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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.04.2013 um 20:45
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Judge also told attorneys they have to tell her which witnesses are coming up, and how long their testimony is expected to last.
8:09 PM - 30 Apr 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
(cont) if they’re expected to testify. Witnesses who aren’t parties generally aren’t allowed to listen to testimony.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Judge Yvette Palazuelos said Randy Jackson can remain, but that there can’t be a lot of Jacksons supporting Katherine (cont)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish said Randy is supporting Katherine Jackson in the courtroom and should stay.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
AEG asked to exclude Randy Jackson from the courtroom because he is listed as a witness. Judge declined for now.
8:08 PM - 30 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.04.2013 um 22:18
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Afternoon session about to start. More details soon.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Senneff: I saw a patient wearing pajama pants and shirt, and some surgical cover over the head. He looked very pale, very weak.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
"When I first walked in, I asked dr Murray is the patient had a DNR," Senneff recalled.. DNR= Don Not Ressuscitate

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Senneff: He was leaning over the patient, patient laying on the bed, dr Murray standing there and they were moving the patient to the floor

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Senneff: I came in to that front door and saw what later I found out was Dr. Murray and a patient on the bed
10:16 PM - 30 Apr 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Senneff said he arrived at Jackson's house at 12:25 pm PT and got out of the ambulance with their equipment, EKG monitor, needles, meds

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Q: June 25, 2009, do you remember responding to a location with a potential fatality? Senneff: I responded to a patient not breathing

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Katherine and Randy Jackson left the courtroom when Senneff began testifying. They didn't want to hear/see what happened in the house

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Senneff: "You learn so much about the community" He said there are about 1100 paramedics in the city of LA, about 1050 are firefighters too

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Senneff detailed the coverage area of the LA city department, what areas they serve and difference between city and county of LA

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Senneff explained what a paramedic does and the different machines in a rescue ambulance which are related to trauma and cardiac arrest

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
There was last minute change in the order of the witnesses. First one was Richard Senneff, paramedic/firefighter who tried to resuscitate MJ

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
No one seems to be bothering Katherine Jackson. Everyone giving her the space she needs.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Katherine Jackson in hanging out in the cafeteria at the courthouse. She's walking around the outside area with bodyguards and sheriff


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.04.2013 um 22:31
Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll
Michael Jackson looked like 'cancer patient' who came home to die, medic says
10:24 PM - 30 Apr 13

Jackson looked like 'cancer patient' who came home to die, medic says

By Jeff Gottlieb and Corina Knoll
April 30, 2013, 12:29 p.m.

The Los Angeles paramedic who answered the emergency call to the Holmby Hills mansion where Michael Jackson lived said that the condition of the singer resembled that of a cancer patient who had come home to die.

Richard Senneff testified Tuesday that Jackson's body was pale and so underweight his ribs were showing.

“To me, he looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process,” said Senneff, the lead-off witness in a wrongful death suit against concert promoter and entertainment giant AEG.

The paramedic told jurors he noticed oxygen tanks, an IV pole and an IV bag in the room, along with Dr. Conrad Murray, who he said told him that he was a cardiologist.

“Even in Bel-Air it’s unusual to have the personal physician at the house,” Senneff testified.

The wrongful death suit against AEG was filed by the singer’s mother, Katherine, and his three children. The suit accuses AEG of pushing Jackson beyond his limits and being responsible for hiring and controlling Murray. Jackson was preparing for a series of comeback concerts at the time of his death.

AEG’s attorneys have countered that it was Jackson who brought in Murray.

Senneff testified Tuesday that Station 71 in Bel-Air had received the emergency call at 12:22 p.m. and he arrived at Jackson's home three minutes later. The ambulance and a fire engine that responded were waved through the gates and parked in front of the house.

Once in the house, Senneff said, he was "galloping" up the stairs.

When he arrived at Jackson's bedroom, he said he saw Murray near the nightstand with a security guard, and Jackson lying on the bed.

Because of the pop star’s poor condition, Senneff said he asked Murray if Jackson had a “do not resuscitate” order.

"Dr. Murray loked at me blankly at first," Senneff testified. Then the doctor said, "No, no, this just happened."

He said Murray was "frantic. He was sweating. He was very pale."

Senneff said Murray told him he was treating the patient for dehydration and exhaustion and said Jackson was not taking any medication.

"It just looked a lot more complicated than dehydration and exhaustion," Senneff testified.

When he asked Murray when the emergency had happened, he said Murray told him: "Just this minute. Right when I called you.”

But when Senneff checked Jackson, he said he could find no pulse. He testified that Jackson’s eyes were dilated and dry, his skin cool, and his lips a faint blue – a sign the singer had been dead as long as an hour.

“To us it didn’t make sense that it had just happened,” Senneff said.

Jackson's mother and brother Randy left the courtroom before Senneff testified.,0,6989336.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.04.2013 um 22:38
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
I'm going to take a break from sitting in the courtroom. AP's Linda Deutsch will sit in, and I'll check out the newly-minted overflow room
10:32 PM - 30 Apr 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
An AEG attorney only got a few minutes into cross-examination before lunch. Court will resume in a few mins.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish wrapped up his questioning of Senneff before the lunch break.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
The paramedic was also asked about whether he thought Jackson was dead when he arrived at his home. Senneff said yes.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Much of Senneff’s testimony focuses on areas he’s already testified about before _ his actions on June 25, 2009.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Paramedic Senneff talks about Murray’s appearance in Jackson’s bedroom: “He was pale, he was sweaty. He was very busy." #JacksonTrial

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
A photo of Jackson’s bedroom is displayed to jury. Senneff tells them about Jackson’s appearance, wearing pajamas and surgical cap.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Senneff describes for jurors how he arrived at Jackson’s home on June 25, 2009. Tells them he was first medic in singer’s bedroom.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
He’s wearing his dress uniform, which he tells jury is for “special occasions.” Several jurors, audience members, laugh.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Brian Panish question: “Have you ever rescued any cats in trees?” Senneff: Laughing, “I have not rescued a cat.” (He has treated a dog.)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
“If it’s burned, I’ve seen it.” _ Richard Senneff tells the jury while recounting his career before and after responding to Jackson’s home.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Paramedic Senneff's early testimony focuses on his experience. He seems comfortable, and some of the jurors are smiling at his statements.
10:26 PM - 30 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.04.2013 um 23:00
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Senneff said MJ’s eyes were dilated& dry,his skin cool, his lips a faint blue. He thought MJ was dead (as long as an hour) when LAFD arrived
Senneff sagte, MJ's Augen waren geweitet & trocken, seine Haut kalt, seine Lippen ein schwaches blau. Er dachte, dass MJ tot war (länger als eine Stunde), als LAFD eintraf
10:44 PM - 30 Apr 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
LAFD Paramedic Richard Senneff (about Murray) : Murray was "frantic. He was sweating. He was very pale."
LAFD Sanitäter Richard Senneff (über Murray): Murray war "hektisch, Er schwitzte. Er war sehr blass."
10:42 PM - 30 Apr 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Richard Senneff (about MJ) "To me, he looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process."
Richard Senneff (über MJ) "Für mich sah er aus, wie jemand, der am Ende einer langen Phase, eines Krankheitsverlaufs, war."
10:40 PM - 30 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.04.2013 um 23:08
Senneff wird bald in den Zeugenstand zurückkehren und das Kreuzverhör wird aufgenommen ...
nach Senneff, wird LAPD detective Orlando Martinez im Zeugenstand erwartet ...

Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll
When Senneff is finished, next witness expected is LAPD detective Orlando Martinez. #MJ-AEG civil trial
10:40 PM - 30 Apr 13

Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll
Senneff will return to the witness stand soon and cross-examination will continue.
10:37 PM - 30 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 07:51
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #4 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 2 - April 30 2013 – Summary

2d7asd0 zps28efdb18Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)

Katherine Jackson and Randy Jackson attended the second day of civil trial.


Court first addressed notes from 2 alternate jurors about availability. One alternate juror has a funeral to attend tomorrow and one alternate jury is moving out of state. The court will only be 1 hour tomorrow (end at 11:00) to accommodate the juror attending a funeral. The juror moving out of state will stay on the jury panel for now (AP).

AEG asked to exclude Randy Jackson from the courtroom because he is listed as a witness (AP). AEG attorney argued that there was "a risk in allowing any of them in the courtroom."(CNN). Jackson lawyer said Randy Jackson is supporting Katherine Jackson in the courtroom and should stay (AP) Jackson lawyer said Katherine needs one son or daughter to sit with her. (CNN)

The judge ordered that only one of Michael Jackson's brothers and sisters can come to court to watch the testimony at at a time -- and then only if Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson is present.(CNN)

Judge said “One is enough. He (Randy Jackson) can remain but you cannot have five in the courtroom” (CNN).Witnesses who aren’t parties generally aren’t allowed to listen to testimony.(AP)

Judge also told attorneys they have to tell her which witnesses are coming up, and how long their testimony is expected to last. (AP)

LAFD Paramedic Richard Senneff Testimony

raw 20110930 senneff 171701

Richard Senneff had testified during Murray trial. Media reports suggest his testimony is very similar to his testimony at Murray criminal trial

Refresher: Link to Senneff’s testimony at Murray Criminal Trial :

Katherine and Randy Jackson left the courtroom when Senneff began testifying (Multiple media)

Jackson Direct

Senneff starts his testimony by telling the jurors what he does as a paramedic and explaind the different machines in a rescue ambulance (AP & ABC7) Senneff mentioned his experiences as a paramedic (AP).

Senneff is wearing his dress uniform, which he tells jury is for “special occasions.” Several jurors, audience members, laugh. Jackson’s lawyer Panish asks: “Have you ever rescued any cats in trees?” (AP)

"I have not rescued a cat," Senneff, who is also a firefighter, joked. "I rescued a dog that was lying in the street." (CNN)

Senneff also shared the ironic story of the next emergency he responded to after leaving MJ at the UCLA.His ambulance was called to a west Los Angeles apartment to help an elderly Russian woman."When she heard the news on TV that Michael Jackson had died, she fainted," he said. She suffered a minor head injury in her fall."She was just deeply emotional when we took her to the hospital," Senneff said. (CNN)

Timeline of paramedics' response, PT
12:22p - dispatched
12:23- rolling down the street
12:25- on scene
13:07 - transported
13:13 – hospital

Senneff stated on June 25, 2009 he responded to a patient not breathing. Senneff said he arrived at MJ's house at 12:25 pm PT and got out of the ambulance with their equipment, EKG monitor, needles, and medicine. (ABC7)

Senneff testified Station 71 in Bel-Air had received the emergency call at 12:22 p.m. and he arrived at MJ's home three minutes later. The ambulance and a fire engine that responded were waved through the gates and parked in front of the house (LATimes).

Once in the house, Senneff said, he was "galloping" up the stairs.(LATimes). Senneff says he was the first paramedic inside MJ’s bedroom (AP).

Senneff saw Murray near the nightstand with a security guard, and MJ lying on the bed.(LATimes) Senneff: He was leaning over the patient, patient laying on the bed, Murray standing there and they were moving the patient to the floor (ABC7)

Senneff told he noticed oxygen tanks, an IV pole and an IV bag in the room, along with Dr. Conrad Murray, who he said told him that he was a cardiologist (LATimes). Senneff told the panel he found an IV pole, oxygen tanks and a nightstand with several medicine bottles on the nightstand. (AP & ABC7)

“Even in Bel-Air it’s unusual to have the personal physician at the house,” Senneff testified. (LATimes)

Senneff: I saw a patient wearing pajama pants and shirt, and some surgical cover over the head. He looked very pale, very weak. (ABC7) Senneff testified MJ’s body was pale and so underweight his ribs were showing.(LATimes)

Senneff said "The patient appeared to be chronically ill to me. He was very pale and underweight. I thought perhaps this was a hospice patient." (Reuters)

Senneff said “To me, he looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process,” (LATimes)

Because of what he saw, Senneff asked Murray if MJ had a “do not resuscitate” order.

"Dr. Murray loked at me blankly at first," Senneff testified. Then the doctor said, "No, no, this just happened."(LATimes)

Senneff said Murray was "frantic.(LATimes)

“He was pale, he was sweating, he was very busy," Senneff said of Murray (Reuters)

Senneff said Murray told him he was treating the patient for dehydration and exhaustion and said Jackson was not taking any medication.(LATimes) Senneff testified that Murray never told him about Propofol (Reuters)

Senneff: "I asked what his underlying condition was.... the doctor said nothing, that he was just treating him for dehydration & exhaustion" (ABC7)

"It just looked a lot more complicated than dehydration and exhaustion," Senneff testified. (LATimes)

Senneff asked what kind of medication patient was taking. Senneff said that according to Dr. Murray, "he was not" (taking any medication) (ABC7)

When he asked Murray when the emergency had happened, he said Murray told him: "Just this minute. Right when I called you.”(LATimes)

Senneff said when he moved MJ, he felt he did not have a pulse. His pupils were fixed and dilated, eyes were quite dried (ABC7).

But when Senneff checked Jackson, he said he could find no pulse. He testified that Jackson’s eyes were dilated and dry, his skin cool, and his lips a faint blue – a sign the singer had been dead as long as an hour.(LATimes) Senneff said MJ's chest was pale white, his hands and feet turned blue from not getting enough ventilation/oxygen.(ABC7) MJ's blue hands, feet and lips, and the singer's dry eyes all signaled to Senneff that MJ was dead and hadn't been breathing for a long time.(AP)

Senneff: "When I picked him up and moved him, he was cool to the touch. I would say less than an hour... Body doesn't get cold that fast"(ABC7)

“To us it didn’t make sense that it had just happened,” Senneff said.(LATimes)

Senneff was asked whether he thought MJ was dead when he arrived at his home. Senneff said yes. (AP)

Jackson family attorney: "He was dead before you got there, wasn't he?" Senneff: "Yes, sir." (LATimes)

Senneff said he contacted UCLA hospital. He also said Dr. Murray then indicated he gave MJ a little bit of lorazepam to help him sleep(ABC7)

Senneff: "I notified the hospital and was told to continue resuscitation efforts."(ABC7)

Senneff testified a paramedic was using the ambu bag to breath for the patient, another connecting the EKG machine and was giving him drugs. As for Dr. Murray, he was trying to help the best he could, Senneff said, and that the doctor "was looking for things in the box". (ABC7)

Senneff: "Dr Murray reached in our box, he gave additional injection of epinephrine (ABC7)

Senneff testified Murray said he felt femoral artery pulse. However, Senneff said no one else, other than Murray, was able to find a pulse. MJ's condition hadn't changed on the way to the hospital.(ABC7)

Senneff "The hospital asked me about calling (time of death). Murray said no."(ABC7)

Murray looked like "a deer in the headlights" when paramedic Seneff went back into MJ's room to gather his equipment (LATimes)
Senneff: Murray had a white plastic bag in one hand. When I came to the door he froze, he was actually surprised to see me (in MJ's room)(ABC7)

Senneff testified Murray rode in the ambulance together. He was standing in the ambulance, holding the top rail, talking on the cell phone. (ABC7)

14j7zms zps847f142b

It was chaotic outside the house, very difficult to get out. People trying to take pictures, unbelievable amount of commotion. Senneff was shown a picture of MJ inside the ambulance and confirmed it was legit.(ABC7)

Upon arrival at UCLA, Senneff explained to the ER doctor what he had done, like a quick recap, no changes in patient's status. (ABC7)

Senneff said initially he was not able to identify the patient, but as it progressed someone said his name was MJ.

Senneff: "Once someone said his name, I looked at the patient's face and saw it was Michael Jackson."(ABC7)

AEG cross

AEG cross was done by Kathryn Cahan.

AEG Lawyer Cahan: "No one on your team detected pulse? Senneff: No
AEG lawyer Cahan: Was he dead for a period of time? Senneff: Yes" (ABC7)

AEG lawyer asked Senneff if he thought Murray was not telling him the truth."I don't even go there," Senneff said. "I'm not worried about that."(CNN)

AEG lawyer Cahan: Did Murray lied to you? Senneff: I'm not even going there. I was worried about the patient and all the info I can get. (ABC7)

Senneff said he let Murray go through his medical bag since what he was doing was reasonable (ABC7)

Senneff testified it is not unusual for family members, people around the patient not know whether they are taking drugs (ABC7)

Cahan went through the emergency medical service report again. It asks the weight of the patient, Senneff estimated 150lbs, 5'09-ish. Senneff answers 120 calls per month average. He said he got very good at estimating people's weight.(ABC7)

When Senneff asked Murray about MJ's underlying condition: "He said nothing, nothing, I'm just treating him for dehydration, exhaustion."(ABC7)

AEG’s lawyer asked Senneff about his knowledge of propofol. Senneff told her that he knew propofol was a general anesthesia, but had never seen it used. (AP) As to Propofol, Senneff said all he knew it was an anesthetic used in surgeries. He learned through the media that was MJ's cause of death (ABC7)

Jackson re-direct

Senneff told he did not see Dr. Murray actually performing CPR.(ABC7)

Senneff said the American Heart Association indicates CPR is performed on a bed it's less desirable. One must place patient on hard surface. Panish said Dr. Murray performed CPR with Michael Jackson on the bed: "That's not how you're supposed to do it," Senneff opined.(ABC7)

Panish asked Senneff whether he thought Conrad Murray was competent to perform CPR. Senneff said he didn’t believe Conrad Murray was competent enough to perform CPR (AP)

As to Dr. Murray, Senneff said: "I did not believe he was telling me the full story at the time." (ABC7)

Panish: What did Michael Jackson tell you?
Senneff: Nothing, sir
Panish: Because he was dead when you arrived?
Senneff: Yes, sir (ABC7)

Senneff agreed that it is expected that a competent, fit physician be able to revive a patient in respiratory arrest.(ABC7)

LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez Testimony


Jackson direct

Martinez started by explaining his training and background. Martinez learned from his lieutenant that Michael Jackson was the victim. He went to UCLA to begin his investigation. (ABC7)

Martinez said he saw Frank Dileo and Randy Phillips at the hospital as well as Katherine and Randy Jackson and MJ’s kids (ABC7)

Jackson's lawyer Panish: Were you able to speak with Dr. Murray at the UCLA?
Martinez: No
Panish: Why not?
Martinez: He had left (ABC7)

At the hospital, LAPD officers decided to fly MJ’s body to the coroner’s officer so that the transport wouldn't become a spectacle.(AP)

Martinez then went to MJ’s house at Carolwood. Martinez photographed the scene (AP). Lots of photographs were shown to the jurors. Martinez explained the photographs to the jurors. He also mentioned that police made three separate trips to MJ’s home to collect evidence.(AP)

Martinez didn't search Murray's vehicle because he wanted a search warrant. Martinez didn't leave Murray's car at the residence, wanted a reason for the doc to go talk to him. Car was impounded to a police yard (ABC7).

Inside the BMW -- which was registered to Murray's sister in Texas -- he found a contract between AEG Live and Murray saying he would be paid $150,000 a month to work as Jackson's doctor, along with AEG Live President Randy Phillips' business card and cell phone number, he said.(CNN) In Murray's car: handwriten note with 24 hour pharmacies names/numbers; Randy Phillips' business card; contract between Dr. Murray and AEG (ABC7)

The detective said that when he interviewed Murray with two attorneys present, the doctor made up a story to protect himself.

“He was not being honest and forthright,” Martinez testified. (LATimes)

Martinez had already interviewed Dr. Murray prior to the car's search. He attempted to interview him again, but doc wasn't talking anymore (ABC7) Martinez said he was looking for a motive for MJ's death, and the contract could be important financial aspect to investigate.(ABC7)

Seeing pictures of MJ's room, Martinez said he saw IV bag, pill bottles, vials, ambu bag. "It looked like the room had been cleaned up," he said. Martinez: "Things had been removed from the room prior to police's arrival." He took several pictures to document the scene. (ABC7) Martinez says he learned from Dr. Murray that there were 3 bags total of medicine in the closet. He went back to the house to retrieve them. Martinez took fingerprints off the bags and found Dr. Murray's prints on the bottles.(ABC7) (Jurors were shown several pictures of evidence collected and crime scene photos)

Det. Orlando Martinez at first concluded that the cause was accidental or natural. (LATimes) Martinez said at that time the investigation was leading to natural or accidental death, no real signs of foul play, but it was odd.(ABC7)

LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez's testimony focused on Murray's finances as a potential motive for his treatment of Jackson. (AP)

When Martinez discovered the deep financial straits Murray, he shifted his thinking and pondered whether he had discovered a motive for the pop star’s death — “financial gain.” (LATimes)

Martinez told jurors Murray was more than $500,000 in debt and may have been motivated by a large payday for working with MJ.(AP)

Detective Martinez testified that after interviewing Murray and after the search of Murray's car four days after MJ's death, his "thinking at the moment was the crime was negligence." (CNN)

Detective Orlando Martinez testified that he looked into Murray's finances searching for a financial motive for his role in Jackson's death and relied mostly on public records. He turned up that Murray's Las Vegas home was in foreclosure proceedings, and Murray faced several liens for unpaid child support and other unpaid debts.(AP)

His investigation revealed that Murray hadn't paid his mortgage in more than six months, his home was being foreclosed on and he had several liens for unpaid child support and tax debts, Martinez said.(CNN)

Murray's Las Vegas home, which he bought for $1.6 million, was appraised at barely $1 million in 2009, he said. The Las Vegas real estate market had suffered a major decline in home values up to that date.(CNN) The house was in foreclosure (LATimes)

Martinez checked Dr. Murray's credit report. "There was a notice up that his house was either on a lien or being foreclosed on." (ABC7)

Panish showed a document from a title company that said Dr. Murray owed $ 1,644,644.25 for the loan of his house (unpaid principal balance) (ABC7)

As of January 2009, Dr. Murray had not been paying his mortgage and was behind $ 15,165.11. Late charges accruing at rate of $3,477.95 (ABC7)

Martinez says he determined the doctor was more than $500,000 in debt, facing foreclosure and his “office was about to be closed.”(AP)

Murray had closed his office to work with one patient — Jackson, tying his financial future to him, Martinez said. (LATimes)

Orlando Martinez testified that Murray was trying to deal with the large drop in value of his Las Vegas home, unpaid taxes and child support payments for eight children with seven women.(CNN)

The searches led Martinez to conclude that Murray's financial condition was "severely distressed."(AP)

Panish: “Is there any question in your mind that Dr. Murray was in dire financial straits?” Martinez: “No, there was no question.” (AP)

"That's a lot of money for anyone," Martinez said. "Seeing the scene and talking to him about what he had done and how he did it raised questions."(CNN)

Martinez said that led him to believe Murray's actions were motivated by the $150,000 a month he expected to be paid by AEG.(AP)

"Focusing on the financial aspect may have been important for Dr. Murray's willingness to disregard his Hippocratic Oath for financial gain," he testified.(CNN)

Martinez said what he learned about Murray's financial troubles led him "to opine that he may have, for this easy money -- the $150,000 a month -- may break the rules, bend the rules, to do whatever he needed to do to get paid."(CNN)

"He may break the rules, bend the rules, do whatever he needed to do to get paid," Martinez said. "It might solve his money problems." (AP)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 08:38
heute nur ein kurzer Verhandlungstag !!!!!

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Defense made a motion to exclude Randy Jackson from the courtroom, since he's on the witness list. Panish said he's here w/ mom. Judge okay
Verteidigung stellte einen Antrag, um Randy Jackson aus dem Gerichtssaal auszuschließen, da er auf der Zeugenliste steht. Panish sagte, er ist mit Mama hier.
Richterin: in Ordnung

6:51 AM - 1 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Trial session ended at this point. Panish to resume questioning Det. Martinez tomorrow. It'll be 1 hour session, since a juror has a funeral
Prozesssitzung endete an dieser Stelle. Panish wird morgen (Anm. also heute) die Befragung Det. Martinez fortsetzen. Die Sitzung wird 1 Stunde andauern, da ein Juror zu einer Beerdigung muß.
6:45 AM - 1 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 08:54
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Katherine and Randy Jackson never went back to the courtroom in the afternoon. Rebbie was also at the courthouse with her mother.
Katherine und Randy Jackson kamen am Nachmittag nicht wieder zurück in den Gerichtssaal. Rebbie war auch mit ihrer Mutter im Gerichtsgebäude.
6:20 AM - 1 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 09:13
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Last story link of the day on Jackson vs AEG case: (Archiv-Version vom 14.05.2013) (Updates with Detective Orlando Martinez's testimony)

The Associated Press
Jackson's private life on display in civil trial

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jurors in the civil case between Michael Jackson's mother and concert giant AEG Live got another glimpse of the singer's private life on Tuesday through the eyes of a paramedic who...
3:02 AM - 1 Mai 13

Jackson's private life on display in civil trial

— Apr. 30 10:32 PM EDT

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jurors in the civil case between Michael Jackson's mother and concert giant AEG Live got another glimpse of the singer's private life on Tuesday through the eyes of a paramedic who described the singer's bedroom and the frantic efforts to revive the King of Pop on the day he died.

Many other private moments from the singer's life will be exposed as the case progresses over the next several months, with witnesses expected to testify about secret medical treatments, lavish spending and tender moments spent with his mother and children.

In the nearly four years since his death, nearly every aspect of Jackson's life has been explored in court proceedings, documentaries, books and news stories.

Still, the negligence case filed by his mother against AEG promises to deliver the most detailed account of the singer's addiction struggles, including testimony from his ex-wife Debbie Rowe about treatments involving the anesthetic propofol dating back to the 1990s.

Jackson died from a propofol overdose in 2009 while preparing for a series of comeback concerts at AEG's O2 Arena in London.

Katherine Jackson contends AEG didn't properly investigate the doctor who later administered the fatal dose. The company denies wrongdoing.

During opening statements, attorneys framed Jackson's prescription drug addiction through the prism of his superstar status.

Attorney Brian Panish, who represents Katherine Jackson, said the drug problems worsened when the pop star was under the stress of live performances.

AEG attorney Marvin S. Putnam countered that Jackson's stardom provided a cover to receive multiple, secret medical treatments, many involving propofol.

At one point in the proceedings, the harsh portrayal of Jackson's struggle with addiction led one juror to lean forward and stare at the floor for several moments.

Katherine Jackson and two of the superstar's children, Prince and Paris, are potential witnesses whose testimony would likely focus heavily on their grieving and losses.

Panish played a song Jackson wrote for his children as a montage of photos played during opening statements. He also read a handwritten note from Jackson that his mother framed and has hanging on her wall.

"The only way you can assess damages, is to know what they had," Panish told jurors Monday before reading the letter and playing "You Are My Life."

Katherine Jackson dabbed her eyes with a tissue. On Tuesday, she left the courtroom while the paramedic described her son's condition on the day he died.

It may be several days before jurors get another look at Jackson's softer side.

The trial will also feature testimony about Jackson's troubled finances, with debts that reached nearly $400 million by the time he died.

AEG contends the debts made him desperate to have a successful concert series.

"The private Michael Jackson was like a lot of Americans in the 2000s, spending a lot more than he was making," Putnam told the jury after describing the singer's lavish Neverland Ranch, his art collection and other spending.

A Los Angeles police detective who investigated Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, told jurors Tuesday the physician was more than $500,000 in debt and may have been motivated by a large payday for working with Jackson.

Detective Orlando Martinez testified that he looked into Murray's finances searching for a financial motive for his role in Jackson's death and relied mostly on public records. He turned up that Murray's Las Vegas home was in foreclosure proceedings, and Murray faced several liens for unpaid child support and other unpaid debts.

The searches led Martinez to conclude that Murray's financial condition was "severely distressed."

Martinez said that led him to believe Murray's actions were motivated by the $150,000 a month he expected to be paid by AEG.

"He may break the rules, bend the rules, do whatever he needed to do to get paid," Martinez said. "It might solve his money problems."

Murray's finances were not a factor in the criminal case that ended with his 2011 conviction for administering a fatal dose of propofol to Jackson.

Martinez also showed jurors photographs the various medications officers uncovered in Jackson's bedroom, including several vials of propofol.

With the start of testimony Tuesday, the panel was transported by paramedic Richard Senneff into the singer's bedroom, a place he kept locked and where his propofol treatments were administered out of sight of everyone but Murray.

Senneff, a paramedic and firefighter for nearly 28 years, told the panel about responding to Jackson's bedroom on June 25, 2009, and finding an unusual scene.

He described Murray's frazzled efforts to revive Jackson.

"He was pale, he was sweaty," the paramedic said of Murray. "He was very busy."

He said Jackson appeared to be terminally ill.

"To me, he looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process," Senneff said, adding that Murray told him that he was treating Jackson for dehydration.

Senneff told the panel he found an IV pole, oxygen tanks and a nightstand with several medicine bottles.

Just as he previously testified in Murray's criminal trial, the paramedic told the panel that Murray never mentioned propofol.

Jackson's blue hands, feet and lips, and the singer's dry eyes all signaled to Senneff that the singer was dead and hadn't been breathing for a long time.

Onlookers and paparazzi were already gathering at Jackson's gate and someone pressed a camera to the ambulance window to get pictures of the stricken star. (Archiv-Version vom 14.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 09:47
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

dieses Bild habe ich bisher noch nicht gesehen ... leider ist es durch die Markierung
etwas "verunstaltet" ... :)

tumblr mm0gadWEq81rdkvgqo1 500 zps898b88Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Paris Jackson Hangs Out with Her Mom Debbie Rowe
PARISJACKSONWORLD . Veröffentlicht am 29.04.2013
Donte Jackson ‏@Donte_Jackson
Me & @randyjacksonjr teaching our little cousins/padawans the ways of the Force ⚡🌀⚡

315978 293632647438020 24153947 n zps225

11:43 PM - 30 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 10:38
Jackson-AEG trial: Detective saw money as motive in singer's death

la-me-ln-jackson-money--001 zpse4fbdbde
The late Michael Jackson's brother Randy Jackson arrives at court on the second day of the wrongful death trial. (Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images / April 30, 2013)

By Jeff Gottlieb
April 30, 2013, 7:44 p.m

When he began investigating Michael Jackson’s death in 2009, Los Angeles Police Det. Orlando Martinez at first concluded that the cause was accidental or natural.

But when the detective discovered the deep financial straits of Jackson’s doctor, Conrad Murray, he shifted his thinking and pondered whether he had discovered a motive for the pop star’s death — “financial gain.”

Martinez was the second witness called Tuesday in a wrongful death lawsuit that Jackson’s mother and three children filed against Anschutz Entertainment Group, accusing the entertainment giant of negligently hiring and supervising Murray.

AEG says it was Jackson who employed Murray, and that the $150,000 a month the company was supposed to pay the doctor was an advance to the singer, much like the money it had loaned him to pay for his Holmby Hills mansion and production costs for the upcoming “This Is It” concert series in London.

On the witness stand, Martinez said that he learned that Murray’s Las Vegas home, on which he owed more than $1.6 million, was worth just a little more than $1 million and was in foreclosure.

The doctor owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax liens, child support and other debts, and he had closed his office to work with one patient — Jackson, tying his financial future to him, Martinez said.

Martinez said Murray’s deep financial distress led him to believe "that he may for this easy money, the $150,000, he may break the rules, bend the rules to do whatever he needed to get paid. It might solve his money problems.”

The detective said that when he interviewed Murray with two attorneys present, the doctor made up a story to protect himself.

“He was not being honest and forthright,” Martinez testified.

Martinez’s testimony was part of the Jackson family’s lawyers’ strategy to show that Murray was more concerned with getting himself out of his financial hole than caring for his patient, and that AEG should have checked him out.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2011 for giving Jackson a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to help him sleep. He is completing a jail sentence.,0,826715.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 11:04
Conrad Murray's money woes may have led him to 'break the rules,' detective says

Conrad Murray's Geldprobleme könnten ihn bewogen haben, "die Regeln zu brechen", sagt Kriminalbeamter

<small<By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 8:44 PM EDT, Tue April 30, 2013[/size]


* NEW: LAPD detective suspected Murray would "do whatever he needed to do to get paid"
* NEW: Dr. Murray's house was in foreclosure when Jackson died
* NEW: Paramedic: Jackson "looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process"
* Judges limits Jackson family to one in court at a time and only if mom if there

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray's "severely distressed" financial situation may have led him to "break the rules" in his fatal treatment of Michael Jackson, a police investigator testified Tuesday.

Los Angeles Police Detective Orlando Martinez testified in the Jackson wrongful death trial that Murray was trying to deal with the large drop in value of his Las Vegas home, unpaid taxes and child support payments for eight children with seven women.

Michael Jackson's mother and children claim AEG Live is liable for the pop icon's death because it hired, retained and supervised Murray, who worked as his personal physician as he prepared for his comeback concerts in 2009.

AEG says Murray was hired and supervised by Jackson, whom they blame for making bad choices because of his drug addiction.

One contention in the lawsuit is that the concert promoter should have known that Murray's financial stress could lead to unsafe treatments for Jackson.

Martinez, the second witness in the trial's first day of testimony, said that after interviewing Murray and after the search of Murray's car four days after Jackson's death, his "thinking at the moment was the crime was negligence."

Inside the BMW -- which belonged to Murray's sister in Texas -- he found a contract between AEG Live and Murray saying he would be paid $150,000 a month to work as Jackson's doctor, along with AEG Live President Randy Phillips' business card and cell phone number, he said.

"That's a lot of money for anyone," Martinez said. "Seeing the scene and talking to him about what he had done and how he did it raised questions."

"Focusing on the financial aspect may have been important for Dr. Murray's willingness to disregard his Hippocratic Oath for financial gain," he testified.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to four years in prison. Prosecutors said Jackson death was caused by a fatal combination of the surgical anesthetic propofol and sedatives Murray gave him in a desperate effort to treat his insomnia.

Martinez said what he learned about Murray's financial troubles in the weeks after Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, led him "to opine that he may have, for this easy money -- the $150,000 a month -- may break the rules, bend the rules, to do whatever he needed to do to get paid."

His investigation revealed that Murray hadn't paid his mortgage in more than six months, his home was being foreclosed on and he had several liens for unpaid child support and tax debts, Martinez said.

Murray's Las Vegas home, which he bought for $1.6 million, was appraised at barely $1 million in 2009, he said. The Las Vegas real estate market had suffered a major decline in home values up to that date.

Judge rules: Jacksons can't watch trial without mom
Regeln der Richterin: Jacksons können die Gerichtsverhandlung nicht ohne Mutter beobachten

The judge ordered that only one of Michael Jackson's brothers and sisters can come to court to watch the testimony at at a time -- and then only if Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson is present.

AEG Live lawyers argued at the start of the second day of the trial that there was "a risk in allowing any of them in the courtroom."

AEG expects to call Janet, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito, La Toya, Rebbie and Randy Jackson as witnesses in its defense. Only brother Marlon Jackson is not on the defense witness list.

AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam said in his opening statement Monday that Jackson family members will testify about their failed attempts to intervene with Michael Jackson's drug addiction and their lack of knowledge about what was happening.

The defense lawyers asked that Randy Jackson, the only one attending the trial Tuesday with his 82-year-old mother, be booted from court.

After that, Jackson lawyer Brian Panish told the judge that Katherine Jackson, who can stay in court because she is a plaintiff, needed one of her children to sit with her each day.

"He can remain, but you cannot have five in the courtroom," Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos said.

Because Katherine Jackson left the courtroom early to avoid gruesome testimony by a paramedic who described Jackson's death, Randy Jackson was unable to watch Tuesday's testimony.

Randy and Rebbie Jackson attended court Monday, the trial's opening day. All of the siblings attended the 2011 criminal trial of Murray at various times.

Having members of the famous entertainment family in court could influence the jury because their seats are just a few feet away from the jury box in the small Los Angeles courtroom.

Paramedic: Jackson looked like "a hospice patient"
Sanitäter: Jackson sah aus wie "ein Hospiz Patient"

The first witness called Tuesday was Richard Senneff, one of the Los Angeles County paramedics who responded to the 911 call from Michael Jackson's home on June 25, 2009.

Senneff mostly repeated the testimony he gave as one of the first witnesses in the Murray trial, describing how he initially "thought perhaps this was a hospice patient."

"He looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process," he said.

"No, no, this just happened," Murray told him, Senneff said.

Jackson was not breathing and appeared to be dead, he said.

An AEG lawyer asked him during cross-examination if he thought Murray was not telling him the truth.

"I don't even go there," Senneff said. "I'm not worried about that."

Senneff's testimony is important to informing the jury about the circumstances of Jackson's death, but the drama that filled the Murray courtroom was not duplicated.

In fact, humor sometimes emerged. Panish even asked Senneff whether he had ever rescued a cat.

"I have not rescued a cat," Senneff, who is also a firefighter, joked. "I rescued a dog that was lying in the street."

He also shared the ironic story of the next emergency he responded to after leaving Michael Jackson at the UCLA Medical Center's emergency room.

His ambulance was called to a west Los Angeles apartment to help an elderly Russian woman, Senneff said.

"When she heard the news on TV that Michael Jackson had died, she fainted," he said. She suffered a minor head injury in her fall.

"She was just deeply emotional when we took her to the hospital," Senneff said.

Martinez will return to court Wednesday to resume his testimony, but the trial will break early so a juror can attend a funeral in the afternoon.

A medical examiner from the Los Angeles County Coroner's office is expected to take the stand Thursday. No court is scheduled for Friday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 17:11
auch Radaronline widmet sich dem Prozess ...
Katherine Jackson ist bei einem großen Widerspruch über den Drogenkonsum ihres Sohnes Michael erwischt worden - der Widerspruch sei so gewaltig, dass der ihre $ (40 Milliarden) Schadensersatzklage gegen Konzertveranstalter AEG (??ver-)senken könnte, berichtet exklusiv ...

Katherine Jackson Caught in HUGE Contradiction About Michael That Could Sink Wrongful Death Claim — See The Proof!

Katherine Jackson erwischt beim gewaltigen Widerspruch über Michael das könnte Ansprüche wegen widerrechtlicher Tötung senken - siehe den Beweis!

Posted on May 1, 2013 @ 3:32AM | By Jen Heger

katherinejacksondenysdruguse zpsa204fa07

Katherine Jackson has been caught in a huge contradiction about her son Michael‘s drug use — a contradiction so big it could sink her $40 billion wrongful death lawsuit against concert promoter AEG, is reporting exclusively.

An attorney for Katherine told jurors Monday in opening statements of the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial that the late King of Pop had been addicted to prescription drugs for decades and that Michael’s family knew it and only AEG claims to have been unaware of it.

But has exclusively obtained a statement signed by the Jackson family matriarch claiming that her son DIDN’T have an addiction to painkillers or alcohol.

And you can see the proof below, as Radar has obtained the signed statement that pokes a huge hole in the argument offered by Katherine’s attorney.

In 2007, nearly two years after Jackson had been acquitted of child molestation charges in Santa Maria, California, and two years before his death, Katherine Jackson, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito and Marlon issued a public statement, signed by all five, declaring Michael didn’t have ANY substance issues.

They all also declared they had never attempted to stage an intervention on Michael. The statement was released after People magazine published a story that the King of Pop was dependent on booze and pills.
Sie alle erklärten auch, dass sie nie versucht hätten, eine Intervention bei Michael zu inszenieren. Das Statement wurde freigegeben, nachdem das People-Magazin eine Geschichte veröffentlichte, dass der King of Pop von Alkohol und Pillen abhängig war.

It’s a key point because Katherine is suing concert promoter AEG and her attorneys claim everyone knew Michael had painkiller addiction problems — trying to cast doubt on AEG’s claim that it was unaware. Now, suddenly, it seems as if the family’s position has shifted to fit the lawsuit.

The family’s statement, issued on September 7, 2007, says, “People Magazine has followed other publications in reporting untrue and inaccurate information about MIchael Jackson and the Jackson family. Of these wildly reported rumors, what has become the most troubling and heinous, is that my son, and our brother, Michael Jackson, is dependent on painkillers and alcohol. People and other news organizations, have quoted “sources,” indicating that our family has attempted a drug intervention, and engaged in an effort to take over his business affairs, because of this alleged drug and alcohol usage.

“We categorically deny ever planning, participating in, or having knowledge of any kind of intervention, whatsoever,” the statement asserts.

You can read the signed document here:

jacksonletter zpsd1372b77Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)

Katherine Jackson’s attorney, Brian Panish, told jurors during opening statements on Monday in the wrongful death trial, that the Thriller singer had an addiction to painkillers, and that concert promoter, AEG failed to to properly investigate Dr. Conrad Murray. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael.

“Over the years Michael’s family and people who knew him believed he had a problem with prescription medication,” Panish told jurors, and that AEG and its executives claim to be the only ones who were unaware of his issues.

Panish revealed to the jury of six men and six women that Jackson had an addiction to prescription drugs, including Demerol, and relied on pain medications after he suffered horrific burns on his head during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in 1984.

The public statement Katherine signed in 2007, “could prove to be very problematic for her when she takes the stand. It could be used to discredit her testimony in front of the jury. Katherine knew for years before he died that Michael had an addiction to Demerol. AEG doesn’t want to rake Katherine over the coals, but she is suing them for $40 billion dollars,” a source close to the situation tells exclusively.

AEG maintains it did not hire Murray and could not have predicted the events that led to Jackson’s death.

A lawyer for AEG, Marvin Putnam, told jurors during opening statements that there was no way the concert promoter could have known that Jackson was being given Propofol by Dr. Murray.

“That was between doctor and patient and not AEG Live… this case is about taking responsibility for your actions,” Putnam said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 17:50
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Radaronline: Katherine Jackson Caught in HUGE Contradiction About Michael That Could Sink Wrongful Death Claim :
3:52 PM - 1 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
wait for more contradictions... this is just the tip of the iceberg.
wartet auf mehr Widersprüche ... dies ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Radaronline is also reporting that Murray has been granted a personal cell phone to use while in jail and that's how he can call the media.
Radar Online wird auch berichten, dass Murray gewährt wurde, ein persönliches Handy zu verwenden, obwohl im Gefängnis, und so ist es nun, er kann die Medien anrufen.
3:56 PM - 1 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 18:05
Jackos Familie aus dem Gerichtssaal verbannt

Mittwoch, 01.05.2013, 13:57

Der zweite Tag des Jackson-Prozesses gegen Konzertveranstalter AEG soll damit begonnen haben, dass ein Großteil von Michael Jacksons Familie aus dem Gerichtsaal verbannt wurde. Die Anwälte von AEG befürchteten, die zahlreichen Familienmitglieder könnten die Geschworenen beeinflussen.

Nach dem zweiten Tag der Jackson-Klage gegen Konzertveranstalter AEG ist die Familie des 2009 verstorbenen Pop-Stars aus dem Gericht verbannt worden. Der Grund: Man befürchte, dass die zahlreichen Mitglieder Einfluss auf die Geschworenen ausüben könnten, meldet die britische Zeitung „The Sun“. Ursprünglich war vorgesehen, dass Mutter Katherine Jackson (82) von ihren Kindern Janet, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito, La Toya, Rebbie und Randy Jackson in dem viermonatigen Prozess unterstützt wird.

Doch nach dem zweiten Tag gaben die Anwälte von AEG bekannt: „Es ist ein Risiko damit verbunden, wenn wir sie in den Gerichtssal lassen.“ Einzig Katherine Jackson darf nun als Anklägerin weiter erscheinen. Jacksons Familienanwalt hat zudem durchgesetzt, dass sie jeden Tag von einem ihrer Kinder begleitet werden darf. Am Dienstag war es der 51-Jährige Randy, der seiner Mutter zur Seite stand. „Er darf bleiben, aber Sie dürfen nicht alle fünf mit in den Gerichtssal nehmen“, soll Richterin Yvette Palazuelos gesagt haben.

Die Jackson-Familie beschuldigt AEG, auf Jacko Druck ausgeübt zu haben, obwohl sie wussten, dass der 50-Jährige medikamentenabhängig war und an Schlaflosigkeit litt. Außerdem halten Katherine Jackson und Jacksons drei Kinder Prince (16), Paris (15) und Blanket (11) AEG für schuldig am Tod des „King of Pop“, weil sie Dr. Conrad Murray als Arzt anheuerten und überwachten. Murray hatte Jackson die wohl tödliche Dosis des Sedativs Propofol verabreicht. Er wurde vergangenes Jahr wegen fahrlässiger Tötung zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt.

Jacko’s family banned from court on day 2 of $40bn trial

— Concert giant fears they would sway jury
— Star like a hospice patient, says paramedic

Published: 17 hrs ago

A JUDGE yesterday banned Michael Jackson’s siblings from turning up together in court — in case they influence the jury in the family’s $40billion lawsuit against concert promoters. (Archiv-Version vom 01.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 18:57
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP
Reminder: Today's going to be a short day for testimony in Jackson vs AEG. Jury will convene for only an hour this morning.
Zur Erinnerung: Heute wird ein kurzer Tag für Zeugenaussagen bei Jackson vs AEG sein. Jury wird an diesem Morgen nur für eine Stunde einberufen .
3:14 PM - 1 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 19:04
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 17m
A recap of Detective Orlando Martinez's testimony, who resumes testifying this morning: #JacksonTrial

Yahoo! News
Detective to detail investigation into Jackson doc

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury will hear more Wednesday about the troubled finances of Michael Jackson's doctor from a police detective who investigated the physician and saw his mounting debts as a...
6:44 PM - 1 Mai 1

Detective to detail investigation into Jackson doc

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 1 hr 43 mins ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury will hear more Wednesday about the troubled finances of Michael Jackson's doctor from a police detective who investigated the physician and saw his mounting debts as a possible motive for improper treatments on the pop superstar.

Los Angeles Police Detective Orlando Martinez on Tuesday told jurors hearing a civil case against Jackson's concert promoter that Conrad Murray was more than $500,000 in debt and his finances were "severely distressed."

The doctor's Las Vegas home was in foreclosure proceedings, he owed back child support and had liens and judgments spread across several states.

Martinez said that led him to believe Murray's actions were motivated by the $150,000 a month he expected to be paid by AEG.

"He may break the rules, bend the rules, do whatever he needed to do to get paid," Martinez said. "It might solve his money problems."

Murray's finances were not a factor in the criminal case that ended with his 2011 conviction for administering a fatal dose of propofol to Jackson.

The former cardiologist is not a party to the case, but he is a key figure in Katherine Jackson's negligent hiring case against concert giant AEG Live. The Jackson family matriarch contends AEG did not properly investigate Murray before allowing him to serve as Jackson's tour physician for the ill-fated "This Is It" shows planned for 2009.

Martinez testified he found most of the debts against Murray in public records.

AEG denies it hired Murray, and its attorney has noted that Jackson and his children had been treated by the doctor before the shows were planned.

The detective's testimony will be brief on Wednesday. Court will recess early to allow an alternate juror to attend a family funeral.

Martinez is the second witness called in the case, which in its early stages will focus on Jackson's death. Potential witnesses later in the trial include stars such as Diana Ross, Quincy Jones and Spike Lee. Jackson's mother, several siblings and his two oldest children, Prince and Paris, are also listed as potential witnesses.

Millions and possibly billions of dollars are at stake in the trial, which may last 90 court days.

AEG attorneys said they intend to call Murray as a witness. He remains in a Los Angeles jail and is appealing his conviction. (Archiv-Version vom 04.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 19:52
Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll 4m
Our @latimes paper story about the 2nd day of the MJ-AEG civil trial,0,7876868.story

Los Angeles Times
Michael Jackson on deathbed looked like cancer patient, witness says

Pale and emaciated, Michael Jackson lay on his bed in his $100,000-a-month Holmby Hills mansion looking like an end-stage cancer patient who had come home to die.
7:45 PM - 1 Mai 13

Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll 2m
LAPD Det. Orlando Martinez expected to return to the stand today. #MJ-AEG civil trial
7:48 PM - 1 Mai 13

Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll 1m
Martinez also said Tues that for $150k, Conrad "may break the rules, bend the rules to do whatever he needed to get paid."

Corina Knoll Corina Knoll ‏@corinaknoll 2m
Martinez said Tuesday he leaned toward classifying MJ's death as accidental or natural until learning of Dr. Murray's debts.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.05.2013 um 20:30
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
Very slow going in court this morning -- lots of dry documents discussed to underscore that Conrad Murray was in deep financial trouble.
8:22 PM - 1 Mai 13
