemergelten Michael bei der Kostümprobe gemacht. Wie wir während Karen Fayes Zeugenaussage berichtet hatten, hatte Michael Bush, Michaels Kostümdesigner, damals Faye gegenüber gesagt: “Oh mein Gott, Turkle [Michael Jacksons Spitzname für Karen], ich kann Michaels Herzschlag durch die Haut seiner Brust sehen” (siehe Teil 5 [ ] von unserer Berichterstattung). Für den Folgetag wurde das bereits mehrfach erwähnte Meeting bei Michael Jackson zu Hause zusammen mit Kenny Ortega, Randy Phillips, Frank DiLeo und Conrad Murray einberufen. Phillips sagte zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt der Befragung aus, dass Michael an dem Tag wirklich gut ausgesehen hatte. Panish fragte den Zeugen nun, wie Michael Jackson sich so rasch erholen konnte. “Ich war so verwirrt wie jeder andere auch, weil der Michael Jackson, den ich sah, der Michael Jackson, der da im Wohnzimmer mit uns zusammen sass… super ausgesehen hatte”. Was hatte sich denn in den 12 Stunden geändert, fragte Panish. “Ich habe keine Ahnung”, antwortete Phillips. Kein Kommentar.

Brian Panish zeigte den Geschworenen dann auch noch einen Videoclip von Michaels Billie Jean Performance. Dies zur Widerlegung eines Videos bzw. einer Aussage, die Phillips am Vortag gegenüber seinem eigenen Anwalt, Marvin Putnam, gemacht hatte. In jenem Video wurde gezeigt, wie Michael bei den Proben am 5. Juni 2009 mehrere nicht aufeinanderfolgende 360-Grad Drehungen gemacht hatte. Phillips hatte diese Bewegungen gegenüber Putnam als “mehrfache 360 Drehungen” beschrieben gehabt, auch wenn er zugab, dass er kein Choreograph sei. Die Jackson Anwälte zeigten den Geschworenen und Phillips nun jene Performance bei den Proben vom 5. Juni im direkten Vergleich zu einer Billie Jean Performance von 2001. Nachdem die Clips angespielt waren, fragte Panish Randy Phillips, ob irgendwo in dem Film (von den Proben) zu sehen war, dass Michael mehrfache 360-Grad Drehungen gemacht hatte. “Nein”, konnte da Phillips nur noch kleinlaut zugeben.


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20.06.2013 um 18:45
Michael Jackson's personal chef describes death scene frenzy

By Kate Mather
June 20, 2013, 7:00 a.m.

As paramedics arrived at Michael Jackson's rented Holmby Hills mansion, the pop singer's personal chef testified that the performer's bodyguard immediately asked her if she signed a confidentiality agreement.
Kai Chase told a Los Angeles jury Wedneday that she and the other house staff were told to leave Jackson's Holmby Hills estate by bodyguard Alberto Alvarez, who she said then asked her to sign a piece of paper after learning she hadn't signed a confidentiality agreement.

The paper had no letterhead or other signature, Chase testified, but had a paragraph written on it. Chase said she read the text but could not recall its contents.

"It was four years ago," she said.

The star died in June 2009 after Dr. Conrad Murray administered a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and is currently serving jail time.

Chase also recalled that Jackson's daughter Paris was distraught the day of his death and didn't want to leave her father.

"Paris was screaming, 'Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!' " Chase testified, saying staff members were "literally pulling her by the ankles" as they tried to keep her from running upstairs.

"Paris was so emotional that day," Chase said. "It was such an emotional day."

When asked by a Jackson family attorney if she thought Paris, now 15, had been going through a "difficult" time in the last two weeks, Chase responded "yes." The teenager was recently hospitalized after an apparent suicide attempt.

Chase is currently employed by Paris' grandmother, Katherine Jackson.

In a video shown to jurors the day before, Paris said her father described the nanny, Grace Rwaramba, as "sneaky" and dishonest, saying the singer "didn't like her, so he tried to, like, keep her away from us."

When asked about the teenager's deposition, Chase said Paris "seemed lost."

"She seemed like she's still grieving," the chef said.

Chase's testimony comes in the eighth week of the case, filed by Jackson's mother and three children. The family contends that AEG pushed an ailing Jackson to perform in hopes of reaping a huge return.

The suit alleges that the entertainment giant employed and controlled Murray. AEG Live says it was Jackson who hired Murray, and any money paid to the physician was part of a much larger advance to the singer.,0,3952914.story


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20.06.2013 um 19:13

Michael Jackson wrongful death suit: Paris Jackson's deposition says former nanny sneaked into pop star's bed, claimed to be his wife

In the Jackson family's wrongful death suit against AEG, the concert promoter used Paris Jackson's testimony to rebut claims it maliciously fired nanny Grace Rwaramba as part of a power grab.

By Nancy Dillon AND Stephen Rex Brown / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Published: Thursday, June 20, 2013, 9:58 AM
Updated: Thursday, June 20, 2013, 10:27 AM

The Jackson family argues that Grace Rwaramba was fired by AEG as part of an attempt to control Michael Jackson's inner circle.

Paris Jackson’s nanny either had a creepy, Billie Jean-type obsession with her King of Pop father or was a beloved employee who was fired by his greedy concert promoter, dueling testimony in the blockbuster wrongful death case showed.

Paris, 15, recalled her legendary father’s problems with longtime nanny Grace Rwaramba in a recorded deposition aired in Los Angeles court Tuesday but released to the public Wednesday.

Rwaramba “would call the hotel and say she was (Jackson’s) wife,” Paris said. “They’d let her in and he’d wake up and she’d be in his bed.”

The deposition was recorded March 21, two months before Paris attempted suicide. Sources told the Daily News the bid was spurred in large part by the stress of the Jackson family’s wrongful death suit against concert promoter AEG, as well as relentless online bullying of Paris.

Paris joked with lawyers before sharing the odd tale about Rwaramba as part of her testimony in the $1 billion suit.

“This is going to freak you out,” she said.

Paris Jackson's deposition was recorded about two months before her suicide attempt.

Paris' deposition was shown by AEG lawyers in an attempt to contradict earlier testimony that Rwaramba was beloved by the family and possibly fired by the concert promoter.

The Jackson family argues that AEG management wanted control over members of the mega star’s inner circle and put its desire for “massive profits” ahead of his well-being.

Earlier Tuesday, Jackson's former chef, Kai Chase, testified she was briefly terminated on the orders of tour “management” around the same time as Rwaramba in 2009. Chase added Wednesday she was shocked by Paris’ deposition casting aspersions on the nanny.

Paris “was very close with Grace when she was younger. And I knew the feeling of abandonment (when Rwaramba left),” Chase testified, adding that Paris’ surprising comments perhaps stemmed from frustration over the nanny’s departure.

Paris remains hospitalized for her suicide attempt, in which she slit her wrist with a knife and swallowed 20 Motrin painkillers.

On a mobile device? Click here to watch the video. > (Archiv-Version vom 25.06.2013)

<iframe src="" height="357" width="635" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>

Paris Jackson Deposition<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="undefined" scrolling="no" id="doc_19419" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.06.2013 um 19:23
ScreenShot aus dem Script ...

script19062013 zpsf295d85b

es scheint doch so zu sein, dass Paris erzählt, dass da ein Doktor war und MJ hat Grace in seinem (dem Bett vom Doktor) gefunden ...
also nicht in MJ's Bett !!!!!!

verstehe/interpretiere ich den Sachverhalt falsch ????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.06.2013 um 08:31
Alternate juror dismissed in Michael Jackson wrongful death trial

By Jeff Gottlieb
June 20, 2013, 1:21 p.m.

An alternate juror in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial has been dismissed from the panel because of financial hardship.

The man, alternate juror No. 6, had told Judge Yvette Palazuelos that he was moving to Atlanta, where he had bought a house. He said he would be paying rent in Southern California and house payments in Georgia starting next month. He told the judge he had thought the trial would be finished by mid-July, which does not appear to be the case.

"He has moved," Palazuelos told the remaining jurors Thursday morning, which marked the 33rd day of the trial. "Along with moving came some financial hardships.”

Besides the 12 seated jurors, five alternates remain.

Harvard University sleep expert Dr. Charles Czeisler has been testifying Thursday.

The lawsuit was brought by Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his three children. They charge that concert promoter and producer AEG Live hired and controlled Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave the singer a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol. AEG says Murray worked for Jackson and that any payments the company was supposed to make to the doctor were advances to the pop star.,0,2833178.story


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21.06.2013 um 08:36
Michael Jackson's drug-use discussed during wrongful death trial

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Miriam Hernandez

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LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Jurors in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial on Thursday heard from a number of experts on the pop star's drug-use, including drugs for pain, anxiety and insomnia.

From vials and pill bottles found in the singer's bedroom to the drugs found in his body, evidence presented in court showed Jackson struggled to sleep.

Were the effects of Jackson's insomnia visible to AEG executives who are being sued Katherine Jackson? Her attorneys called a sleep disorder expert.

Dr. Charles Czeisler showed graphics to explain how the brain depends on down time to restore the body. He has consulted for astronauts living in the space station, NBA star Shaquille O'Neal, the Rolling Stones and others - all who work and travel around the clock.

The plaintiffs assert that Jackson suffered from a massive build-up of sleep deficiency and that affected his mood, his appetite and his sense of balance. The plaintiffs claim AEG should have noted the symptoms and that Jackson suffered from chills and wrapped himself in blankets, had bouts of paranoia and had trouble grasping dance moves, according to emails to AEG executives.

The remedies Jackson sought, according to testimony, were the pain killer Demerol, anti-anxiety meds and propofol, the sedative that was administered by his doctor, Conrad Murray, which lead to Jackson's death.

The plaintiffs allege that AEG pressured Jackson to perform and threatened to withhold Murray's pay if he didn't restore Jackson's health.

AEG execs have testified that they never heard of propofol until after Jackson died and that the star had kept his nightly treatments secret.

The defense has also shown evidence to the jury that when Jackson's health problems surfaced, AEG executives notified the people who were closest to Jackson: his personal managers.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.06.2013 um 08:59
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #33 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 31 – June 17 2013 – Summary

Jackson family was not in court

David Berman Testimony

David Berman lasted all day in the stand. William Bloss, attorney for the Jacksons, did the questioning. Sabrina Strong for AEG crossed. (ABC7)

Jackson direct

Berman has been an executive in the music industry for 45 years. He has BA in Business Admin from University of Michigan and JD from Harvard. Berman represented artists, negotiated management agreements, worked with Beach Boys Temptations, A&M records, 20th Century Fox, the Doors. Some of Berman's work included contracts. He went to Warner Brothers, worked with Madonna, Fleetwood Mac, Prince. Berman said he did acquisitions with other record companies. He explained the function of music lawyer is the "deal." Berman explained 60 to 70% of his practice involved contracts. He became president of Capitol Records, supervised running the record company. Berman worked with Bonnie Raittt, Beastie Boys, Queen, Paul McCartney; left Capitol Records in Sept 89; returned to law firm for the year. Berman then went to Geffen Records as senior executive in charge of business affairs. Became general counsel and supervised business affairs. Berman worked with Guns and Roses, Eagles, Peter Gabriel. In Feb 1998 went to Walt Disney to be in charge of Buena Vista Music group. (ABC7)

Berman is an attorney and longtime recording executive. He’s been in the business since 1969. He started out as an attorney. In 1976, he left his law firm and went to work as a vice president for Warner Bros. Records. Eventually promoted to Senior Vice President. In 1987, he left Warner Bros. and eventually went to work as the president for Capitol Records. He left Capitol Records in 1990, and went back to his old firm, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, for about a year. After that, Berman went to Geffen Records, where he was general counsel and head of business affairs. In the late 1990s, Berman left Geffen for Buena Vista Music Group, which is basically the music division for Disney, he told jury.(AP)

Berman retired in 2001 and became an expert witness. He said he’s testified in about 38 cases, 60% of times for plaintiffs. (AP) Berman has been engaged 38 times to testify in court as an expert witness, 60% of times for plaintiffs, 40% defendants. Berman said he was contacted by plaintiffs attorneys in December of last year and a meeting was set up. (ABC7)

Bloss: What were you provided by attorneys?
Berman: An enormous amount of written material (ABC7)

Berman said he reviewed 26 depositions, declarations, extraordinary amount of email, pleadings, all that. Bloss asked if getting paid $500/hr is standard amount. Berman said he knows some experts who charge more, others less. (ABC7) Berman said he’s reviewed an “enormous amount of written materials.” They included 26 depositions. He’s being paid $500/hour for his work. (AP)

AEG was major promoter, Berman said, explaining concert promoter promotes or markets the concert, secure the venue, ticket sales, tour merchandise. The tour producer, Berman said, is in charge of physical production of the show, the staging, the lighting, the dancing, the choreography. (ABC7)

Bloss: Have you been a concert promoter or producer?
Bernam: No (ABC7)

Berman: The essential deal involves the relationship with the artist, what does a concert entity do for, to and with the artist. "The customer for concert promoter is not the ticket buyer, it is the artist," Berman explained. (ABC7)

Berman said he believed that music companies owe a higher obligation to artists than to music buyers or concert goers and, in this instance, AEG failed Jackson.(AP)

Berman testified he believes AEG Live bringing Conrad Murray into “This Is It” tour was a conflict of interest. He said he believes the issues in this case relate to artist relations, not the intricacies of promoting a tour. Berman said he believes music industry companies should treat artists like their customers, placing their importance higher than customers. Berman: “Without the artist, you don’t have a record to sell.” (AP)

Asked whether it was appropriate for AEG Live to attempt to hire a doctor on Jackson's behalf, Berman responded, "I believe that it's highly inappropriate. It is highly unusual."(AP)

Bloss: Do you have opinion if tour producer should hire physician for the artist?
Berman: I believe it's entire inappropriate highly unusual (ABc7)

"I've never done it, I've never heard it being done" Berman said about hiring doctor "It's my understanding until this time AEG hadn't done". "It creats an inherent conflict of interest," Berman opined. "The physician has obligation to the person treating and the entity paying him". "It is a more egregioius conflict given the factors in this case," Berman expressed. (ABC7)

Berman said he had never heard of a music company hiring a doctor on behalf of an artist. He called it “highly unusual.” He said that the company paying the doctor “creates an inherent conflict of interest on the part of the physician.” Berman: “The physician has dual obligations to the patient of course and to the entity that his engaging” him or her. (AP)

Bloss showed Berman the 'Trouble at the Front' email Ortega sent to Phillips saying he didn't think MJ was ready, his physical weakening. "The response to me is very telling" Berman explained, saying Phillips was dismissive when he responded lets not become amateur psychiatrist. Phillips recognized the potential of the doctor not being ethical or unbiased, Berman highlighted. "It is my understanding AEG never did anything to check out Dr. Murray," Berman testified, "It shows they were aware of potential conflict (ABC7)

Plantiff’s attorney Bill Bloss showed Berman several emails the jury has seen, including messages traded by Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega. He said one of the emails Phillips sent to Ortega seemed dismissive of the tour director’s concerns about Jackson’s health. (AP)

Bloss: Did you become involved in retaining a physician for any entity?
Berman: No
Bloss: Did you ever hear of a music company retaining a physician for an artist whether it was at artist's request or not?
Berman: No
Bloss: Would it be a reasonable practice?
Berman: No
WB: How could conflict be avoided?
DB: By hiring a doctor with no relationship to AEG (ABC7)

Defendants objected saying Berman has never been a producer, a tour manager or worked for a producer or manager. (ABC7)

Bloss: What is personal manager?
Berman: A personal manager is involved in every aspect of the artist's career and the artist's life (ABC7)

Berman said the fact Dr. Murray wanted $5 million to be engaged as MJ's physician is some kind of red flag, even though it was turned down. Berman: Even amount of $150k/month, as agreed, is an exorbitant amount. It's more money than any individual in the tour was getting. The expert said AEG was aware of another physician, Dr. Finkelstein, had been willing to take the position as MJ's doctor for $40k a month. Berman: If there was an alternative to Dr. Murray at a fraction of the price, it seems to me that information should've been passed on to MJ (ABC7)

He said he was troubled by the fact that another doctor had quoted a $10k per week price to care for Jackson on the tour. Berman said information about the other doctor should have been turned over to Jackson, but it wasn’t. (AP)

There were a lot of objections by AEG Live attorneys to Berman’s testimony and expertise. This prompted a lengthy sidebar in the morning. Ultimately, Berman was able to testify that he thought AEG Live’s involvement in negotiating Murray’s contract was an ethical conflict (AP).

Berman said he understands that Mr. Gongaware was the one dealing with Dr. Murray's hiring on behalf of AEG Live. Berman expressed AEG was in the process of negotiating and securing an agreement between themselves and Dr. Murray to be MJ's physician. Bloss showed the email where Paul Gongaware wrote "Done at $150k a month, per MJ." "It's indicative of fact that agreement had been reached on behalf of AEG Live that Dr. Murray," Berman explained. Berman said he didn't think this email alone proves AEG hired Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

Judge: to the jury, YOU will decide whether Dr. Murray was hired. All the testimony by hiring is made on assumption he was hired (or not) (ABC7)

Berman opined that emails between AEG and Dr. Murray offered more details of the terms of the engagement between AEG Live and Dr. Murray. Berman said it was a three party agreement between AEG Live, Dr. Murray and MJ. Berman said emails about the agreement were never sent to MJ. Berman explained it is as if one party was being denied participation in the bind in the terms of the agreement. (ABC7)

Bloss showed Berman a tour budget dated May 16, 2009. Berman explained it included $300k for medical management. Berman said the amount on budget is consistent with $150k for Dr. Murray for the months of May and June, 2009. (ABC7)

Dr. Murray acknowledged he's in agreement with terms of May 8th email, Berman explained, saying he was performing services that day already. Berman noted Dr. Murray wrote "I have performed and continue to fulfill my services to the client in good faith" and "as per our agreement" (ABC7)

"I've never heard of it and, to my knowledge, AEG had not done it before," Berman said about retaining a doctor. "I think an artist is perfectly entitled to engage any physician he chooses," Berman said. (ABC7)

Berman testified it is not unusual for an artist to hire and bring his own doctor on tour. However, Berman opined that AEG inserted themselves in the middle of the deal as an attempt to be in position to control MJ's doctor. (ABC7)

Bloss: May agreements be oral in your industry?
Berman: Of course, it's a common occurrence (ABC7)

Berman: agreements are commenced and performed by both parties by oral agreement and subsequently put in writing. It's not uncommon at all. (ABC7)

Bloss: When does the agreement start?
Berman: Generally speaking, when one party has commenced performing under the oral agreement (ABC7)

Berman said it is not unusual in the entertainment business at all to amend contracts without putting the changes in writing. For instance, Berman said MJ's agreement called for 31 shows, it was amended to 50; tour budget was $7.5 million, increased to $30 million. (ABC7) It is common that parties in the music industry reach oral agreements, then put the terms into writing, Berman told jurors. (AP)

David Berman told jurors hearing a negligent hiring lawsuit against concert promoter AEG Live LLC that the company should not have negotiated with Jackson's physician without notifying the singer's representatives of the discussion. Berman said there were no indications that Murray’s draft contract was sent to Michael Jackson’s representatives, which should have happened . (AP)

Berman said it's common practice for outside counsel, Kathy Jorrie in this case, to send agreement they're drafting to in house counsel. Berman: The email shows that nobody from MJ's camp received copy of the draft agreement AEG Live was putting together for Dr. Murray. Berman thinks it's unreasonable and inappropriate not to include one of the three parties of the agreement in the discussions of the deal. Berman said he understands Dennis Hawk, Mr. Branca and Mr. Katz were MJ's attorneys at this point in time. (ABC7)

Bloss showed email where Ms. Jorrie referred to as final contract between AEG and Dr. Murray. "As far as AEG is concerned, the contract is concluded and ready for execution," Berman explained the email meant in his opinion. (ABC7)

Berman said his understanding is that AEG Live had already secured housing in London for Dr. Murray and was included in the UK party tour, Berman said that in addition to insurance, AEG requested that Dr. Murray be in control of MJ's rehearsal schedule. Berman: If contract terminated then agreement terminated with Conrad Murray, giving Dr. Murray even greater conflict. "He was in dire straits, he did need this gig. He ran the risk of losing further compensation," Berman opined. Gongaware said "We want to remind Dr Murray that it's AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want him 2 understand what's expected of him"."It is indicatative of the fact that they want to control the services of Dr. Murray," Berman opined. (ABC7)

AEG Live’s ability to end Murray’s contract if the tour was canceled increased the conflict of interest, Berman said. “He was in financial dire straits,” Berman said. “He did need this gig.” (This refers to Randy Phillips email calling Murray successful.) (AP)

Berman said there would have been nothing inappropriate if Michael Jackson hired his own doctor, but AEG’s involvement made it inappropriate (AP).

Bloss: If Dr. Murray had been hired by MJ would this be necessary?
Berman: It would not have been factually accurate (ABC7)

After the lunch break, plaintiff’s attorney Bill Bloss asked Berman a few questions before wrapping up his examination. He started off by showing a copy of Conrad Murray’s “Independent Contractor Agreement.” Berman keyed in on a couple areas. Berman was asked about a section where Murray was required to ensure that his services would be “administered professionally”. “Well, it’s a pretty glaring example of why AEG inappropriateness,” Berman said. He said they had no experience supervising doctors. Berman’s point was that AEG wasn’t qualified to evaluate Dr. Murray’s care of Jackson. They could assess lighting, sound crew, but not a doctor (AP).

Berman said AEG doesn't have experience supervising physicians. "That's not their area of expertise." The chain of email Trouble at the Front shows an attempt to exercise some degree of control, Berman said. "This is the first time I'm aware of them reaching out to various MJ advisors, filling them in with the problem they now see," Berman said. Mr. Branca immediately responds saying he has a person he thinks can help, Berman said. AEG rejects the proposition regarding the person Mr. Branca suggested and never answered the question of substance abuse, Berman opined. (ABC7)

Berman: It indicates that they were concerned and the email from Gongaware to Phillips appears to be attempt to exercise control. "Take the doctor with you" mention is yet another attempt to control Dr. Murray, Berman said. (ABC7)

Berman: They don't know what the problem is, they don't know Dr. Murray is the right doctor, they just don't know what the problem is (ABC7)

Bloss asked if AEG should've entered into agreement w/ physician. Berman said no, they have no expertise or experience supervising a doctor (ABC7)

AEG cross

Berman said he's inactive member of the CA Bar for 10 years, pay dues but can't practice law until taking continuing education. Strong asked if the reason he left Capitol Records was because he was fired. "I demanded to be fired, they accepted my request" Berman said. (ABC7) She quickly asked Berman about him being fired from Capitol Records. He said he demanded to be fired. (AP)

Strong: Your primary job is working as expert witness since 2001, right?
Berman: Primary job is essentially inaccurate (ABC7)

Berman has been working with disputes in the industry for about 11 years. As expert witness, he's paid by whomever hires him. Berman gets $500/hour as payment, received about $25,000 from plaintiffs, $5,000 from defendants from when they deposed him. That makes about 60 hours of work on this case, Berman said, recalling about six meeting with attorneys for the plaintiffs. (ABC7)

Strong then keyed in on Berman’s work as an expert witness. She broke down his payments for the case. Berman has received $25,000 from the plaintiffs, and $5,000 from the defense. Defense had to pay him for his deposition, he said. He estimated he spent about 60 hours preparing his opinion on the Jackson vs AEG Live case so far. (AP)

Strong asked if Berman has been disqualified previously from testifying. He said the judge disqualified the methodology he used. (ABC7)

Strong: Did you testify outside the area of your expertise?
Berman: No, it had to do with putting a value on starting record label (ABC7)

Berman explained he used real life experience, based value on quality, knowledge and expertise but judge wanted academic and economic method. (ABC7)

AEG Live is primarily concert promoter, Berman explained. (ABC7) Strong noted that Berman hadn’t worked as a concert promoter or producer, nor had he worked on a tour before. (AP)

Berman never worked with MJ in a tour. "I was at a party once that he attended, but I was not introduced to him," Berman said. (ABC7)

Strong: You agree here that MJ chose Dr. Murray?
Berman: That's my understanding (ABC7)

Strong asked if MJ was the one paying Dr. Murray. Berman said he disagrees with it. Strong asked if Berman thinks it matters who Dr. Murray believes hired him. Berman responded the critical factor with Dr. Murray regarding conflict is knowing in fact that he was to be compensated by AEG and not MJ. Berman: AEG Live had the ability to terminate the agreement with Dr. Murray should the concert be postponed. "I think Dr. Murray had the right to be concerned about the issue," Berman testified. "It was not his best interest to harm MJ, but his interest was also the tour didn't get canceled or postponed," Berman said about Dr. Murray (ABC7)

Strong: Dr. Murray was under pressure because he might lose his job?
Berman: I feel he would be concerned about that, yes (ABC7)

Strong asked Berman if artists have the ability to not perform. He replied they have physical ability, but legal would be breach of contract. (ABC7)

The lawyer asked Berman what would have happened to Murray if Michael Jackson canceled the tour. He said he didn’t know. (AP)

Strong: It wouldn't matter who canceled the tour, correct?
Berman: There were elements that Dr. Murray had no control whatsoever (ABC7)

Berman opined that if the tour was canceled, it's fair to say that AEG would not want to keep Dr. Murray under contract. "I don't know what'd have happened with Dr. Murray if the show were canceled, I don't have any way of knowing," Berman said. (ABC7).

Berman said he's aware Dr. Murray performed services for MJ, and maybe for his children, but doesn't know the extent of services. (ABC7)

"Personal manager in CA cannot perform the functions of a booking agent; personal manager cannot perform function of attorney," Berman said (ABC7)

Berman said he thinks he knows enough to say that it is not unusual for masseuses to be brought along in a tour. (ABC7)

Strong asked if Berman knows that AEG Live negotiated contract with Karen Faye, make up artist. He said yes, and he had no problem with it. Strong: Faye could've cause skin damage on MJ's face? ((One of the jurors looked at Strong very puzzled!)) Berman: Anyone could've hurt MJ (ABC7)

Berman said it's his understanding that Dr. Murray was MJ's choice. He said he firmly believes producer should never hire doctor for artist. "It is extremely unusual, it goes beyond unusual," Berman opined. Strong rebutted: But you never produced a tour?
Berman: No (ABC7)

Berman said tour doctors are different from artist doctors. (ABC7)

Strong: You know The Stones tour with a doctor?
Berman: I know that Mr. Trell indicated that (ABC7)

"I know that AEG never hired a doctor to go on tour with an artist," Berman testified. Berman said is an unusual event for concert promoter to be the producer. "Producer shouldn't be engaging the services of doctor," Berman opined, "even if doctor has been treating artist/children for long time." (ABC7)

"The contract is between AEG Live and Dr. Murray," Berman said, adding that MJ is a third party beneficiary. Strong showed Berman Dr. Murray's Contract Agreement, "Perform the services reasonably requested by Producer." Strong said it was a mistake. (ABC7)

"Producer did request Dr. Murray to perform services," Berman said. Shawn Trell, in the audience, shook his head no. (ABC7)

"MJ did not sign it," Berman said about Dr. Murray's contract. Neither AEG Live, Strong asked. That's correct, Berman answered. (ABC7)

Strong: How often do you pay $1.5 mil without a signed contract?
Berman: I have paid probably more than $1.5 mil without executed contract (ABC7)

Strong argued that Berman's contract must not have included provision saying it had to be fully executed prior to payment. (ABC7)

Berman testified increasing shows from 31 to 50 wasn't in writing, neither was production cost raised from $7.5 million to more than $30 million (ABC7).

Strong: This contract doesn't limit the spending to $7.5 million, correct?
Berman: Correct, I don't have a problem with oral agreements (ABC7)

"I know there are no written documents signed by MJ approving increase in production costs," Berman testified. "There's one document signed by quote representative that I doubt he was a representative," Berman expressed. (ABC7)

Strong asked if Berman were to work for plaintiffs for 80 hours at rate of $500/hour, he would make $40k/week. Berman responded: "With all due respect, I'm 69 years old, I'm not working 80 hours a week for anybody." Some jurors laughed. (ABC7)

Strong asked Berman if his testimony should not be believed because he's being paid by the plaintiffs. "My salary as an expert witness is well in line with other experts," Berman responded, adding he knows several experts who charge much more. (ABC7)

Strong inquired if Berman was expert in doctor's salaries. "I'm not an expert but I'm aware of another doctor willing to be paid $40k/month". Strong: Do you know doctors make millions a year? Berman: I know my does (ABC7)

Strong also challenged Berman on his contention that Murray would have been the highest-paid worker on the “This Is It” tour. She said Kenny Ortega would have been paid $1m for about five months of work on the tour. He said he didn’t recall details of Ortega’s deal (AP).

Strong asked if Berman knew how much Kenny Ortega was going to make in the tour to say Dr. Murray was getting more money. "The red flag is $150,000 a month compared with another doctor asking $40,000," Berman explained. "It was not a problem that the doctor was going to make more, it's an indicative something is out of whack," Berman testified. (ABC7)

Strong asked Berman about the request for MJ's medical records for insurance purposes. He said it would benefit both AEG and MJ. (ABC7)

Strong asked if Berman was concerned MJ's reps were kept out of the loop. "To the best of my understanding that's what happened" Berman said. "I'm aware that Mr. DiLeo was aware of Dr. Murray, but don't know whether he was involved in the negotiation of the contract," Berman opined (ABC7) Berman said he felt it was “extremely unusual” that Murray’s contracts would not have been sent to Jackson’s representatives. (AP)

Strong then displayed a statement signed by Frank Dileo in July 2009 that stated he was aware of negotiations with Murray. Dileo’s statement indicated that AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips objected to hiring Murray, but Jackson wanted him. Berman said the statement didn’t deal with the issue that Murray’s contract wasn’t sent to Jackson reps, according to emails shown in court. (AP)

Berman said Brigitte Seagal was an attorney in the UK working on housing arrangements. He doesn't know if she had any relation with MJ. (ABC7)

Berman said that as President at Capitol Records, he was involved in hiring heads of departments, senior executives. Strong: You never checked financial background of executives you hired in the music industry? Berman: To the extent it would've been done, it was at the human resources level. Berman said he personally never checked financial background of anyone because it would not have reach his level it would've been done at Human Resources. Strong played Berman's depo where he said he couldn't recall any credit check being done (ABC7) Strong asked Berman whether he’d ever looked into the finances of executives he hired. He said if it happened, HR did the checks. (AP)

Jackson redirect

Berman said MJ's contract required any modification to be done in writing. But addition of shows, budget increase was never written anywhere. (ABC7) Bloss asked Berman whether he was aware if there was a document authorizing 50 shows for “This Is It.” “Apparently not,” he said. (AP)

Bloss: Did anybody considered that to be a problem?
Berman: Apparently not (ABC7)

As to the firing of Berman from Capitol Records he explained he was hired by chief executive whom he had immense respect, but ended up fired. However, Berman did not have same level of respect for the new global Chief Executive, he said. "It was pretty arrogant and naive of me," Berman said. "The word began to go around that the president was going to get fire." Berman said the morale was pretty bad for the company, no one wanted to sign with the company if the president was about to be booted. Berman explained he went to his immediate boss and demanded full support of termination. "Then I'm fired," Berman said, he insisted in getting fired, it was the only way to get paid off. If he quit, he would've gotten nothing. (ABC7) Berman was then asked about his firing from Capitol Records. He explained he was hired by one executive, but another exec took over. Berman said he didn’t have respect for the new executive. Berman said he asked to have the company either publicly support him, or fire him. (AP)

Berman said he believes the DiLeo letter was an attempt to get some MJ representative of some form to retroactively approve the budget. (ABC7) The expert was also asked whether he knew how the Dileo statement came about. Berman said he believed it was entered after Jackson’s death and in an attempt to recoup some costs of the “This Is It” production. (AP)

The purpose of this letter is to confirm that I'm appointing Frank DiLeo one of my new representatives & tour manager. Mr. DiLeo has my authorization to conduct business matters on my behalf only when instructed. Signed by MJ (ABC7)

Berman said it was a weird letter and inconsistent with DiLeo's declaration, which said he was MJ's rep since March 2009. (ABC7)

"I believe this document to be a written document confirming binding oral agreement," Berman said about Dr. Murray's contract. (ABC7)

AEG recross

Strong asked in re-cross if Berman was aware that MJ directed Randy Phillips to deal with Frank DiLeo on his behalf. He said no. As to DiLeo's letter dated May 2, 2009, Strong asked if Berman knows when DiLeo was hired. He said no. (ABC7)


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21.06.2013 um 09:07
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
I'll be back in court tomorrow on the Jackson vs AEG Live case. Gotta finish some writing now.
2:03 AM - 21 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
Sounds like Dr. Czeisler will spend most of Friday testifying. Karen Faye expected to return on June 28th to resume testifying.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
Change of plans for court on Friday in Jackson vs AEG Live. Karen Faye will NOT be testifying. Dr. Czeisler will remain on the stand.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11h
I plan on siting in on part of the afternoon session, but not sure how much I'll be able to post.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11h
Czeisler has worked with athletes, night-shift workers, the Rolling Stones, government agencies and astronauts.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11h
Dr. Czeisler is testifying for Katherine Jackson's side. He went over a lot of the basics of sleep in the morning session.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11h
Jackson trial tweeps -- posting will be light today while I work on a couple stories. Today's witness is sleep expert Dr. Charles Czeisler
9:49 PM - 20 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.06.2013 um 09:14 (Archiv-Version vom 07.09.2013)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
That wraps Day 34 of testimony. We hope to see you tomorrow. For all the latest, watch @ABC7 and
4:12 AM - 21 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Judge adjourned session until tomorrow 9:15 am PT. Dr. Czeisler resumes testifying tomorrow. Karen Faye won't return until next Friday.
4:11 AM - 21 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.06.2013 um 09:25
EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS - Debbie Rowe Visits Daughter Paris Jackson At The Hospital

Posted on Thu Jun 20, 2013 08:10 AM PDT

debbie20062013 zps12869b00Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

X17 photographers snapped Debbie Rowe making a pit stop before visiting daughter Paris Jackson in the hospital on Wednesday, and she looked very somber when when she paused to fill up the tank of her truck.

Paris has been at the UCLA Medical Center for over two weeks now since attempting to take her own life by slashing her wrist with a meat cleaver and downing 20 Motrin. Earlier this month it was reported that Debbie could become Paris' legal guardian if the teen pushes in her welfare investigation, but there hasn't been any update on that.

However, Debbie will be attending family therapy with her daughter, and apparently she's temporarily moving closer to Los Angeles so the two can spend more time together.

Photo Gallery enthält 30 Bilder ...


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21.06.2013 um 09:53
Michael Jackson's son Prince shows he has the moves of his father

20 June 2013

princeundremi zps8236dfc8Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Prince Jackson shows off some of the moves that made his father Michael a superstar as he visits a shopping mall in Los Angeles with his girlfriend Remi Alfalah.

He was enjoying some respite as his family continues its wrongful death lawsuit against promoter AEG.

Earlier in the day a court was shown a video interview with Prince, 16, from March in which he relived the last days of his father, right, who died in 2009. In it he denied claims that he had to carry a weak Jackson up the stairs of their Beverly Hills home. Shaking his head, he said: “I wouldn’t be able to either, no.”



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21.06.2013 um 10:30
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

Mesereau über Paris Jackson und den AEG Prozess

20. Juni 2013

Thomas Mesereau wurde gefragt, wie Michael wohl dazu gestanden wäre, wenn Paris zu ihrer Mutter Debbie Rowe ziehen würde. Mesereau erklärte, dass er in den neun Monaten vor dem Prozess und auch während dem Prozess im Jahr 2005 mehrmals auf Neverland war und Michael mit seinen Kindern erlebt hat.

„Er war sehr beschützend, ich meine sie waren das Licht seines Lebens, er wollte sie vor Konflikten und Kontroversen schützen, er wollte, dass sie sich mit Literaturbüchern befassten, sie erhielten Privatunterricht, er wollte, dass sie mit der Natur und Tieren vertraut waren, er wollte, dass sie die Welt verstehen, aber er schirmte sie vor Konflikten und Kontroversen ab.“

Als Michael dann starb, habe sich ihre Welt auf den Kopf gestellt. Die Kinder seien plötzlich in den Medien gestanden, mitten in Familienpolitik, Neid wegen ihrem Erbe. Er denke, dass Michael verstehen würde, wieso Paris Kontakt mit ihrer Mutter aufnahm, da sie mit einem Elternteil zusammen sein möchte. „Michael war eine sehr gutherzige Person, eine liebevolle Person, grosszügig, er liebte seine Kinder und ich denke für Michael wäre das OK.“

Tom Mesereau denkt, dass Michael nicht gewollt hätte, dass die Kinder ständig den Medien ausgesetzt sind. Und in der Schule sich mit ihrem Status und Reichtum auseinandersetzen müssen und Opfer von Mobbing werden.

Der Anwalt, der Michael 2005 erfolgreich vor Gericht verteidigte, rechnet dem Prozess der Jacksons gegen AEG weiterhin gute Chancen zu. Der Konzertveranstalter AEG Live sie bewusst ein Risiko eingegangen, da sie einen grossen finanziellen Gewinn machen wollten. Als ihnen Michael Dr. Murray vorgestellt habe und sie ihn akzeptierten und einverstanden erklärten, ihn zu bezahlen, haben sie Verantwortung übernommen. Nun, da es nicht funktionierte, wolle sich AEG aus dem Staub machen. Doch der Veranstalter mit seinen vielen Experten und Anwälten habe gewusst, auf was sie sich einlassen. Sie wollten in London grossen Profit machen. Mesereau glaubt, dass die Jury AEG zur Verantwortung ziehen wird.

Das interessante Interview kann hier auf angesehen werden.


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Das interessante Interview (Archiv-Version vom 22.06.2013)


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21.06.2013 um 10:34
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 25. Teil

20. Juni 2013

Am Montag rief Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish David Berman, den ehemaligen Präsidenten von Capital Records, als Expertenzeugen in den Zeugenstand. Dieser sagte aus, dass es „höchst unangebracht“ und „höchst ungewöhnlich“ wäre für einen Konzertveranstalter, einen Arzt für einen Künstler anzustellen, weil damit ein fundamentales Problem im Sinne eines eklatanten Interessenskonflikts für den Arzt entstünde. In diesem besonderen Fall wäre es sogar ein noch besonders grober Interessenskonflikt, wenn man die Fakten und Umstände anschaut.

David Berman, den die Jackson Seite als Expertenzeugen angestellt (und bezahlt) hatte, beantwortete die Fragen von Brian Panish gestützt auf die Vermutung , dass AEG Live Conrad Murray angestellt hatte. Die Richterin erinnerte die Geschworenen am Ende daran, dass es an ihnen liege zu entscheiden, welche Partei – Michael Jackson oder AEG Live – Conrad Murray angestellt hatte. Dies ist ja die Schlüsselfrage in diesem Prozess.

Insbesondere eine E-Mail zeigte gemäss Berman, dass AEG Live sich des potentiellen Interessenskonflikts bewusst war. Es handelt sich um eine bereits erwähnte E-Mail von Randy Phillips an Kenny Ortega, worin Phillips schrieb, dass Conrad Murray „extrem erfolgreich“ sei, „wir überprüfen jeden“ und „[Murray] braucht den Job nicht; er ist also vollkommen unparteiisch“. Berman meinte, dass diese Aussage aus vielerlei Hinsicht sehr problematisch sei, insbesondere deshalb, da Phillips erkannte, dass das Potenzial besteht, dass der Arzt eben nicht unparteiisch sein könnte, wenn er den Job braucht. Ein weiteres Warnsignal sei gewesen, dass Murray USD 5 Mio. verlangt hatte. Auch die am Ende vereinbarten USD 150‘000 pro Monat waren gemäss Berman eine „exorbitante Summe“.

Jackson Anwalt Bill Bloss legte den Geschworenen am Montag auch noch mehrere E-Mails vor. Darunter war eine E-Mail, in der Conrad Murray Tim Woolley, den zuständige Buchhalter von AEG, um einen Vorschuss von zwei Monatsgehältern bat. Woolley antwortete Murray, dass der Rechtsdienst den Vertrag zwischen Murray und AEG noch nicht fertig habe. Es handle sich in diesem Fall um einen ziemlich speziellen Vertrag, „da es selten vorkomme, dass ein Arzt angestellt wird, um einen tourenden Künstler zu begleiten“.


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21.06.2013 um 10:41
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — was am Montag sonst noch lief

20. Juni 2013

Am Montag gab es nicht nur Zeugenbefragungen im Gerichtssaal, sondern Richterin Palazuelos rief Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish und AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam auch zu sich ins Richterzimmer. Thema (unglaublich, aber wahr): Putnam behauptete, dass Panish ihm im Gerichtssaal zweimal den Stinkefinger gezeigt hatte. Und da dachten wir doch schon fast, dass AEGs Verhalten in diesem Prozess kaum noch absurder werden könne.

Gemäss des Protokolls vom Gespräch im Richterzimmer behauptete Putnam, dass Panish ihm zweimal den Finger gezeigt habe.

Panish: Was? Richterin, wenn ich ihm den Stinkefinger zeigen will, dann wüsste ich, wie ich das anstellen sollte.

Putnam: Und das haben Sie zweimal ganz gut gemacht.

Panish: Ich habe versucht – ich würde es Ihnen sagen. OK? Ich stehe zu dem, was ich mache. Wenn ich Ihnen den Stinkefinger hätte zeigen wollen — beklagen Sie sich und sagen Sie, dass ich Ihnen den Stinkefinger gezeigt habe?

Putnam: Das hab ich nicht.

Panish: Ich hab so gemacht, als er gesprochen hat (deutet an) und alle drei [AEG Anwälte] haben mich unterbrochen. Ich habe Mr. Putnam nicht den Stinkefinger gezeigt. Wenn er das wünscht, weiss ich, wie man’s macht, glauben Sie mir. [...]“ [...]

Panish: Ich habe mir Mühe gegeben, [...] höflich zu sein. Ich habe in 100 Geschworenenprozessen niemals ein Problem gehabt, was Höflichkeit anbelangt… Ich habe Mr. Putnam nicht den Stinkefinger gezeigt. Wenn er das möchte, mach ich das gern. Hab ich mich über [die AEG Anwälte] geärgert? Ja, absolut. Hab ich mich über ihre Zeugen geärgert? Absolut. Keine Frage. Das streite ich nicht ab.

Richterin: Nun, ich habe nichts gesehen, aber wenn es vorgekommen ist, muss es aufhören. Wirklich. Was gibt es da noch weiter zu sagen – ausser, dass Panishs abschliessende Aussage grandios war?


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21.06.2013 um 13:00
Expert: Michael Jackson went 60 days without real sleep

Experte: Michael Jackson war 60 Tage ohne wirklichen Schlaf

<small<By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 6:35 AM EDT, Fri June 21, 2013[/size]


* Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM sleep, expert says
* Lab rats die after five weeks of getting no REM sleep, expert says
* Harvard sleep expert analyzes affects propofol treatments had on Jackson
* Propofol deprives patient of vital REM sleep, Dr. Charles Czeisler testifies

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.

Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM -- Rapid Eye Movement -- sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.

Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert testifying at the wrongful death trial of concert promoter AEG LIve.

If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according to an opinion by Czeisler.

Lab rats die after five weeks of getting no REM sleep, he said. It was never tried on a human until Dr. Murray gave Michael Jackson nightly propofol infusions for two months.

Czeisler -- who serves as a sleep consultant to NASA, the CIA and the Rolling Stones -- testified Thursday that the "drug induced coma" induced by propofol leaves a patient with the same refreshed feeling of a good sleep, but without the benefits that genuine sleep delivers in repairing brain cells and the body.

"It would be like eating some sort of cellulose pellets instead of dinner," he said. "Your stomach would be full and you would not be hungry, but it would be zero calories and not fulfill any of your nutrition needs."

Depriving someone of REM sleep for a long period of time makes them paranoid, anxiety-filled, depressed, unable to learn, distracted, and sloppy, Czeisler testified. They lose their balance and appetite, while their physical reflexes get 10 times slower and their emotional responses 10 times stronger, he said.

Those symptoms are strikingly similar to descriptions of Jackson in his last weeks as described in e-mails from show producers and testimony by witnesses in the trial.

Jackson's mother and children are suing AEG Live, contending the company is liable in his death because it hired, retained or supervised Dr. Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. They argue the promoter pressured Dr. Murray to get Jackson to rehearsals, while failing to get Jackson help despite numerous red flags warning that he was in trouble.

AEG Live lawyers contend it was Jackson who chose, hired and supervised Murray and their executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous propofol treatments administered in the privacy of Jackson's rented mansion.

A very long question

Czeisler is back on the witness stand Friday to answer a question that was asked just as court ended Thursday. Jackson lawyer Michael Koskoff asked his expert what may also be a record breaker in a trial -- a 15-minute-long hypothetical question.

He was asked to render an opinion based on a long list of circumstances presented so far in the trial about Jackson's condition and behavior, including:

-- That Murray administered propofol to Jackson 60 consecutive nights before June 22, 2009.

-- That Murray began to wean Jackson from propofol on June 22, 2009, and gave him none of the drug on June 23.

-- That a paramedic who tried to revive him the day he died initially assumed he was a hospice patient.

-- That show producers reported Jackson became progressively thinner, paranoid and was talking to himself in his final weeks.

-- That the production manager warned Jackson had deteriorated over eight weeks, was "a basket case" who he feared might hurt himself on stage and could not do the multiple 360 spins that he was known for.

-- That show director Kenny Ortega wrote Jackson was having trouble "grasping the work" at rehearsals" and needed psychiatric help.

-- That Jackson needed a teleprompter to remember the words to songs he had sung many times before over several decades.

-- That show workers reported the singer was talking to himself and repeatedly saying that "God is talking to me."

-- That Jackson was suffering severe chills on a summer day in Los Angeles and his skin was cold as ice to the touch.

AEG Live lawyers objected to the question because the information about Murray's nightly propofol treatments was derived only from the doctor's statement to police after Jackson's death. The judge previously ruled that statement was inadmissible. It was a ruling made earlier in the trial when Jackson lawyers objected to AEG's use of Murray's statement that he believed he was Jackson's employee, not AEG Live's.

The statement could be used if Murray, who is serving a prison term, is brought into testify. But that is unlikely since the doctor has said he would impose his constitutional protections against self-incrimination as long as the appeal of his conviction is pending.

Jackson lawyers could clear the way for use of the statement by withdrawing their objection, something they are now considering.

Koskoff told the judge that his expert would testify that Jackson's symptoms perfectly matched what he would expect from someone who had been given long-term propofol treatments.

The jury is likely to hear his answer Friday.

A lecture on sleep

Jurors appeared quite interested as Czeisler lectured them Thursday on his sleep research, including an explanation of circadian rhythm -- the internal clock in the brain that controls the timing of when we sleep and wake and the timing of the release of hormones

"That's why we sleep at night and are awake in the day," he said.

Your brain needs sleep to repair and maintain its neurons every night, he said.

Blood cells cycle out every few weeks, but brain cells are for a lifetime, he said.

"Like a computer, the brain has to go offline to maintain cells that we keep for life, since we don't make more," he said. "Sleep is the repair and maintenance of the brain cells."

An adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to allow for enough sleep cycles, he said.

You "prune out" unimportant neuron connections and consolidate important ones during your "slow eyed sleep" each night, he said. Those connections -- which is the information you have acquired during the day -- are consolidated by the REM sleep cycle. Your eyes actually dart back and forth rapidly during REM sleep.

"In REM, we are integrating the memories that we have stored during slow eyed sleep, integrating memories with previous life experiences." he said. "We are able to make sense of things that we may not have understood while awake.

Learning and memory happen when you are asleep, he said. A laboratory mouse rehearses a path through a maze to get to a piece of cheese while asleep.

A basketball player's area of the brain that is used to shoot a ball will have much greater slow eyed sleep period since there is more for it to store, he said. They shoot better after sleep.

The Portland Trailblazers consulted with him after they lost a series of East Coast basketball games, he said. He was able to give their players strategies for being sharper when traveling across time zones.

He's worked with the Rolling Stones on their sleep problems, he said. Musicians are vulnerable since they are traveling across time zones and usually "all keyed up" to perform at night, he said.

Czeisler developed a program for NASA to help astronauts deal with sleep issues in orbit, where they have a sunrise and sunset every 90 minutes.

Other clients include major industries that are concerned about night shift workers falling asleep on the job, the CIA, Secret Service and the U.S. Air Force, he said.

Jackson lawyers argue that AEG Live should have consulted a sleep expert like Czeisler for Jackson instead of hiring Murray -- a cardiologist -- for $150,000 to treat the artist.

The trial ends its eighth week in a Los Angeles courtroom Friday. Lawyers estimate the case will conclude in early August.


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22.06.2013 um 08:42
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6h
Monday will be a half-day session, beginning at 1:30 p.m. The witness will likely be an expert on medical conflicts of interest.
1:47 AM - 22 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6h
Testimony has concluded for the week in the Jackson vs AEG Live trial. Sleep expert Charles Czeisler concluded his testimony.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10h
The story also shows when a laywer asks a 17-minute hypothetical question, it can bring a trial to a grinding halt:

Yahoo! News
Expert: Michael Jackson was totally sleep-deprived
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's inability to learn new dance moves and remember the lyrics to his songs were symptoms that the singer was totally sleep deprived by the time of his death, a sleep...
9:38 PM - 21 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10h
Expert: Michael Jackson was totally sleep-deprived by time of death:
9:37 PM - 21 Jun 13


Expert: Michael Jackson was totally sleep-deprived

Experte: Michael Jackson war völlig unausgeschlafen/ auf jeden Fall, an Schlafentzug leidend

Associated PressBy ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 5 hrs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's inability to learn new dance moves and remember the lyrics to his songs were symptoms that the singer was totally sleep deprived by the time of his death, a sleep expert told a jury Friday.

Charles Czeisler said reports by workers on Jackson's ill-fated comeback concerts that the entertainer was losing weight, exhibiting signs of paranoia and his condition seemed to be deteriorating were consistent with someone who hadn't gotten any real sleep in a long time.

The sleep deprivation was likely caused by Jackson's use of the anesthetic propofol, which Czeisler said would put the singer in a drug-induced coma and not meet his body's need for actual sleep. Studies showed that similar levels of sleep deprivation resulted in the deaths of laboratory animals and would likely cause the death of a human, he said.

The extreme nature of Jackson's sleep deprivation would have shortened the singer's life unless he received appropriate treatment, Czeisler said. With proper treatment, Jackson could have continued to tour and perform for many years, he testified.

Czeisler relied heavily on summaries of testimony provided by a plaintiff's lawyer and emails from choreographers and others working on Jackson's "This Is It" tour to form his opinion. The testimony detailed Jackson's missed rehearsals and reports that he was picking up dance moves slowly, as well as that he requested a teleprompter to display lyrics to his songs.

"The meticulous detailing of his deterioration here was both profound and sad," Czeisler said.

The Harvard professor and sleep researcher is testifying as a sleep expert in a lawsuit filed by the singer's mother against concert promoter AEG Live LLC.

On cross-examination by AEG defense attorney Kathryn Cahan, the researcher acknowledged that he hadn't reviewed actual testimony from the case, including statements from AEG executives that they thought the singer appeared fine and had stellar rehearsals before his death.

Czeisler, who is being paid $950 an hour for his work on the case, said he reached his opinion after reviewing deposition transcripts, medical records and other evidence shown to jurors during Katherine Jackson's eight-week trial against AEG.

A lawyer for Katherine Jackson summarized the evidence used to form the basis for Czeisler's opinion in a 17-minute, 1,833 word question that caused the trial to grind to a halt on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

Michael Koskoff's inquiry was posed as a hypothetical question to Czeisler that included a summary of testimony, passages of emails already shown to jurors and other evidence presented during trial.

A judge said the question contained details that are inadmissible in the trial and misstated several other details. Superior Court Yvette Palazuelos opted not to strike the question from the record but allowed Koskoff to clarify it. That process took another 19 minutes on Friday.

Attorneys spent roughly an hour arguing over the structure of the lengthy question, leaving jurors waiting for nearly 30 minutes on Friday.

Czeisler earned more than $250 listening to the initial question, and more than $300 listening to Koskoff clarify it. Czeisler is a Harvard-educated sleep expert who has consulted on sleep issues for sports teams, the Rolling Stones, ex-NBA player Shaquille O'Neal and government agencies such as the CIA and U.S. Marshals Service.

In all, he estimated that he had spent 120 hours on the case, which would earn him $114,000.

Katherine Jackson's negligent hiring suit claims AEG Live is responsible for her son's death because it failed to properly investigate Conrad Murray, who was convicted of giving Jackson a fatal dose of propofol, and missed warning signs about his health.

AEG denies it hired Murray or could have known that the former cardiologist was giving Jackson propofol as a sleep aid. (Archiv-Version vom 22.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.06.2013 um 08:49
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 17h
Michael Jackson Arrives at Staples Center: June 24th 2009 Youtube: Michael Jackson Arrives at Staples Center: June 24th 2009: AEG Trial Exibit 462
Michael Jackson Arrives at Staples Center: June 24th 2009: AEG Trial Exibit 462
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Michael Jackson Arrives at Staples Center: June 24th 2009: AEG Trial...
3:42 PM - 21 Jun 13

bei MJJC "entdeckt" ...



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.06.2013 um 09:12
von MJJC ....
Here's MJ wearing similar cape in the beginning of Another Part Of Me video
at 0:33
Michael Jackson - Another Part Of Me
michaeljacksonVEVO ~ Hochgeladen am 02.10.2009

Music video by Michael Jackson performing Another Part Of Me. (C) 1987 MJJ Productions Inc.
Michael Jackson's rehearsal for "Smooth Criminal" - Bad Tour
TheMJAddictsGroup ~ Hochgeladen am 26.07.2009

Michael in one of his rehearsals for "Smooth Criminal" during his Bad Tour.
AEG Trial - Paris Jackson deposition (CNN Newsroom, 2013.06.19)
mjchrisu ~ Veröffentlicht am 21.06.2013

2013.06.19 - AEG Trial - Paris Jackson deposition (CNN Newsroom)
AEG Trial & Paris Jackson suicide attempt - Thomas Mesereau Interview (Showbiz Tonight, 2013.06.18)
mjchrisu ~ Veröffentlicht am 21.06.2013

2013.06.18 - AEG Trial & Paris Jackson suicide attempt - Thomas Mesereau Interview (Showbiz Tonight, HLN, 2013.06.18)
What would Michael Jackson think?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.06.2013 um 09:41
Paris Jackson Has "A While to Go" in Her Treatment, but is "Doing a Lot Better," a Source Says

von Ted B. Kissell 21. Juni 2013 - 20:34

While Paris Jackson will be receiving care for some time after her alleged attempted suicide, a source tells E! News exclusively that her treatment might continue someplace other than her current hospital digs—possibly out-of-state, or perhaps even while staying with her mom, Debbie Rowe.

"She is doing a lot better," the source says, but also adds that the 15-year-old daughter of Rowe and the late Michael Jackson "has a while to go."

"She is going to have several months to be [in the hospital], or to another facility...or she will stay a while with Debbie and have daily sessions," the source says. "They are deciding now. A lot has to do with the hospital and the doctor's recommendations."

READ: Paris' mom, Debbie Rowe, has been visiting her in the hospital

Either way, the source says, "She is not going to go back to her home immediately after getting out of the hospital. At some point, when she is ready, she will go back to her Calabasas home."

The family is looking at out-of state options, the source says, including educational treatment facilities, "but they prefer for her to stay here so the family can visit her more often. No decision has been made."

The source also confirms that Rowe has been visiting Paris in the hospital. "[Debbie] is talking to her every day," the source says. "Debbie has basically taken the situation by the hand."
