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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 10:46
Katherine Jackson: Tell me 'what really happened to my son'

By Kate Mather
July 19, 2013, 11:37 a.m.

An emotional Katherine Jackson testified for the first time Friday in her lawsuit against entertainment giant AEG Live over her son Michael’s death, saying she wanted to know “what really happened to my son.”

The 83-year-old matriarch held attorney Brian Panish’s hand as she made her way to the witness stand, where the lawyer and court bailiff helped her into her seat. She adjusted her purple-and-white patterned jacket as the microphone was moved closer.

Katherine Jackson admitted she was nervous – it was the first time she had ever spoken to a jury, she said. She also said it was difficult to speak in public about such a private matter.

“The most difficult thing is to sit here in this court and listen to all the bad things they say about my son,” she said, later adding. “A lot of the things that have been said are not the truth. And he’s not here to speak for himself.”

“Are you here to speak for your son Michael?” Panish asked.

“I’ll try my best,” she replied.

Katherine Jackson, 83, and her grandchildren -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- claim AEG Live negligently hired and controlled the physician who gave the singer a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol in 2009, days before his "This Is It" tour was to open in London.

AEG says it was Jackson who hired Dr. Conrad Murray, and that any money the company was supposed to pay the doctor was an advance to the singer. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death and is serving jail time.

The pop star’s mother spent much of the morning talking about raising her nine children with husband Joe in a four-room house in Gary, Ind. Money was tight, she said, particularly when her husband couldn’t find work at the steel mill. Katherine Jackson recalled making her children’s clothes, cutting coupons from newspapers — even picking vegetables she would preserve.

Katherine Jackson said that both she and her husband came from musical families and that their talents were passed on to their children. She recalled going to sleep at night — she and Joe in one of the bedrooms, her sons sharing a triple bunk-bed in the other — and waking up to the children “harmonizing and singing.”

Michael, she said, “was born that way.”

“When all the kids were dancing around, he was in my arms and he couldn’t be still. He was dancing to the music,” she said. “And when he started to talk, he would still dance.”

Her washing machine, she said, used to rattle to a rhythm. She recalled finding her seventh child standing next to the machine, “dancing, sucking on the bottle, to the squeaking of the washer.”

The jury laughed. “He just loved music,” Katherine Jackson said. “He loved to dance.”

Katherine Jackson said she and her children would listen to country music — something her father played when she was a girl — and her older sons began singing in competitions at local high schools. Michael was about 5, she said, when he sang at his own school program.

She said she went to the school with her father-in-law to watch her son sing “Climb Ev'ry Mountain.”

“I was so nervous when he walked out on the stage because he was always shy,” she said. “And he started singing the song and he sang it with such clarity. … Joe’s father sat there and cried like a baby. He looked around, and I was crying too.”

“He got a standing ovation for his performance, and he wasn’t nervous, and I was shocked,” she continued, saying she thought he “felt more at home when he was on stage.”

Michael joined his brothers’ group soon after, she said, and the boys would rehearse at home, pushing the furniture back toward the walls of the living room and dancing in the middle of the floor. They kept singing at local contests, only losing once, she said with a chuckle.,0,7305592.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 10:56
Michael Jackson wrongful death trial: Katherine Jackson begins testimony

Friday, July 19, 2013
By Miriam Hernandez and John Gregory

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LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Michael Jackson's mother, 83-year-old Katherine Jackson, began her testimony on Friday in her son's wrongful death trial.

The Jackson family matriarch told jurors that she wants to find the truth about her son's death. She has spent nearly every day of this trial watching and listening to the proceedings in the front row of the courtroom.

She, along with Michael Jackson's three children, are behind the lawsuit accusing AEG Live of negligence and hiring Dr. Conrad Murray to care for the singer. Attorneys have presented evidence alleging that though anesthetic infusions by Murray caused the star's death, it was his tour promoters who failed to supervise the doctor. Throughout the proceedings, AEG has maintained that Michael Jackson hired Murray himself.

On Friday, jurors viewed precious moments recalled by Katherine Jackson -- the humble beginnings of a four-room house for a family of nine. The emotion-packed pictures and music capped 12 weeks of the plaintiff's case before the defense responds. Katherine Jackson described her heartache and the impact of her son's death on his three children.

Katherine Jackson said it's been difficult to listen to some of the testimony about her son during a 12-week trial, saying she's a private person by nature. Under questioning by her attorney, she testified how she was hurt when she heard her son being called "freaky" or "lazy." She said her son did not need to attend rehearsals because he knew the music so well.

About her son's history with pain medications, she testified he needed them for his burned scalp. But she said she made many unannounced visits to his home and never saw him under the influence. At the urging of the Jackson siblings, she agreed to join in an intervention. When they got to Michael Jackson's home, she said the singer was fine.

The final question from her attorney: "Do you miss your son?"

Her response: "Words can't explain."

Katherine Jackson was too tired to continue her testimony Friday afternoon. She will be back on the stand on Monday.

On Thursday, the court heard from an expert on propofol, the sedative Michael Jackson overdosed on back in 2009.

Jurors also heard from a financial expert who testified that Michael Jackson could have earned up to $1.5 billion if he had completed the London concert and then taken the show on the road.

The family's lawsuit seeks $40 billion in damages.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 11:01
Katherine Jackson breaks down in court, tells jury her son 'was not a freak'

Maria Elena Fernandez NBC News
12 hours ago

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A courtroom sketch depicts the testimony of Katherine Jackson, mother of late pop star Michael Jackson, at Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday.

For 12 weeks, Katherine Jackson has sat patiently in the Los Angeles courtroom where she is suing her late son's concert promoters and listened to other people describe Michael Jackson, his last weeks alive and his sudden death.

Finally given the turn to speak on Friday, Jackson told the court, "My son is not a freak."

"The most difficult thing is to sit here in this court and listen to all the bad things they say about my son," the soft-spoken 83-year-old mother and grandmother said as she began her long-anticipated testimony in her case against AEG Live.

Wearing a purple floral blazer and purple shirt, the self-proclaimed "private" grandmother had to reveal things about her family she would have preferred to keep to herself. Among them: that Michael's 15-year-old daughter Paris recently tried to kill herself because "she wanted to go where daddy was."

Katherine Jackson wept often during her testimony, including when she saw footage of her son singing, dancing, and introducing his famous moonwalk during 1983's "Motown 25" special. Even as a baby, her son was "dancing around," pretending his bottle was a microphone, she said. "He was born that way, dancing around. He wouldn't be still."

Katherine also spoke of all the things Michael Jackson had done for her over the years, including remodeling her house and plastering a room in her house with wall-to-wall family photos. A video of Neverland, his enormous California home, was shown, and Katherine described the property. She said her grandchildren "loved Neverland."

Katherine then admitted Michael suffered pain from "bad burns," back injuries, and had the skin condition vitiligo. She said she knew Michael took pain pills, and she heard from her other children that Michael was abusing prescription medication, but she didn't know what to believe. She said she visited him in Las Vegas a few years ago to ask him about it.

"He promised, he kept saying, 'I'm OK,'" she told the jury. "Sometimes the mother is the last to know."

She said no one could ask for "a better son than Michael," and that she was financially dependent on him, adding, "he gave me everything."

Jackson said the first time she met Conrad Murray, the physician who administered Jackson's lethal dose of propofol, was at the hospital the day her son died.

"My son needed another doctor," she testified. "Not Dr. Murray."

"They told me, 'he didn’t make it, he didn’t make it," Jackson recalled. "I just started screaming," she said, crying and clutching a tissue in one of her hands. Jackson was then put in a room with two of Michael's children, Paris and Prince Michael ("Blanket"), 11. She said granddaughter Paris kept looking skyward saying, "I can't live without you. I'm going with you."

Wiping her face with a tissue, Katherine said the adjustment has been hard for Paris, who dotted her room with photos of her father. "I thought she was the bravest. She had a very hard time at first."

On cross-examination, Katherine admitted it was her choice alone to bring this lawsuit against AEG. She said it was hard sitting in court "listening to people call her son a freak ... it hurts to sit in court and hear all these things. It’s hard for me listening to how sick my son was and nobody was helping him."

"He was not a freak," she added.

Jackson and her grandchildren's suit alleges that AEG Live, the entertainment company that promoted Michael Jackson’s last concerts, failed to pick up on warning signs that could have saved his life. The suit also alleges that AEG didn’t properly investigate Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death in 2011 and sentenced to four years in prison.

AEG denies hiring Murray; the company says Jackson hired the physician, and says it wasn’t responsible in any way for his death.

The King of Pop died while rehearsing for "This is It," a 50-show series in London, three weeks before the tour was to start. He had last toured in 1997. Katherine testified that she had called AEG Live to express her view that her son could have done 50 shows, but not if they were spaced so closely together.

"He couldn't do every other night like AEG wanted him to do at first," she said.

Other family members have also taken the witness stand. Michael’s son, 16-year-old Michael Jackson, Jr., known as "Prince," recalled that while preparing for the 2009 tour, his father would sometimes come down the stairs and be "freezing cold" and "not strong enough." Jackson looked "malnourished," his son said.

On the day of his father's death, Prince Jackson testified that he found his father "hanging halfway off the bed and his eyes were rolling back in his head. "Murray was doing CPR. My sister was screaming the whole time saying she wants her daddy. I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs crying." When they got to the hospital, he told his sister, "Angels were watching over us," and tried to remain optimistic, but then Murray delivered the news that their father had suffered a heart attack.

Videotaped testimony of Paris Jackson, who is recovering from her suicide attempt at a residential treatment facility. was also shown to the jury of six men and women will decide the case. Katherine Jackson is expected to be the final plaintiff's witness in the case and conclude her testimony on Monday.

Asked by her lawyer if she missed Michael, Katherine Jackson replied: "Words can't explain" and began to cry.

This report contains additional reporting from NBC News staff writer Elizabeth Chuck and E! Newsproducer Claudia Rosenbaum. (Archiv-Version vom 21.07.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 11:10
Katherine Jackson on stand: 'When I lost Michael, I lost everything'

By Kate Mather
July 19, 2013, 2:04 p.m.

A 2005 photo of Michael Jackson and his mother, Katherine Jackson, outside a courthouse in Santa Maria, Calif. (Carlo Allegri / Getty Images / June 1, 2005)

This post has been corrected, see note at bottom for details.

Katherine Jackson wept on the witness stand Friday as she described her relationship with her son Michael, saying that when he died, she “lost everything.”

The 83-year-old matriarch said she and her seventh child were “very close,” saying “a mother wouldn’t want a better son than Michael.”

He took care of her “every need, my every want,” Katherine Jackson said, for example by remodeling her Hayvenhurst home, covering the walls of a room with enlarged pictures of their family.

He also wrote her poetry, she said. After Michael Jackson died, his older brother Jermaine found another handwritten poem to his mother and had it framed. Katherine Jackson said she cried when she read the words.

“All my success has been based on the fact that I wanted to make Mother proud,” the poem ends. “To win her smile of approval.”

When attorney Brian Panish asked how she had been affected by her son’s death, Katherine Jackson broke down.

“When a mother loses a child,” she said, crying. “No one knows until it happens to them. That’s the worst thing that could happen to a person, losing a child.

“I lost my mother, my father and my sister … but when I lost Michael, I lost everything,” she said.

Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- claim AEG Live negligently hired and controlled the physician who gave the singer a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol in 2009, days before his "This Is It" tour was to open in London. AEG Live was promoting and producing the comeback tour.

AEG says it was Jackson who hired Dr. Conrad Murray, and that any money the company was supposed to pay the doctor was actually part of an advance to the singer. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death and is serving jail time.

Katherine Jackson, a Jehovah’s witness, said she was out in “field service” — going door to door to share her faith — and returned home to a message from her husband on that June 2009 day. One of the fans who had gathered outside Michael Jackson’s rented Holmby Hills home had called Joe Jackson, saying someone had left on a gurney “completely covered up,” she testified.

“Later on I got a call to come to the hospital, so I thought maybe he was just sick,” she said.

Katherine Jackson said she arrived to find Jackson’s staff and a man she later learned was “packing back and forth.” Someone took her to a room where she waited, she said, until her son’s manager approached.

“Frank DiLeo came and told me that Michael had a reaction, and I said, ‘Well how is he?’ ” she said. “And nobody said anything.”

“I said, ‘Did he make it? Did he make it?’ and Frank said no,” she said, her voice breaking.

Katherine Jackson continued to cry on the stand as she described her reaction. “I just started screaming.”

Jackson said she was then taken to another room, where she was attended to by nurses and later met with her grandchildren. Paris Jackson, she said, was particularly emotional.

“She was screaming, looking up at the sky and said, ‘Daddy, I want to go with you.' ” Katherine Jackson said.

When it came time to leave the hospital, the family matriarch said, her granddaughter turned to her.

“Grandma, where are we going?” she recalled Paris asking. “And I said, ‘You’re going home with Grandma.”

Katherine Jackson now shares guardianship of the three children. Paris, she said, has “had the hardest time” with her father’s death.

“My nephew and I and Paris and her brothers … went everywhere trying to find this special heart, and it was a broken heart,” Katherine Jackson said. “When she got it, she went to the morgue and she hung one heart around her father’s neck.”

Paris kept the other half, her grandmother said.

Paris also kept a pajama shirt of her father’s, Katherine Jackson said, putting it on a pillow on her bed. She hung photos of him in her bedroom, later covering a wall with more pictures.

“I was wondering how could she do that because I didn’t want to see him,” Katherine Jackson said. “Every time I saw him I felt so sad.”

Katherine Jackson acknowledged that Paris had received medical help following her father’s death, including a hospital stint. The girl has said “that she wanted to go where Daddy was,” she testified.

Though her grandsons are more subdued, Katherine Jackson said, they also miss their father. The youngest, Blanket, keeps his hair long -- he “doesn’t want to cut it because that’s the way Michael liked it,” she said.

Katherine Jackson said her son changed after his children were born, describing his songs “more loving, more meaningful.” “It just changed his life,” she said of fatherhood.

Panish showed a video of photos of the children set to a recording of Michael Jackson singing “Speechless,” a song Katherine Jackson said her son wrote in 45 minutes about being a father. The video showed the children laughing, dancing, playing with a puppy.

“Mrs. Jackson, do you miss your son?” Panish asked when the video ended.

“Words can’t explain,” she said.

[For the Record July 19, 2:52 P.M.: An earlier version of this post incorrectly stated that Jackson fans had gathered outside Neverland Ranch. They had gathered out the pop singer's rented Holmby Hills home.],0,3671278.story?track=rss


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 11:22
Mir drängt sich ja immer mehr der Eindruck auf, auch nach einem gestrigen Gespräch mit meinem Gesangslehrer, der die große Zeit von Michael Jackson miterlebt hat, dass der Mann eigentlich sehr talentiert war, aber auch sehr sensibel.

Und praktisch ,,zu Tode gebracht" wurde von Managern, von Medien usw.

Als er noch jung war (jedenfalls erscheint es mir so in alten Videos) war er ganz anders drauf, ein starker Sänger und ein großartiger Tänzer.

Aber wenn man sich das so ansieht, dann hat er sich mit der Zeit sehr gewandelt, mir erscheint es so, als ob ihm seine Berühmtheit und die Tatsache, dass alle was von ihm wollten, einfach zu viel wurde.

Er soll ja teils körperlich sehr kalt gewesen sein, sagte eine betreuende Ärztin, das ist normalerweise ein schlechtes Zeichen, ein Zeichen, dass es einem körperlich und seelisch nicht so gut geht, man stark gestreßt ist...

Auch soll Michael Jackson manchmal gar nicht ans Set gewollt und sich eingeschlossen haben, worauf er dann aber ,,überredet" und praktisch gezwungen wurde, weiterzumachen.

Ehrlich gesagt hab ich mir schon bei seiner ,,Comebackankündigung" gedacht:,,Das wird nichts!"

So zittrig und dürr, wie er damals schon aussah, konnte ich mir auf keinen Fall vorstellen, dass er eine Welttour durchstehen würde.

Keine sicherer Einnahmequelle, solch ein Mann...

Dagegen als Toter war er eine mehr als sichere Einnahmequelle für alles mögliche an Merchandising und ,,remember"-shit.

Deshalb glaube ich auch, dass zumindest unterlassene Hilfeleistung in näherem und weiterem Sinne zu seinem Tod geführt hat, Michael Jackson quasi zu Tode gebracht wurde.

Höchst bedauerlich, man hätte die Finger von ihm, ihn in Ruhe und einfach alt werden lassen sollen...

Er war ein ausgezeichneter Tänzer, das waren für mich seine größten Qualitäten.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 11:51
Zitat von KcKc schrieb:Deshalb glaube ich auch, dass zumindest unterlassene Hilfeleistung in näherem und weiterem Sinne zu seinem Tod geführt hat, Michael Jackson quasi zu Tode gebracht wurde.
Dr. Murray, der persönliche Arzt von MJ, wurde ja wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt ... einen anderen Anklagepunkt, konnte man ihm nicht nachweisen ...
leider hat sich auch MJ zu sehr auf seine Medikamente eingelassen ... nimm die tägliche Propofolbehandlung, für die hat er einen hohen Preis gezahlt ...
dieses Medikament war nicht geeignet seine Schlafstörungen zu beheben, hinzu kommt, er hatte einen Arzt an seiner Seite, der offensichtlich keine Ahnung davon hatte, was er da tat ...
Murray plädiert ja nach wie vor auf nichtschuldig ...

ja, die Manager, die Medien usw. haben auch ihren Teil dazu beigetragen, aber dafür kann man sie strafrechtlich leider nicht belangen ...

Michael Jackson war ein wirklich genialer Künstler ... der Prozess 2005 wegen Kindesmissbrauchs hat vieles in seinem Leben geändert ... auch wenn er in ALLEN Anklagepunkten freigesprochen wurde, es war ein tiefer Einschnitt in seinem Leben ...
ja, er schien ein sehr sensibler Mensch gewesen zu sein ...
Zitat von KcKc schrieb:Dagegen als Toter war er eine mehr als sichere Einnahmequelle für alles mögliche an Merchandising und ,,remember"-shit.
na, sein Vater, Joe Jackson, hatte ja gleich nach MJ's Tod gesagt, dass Michael Jackson tot mehr Wert sei, als lebendig ... war zwar unpassend, es aus seinem Mund zu hören, aber er hat Recht ... :)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 12:00
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 36. Teil

19. Juli 2013

Ein Experte für finanzielle Angelegenheiten im Musikbusiness, sagte aus, dass Michael Jackson mit einer Welt-Tournee, Merchandising und einer Show in Las Vegas (ohne persönliche Beteiligung) bis zu seinem 65. Geburtstag 1.1 bis 1.5 Milliarden US-Dollar hätte einnehmen können. Die Anwälte von AEG bemühen sich seit Dienstag, diese Zahlen massiv herunter zu schrauben. Dabei zeigten sie auch Aussagen von Katherine und Paris Jackson.

Der Experte Arthur L. Erk präsentierte der Jury am Montag Hochrechnungen, wie viel Michael Jackson in 15 Jahren nach 2009 hätte einnehmen können. Er stützte sich dabei auf AEG E-Mails, die damals mit einer auf die Londoner Konzerte folgende Welt Tournee spekulierten.

Erk, der bereits für Stars wie die Band Kiss, Britney Spears oder Notorious B.I.G arbeitete, und seine finanziellen Hochrechnungen als konservativ bezeichnete, sagte, er habe folgende Annamen getroffen: Eine 37-monatige Tour (mit längeren Pausen dazwischen) mit durchschnittlich zwei Konzerten pro Woche im zentralen Europa, Asien, Australien und in den USA. Zusätzlich Merchandisingverkäufe und Sponsoring. Ausserdem rechnete er mit einer zehnjährigen Show in Las Vegas die auf Michael Jacksons Musik basiert hätte, aber ohne dessen persönliche Teilnahme stattfinden hätte können.

AEG verkaufte in nur fünf Stunden 750 000 Tickets für die Londonder This Is It. Erk unterstrich, dass die Tickets in „Rekord brechender Zeit“ verkauft wurden, was es noch nie zuvor gab und auch bisher nicht übertroffen wurde. Arthur Erk zeigte der Jury eine Statistik von Billboard über die Touren im Jahr 2009 mit den höchsten Einnahmen, angeführt von U2, Madonna und Paul McCartney. Jackson hätte sie alle geschlagen. „Michael Jackson war in einer Klasse für sich selbst. Er war bekannt als der King of Pop. Da gibt es niemanden, der an ihn ran kommt“, so Erk.

Erks Prognose zog auch extravagante Ausgaben Jacksons von USD 134,386,236 in seine 15 Jahre Berechnung mit ein. Bis Michael 65-jährig in den Ruhestand hätte treten können. Erks Prognose ignorierte aber Michael Jacksons Tantiemen für dessen bisherigen Alben und Kompositionen, da er diese Einnahmen so oder so gehabt hätte. Letzteres kommentierte Kevin Boyle, einer der Anwälte der Jacksons.

Erk hatte der Jury Michael Jacksons Verkaufszahlen vor Augen geführt: So habe Thriller weltweit 65 Millionen abgesetzt, Bad 45 Millionen, Dangerous 32 Millionen, Off The Wall und HIStory 20 Millionen und Invincible 13 Millionen. „Wenn man dies historisch betrachtet, so hat er eine gewaltige Fan Basis“, sagt Arthur Erk.

Obwohl MJ nur für die Londoner Konzerte unterschrieben hatte, hoffte AEG, Michael würde im Anschluss einer Welt Tournee zustimmen. In einer E-Mail schrieb Randy Phillips nach dem rekordbrechenden Ticketverkauf: „Wir hätten basierend auf die Nachfrage über 200 Shows machen können. Wichtige Stars wie Coldplay, Akon, Blackeye Peas, etc. wollen supporten.“

Die Anwälte von AEG präsentierten dann am Mittwoch Dokumente, die zeigten, dass AEG Live LLC im September 2008 Pläne für eine 186 Konzerte umfassende Welttournee Michael Jacksons in Europa, Indien, Australien und in den USA entwarfen. AEG spekulierte, dass MJ durch die Auftritte 132 Millionen eingenommen hätte. Diese Summe wäre einiges tiefer, als diejenige von Arthur Erk, der für 260 Konzerte mit 835 Millionen gerechnet hatte.

AEG unterstrich auch, dass der King of Pop Anfang 2009 nur für die Londoner Konzerte unterschrieben hatte und (noch) keinen weiteren Gigs zugestimmt hatte, obwohl diese Option im Vertrag festgehalten war. Mit den Konzerten in London hätte Michael zwischen 22 und 30.7 Millionen Dollar verdienen können. Sponsorverträge waren damals keine vorhanden.

Die Verteidigung zeigte der Jury ein Video von Paris Jackson, in dem sie sagte, dass ihr Vater nach den Londoner Konzerte nicht mehr auftreten hätte wollen, aber eine Welttour mit seinen Kindern in Betracht zog. „Hat er dir erläutert, wie lange die Tour dauern sollte?“, so die Frage von Putnam in der vorgängigen Befragung. „Ich nehme an eine lange Zeit, seitdem es eine Welttour war, aber diese dauern gewöhnlich lange“, so Paris. „Wie kamst du darauf, dass es eine Welttour war?“- „Weil er es uns erzählte“, so Paris. „Dass wir rund um die Welt auf Tour gehen werden.“ Paris berichtete zuvor: „Er hatte noch immer eine Menge Musik, an der er noch immer arbeitete, aber auf eine Art musste er sich ausruhen.“

Am Dienstag sagte die AEG Anwältin Sabrina Strong zum Experten der Jacksons, er habe Michaels Geschichte völlig ignoriert. So sei Michael verklagt worden, da er Konzerte abgesagt hatte (nach dem Jahr 2000, Anm.). und er habe eine Medikamentenmissbrauchs-Geschichte gehabt. Ausserdem sei seine Popularität durch den Kindsmissbrauchsprozess im Jahr 2005 minimiert worden, oder etwa wegen dem „Baby über den Balkon halten“-Skandal in Berlin. Arthur Erk war damit nicht einverstanden und meinte, die This Is It Tour wäre eine aussergewöhnliche Tour geworden. Und spätestens während der Welttournee wäre sein Ruf reputiert gewesen, so Erk. Die Rekorde brechenden This Is It Ticketverkäufe hätten gezeigt, dass das Interesse am King of Pop keinesfalls geschwunden war.

AEG Anwältin Strong erinnerte daran, dass MJ gemäss ihrem Zeugen und stellvertretendem AEG Vorsitzenden Paul Gongaware, durch die HIStory Tour keine Gewinne gemacht hätte. Dies obwohl die HIStory Tournee die Tour mit den höchsten Brutto-Einnahmen war. (165 Millionen durch Ticketverkäufe der 82 Konzerte und Merchandising). Ausserhalb des Gerichtsgebäudes sagte Erk den Reportern, dass Michael keinen Gewinn machte, da er 85 Prozent seiner Einnahmen für wohltätige Zwecke gespendet habe. Ein anderer Journalist wollte wissen, was er dazu meine, dass AEG die Missbrauchsvorwürfe erwähnt hatte: „Sie können alles erwähnen. Wir sind bereit.“

Die AEG Anwältin Strong unterstrich auch, dass Erk Michaels Schulden von 400 Millionen Dollar und die drohende Zwangspfändung vom Encion Anwesen der Jacksons (in Michaels Besitz) ignoriert hatte. Sie erläuterte, dass Michaels Sony/ATV Anteil mit einem 320 Millionen Kredit belastet war. Ausserdem erwähnte sie die Behauptungen eines früheren Managers von MJ, dass Michael pro Jahr zwischen 20 und 30 Millionen mehr ausgebe, als einnehme.

Erstmals wurde im Gerichtssaal eine (vorgängig aufgenommene) Aussage von der Klägerin Katherine Jackson gezeigt. Darin sagte Katherine, dass Michael ihr gesagt hätte, den Moonwalk mit 50 Jahren nicht mehr zeigen zu wollen. Sie sei überrascht gewesen, als ihr Sohn die This Is It Konzerte angekündigt hatte.

Bezüglich den erwähnten Aussagen von Paul Gongaware: Dieser hatte Ende Mai ausgesagt, dass Michael in der ersten Hälfte der HIStory Tour 26 Millionen verloren habe. Er sei dann für die letzten 40 Konzerte der zweiten Tourhälfte ins Organisationsteam geholt worden, um Kosten zu kürzen. Gongaware bezeichnete HIStory als eine der anspruchvollsten Touren und Michaels Auftritte als „sensationell.“


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.07.2013 um 12:04

Ich denke, Dr. Murray war nur das Bauernopfer, welches M. Jackson letztlich den Todesstoß versetzen sollte.

Von daher ist es in gewisser Weise sogar nachvollziehbar, dass er auf unschuldig plädierte.

Was diese Medis bei M. Jackson wohl bewirkt haben sollen, die er selbst nahm, war, dass er zwar ,,ausgeknockt" wurde, wie man das halt von der Narkose bei Operationen kennt, aber er keine Erholungsphasen im Schlaf erleben konnte, keine REM-Phasen.

Deshalb hat er zwar ,,geschlafen", aber konnte eben nicht die Erholung erlangen, die man normalerweise aus seinem Schlaf zieht.

Das wirkte sich natürlich auf seinen Geistes- und Gesundheitszustand aus, auch auf die Erhöhung des Medikamentenkonsums...

Er hätte sich am besten sonstwo hin zurückziehen sollen, in ein abgelegenes Schloss in den Bergen mit ein paar Leuten, denen er wirklich vertrauen konnte, um sich einfach auszuruhen. Mal einige Monate abseits jeder Kamera, jedes Managers und falschen Freundes leben. Richtig ausschlafen, ohne Medikamente. Tennis im Garten spielen, ein Bier trinken, Football gucken, Schreiben - all das, was Entspannung bringt.

Ja, ich denke, das hat Michael Jackson gefehlt, die wirkliche Entspannung und Ruhe in seinem Leben, er stand ja ständig unter Strom, permanent in der Öffentlichkeit, dauernd wollte irgendwer irgendwas von ihm. Das hat ihn meiner Meinung nach kaputt gemacht.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:na, sein Vater, Joe Jackson, hatte ja gleich nach MJ's Tod gesagt, dass Michael Jackson tot mehr Wert sei, als lebendig ... war zwar unpassend, es aus seinem Mund zu hören, aber er hat Recht ...
Joe Jackson...
Naja, auf den bin ich nicht gut zu sprechen. Was man so hört, ist, dass der vor allem an den Benefiz für Joe Jackson gedacht hat, schon immer. Und deshalb auch seine Kinder schlug und antrieb usw.

Solch ein verachtenswerter Spruch bestätigt das, nicht wahr?


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20.07.2013 um 12:30

Nein, ich sehe Murray nicht als Bauernopfer ... Murray hat diesen Job bei Michael Jackson angenommen ... es heißt, dass MJ nur ihn, als persönlichen Tourarzt, um sich haben wollte ... und dafür sollte Murray monatlich 150.000 Dollar erhalten ... Murray hat diesen Job angenommen, denn er war hoch verschuldet ... hat er sich nie gefragt, warum er dafür so viel Geld bekommen sollte ??? üblich sind wohl bis zu 40.000 Dollar mtl. ...

wäre Murray ein verantwortungsvoller, verantwortungsbewußter Arzt gewesen, hätte er einfach nur NEIN sagen sollen ... aber er schien alle Wünsche von MJ erfüllt zu haben ...
und die haben MJ letzendlich das Leben gekostet ...

natürlich, es hätten sich zig andere Ärzte gefunden, die diesem Job nicht abgeneigt gewesen wären ...

er hätte die "This is it" Tour nicht unterschreiben sollen ... aber es heißt, finanzielle Gründe haben den Ausschlag gegeben ...
und ich denke, da war MJ wie viele andere große Künstler auch "sie brauchen den öffentlichen Zirkus, ohne ihn geht es irgendwie auch nicht" ...
am Tag der PK in London, war MJ auch nicht unbedingt er selbst ...

ja, Joe Jackson ist ein Kapitel für sich ... :)


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20.07.2013 um 19:31
Michael Jacksons Mutter: Niemand hat ihm geholfen

Katherine Jackson (83), Mutter des toten Pop-Idols Michael Jackson, beklagt sich vor Gericht: Ihr Sohn sei vor seinem Tod 2009 schwer krank gewesen und habe niemals die notwendige Hilfe erhalten.

„Es ist schwer, hier im Gerichtssaal zu sitzen und all diese Dinge hören zu müssen”, sagte die 83-Jährige am Freitag in Los Angeles. „Mein Sohn war krank und niemand hat versucht, ihm zu helfen”, klagte sie nach einem Bericht der Promi-Website „Viele Dinge, die gesagt worden sind, sind nicht wahr. Und er ist nicht mehr da, um sich selbst zu äußern.”
Die Mutter geht juristisch gegen den Konzertveranstalter AEG Live vor. Sie wirft dem Promoter vor, die Gesundheit ihres Sohnes aus Profitsucht aufs Spiel gesetzt zu haben. AEG Live organisierte die für den Sommer 2009 geplanten Comeback-Konzerte. Michael Jackson starb wenige Wochen zuvor. Sein Arzt Conrad Murray sitzt wegen fahrlässiger Tötung vier Jahre Haft ab.


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20.07.2013 um 19:36
Katherine Jackson

Zusammenbruch im Zeugenstand

16:23 UHR | 20.07.2013 | J. Hettich

Familienoberhaupt Katherine Jackson brach am Freitag während ihrer Zeugenaussage im Prozess um den Tod ihres Sohnes Michael vor Gericht in Los Angeles in Tränen zusammen.

Als Katherine Jackson (83) am Freitag im Prozess um den Tod ihres Sohnes Michael (†50) vor Gericht aussagen musste, brach die 83-Jährige in Tränen aus.

Ihr Anwalt Brian Panish und ein Gerichtsdiener hatten der 83-Jährigen in den Zeugenstand helfen müssen. „Das Schwerste ist, hier zu sitzen und all die negativen Dinge über meinen Sohn mit anhören zu müssen. Vieles davon entspricht nicht der Wahrheit. Und er kann nicht selbst hier sein, um sich zu verteidigen“, sagte sie laut der „Los Angeles Times“.

„Sind sie hier, um für ihren Sohn zu sprechen“, fragte ihr Anwalt. „Ich werde mein bestes geben“, antwortete die Matriarchin. Auf die Frage, ob sie ihren Sohn vermisse, brach die 83-Jährige schließlich in Tränen aus und schluchzte, laut dem Internetportal „“, „das kann man nicht in Worte fassen.“

In dem Prozess geht der Jackson-Clan gegen der Konzertverstalter „AEG“ vor, den die Familie für den Tod des Popidols verantwortlich macht.


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20.07.2013 um 19:43
Katherine Jackson Breaks Down On Witness Stand Testifying About Son Michael Jackson’s Death

Posted on Jul 19, 2013 @ 13:21PM | By Jen Heger

The frail looking Jackson family matriarch, 83-year-old Katherine Jackson, broke down in tears on the witness stand on Friday as she testified about the day her son, Michael Jackson, died — a key moment in her wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live, the concert promoter which she contends is responsible for his death.

With the help of an attorney and a bailiff in the courtroom, Katherine Jackson was assisted to the witness stand.

According to the Los Angeles Times Jackson said,

“The most difficult thing is to sit here in this court and listen to all the bad things they say about my son. A lot of the things that have been said are not the truth. And he’s not here to speak for himself.”

“Are you here to speak for your son Michael?” Panish asked.

“I’ll try my best,” she replied.

On the day Michael Jackson was declared dead at the UCLA Medical Center, according to Katherine, the singer’s daughter, Paris was screaming next to his body, “Daddy, I want to go with you.”

Michael’s then doctor, Conrad Murray was “pacing the floor,” in the hospital, and Katherine testified she had never seen him before.

Paris, 15, has had the hardest time dealing with her father’s death, compared to siblings, Prince Michael, and Blanket. Jackson’s only daughter, has a pair of her father’s pajamas, and never wants them washed because “she wanted his scent,” Katherine told jurors.

Having recently attempting suicide, Paris was recently released from the UCLA Medical Center, and is now getting residential treatment at an undisclosed facility.

Recounting the day Michael died, Katherine became extremely emotional. “Do you miss your son?” Jackson’s attorney Brian Panish asked.

Choking back tears, Katherine said: “There are no words.”

Katherine Jackson is expected to be on the witness stand for the remainder of the day.


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20.07.2013 um 19:56
Brotherly love: Protective Prince Jackson takes on the role of a fatherly figure as he escorts younger sibling Blanket to karate class

By Cliff Renfrew
PUBLISHED: 03:44 GMT, 17 July 2013 | UPDATED: 07:12 GMT, 17 July 2013

Their famous family has been under a lot of stress and strain in recent times but at least Prince Jackson and his little brother Blanket always have one another.

Prince, 16, took Blanket 10, to a karate class and then for some cool Starbucks drinks as the temperatures soared in Calabasas, California, on Tuesday.

And the two boys have obviously formed a close bond while their 15-year-old sister Paris Jackson continues to recover from her recent suicide attempt.

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Bonding: Prince Jackson and Blanket Jackson visited a karate class and grabbed a Starbucks together in Calabasas on Tuesday

Big brother Prince wore a black 'Gracie' Jiu Jitsu Academy T-shirt with dark cargo pants and sneakers for his day-out with little Blanket.

Prince had his earphones in as he strolled around with his much smaller brother while wearing a large link chain and continuing to wear his hair long.

Blanket meanwhile wore a blue T-shirt and white jogging style pants with dark sneakers as he left karate class with his long locks flowing and with his blue fighting belt over his shoulder.

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Cooling off: The boys enjoyed some iced drinks in the hot weather
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Supportive: Prince has been a good role model for Blanket in recent times

The two young men were flanked by a bodyguard and nanny as they visited a local mall close to their home inside a gated Calabasas community.

Both appeared to be in good spirits are are no doubt pleased with the fact that their sister Paris seems to be doing better these days.

The only daughter of Michael Jackson was admitted to UCLA Medical Center following her suicide attempt on June 5, and on Tuesday she was taken to another facility.

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Protection: A burly bodyguard was on hand to make sure nobody got to close to Prince or Blanket
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Helpers: A nanny and bodyguard were on hand to care for and protect the brothers
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Treats: Blanket carried several snacks from Starbucks during the outing with his brother

The location of Paris's new residence is unknown but a source close to the family have confirmed that the treatment center was chosen by her grandmother Katherine and biological mother Debbie Rowe.

The two women selected the new medical facility on the advice of the 15-year old's doctors at the UCLA hospital.

A source told People magazine that the decision to take Paris - who slashed her wrists and overdosed on pills - to another treatment centre rather that home was for her own benefit.

'The feeling is that Paris is still a danger to herself,' the insider explained. 'Both Katherine and Debbie want her to get the help that she needs.'

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Together: Prince stayed close to his little brother throughout the day
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Heading home: The brothers and their helpers left for their mansion in a nearby SUV


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20.07.2013 um 20:09
Prince And Blanket Jackson Grab Starbucks With Their Bodyguards

Posted on Wed Jul 17, 2013 06:45 AM PDT

pjackson071613 17-full

Prince and Blanket Jackson were snapped getting Starbucks after their martial arts class on Tuesday, and their bodyguard was present, but given the fact that Prince is wearing a Gracie jiu-jitsu tee, maybe he knows a thing or two about self defense?

Earlier this month it was reported that their sister Paris was going to be moved from the UCLA Medical Center to Diamond Ranch Academy in Utah until the family's wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live comes to an end, so we have a feeling it's going to be a while before we see all three of MJ's kids together again...

P.S. Aren't they a little young for that much caffeine?

VIDEO auf der Website

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20.07.2013 um 20:14
Life after Michael: Jackie Jackson on fame, stardom

Chris Jordan, Asbury Park (N.J.) Press 8:46 p.m. EDT July 19, 2013

As the Jacksons tour, MJ's oldest brother reflects on Michael and his musical legacy.

Jackie Jackson remembersthe moment he knew the Jackson 5 were superstars.

"We had several hit records out, I Want You Back and ABC, but our first trip to Europe (in 1972) we were landing about 5 o'clock in the morning and a pilot told us ... 'Jacksons, you have about 10,000 screaming fans sneaking into the airport overnight,' " Jackie said

"That's when I realized ... that we're doing something really major."

The Jackson 5 of Gary, Indiana, mixed pop, soul, rock and R&B for an ebullient sound that shook the world with a message of joy and brotherhood in the early '70s.

"The music will last forever," Jackie said. "You can listen to a great song without the curse words and it's not too sexual or provocative, it's just great music."

The Jacksons — also Jermaine, Marlon and Tito — are on a Unity Tour this summer. The group will perform all eras of Jacksons music, including solo material of the late Michael Jackson. Michael's songs will be sung by Jackie.

The brothers are on the road again, just like old times when they were the kings of the charts. They had the attention of the King of Rock 'n' Roll back then.

"I remember Elvis (Presley), he was the nicest guy," Jackie said. "He was always bringing his daughter (Lisa Marie Presley) to our shows all the time, that's how Michael first met her."

Michael and Lisa Marie would later marry.

"(Elvis) would stand way in the back while his daughter would sit in the front."

Elvis once rescued Jackie from the clutches of his Memphis Mafia security team.

"One time I was going on the elevator at the (former) MGM Grand Hotel (in Las Vegas) and I was going the back way because I had another performance to do," Jackie said. "When Elvis would go somewhere, he had an army with him and so his security guys didn't know who I was and they were about to throw me out of the elevator. Elvis said, 'Wait, hold on, that's a Jackson right there, you don't throw him out. Leave him here.' "

The Jackson 5, and later the Jacksons and Michael as a solo act, played a not-insignificant role in defusing the country's racial tensions of the '70s and early '80s with a message of inclusion and unity.

"There were times on tour when we did run into particular problems," said Jackie, 62. "But we stuck together and rose above that and we tried to show that people are people no matter what color they were."

"When you go to our concerts, you see everybody: white, black, all nationalities – that what we love to see."

The presence of Michael, who died in 2009 at the age of 50 in a tragic and controversial manner, is felt at the Unity shows, Jackie said.

"When we do the Michael songs, we have the backdrop, people start crying and sometimes we tear up on stage when we're singing the songs," Jackie said. "Then we break out an uptempo tune which makes people laugh and dance in their seats, so it's like a bittersweet moment."

Michael's death added him to the regrettable list of entertainment icons, including Presley, Whitney Houston, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe, who perished before their time. Michael died after a fatal dose of a sleeping agent while in the care of Dr. Conrad Murray, who was sentenced to prison for manslaughter for his role in the death.

"It seems like the talented people, they leave real early, I don't know why that is. I don't plan to, my brothers don't plan to go nowhere soon," Jackie said. "That's something that bothers me, why do talented people leave so soon?"

"It could be that they give so much of themselves. They don't pace themselves and they burn out."


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20.07.2013 um 20:17
täglich neue Berichte ... (Archiv-Version vom 25.07.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.07.2013 um 08:53
soooooooooooo, haben die Brüder wieder einen schönen Tag gehabt? Die sieht man ja nur mit Bechern rumlaufen, na die Fastfood-Ketten freuen sich! Zu Hause bekommen sie wahrscheinlich nur "Rübensaft" von dieser, omg, wie heißt sie gleich, diese letzte Köchen von Michael?
Sie hat ihm ja immer ein Salatblatt hingestellt, wenn er von den Proben kam, nicht daß er zu dick wird und dann nicht seine Drehungen machen kann, weil das Fett behindert.
Hat die eigentlich auch nicht gesehen, daß Michael zu dünn war und zu stark abgenommen hatte innerhalb kurzer Zeit? Das hat ja wohl niemand bemerkt und ihm auch nicht gesagt! Nicht mal der Arzt hat das festgestellt, obwohl der den Michael wochenlang nachts in den Schlaf gesungen hat.

Also, da gab es vor langer Zeit, also so im Herbst 2008 ein Vid. von Michael, da war er in einem Geschäft in Carmel, ich glaube, es war Carmel, da sah er auch so furchtbar dünn aus und da haben welche gesagt, daß er wie ein Drogensüchtiger in den letzten Tagen aussieht oder wie ein Aidskranker. Ja, das war 2008!!! Und wieso soll er mit so einer Kondition so viele Konzerte geben wollen und auf Tour gehen wollen?
Er hat doch auch selbst gesagt, daß er das nicht will, es gibt etliche Interviews von ihm, in denen darüber spricht.
Kann mich entsinnen, der Usher war total ungläubig, als er erzählt bekam, daß Michael wieder auf die Bühne geht, weil der Michael dem Usher das Gegenteil erzählt hat.
Also sagt das ja alles, nämlich er mußte, weil er unbedingt Geld brauchte und so kam es ja auch in irgendeiner Aussage zum Vorschein, jetzt bei diesem Zivilprozess, daß Michael das Geld brauchte.

Die Kathrine sagt jetzt im Stand, daß sie nur die Wahrheit herausfinden will????? Das ich nicht lache, lächerlich, sie wollte die Wahrheit nicht herausfinden!!! Sie bzw. ihre Anwälte haben 2 Mal angeboten, daß sie mit einem Vergleich einverstanden wären, ha, die können alle anderen verscheißern!!! So, da AEG keinen Vergleich wollte, mußten sie ja nun Wohl oder Übel den Prozess eröffnen. So sieht die Wahrheit aus!!!
Diese Lügen, genau das sagt Kathrine jetzt vor Gericht, hahaha, hat sie sich da gerade im Spiegel angeschaut?
Eigenartig, als der AEG - Anwalt seine Fragen stellen wollte, konnte dann Kathrine plötzlich nicht mehr, es war zu anstrengend und sie muß sich hinlegen, hahaha.
Wo hat sie sich eigentlich hingelegt, als sie jetzt zwischendrin in Las Vegas war zu einer Veranstaltung? Das war wahrscheinlich nicht anstrengend, da auf dem roten Teppich rumzulaufen, für Fotos zu posieren, MJ One zu sehen und was da noch alles so an Highlights zu absolvieren ist.

Nein, ich nehme AEG nicht in Schutz, die lügen genauso, aber eben nicht nur die.
Beide Seiten nehmen sich nichts!
Ich hoffe, daß alle für ihre Lügen bestraft werden. Damit meine ich auch beide Seiten.
Bin genervt von dieser Farce vor Gericht.


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21.07.2013 um 11:25
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #53 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 50 – July 17 2013 – Summary

Outside the presence of the jurors, judge told everyone to follow the rules of the court and that things are getting out of hand. This comment was made in light of the heated exchange between the attorneys in the hallway yesterday while talking to the media and fans. Judge called attorneys for both sides into her chambers for a sidebar. Earlier today, the court sent email to all media members that interviews are to be conducted only in approved areas or outside the building. Yesterday, after session concluded, attorneys for both sides were in the hallway speaking to the media and got angry at each other. Jacksons' attorney Brian Panish and AEG's attorney Marvin Putnam shouted words to each other. Sheriffs were summoned to calm them down. (ABC7)

Before testimony began, the clerk outlined the rules for the courtroom and courthouse, saying no interviews should occur outside courtroom. Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos also called the attorneys into chambers and met with them before testimony resumed. (AP)

When jurors took their seats, Judge Yvette Palazuelos told them they have a better estimate for end of trial to be in mid-September. Judge said attorneys are trying their best to expedite things, but with some days off and lots of witnesses estimate is stretched further. (ABC7) When the judge took the bench, the attorneys addressed the time estimate of the trial. The jury inquired about it yesterday. AEG Live defense attorney Marvin Putnam said he’s going to try to wrap up his case by the end of August, assuming plaintiff’s rest this weekPutnam said he’s weighing how much of a defense he needs to put up, and Palazuelos told him he needed to take as long as he needs. For the first half of September, there are only four days court is in session. Plaintiff’s lawyer Brian Panish noted that if the defense estimate is off by a few days, then that would put the end of their case in mid-September. Palazuelos told the jury she expected the case to end in mid-September, which is later than some jurors thought they’d be here. Palazuelos: “Even though we’re going over a little bit, I don’t think it’s unreasonable.” She told juror to convey any concerns to the court (AP)

CPA Arthur Erk Testimony

AEG cross

Sabrina Strong, for AEG, doing the questioning.

Strong continued to challenge Erk’s projections of Michael Jackson’s earnings. She focused on estimates for endorsement deals. (AP) Strong asked Erk about sponsorship/endorsement. He estimated MJ would get $317 million in the "This Is It" tour. Erk estimated clothing endorsement to be $50 million and $217 million based on a calculation of a Pepsi deal Beyonce had in 2012. Erk said MJ's clothing would become a fashion statement and that people would want to wear it. Thus the demand. Strong questioned whether Erk really thought MJ, at 50 years old, would be a fashion icon for young audience. He said yes. She then asked if the $50 million figure was speculation. Erk said no that he had reasonable belief shows would happen, clothes would sell. "Speculative is hope," Erk opined. Erk came up with $50 million for clothing endorsement based on earlier deal of $28 million plus inflation/financial adjustments to year 2009. Erk said he relied on news reports regarding Beyonce's Pepsi deal. He didn't actually see the deal himself. Beyonce's most recent gross was close to $120 million. The Pepsi deal was, reportedly, $50 million, which is almost 42% of the tour revenue. (ABC7) Strong challenged all of Erk’s figures this morning, starting out with his endorsement projections. Erk stated his figures were conservative. Erk projected that Jackson would get a $50 million clothing endorsement deal. Strong tried to get Erk to say that was pure speculation. Erk said it was his expectation that Jackson would get an endorsement deal based on his popularity in the 1980s, “This Is It” ticket sales. Strong also challenged Erk’s projection that Jackson would have gotten another endorsement deal worth $267 million. Erk based that figure on a calculation based off the reported $50 million value of a Beyonce/Pepsi endorsement deal. Beyonce’s reported deal _ Erk doesn’t know if the figures are right _ was the equivalent of 42% of her tour revenues. The accountant adjusted his figures for Jackson up based on his assumption that the singer would do a 260 show worldwide tour. Erk assumed that Jackson would get a “Pepsi-like” endorsement deal with several companies, but he’s not aware of any deals pending in 2009. Strong also pointed out that Erk’s numbers were gross figures, meaning that he calculated Jackson would receive the full $267 million. Using gross figures wouldn't account for any sharing of the deal’s profits with AEG Live or some other entity. (AP)

Strong: Do you know if anyone ever used your methodology to estimate endorsement deal?
Erk: No (ABC7)

Strong inquired Erk whether he knows any other artist who has endorsement being 40% of gross revenue. Erk said that most endorsement deals are private, Beyonce's was the only one that was made public through the media. Strong questioned whether Erk always trusted the media reports to be true. He said no, but no one disputed Beyonce's endorsement number. Strong asked if Erk knows for a fact that Beyonce's endorsement deal being 42% of gross revenue is true. "If the reported figures are correct, the 42% is correct," Erk said. "I answered before I didn't see the contract, my firm doesn't have Beyonce, I couldn 't confirm the deal." (ABC7)

Strong asked if Erk thought MJ's image was rehabilitated in June of 2009. "What I do know as fact is that the demand was there," Erk said. "The demand was there, I think that is unquestionable.". "I think AEG was more concerned with people in the US than worldwide," Erk said. (ABC7)

Strong: Was his image rehabilitated by June 2009?
Erk: It wasn't consideration on my part since it sold so many tickets in a short time (ABC7)

Strong: So my question was, do you think MJ's image was rehabilitated to get an endorsement deal?
Erk: If you need a yes or no answer, the answer is yes
Erk: By evidence of selling so many tickers, I have no other way to come to that conclusion, but based on the facts of tickets sold, yes
Strong: You are not aware of any endorsement or sponsorship deal for TII tour being in place when MJ died?
Erk: No (ABC7)

Strong asked if MJ's molestation accusations and trial affected his estimation in the endorsement deals. "The outstanding, unprecedented demand for tickets took care of that," Erk said. Going back to Beyonce, Strong asked if Beyonce ever had negative publicity. "As far as I know, no," Erk responded. (ABC7) In discussing the Beyonce deal, Strong brought up the child molestation trial and Beyonce’s squeaky clean image. The lawyer asked Erk whether he knew of any artist who got a sponsorship deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars who’d been involved in a high-profile criminal trial. Erk said that he did not know of any artist who’d received such a big deal after a trial. (AP) “(Beyonce) has never been a defendant in a criminal trial,” Strong suggested to the jury. “In fact, Beyoncehas never really suffered any negative publicity.” (NYDailyNews)

Strong also asked whether Erk’s merchandise estimates were overly-optimistic due to possible over-inflation of his ticket sales projections. Erk said he didn’t think he over-estimated the number of tickets that would be sold on a “This Is It” world tour. The accountant estimated that concert-goers would spend an average of $19 on MJ-merchandise at each concert. (AP)

After a break, Strong asked Erk about his reliance on an AEG Live budget for his projections. He used a budget prepared on June 24, 2009. The AEG budget estimated Jackson would receive between $22 million and $30.7 million from the London “This Is It” shows. It appeared AEG estimated Jackson would also receive another $8 million in merchandise sales. Erk estimated Jackson would earn $452 million for worldwide concerts, another $121 million in merch and $317m for endorsements. (AP) Strong asked Erk if he relied on AEG's own budget to come up with his estimations. He said yes. AEG's projection of what MJ would take home was a little over $20 million, according to the budget Strong showed. Net Income, amount of money AEG Live projected MJ would take home had he performed all 50 shows at the O2 arena: little over $22 million Alternative budget had projection of a little over $30 million, Strong showed. Strong said the range AEG Live was projecting MJ would take home for performing all 50 concerts at O2 arena was between $22 and $30 million. (ABC7)

AEG projected 750,000 tickets sold and didn't estimate revenue of merchandising. AEG did not project a single dollar in endorsement in this budget or any other budget that Erk saw.

Strong showed a side-by-side demonstrative of AEG's and Erk's projection.
Erk's projection:
Net revenue to MJ, 260 tour $460 million
Merchandising $121 million
Endorsements $317 million
Net number of $890.5 million (ABC7)

AEG's defense asserts that the $1.5 billion figure projected by certified public accountant Arthur Erk is inflated. Erk testified that Jackson would likely work beyond his contract deal for 50 shows at London's O2 Arena and instead perform 260 shows, taking the show around the globe and selling out at every venue. But that's not all. Defense attorney Sabrina Strong showed Erk's calculations for tours beyond that. That at age 56, Jackson would embark on four more world tours - a total of 455 shows - Jackson performing until he was 66 years old.(KABC)

Approximately 13 million tickets sold, 260 shows, merchandising and endorsement estimate. Erk said he relied on email exchanges from September 2008 that included records, movies and others, such as worldwide tour. "It shows they clearly intended to take him around the world," Erk said about the email on the plan, mentions a net to MJ of $132 million. Erk said AEG had no idea of the demand and when the shows were sold out in a matter of hours they knew they could take the show everywhere. (ABC7) The accountant said AEG prepared figures in 2008 showing that Jackson could earn $132 million for a worldwide tour. He said that was in a proposal to Colony Capital and was based on a tour of 186 concerts. This was before “TII” contract was signed. Erk said his projections were much higher than these figures because the success of “This Is It” ticket sales showed the demand for MJ shows (AP) The documents prepared by AEG Live LLC envisioned 186 shows, with Jackson earning $132 million for his performances — far less than the $835 million that an accountant who previously testified for the Jackson family had projected the singer would pocket from 260 shows around the globe. (AP)

Strong: Do you know any tour that ever grossed that much?
Erk: No. This would've been world record breaking tour (ABC7)

Strong: You testified in your depo you have no idea whether MJ would be successful at making movies, correct?
Erk: That's correct (ABC7)

Strong asked if Erk recalls Katherine Jackson saying MJ didn't want to do the Moonwalk after he was 50. He said yes.

Strong played Paris Jackson's deposition regarding future plans: Paris says her dad wanted to relax, didn't want to tour anymore. However, Paris also said it was a world tour. "How did you know that? Because he told us we were going around the world," Paris said. (ABC7)

How long did Michael Jackson plan to work? Paris Jackson yawns, and then offers two opinions in a video deposition shown to the jury by the defense.
"He still had a lot of music that he was still working on but he kind of needed to relax," she said.
"So did your dad ever tell you he wasn't going to tour anymore after the 02?" Paris was asked.
"Yeah," she replied.
But later she was asked, "How did you understand it was a world tour?"
"Because he told us," she replied.
"What did he tell you?"
"That we were going around the world on tour," she said. (KABC)

Also on Wednesday, the jury heard videotaped testimony from Paris Jackson.Paris, whose testimony was recorded during a deposition in March, said her father still had hits up his sleeve, but needed to take a break from touring. A lawyer for AEG had asked her about claims her famous dad planned to “retire” from the music business. “He still had a lot of music that he was still working on, but he kind of needed to relax,” Paris said as the jury watched the footage on a huge courtroom video screen.“Did he tell you he wasn’t going to tour anymore after O2,” AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam asked, referring to the 50 shows that were booked at the famous London arena but ultimately cancelled following Michael’s overdose death on June 25, 2009. “Yes,” Paris replied. Jurors then saw a second clip of Paris’ testimony requested by lawyers for her grandmother, family matriarch Katherine Jackson.“Did (your dad) explain to you how long the (‘This Is It”) tour was going to last,” Putnam asked Paris in the second excerpt shown Wednesday.“I assume a long time since it was a world tour,” she said. “Those usually last a long time ... He told us that we were going around the world on tour.” (NYDailyNews)

Strong showed demonstrative with Erk's projection for MJ's future tours:
40 shows at 60 years old
50 shows at age 63
45 shows at age 66

Erk acknowledged MJ did 275 shows between 20-50 years old.

Strong: So you had him do 455 shows over 5 tours until the age of 66?
Erk: 260 shows were reasonably certain to happen, 195 shows was an estimate based on my professional opinion.

Strong questioned Erk: "Are you aware of any other artist doing five tours between age 50 and 66?" "I did not consider that," Erk replied. (KABC)

Jackson redirect

Erk said AEG's experts in the same field as his charge more than him for the work.

Panish: Has Mr. Jackson ever been proved guilty of any allegations that AEG mentioned?
Erk: No
Panish asked if Phillips, Anschutz, Gongaware did not enter into an agreement with MJ due to concerns of the allegations?
Erk: They entered into the 3 year tour contract as well as movie deal
Panish: Was there any emails AEG, Philips, Gongaware saying they didn't want to make money off of MJ due to the allegations raised?
Erk: I didn't see anything to that effect. (ABC7)

Panish asked Erk if Tiger Woods had some things that could be viewed as negative allegations against him. He said he believed so. As to Tiger Woods, Erk said in 2012, he believes it was reported endorsements went back up to $70 million. Panish: Alex Rodriguez -- has there been allegations against him regarding certain activities? Erk: Yes, surfacing every once and a while. Panish: How are his endorsements? Erk: He's doing fairly well (ABC7)

“Let’s talk about A-Rod. Have there been allegations against Mr. Rodriguez about certain activities?” Jackson family lawyer Brian Panish asked a witness in an apparent reference to the accusations of steroid use dogging the Bombers third baseman. “They’re still coming about, surfacing every once in a while,” responded Arthur Erk, a Manhattan accountant called to the stand by the Jackson family.Panish brought up A-Rod, along with Tiger Woods, to draw examples of mega-stars who made big money after being struck by scandal. “How is he doing?” Panish continued, referring to A-Rod. “At least according to media reports, he’s still doing fairly well,” Erk replied. (NYDailyNews)

Regarding Beyonce and her endorsement deal, Erk said the calculation he made came up to 18,5%, not the 42% Strong said. (ABC7)

Panish asked if MJ's past and the allegation have anything to do with how much money MJ could earn. Erk said he based his opinion on AEG's projection and "if it was good enough for them, it was good enough for me." (ABC7)

AEG spent money before even getting to London, Erk testified. Panish asked Erk 2 assume Phillips estimated MJ would make $50-100 million for London dates if it was consistent w/ his opinion. He said yes .
Panish: Assume Phillips said MJ's earnings could rise to 500 million if he did a world tour? Is that consistent with your opinion?
Erk: Yes (ABC7)

As to future tours, Erk said Paris testified in her deposition (played earlier today) that MJ told her they would tour worldwide. Erk said Ortega's deposition and testimony talked about take this tour on the road, to the world, and that MJ would like for him to go too. Erk said Ortega discussed going to India and Japan with MJ. Panish asked if MJ and Ortega working further together. Erk said MJ wanted to ultimately produce movies.(ABC7)

Erk said AEG had the resources to find out about MJ's financial issues and there's no reason to believe they didn't know about MJ's problems (ABC7)

Erk said he didn't focus on MJ's health because AEG signed the contract and began spending money, which determined the tour would go forward. Panish asked if Erk saw evidence AEG was concerned with MJ's health. Erk said only that he passed a physical, was healthy and ready to go.
Panish: Did Phillips make statements as to whether MJ could perform a worldwide tour?
Erk: Yes (ABC7)

Panish said AEG had questions of Demerol, baby, allegations, trials so he wanted to clear whether there was demand for the tour. Panish showed Gongaware's testimony when he talked about the high demand for MJ's tickets. Panish asked why he took Phillips and Gongaware's testimony into consideration for his projections and calculation. "They were the ones selling the tickets, they should be in the know," Erk said. (ABC7)

Panish: Did you take that into consideration as to whether or not there would be demand for MJ's tour?
Erk: Absolutely
Panish: Was MJ popular and could've sold tickets?
Erk: Absolutely (ABC7)

Panish read a lengthy testimony from Randy Phillips when he said they were all surprised with the demand for tickets and standby people. Strong objected, and added that there's no question about the demand for the 50 show.
Panish: Is there any question in your mind AEG not only believed they could sell out in London but worldwide?
Erk: No question
Panish: Would you describe the demand for MJ's ticket a hope?
Erk: No (ABC7)

Erk went through the email describing what Phillips' plans were. "If London goes smoothly, we could migrate this show to the brand new, state-of-the-art stadium in Berlin, the O2 World," Phillips wrote. (ABC7)

Email from September 2008 plan:
In July 2009 -- If all goes well, we embark on a well routed and spread out worldwide tour taking advantages of the gigantic secondary ticket market, massive sponsoring opportunities subject to how well we have rehabilitated him and very lucrative "exotics". (ABC7)

Mick Jagger is 69 years old, lead singer of the Rolling Stones. He just finished up shows that AEG promoted, Erk said. Keith Richards had a long history of heroine problems, Erk said. He's also almost 69 years old and is touring, doing quite well. Barbra Streisand is 71 and just finished up shows for AEG as well, Erk testified. Erk said Streisand grossed more than $18 million. (ABC7)

Panish showed a spreadsheet with all MJ's monthly expenses. The annual consumption based on actual receipts for MJ -- $7.6 million. Erk said he used $570K/month, which would work out to $6.7 million. He used higher monthly figure, but less annually. For professional fees, Erk said he considered 10-20%, anywhere between $3-5 millions. (ABC7)

Panish: Does people usually lend money for people who can't pay it back?
Erk: No (ABC7)

Erk said MJ had assets to secure loans. Erk explained how the loan of significant amount of money works.
Panish: What was it that secured the debt?
Erk: Primarily his Sony/ATV catalogue (ABC7)

Erk said MJ did not have working income in ten years.
Panish: If you don't have work income, is it possible you're going to spend more than you earn?
Erk: Most likely (ABC7)

Panish: Did you just make-up this world tour idea?
Eark: No (ABC7)
Email from Gongaware:
MJ first draft worldwide tour projection. Here's a first-draft look at worldwide MJ tour. On paper, it starts Jan 9 and runs thru April 2011...Right now we project 186 shows... Net to Mikey $132 million. It's a big number, but this is not a number MJ will want to hear. He thinks he's so much bigger than that (ABC7)

186 shows over 27 months -- Gongaware projection
260 shows over 37 months -- Erk projection

Erk said AEG had 1.59 show per week in their projection and Erk had 1.60 shows per week in his projection. (ABC7)
Panish showed a document Gongaware attached to his projection with a list of tentative venues all over the world. World tour included: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Paris, Zurich, Milan, Johannesburg, Dubai, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand , South America, US starting in Florida, Texas, New Orleans, California, Denver, Utah, Chicago. Panish said this is a document prepared by Gongaware in addition to the 50 shows in the O2 arena. There was a projection of $3-$10 million for private shows. Except with the private shows, Erk says his calculation was similar. Panish asked if shows in AEG's projection were carried over to 37 months, how many shows would that be? Erk: Almost 260 . Panish asked why 37 months. Erk said contract between MJ and AEG was 3 years, and he added a month. (ABC7)

Panish asked Erk is he saw multiple AEG documents detailing plans for worldwide tour. He said yes.
Panish: What are the figures AEG used for worldwide tour?
260 shows for my budget, 37 months
186 shows for 27 months (ABC7)

Erk said that prorating the same amount of shows in 37 months, it is almost 260 shows. AEG projection is $132 million in the low end, $150 million in high end for less shows, less months, Erk said. Erk said he used stadium shows and bigger arenas because of unprecedented demand. (ABC7)

Email from Phillips to Leiweke on April 15, 2009: He is happy and they picked all male and female dancers. I intend to shove those 50 shows up Irving's and Rapino's asses and march on to do another 3 years of a world tour. (ABC7)

Email Thomas Overseen saying he had a client with serious interest in MJ's tour in India. Phillips answered: Thanks, Thomas. MJ will definitely heading your way (ABC7)

Panish asked Erk if he reviewed this email to determine if the tour in India wasn't just a hope, but plan. He said yes. (ABC7)

Erk said Phillips was striking deal with Bravado to rent empty store in Oxford Circle to offer nothing but MJ merchandising. Panish asked if Erk believed it would help sell the merchandise. He said yes. (ABC7)

AEG recross

In re-cross Strong asked if Erk saw the June 2009 AEG budget and how much money AEG projected for the sale of merchandising. Erk said he saw it and believes it was maybe in the $10 million range or thereabouts. Erk projected $121 million, the expert said. (ABC7)
Strong: And the merchandise projection AEG had was between $8 and $10 million, right?
Erk: Yes, that's what was in the budget (ABC7)

Strong pointed in the email where there was an indication for "a" date in India, not 60 dates in India like Erk projected. (ABC7)

Strong: AEG Live had a lot of hope after selling the show?
Erk: I think it's more than hope
Strong: Wasn't AEG hopeful for a successful tour?
Erk: You're always hopeful (ABC7)

Email from Phillips to Nanoula in June 2008 detailing the plans for MJ's future: Richard, these are just my off the cuff ideas... The email mentions 12-14 new songs and then release of series on new singles. Erk said he doesn't know that MJ finish them. (ABC7)

Strong: Randy Phillips acknowledged that all had to go well, didn't he?
Erk: It appears that way (ABC7)

Strong asked if Phillips hoped he could have massive sponsorship opportunities if all went well. Erk said yes. Erk said he has no knowledge of what AEG tried to do to get sponsorship opportunities for the tour. As June 2009, Strong asked if Erk saw any evidence or sponsorship in place before his death. He said no. (ABC7)

Strong talked about the September 2008 email with $132 million projection. She asked Erk if the email was written without knowing whether MJ would ever agree to it. He said yes.

Back to India, Gongaware projected 3 shows plus one private show. He contemplated 8 shows in Japan plus one private. Strong said Gongaware's projection was not near what Erk calculated. (ABC7)

Email from Phillips to Leiweke: Colony is receptive but skeptical like us as to whether MJ will really work. (ABC7)

Strong: No one at AEG projected the numbers you projected, correct?
Erk: That's correct (ABC7)

Strong: MJ agreed to only 50 shows at the time he passed away in June 2009, isn't that correct?
Erk: Yes (ABC7)

Jackson redirect

"He took his children wherever we went," Erk said.
Panish in re-re-direct: What did he tell his children
Erk: We're going on a worldwide tour (ABC7)

Panish asked if selling out in a matter of hours is going well. Erk responded "Yes and then some." "It can always go better, but it was fantastic," Erk said. Panish asked if Gongaware, as good promoter and with the sales he saw, would want more shows. Erk said he would've done as many as he could. (ABC7)


During arguments late in the day, judge asked AEG if they intend to call Dr. Murray to testify. Putnam responded he has no intention. (ABC7) During arguments on Dr. Brown's testimony, the judge asked AEG's attorneys whether they intend to call Conrad Murray. "I have no intention of calling him," AEG Live defense attorney Marvin S. Putnam said when asked about calling Conrad Murray as a witness. (AP)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.07.2013 um 11:30
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #54 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 51 – July 18 2013 – Summary

(source : ABC7)

Dr. Emery Brown Video Deposition Testimony

Dr. Brown is an anesthesiologist and practices in Boston, Massachusetts.He detailed his extensive background in the medical field. Dr. Brown is a practicing anesthesiologist, works at MIT in Massachusetts. Among many of his current jobs, Dr. Brown is an Associate Director at Institute for Medical Engineering Science at MIT. He's also on the faculty of Sleep Medicine Dept at Harvard, did his medical thesis under Dr. Czeisler, who testified earlier in the case. Dr. Brown is board certified in anesthesia. He belongs to several professional societies and publications in the field. The first 20 minutes of Dr. Brown's testimony was detailing his qualifications. He has written around 140 or so articles for professional journals on medical matters.

Dr. Brown billed $1,000/hour and asked to donate the funds to Mass General Hospital. The total: $75,000 donated to Mass General Hospital. Dr. Brown has given depositions before, but has not testified in court.

Anesthesia can be different, Dr. Brown said: general anesthesia/sedation and regional anesthesia. In MJ's case, it's a general anesthesia/sedation case. Dr. Brown: General anesthesia consists of 4 behavior and physiology status: unconscious, analgesia (no pain), not moving, amnesia. Dr. Brown said the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and temperature are under control in order to go into surgery. "General anesthesia is a type of coma, it's a reversible coma," Dr. Brown said. Dr. Brown said coma is a state where patient is unable to receive and respond to stimulus. He said you give drugs to induce coma, more to maintain it during the surgery, then reduce to have patient come back. Dr. Brown said there's tendency to call general anesthesia sleep, but it's not sleep, you wouldn't be able to tolerate surgery under sleep.

Propofol is one of the anesthetics Dr. Brown uses. He reviewed MJ's autopsy and the drug was found in his system. Dr. Brown uses Propofol in almost all the patients he has. It's the most commonly used anesthetic all around the world.

Dr. Brown explained:
Induce anesthesia - put person in coma
Maintain anesthesia - as infusion maintains it
Sedative - manage level of pain

Dr. Brown said Propofol is quite potent on a cc to cc comparison with Valium and benzodiazepines.

He has been studying Propofol for the past 7 years. Dr. Brown doesn't think there's any other person who has studied the drug more than him. Dr. Brown said he published a paper regarding guidelines of use of Propofol.

MJ autopsy indicates the amount of medication (Propofol) is similar to what is found in general anesthesia.
Michael Koskoff: Do you agree with that statement?
Dr. Brown: In terms of levels that were there, I do.
Dr. Brown: The infusion rates found in MJ's autopsy are the same infusion rates when given Propofol for major abdominal procedure.

Dr. Brown is not board certified in sleep medicine. He said Dr. Czeisler is world renowned in sleep medicine and circadian rhythm.Dr. Brown studied the effects of Propofol in relation with sleep. One of the articles is "General Anesthesia, Sleep and Coma." No one had taken the time to put general anesthesia next to sleep next to coma to compare the relationship of the states, Dr Brown explained

Koskoff: Is the state of the brain under Propofol sleep?
Dr. Brown: It is not sleep

Dr. Brown said it's easy for doctors to tell patients they are going under sleep, but his article was exactly to clear up the language.
Koskoff: How about doctors using Propofol as an agent to produce sleep?
Dr. Brown: They would be tremendously mistaken

REM: eyes are moving, brain somewhat in a wake state, body somewhat paralyzed, heart beat irregular
Non-REM -- heart rate slower, breathing a little more regular
Sleep is two states: rem and non-rem
When you sleep, you go into non-REM stage 1, then stage 2 non-REM sleep, stages 3 (slow waves) and 4 sleep non-REM sleep and REM sleep.

Dr Brown: During sleep you have natural oscillation of states. On general anesthesia we bring you to a stage and hold you there for surgery. Dr. Brown said there's no way in the world that you can have the normal sleep patterns while under sedation.

Dr. Brown explained medical coma: you give enough drugs to go down to a state, hold you there to give a chance for the brain to heal.Dr. Brown: Once you are done, you bring them out of induced coma. Dr. Brown said sedation, general anesthesia, medical coma is not sleep. There's no REM or non-REM sleep under sedation or general anesthesia, Dr. Brown explained. Patients don't go under regular sleep patterns. Dr. Brown drew a picture how the sleep circuit works. To be conscious, you have to be awake and have to be able to process, Dr. Brown said.

In order to fall asleep, Dr. Brown said you need to shut the brain down. Dr. Brown: To REM sleep, all the circuits shut down. The control center tells the entire system to shut down; cycle takes roughly 7-8 hours.

Propofol will not produce sleep, Dr. Brown said. Dr. Brown: When you give Propofol, it comes in, knocks out all of the circuits, including respiratory circuit, and the cortex. "It overwhelms the sleep and respiratory circuit, cortex," Dr Brown explained. He said it's not possible to go between REM and non-REM sleep.

"The first criteria of being under sedation is to be unconscious that you can't be awaken," Dr. Brown said. Dr. Brown: You achieve unresponsiveness with Propofol. Dr. Brown: With Propofol you get unconsciousness, you get amnesia, you can't remember. For pain, you need an analgesic. Dr Brown explained for light procedures Propofol is sufficient to produce mild muscle relaxation. For surgery they add muscle relaxant too. "Propofol produces the unconsciousness state of general anesthesia," Dr. Brown said. "To be clear, Propofol can produce a small part of it (analgesia), makes you unaware," Dr. Brown explained. For colonoscopy, for example, the procedure is not that painful but uncomfortable, Dr. Brown said. The mild sedation makes patient unconscious, unaware, you can be unaware to pain, provides some component of analgesia, Dr. Brown said. "For surgery, need to add drug for pain," Dr. Brown explained.

Dr. Brown said patients commonly report feeling good, feeling refreshed after being administered Propofol. Propofol causes release of dopamine, Dr. Brown said. Dopamine is kind of like endorphin we hear, it gives you this good feeling.Brown: Propofol releases dopamine that can be interpreted as refreshed sensation of natural sleep. But Propofol cannot produce natural sleep.

In cross examination, Kathryn Cahan asked about the difference between euphoria and good feeling after using Propofol. Dr. Brown said he's trying to give a lay explanation of what the sensations are, so lay people can understand it. Dr. Brown said release of dopamine can cause what some people could interpret as refreshed, invigorated, some people say euphoria. Only now studies have been able to determine the release of dopamine associated with Propofol. The study was done in rats, not human. "Good feeling" reaction is a well-known effect of the Propofol, Dr. Brown said.

"He was not having a restful sleep if he was using Propofol as a sedative for sleep," Dr. Brown said. Dr. Brown said his understanding is that MJ was using Propofol for many days, so MJ must've had some perceived benefit. He said there have been a number of sources for this information, such as the press, high levels of Propofol in his blood at time of death.

"I was under the understanding the night he died was not the first night he used Propofol," Dr. Brown testified.One of the things Dr. Brown reviewed was Dr. Murray's interview with LAPD, in which the doctor said MJ was taking Propofol for 60 days. Dr. Brown said he believed Dr. Murray's statement that he only gave a small amount of Propofol to MJ the day he died to be false. The doctor said Dr. Murray's statement was not consistent with the autopsy levels.

Dr. Brown said he read Dr. Czeisler's trial testimony and in there the figure of 60 days, or two months, was mentioned. Dr. Brown said he doesn't know what the source was for Dr. Czeisler's 60 days figure. He also noted he's not a sleep expert.

Dr. Brown: One of the reasons I agreed to become part of this case was that I wanted to make it clear what the anesthetic does the brain.Dr. Brown: And I think I've done that. The effects of anesthesia and sleep are not under my purview. Dr. Brown said he has not queried his patients about their sleep pattern after anesthesia.

Dr. Brown explained the typical anesthetic has at least 10 drugs. To try to ascribe the effects of Propofol would be exceedingly naive. The implication of anesthetics as something that has implication on a patient's sleep if not under my purview, Dr. Brown explained.

Dr. Brown: I noticed some inconsistencies of what he (Murray) said we administer (Propofol) and what he said wasn't correct. Cahan asked if Dr. Brown believe Dr. Murray gave MJ Propofol for 60 days prior to his death, according to the LAPD interview. "I have no way of knowing what Dr. Murray did every night when he treated Michael Jackson," Dr. Brown said. Cahan: Have you been able to determine how much Propofol MJ was given in the months prior to his death? Dr. Brown: That's not something I've looked in to

Dr. Brown said he was asked to help understand the mechanism of how Propofol work, not asked to analyze Mr. Jackson's behavior.
Cahan: Can someone be in a profound coma and live?
Dr. Brown: Yes, many years, there are many cases of that
Cahan: And those people don't die as lack of sleep?

Dr. Brown said there's a difference between anesthetizing someone into a coma and someone being in coma from head injury. "You can be there for several days," Dr. Brown said regarding induced coma. In order to maintain sedation, Propofol is given to induce and retain sedation, then decreased to bring the person back, Dr. Brown said. Dr. Brown: You may have different levels of being awake. Dr. Brown: The person may not be the same as they went in. In fact, you don't want the patient to be awake like before a painful surgery. The effect of anesthesia could last several days, Dr. Brown said, and that's currently under study.

Dr. Brown doesn't know how much dopamine is released, but said he could check the numbers.

Dr. Brown said Jacksons' attorneys never told him to testify to something he wasn't comfortable with.

Koskoff talked about the police report where Dr. Murray said he gave MJ Propofol every night for 60 nights up until June 21st. On June 22nd, he started to wean him off, Koskoff said. That seems to be more accurate description to what was in the report, Dr. Brown said

Peter Formuzis Testimony

Jackson direct

Brian Panish did direct examination.

Dr. Formuzis has a Ph.D in Economics. He described his extensive background and qualifications in the field. Dr. Formuzis is a former Cal State Fullerton professor. He worked at the Federal Reserve in various capacities. Dr. Formuzis has consulted for the Los Angeles commission, several private banks, attorneys involved in wrongful death cases for 40 years. Dr. Formuzis has been qualified as expert witness in at least one thousand cases and had cases in several states in the US.

Dr. Formuzis has worked with Panish before. He testified for Panish between 20-30 times, was retained between 50-100 by Panish's firm. Has been retained against Panish's firm too, Dr. Formuzis said. Panish asked if he knows anyone more qualified than him to testify in his field. Dr. Formuzis said no.

Dr. Formuzis was asked to take the income projection created by Mr. Erk and to take those projections and discount them to present value

"Most individuals have capacity, or ability, to earn money," Dr. Formuzis explained. Dr. Formuzis: Some people have the power to make money, ability to make money, but are not doing so.

Dr. Formuzis is not giving an opinion on what loss would be regarding movies and other things Erk didn't calculate. Dr. Formuzis has been doing present value calculation for almost 50 years, about 40 years in wrongful death cases. Dr. Formuzis is only assessing present value of economic loss, not non-economic, like love, companionship. For present value calculation, Dr. Formuzis said you subtract interest and personal consumption to arrive at current figure. Dr. Formuzis used 7-10% discount rate. Panish said AEG has an expert calculating 18% discount rate.

AEG had invested approximately $34 million, so they had confidence they would get that money back, Dr. Formuzis said. The lower the discount rate, the more net money left. The lowest discount rate Formuzis used was 7%. He calculated 10, 15 and 18% as well.

Present value:
$108 ticket price
7% - 919,366,479
10% - 856,002,240 -- Dr. Formuzis chose
15% - 768,026,177
18% - 723,523,742

Total includes tour earnings, merchandising, endorsement, Las Vegas show, LV royalty, professional fees (at 15% rate), personal consumption

Tier 1 Range
$919,366,479 - $723,523,742 (7% to 18% discount rate)

Tier 2 range:
$187,564,227 to $101,639,514 (7% to 18% discount rate)

Dr. Formuzis did not calculate how much the loss of love, companionship to the children and Katherine Jackson.

AEG Cross

In cross examination, Sabrina Strong asked if Mr. Erk's projections are wrong, whether his calculations have no meaning. Dr. Formuzis said it depends how wrong the numbers are. "It would be a proportional degree of errors," he said. Strong then said she had no more questions to Dr. Formuzis. Cross examination lasted a couple of minutes.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.07.2013 um 11:49
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

Queen/Freddie/Michael Jackson Tapes in Arbeit

12. Juli 2013

Im Dezember 2011 hat der MJ Estate den hinterbliebenen Queen Mitgliedern, Roger Taylor und Brian May, grünes Licht für die Veröffentlichung der drei unveröffentlichten Songs von Michael Jackson und Freddie Mercury gegeben. Damals hiess es, die Songs sollen im Jahr 2012 erscheinen – etwas verspätet, aber nicht minder aufregend, kommt nun die Meldung, dass die Songs in Arbeit sind.

Der britische Musikproduzent William Orbit hat als erster die Gerüchteküche mit seinem Eintrag auf Facebook angeregt: „… und ich arbeite an einem Queen Song mit Vocals von Freddie Mercury und Michael Jackson. Aufgenommen im Jahr 1982 und unveröffentlicht.“ Kurz darauf die Gewissheit, dass der Queen Gitarrist Brian May in der Produktion involviert ist, er bestätigte die Zusammenarbeit auf seinem Twitter Account: „Grossartiger Abend mit William Orbit, wir arbeiten an einigen Queen/Freddie/Michael Jackson Tapes.“ Anschliessend twitterte May noch dieses Foto von ihm und Michael.


Die bisher offiziell unveröffentlichten Tracks sind “There Must Be More To Life Than This”, der zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt als solo-Song auf Mercurys erstem Soloalbum erschien. Hier die Demoversion davon. Sowie “State of Shock” von dem ebenfalls eine Demoversion verfügbar ist. Der Song wurde schlussendlich in der Version mit Mick Jagger auf dem Jacksons Album “Victory” veröffentlicht. Und der dritte Titel mit Mercury, “Victory”, ist bislang nicht im Internet aufgetaucht.

Wir sind sehr gespannt, was da genau in Arbeit ist, und werden euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden halten.


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seinem Eintrag auf Facebook (Archiv-Version vom 04.09.2014)

William Orbit ·
6. Juli um 22:49 ·

Meanwhile, I should be vibin. Got an amazing Strange Cargo album. Finished now and ready to release. And going to cut vocals in LA with Britney in a few weeks. We've songs to die for. Been in the studio with some amazing new artists, Charli XCX, Triana Terry, Katy B. And am working on a Queen song with vocals from Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson. Recorded in 1982 and unreleased. Amazing. And a couple of 'curation' projects. And doing cartoons again. And more chapters for my book. And a project in the science world. And tidying up and organising my very cluttered home and studios. And getting out more in London town. Party style. Not idle. But I did put my heart and soul into that channel

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Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson - There must be more to live than this
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