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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.05.2013 um 20:58
aus dem Schweizer MJ Forum Jackson.CH

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Eröffnungsplädoyers

29. April 2013

Vor einigen Stunden, um 10 Uhr Ortszeit Los Angeles, ist der Startschuss im Prozess der Jacksons gegen AEG Live gefallen. Als erstes hält Brian Panish, der Anwalt der Jacksons, sein Eröffnungsplädoyer. Dafür stehen ihm zweieinhalb Stunden zur Verfügung. Am Nachmittag folgt Marvin Putnams Eröffnungsplädoyer für AEG Live.

Im Gerichtssaal für die Jackson Familie anwesend sind Mutter Katherine, Michaels Bruder Randy sowie Michaels älteste Schwester Rebbie. Nachdem Richterin Palazuelos die TV-Übertragung des Prozesses nicht zugelassen hatte, sind neben den Familienangehörigen der Jackson Familie 16 Journalisten sowie einige wenige Besucher im kleinen Gerichtssaal mit gerade mal 45 Sitzplätzen zugelassen.

Im Anschluss an eine Anhörung am letzten Donnerstag betreffend die Höchstgrenze der Schadensersatzforderung hat die vorsitzende Richterin heute Morgen beschlossen, diese um USD 1 Mia. auf bis zu USD 5 Mia. zu erhöhen. Entscheidend dafür waren Argumente betreffend den möglichen entgangenen Gewinn durch Michael Jacksons frühzeitigen Tod. Wie u.a. argumentiert wurden, seien die Rolling Stones ja auch noch mit 70+ Jahren am Touren und “This Is It” müsste nicht Michaels letzte Tour gewesen sein.

Morgen, Dienstag, wird Brian Panish den ersten Zeugen für die Jacksons aufrufen. Bis jetzt habe er noch nicht entschieden, um wen es sich dabei handeln soll. Jedoch gab Brian Panish dem Gericht bereits bekannt, dass er in der ersten Woche mehrere Videos zeigen werde von eidesstattlichen Aussagen einiger Top Manager von AEG. Auf der Zeugenlisten stehen übrigens neben mehreren Mitgliedern der Jackson Familie Sharon Osborne, Quincy Jones, Spike Lee, Ray Parker Jr., Lisa Marie Presley, Diana Ross sowie Lou Ferrigno.


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The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Eröffnungsplädoyers II

2. Mai 2013

Wir wissen aus vorherigen Berichterstattungen nur zu gut, was die beiden Parteien voneinander und von diesem Prozess wollen. Hier somit nur einige wichtige Aussagen und Höhepunkte der Eröffnungsplädoyers. Brian Panish, Anwalt für die Jacksons, nannte die AEG Live Manager „skrupellose Leute“, die Michael Jacksons Gesundheitsprobleme und den berufsethischen Konflikt von Dr. Murray ignorierten und um jeden Preis die Nummer eins sein wollten. Sie wussten, so Parish, dass Michael Jackson emotional und körperlich angeschlagen war. Zudem sei es ein Warnsignal gewesen, als Murray, der anfangs USD 5 Mio. für seine Arbeit verlangte, sich dann plötzlich mit USD 150‘000 pro Monat zufrieden gab. Ein anderer Arzt hatte AEG gesagt, er würde den Job für USD 40‘000 annehmen unter der Bedingung, dass Michael Jackson „clean“ (dh. drogenfrei) wäre. Panish spielte dann auch ein Video eines AEG Experten ab, der bestätigte, dass Murrays Lohnforderung „ungeheuerlich“ war.

Eine der entscheidenden Grundlagen für die Jacksons ist eine E-Mail von AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware, das dieser elf Tage vor Michael Jacksons Tod an Kenny Ortega geschrieben hatte und in der er Bedenken äusserte, dass Murray Michael Jackson am Vortag nicht an die Proben gehen liess: „Wir wollen [Murray] daran erinnern, dass AEG und nicht MJ sein Salär bezahlen. Wir wollen ihn daran erinnern, was von ihm erwartet wird.“ Die Jackson Anwälte argumentieren, dass diese E-Mail Beweis dafür sei, dass AEG Live Murrays Angst, seinen lukrativen Job als Michael Jacksons persönlicher Arzt zu verlieren, dazu verwendet hatte, um Druck auf ihn auszuüben und Michael Jackson trotz seines angeschlagenen Gesundheitszustands für die Proben bereit zu machen. In einer Videoaussage von Gongawares eidesstattlicher Aussage, die vor Prozessbeginn aufgenommen worden war und die die Jackson Anwälte abspielten, sagte dieser, er möge sich nicht daran erinnern, diese E-Mail geschrieben zu haben. Am Ende seines Eröffnungsplädoyers spielte Brian Panish Michael Jacksons Lied „You Are My Life“ für die Jury.

Die AEG Live Anwälte warnten in ihrem Eröffnungsplädoyer die Geschworenen, „wir werden einige hässliche Sachen“ aufzeigen. Sie hätten keine andere Wahl, als Michael Jacksons „tiefste und dunkelste Geheimisse“ an den Tag zu bringen, um sich im Rahmen der Anschuldigungen der Jacksons betreffend AEGs Verantwortung für Michael Jacksons Tod zu verteidigen.

Die nächste Runde wird mit Zeugenbefragungen der Jacksons Anwälte eingeläutet. Orlando Martinez vom Los Angeles Police Department, der für die Untersuchung des Todes von Michael Jackson zuständig war, soll als erster befragt werden.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.05.2013 um 21:20
Voicemail from Jackson's manager played in court

By LINDA DEUTSCH | Associated Press – 30 mins ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Five days before Michael Jackson died, his manager called the singer's doctor and said Jackson was sick.

A voicemail from the manager was played Thursday for a Los Angeles jury in the lawsuit by Jackson's mother against the concert promoter who was then arranging his "This Is It" tour.

On the voicemail message, Frank Deleo told Dr. Conrad Murray that Jackson has had an "episode" and suggested that blood tests be done on him.

There was no further elaboration on what the episode was and a lawyer for Katherine Jackson did not ask further questions about it.

Also on Thursday, police Detective Orlando Martinez is in a second day of testimony about his investigation of Jackson's June 25, 2009, death from an overdose of propofol. (Archiv-Version vom 04.05.2013)

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02.05.2013 um 21:47
Paris Jackson stands up against her grandmother's Jehovah's Witness beliefs and 'refuses to preach door-to-door'

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 18:22 GMT, 2 May 2013 | UPDATED: 18:22 GMT, 2 May 2013

She may be just 15 but Paris Jackson is fast growing into an adult and is determined to make her own decisions - especially when it comes to how she practices her religion.

The daughter of Michael Jackson has refused to follow her grandmother Katherine in preaching door-to-door, as is common in their Jehovah’s Witness faith.

After years of going with her family around their Calabasas, California, neighbourhood spreading the religion's message every Sunday, the 15-year-old and her brother Prince Michael, 16, have decided to no longer participate.

article-2318425-1988FE7E000005DC-559 634
Doing it her way: Paris Jackson, seen her on April 28, has refused to follow her grandmother Katherine in preaching door to door, as is common in their Jehovah's Witness faith

According to Radaronline the young girl felt she and her brother were being seen as the 'weirdos' of the area.

A source told the website: 'Paris resented going door-to-door for Jehovah’s Witness, even though it was what her grandmother wanted.'

article-2318425-1997B3F4000005DC-109 306
Family tradition: Katherine, seen with daughter La Toya, raised her family in the religion and sees preaching as an important part of the faith

'So, she dug her heels in a few months back and told Katherine she just doesn’t want to do it anymore - and Paris and Michael haven’t done it since.'

However, the daughter of the late pop star has no plans to renounce the religion that her father was bought up practicing.

The source added: 'Paris just feels she’s more grown up now, and while she’s not renouncing her Christian values she doesn’t want to go door-to-door for Jehovah’s Witness forever.'

Following in the footsteps of her famous father, Paris wants to focus on her music.

'She has her own goals in life now and her own dreams. She wants to continue with her acting career, loves playing the guitar and would welcome the opportunity to follow in her father Michael’s footsteps into pop music.'

Paris has been working hard to bring a sense of normality back to her life since the death of her father in 2009.

As well as no longer being home-schooled, she has reconnected with her mother Debbie Rowe who originally signed away all parental rights to her late father.

The mother and daughter we seen enjoying lunch together, just days after they were pictured celebrating Paris’ birthday together.

In a recent interview for the Mail On Sunday's Event Magazine, Paris revealed that she had also been shopping with her mother, an activity that her grandmother approves of.

Paris said: 'When I'm with my mom, we don't really have security with us. Which is really nice.'

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Following her lead: Prince Michael, 16, pictured on a date earlier this month, has also decided to not preach around the neighbourhood


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02.05.2013 um 22:03
Paris Jackson is prep school-chic in Calabasas

paris eyeprime 41

Paris Jackson looked like she just stepped straight out of Aerosmith’s “Crazy” music video as she made a pitstop at Starbucks, still in her prep school uniform.

Paris wore a red beret with her grey sweater and pleated skirt, paired with white canvas high tops. The 15-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson was escorted by a personal bodyguard as she got her caffeine fix after school. more pics (Archiv-Version vom 05.05.2013)

paris eyeprime 55Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)
paris eyeprime 57Original anzeigen (0,4 MB)
paris eyeprime 51Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.05.2013 um 22:22
Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll
“Why would he be refusing to speak with us? Why would he leave the hospital after he was asked to stay?" Martinez on Murray
"Warum würde er sich weigern, mit uns zu sprechen? Warum wollte er das Krankenhaus verlassen, nachdem er gefragt wurde, zu verbleiben? "Martinez über Murray
10:04 PM - 2 Mai 13

Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll
Nearly all of Jackson's siblings are on the witness list so defense has asked that just one accompany Katherine to court.
Fast alle von Jacksons Geschwistern sind auf der Zeugen Liste, darum hat die Verteidigung gebeten, dass nur einer von ihnen Katherine vor Gericht begleitet.
9:35 PM - 2 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.05.2013 um 22:55
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Lunch break almost over. Katherine Jackson and Rebbie in the courtroom all morning.
10:23 PM - 2 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
AEG attorney, Marvin Putnam, is cross examining Detective Martinez. There will be no time for coroner to testify today.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Panish finish direct examination by getting Martinez to say, one more time, that he thought Dr. Murray was in dire financial straits in 09

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Next Panish showed some documents Martinez retrieved describing that Dr. Murray had lost his privilege at some hospitals.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Also in the voicemail, left on June 20, 09 DiLeo told Dr. Murray he thought MJ needed to get a blood test done to see what was wrong

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Panish played a voicemail Frank DiLeo left to Dr. Murray on June 20, 2009: "I'm sure you're aware he had an episode last night. He's sick"

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Martinez said he got Dr. Murray's credit reports from Experian and Equifax, but not Transunion, since they didn't accept the subpoena.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez back on the stand. Panish went over Dr. Murray's credit report. It shows doctor was behind in his mortgage

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Judge Yvette Palazuelos: "Mrs. Jackson should have one person in support with her in the courtroom." Rebbie was allowed to stay.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Judge Yvette Palazuelos had ordered that only one Jackson family member accompany Katherine Jackson. AEG wanted it to be Randy every day

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. Before trial resumed, AEG atty asked judge to excuse Rebbie from courtroom; she may be a witness
10:08 PM - 2 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.05.2013 um 00:00
Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll
Photos of Jackson's messy, clothes-strewn bedroom shown to jurors

Los Angeles Times
Photos of Jackson's messy, clothes-strewn bedroom shown to jurors

In a case that attorneys promised would dive into Michael Jackson ’s personal life, jurors were shown photographs Thursday of the eccentric music legend's messy, clothes-strewn second-floor bedroom...
11:35 PM - 2 Mai 13

Photos of Jackson's messy, clothes-strewn bedroom shown to jurors

Fotos von Jacksons unordentlichem, Kleidung verstreuten Schlafzimmer, wurden den Geschworenen gezeigt

By Corina Knoll
May 2, 2013, 1:39 p.m.

In a case that attorneys promised would dive into Michael Jackson’s personal life, jurors were shown photographs Thursday of the eccentric music legend's messy, clothes-strewn second-floor bedroom in the rented mansion where he died.

Although the foyer of the Holmby Hills home was pristine — a lavish, open space with ornate gold frames — and the dining room boasted flowing white curtains around giant windows that allowed in streaming sunlight, the second floor presented a scene that was radically different, jurors were told in the wrongful-death case brought by the singer's family against entertainment firm AEG.

On June 25, 2009, the day of Jackson’s death, the master bedroom on the second floor was in disarray, Los Angeles Police Det. Orlando Martinez testified. The curtains were pulled and the fireplace was on.

A portable rack was jammed with hangers of clothing. More clothes were strewn about the room, including on the rumpled bedspread. On a desk were stacks of what appeared to be DVDs and papers. Books lay in piles on the floor. Lining the hallway floor that led from the bedroom to the master closet and a bathroom were piles of clothes.

Inside the closet was a globe, shopping bags, a dress form with a red coat trimmed in black, and cardboard boxes that overflowed with even more clothes.

Papers were strewn about the star’s bathroom, which had another cardboard box stuffed with clothing. Bags and towels lay scattered about. Inside the inlaid marble bathtub were additional towels. Nearby sat fancy glass bottles filled with liquids.

Although merely a peek into Jackson's private life, the photos presented during the fourth day of the case could foreshadow what's to come in a trial expected to last four months.

The suit filed by Jackson’s mother, Katherine, and his three children accuses concert promoter AEG of pushing the singer beyond his physical abilities and of negligently hiring and controlling Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave Jackson a fatal dose of propofol and is now serving a jail term for involuntary manslaughter.

On Thursday, the family’s attorney played a phone message to Murray left by Jackson’s manager Frank DiLeo on June 20, 2009.

“I’m sure you’re aware he had an episode last night. He’s sick. Today’s Saturday, tomorrow I’m on my way back. I’m not gonna continue my trip. Uh, I think you need -- I think you need to get a blood test on him today. I -- I -- we gotta see what he’s doing. All right. Thank you.”

Brian Panish, the plaintiffs’ attorney, said he believed that DiLeo had spoken with an AEG executive just prior to making the phone call.

Five days later, Jackson was dead.

Martinez testified that on the day of the singer’s death, he went to Jackson’s home, which boasted a movie theater, workout room, dance area and a wine cellar.

Although the entryway was immaculate, the second floor — where Jackson had been found by paramedics earlier that morning — was a deep contrast.

A search warrant and affidavit said that no adults besides Jackson were known to live at the location and that the staff was only allowed to be present on the ground floor. Martinez testified that the chef was allowed to leave food outside a door upstairs.

Martinez said that when he arrived, Jackson’s children and his brother Randy were at the home. He also saw three cars, including Murray’s BMW.

Investigators attempted to reach Murray but the doctor did not answer his phone or return calls, which seemed suspicious, Martinez said.

“If it was a medical emergency or a natural death, why would he be refusing to speak with us? Why would he leave the hospital after he was asked to stay? Why would he not go back to pick up his car?” Martinez said.

Murray was tracked through his cellphone and found in Santa Monica. Detectives interviewed him two days after Jackson’s death.,0,3325050.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.05.2013 um 06:27
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #6 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 4 – May 2 2013 – Summary

Katherine and Rebbie Jackson were at court today.

AEG attorney opposed to Rebbie’s presence as she might be a witness (LATimes). Judge Yvette Palazuelos had ordered that only one Jackson family member accompany Katherine Jackson. AEG wanted it to be Randy every day (ABC7). Judge ruled Rebbie could stay. "I think Mrs. Jackson should have at least 1 support person in the courtroom.” (LATimes)

LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez Testimony (continued)

Jackson direct(continued)

Jackson’s lawyer Panish continued to go over Murray’s credit records. It showed Murray was behind his mortgage (ABC7)

Martinez said he got Dr. Murray's credit reports from Experian and * Equifax, but not Transunion, since they didn't accept the subpoena.(ABC7)

Voicemail of Frank Dileo that he left to Murray 5 days before Michael died had been played in the courtroom (AP).

Panish played a voicemail Frank DiLeo left to Dr. Murray on June 20, 2009: "I'm sure you're aware he had an episode last night. He's sick". Also in the voicemail, left on June 20, 09 DiLeo told Dr. Murray he thought MJ needed to get a blood test done to see what was wrong (ABC7)

Phone message to Murray left by Jackson’s manager Frank DiLeo on June 20, 2009.

“I’m sure you’re aware he had an episode last night. He’s sick. Today’s Saturday, tomorrow I’m on my way back. I’m not gonna continue my trip. Uh, I think you need -- I think you need to get a blood test on him today. I -- I -- we gotta see what he’s doing. All right. Thank you.” (LATimes)

Jackson lawyer Panish said he believed that DiLeo had spoken with an AEG executive just prior to making the phone call. (LATimes)

Next Panish showed some documents Martinez retrieved describing that Dr. Murray had lost his privilege at some hospitals. (ABC7)

Panish finish direct examination by getting Martinez to say, one more time, that he thought Dr. Murray was in dire financial straits in 09 (ABC7)

AEG cross

AEG lawyer Putnam is doing the cross of Detective Martinez.

Detectives Dan Meyers and Scott Smith partnered with Martinez. They investigate Dr. Murray in connection with the criminal matter.(ABC7)

As a police officer, Putnam asked Martinez if he had special privileges to do searches. Martinez said private investigators can do it too (ABC7)

Putnam: If I wanted to look up your credit, will I need your permission?
Martinez: I think so (ABC7)

Putnam: there are limits as to what civilians can do in terms of search, like DMV search?
Martinez: I believe so(ABC7)

Putnam asked Martinez if searching someone's credit without consent is a crime
Putnam: it would be a crime?
Martinez: It's a misdemeanor (ABC7)

As to looking for Dr. Conrad Murray at UCLA, Martinez said: "when I sent the other two detectives to go find him, he was gone." (ABC7)

Putnam asked why Martinez wanted to talk to Dr. Murray: "To get straight from the horses's mouth what happened." (ABC7)

Panish: Were you suspicious of Dr. Murray?
Martinez: Yes, if it was medical emergency/natural death why would he be refusing 2 speak w/ us (ABC7)

Investigators attempted to reach Murray but the doctor did not answer his phone or return calls, which seemed suspicious, Martinez said.(LATimes)

“If it was a medical emergency or a natural death, why would he be refusing to speak with us? Why would he leave the hospital after he was asked to stay? Why would he not go back to pick up his car?” Martinez said (LATimes)

“Why would he be refusing to speak with us? Why would he leave the hospital after he was asked to stay?" Martinez on Murray (LATimes)

Martinez said they knew where Dr. Murray was, but he was not answering police calls. "We knew where he was, we were tracking his cell phone"(ABC7)

Murray was tracked through his * cellphone and found in Santa Monica. Detectives interviewed him two days after Jackson’s death. (LATimes) When interviewed Murray told Martinez he had spoken with AEG's people while at UCLA. (ABC7)

Putnam asked about all the times Martinez went to MJ's house over the months after MJ's death. Martinez confirmed he was there several times(ABC7)

Judge Palazuelos asked Martinez if the police had secured MJ's property. Martinez said MJ's house was secured from 2:30 pm PT until about midnight on the day MJ died. After midnight, the scene was not secured. After midnight, Martinez said, MJ's house was only secured by MJ's security team and family members could come and go freely. (ABC7)

Putnam showed Martinez picture of the front door of MJ's house. The detective identified the entrance as the one he used to enter the property. Martinez said the house has 3 levels: 1st, 2nd, basement w/ movie theater, exercise room, wine cellar; all very clean and organized. (ABC7) Although the foyer of the Holmby Hills home was pristine — a lavish, open space with ornate gold frames — and the dining room boasted flowing white curtains around giant windows that allowed in streaming sunlight, the second floor presented a scene that was radically different (LATimes) Although the entryway was immaculate, the second floor — where Jackson had been found by paramedics earlier that morning — was a deep contrast.(LATimes)

Next picture showed the second floor's master bedroom -- it was MJ’s master bedroom, but not the one he received treatment. There were a lot of papers on the floor, master bedroom was very messy. (ABC7) the master bedroom on the second floor was in disarray (LATimes) Jurors were shown photographs Thursday of messy, clothes-strewn second-floor bedroom (LATimes) Martinez said curtains were pulled and fireplace was on. (ABC7 & LATimes) Pictures of master bedroom showed papers on the floor, clothes hung, books piled, moving boxes. Hall to the closet covered with clothes. One of the many closets in the master bedroom was very disorganized, clothes and boxes all over the place, on the floor. Complete mess. Pictures showed the master bathroom also messy, clothes everywhere, boxes with stuff, shopping bags. (ABC7)

A portable rack was jammed with hangers of clothing. More clothes were strewn about the room, including on the rumpled bedspread. On a desk were stacks of what appeared to be DVDs and papers. Books lay in piles on the floor. Lining the hallway floor that led from the bedroom to the master closet and a bathroom were piles of clothes. Inside the closet was a globe, shopping bags, a dress form with a red coat trimmed in black, and cardboard boxes that overflowed with even more clothes. Papers were strewn about the star’s bathroom, which had another cardboard box stuffed with clothing. Bags and towels lay scattered about. Inside the inlaid marble bathtub were additional towels. Nearby sat fancy glass bottles filled with liquids.(LATimes)

Martinez said the room seemed messy but it didn't seem out of the ordinary. It was night and day compared to the rooms downstairs, he opined(ABC7)

On the 26th, Martinez got a search warrant to search the house since he had obtained more information in the investigation. (ABC7)

Martinez said that when he arrived, Jackson’s children and his brother Randy were at the home. He also saw three cars, including Murray’s BMW. (LATimes)

A search warrant and affidavit said that no adults besides Jackson were known to live at the location and that the staff was only allowed to be present on the ground floor. Martinez testified that the chef was allowed to leave food outside a door upstairs. (LATimes)

Search warrant: ...his staff was allowed to be present on the ground floor. No staff was allowed on the top floors. A chef, Kai Chase, was allowed to go upstairs to drop food off outside the door. (ABC7)

Search warrant: During the course of the investigation, family members notified coroner that they had located luggage on the second floor (ABC7)

Dr. Murray's attorneys called police for interview; lasted 2 1/2 hrs. Martinez said he learned facts that led him to believe this was criminal. Martinez said LAPD doesn't name people as suspects, but "It was common knowledge he (Dr. Murray) was a suspect." (ABC7)
Based on information Murray provided, detectives obtained a search warrant and went back to Jackson’s rented Holmby Hills mansion on June 29 and looked for some medical bags the doctor said were kept on a closet shelf in the singer’s bedroom, Martinez said.(CNS)

“This is (where) all that propofol (was), correct?,” Putnam asked. “Yes,” Martinez said. (CNS)

Martinez said he first noticed the drug Propofol when he found a vial in Jackson's room. (ABC7) The detective said he had previously found a bottle of propofol lying on the floor near Jackson’s bed. Asked by Putnam if he knew anything about propofol at the time, Martinez replied affirmatively and added, “My next-door neighbor is a doctor.”(CNS) Martinez' neighbor is a doctor, he asked for help (ABC7)

Martinez said he believes Dr. Murray's first orders of Propofol were in March 2009. They were shipped from Las Vegas to Santa Monica. Putnam asked Martinez about the medical equipments found at MJ's house: oxygen tanks, IV stand, ambu bag. "It was rented by Dr. Murray". Dr. Murray was the person who paid for the items, Martinez said. Dr. Murray also paid for all the Propofol orders. (ABC7)

Martinez said he first interviewed Katherine Jackson at the hospital. But six months later, he decided to go back to her and check out “some things regarding family meetings about addiction.” (AP) Martinez: Family had attempted several interventions, spoken with other sons about his possible problems with drugs. Martinez said he wrote that the family tried numerous interventions, but didn't know exactly how many. (ABC7)

Martinez has testified that Katherine Jackson told him the family had tried drug interventions for MJ, believing he was addicted to painkillers (AP).

Martinez: “Mrs. Jackson said the family tried to help him but he would have nothing to do with it,” Martinez said. “She had asked Michael if he was taking any drugs, and he denied it.”
Putnam: “What did Mrs. Jackson tell you?”
Martinez: “The family attempted several interventions. She had talked to her son about drugs herself. She said the efforts produced no results because he denied having a problem” (AP)

But Katherine Jackson said her son refused any help, saying he didn't have a drug problem.
Putnam: Do you remember what Mrs. Jackson told you MJ said?
Martinez: That he denied having a problem (ABC7)

Martinez: "Mrs. Jackson stated the family attempted several times to help Michael, however he would have nothing to do with it." (ABC7)

Martinez said Mrs. Jackson thought MJ was taking drugs for back pain. The Detective thought his addition was to painkillers. (ABC7)

Martinez said Katherine Jackson told him she believed her son was taking medicine for back pain and might have become addicted. (AP)

Martinez wrote in a doc that Mrs. Jackson saw Dr. Murray at UCLA for the 1st time. She said she didn't know who he was until Michael's death (ABC7) She told him she had never met nor known about Dr. Conrad Murray until her son died. (LATimes) When asked if Mrs. Jackson had ever met Dr. Murray she stated that she had not and didn’t even know who he was until after Michael’s death.” (WENN)

AEG, also verified that Martinez wrote the following summary about that discussion:

“Mrs. Jackson stated that she last spoke with Michael at his residence on Carolwood approximately one and a half weeks prior to his death. When asked if Mrs. Jackson had ever met Dr. Murray she stated that she had not and didn’t even know who he was until after Michael’s death. “Mrs. Jackson was asked if she or any other family members ever attempted to do an intervention with Michael as it relates to painkillers or any other drugs. She stated that there had been one attempted intervention at Neverland on behalf of Janet, however Michael didn’t want to participate. “Mrs. Jackson stated that she had been informed Michael had been taking drugs, however she had no idea which drugs, and she had never seen Michael take any drugs. Mrs. Jackson stated that the family attempted several times to help Michael however he would have nothing to do with it. She further stated that she had asked Michael if he was taking any drugs and Michael denied it.“When asked if Michael had any chronic medical conditions that she was aware of, Mrs. Jackson stated that he had problems sleeping and that his back frequently bothered him. She stated she thought the back pain was a result of falling off of a stage during a performance.” (LATimes)

Martinez did not interview Michael's children. Another detective did, but they chose not to get into the drug abuse line of questioning. (ABC7) Martinez said he also interviewed Jackson’s son Prince at the hospital. But his handwritten notes of that interview were not allowed in evidence because the interview was not recorded. (AP).

Putnam countered plaintiffs several documents highlighting Dr. Murray's financial distress by saying all the liens belonged to one house.

Putnam asked if Martinez knew if Dr. Murray's license to practice medicine had been suspended before June 25, 2009? He said no.

Putnam: Did Dr. Murray's debts excuse him in anyway for what he did? Martinez: No

Putnam asked Martinez if Dr. Murray being in financial trouble made him a suspect? He said no, it was the totality of the evidence (ABC7)

Jackson re-direct

Panish said Dr. Murray's hospital privileges were suspended because he was late returning phone call while on duty & lack of record keeping (ABC7)

Panish accused AEG of implying Murray was a great doctor. "But that's not true, you found out that he had killed someone else" Panish asked. Putnam objected and Panish rephrased the statement, saying Martinez found out Dr. Murray was sued for wrongful death of another patient (ABC7)

(Note: This could be the other patient they are talking about:

About seeing Mrs. Jackson and the kids at UCLA:
Martinez: distraught
Panish: Upset?
Martinez: Very (ABC7)

Martinez said Katherine Jackson did not have attorneys present when he interviewed her. She was cooperative and forthcoming. (ABC7)

Panish : “Is there anywhere in the penal code that says if you have a messy room that’s against the law?” (LATimes) Martinez laughed and said no.(ABC7)

As to the moving boxes, Panish asked Martinez if he knew MJ was planning to go to England the first week of July. He said yes. (ABC7)

Panish: have you changed your mind?
Martinez: Did not change my mind that Dr. Murray's financial distress was the reason for his actions.(ABC7)

AEG re-cross

Putnam asked if anyone at AEG ever refused to speak with police or produce documents, and Martinez said no. They gave police one email (ABC7)

Putnam noted that the person who died under Dr. Murray's care died of natural causes and no lawsuit was filed. Marinez said he was wrong.(ABC7)

Putnam asked Martinez what was his suspicion. For that amount of money he wondered if Murray would bend rules to be the 1 getting the money (ABC7)

Putnam: the suspicion wasn't about the source of that money, AEG Live?
Martinez: It didn't matter to our investigation (ABC7)

Jackson re-direct

"Did you change your mind that his financial problems were the motive 4 what he did to bend the rules?" Panish asked. "No," Martinez replied (ABC7)


Martinez was excused subject to recall in case defendants want to put him on the stand again. (ABC7)

No court tomorrow Friday May 3, 2013. Jacksons told the judge toxicologist Mr. Anderson and coroner Dr. Rogers are expected to testify on Monday.(ABC7)

* Equifax ( )

* cellphone ( )


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.05.2013 um 07:52
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #392 . User: Vici

eine Zusammenfassung von Samantha de Gosson, vom ersten Gerichtstag, von den Eröffnungspladoyers ... sie hatte einen der zwei "Fan-Plätze" bekommen (den anderen bekam Taaj Malik) ...

Below are notes from a fan called Samantha. She got one of the public seats on the trials first day, opening statements.

"Attorney Panish of the Jackson family begin with the opening statements by introducing the jury to Katherine Jackson, present in the court room. Video clip of This Is It starts playing on screens.
Panish introduces Michael as a singer, song-writer, dancer, music producer, wntertainer, humantiarian, a devoted son and a great father. The jury would have to assess the loss of his mother and his children who where all dependent on him and see how AEG and Conrad Murray were part of the tragedy and failed in their obligation to give Michael reasonable care.

Panish introduced it as 3 piece jig-saw puzzle . Michael, Murray and AEG Live. The pieces would eventually fit together and make sense in how all parties were responsible in his death.

First piece of the Puzzle: Michael.
Michael had a problem with pain killers and was at times dependent, which got worse when he was preparing for certain things or at certain times of his life. He functioned nonetheless but he had an issue at times. Panish went on to say that the defendants (AEG) would try to blame everything on Michael but that people needed to know Michael's use of pain killers started in 1984 after the Pespi commercial incident and that all the money he received from the accident was given back to charity by opening a burn center. That through the years Michael suffered injuries and pain which required medication. He suffered from vitiligo, burn surgery, other surgeries and as a dancer his body suffered wear and tear which involved pain. He suffered from accidents such as the Munich concert where Michael fell down with a portion of the elevated bridge and severely hurt his back but kept on performing but that the Defense would attack Michael for the medications he used, (one minute earlier Panish claimed Michael had a low pain thresh hold ?! Error?), and that because of his pain and the use of pain killers he developed insomnia.
Panish stated that Propofol doesn't make you sleep, it just knocks you out, and that Michael didn't know that. Michael took Propofol throughout the years for surgeries. Michael asked for it at home but nobody ever agreed until Murray. Pain led to Demerol which led to insomnia which led to Propofol.
"AEG will tell you that Michael's pain was fake and that he was just a junkie. AEG could have prevented what happened but enabled it instead".

Second piece of the puzzle: Murray.
Panish: Murray was in debt, owed back child support, in dire financial straits. He was introduced to Michael in 2006 and treated Michael only 7 times before 2009. He was not his personal physician like AEG will try to claim. Dr. Klein and Metzger were Michael's only long time physicians.Murray was an MJ fan and was enamored. Michael suggested Murray to AEG for a $5 million tour amount ($150 000 a month). Yes, Murray was convicted in a criminal trial but the story doesn't end there. AEG Live is also involved.
Murray's nice BMW (considering his financial stress) was impounded at Carolwood after Michael died. A search warrant was obtained and in the car, LAPD found:
1. An AEG Live business card belonging to Brandon Randy Phillips2. An envelope3. A contract between AEG and Murray. Drafted and reviewed by AEG lawyers.

Third piece of the Puzzle: AEG Live.
AEG had a problem. They weren't in the concert business but wanted to. Live Nation was #1 and AEG was ruthless to take that spot.AEG planned to get the best: Michael Jackson. The problem with the plan is that there were no rules and they didn't care who'd get lost in the wash.
AEG's contract with Michael included helping to pay his debts off and giving him advances. Advances could be recouped at any time and were secured by Michael's assets. What AEG knew before entering a contract with him:
-Michael relying on doctors for pain and had an opiate dependency back in 1993. Paul Gongaware, one of AEG's CEOs used to be a tour manager on the Dangerous Tour and knew Michael was dependent on Demerol at the time.Dangerous Tour doctor Finklestein, testified that Gongaware knew MJ needed help back then. But in court and under oath, Gongaware denied the knowledge of dependency during the Dangerous tour and claimed he found out only after the tour.
-In 2008, before Michael signed the AEG tour contract, Randy Phillips told a reporter that Michael had problems with alcohol and pain killers. In 2009 the contract was signed.

Evidence will show early warning signs.
Randy Phillips' emails to Gongaware show that he was worried about Michael. Gongaware accuses Michael of being lazy and writes " Michael is locked. He has no choice. Backing out now would be a disaster for us".
4/5/09 : London Press Conference email from Randy Phillips to Tim Leiweke (another AEG CEO):" MJ is drunk and locked up in his room and dispondent. Thome and I had to dress him. I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking".
"The show must go on".

April 2009: Michael requests a doctor for the tour. Red flag. A doctor who would be paid $5 million. Red Flag. A supposed successful doctor who can shut down his entire clinic and business over night. Red flag.

According to the Dangerous tour doctor Finklestein, a normal amount would have been $1.5 million for the tour and Finklestein would have personally asked for $40 000 now. A cardiologist would not be the type of doctor Michael would have needed. His heart was fine.
Gongaware contacted Finklestein to ask him if he wanted to go on the This Is It tour. Finklestein said yes and asked if Michael was clean. Gongaware said yes. Finklestein said he would not have gone on tour if he wasn't. Ultimately this is why Finklestein didn't get the job.
No investigation or background check of Murray were done by AEG, although AEG Employee Classification Form requires background checks. But AEG claims Murray was an independent contractor. It will be proven that he wasn't, and that AEG does background checks on independent contractors as well.

A background check would have shown that Murray was not qualified. That he was broke, that his home was in foreclosure, that he had gone to jail for a month for failure to pay child support, that he was in debt and had been suspended in 2008 because of issues related to patient care.AEG claims they have an unparallel standard in Artist care.
Everything went downhill after Murray arrived on the scene.

6/15/09: Kenny Ortega emails Gongaware about Michael not being fine. Gongaware replies that Murray needs to understand that THEY are paying his salary, not MJ!
*(A video is shown in court. It's Gongaware's testimony about this specific email).On video Gongaware claims he's never seen this email before, even though he acknowledges it is indeed his email address.He claims he doesn't know what the "salary" comment is referring to. He doesn't remember. He claims AEG weren't paying his salary and that he doesn't understand anything that's written or claimed.
Other emails are shown, going back and forth between Randy Phillips, Paul Gongaware and Kenny Ortega.

6/20/09, 4.57am: Kenny Ortega's email describes to Randy Phillips how bad Michael is and how he needs help. No Answer from Randy Phillips. Kenny Ortega email him again at 1.20pm. He tells Randy Phillips he doesn't think Michael is ready. Psychologist needed ASAP. A while later Phillips responds: "I had a conversation with Murray. He's perfect. I have an immense respect for him." He adds that they checked Murray out (a lie) and that Murray doesn't really need that gig (referring to the fact that if they had checked him out they would have found out he really DID need that gig). Records show that Phillips indeed had a 20 minute phone conversation with Murray.
Later Randy Phillips writes to Tim Leiweke saying that Kenny Ortega is starting to concern him because he's raising a concern!
Tim Leiweke then writes to Backerman (yet another AEG CEO): "Trouble with MJ. Big trouble! He is having a mental break-down". The rest of the correspondence between the 2 talk about hanging out later that evening and going to a show and have fun (nothing to do with MJ).
A week before Michael died, Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware came to visit Michael.The meeting was hostile. Michael was frightened and feeble and fragile. A vase was broken and Michael ended up leaving. The meeting continued for hours with Murray.

The next part of the opening statements goes into explaining and detailing what the plaintiffs (Katherine and his 3 children) are seeking financially, as this is a civil lawsuit trial.
Panish begins by showing and reading a poem wrote to his mother.
Next they show the lyrics to "You Are My Life" and start playing the songs in the court room. Pictures are shown of Michael and his children and at the end a little video clip of them laughing and playing with daddy.

Compensatory Damages - Economic and Non-Economic.

Economic damages: Past and future loss of financial support and gifts.
Non-economic damages: Loss of love, companionship, comfort, care, protection, affection, society, moral support.
Panish then states that the plaintiffs are NOT seeking $40,2000,000,000. That that number was claimed by the Defense, not the plaintiffs.$1.5 billion is what Michael would have earned, according to AEG's own figures. That amount would therefore be an economic loss.The plaintiffs are seeking between $1.5 Billion (economic) and $1.7 billion. It's up to the jury to decide what the non-economical amount would be.

Panish continues by saying that AEG would tell the jurors that they never hired Murray. But emails show that Murray was contracted to meet all his demands and that Murray responds to those emails by acknowledging his services.
Randy Phillips is shown on video (and they played the video in the court room) acknowledging that they've hired Murray for a very large sum of money.

Next is an audio recording of LAPD interviewing Murray. Murray says AEG hired him and were to pay him regardless of whether it was Michael who asked for him.
Murray was included in the tour budget on May 8th, 2009. in an email from Tim Wolley (insurance broker) to Murray, Wolley acknowledges that Murray has already been working for 6 weeks.
AEG was going to give Murray all kinds of medical equipment so Murray could give Michael Propofol. Red flag. Another clause in the contract was that AEG could fire Murray at any time.

Murray signs the contract and Michael dies the next day. They can now claim there was no contract and therefore never paid him.
Other independent contractors didn't have contracts either but still worked for AEG. AEG then tried to get back payments for services rendered by Murray, even though they claim to have never hired him.

All 3 pieces of the puzzle can share responsibility.
Yes, Michael saw a lot of doctors (for different reasons) but the issue is what AEG did and didn't do to prevent this tragedy. And Murray had his own plan.

Panish ends the opening statements by saying this trial needs to be looking at 2 things.
1. Truth
2. Justice. Justice in what's fair compensation to his family. Economical and non-economical.

AEG's Opening Statements:
AEG lawyer Putnam opened their opening Statement by saying that they will show the public Michael Jackson and the private Michael Jackson and that both were very different. One put blocks up between him and his family, him and his staff and him and the public.
That all changed on June25th, 2009.

The family is afraid that AEG will show some ugly stuff. Guess what? We will! And it's an ugly picture!
Putnam went on to say that June 25th, 2009 was a big public event. And that 2 months later the public would find out that he actually died from drugs. A drug most have never heard of, because it's not a pain killer but an anesthetic. And that Michael's life, like he his death, was nothing but typical.
Murray was found guilty and his conviction is on appeal. And that before AEG was convicted, Katherine Jackson and Michaels children sued AEG for his death.

Putnam went on to tell the jury that in the next couple of months they'd get evidence that Michael was abusing Propofol for years but that no-one knew because of the doctor/patient privacy law. The public didn't know and neither did AEG. Their job was not to make medical decisions for Michael. AEG Live is a public promoter and wasn't with Michael 24/7.

Putnam: "In 1993, Michael Jackson announced he had a problem with pain killers. He then went to rehab and got better and even went on to do another tour. That was the public MJ. Private MJ continued to have a problem. Michael Jackson was an addict and no intervention could help because an addict is an addict and they convince themselves that they don't have a problem. Michael Jackson didn't die of pain killers but of Propofol. Nobody knew about Propofol and he fooled everyone".

A clip of This Is It is shown in court (TDCAU clip ).
Putnam says that AEG were there that night (June 23rd at Staples) for the rehearsals and had come running when they heard he was unwell. However, what they saw did not alarm them, on the contrary.

Putnam carried on by saying that the early 2000 were difficult times in Michael's life because of a hideous trial which he was acquitted of. It was terrible and he then left the country and no-one heard of him for a couple of years. In 2007, Michael is the one who approached AEG Live by saying he was interested in making a come-back. It didn't work out because he wasn't ready. Michael contacted them again a year later in 2008 and this time appeared ready. He was 50. He hadn't performed in over a decade and had hardly released anything. But he was a huge spender with a lavish life-style. Michael "appeared" to be loaded, private MJ was not. He took out loans and loans until he was capped-out.

In 2001 Michael was $130 million in debt. In 2009, $400 Million in debt.
And its only when Michael realized how in debt he was that he decided to do something about it.Putnam added: "His children had never seen him on stage and he wanted them to have the least that's what he publicly claimed. Sure it might have been true but the real reason was debt".

Michael and Thome Thome approached AEG in 2008. When trying to introduce who Thome is, Putnam said: "You'll hear different names claiming to be his manager. Thome Thome, Frank Dileo...MJ changed people all the time. One day they'd be in, then out then back in".
AEG advances money to artists for upfront tour costs and artists pay them back, profit made or not. AEG was excited! It was MJ! Optimistic but cautiously optimistic because of the 2008 meeting when they felt he wasn't ready.

2 people were taking care of this, Randy Phillips (AEG Live) and Paul Gongaware (Concerts West - still AEG just different branch), which have also been personally sued by the family.
Paul Gongaware was most excited because he had worked with Michael on the Dangerous Tour, 20 years earlier. He took care of travel arrangements for the Dangerous Tour crew. He thought Michael was clean and a genius and didn't find out Michael had problems until after the tour. Now Michael was 50, much older than during the Dangerous Tour. Lawyers and managers got involved for his residency in London. AEG chose London because of the great fan base. They had decided up to 31 shows but announced only 10 initially.
Advances were made so Michael could get a house, his manager chose it (Carolwood).Putnam added that evidence would show that Michael agreed and signed the agreement. AEG costs included advances, crew, staff, etc. And that Michael had to pay back all the advances. So all the people Michael wanted to hire, including Murray were paid with advance money by AEG but that it still made it Michael Jackson money, since he was to pay them back. Putnam added that evidence would be brought forward about a Physical performed by a doctor chosen by an Insurance Company, not AEG, and passed with flying colors. And then in February 2009, Michael explained that he had a personal doctor called Conrad Murray and that they'd prove that Michael had not seen Murray only 7 times prior to 2009.

Michael was very involved with the whole project of the This Is It tour. Then he attended the London Press Conference in March 2009. Michael was nervous and in debt and it was therefore understandable that he acted the way he did that day. But he managed. The public response was out of amazing. AEG went back to Michael and asked if he would do more concerts and Michael said yes. Yes to 50. Michael liked the drama and tension of "will he go on stage or will he not", but Michael was excited about the whole deal.

Michael approached Gongaware telling him he was taking Murray with him to London. At that time Gongaware had never heard of him. He didn't object because it was his family doctor. AEG just had to figure out how much it would cost. It was up to Michael to figure out that cost and AEG would make the advances.AEG however told Michael that he didn't need to have a doctor with him, Michael insisted he did, and it wasn't up to them to refuse him the right to.Michael set Murray's pay and Gongaware called Murray and offered him that amount. Murray hesitated and said no, and Gongaware replied: "The offer comes directly fom the artist".

There are 3 draft agreements about the possible hiring of Murray.
1. June 15th - unsigned
2. June 18th - unsigned3.
June 23rd?
24th? - signed by Murray by himself on the 24th. No other signatures.

Draft agreements require artist consent. Without their signature there is no approval of agreement. Putnam added: "We'll never know if Michael truly wanted Murray since he didn't sign it".

AEG never paid Murray even though they budgeted him in the tour costs.
-AEG playing the audio clip of the LAPD June 27th, 2009 interview with Murray.
Murray was asked if he worked for AEG.Murray : "Michael asked me to be on his team. Michael offered me employment....employee of MJ paid by AEG. They would finance me".

AEG claims that after their meeting with Michael (the meeting previously referred to as being hostile and upsetting to Michael), they gave Michael a few days off and that when he came back to rehearsals at Staples on June 23rd and 24th, he was great!

The last night Michael supposedly thanked Randy Phillips and said " You got me here, Now I'm ready. I can take it from here".
Putnam then showed the video of Michael's 1993 public announcement regarding his addiction to pain killers.
Putnam: "This is the first and last time he ever let the world know he was addicted". "He got his drugs from doctors, not from the streets and if he got procedures nobody would question the drugs involved".

-A list of 40 doctors is shown in court.
According to Putnam, in early 2000, Michael was back and forth on pain killers and a lot of the doctors he went to didn't know each other. "Michael tried to get better and then just kept it secret instead".Putnam also referred to a scary incident that that took place in 2002, according bodyguard Laperruque, where he found Michael not breathing and Michael's children having to call 911. Then from 2002 to 2003, Michael was drug free. Until the horrible criminal trial, where he became addicted to pain killers again. The family tried an intervention but he refused help.

Deborah Rowe will testify, Putnam said and she will tell you that she used to be Dr. Klein's nurse and traveled on tour with Michael. Nothing was wrong until something started suddenly during the tour. She claims Michael used Propofol in hotel rooms during the Dangerous tour and that it was dangerous and that she wanted to be there when it was done. She wanted to make sure there were 2 anesthesiologists present.

Regarding Murray, Putnam says he was licensed in 4 states. Had no history of misconduct and that his financial problems are irrelevant. And that it is not AEG who claimed the plaintiffs were seeking $40 billion. The plaintiffs $$$ has changed 3 times over the last 2 years, with today's amount of approx. $1.5 billion which is still too huge.
Putnam ended by saying: " This case is about personal choices and personal responsibility".

©Notes written by Samantha de Gosson, 2013.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.05.2013 um 08:21
‘Debt’ on arrival
Jacko doc was de$perate: cop

"Schulden" beim Antritt
Jacksons Doktor war verzweifelt: Polizist

By RICHARD JOHNSON in Los Angeles and DAVID K. LI in New York
Last Updated: 5:48 AM, May 2, 2013
Posted: 1:49 AM, May 2, 2013

Michael Jackson’s Doctor Feelgood was buried under mountains of debt — and thus susceptible to selling his prescription pad, a cop testified yesterday in the lawsuit pressed by MJ’s family.

LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez told jurors that he had originally believed Jackson’s death was an accident or by natural causes, until he examined Dr. Conrad Murray’s red-stained books.

A lawyer for Jackson’s family asked Martinez to examine dozens of public, court and bank records on the witness stand.

The records showed how Murray owed up to $1 million for college loans, credit cards, mortgage payments, child support and failed business ventures.

“The documents show that Dr. Murray was in desperate, dire financial straits,” Martinez testified.

Two years ago, Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson lethal doses of painkillers and anesthetics. Jackson was just 50 when he dropped dead on June 25, 2009.

Jackson’s family is suing concert promoter AEG Live, contending that Murray worked for the company. AEG officials insist Murray was under Jackson’s total control.

Martinez, who testified yesterday and Tuesday, said he found Murray’s unsigned contract with AEG in the doctor’s BMW.

The doctor had agreed to care for Jackson for $150,000 a month — a huge salary that explained “his willingness to disregard the Hippocratic oath for financial gain,” Martinez said.

The doctor’s debt showed why Murray would want to “break the rules, bend the rules to do whatever he needed to get paid,” the detective testified.

Yesterday’s third day of trial was cut short when a juror had to leave early for a funeral.

No members of Jackson’s family showed up for the half-day of testimony.

A coroner who examined Jackson’s body is set to testify today.

The King of Pop’s mom, Katherine Jackson, won’t attend today’s proceedings because she doesn’t want to relive the gruesome details of her son’s death, family lawyer Brian Panish said.

“She doesn’t need to hear that,” Panish said.

Mrs. Jackson left court early on Tuesday when a paramedic detailed Jackson’s sickly appearance the day he died in 2009.

“That’s why I sent her out,” Panish said. “We’re not looking for sympathy.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.05.2013 um 08:48
Prince Jackson ‏@princemjjjaxon 3 Mai
Donate new and unused books to them or cash cause its a great organization
Ihnen, als Geschenk überlassene neue und unbenutzte Bücher oder Bargeld, denn es ist eine tolle Organisation
4:37 AM - 3 Mai 13

Prince Jackson ‏@princemjjjaxon 3 Mai
Spent the afternoon at Children's Hospital Los Angeles with them Literally Healing Prograand reading to the kids @ChildrensLA
habe den Nachmittag im Kinder Krankenhaus von Los Angeles verbrachten, mit dem geradezu heilenden Programm, den Kindern vorzulesen @ ChildrensLA
4:36 AM - 3 Mai 13

Children's Hosp LA ‏@ChildrensLA 3 Mai
Thx Prince “@princemjjjaxon: Spent afternoon at Children's Hospital Los Angeles w/ Literally Healing Prgrm reading to the kids @ChildrensLA”
Danke Prince


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.05.2013 um 09:08
Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson's Son Volunteers At Children's Hospital As Trial Continues

03 May 2013

Michael Jackson's eldest son is refusing to let his father's wrongful death trial rule his life as he spent the fourth day of the case volunteering at a children's hospital in Los Angeles.

Prince Michael's grandmother Katherine Jackson is suing concert bosses at Aeg Live, the promoters behind the pop star's doomed London comeback concerts, and the case has been playing out in court this week (begs29Apr13) but the 16-year-old spent Thursday (02May13) reading to patients at a local medical facility.

The teenager took to his page to detail his visit, and called on his followers to donate to the hospital's Literally Healing Program scheme.

In a series of posts on his page, he writes, "Spent the afternoon at Children's Hospital Los Angeles with the Literally Healing Program and reading to the kids. Donate new and unused books to them or cash cause its a great organization."

Katherine Jackson, who was in court on Thursday, alleges Aeg bosses were negligent in ignoring her son's life-threatening health concerns as they pressed ahead with plans for the shows, and is also holding them responsible for hiring Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for administering the dose of anaesthetic propofol which killed the King of Pop.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.05.2013 um 09:11
La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson 3 Mai
@princemjjjaxon @childrensla As you know Prince I'm extremely proud of you! Keep up the good work!😊
7:57 AM - 3 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.05.2013 um 13:26
Michael Jackson’s Family Staged Several Drug Interventions, His Mom Katherine Told Detectives

Michael Jacksons Familie Inszenierte etliche Drug Interventionen, erzählte seine Mutter Katherine Kriminalbeamten

Posted on May 3, 2013 @ 9:21AM

Thinking he was hopelessly addicted to pain pills, Michael Jackson‘s family attempted to stage many interventions for the late King of Pop to try and get him to enter rehab, a Los Angeles investigator — citing discussions with Michael’s mother Katherine — testified Thursday.

Det. Orlando Martinez took the stand in the family’s ongoing wrongful death trial with concert promoter AEG Live, saying that the Jackson family matriarch claimed the Billie Jean singer brushed aside her concerns, saying he wasn’t hooked on powerful prescription medications.

Martinez said he spoke with Katherine both at the hospital on the day of Jackson’s June 25, 2009 death, as well as in a follow-up interview six months later, when he quizzed her on “some things regarding family meetings about addiction.”

Katherine “said the family tried to help him but he would have nothing to do with it — she had asked Michael if he was taking any drugs, and he denied it,” Martinez said, adding the concerned mother believed the addiction sprang from treatment for Michael’s back pain.

She told investigator her first run-in with Dr. Conrad Murray (was was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the Thriller singer’s death) came at the hospital the day following Michael’s death.

Watch the video on

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Martinez testified that the Heal The World singer’s late manager, Frank Dileo, alerted Murray to Jackson’s waining health just five days before his death. Jackson attorney Brian Panish said in an interview outside the court that the incident occurred the same day the dance director of Jackson’s scheduled comeback tour, Kenny Ortega, sent him home from rehearsals because he was pale and sickly. AEG execs had to be aware of his condition if Dileo was, the attorney reasoned.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.05.2013 um 20:19
Yashi Brown, eine Enkeltochter von Katherine Jackson, Tochter von Rebbie, hat sich über FB zum Gerichtsverfahren geäußert ... My Grandmother and the Trial

Yashi Brown ‏@YashiBrown 4 Mai
My Grandmother and the Trial
10:49 AM - 4 Mai 13

My Grandmother and the Trial
von Yashi Brown Notizen am Samstag, 4. Mai 2013 um 10:49

I normally keep my mouth shut. I usually choose not to speak my mind and give any energy to negativity, opinions, news reports, blog comments, and even over the years I've become less and less interested in watching television for many of these reasons. Let's just say as a close family member MOST of what you see or read or hear from others in general is FALSE information. I repeat FALSE information. Some are not malicious and just reporting on incorrect details and some are.

With that said I just want to publicly say my heart goes out to my grandmother right now and the kids and pray she stays strong which I know she will. Lots of slanted accusations flying around reliable news outlets about her DEMANDING 40 billion which is lie and a tactic used to make the family look terribly greedy and desperate, leading to a lack of sensitivity that will overshadow the case. The jury decides the numbers.

In the eyes of many out there these aren't human beings, this isn't a son, this isn't a mother, and these aren't children. But I assure you they're no different than the rest of us and if it was your kid you would do EVERYTHING possible to go after the truth and apparently this new evidence brought to her attention could not be ignored. Something is obviously array to put it lightly with these documents and testimonies otherwise the judge would have fully dismissed the trial. This a mother who has a responsibility to her son since he also left her a great portion of his legacy.

In this family we have never backed down, took what was given, or allowed ourselves to be bullied. We do our due diligence methodically, sticking to the facts and not getting wrapped up in the bullsh**t. Those of you who are supporters, thank you so much and please try to set the same example by sticking to the facts and remembering we're all human and deserve to be given the same rights as anyone else.

~ Yashi Brown


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.05.2013 um 20:55
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
May 5th Updates about Rulings / Orders in Katherine Jackson - AEG case :
6:47 PM - 5 Mai 13

May 5th updates

Appeal notice

Case summary was showing this “04/26/2013 Notice of Appeal Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner” but we did not have any information.

The added documents show that this appeal is filed by Katherine Jackson and it’s about judge’s decision to dismiss the complaint against AEG Inc. and Tim Leiweke. In other words Katherine’s lawyers are asking the Appellate court to reverse the judge’s order of dismissing the complaint against AEG Inc and its CEO.

Updates to this appeal can be followed from this link :


MJ Estate’s motion to seal medical record

Estate’s motion to seal medical records is denied and the medical records are ordered to get unsealed.
Judge’s reasons for denying the motion to seal medical records include: court records being presumed public, public’s right of access to information, both Katherine and AEG stating they will be relying on medical records, how Michael’s medical history is the main issue in this trial, parties right to fair trial and how it would be impractical to close down the courtroom to public when medical information is presented.

The same day of this ruling Estate has filed a second amended notice of motion to seal which would be heard August 16, 2013.


Redaction decision

Judge decided to redact:
- Gongaware’s personal email
- Kathy Jorrie’s personal phone number
- Nanny Grace’s social security and bank account number
- In TII salary information:
------ Names of the musicians, dancers and stagehands will be redacted
------ Other tour professionals (names and salaries) will not be redacted.


AEG's motion to preclude Katherine's past due discovery

AEG had filed a motion to preclude some last minute submissions and additions done by Katherine. You can read the details here:
Eintrag #31

This is judge’s decisions

1. Late produced documents: AEG’s motion is denied and Katherine can use these late produced documents which consist of family pictures, videos and handwritten notes of Michael.

2. Late identified witnesses

AEG’s motion to exclude Tom Mesereau and Sharon Osbourne is denied however the Judge said AEG can depose them before they take the stand to testify.

Court is also allowing the 14 additional names on Katherine’s witness list.

3. Late identified and improper designation of William Ackerman

Jacksons withdrew their request to cross list Ackerman as a fraud expert.

4. Katherine's improper non-retained experts should be excluded

Judge states witness listings such as “Entire LA coroner office” is improper and ordered to be corrected.

4. Late requests from MJ Estate

January 2013 Katherine's lawyers filed a request from MJ Estate asked Estate to give them documents from AllGood and Lloyds lawsuits. Judge states that AEG has no standing to oppose to late requests from MJ Estate. Judge states both parties can request documents from MJ Estate.


Request about Lloyd’s depositions

Katherine’s lawyers also served AEG with a request for all deposition transcripts and discovery and responses at Lloyds lawsuit on April 15. AEG is citing protective order on that case and refusing to turn those over to the Jacksons. No ruling posted on the online court system yet.


Rulings on motions in limine

Most of these motions were filed conditionally under seal so in most instances it’s impossible to tell what the main arguments are.

Judge starts both ruling stating that whether Murray was hired by AEG or not is a question for the jury to decide and therefore experts cannot provide an opinion that Murray was hired by AEG but they can answer hypothetical questions that assume Murray was hired by AEG.

AEG’s motion in limine

Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Wohlgelernter (opinion 2) - Denied

Judge says Jacksons expert can testify that the equipment request by Murray was unconventional (red flag) for a 50 year old man with no heart disease. Judge says AEG’s expert can argue that the equipment request was for dehydration. Judge points out the jury will decide on what the reason for the equipment was and what AEG known or should have known about the request.

Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Schnoll – Denied in part, granted in part

Granted in regards to opinions 1, 3, 14 : Jacksons withdrew opinions that “it was common knowledge that MJ had drug problems” and “AEG knew MJ had insomnia”. The opinion of “AEG’s choice of Murray killed MJ” is excluded as it’s argumentative.

“Murray was in a conflict of interest that lead to poor decisions as it concerns treatment for narcotics addiction” is permissible.

Denied as to opinions 2 and 4-13 : AEG’s opposition is based on the fact that Dr. Schnoll’s opinions are based on his assumptions such as “AEG knew MJ had trouble sleeping”. Judge states this is not a reason to exclude these opinions and AEG can attack the foundation of such opinions during testimony.

Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Shimelman – Denied in part, granted in part

Denied as to opinions 1, 3-7, 9-12: As in the case of Dr. Schnoll these opinions are based on assumptions and again the judge points out AEG can attack the foundation of such opinions during testimony.

Granted in regards to opinions 2 and 8: Jacksons withdrew opinion 2. Judge excluded “ AEG was the only entity that could stop MJ’s addictions” as it’s pure speculation.

Judge also points out that Dr.Shimelman’s testimony is repetitive of Dr. Schnoll’s testimony in many points and expects that Jacksons will tailor their questions to these experts so it won’t be repetitive.

Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Czeisler – Denied in part, granted in part

Denied as to opinion numbers 1-6 and 8
Granted as to opinion numbers 7 and 9
(No explanation given on judge’s ruling as what these opinions are)

Exclude Jacksons expert Arthur Erk– Denied in part, granted in part

Granted only as to the Tier 2 damages except future tours and royalty bump (which are permitted).

Court agrees with AEG that speculative damages are not allowed and this is why most of the items in Tier 2 such as amusement parks etc are excluded.

Judge says as MJ in the past participated in endorsement deals, clothing lines and movies, doing these in the future are considered as potential loss of income and not as “speculative”. Judge states that AEG can point out MJ’s failed endeavors in the past in their cross examination.

Exclude Jacksons expert Peter Formuzis– Denied in part, granted in part

Denied as to present value calculations, granted as only the opinions about future lost earnings and earnings capacity.

Exclude Jacksons expert Jean Seawright– Denied in part, granted in part

Granted as to the opinions that “AEG hired Murray” or “AEG was careless in their supervision of Murray “as it’s argumentative and a decision for jury. Denied as to human resources practices and standards.

Exclude Jacksons expert David Berman– Denied in part, granted in part

Granted as to the opinions that “AEG hired Murray”, “AEG put the tour happening over and above health of MJ” and also Berman’s opinions about who – AEG personnel or others – are credible or not. All of these are argumentative and is a question for the jury to decide.

Denied as to music artists management and relationships. Judge states Berman’s opinions based on his “common sense” is okay as long as they also rely on his 44 year experience in music industry.

Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Matheson– Denied in part, granted in part

Granted as to the opinions that “AEG hired Murray” and “conflict of interest caused MJ’s death or was a substantial factor in MJ’s death” as they are argumentative and is a decision for jury.

Denied as to the opinions of ethics and conflict of interest among a physician (Murray), patient(MJ) and a third party(AEG). AEG had tried to exclude Dr. Matheson saying that he was a sports medicine expert and not a tour doctor. Judge finds out that Dr. Matheson’s expertise about doctor, athlete and coach/team owner is relevant and comparable to this situation.

Jackson’s motion in limine

Exclude AEGs expert Eric Briggs – Denied in part, granted in part

Granted as to the income / value of MJ Estate and its effect on damages. Jacksons also agreed that they will not introduce post-death increase in the value of MJ Estate and argue that the increase is an indicator of MJ’s earnings had he lived.

Denied as to MJ’s future earning potential – media/ entertainment rights.

Exclude AEGs expert William Ackerman – Denied in part, granted in part

Granted as to the amount Jacksons receive from MJ Estate including TII film proceeds.

Denied as to MJ’s debts as MJ’s financial condition at the time of his death has relevance to his future earnings potential.

Exclude AEGs expert Arnold Dicke – Denied

Dicke – an actuarial- has said he cannot testify to the exact number of years MJ would have lived however the judge has ruled that he can testify to a range of years, a general opinion of life expectancy and any deviation from standard life expectancy tables.

Exclude inquiry of business dealings and personal life of Jacksons experts Barry Nadell - Denied

Judge states Nadell has many other business and AEG can explore the amount of time – if any- Nadell actually spends on his background investigation business. Furthermore judge states Nadell’s testimony in which he said he didn’t realize his facebook was public implicates credibility and expertise in background investigations.

Exclude AEGs expert Rhoma Young – Denied in part, granted in part

Granted as to the opinion of “Murray was not hired”

Denied as to the opinion that “negotiations for an independent contractor” (more about this below).


Independent contractor versus Employee

AEG and Jacksons were having disagreements about in regards to independent contractor and employee. They asked Judge for a clarification.

AEG claims as the judge has dismissed the respondeat superior, court found that Murray was an independent contractor and not an employee.

Jackson’s disagree and say that court’s ruling did not establish any facts and Jackson’s can argue to the jury that Murray was AEG’s employee.

Judge responds to clarification as it follows :

"Plaintiffs (Jacksons) asked for clarification that the court found Murray was “as a matter of law” not an employee”. The court finds that based on evidence presented at summary judgment that it is the “law of the case” Murray (assuming he was hired) was an independent contractor and not an employee. This is so because the court summarily adjudicated Plaintiffs (Jacksons) respondeat superior claim/ theory in favor of Defendants (AEG)”



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.05.2013 um 21:02
zum Eintrag von heute um 20:19 ....

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 4 Mai
@YashiBrown Here's the $40.2 Billion statement of damages form submitted by Katherine's lawyers -
8:25 PM - 4 Mai 13 ·

Plaintiffs Statement of Damages by Ivy (Archiv-Version vom 09.03.2013)<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="0.767461669505963" scrolling="no" id="doc_60087" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 19:04
Michael Jackson Would Have Lip-Synched During 02 Concert Series: Court Docs

Posted on May 6, 2013 @ 4:38AM

The man hailed as one of the greatest live performers of all-time … lip-synching?!?

It’s the latest jaw-dropper to emerge from the Jackson family’s ongoing wrongful death lawsuit with concert promoter AEG Live, as court documents indicate that executives with the concert promotion giant acknowledged in hundreds of private
e-mails that Michael Jackson was set to lip-synch through his scheduled residency at the 02 Arena in the summer of 2009.

The Man In The Mirror singer was so weak at the time, he wasn’t able to sing and dance simultaneously, a point the family will use to support their claim that AEG Live was fully aware of the pop star’s deteriorating state, which culminated in his death on June 25, 2009, just weeks before the residency was set to kick off.

In one example of the e-mail trail, This Is It director Kenny Ortega told organizers that lip-synching a part of the set was a necessary route to take for the Beat It singer, who was tormented by “paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior” in his waning days.

In another e-mail, AEG promoter Randy Phillips told AEG president Tim Leiweke that he had to help a “drunk and despondent” Jackson get dressed just a day before the blockbuster London residency was announced.

Leiweke responded, “Are you kidding me?” to which Phillips replied, “I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. He is an emotionally-paralyzed mess riddled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time.”

Phillips wrote in an August 2009 e-mail that while the singer’s death “is a terrible tragedy … life must go on.

“AEG will make a fortune from merch sales, ticket retention, the touring exhibition and the film/dvd,” he wrote.

In the suit, Katherine Jackson claims AEG pushed the sickly singer toward a task he was physically unable to do; and that the company didn’t properly vet Dr. Conrad Murray, who was subsequently convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the Thriller singer’s death.

For more updates on the ongoing trial, keep it right here on

ähnlicher Bericht: (Archiv-Version vom 06.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 19:09
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Recap of last week's testimony: … Details of Judge's latest rulings is here :
4:16 PM - 6 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.05.2013 um 19:10
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Today is Day 5 of Katherine Jackson vs. AEG Live civil trial. Toxicologist Dan Anderson and coroner Dr. Rogers are expected to testify.
4:14 PM - 6 Mai 13 ·
