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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 14:09
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

368326b8bccb11e29f5b22000a1fbc74 7
ba8f6646bce011e29d0322000a1f97e3 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 14:19
ein "neu entdecktes Hobby" von Paris ... :)

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 16h
Little Red's post on Vine
10:07 PM - 14 Mai 13

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 16h
Little Red's post on Vine
9:49 PM - 14 Mai 13

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 9h
starbucks heyhey
Little Red's post on Vine
starbucks heyhey
4:33 AM - 15 Mai 13

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 14 Mai
Little Red's post on Vine
1:12 AM - 14 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 17:33
schon erstaunlich, was die "Schreiberlinge" doch so alles wissen .... :D :D :D

15. MAI 2013 15:30

Debbie Rowe kommt nicht an ihn ran

Prince Jackson, der älteste Sohn des verstorbenen Sängers Michael Jackson, ist anscheinend immer noch nicht bereit dafür, an der Beziehung zu seiner leiblichen Mutter zu arbeiten.

prince michael jackson i 5604034 square

Die leibliche Mutter von Prince Jackson (16) bedrängt ihn, mehr Zeit mit ihr zu verbringen, doch der Junge ist "noch nicht bereit" dazu.

Debbie Rowe (54) brachte ihren Sohn sowie dessen 15 Jahre alte Schwester Paris zur Welt, als sie mit dem verstorbenen Superstar Michael Jackson (†50, 'Heal the World') verheiratet war. Nachdem sich die beiden 1999 scheiden ließen, war Rowe jedoch nicht mehr viel in das Leben ihrer Kinder involviert. Nach dem Tod des King of Pop im Jahr 2009 näherte sich Paris Jackson ihrer Mutter wieder an. Sie verbrachte Zeit auf deren Ranch und es wird sogar behauptet, dass der Teenager den Sommer über bei seiner Mutter einziehen wird.

So ein Verhältnis würde sich die frühere Krankenschwester auch zu ihrem Sohn wünschen, bislang wurde sie allerdings enttäuscht. "Debbie ist bestrebt, ein paar schöne Momente mit Prince zu verbringen", enthüllte ein Insider gegenüber 'Radar Online'. "Sie hat Prince persönlich eingeladen, nach Palmdale auf ihre Ranch zu kommen. Die Ranch ist der perfekte Ort für Mutter und Sohn, weil sie Privatsphäre vor neugierigen Blicken bietet. Prince hat klar gestellt, dass er nicht bereit dafür ist, mit seiner leiblichen Mutter Zeit zu verbringen - noch nicht."

Der Jackson-Sohn soll angeblich nicht komplett dagegen sein, seine Mutter kennenzulernen. Er möchte die Dinge jedoch in seinem eigenen Tempo angehen und ist der Meinung, dass es seine Entscheidung sein sollte, wie sich die Beziehung entfaltet. Wie es heißt, ist der Teenie mit seinem derzeitigen Leben zufrieden und glaubt nicht, dass ihm ein weibliches Vorbild fehlt. "Er hat einfach nicht das Gefühl, dass er gerade jetzt eine Mutterfigur in seinem Leben braucht, weil er seine Großmutter hat und seine Tante La Toya", erklärte der Alleswisser.

Sein Schwesterherz hingegen genießt es, Zeit mit Rowe auf deren Ranch zu verbringen, insbesondere da sie bei der Verpflegung der Pferde geholfen hat. Angeblich soll Paris Jackson in Betracht ziehen, den gesamten Juli und August dort zu verbringen, während sie an ihrer Beziehung mit ihrer Mutter arbeitet.

Debbie Rowe wünscht sich sicher, Prince Jackson würde sich ein Beispiel an seiner Schwester nehmen.
© CoverMedia


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 17:44
I'm Ready to TALK About
MJ Sex Abuse Allegations

5/15/2013 7:50 AM PDT

VIDEO im Bericht

Wade Robson is breaking his silence on the Michael Jackson sex abuse allegations ... and it sounds like he's about to drop a bombshell.

Robson surfaced at JFK this morning -- unsuccessfully trying to stay low-key in a hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses.

But when the paps recognized Robson, they immediately blasted the guy with questions about his accusation -- that MJ molested him when he was a kid.

TMZ broke the story ... Robson claims MJ was a monster who sexually abused him for years ... but he didn't take action sooner because he repressed the memories. The MJ estate says Robson's allegations are completely bogus.

Robson says he'll open up about the situation tomorrow.

Stay tuned ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 19:03
I Don't Need MJ Estate
to Prove Molestation in Court

5/15/2013 9:00 AM PDT


Wade Robson WILL have his day in court in his attempt to prove he was molested by Michael Jackson ... even if he's shut down by the Michael Jackson Estate.

TMZ has learned ... Robson has filed a civil lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court ... and it has nothing to do with his creditor's claim against the Estate. We broke the story ... Robson belatedly filed his creditor's claim, alleging MJ molested him between the ages of 7 and 14.

Robson may get shut down by the probate judge because he waited too long to file his claim. But the civil lawsuit we found will NOT go away that easily.

The allegations in the civil lawsuit are sealed, but TMZ has obtained the face page of the complaint, which shows Robson is suing DOE 1, an individual, DOE 2, a California corporation, and DOE 3, a California corporation. As for who these anonymous DOES are ... TMZ has done some digging, and it's clear. Robson is targeting MJJ Productions -- Michael's record label (owned by Sony) which hired Wade when he was 11 -- and MJJ Ventures ... which produced Michael's music videos.


The two corporations may have been involved in bringing Wade to the U.S. from his home in Australia, and it's clear Wade will argue they had some responsibility for protecting him -- kind of like the relationship between priests who molest and the Catholic Church.

As for the individual DOES (Wade names 50 DOES) ... it's very clear from our research that Robson is targeting the two executors of the MJ Estate -- John Branca and John McClain.

Short story -- even if Wade loses in probate court, he can probably have his day in civil court and put Michael Jackson and allegations of molestation before a jury.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 19:06
15. Mai 2013

Michael Jackson ONE wirft seine Schatten voraus

Offizielle von Cirque du Soleil haben kürzlich in Las Vegas bekannt gegeben, dass man für die Show "Michael Jackson One" sehr ehrgeizig arbeite und es wohl die bisher teuerste Show werde. Das Portal LasVegasSun sagte dazu in einem Artikel: "Es ist visuell atemberaubend, elektrisierend und explosiv, mit sensationellem Sound."

Die Previews der Show starten am 23. Mai 2013. Die Weltpremiere wird am 29. Juni 2013 stattfinden.

Regisseur Jamie King die ganze Show inszeniert, Make-Up kommt von Nathalie Gagné, Kostüme von Zaldy Goco, Choreographie von Travis Payne, Parris Goebel Rich und Tone Talauega sind für die akrobatischen Darbietungen verantwortlich.

Cirque du Soleil nennt die Show eine Verschmelzung von Akrobatik, Tanz und Visuals, die das Publikum auf eine immersive Reise durch die Musik und den Geist von Michael jackson bringen wird.

John Branca meinte: "Wir sind begeistert - es ist die ultimative theatralische Hommage an Michael Jackson. Es ist maximale Leistung und konnte nicht größer oder besser durchgeführt werden. Ich kann nicht warten, bis Sie die ganze Show sehen - es gibt einige unglaubliche Überraschungen, die wir bis zum Vorhang für uns behalten. Ich kenne Michael und er wäre begeistert.

Die Show wird neue Maßstäbe bringen und atemberaubend begeistern.

Link zur Show: (Archiv-Version vom 16.05.2013)

Quelle: LasVegasSun & MJFC JAM


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 20:32
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #13 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 11 - May 14 2013- Summary

Katherine Jackson, Rebbie and Trent are at court.

Choreographer Travis Payne and Katherine Jackson spoke briefly in the courtroom before the jury came in. They seemed cordial.(AP)

Travis Payne Testimony

AEG direct

Payne is wearing a black jacket with a gold emblem on the shoulders with the words “MJ” and a pair of wings. (AP)

Payne said he was concerned about MJ missing rehearsals. He didn't know why he wasn't showing up, but MJ was also working on album and book (ABC7)

Payne said he did not think that Jackson had a problem abusing prescription medications. He acknowledged that Jackson missed rehearsals and he saw the singer shivering or appear cold in some of his final rehearsals.(AP)

He worked with Jackson beginning in the 1990s and testified that he never saw Jackson drink alcohol or take any medications. The singer also never discussed his medical treatments, Payne said.(AP)

Payne told the jury he advised MJ he was looking thin and MJ said he was getting down to his fighting weight. "I had no reason to doubt him" (ABC7) Michael Jackson said, "I'm getting down to my fighting weight," Payne testified.(LAtimes) Payne said he noticed that Jackson looked thin but was satisfied with the singer’s response.

“He said, ’I’m getting down to my fighting weight,' which I took to mean that he was preparing for the performances,” Payne testified. (LAtimes)

Payne said there was one day when MJ was cold. He thought the frustration had MJ on edge, but he took it that he was fighting a cold. (ABC7) When Jackson needed to be layered in blankets and required a heater to be comfortable, Payne said, he believed Jackson was merely fighting a cold. (LAtimes)

"There were times he was tired and had to be not convinced but supported," Payne recalls.(ABC7) "Sometimes he was tired and lethargic and had to be, not convinced, but supported throughout rehearsals," Payne said. (CNN)

Payne said that in April, May, June, MJ missed 5 rehearsals with the whole group. He said one time Ortega sent MJ home. (ABC7)

Bina shows an email from Ortega to Gongaware on Jun 14: "We're you aware that MJ's doctor didn't permit him to attend rehearsal yesterday? Without invading MJ's privacy, it might be good idea to talk to his doctor to make sure everything MJ requires is in place. Who is responsible for MJ getting proper nourishment/vitamins/therapy every day? Personally, I feel he should have a top Nutritionist and Physical Therapist working with him on a regular basis. The demand on this guy is mentally and physically extraordinary! The show requirements exhaust our 20 year olds. Please don't underestimate the need to stay on top of this" (ABC7)

Another part of the same email chain, from Gongaware: "Frank and I have discussed it already and have requested a face-to-face meeting w/ the doctor... We want to remind him that it's AEG not MJ who's paying his salary We want him to understand what is expected of him. He has been dodging Frank so far.” (ABC7)

Payne said his understanding was that AEG was paying Dr. Murray's salary not Michael. The doctor was there 2 oversee many things, Payne said. Payne explained he didn't have much of reason to question Dr. Murray since he thought that a doctor selected to work with MJ was top notch. (ABC7)

Payne said he met Dr. Murray at the Carolwood house. "I was going up the steps, Dr. Murray going downstairs, Michael introduced us." Payne was coming up from the basement to the middle floor. Studio was at the basement. Payne said he never went 2 the top floor of the house (ABC7) Stebbins Bina asked Payne whether he ever met Conrad Murray. The choreographer says he met Murray twice. Payne says the first time was at Jackson’s Carrolwood Drive home. The men passed on a stairway and Jackson introduced them briefly. Payne says the second time was at the Staples Center, after a rehearsal and Jackson was leaving for the day. Both meetings were brief. (AP)

On June 19, Payne said he believed he was looking at someone who had blankets and heater. No one else was cold. He had flu-like symptoms. (ABC7)

On June 23/24, as to how MJ performed, Payne though it was in process, not at show standards, but MJ was rehearsing. "He was having his process, I didn't expect him to be like he would in front of a crowd," Payne explained. (ABC7) "He was not at show standards ... I didn't expect him to be as he would be in front of a crowd." Travis Payne on #MJ in 6/09 . Payne: "It ebbed and flowed. Some days were good, some days were not as good." (LATimes) Payne said the performance would float, some days were good, some days were not good. The last two days were good. "I thought he was in his way to the goals he set himself," Payne told the jury. He didn't have any question that MJ would be able to perform (ABC7)

Jackson "was not at show standards, but he was rehearsing," last two nights. Jackson was "on his way to the goals he had set for himself" before his death, Payne says (CNN)

Travis Payne testified he had no doubts about Michael Jackson’s ability to perform in the series of comeback concerts after seeing the singer at rehearsal in the days before his death.

“I thought he was on his way to the goals he had set for himself,” Travis Payne said, adding that he and others were impressed while watching Jackson rehearse at Staples Center on June 23 and 24, 2009.

“He was not at show standards but he was rehearsing,” Payne said. “He was processing — he was having his process. I didn’t expect him to be as he would be in front of a crowd.”(LAtimes)

Payne, though, said Jackson's rehearsals the last two nights were "impressive" when he "was able to do chunks of the show." "He was not at show standards, but he was rehearsing, he was processing," he said. "I didn't expect him to be as if he was in front of a crowd. The last two days were pretty good." (CNN)

Payne described the day MJ died: He was headed to rehearsal at MJ's home, got a call from his mother who said she saw reports on the news. Payne heard news on the radio, called Staples Center spoke to Stacy Walker, she said they were rehearsing. He was told to go to Staples. "We were optimistic of his arrival," Payne said explaining they were expecting MJ to rehearse at the Staples Center. Payne said Ortega got a series of calls. He remembers Kenny say 'tell me something that will make me know it's you and that this is true' " I remember him (Kenny Ortega) collapsing in his seat and crying," Payne testified. (ABC7)

Payne said he never saw MJ drink alcohol or take medication. "Sometimes, in rehearsal, Michael would appear just a little loopy," though. He recalled Michael being under the influence of something; said it happened mostly when MJ would come to rehearsals after seeing Dr. Klein. Payne also said he appeared groggy in the morning sometimes, which he attributed to lack of sleep.(ABC7)

"Mr. Jackson just explained to me that he had trouble sleeping, that he was tired, and that satisfied me," Payne testified. (CNN)

AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina began day by asking Payne about how Jackson seemed at rehearsals in June. Payne told jury that at times Michael Jackson was lethargic and needed “support” to rehearse. The choreographer said at one point, he and others tried to bring in a top physical therapist who works with Olympic athletes to help MJ. Payne said Jackson didn’t want the physical therapist to work with him, thought it would be a violation of his personal space. (AP) Jackson didn't work w/physical therapist flown in for him. "He was just not comfortable with the invasion of personal space." (LATimes)

“At the last minute we realized that Michael was not going to go through with it,” Payne said. “He was just not comfortable with the invasion of personal space.”(Latimes)

MJ sometimes appeared "loopy" or "groggy" at rehearsals, Payne said.(LATimes) Payne testified MJ appeared "a little loopy" after visits with his longtime dermatologist in the weeks before his death. Travis Payne said he witnessed Jackson's unusual behavior after the singer visited Dr. Arnold Klein, who Payne believed was performing cosmetic treatments on the singer so that he would be comfortable performing onstage again. (AP) Payne said he understood MJ was undergoing "cosmetic procedures so that he could feel great and do a great job." (LATimes)

"Sometimes in rehearsal Michael would appear a little loopy, under the influence of something, but mostly when he would come to the rehearsals from the dermatologist," Payne testified. That happened two to four times in the weeks before his death, he said. "Michael was undergoing personal cosmetic procedures, so he could feel great and do a good job," Payne said. (CNN)

Payne testified that he saw Jackson appear "loopy" two to four times over the course of his sessions with the singer. He says the incidents always followed visits with Dr. Arnold Klein. Payne told that he didn't think Jackson had a problem with prescription drugs but was having cosmetic procedures done to help him feel comfortable returning to the stage for his planned "This Is It" concerts.(AP) Payne said that his understanding was that Michael was undergoing cosmetic procedures so he could feel great and do a good job.(ABC7)

"Sometimes in rehearsal, Michael would appear just a little loopy," Payne said, adding that the singer appeared to be "assisted or under the influence of something." (AP) Payne didn't deem MJ being loopy as a problem with drug addiction. He said that from what he observed he was not concerned at all.(ABC7)

Payne, the choreographer, said he witnessed Jackson's unusual behavior several times in the weeks before his death. The singer also appeared groggy during some morning sessions, Payne said, and Jackson occasionally complained he was having trouble sleeping.(AP)

Payne said Mr. Jackson explained to him he had trouble sleeping. He's not sure how much weight MJ had lost.(ABC7)

Payne mentioned one day in particular at a meeting with Andre Crouch and singers, MJ seemed a little out of it.(ABC7)

Bina played clip of "This Is It" from Jun 4 showing the green screen and making of "Drill" and Michael talking about the cool moves, dancing. Payne said the idea was to show the rehearsals and how things came together. The footage himself wasn't altered, but there was editing. Payne said they picked the best of the rehearsal to include in the documentary. He wanted to reshoot some scenes but was not allowed. (ABC7) Payne, who was an associate producer on the “This Is It” documentary, said the footage of Jackson had not been retouched or altered. (LATimes)

Jackson cross

Attorney Brian Panish cross examined Payne. He asked if MJ ever performed the entire show from beginning to end. Payne said no.(ABC7)

Was he ready to perform for an audience, Panish asked.
"I thought he was on his way to the goals he had set for himself," Payne answered. "All I saw was improvement and getting closer to the goals."(CNN)

Payne purchased copy of his deposition and watched it prior to coming to testify. He talked to Stacy Walker yes but not about her testimony (ABC7)

Payne's impression was that MJ loved being a father. He said he saw the beauty of their relationships, loyalty one another. "When we rehearsed, we had meals togethers," Payne recalled, talking about MJ and all three children. Payne thought the relationship between MJ and Prince was awesome, Michael was a proud father, great to see how they interacted. Prince wanted to be a director, Michael would point out things to him during rehearsal should that be his career, Payne remembered. As to Paris Jackson, Payne said be saw a very protective young lady, smart, astute, with knowledge of the production, very hands on. Payne said Paris seemed beyond her age, she was the female of the house, had lots of responsibilities, loved it, protective of the family. Paris was coming to find out MJ's global success, Payne said, adding that she would bless the food they ate. Payne said Paris was the most vocal of the children, always concerned about things in the house, asked what they wanted 2 eat, handled a lot. Blanket was the most quiet of the 3, Payne said, but was always very close by, in the rehearsal room. Michael guided and mentored him. Payne said he would be proud if MJ was his father and agreed the children suffered a tremendous loss. (ABC7) When rehearsing with Jackson at his Holmby Hills residence, Payne said the singer clearly delighted in being a father. Jackson encouraged his son Prince’s dreams of being a director, allowed son Blanket to attend his dance rehearsals, doted on his daddy’s girl, Paris, and shared meals with all three. (LATimes)

“I saw the beauty of their relationships. I saw their loyalty to their father, I saw his loyalty to them."-Travis Payne (LATimes)

Panish: Was Paris a Daddy's girl? Payne: Yes, I believe so (ABC7)

Payne was often inside Jackson's home rehearsing with him during his final weeks. He got an intimate view of what he called "the beauty" of Jackson's relationship with his three children.
Payne saw "their loyalty to their father" and their father "enlightened them and taught them," he testified. "I was very proud to see Michael as such a loving father."
His description of the close relationship Paris, 15, and Prince, 16, had with their father four years ago could foreshadow the significance of the children's testimony later in the trial.
Paris, who was 11 at the time, was "a very retentive young lady who was very, very smart, very astute," Payne testified.
"She had full knowledge of the day-to-day operations, from the time of lunch and what it was going to be, she was hands on -- far beyond her age," he said. "She had a lot of responsibility, which I think she welcomed.
Payne said she was "the female of the house," and also "a daddy's girl."
"She really loved her father," he said. "At that time, she was coming to find out his global successes and presence, so she would wear her Michael Jackson t-shirt, headband and bag," he said.
It was Paris who would bless the food when they were have lunch with their father at home, he said.
"She was always the most vocal of the three children and was very concerned about many of the details of the house, was the temperature correct, what do you want to eat," Payne testified. "She just handled a lot for her young age."
Jackson's relationship with son Prince, then 12, was "awesome," Payne said.
"It was great to see how they interacted," he said. "Prince wants to be a director, so Michael would share conversations with him about that process and point out things during our rehearsals,."
Blanket, who was 7 his father died, liked to watch his father rehearsing his dances with Payne in the basement studio of their home, Payne said.
"He was quiet, but always right there with his dad," he said. (CNN)

Payne always carries a video camera with him and shot videos of rehearsal. AEG took the footage that Payne shot and never returned to him. Email from Randy to Paul: "Make sure you take out the shots of MJ in that red jacket... He looks way too thin and skeletal." Payne said he was not aware of the email. He said MJ looked thin, but not skeletal. He doesn't know if Paul/Randy took any the footage out (ABC7) He told the jury he thought Jackson was thin, but told the jury he wasn't aware of an email that AEG executives sent seeking to remove footage of Jackson rehearsing from the "This Is It" film in which he was described as looking like "skeletal." The email was not displayed for the jury.(AP)

As to MJ's relationship with Katherine, Payne said there's no secret MJ loved his mother very much. It is kind of common knowledge (ABC7)

Karen Faye is a make up artist. She designed the make up, was always there when Michael was there, Payne testified. Payne said Faye and MJ had a long term working relationship. They spent a lot of personal time together. Faye was concerned and frustrated how Michael looked. She went to Payne kind of in an aggressive way. Payne told her to report to Ortega. (ABC7)

Payne said he wanted MJ to have a physical therapist, nutritionist, massage, have his family around. He said this was a different scenario. "This was the first time MJ was working with AEG," Payne testified, saying he had always been hired by MJJ production before. Payne said this was the first time MJ was not the sole producer of the show. Payne started working without a signed contract. This was the first time he was hired by a company other than MJJ. He was being paid by AEG. Panish showed Payne's written contract. It is between Payne and AEG, beginning April 1, 2009. The contract said only AEG could cancel it. (ABC7) Payne, who had worked with Jackson in the past, said he was usually hired by MJJ Productions and that the concerts represented the first time Jackson didn’t have full control. He testified that there was a delay in his contract with AEG because the salary was not in line with his standard charges, but that things worked out after he had a conversation with Jackson. Payne also said he believed AEG was paying Murray’s salary, not Jackson. (LATimes)

Payne was hired and paid by AEG. His contract was with AEG.
Panish: Who could fire you. AEG?
Payne: I'm sure (ABC7)

Payne said AEG didn't want to pay what he regarded as his standard operating cost. Jackson said to pay him what him and his agent requested (ABC7)

Panish asked if Payne remembers receiving a text message from Karen Faye asking him why he was lying to the media after MJ died. "I do not remember receiving text message from Karen Faye asking why I was lying to the media," Payne explained. (ABC7) Payne asked about text msg from Faye after MJ's death, accusing him of lying to media. Payne did not recall such a thing (LATimes) Things became heated when Panish inquired about a text message Jackson's hair and makeup artist Karen Faye sent to Payne that accused him of lying to the media. Payne said he didn't recall such a message. He said that earlier Faye had approached him in an "aggressive" way about her concern for Jackson's health but he told her to take her concerns to Ortega.(LAtimes)

Panish: Were you upset when MJ died?
Payne: Yes (ABC7)

Panish shows a picture of Payne at the red carpet premiere of "TII" documentary. He agreed he was happy about the premiere. (ABC7) During cross-examination, Payne was shown several photos of premieres for the documentary “This Is It.” In one, Ortega and AEG executive Randy Phillips flank Jackson’s manager, Frank DiLeo, who has a cigar hanging out of his mouth. All three are grinning. Brian Panish, the attorney for Jackson’s family, remarked that everyone looked pretty happy. (LAtimes)

Payne said he wasn't privy to details of what was expected of Dr. Murray. AEG was producer/promoter, but MJ was the star, had to be happy(ABC7)

Panish reminded Payne that he had testified in his deposition that AEG was trying to protect its “investment.”

“I don’t have a dog in this race so I’m not on either side,” an aggravated Payne countered. “I’m just saying I don’t want to be painted as somebody who’s trying to mask anything.” (LAtimes)Payne got frustrated with Plaintiffs attorney: "I don't have a dog in this fight," he said, adding that he felt Panish was being aggressive (ABC7) After several hours of testy exchanges with Panish, his voice quivered and he dabbed his eyes with a tissue.

"I don't have a dog in this race," Payne said at one point. "I'm just trying to have a conversation with you and tell the truth." (AP)
Panish asked Payne if defendants' attorney approached him during lunch to show him some documents. He said yes, saw parts of his deposition. (ABC7)

Under cross examination, Payne acknowledged that some of Jackson's behavior, including grogginess, lethargy, insomnia and occasional paranoia, were possible symptoms of prescription drug abuse. He also said that despite testifying earlier that he worked with Jackson one-on-one five days a week, he couldn't recall how many rehearsals the singer actually attended.(AP)

Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish after lunch break got Travis Payne to concede Jackson wasn't present for a May 19, 2009 rehearsal. Payne also conceded that Jackson was a no-show for a June 22, 2009 rehearsal. (AP) Panish confronted Payne saying that yesterday he said he was with MJ at a dance studio on May 19, that they were up on their feet, danced.

Panish: Sir, MJ was not with you May 19, 2009, was he?
Payne: No
Panish: He was at the doctor
Payne: If you're saying, I'm not disputing
Panish said that on May 19, MJ was having a cyst removed at Dr. Klein's office, so he could not have been rehearsing with Payne.
Panish then said on Jun 22 MJ wasn't there either, "wasn't he?"
Payne said he didn't know. Panish said MJ was at another doctor's office (ABC7)

Payne said he may have made a mistake about Jackson’s whereabouts, and he didn't know the pop singer’s personal schedule. Travis Payne had testified yesterday that he and Jackson ran through certain songs on May 19th. He said today he was testifying based on the schedule and notes he compiled and that his recollection might be wrong.(AP)

"We're human, sometimes we make mistakes," Payne explained, saying he's not disputing that MJ was or wasn't there on those dates. (ABC7)

Payne said there was always something for MJ to do. "He needed to come to rehearsal, it was part of the job." (ABC7)

Payne said MJ had hard time picking up some of the material. Email from Ortega to Gongaware: "He has been slow at grabbing hold of the work" (ABC7) Jackson was having trouble learning dances, choreographer Travis Payne says (CNN)

"Prior to June, I notice Mr. Jackson was thinner than I recognized him," Payne said, noting he never saw sudden weight change in MJ. (ABC7)

Second time Payne saw Dr. Murray was the night before MJ died at Staples Center. "I wanted Michael to go home and go to sleep" Payne recalls. Payne said he felt that Dr. Murray didn't look like a doctor to him and didn't feel he was an official doctor who should be working for MJ. Payne knew MJ had sleeping problems and that Dr. Murray was treating him for that. Ortega also knew; Payne thought Gongaware was aware too (ABC7) Payne also said he and Ortega knew that Jackson was having sleep problems. Attorney Brian Panish asks if AEG executives knew. There were several objections, and Payne was only allowed to answer “No” as to whether Paul Gongaware knew about Jackson’s sleep problems. (AP) (Note : There’s a conflicting info here)

Something about Murray felt off, Payne said. “He didn’t feel like an official doctor,” he said. (LATimes)

Panish asked Payne about choosing Jackson’s dancers for “This Is It.” Payne says they were whittled down from 5,000 applicants. (AP) Applicants submitted video clips and their submissions were used to cull down potential dancers from there. (AP) Payne said they received 5,000 applications for dancers, about 2,000 showed up 4 the audition. Payne says about 2,500 people showed up for a casting call. He taught them some dance moves, and the pool was further narrowed down. One note about the backup dancers _ Michael Jackson chose them from a group of finalists. (AP)

Panish then asked Payne whether he knew how many doctors AEG interviewed to work with Jackson on “This Is It.” “No,” Payne says. (AP) He didn't know how many doctors AEG screened (ABC7) Payne also says he isn't aware how much interviewing or investigation into Murray that AEG did. (AP) (Panish’s point appears to be that there was more scrutiny of Jackson’s backup dancers than Conrad Murray. AP)

During preparations for his anticipated “This Is It” performances in London, Michael Jackson at times seemed “under the influence of something” during rehearsals and once couldn’t take the stage because he appeared incoherent, Payne testified. Travis Payne said Jackson had trouble picking up some of the show’s choreography and requested a teleprompter to help him with lyrics — something the singer had never done before. (LATimes)

Payne said he was aware that Jackson had problems sleeping and chalked up the singer’s sometimes erratic behavior to sleep aids or sedatives from his dermatologist visits. (LATimes)

“You have to understand that one always says hindsight is 20/20,” he said. “In the moment I had no inkling of what, ultimately, what was revealed until Mr. Jackson’s passing.” (LATimes)

Payne saw MJ tired and fatigued. He agreed that those symptoms could be signs of drug addiction. Payne was aware that MJ was losing weight during rehearsals and he had not seeing him lose weight like that before. "He was not in great physical shape and was sore," Payne said. Payne felt that the reason MJ was groggy was because he was getting some sort of sleeping medication. "He just seemed assisted" (ABC7)

Payne says at one point, he told Kenny Ortega that Jackson appeared “assisted” _ meaning that he thought he was on drugs\meds. (AP)

Payne said some people were concerned about the goals not being met, including Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware. (ABC7)
Payne said that he thought MJ was under some type of sedative after the came back from Dr. Klein's office; he would have cosmetic work done. Payne learned what Demerol was after MJ died. He also remembers a mention of Demerol in the song "Morphine". (ABC7)
"He was losing weight, he was sore, working up his stamina. Lack of sleep and proper nourishment were starting to show," Payne explained. (ABC7)

Panish asked if MJ knew the lyrics of his songs. "I think he did, he knew most of them, but he wanted to have a TelePrompTer for safety" Michael asked for the TelePrompTer, he didn't want to make any mistake, 2 refresh his memory. Also to use for sequence of songs, Payne said . Payne agreed that it was very unusual for MJ to have TelePrompTer with the lyrics of his own songs. He never used it before. (ABC7) He also asked that a teleprompter be placed near the stage to help him remember song lyrics, something Jackson had never used before during a concert, he said. (CNN) He said Jackson wanted to use a teleprompter during the shows as "extra security," but it was an aid the performer had not used in his two previous tours.(AP) Payne didn't specify which songs Jackson wanted teleprompter for, but said MJ had never used one on tour before. It was plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish who questioned whether Jackson could remember words to his songs. Travis Payne said the teleprompter was "extra security" for Jackson and would inform of him of changes in show, words for speeches.(AP)

Payne said a body double was requested for MJ. Misha Gabriel was MJ's body double, but shorter than him. Some of the scenes in the documentary are with the body double, Payne testified. Payne remembers at the Culver Studios in Smooth Criminal there was a stunt and Misha was asked to jump thru glass plate. (ABC7)

Payne said most it the time, MJ was present at rehearsals. "It wasn't s big deal," he expressed.(ABC7)

Panish showed an email from the band leader Michael Bearden: "MJ is not in shape enough yet to sing this stuff live and dance at the same time," Bearden wrote. "He can use the ballads to sing live and get his stamina back up, Once he's healthy enough and have more strength I Have full confidence he can sing the majority of the show live. His voice sounds amazing right now, he needs to build it back up. I still need all big dance numbers to be in the system so we can concentrate on choreography." (CNN)

Payne was aware that AEG was considering in mid June pulling the plug on the show. He said MJ looked exhausted and paranoid on Jun 19 (ABC7) Jackson's condition and missed rehearsals led to talk within the last 10 days of Jackson's life that AEG Live LLC, which was promoting "This Is It," might cancel the concert series.(AP) "It was 'We've got to get this together or the plug may be pulled,'" Payne says (CNN)

"It was 'We've got to get this together or the plug may be pulled,' " Payne testified. Jackson was having trouble learning some of his dances in the final weeks, he said. The jury saw an e-mail from show director Kenny Ortega saying Jackson had "been slow at grabbing hold of the work." (CNN)

Payne was working for AEG and said he relayed his concerns about Jackson's possible prescription drug use to tour director Kenny Ortega. Jackson was struggling to get into shape for the shows, and Payne said his voice coach suggested using a voice track for fast-paced songs until the singer's stamina improved. Travis Payne said he expressed concerns to the director of the "This Is It" shows that Jackson might be misusing prescription medications and was exhibiting troubling signs of insomnia, weight loss and paranoia in his final days. (AP)

Payne went to MJ's house on June 20. He was cold and had to light the fireplace and rub his hand and feet to warm himself up. (ABC7)

Panish showed a picture of MJ on June 24 rehearsing Thriller. Payne said MJ improved but was not at his best yet. (ABC7)
Payne knows of one incident, June 19 at the Forum, where MJ had to be wrapped around in a blanket and be in front of a heater. (ABC7)

Panish: Around June 20, was Ortega in the mindset that MJ was not ready for this?
Payne: Yes (ABC7)

Payne said MJ was not ready, it was not the MJ he knew. He died four days later. But he didn't see anything that alarmed him on June 23/24 (ABC7)

Panish: Did you see that MJ was getting pressured to get everything done in the last days?
Payne: Yes (ABC7)

Payne said he could sense something was wrong, but didn't know what it was. (ABC7) "You could sense that something was wrong, you just didn't know what it was?" plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish asked. Yes, Payne replied. (AP)

Payne said he had not seen MJ in the condition he saw him on June 19. Last two days were better. (ABC7)

Payne cried when he said he never doubted MJ and that part of his responsibility was to help getting him there, ready for the tour. (ABC7)

Payne said Jackson’s performances in the final days of his life were impressive, and it felt “like we were definitely on an upswing.”

“I never doubted Michael because he was the architect of this and he wanted to do it, so part of my responsibility was to help him get there,” Payne said, his voice racked with emotion. (LATimes)

Panish ended his direct examination of choreographer Travis Payne with three questions.
Panish: Did you see that Michael Jackson appeared to be pressured to get everything done at the Staples last rehearsals?
"Yes," Payne said
Panish: "The pressure about the shows started to manifest itself physically in Michael Jackson."
"Yes," Payne replied.
Panish: You could sense that something was wrong, you just didn't know what it was."
Payne responded "Yes." (AP)

AEG re-direct

Payne’s demeanor changed after Panish finished questioning him. He was holding back tears when AEG attorney started re-direct examination. For the next several moments, Payne blinked and dabbed both eyes with a tissue. It was first time he’d gotten emotional on stand. (AP)

Bina in re-direct asked: Do you think you could get him there?
Payne: Absolutely! (ABC7)

On re-direct examination, AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina asked Payne again about how many rehearsals Jackson attended. Payne replied that it was a “significant” number, but he couldn’t recall dates, precisely how many that Jackson attended. (AP) Payne said MJ was present a significant amount of the days he was scheduled to work. (ABC7)

As to Gongaware email regarding what was expected of Dr. Murray, Payne said the inconsistencies with MJ missing rehearsals warrant a talk. Payne said he thought Dr. Murray was there to care for his patient, making sure right nutritionist was there, to get him ready for the show. Payne never discussed with MJ about his doctors or personal affairs. Payne and Faye were professionals with each other, but not friends. (ABC7)

"Production felt he wasn't coming to rehearsals enough, and that was frustrating to some of the staff," Payne testified. "I had a concern we needed to create a show Michael would enjoy doing it," Payne explained. (ABC7)

She also showed Payne photos from the “This Is It” premiere. Photos were of the choreographer with Jackson’s brothers. FStebbins Bina also showed another image of smiling Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Marlon with Payne at “This Is It” premiere. First photo is of Payne shaking Jermaine Jackson’s hand at the “This Is It” movie premiere. Stebbins Bina also showed another image of smiling Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Marlon with Payne at “This Is It” premiere. (AP)

Payne said Jermaine was at the premiere. Bina shows pic of Payne and Jermaine shaking hands; pic of Jermaine, Kenny, Tito, Jackie, Marlon. Payne cried saying he had been through so much and the rough part was behind them. He was pleased to show the fans what the show was to be. (ABC7)

Jackson re-cross

In re-cross, Panish notes that none of MJ's brothers are part of this lawsuit. (ABC7)

Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish then asked Payne whether Katherine Jackson and singer’s kids went to premiere. They didn't. Panish says Katherine Jackson, her grandchildren didn’t go to “This Is It” premiere because they weren’t over Jackson’s death. Payne said he didn’t think anyone was over Jackson’s death with the film premiered in late 2009. (AP)

Payne said he saw MJ cold once at his house, MJ asked him to feel his hands, another at Staples -- MJ was wrapped in a blanket, w/ heaters (ABC7).

Payne's understanding was that Dr. Murray was to provide what the artist needed, as far as nourishment, rest. As to Gongaware's email, Payne said he took to understand that Mr. Jackson needed to have proper nourishment, care, and masseuse. Payne believed the doctor needed to assure comfort of the star so they could have productive rehearsals. (ABC7)

“My understanding was that Dr. Murray was to provide whatever the artist needed as far as nourishment, the ability to rest well, so he could have productive rehearsals,” Payne said.(LATimes)


No court on Wednesday May 15 as one of the jurors will be attending a funeral. Court resumes Thursday May 16 afternoon.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2013 um 20:44
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 6m
we make such a great couple😘 #prom #skully ( )

8:29 PM - 15 Mai 13

und von diesem User kommen besonders "nette" Tweets ... Paris hat sie noch nicht gelöscht !!!!!!

Rihanna ‏@ltsRihannaNavy 8m
@ParisJackson ugly piece of shit die like your father
8:30 PM - 15 Mai 13

Rihanna ‏@ltsRihannaNavy 16h
@ParisJackson kill yourself ugly bitch im so happy your dad michael is dead. Im 12 and know you are ugly and stupid
4:34 AM - 15 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 09:52
Debbie Rowe
Versöhnung mit Prince Michael?

02:13 UHR | 16.05.2013 | S.CAMATTA

Debbie Rowe, Ex-Frau von Poplegende Michael Jackson, wünscht sich mehr Kontakt zu ihrem leiblichen Sohn Prince Michael. Wie ein Freund berichtet, würde Debbie gerne mehr Zeit mit ihm verbringen und hofft auf eine Versöhnung.

Debbie Rowe (54) sucht derzeit verstärkt den Kontakt zu ihren leiblichen Kindern Prince Michael (16) und Paris Jackson (15). Sie würde gerne mehr Zeit mit den beiden Kindern von Michael Jackson (†50) verbringen und sich nach all den Jahren versöhnen. Während sich zwischen Debbie und Tochter Paris bereits eine engere Beziehung entwickelt hat, blockte Prince Michael bisher aller Versuche der Kontaktaufnahme seiner Mutter ab.

Wie „radaronline“ berichtet, lud Debbie ihren Sohn gemeinsam mit Schwester Paris auf ihre Ranch in Kalifornien ein, doch Prince Michael schlug aus. Ein Freund verrät: „Michael machte klar, dass er noch nicht bereit dazu ist, Zeit mit seiner Mutter zu verbringen.“ Doch Debbie kann weiter hoffen, denn Michael schließt eine Versöhnung scheinbar nicht aus, wie ein Freund sagt: „Michael steht dem Gedanken offen gegenüber, aber zu seinen Konditionen. Debbie versteht und unterstützt das.“

Debbie Rowe war von 1996 bis 1999 mit Popikone Michael Jackson verheiratet. Sie lebt auf einer Ranch in Kalifornien und züchtet Pferde.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 10:05
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum


15. MAI 2013

Keine Sorge, die Jackson Seite hat nicht schon ausgedient mit ihren Zeugen. Aber Stacy Walker und Travis Payne, ehemalige Tänzer und Choreographen für Michael Jackson und beides Zeugen für AEG Live, mussten diese Woche geschäftlich ins Ausland und wurden deshalb vorgezogen. Auch wurde gestern Dr. Christopher Rogers, der Gerichtsmediziner und Zeuge für die Jacksons, nochmals befragt.

Als erstes wurde am Montag Stacy Walker befragt. Sie machte klar, dass ihre Hauptaufgabe im Rahmen der “This Is It” Shows war, mit den anderen Tänzern zusammen zu arbeiten und nicht direkt mit Michael Jackson. Was sie persönlich angelangt, hatte sie keine Anzeichen gesehen, dass Michael Jackson krank gewesen wäre oder sterben könnte. Nicht in einer Million Jahre hätte sie gedacht, dass er sterben würde. Ja, Michael habe dünner ausgesehen als in vergangenen Jahren und er habe bei den Proben mehrere Schichten Kleider getragen, so Walker, aber sie dachte, das habe er so gewollt. Und obwohl er zu einigen Proben nicht erschien, war sie überzeugt, dass Michael gestützt auf seine Performance in seinen letzten zwei Proben vor seinem Tod bereit war für die Shows in London. Als Walker gefragt wurde, ob Michael jemals wackelig erschien, sagte sie, sie erinnere sich an einen Vorfall, aber sie könne sich nicht mehr erinnern, ob sie diesen selbst miterlebt hatte oder ob ihr jemand davon erzählt hatte. “Ich habe nicht nach Anzeichen gesucht zu jener Zeit. Ich wünschte, ich hätte es”, so Stacy Walker.

Für das detaillierte Protokoll der Zeugenaussage von Stacy Walker siehe hier.

Travis Payne wurde als nächstes befragt. Er sagte aus, dass AEG Live in Betracht zog, die “This Is It” Shows elf Tage vor Michael Jacksons Tod zu annullieren. “Es war ‘Wir müssen dies auf die Reihe kriegen oder wir müssen den Stecker ziehen’ “, so Payne im Kreuzverhör von Brian Parish, dem Anwalt der Jacksons. Den Geschworenen wurden von den AEG Anwälten zwei E-Mails gezeigt. In der einen schrieb Kenny Ortega, dass Michael sich nur allmählich an die Arbeit ranmachte. Ortega hatte auch verlangt, dass vor der Bühne ein Telepromter aufgestellt wurde, da Michael Jackson zum Teil Mühe hatte, sich an die Songtexte zu erinnern. Dies sei noch nie zuvor bei einem Konzert vorgekommen, so Payne. In der zweiten E-Mai schrieb der Musical Director Michael Bearden an Kenny Ortega elf Tage vor Michaels Tod: “MJ ist nicht gut genug drauf, um alle Songs live zu singen und gleichzeitig zu tanzen. Er kann die Balladen live singen und gleichzeitig seine Stamina aufbauen. Wenn er fit genug und stark ist, bin ich voller Zuversicht, dass er die meisten Songs in der Show live singen kann. Seine Stimme klingt im Moment fantastisch, er muss sie einfach noch weiter aufbauen. Es ist erforderlich, dass alle grossen Tanznummern einstudiert sind, so dass wir uns auf die Choreographie konzentrieren können”. Ortega habe Michael jedoch bei den nächsten Proben drei Tage später nach Hause geschickt, weil er krank war.

Als Jackson Anwalt Brian Parish andeutete, dass Travis Payne die gesundheitlichen Probleme von Michael Jackson herunterzuspiele, machte Payne klar, dass er “keinen Hund in diesem Rennen hat” und somit keinen Grund habe, irgend etwas zu verheimlichen. “Mr. Jackson hat mir erklärt, dass er Schlafprobleme hatte, dass er müde war, und das hat mir genügt”, so Payne. Und als er Michael sagte, dass er dünn ausschaue, sagte ihm Michael, “Nun, ich gehe auf mein Kampfgewicht runter” und Payne habe keinen Grund gehabt, dies in Frage zu stellen. Ja, manchmal erschien Michael etwas beduselt, aber das sei meistens gewesen, nachdem er direkt nach dem Arztbesuch beim Dermatologen (Dr. Klein) zu den Proben kam, was in den paar Wochen vor seinem Tod zwei- bis viermal pro Woche vorkam. Payne erklärte, dass Michael sich kosmetischen Prozeduren unterzog, damit er sich toll fühlen und einen guten Job machen konnte. Betreffend die Proben an den letzten zwei Abenden vor seinem Tod habe Michael Jackson ihn sehr beeindruckt; er konnte den Hauptteil der Show durchmachen. “Ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass er gleich auftrat, wie wenn er vor der grossen Masse performen würde”, so Payne. “Alles was ich sah, war, dass es besser wurde und dass er seinen Zielen näher kam”. Eines dieser Ziele war, alle seine Songs live zu singen und dabei zu tanzen, und somit ohne Hilfe von im Voraus aufgezeichneten Tracks zu performen. Auch wenn er dies in früheren Touren zum Teil gemacht hatte, wollte er in London nur live singen, so Payne.

Payne erzählte aber auch ausgiebig über das liebevolle Verhältnis von Michael zu seinen Kindern, das er oftmals hautnah miterleben konnte, da er während der Vorbereitungsphase auch viel Zeit bei Michael zu Hause verbracht hatte. Er beschrieb auch die Charakteristika der drei Kinder und wie sich ihre Liebe und Verehrung Michael gegenüber äusserte.

Für das detaillierte Protokoll der Zeugenaussage von Travis Payne siehe hier.

Dr. Christopher Rogers, der Gerichtsmediziner, der Michael Jacksons Autopsie durchgeführt hatte und Zeuge für die Jacksons ist, wurde gestern nochmals in den Zeugenstand gerufen, wo er u.a. bestätigte, dass Michael Jackson bei seinem Tod nicht untergewichtig war und allgemein in einem recht guten gesundheitlichen Zustand war. Für sein Alter war er gesünder als der Durchschnitt. Auch habe Michael Jackson bei seinem Tod keine medizinischen Anzeichen von Unterernährung aufgewiesen.

Für den zweiten Teil der gerichtlichen Aussage von Dr. Rogers siehe hier.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 10:10
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum


15. MAI 2013

Heute wurde in den USA die Serienfolge von “90210″ ausgestrahlt, in der Prince Michael Jackson seine erste Rolle spielt. Hier eine kurze Vorschau. Der Regisseur Harry Sinclair lobt Princes Schauspielleistung: “Er ist sehr jung, aber er war fähig, völlig entspannt zu sein und seinen Auftritt zu machen. Das war sehr ungewöhnlich und er schien total gelassen zu sein.” Paris Jackson ihrerseits soll ans diesjährige Cannes Film Festival in Frankreich kommen.

Prince selbst meinte, er möchte sich selbst nicht im TV sehen, doch da er gut für seine Szene vorbereitet war, sei er entspannt gewesen.

Derweil berichtet Journalist Roger Friedman, dass Paris Jackson in der ersten Festivalwoche das Cannes Film Festivasl in Frankreich besucht. Auch andere Jacksons könnten dem namhaften Filmfestival einen Besuch abstatten. Vor einigen Wochen berichtete Friedman, dass Paris vom Hollywood Agent Rick Yorn unter Vertrag genommen wurde, der auch Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz und Martin Scorsese als Manager vertritt. Der Ausflug in den Süden Frankreichs soll damit in Zusammenhang stehen. Es sei jedoch unklar, ob Rick Yorn für die 15-Jährige bereits Pläne habe, eine Quelle sage, dass er sie zuerst die High School beenden lassen möchte.


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16.05.2013 um 10:21
MelanieLOVESMJONE! ‏@Mellie4Justice 11h
WADE ROBSON ON THE TODAY SHOW- NYC Michael Jackson Fans in the New York area. The Today show announced that (cont)
Retweetet von Ivy
10:22 PM - 15 Mai 13

WADE ROBSON ON THE TODAY SHOW- NYC Michael Jackson Fans in the New York area. The Today show announced that they have scheduled a LIVE Interview with Wade Robson tomorrow at their studios in Rockefeller Plaza. Several of the fans have expressed an interest in going to the Today Show. If that is your intention, we urge you to respond to the situation with RESPECT and DIGNITY. You are representing Michael Jackson and the fan community.
Wade will be dealt with in a court of law. And please remember what MJ said..... “'Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. The truth will win this marathon in court.'”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 17:44
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 54m
In case you missed it : Estate statement sent to Today show -
4:48 PM - 16 Mai 13

MJ Estate statement sent to Today show

"Mr. Robson has adamantly denied under oath and in numerous interviews over the past 20 years that Michael Jackson ever did anything inappropriate to him. Now he wants us to believe that he committed perjury at least twice and has been lying to anyone and everyone about Mr. Jackson since the early 1990s so he can file a claim for money. Mr. Robson’s transparent lawsuit comes nearly 4 years after Michael passed. His claim is outrageous and sad. "

Howard Weitzman for MJ Estate.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 17:50
Wade Robson is a

5/16/2013 6:23 AM PDT


The lawyer who repped Michael Jackson in the 2005 molestation case is scoffing at Wade Robson's interview on "Today," telling TMZ, "This is a pathetic and an obvious grab for publicity and an attempt to put pressure on the [Michael Jackson] Estate to pay him money."

Tom Mesereau tells us Robson is flat-out lying when he says this is not about money, saying, "Why call yourself a creditor if it's not about money." TMZ broke the story ... Robson has filed a belated creditor's claim with the MJ Estate.

Mesereau says Robson was grilled by the prosecutor in the 2005 criminal case and was unwavering. He says it's simply unbelievable that the truth didn't surface when Robson was on the stand. Mesereau says Robson is an intelligent guy who has volunteered statements in and out of court, defending Michael.

As for the money ... Mesereau tells us, "Everyone knows this Estate is well over a billion dollars and growing."

For the record, it's not at a billion bucks yet, but the Estate has made hundreds of millions of dollars and it will probably hit the billion dollar mark.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 17:56
And to Keep Quiet About It

5/16/2013 5:05 AM PDT

<iframe id="kaltura_player_1368719693" height="360" width="640" style="border: 0px solid #ffffff;" src=";">Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.</iframe>

Wade Robson -- Michael Jackson Forced Me to Have Sex and to Keep Quiet

Wade Robson says the only reason he's now changing his story ... accusing Michael Jackson of sexually abusing him for 7 years is because Michael engaged in a campaign of manipulation to keep him silent, especially during MJ's 2005 child molestation trial.

Robson went on NBC Today and said, Michael "performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him" from the age of 7 ... until Robson was 14.

Robson claimed he testified in 2005 that Michael did NOT sexually abuse him because Michael told him what they were doing was "an expression of love" ... and added, "if you ever tell anyone what we're doing both of our lives and our careers will be over."

TMZ broke the story ... Robson filed a creditor's claim against Michael Jackson's estate last week, insisting MJ sexually abused him during his childhood for years, but according to sources he didn't take action until he saw a therapist following a nervous breakdown.

Robson referenced the breakdown on Today, saying ... "For the first time in my life I began to realize that my completely numb and unexplored feelings in relation to what Michael did to me might be a problem and maybe I need to speak to someone about it."

Interestingly, Robson denied repressing memories of the alleged abuse ... instead saying he was merely "psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

Robson added he doesn't excuse the alleged abuse, but he believed Michael was a "troubled man" who was an amazing talent, but "also a pedophile."

Michael Jackson's estate has told TMZ Robson's allegations are an "outrageous and pathetic" money grab.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 17:59
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
really? a person in their 20s doesn't realize the difference between love and sex? even when described by DA under cross? He must be a moron
3:00 PM - 16 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
He claims he didn't have repressed memory, he always knew, but he didn't understand it because MJ told him it was Love

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
Watched Wade Robson interview.. Extremely sad and interesting at the same time..
2:58 PM - 16 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 18:07
TODAY ‏@todayshow 3h
Wade Robson: Michael Jackson abused me for 7 years

Wade Robson: 'Pedophile' Michael Jackson abused me for 7 years -...
Von TODAY @todayshow
In 2005, Wade Robson was the first defense witness at Michael Jackson's trial, where the singer was accused of molesting a 13-year-old...
2:31 PM - 16 Mai 13

Wade Robson: 'Pedophile' Michael Jackson abused me for 7 years

Randee DawnTODAY contributor
3 hours ago

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In 2005, Wade Robson was the first defense witness at Michael Jackson's trial, where the singer was accused of molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor. At the time, Robson was unequivocal: He was not sexually abused by the man known as the King of Pop. But eight years later, he has changed his tune.

Exclusively on TODAY Thursday, the 30-year-old choreographer told Matt Lauer that Jackson, who died in 2009, was "a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

Robson said Jackson abused him from ages 7 to 14: Jackson "performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him."

Robson is currently asking a probate court to allow him to file a late creditor's claim against the Jackson estate, now that the deadline has passed for creditors to file such claims. His claim comes as a case brought by Jackson's family against AEG Live, promoters of his final concert tour, has begun in civil court.

Born in Australia, Robson was a dancing prodigy whose family relocated to the United States when he was 9; he appeared in three of Michael Jackson's videos: "Black or White," "Jam," and "Heal the World." In later years he went on to direct music videos and choreograph tours for artists including N'Sync and Britney Spears, and hosted and executive produced "The Wade Robson Project" for MTV in 2003. He joined "So You Think You Can Dance" on FOX in 2007 as a judge and choreographer.

So why now? Says Robson, he wasn't ready to face up to the truth until he began to realize how he would feel if a stranger molested his son, born two years ago. "This is not a case of repressed memory," said Robson. "I have never forgotten one moment of what Michael did to me, but I was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

During the first criminal investigation of Jackson in 1993 (when Robson was 11), Jackson would call him "every day" to "role play" and convince him that if anyone knew what they had done together, "both of us would go to jail for the rest of our lives."

He says there was no bribe money offered for him to lie on the stand -- nor, apparently, was it needed. "It was complete manipulation (by Jackson) and brainwashing," said Robson. "He would role play and train me for these (trial) scenarios."

Howard Weitzman, a lawyer for Jackson's estate, said in a statement: “Mr. Robson has adamantly denied under oath and in numerous interviews over the past 20 years that Michael Jackson ever did anything inappropriate to him. He now wants us to believe that he committed perjury at least twice and has been lying to anyone and everyone about Mr. Jackson since the early ‘90s so he can file a claim for money. Mr. Robson’s transparent lawsuit comes nearly 4 years after Michael passed. His claim is outrageous and sad.”

But this is not about landing some big book deal or payoff for silence, said Robson. "I've lived in silence and denial for 22 years and I can't spend another moment in that.... I'm never going to go away with this for the sake of money. I'm never going to be silenced for money. That's not going to happen."

Even today, however, Robson has mixed emotions about Jackson, and told Lauer what he thinks of when he does think of the singer is: "Heartbreak, pain, anger and compassion.... The image that one presents to the world is not the whole explanation of who someone is. Michael Jackson was yes, an incredibly talented artist with an incredible gift. He was many things. And he was also a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

Later, Robson offered a special statement to TODAY, addressing other sexual abuse victims:

"There are millions of survivors of child sexual abuse out there who are suffering in silence and/or denial, as was I. If my coming forward and speaking my truth can help even one victim gain the courage to speak their truth and begin the healing process, that would be more than I could ever ask.

"I want to say to those victims that under NO circumstances was it or is it EVER your decision or your fault that you were sexually abused. Please find a way to safely speak your truth because the healing process cannot begin until you do. It is not easy in the slightest but it is absolutely possible to heal and get your life back."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 18:34
Video und Transcript


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 18:41
Wade Robson: Michael Jackson zwang mich zu sexuellen Handlungen
TV-Interview zum Missbrauchs-Skandal

Geschrieben am: 16. Mai 2013


Wade Robson steht im Fadenkreuz der Weltöffentlichkeit. Vor Kurzem ging er mit der Behauptung an die Öffentlichkeit, Michael Jackson hätte ihn als Kind sexuell missbraucht. Jetzt bekräftigte der Tänzer seine Aussagen in der ‚Today Show’.

Er sagte, dass Michael „sexuelle Handlungen an mir durchführte und mich zu sexuellen Handlungen an ihm zwang.“ Das Ganze sei schon im Alter von 7 Jahren losgegangen und endete mit 14.

„Ich fühle mich stark“, erklärte Robson weiter. „Ich fühle, dass es die richtige Entscheidung war, das hier zu tun. Weil es die Wahrheit ist.“

Ungereimtheiten bereitet allerdings immer noch der 2005er Prozess gegen Jackson wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs an einem Jungen, bei dem er später freigesprochen wurde. Robson stärkte dem King Of Pop damals den Rücken, aber angeblich nur, weil er von dem Sänger manipuliert worden sei.

Dieser hätte ihm immer wieder gesagt, dass es „ein Ausdruck von Liebe“ sei, was sie machen. „Wenn du jemals etwas davon erzählst, dann sind unsere Leben und Karrieren vorbei“, soll er zudem gedroht haben.

Es handelte sich angeblich nicht um einen Fall von „verdrängten Erinnerungen“. „Ich habe nie vergessen, was Michael mir angetan hat.“

Wade Robson machte erstmals Anfang Mai seine Vorwürfe publik. Zuvor erlitt er einen Zusammenbruch und besuchte daraufhin einen Therapeuten.

„Zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben begann ich zu realisieren, dass meine völlig betäubten und unerforschten Gefühle, in Bezug auf die Taten von Michael, ein Problem sein könnten und dass ich vielleicht mit jemandem darüber sprechen muss.“

Robson will nichts entschuldigen, glaubt aber, dass Michael Jackson ein „gestörter Mann“ mit „großartigem Talent“ war, allerdings gleichzeitig auch pädophil.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2013 um 18:46
Wade Robson calls Michael Jackson 'a pedophile'

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 16, 2013 -- Updated 1632 GMT (0032 HKT)


* Wade Robson is seeking money from Jackson's estate for alleged child sex abuse
* Robson defended Michael Jackson in his 2005 criminal trial
* "This is not a case of repressed memory," Robson tells NBC
* Jackson's estate calls accusations "outrageous and pathetic."

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A dancer-choreographer befriended by Michael Jackson when he was a child now calls the late pop icon "a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

Wade Robson, who is seeking money from Jackson's estate for alleged child sex abuse, talked about his claims Wednesday on NBC's "Today" show.

Wade Robson, now 30, denied in testimony at Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005 that he had been molested by the singer.

Two months after Jackson's death in 2009, Robson said they had "a wonderful relationship" and he called Jackson "a kind human being."

The lawyer for Jackson's estate called the new accusations "outrageous and pathetic."

The accusation came in the form of a creditor's claim against the estate in a Los Angeles probate court this month.

"This is not a case of repressed memory," Robson told "Today's" Matt Lauer. "I never forgot one moment of what Michael did to me, but I was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse. "

Robson said the abuse started when he was 7-years-old, when he often visited Jackson's Neverland Ranch. It continued until he was 14, he said.

"He performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him," Robson said.
Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005, partly based on the testimony of Robson, his sister and his mother.

"It's absurd," said Tom Mesereau, the lawyer who successfully defended Jackson in the trial. "He was one of the strongest witnesses for the defense at Michael Jackson's criminal trial in 2005. He was adamant under oath that he had never been molested at any time."

Robson said his denial to investigators during a 1993 criminal investigation was the result of Jackson's "complete manipulation and brainwashing" of him. He denied Jackson ever offered money to keep him quiet.

"He would call me every day and role play and tell me the same sort of things and also tell me then that if anyone ever thought that we did these things, any of these sexual things, that both of us would go to jail for the rest of our lives," he said.

Robson met Jackson in his native Australia when he was just 5. Jackson invited him for frequent stays at Neverland after Robson and his family moved to Los Angeles two years later. Their visits continued until he was 13, according to court testimony.

"From day one of the abuse, Michael told me that we loved each other and that this was love, that this was an expression of our love. And then you follow that up with 'but if you ever tell anyone what we're doing, both of our lives and our career will be over,'" he told Lauer.

Robson paid tribute to Jackson In an interview with "Entertainment Tonight" to promote his choreography work on the MTV Video Music Awards in August 2009.

"I just had a wonderful relationship," he said. "I learned so much from him, as an artist and as a kind human being, and it's my goal to just try and continue as much as I can in my own little world that legacy.

"We talk so much about him as the pop legend, which is important, but it's nice to remember that he was a man, that he was a father," Robson said. "And that's what it's really about is a father and his children, and he was a wonderful dad."

But it was becoming a father himself two and a half years ago that caused Robson to change his story about Jackson, he said.

He said he "collapsed into two nervous breakdowns, terrifying nervous breakdowns" in his son's first 18 months.

"At that point I had no idea what was wrong with me, what was going on," he said. "During the second one, this thing happened where I started looking at him and imagining him being a victim of the sexual abuse that I was at the hands of Michael. For the first time in my life, I began to realize that my completely numb and unexplored feelings in relationship to what Michael did to me might be a problem and maybe I need to speak to someone about it."

The accusations created a major stir among Jackson fans, many calling Robson a traitor to the man who made his career. They argue his motivation is money from Jackson's estate.

"I understand completely how hard it is to understand this," he said. "That being said, the idea that I would make all of this up and put myself, my wife, my son, my entire family through this extremely stressful and painful experience all for the sake of money is completely incomprehensible."

Jackson estate lawyer Howard Weitzman said last week he was "confident that the court will see this for what it is."

"Mr. Robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic," Weitzman said. "This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him. Now, nearly four years after Michael has passed, this sad and less than credible claim has been made. "

Robson said the court claim is about healing.

"I've lived in silence and denial for 22 years, and I can't spend another moment in that," he said. "In order to truly heal I have to speak my truth and speak the whole truth. That's one thing you'll never see from me. I'm never going to go away with this for the sake of money. I'm never going to be silenced for money. That's not going to happen."

Lauer asked Robson what comes to mind now when he thinks of Michael Jackson.

"Heartbreak, pain, anger and compassion," he said. "There's no excuse for what he did to me and I believe many others, but he was a troubled man and every effect has its cause. The image that one presents to the world is not the whole explanation of who someone is. Michael Jackson was, yes, an incredibly talented artist with an incredible gift. He was many things. And he was also a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

The 2005 trial in Santa Barbara County, California, centered on charges that Jackson had molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor who often visited his ranch. He was also charged with plying the boy with alcohol and conspiring to abduct, extort and falsely imprison the child and his family. He was acquitted on all counts.

"I've known Michael for a long time. I've spent many hours talking to him about everything. I trust him. I trust him with my children," Joy Robson, the mother of Wade Robson, testified when called as a prosecution witness.

Robson said she let Wade, who was then 7, and daughter Chantal sleep in Jackson's bedroom from the first visit.
